One-Step Equations Activity Students will draw a monster after solving math problems! Includes 12 task cards! Get Connected with Math in Demand Click the buttons to see my Teachers Pay Teachers store, Facebook, blog, Pinterest, and YouTube videos. You can also email me! I sincerely hope that you love my activity. Please don’t forget to rate me and look through my store for other amazing activities! Math in Demand • This activity can be laminated and used year after year! • This activity works great in groups of 2-4. There are 2 versions: (1) Negatives and (2) No Negatives. The task cards get harder in order (#1 easiest to hardest). If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at • • • Version 1 The following pages include negatives. Version 1 Task Cards Student Workspace Answer Key Print Pages 5-7 8-9 10-14 © 2020 Math in Demand 1.) x - 6 = 14 2.) x + 13 = -19 a.) 20 c.) 8 b.) -8 d.) 18 3.) x - 12 = -8 a.) -32 c.) 32 b.) -6 d.) 6 4.) x + 9 = 23 a.) -4 c.) 20 a.) -32 c.) 14 b.) 4 d.) -20 b.) 32 d.) 12 © 2020 Math in Demand 6.) -x = -6 5.) 4x = 28 a.) 24 c.) 7 b.) -8 d.) -7 7.) -9x = 72 a.) 5 c.) -6 b.) -5 d.) 6 8.) -8x = -4 a.) -8 c.) -7 a.) ½ c.) 2 b.) 81 d.) 8 b.) 2 d.) 4 © 2020 Math in Demand 9.) 𝑥 7 10.) = 14 a.) 2 b.) 7 Feed me! Yummy Food! 𝑥 −9 c.) -7 d.) 98 11.) -16 = 𝑥 2 Feed me! I’m hungry = -7 a.) -63 c.) 63 b.) 2 d.) -2 12.) 2𝑥 3 = 12 2 3 a.) -8 c.) -14 a.) 8 c.) b.) -32 d.) 18 b.) 4 d.) 18 © 2020 Math in Demand Score (__/__) Name: _____________________ Solving One-Step Equations Monster Activity Date: ___________ Period: _____ Directions: Solve the one-step equations #1-12 on the following assigned spots. Show all your work! #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 © 2020 Math in Demand #9 #10 #11 #12 My drawing: © 2020 Math in Demand ANSWER KEY 1.) x - 6 = 14 2.) x + 13 = -19 a.) 20 c.) 8 b.) -8 d.) 18 3.) x - 12 = -8 a.) -32 c.) 32 b.) -6 d.) 6 4.) x + 9 = 23 a.) -4 c.) 20 a.) -32 c.) 14 b.) 4 d.) -20 b.) 32 d.) 12 © 2020 Math in Demand 6.) -x = -6 5.) 4x = 28 a.) 24 c.) 7 b.) -8 d.) -7 7.) -9x = 72 a.) 5 c.) -6 b.) -5 d.) 6 8.) -8x = -4 a.) -8 c.) -7 a.) ½ c.) -2 b.) 81 d.) 8 b.) 2 d.) 4 © 2020 Math in Demand 9.) 𝑥 7 10.) = 14 a.) 2 b.) 7 Feed me! Yummy Food! 𝑥 −9 c.) -7 d.) 98 11.) -16 = 𝑥 2 Feed me! I’m hungry = -7 a.) -63 c.) 63 b.) 2 d.) -2 12.) 2𝑥 3 = 12 2 3 a.) -8 c.) -14 a.) 8 c.) b.) -32 d.) 18 b.) 4 d.) 18 © 2020 Math in Demand Score (__/__) Solving One-Step Equations Monster Activity Directions: Solve the one-step equations #1-12 on the following assigned spots. Show all your work! #1 #2 x - 6 = 14 x + 13 = -19 +6 +6 - 13 x = 20 x = -32 #5 -x = -6 4 -1 x=7 -1 x=6 -9 + 12 + 12 -9 x = 14 x=4 #8 #7 4x = 28 x + 9 = 23 x - 12 = -8 - 13 #6 4 #4 #3 -9x = 72 -9 -9 x = -8 -8x = -4 -8 -8 x=½ © 2020 Math in Demand #9 #10 𝑥 #12 #11 𝑥 𝑥 7 ⋅ ( ) = (14) ⋅ 7 -9 ⋅ (−9) = (-7) ⋅ -9 2 ⋅ (-16) = (2) ⋅ 2 7 x = 98 x = 63 x = -32 3 2 ⋅ 2𝑥 3 3 2 ( ) = (12) ⋅ x = 18 x = 14 My drawing: Have students color and personalize their monsters! I’m hungry Students love to compare their drawings! © 2020 Math in Demand Version 2 The following pages include no negatives. Version 2 Task Cards Student Workspace Answer Key Print Pages 16-18 19-20 21-25 © 2020 Math in Demand 1.) x - 6 = 14 2.) x + 13 = 19 a.) 20 c.) 8 b.) 12 d.) 18 3.) x - 12 = 5 a.) 6 c.) 32 b.) 16 d.) 12 4.) x + 9 = 23 a.) 4 c.) 20 a.) 42 c.) 14 b.) 17 d.) b.) 32 d.) 12 7 © 2020 Math in Demand 6.) 