Polymer Insulator Survey 2002: Utility Field Experience and In-Service Failures Product ID 1007752 12486312 12486312 Polymer Insulator Update 2002: Utility Field Experience and In-Service Failures Product ID 1007752 Technical Update, March 2003 EPRI Project Manager A. Phillips EPRI • 3412 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304 • PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303 • USA 800.313.3774 • 650.855.2121 • askepri@epri.com • www.epri.com 12486312 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY THE ORGANIZATION(S) NAMED BELOW AS AN ACCOUNT OF WORK SPONSORED OR COSPONSORED BY THE ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. (EPRI). NEITHER EPRI, ANY MEMBER OF EPRI, ANY COSPONSOR, THE ORGANIZATION(S) BELOW, NOR ANY PERSON ACTING ON BEHALF OF ANY OF THEM: (A) MAKES ANY WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, (I) WITH RESPECT TO THE USE OF ANY INFORMATION, APPARATUS, METHOD, PROCESS, OR SIMILAR ITEM DISCLOSED IN THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR (II) THAT SUCH USE DOES NOT INFRINGE ON OR INTERFERE WITH PRIVATELY OWNED RIGHTS, INCLUDING ANY PARTY'S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, OR (III) THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS SUITABLE TO ANY PARTICULAR USER'S CIRCUMSTANCE; OR (B) ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING ANY CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF EPRI OR ANY EPRI REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES) RESULTING FROM YOUR SELECTION OR USE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY INFORMATION, APPARATUS, METHOD, PROCESS, OR SIMILAR ITEM DISCLOSED IN THIS DOCUMENT. ORGANIZATION(S) THAT PREPARED THIS DOCUMENT EPRI This is an EPRI Level 2 report. A Level 2 report is intended as an informal report of continuing research, a meeting, or a topical study. It is not a final EPRI technical report. ORDERING INFORMATION Requests for copies of this report should be directed to EPRI Orders and Conferences, 1355 Willow Way, Suite 278, Concord, CA 94520. Toll-free number: 800.313.3774, press 2, or internally x5379; voice: 925.609.9169; fax: 925.609.1310. Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. EPRI. ELECTRIFY THE WORLD is a service mark of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. Copyright © 2003 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 12486312 CITATIONS This document was prepared by EPRI 3412 Hillview Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94303 Principal Investigator A. Phillips This document describes research sponsored by EPRI. The publication is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following manner: Polymer Insulator Survey 2002: Utility Field Experience and In-Service Failures, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA, 2003.1007752. 12486312 iii 12486312 iv ABSTRACT Polymer insulators, also known as composite or non-ceramic insulators (NCI), are proliferating on transmission systems due to their ease of handling, resistance to vandalism, and relatively low cost. Polymer insulators are a relatively new technology with certain advantages and disadvantages. Long-term field experience remains limited, and the number and type of failures that have occurred are not well defined. To help fill information gaps, EPRI conducted a survey of electric utility field experience with polymer insulators. Survey results provide the industry with essential information for making better decisions regarding the selection, application, and maintenance of polymer insulators—and ultimately extend polymer insulator life expectancy and avoid outages from premature failures. Additionally, survey results pertaining to insulator failures will be added to the NCI Failure Database that EPRI started in 1997. This database contains detailed information about individual insulator failures and contains photographs of the individual failures where possible. This Technical Update describes the survey and presents its findings, which include utility field experiences with polymer insulators, data on in-service failures, and an analysis of the failure database. The update also presents an overview of EPRI's polymer insulator research. Together with other deliverables from EPRI's comprehensive polymer insulator research effort, the survey results and failure database will help member utilities to increase transmission service reliability and reduce operations and maintenance costs through the correct selection and application of this technology. 12486312 v 12486312 vi CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION OF SURVEY............................1-1 2 SURVEY RESPONSES .........................................................................1-1 3 FAILURES OF POLYMER INSULATORS IN SERVICE.......................3-1 4 ANALYSIS OF THE POLYMER INSULATOR FAILURE DATABASE.4-1 5 EPRI RESEARCH IN POLYMER INSULATORS ..................................5-1 12486312 vii 12486312 viii 1 INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION OF SURVEY Introduction Although the use of polymer insulators—also called composite or non-ceramic insulators (NCI)—has become more widespread, the extent to which they are used remains largely unknown. Service experience and the number of failures that have occurred are also not well defined. To address this issue EPRI performed a survey of electric utility