Ethics Exam Questionnaire - Green Valley College

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Course: BSBA – MM1 (MW)
Subj.Code:ETHICS 111
DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the following questions/statements and choose the correct answer from
the four given choices. Write your answer on the space provided before each number. (15 pts.)
_____1. It is not meant to restrict ones freedom, yet it meant to help an individual grow in freedom and ability
to choose and do what is good for you and for others.
A. Freedom
B. Rules
C. Ethics
D. Moral
_____2. Which of the following individual claims that, when society is ideal, when all persons are good and do
only what is ideal then there will be no more need for rules and laws.
A. Immanuel Kant
B. Aristotle
C. Lao Tzu
D. St. Thomas Aquinas
_____3. It refers to a branch of philosophy which deals with moral standard that inquire about the rightness or
wrongness of human behavior or the goodness or badness of personality, traits, or character.
A. Culture
B. Ethics
C. Moral
D. Values
_____4. It describes about human acts as either ethically right or wrong, or qualifying a person, personality,
character as either ethically good or bad.
A. Ethics
B. Good Manner
C. Moral
D. Values
_____5. This refers to a norms or prescriptions that serves as the frameworks for determining what ought to
be done or what is right or wrong action, what is good or bad character.
A. Ethical Dilemma B. False Dilemma
C. Moral Standard
D. Non-Moral Standard
_____6. It refers to a social rule that demands etiquette and good manners.
A. Ethical Dilemma B. False Dilemma
C. Moral Standard
D. Non-Moral Standard
_____7. These group of persons claims that the sense of moral standards must have evolved with man not
something that was implanted in every human person instantly at the moment of creation.
A. Theist
B. Non-moral standards
C. Evolutionist
D. Non-theist
_____8. This classification of theory states that an act is right or wrong depending on the consequences of the
act, that is, the good that is produced in the world.
A. Consequence Standard B. Deontology
C.Natural Law
D. Utilitarianism
_____9. Which of the following statements is an example of non-moral standard?
A. Be generous
B. Don’t cheat others.
C. Treat others as you want to be treated.
D. Shake hands when you meet someone.
_____10. It is define as a “decision-making problem between two possibe moral imperatives, neither of which
is unambiguously acceptanle or preferrable.
A. False Dilemma
B. Ethical Dilemma C.Conflicts
D. Dilemma
_____11. What do you think is correct about moral dilemma among the four choices below?
A. Moral dilemma is a choice between a right and a wrong.
B. Individual dilemma exists between personal interest and organizational welfare.
C. Structural dilemma is a conflict of perspective of sectors, group and institutions.
D. Organizational dilemma is a dilemma faced by group or individuals as a result of structural
_____12. It is a problem in the decision-making between two possible options, neither of which is absolutely
acceptable from an ethical perspective.
A. False Dilemma
B. Moral Dilemma
D. Moral
_____13. It refers to a situation where the decision-making has a moral duty to do one things, but is tempted or
under pressure to do something else.
A. Moral Dilemma
B. Individual Dilemma
C. False Dilemma
D. Dilemma
_____14. Which of the following statements best describes moral dilemma?
A. A person involve in moral dilemma can choose both options.
B. In a moral dilemma, a person is torn between two no good option.
C. A person or persons in moral dilemma can easily choose which of action to take.
D. In a moral dilemma, one course of action between two options is obviously immoral while the
other choice is moral.
_____ 15. It is one of the three levels of moral dilemmas that refers to a personal problem. It is like damn-ifyou-do-and-damn-if-you-don’t situation.
A. Individual Dilemma
C. Organizational Dilemma
B. Moral Dilemma
D. Structural Dilemma
DIRECTIONS: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If the statement is incorrect, underline the word which
makes it wrong and write the correct word/s on the space provided before each number. (15pts.)
16. Organizational dilemmas concern faced by group or individuals as a result of
structural relationship.
17. In centalized decision making, organizations can respond to change more rapidly and
effectvely because the decision makers are the people closest to the situation.
18. A structural dilemma is a conflict of perspective of sectors, groups, and institutions that
may be affected by the decision.
19. Personal dilemma is an individual’s damn-if-you-do-and-damn-if you-don’t situation.
20. One way to resolve moral dilemma is to think rational options revealing that the
dilemma does not really exist.
21. Without freedom, it is possible to make a moral choice.
22. Ethics cannot be applied to the lower forms of animals like cats, dogs, and etc.
23. To be truely ethical or moral, we must internalize or possess not just adhere to moral standards.
24. Choice or freedom is a prerequisite of ethics or morality.
25. Sociologist categorize culture into material and non-material culture.
26. Norms influences the human person, who is the moral agent.
27. One cultural group adopting the practices of another cultural group is an example of inculturation.
28. Cultural relativism is the idea that a person’s beliefs, values, and practices should be understood
based on that person’s own culture, rather than be judged against the criteria of another.
29. The danger of cultural relativism is the idea of relativism itself.
30. Morality is relative to the norms of one’s culture. That is whether an action is right or wrong
depends on the moral norms of the society in which it is practiced.
DIRECTIONS: Read and comprehend the following statements or situations below. Discuss and explain your
answer precisely and concisely. Your essay will be assessed using the rubrics below. (5 pts each)
31-35. Provide a situation wherein an individual moral dilemma is being portrayed. Explain your answer.
36-40. Why freedom makes an individual accountable for a moral decisions?
41-45. Why do you think is the Filipino weakness characters affect the morality of Filipino people? Explain your
46-50. Plato talked about the values or virtues of temperance, courage and wisdom, do you think these
universal values applies in implementing and adopting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of
United Nations?
This essay commands attention because of its insightful development and mature style. The
response to the text is convincing and elaborated upon with well-chosen and correctly referenced
examples. It is written with aptly chosen words, effectively constructed sentences and a keen
observation of the conventions of written English.
This essay provides a thoughtful and well reasoned response to the text with appropriate and
correctly referenced examples. The sentences are constructed and words chosen to communicate
clearly to the reader. The conventions of written English have been well observed.
This essay provides a competently reasoned response to the text with some appropriate and mostly
correctly referenced examples. The sentence structure and choice of words have sufficient precision
to communicate the message to the reader. The conventions of written English have been
This essay is satisfactory. It provides an adequate response to the text with sufficient examples and
adequate reasoning. The examples are mostly adequately referenced. The sentence structure and
choice of words communicates adequately to the reader. The conventions of written English need
to be observed more closely.
This essay fails to respond appropriately to the text. The responses are simplistic or incoherent and
suggest some significant misunderstanding of the text. The writing lacks appropriate structure
and has a pattern of errors in word choice with poor grammatical expression. Correctly referenced
examples are absent or poorly presented. More attention needs to be paid to the conventions of
written English.
“God tests us with stress before he trust us with success.”
Rick Warren
God bless, Leaders! 