10 = 5x 5.) 4x = 28 a.) 24 c.) 7 b.) 8 d.) 32 7.) 9x = 72 a.) 5 c.) 15 b.) 10 d.) 2 8.) 8x = 4 a.) 8 c.) 7 a.) ½ c.) 8 b.) 81 d.) 9 b.) 32 d.) 4 © 2020 Math in Demand 9.) 𝑥 7 10.) 𝑥 = 7 = 14 a.) 2 b.) 7 Feed me! Yummy Food! 9 c.) 3 d.) 98 11.) 16 = 𝑥 2 Feed me! I’m hungry a.) 81 c.) 63 b.) 2 d.) 16 12.) 2𝑥 3 = 12 2 3 a.) 8 c.) 14 a.) 8 c.) b.) 32 d.) 18 b.) 4 d.) 18 © 2020 Math in Demand Score (__/__) Name: _____________________ Solving One-Step Equations Monster Activity Date: ___________ Period: _____ Directions: Solve the one-step equations #1-12 on the following assigned spots. Show all your work! #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 © 2020 Math in Demand #9 #10 #11 #12 My drawing: © 2020 Math in Demand ANSWER KEY 1.) x - 6 = 14 2.) x + 13 = 19 a.) 20 c.) 8 b.) 12 d.) 18 3.) x - 12 = 5 a.) 6 c.) 32 b.) 16 d.) 12 4.) x + 9 = 23 a.) 4 c.) 20 a.) 42 c.) 14 b.) 17 d.) b.) 32 d.) 12 7 © 2020 Math in Demand 6.) 10 = 5x 5.) 4x = 28 a.) 24 c.) 7 b.) 8 d.) 32 7.) 9x = 72 a.) 5 c.) 15 b.) 10 d.) 2 8.) 8x = 4 a.) 8 c.) 7 a.) ½ c.) 8 b.) 81 d.) 9 b.) 32 d.) 4 © 2020 Math in Demand 9.) 𝑥 7 10.) 𝑥 = 7 = 14 a.) 2 b.) 7 Feed me! Yummy Food! 9 c.) 3 d.) 98 11.) 16 = 𝑥 2 Feed me! I’m hungry a.) 81 c.) 63 b.) 2 d.) 16 12.) 2𝑥 3 = 12 2 3 a.) 8 c.) 14 a.) 8 c.) b.) 32 d.) 18 b.) 4 d.) 18 © 2020 Math in Demand Score (__/__) Solving One-Step Equations Monster Activity Directions: Solve the one-step equations #1-12 on the following assigned spots. Show all your work! #1 #2 #3 #4 x - 6 = 14 x + 13 = 19 x - 12 = 5 +6 +6 - 13 - 13 + 12 + 12 -9 x = 17 x = 14 x=6 x = 20 #6 #5 #7 4x = 28 10 = 5x 4 5 4 x=7 5 x=2 x + 9 = 23 -9 #8 9x = 72 9 9 x=8 8x = 4 8 8 x=½ © 2020 Math in Demand #9 #11 #10 𝑥 𝑥 #12 𝑥 7 ⋅ ( ) = (14) ⋅ 7 9 ⋅ ( ) = (7) ⋅ 9 2 ⋅ (16) = ( ) ⋅ 2 x = 98 x = 63 x = 32 7 9 2 3 2 ⋅ 2𝑥 3 3 2 ( ) = (12) ⋅ x = 18 x = 14 My drawing: Have students color and personalize their monsters! I’m hungry Students love to compare their drawings! © 2020 Math in Demand Similar Resource Love my activity and want to check out a similar resource? Check out my build a monster activity on two-step equations. Also, don’t forget to follow my TPT store for more build a monster activities coming out soon! Click the picture above to see more information! CURRICULUM BUNDLES!!! Don’t forget about my curriculum bundles! These bundles include an entire years worth of math material (interactive notebook pages, activities, foldables, warmups, exit slips, assessments, and SO MUCH MORE! © 2022 Math in Demand © 2022 Math in Demand Terms of Use © 2020 Math in Demand. The download of my activity includes a limited use license from Math in Demand. You may only use the resource for personal classroom use. Hence, 1.) This purchase does not allow you to transfer it to others such as another teacher, school, or district. You must purchase an additional license. 2.) You may not sell my activity. 3.) You may not place my activity on the internet. 4.) You may not use any part of my activity to sell or create your own. Violating these terms is against the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Credits Media Icons by Grade ONEderful at: Graphics by: