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Posting and Interviewing Project Workflow and Suggestions

Improve Position Posting Process and Standardize Interview Process:
Time and Labor needed to open a position is too long and laborious
Need to recognize that a Job Posting (external view/advertisement) and Position Description
(formal outline of employee duties and responsibilities) are different
Develop position “worksheet” to be used by Manager/Supervisor to add “variable” position
information (FTE, schedule, location, etc.)
o This will be sent out to candidates once they have applied and made it through the
Telephone screen
Develop “workflow” to utilize Administrative Support to position posting process
Using the template found in the CDI Manual, Create Quick Phone Screen Guide for
Use the CDI Manual to develop Interview Team structure and Search Advocate; should not be
“ad hoc”
Create structured interviews (behavioral based) per position
Position Posting:
ePAR process:
Use Classification Specifications as basis for all positions
Applies to both Position Descriptions and Posting information (ePar)
Develop Work Unit Summary Description (briefly describe work unit/area)
Develop worksheet (of sorts) to add “Preferred” Function/Duties of Position
and “Preferred Qualifications”; and variable information: FTE, schedule, location, etc.
Proposed Workflow:
Supervisor/Manager to email Position Worksheet to Administrative Support and request to
open position
Administrative Support to use standard Position Description and Posting information and add
requested variable information from Position Worksheet
Standardize Interview Process:
Create candidate profiles per position
A candidate profile essentially functions as a blueprint, ultimately helping recruiters to map out
the desired personality traits and attributes for a specific open role. While a job description
focuses on describing the job, a candidate profile is all about defining the ideal candidate for a
specific position.
o In a position matrix, you could list examples of work that the position needs to do in order to
Create structured interview formats per position
complete his/her/their job, then you could then define traits based on those actions.
Develop interview feedback structure and workflow
Will this include a rubric to determine if the candidate is low, medium, high and what those terms
actually mean in an interview so this is not subjective (i.e. they can determine it and bias creeps in)
Are interviewers asked to submit notes? Do they refrain from talking about candidates until all
notes are turned in and summarized without names (of interviewers- I mean)