experience with polymer insulators in October and November 2001. Survey results will provide the industry with valuable information to support better decision making regarding the selection, application and maintenance of polymer insulators. Additionally, results pertaining to insulator failures will be added to EPRI's NCI Failure Database that EPRI started in 1997. This database not only contains detailed information about individual insulator failures, it also contains photographs taken of the individual failures where possible. This database is unique in that it is not a static snapshot of the current situation with regards to failures, but is rather a living database with detailed information about individual failures that is added to as failures occur. Survey Description The survey was performed by email and telephone. The survey consisted of two components: 1. A questionnaire regarding the utilities' previous and current usage of polymer insulators as well as application information. The questionnaire addressed: • Reasons for using polymer insulators • Configurations • Voltage levels • Manufacturers • Inspection, removal and laboratory testing • Corona (grading) rings 2. Detailed information about individual failures that utilities may have experienced. Utilities often submitted images of the failures. The failure information obtained was added to the EPRI NCI Failure Database. Identifying the correct individual to complete the questionnaire often required a number of phone calls and emails. It is possible that within a single utility that more than one person was qualified to complete the questionnaire, and that the answers supplied by different individuals may differ. 12486312 1-1 The answered obtained are therefore “to the best knowledge” of the individual identified in each utility. The answers to certain questions were also often approximations, e.g., number of polymers installed. When interpreting the results this should be taken into account. The survey was limited overhead transmission line insulators, i.e., 69 kV and above. 12486312 1-2 2 SURVEY RESPONSES Utilities Surveyed, Removal From Service, and Failures Approximately 140 utilities were contacted to participate in the survey, and 70 utilities provided results. All the utilities contacted were based in the United States and Canada except for one utility based in Southern Africa. Of the 70 utilities that completed the survey, 65 utilities used polymer insulators on their transmission systems and five did not. The level of usage of polymer insulators varied from application on test lines to widespread usage. Of the 65 utilities that had applied polymer insulators on their system, six no longer install them. Another four utilities stated that in the future they plan to only apply polymer insulators on a limited basis in special situations, such as in high-vandalism areas. We were unable to obtain information on the total number of units in-service from the utilities surveyed. Record keeping appears to be poor and information is difficult and labor-intensive to obtain. Most of the numbers obtained from utilities were "best guesses." Of the 65 utilities using polymer insulators, 60 were able to identify the year in which they started applying them. Figure 2-1 graphically represents the results. The average year that the respondents started using polymer insulators was 1985. 8 7 Results from 60 Utiltit No. of Utilities 6 5 4 3 2 1 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 1983 1981 1979 1977 1975 1973 0 Figure 2-1: The number of utilities that started applying polymer insulators in a specific year A number of utilities remarked that the year they specified for using polymer insulators was when they installed a “test line.” They did not actually begin widespread use of polymers until a later date. 12486312 2-1 Thirty-six of the 65 utilities had removed polymer insulators from service due to concerns of their continuing reliable operation. Twenty-six utilities were confident that they had not removed any units due to concerns and three utilities did not know whether they had removed units from service. Approximately 7000 polymer insulators had been removed from service due to concerns of reliability. The age of the units removed was undefined. Of the 65 utilities that applied polymer insulators, 36 (55%) had experienced failures and 29 (45%) had not. A more detailed analysis of failures may be made and published in a separate publication. Reasons for Using Polymer Insulators Utilities cited a wide range of reasons for using polymer insulators rather than traditional ceramic insulators. The 65 utilities provided 150 reasons for using polymer insulators, and many utilities cited more than one reason. Figure 2-2 provides a breakdown of the responses. Other 4% Delivery 3% Performance 3% Lack of porcelain manufacturers 3% Mechanical Strength 3% Lightweight 42% Less Maintenance 4% Resistance to contamination 7% Gun shot/vandalism 13% Cost 18% Figure 2-2: Reasons for applying polymer insulators (out of 150 reasons provided by the respondents) The main reason given for using polymer insulators is that they are lightweight and hence easy to handle. Cost and resistance to vandalism (gunshot damage) were also cited as important reasons for selecting polymer insulators. The category labeled “Other” in Figure 2-2 includes “variable end fitting types,” “to gain experience,” “industry trend,” “environmentally compatible” and “safety.” Each of these represented less than 2% of the total responses and hence they were grouped under “Other”. 12486312 2-2 Configurations Figure 2-3 shows in what configurations the 65 utilities utilized the polymer insulators. It can be seen that most common configurations in which polymer insulators are applied are suspension and post insulators. 60 86% 85% 50 65 out of 70 utilites use polymer insulators 40 30 42% 28% 20 10 0 Suspension Dead End Post Braced Post Figure 2-3: Number of utilities that utilize polymer insulators in different configurations An important finding is that only 28% of the utilities surveyed utilize polymer insulators in deadend configurations compared to 86% that apply polymer insulators in suspension configurations. The reason for this was not asked in this survey but it maybe surmised that dead-end insulators are considered higher risk. Voltage Levels Figure 2-4 shows how many utilities apply polymer insulators at each voltage level. Also shown is the number of utilities that have transmission lines at each of the voltage levels. 12486312 2-3 70 110% Count of Utilitites with Voltage Level 60 89% Number of Utilities 50 71% 100% % use of Polymer Insulators 90% 86% 70% 69% 63% 40 50% 50% 30 30% 25% 20 10% 10 0 Perecentage Use of Polymer Insulators Count of Utilities Using Polymer Insulators @ Voltage Level -10% 69 115-138 161 220-230 275-360 400-500 765 400-500 DC Voltage Levels (kV) Figure 2-4: Number of utilities that apply polymer insulators at each voltage level as well as the number of utilities that have transmission lines at each voltage level. The line indicates the results as a percentage It can be seen from Figure 2-4 that for AC transmission the largest percentage of utilities apply polymer insulators at the 115–138 kV level with the 220-230 kV level next. The percentage of utilities applying polymers reduces as the voltage increases. When considering the results at 69 kV, it should be noted that since only transmission companies were surveyed. It should also be kept in mind that Figure 2-4 only indicates the number of utilities that use polymers at specific voltage levels. Figure 2-4 provides no indication as to the number of units applied. Number of Units in Service and Service Experience Each of the major manufacturers that supply the North American Market were contacted and the following information requested: 1. Number of unit sold in North America - 69kV and above - both suspension and post. 2. Number of insulator years in-service in North America (calculated by multiplying the number of insulators sold in any year by the age today). Results were obtained from the following manufacturers: Ohio Brass, NGK, Reliable, Sediver and K-line. No results were obtained for any other manufacturers. It was reported that the total number of suspension and post units including and above 69kV sold to the North American market was 3,938,000 units. The total number of service years indicated was 25,163,000 (the service years indicated is based on the date of sale, not on the date of installation). 12486312 2-4 Based on the above results it maybe calculated that the average age of the polymer insulators sold is 6.4 years (for the manufacturers that provided information). For individual manufacturers the average values vary between 2.8 and 8.7 years. It should be noted that these are average values. These results are considered to be best estimates and may include some inaccuracies. Although all of the major manufacturers continuing to service the market are represented, no information was obtained about a major design that is longer marketed. Manufacturers Figure 2-5 shows how many utilities have applied polymer insulators from each of the main manufacturers. 50 45 71% 66% 40 55% No. of Utilities 35 45% 30 25 20 15 17% 10 8% 5 2% 3% H Other 0 A B C D E F Manufacturer Figure 2-5: Number of utilities that have applied polymer insulators from the main manufacturers. The data labels indicate a percentage of the total number of utilities that apply polymer insulators. It should be noted that Figure 2-5 does not indicate how many units have been applied from each manufacturer, and hence provides no market share information. Inspection, Removal, and Laboratory Testing Of the 65 utilities that applied polymer insulators, 52 reported that they inspected their polymer insulators while in service and 13 did not. This result may be misleading, as it appears that most respondents were referring to generic inspections rather than specific polymer insulator inspections. Figure 2-6 shows the types of inspections that are utilized and how many utilities use these techniques. 12486312 2-5 45 60% 40 35 45% 30 25 20 15 12% 10 5 3% 2% 0 Bucket Truck Climbing Heli flyby Heli hover Walking Figure 2-6: Number of utilities that use different inspection techniques As can be seen from Figure 2-6, walking and fast flyby inspections are the most common. The EPRI report, Assessment and Inspection Methods (TR-104449-V2) published in 1995, showed that walking inspections are more effective than fast flyby inspections while climbing inspections were found to be the most effective. It should be noted that EPRI research has also shown that training inspectors to identify defective polymer is also essential for effective inspections. A number of EPRI tools are available to aid in training of staff. These include Guide to Visual Inspection of NCI (1000098) and an educational video, Storing, Transporting and Installing Polymer Insulators (1006467). These products can be ordered from www.epri.com. The EPRI base-funded Overhead Transmission Assessment and Inspection Methods Project is also developing educational tools to address training issues. Anyone interested in the research effort should contact Andrew Phillips, aphillip@epri.com. Inspection Technique Bucket Truck Climbing Fast Flyby Hovering Walking No. of Utilities using technique 2 8 29 1 39 No. of Utilities that indicated schedule 1 3 12 1 20 Range of Inspection Schedule 12 months 48-60 months 6-12 months As needed 6-60 months Average Inspection Schedule 12 months 56 months 7.8 months As needed 19.6 months Table 2-1: Comparison of inspection schedule for different techniques. Since not all of the utilities surveyed answered the questions, the number that provided schedule information is indicated. 12486312 2-6 It can be seen from Table 2-1 that although fast flyby inspections are less effective than walking inspections for identifying defective units, they are conducted on a more regular basis. Twelve of the utilities that perform inspections utilized inspection tools to inspect the polymer insulators and other components on the transmission line. Figure 2-7 shows the range of inspection tools utilized by the individual utilities and the number of utilities that use these tools. Only one utility utilizes more than one type of inspection tool. 7 Number of Utiltites 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Binoculars Daytime Corona Camera IR Nightscope Stabilized Binoculars Figure 2-7: Inspection tools used by utilities surveyed Figure 2-7 shows that most utilities that inspect their polymer insulators do not use inspection tools, i.e., only 12 out of 52 used inspection tools. The most common inspection tools used are infrared cameras and binoculars (both stabilized and non-stabilized). All of the inspecting utilities did visual inspections and it is surmised that, although not indicated by the responses, most inspectors had access to binoculars for the visual inspections. The EPRI base-funded Enhanced Non-Ceramic (Polymer) Insulator research project is currently researching and developing new inspection tools to identify high-risk polymer insulators inservice. Anyone interested in the research effort should contact Andrew Phillips, aphillip@epri.com. Only 35% of the 65 utilities applying polymer insulators performed laboratory testing on units. It was unclear whether this testing was on new or in-service units. Corona (Grading) Rings The results of the corona ring section of the survey maybe summarized as follows: • Above 200 kV, all utilities, apart from one at 345 kV, use corona rings. 12486312 2-7 • At 161 kV, five out of nine utilities do not use corona rings. • At 115/138 kV, two utilities use corona rings 12486312 2-8 3 FAILURES OF POLYMER INSULATORS IN SERVICE In 1997 EPRI started a database recording failures of transmission polymer insulators in the field. Information, and images where possible, are obtained on each individual failure and stored in an electronic database, which maybe queried at a later date. Information on failures as far back at the 1970s was obtained. Information is obtained from the relevant utility using a questionnaire containing a range of standard questions. Often the utility is unable to answer all of the questions in the questionnaire. This is often the case when utilities provide information on failures that did not occur recently. Description of Failures For purposes of the database a failure was defined as either of two conditions: • The insulator was unable to insulate the line from ground • The insulator lost its mechanical strength. Precluded from this survey are two types of failures: • Flashover due to external contamination, e.g., due to marine pollution • Failure due to extreme mishandling, e.g., the unit is broken during installation The main failure modes of polymer insulators are described below. This material is not intended to be comprehensive. Rather, it is intended to be a brief overview of the main types of failure modes. More detailed descriptions of failure modes are presented in the EPRI report Application Guide for Transmission Line NCI (TR-111566). Brittle Fracture (Stress Corrosion Cracking of Fiberglass Rod) Brittle fracture failures are a mechanical failure of the fiberglass rod, i.e., a complete separation as shown in Figure 3-1. Features of a brittle fracture are: • One or more smooth, clean planar surfaces, mainly perpendicular to the axis of the fiberglass rod giving the appearance of the rob being cut. • Several planar fracture planes separated by axial delaminations. 12486312 3-1 • Residual mechanical fracture surfaces, i.e., broomstick. Broomstick Axial Delamination Planar Fracture Planes Figure 3-1: Photograph of a brittle fracture. Note the several separate flat transverse fracture planes and the “broomstick.” Brittle fractures are caused by chemical attack of the fiberglass rod [correct?] when nonsiliceous ions are leached from the fibers and the surrounding thermoset resin matrix is hydrolyzed. This chemical attack together with the mechanical load results in a transverse crack. The crack will continue to develop until the remaining cross section of the rod can no longer support the applied load and total separation occurs. Brittle fractures are more accurately called stress corrosion cracking. Flashunder (Tracking in or along fiberglass rod and the resulting flashover) Flashunder is an electrical failure mode. This failure mode occurs when moisture comes in contact with the fiberglass rod and tracks up the rod, or the interface between the rod and rubber. When the moisture—and by-products of discharge activity due to the moisture—extend a critical distance along the insulator, the insulator can no longer withstand the applied voltage and a flashunder occurs. Features of a flashunder include: • Tracking through the rod or along the rod-rubber interface • Puncture holes and splits along length of insulator due to internal discharge activity and the power arc during failure. Figure 3-2 shows images of a flashunder and the associated features. 12486312 3-2 Tracking through rod or along rod / rubber Splits and puncture Two halves of a dissected polymer insulator that has failed due to a flashunder. External photograph of the live end of an insulator that has failed due to a flashunder. Figure 3-2: Two photographs showing a flashunder and the associated features In a number of cases after a flashunder occurs and the line is reenergized, the insulator may provide sufficient insulation to prevent an immediate outage. This is due to the resulting power arc drying out the insulator and improving the insulation ability of the unit. However, with time or renewed wetting the unit may result in further outages until the progressive damage renders the insulator useless. Destruction of rod by discharge activity Destruction of the rod by discharge activity is a mechanical failure mode. Moisture and other contaminants penetrate the weather-shed system and come in contact with the rod resulting in internal discharge activity. These discharges destroy the rod until the unit is unable to hold the applied load and the rod separates. Dissection of failed unit. End fitting of failed unit. Figure 3-3: Photographs of unit that failed due to destruction of the rod by discharge activity Mechanical Failure due to End Fitting Pullout or Mechanical Failure of the Rod 12486312 3-3 These are mechanical failure modes. In these cases either the rod mechanically fails when the rod separates from the end fitting or the rod it self mechanically fails. These failures may occur due to errors in the manufacturing process, e.g., overheating of the fiberglass rod, decomposition of the epoxy in an epoxy cone type end fitting, etc. Care has been taken not to include failures of this type that are the result of mishandling or overloading. Figure 3-4 shows an example of a unit that has failed due the rod pulling out of the end fitting due to decomposition of the epoxy cone. Dissected end fitting of failed unit. Rod from failed unit. Figure 3-4: Photographs of unit that failed due to decomposition of the epoxy cone 12486312 3-4 4 ANALYSIS OF POLYMER INSULATOR FAILURE DATABASE As of September 2002 EPRI has collected 161 failures from 48 different utilities. With four exceptions, all of the failures were collected from North American utilities. Of the 161 failures, 130 occurred in North America. Although the database contains a comprehensive number of failures in North America, no attempt was made to collect information on a significant number of failures internationally due to the logistics involved. A review of a recent paper, IEEE Task Force Report: Brittle Fracture in NCI, PE-504PRD (02-2002) indicates that there are an additional 46 international brittle fracture failures that are not included in the EPRI failure database. The Task Force report only reported brittle fracture failures and hence the total number of failures worldwide may be larger. The total number of failures worldwide therefore exceeds 200. It should also be kept in mind that not all of the failures that have occurred are recorded in the EPRI failure database. EPRI is continuing to obtain failure information to increase the accuracy of the database and results. Failure Rates Of the 130 failures reported in North America, 60 related to the manufacturers that provided information on the number of units sold. Based on this information the average failure rate for all the manufacturers that provided sales information was 1 in every 65,500 units sold. Apart from one manufacturer that has experienced no failures, the individual manufacturer failure rates varied from 1 in every 65,000 to 1 in every 31,000 units sold. Utilizing the average failure rate data indicated above maybe misleading as 70 of the failures in the database (not accounted for in the above analysis) were for a design no longer in service and for which no sales information was available. If sales data for this design could be obtained and the 70 failures could be taken into account the average failure rate for installed units would be higher. Year, Age and Installation Date of Failed Units Figure 4-1 shows the years in which the failures recorded in the database occurred. 12486312 4-1 25 No. of Failures 20 15 10 5 19 79 19 80 19 81 19 82 19 83 19 84 19 85 19 87 19 88 19 90 19 91 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 n/ a 0 Year Figure 4-1: Graph showing the years in which the failures were reported to have occurred. (N/A = the year of the failure was undefined.) It is expected that the percentage of failure captured by the database increased after 1997 as failures were actively sought. Figure 4-2 shows the age of the units that failed calculated from the date of installation and date of failure. The age of 48 of the failures could not be determined, mostly due to incomplete utility records regarding installation date. 14 12 No. of Failures 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 29 Age in Years Figure 4-2: Age of failures in years 12486312 4-2 As can be seen a large number of failures occur within two years of installation. This could be seen as weeding out the bad actors or units that initial defects. 20 18 16 No. of Failures 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 19 70 19 79 19 80 19 81 19 83 19 84 19 85 19 86 19 87 19 88 19 89 19 90 19 91 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 0 Year of Installation Figure 4-3: Year of manufacture of failed units Accurate values for the year of installation were only available for 70% of the failures. Although approximate dates are available for a large portion of the remaining 30%, the data are not represented in Figure 4-3. Failure Modes and Reasons for Failures The modes of failure of the collected data are shown in Figure 4-4. 12486312 4-3 100 90 Total No. of Brittle Fractures = 136 with IEEE TF Worldwide Data No. of Failures 80 70 60 50 Worldwide North America 40 30 20 10 0 Brittle Fracture Flashunder Mechanical Failure Rod destroyed by discharge activity N/A Failure Mode Figure 4-4: Graph indicating the number of insulators that failed from each type of failure mode. (N/A indicates that the failure mode could not be confirmed or that the failure is still under investigation.) Note that the worldwide number of failures recorded is low. If the worldwide data from the IEEE TF report were included, the total number of brittle fractures would be 136. As can be seen from Figure 4-4, the main failure mode is brittle fracture followed by flashunder. The column labeled N/A indicates that the failure mode could not confirmed by the utility or that the failure is still under investigation. In most cases the failure modes were determined by EPRI, third party, and manufacturer investigations. Figure 4-5 shows the reason for failure for the recorded failures. N/A indicates that conclusive information regarding the reason for failure could not be obtained or the failure investigation is still underway. 100 90 No. of Failures 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Rod overheated during molding Manufacturer Defect Water ingress thru polymer weather shed system N/A Water ingress thru end fitting seal Reason for Failure Figure 4-5: Reason for failure It can be seen from Figure 4-5 that main reason for failure is water ingress through the end fitting seal. Care should be taken in attributing all of these failures to manufacturer defects alone. In fact a significant portion maybe attributed to mishandling. A common reason for failure due to mishandling is over torquing of the unit during installation, which in turn damages the end fitting 12486312 4-4 seal. It is often difficult at time of failure to determine whether a unit was mishandled during installation. In actual fact only seven of the utilities that provided information noted that the units were mishandled. Even in cases where the manufacturer's report on the failure indicated mishandling, the corresponding utility did not necessarily indicate or agree that mishandling was involved Description of Units that Failed The voltage level, weather shed material type, insulator type, manufacturer and grading ring are all parameters one can consider when evaluating the failures recorded. 60 No. of Failures 50 40 30 20 10 0 69-90kV 115-161kV 230-275kV 345-400kV 500kV 765kV Voltage Level Figure 4-6: Number of failures as a function of voltage level It can be seen from Figure 4-6 that failures occur across all the voltage ranges. Care should be taken when interpreting the results shown. It should be kept in mind that at the lower voltages the likelihood of the failure being reported, both internal to the utility and to EPRI, is lower. The number of miles that exist at each voltage level and the number of polymer insulators applied at these voltage levels also need to be taken into account. 1% EP SIR N/A 37% 62% Figure 4-7: Split of failures between different rubber types. Note: SIR/EP alloy base insulators 12486312 4-5 have been included with EP insulators. N/A indicates that the utility that submitted the data was not sure of the rubber material type. 90 80 70 No. of Failures 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Suspension Dead End Post Braced Post Other Unknown Figure 4-8: Configuration of the failures. Note: Other refers to configurations not covered by the standard terminology often due to lack of standardization in nomenclature. Unknown usually occurred when the failure happened a considerable amount of time prior to the questionnaire being completed, or incomplete field reports were submitted. The largest number of failures reported occurred on suspension units. It should be noted that the population of suspension units is far larger than dead-end units, hence the failure rate for deadend units is probably higher than that for suspension units. 80 Rod destroyed by discharge activity N/A 70 Mechanical Failure No. of Failures 60 Flashunder 50 Flashover 40 Brittle Fracture 30 20 10 0 A C D E F H N/A Manufacturer Figure 4-9: The number of failures sustained by different manufacturers subcategorized by failure mode 12486312 4-6 As can be seen from Figure 4-9, the lion's share of the failures recorded in the database have been sustained by one manufacturer. When interpreting these results the total number of units installed by each manufacturer should be taken into account. Some of the manufacturers shown have a very small portion of the total market in the area surveyed. Of the 105 failed polymer insulators that were applied at voltage levels equal to and greater than 230 kV, 65% had corona rings installed, 32% did not have grading rings installed and information was not available 5% of the units. 12486312 4-7 12486312 5 EPRI RESEARCH IN POLYMER INSULATORS Polymer insulators are a relatively new technology. As the industry gains experience and confidence in applying polymer insulators, the number of units being applied will increase. In order to address unknowns associated with polymer insulators, EPRI has undertaken a multiyear research effort to address a range of important issues, including: • Selection of Polymer Insulators • Application • Inspection • Live Working • Fundamental Research Past Deliverables Over the past decade EPRI has produced numerous deliverables that are available to EPRI members. These include: Application Guide for Transmission Line NCI (TR-111566), November 1998 - This report will aid utility engineers involved with designing, procuring, installing, handling, inspecting, and live working with NCI. The report also provides information on the makeup of NCI, test methods, standards, failure modes, assessment procedures, and how to apply NCI in contaminated environments. Electric Field Modeling of NCI and Grading Ring Design and Application (TR-113977), December 1999 - This report aids utility engineers in the application of grading rings on NCI to grade the surrounding electric field to prevent premature NCI aging and unwanted audio noise and radio interference. The application of grading rings is discussed in detail and methods of evaluating grading ring designs are given. The report also discusses methods of modeling NCI using both FEM and BEM methods and discusses approximations that may be made. A section on understanding grading ring design is presented as well as examples of E-field magnitudes that have been determined for NCI applied between 115 kV and 500 kV. Initial Investigation into the Effect of Elevated Conductor Temperature on the Operation of NCI (1000033), April 2000 - This report describes an initial investigation into the effect of elevated conductor temperatures on the operation of NCI. The testing determined the 12486312 5-8 temperatures that an NCI end fitting would be subjected to if an NCI were applied with minimal hardware and the conductor temperature reached 200°C. The results are compared against previous testing and manufacturers' recommendations. Guide to the Visual Inspection of NCI (1000098), June 2000 - This guide provides a catalog of photographs that illustrate various conditions and factors that commonly affect NCI in the field, along with their possible causes, a risk-assessment rating, and suggested actions for utility personnel. The guide is designed to aid utility field crews in assessing the condition of NCI in service, identifying specific problems, and deciding on a course of action. We believe it will also facilitate a discussion of the findings and results between utility crews, engineers, managers, and researchers. The report maybe obtained by downloading a PDF file from EPRIweb or in black and white from the EPRI Distribution Center. High-quality color copies of this report have been printed and are available from (413) 499-5701. 500 kV Non-Ceramic Insulator Aging Chamber: Final Report (1000719), December 2000 This report describes the 500 kV aging test in which more than 20 NCI from five different manufacturers were evaluated for more than six years in an accelerated environment. The stresses to which the insulators were subjected as well as the condition of the insulators during and after the test are described. This report is intended to aid utilities in selecting NCI and comparing different designs. Storing, Transporting and Installing Polymer Insulators, (1006353), September 2001 - This educational video helps utilities educate transmission line workers and warehouse staff on correct handling procedures for polymer insulators. Storing, Transporting and Installing Polymer Insulators: Viewing Guide for Educational Video (1006467), November 2001 - A viewing guide that personnel who have watched the video may take away with them as a set of notes. The viewing guide is pictorial and is based on the educational video described above. Identifying Defects in Polymer Insulators that are Detrimental to Live Working (1001747), July 2002 - The lack of appropriate tools and techniques to live working in and around polymer insulators has been cited as the single largest reason why transmission asset owners are reluctant to embrace this technology. This technical progress report covers a background study that outlines the concerns and then surveyed what is presently being researched both with EPRI and elsewhere. The report provides a springboard for future research activities to develop tools capable of assessing the integrity of polymer insulators before and during live working. Ongoing Research The EPRI Overhead Transmission Program is undertaking a comprehensive research effort to address the range of issues associated with polymer insulators. Tasks that are currently under way include: 230 kV Aging Test - An accelerated aging test was initiated in January 2001 at EPRI's field testing laboratory in Lenox, MA, to compare the long-term performance of 35 polymer insulators from five manufacturers in four different configurations (i.e., V-string, I-string, dead-end post, and braced post). The results of these aging tests will aid utilities in the selection of the proper 12486312 5-9 polymer insulators; the condition assessment of polymer insulators already in-service; and the selection of most effective grading ring designs. It is expected that this test will run until the end of 2003 and the results will be published in 2004. The aging test is described in detail in a technical brief, New 230 kV Aging Chamber to Test Transmission/Substation Components (1001463), which may be ordered from www.epri.com. End Fitting Assessment - The design of six different end-fitting seals has been evaluated using an accelerated aging test. The aging test included mechanical, environmental and electrical stresses. The mechanical performance on the attachment of the fiberglass rod onto the end fitting under combined static load, torquing and aeolian vibration. The test results of this investigation will be published at the end of 2002. Development of Corona Ring Inspection and Installation Guide - A field guide is being developed to assist utility personnel in the installation and inspection of corona rings. The guide covers the installation procedure for five different manufacturers in pictorial form. A pictorial inspection guide for units already in-service is also included. The inspection guide provides criteria on what action to take if a specific type of condition is observed. Development of In-Service Inspection Tools - As the population of in-service polymer insulators increases and ages, inspection will only increase in importance. EPRI is researching and developing new inspection tools to identify high-risk polymer insulators in-service. Anyone interested in the research effort should contact Andrew Phillips, aphillip@epri.com. Live Working With Polymer Insulators - An essential requirement for ensuring worker safety when working with polymer insulators is to confirm their electrical and mechanical integrity for the duration of the work. EPRI is reviewing existing integrity evaluation techniques that have been developed based on long-term aging results. The relation to short-term integrity will be investigated. EPRI will also develop effective inspection techniques and tools to address live working issues, as well as specific techniques for live working with polymer insulators. Polymer Insulator Failure Database - EPRI will continue to maintain the failure database to provide utilities with valuable information for making decisions about applying polymer insulators or removing existing units from service. A concurrent Tailored collaboration Project entitled “Collaborative NCI Project” is also underway. This project utilizes in-house utility research that was previously not available to all the EPRI members. In-house research on a specific topic from a number of sources is combined with EPRI research to provide a broader perspective. In many cases the information from research reports is distilled into a guide that can be more easily used by engineering staff. The following deliverables have already been produced and provided to the participants: • Effect of Elevated Conductor Temperature on Polymer Insulators and the Effect of High Temperatures on Post Insulators. • Storing, Transporting and Installing Polymer Insulators: A Practical Guide • The Effect of Elevated Temperatures on Polymer Insulators: A Materials Perspective • E-field Magnitudes on Polymer Insulators – 115 to 765 kV (being finalized) 12486312 5-10 • Guide to the Maintenance of Insulators in a Contaminated Environment (being finalized) A workshop on the above topics is also proposed. Additional deliverables are also under discussion. 12486312 5-11 12486312 About EPRI EPRI creates science and technology solutions for the global energy and energy services industry. U.S. electric utilities established the Electric Power Research Institute in 1973 as a nonprofit research consortium for the benefit of utility members, their customers, and society. Now known simply as EPRI, the company provides a wide range of innovative products and services to more than 1000 energy-related organizations in 40 countries. EPRI’s multidisciplinary team of scientists and engineers draws on a worldwide network of technical and business expertise to help solve today’s toughest energy and environmental problems. EPRI. Electrify the World © 2002 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Inc. All rights reserved. Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. EPRI. ELECTRIFY THE WORLD is a service mark of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. 1007752 Printed on recycled paper in the United States of America EPRI • 3412 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304 • PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303 • USA 800.313.3774 • 650.855.2121 • askepri@epri.com • www.epri.com 12486312