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Pressure Groups: Definition, Types, and Functions

The term pressure group is defined as special interest groups which seek to
influence government policy in a particular direction action group are loosely
organized pressure groups. Then such groups do not seek government control or
responsibility for policy and their political function is not officially recognized.
These groups includes trade unions, ethnic associations, churches, pressure groups
dates back all the way to medieval Europe where merchants and craft men came
together and created trade guilds base on the line of trade Of work to advocate and
support members. All the time of industrial revolution, the first trade unions
appeared to advocate for the betterments of working conditions. Today, there are
pressure groups from many different backgrounds with the aim to influence the
outcome of the policies in their groups favour
Definitionconcept of pressure group
A pressure group is an organized group of people that aims to influence public
opinion or policies/actions of government. It includes churches and charities,
businesses and trade associations, trade unions and professional associations, think
tanks of various complexions etc. pressure group date back to medieval Europe
when merchants and craft men came together and created trade guilds based on
their line of work to advocate and support members. At the time of industrial
revolution, the first trade unions appeared to advocate for the betterment of
working conditions. Today, there are pressure groups from many different
backgrounds with the aim to influence the outcomes of policies in their groups
Types of pressure group
1, Professional groups Professional groups are not much in number and may be
small but the pressure campaigns may be effective since few of them have expert
knowledge that helps seeks them to achieve their objectives. Examples of
professional groups are Nigeria Bar Association, Nigeria Medical Association, and
Nigeria Union of Teachers etc
2, Agricultural groups In England, over 90 of the farmers are represented by
national farmers union. There is also a group of the same farmers in other
countries. For instance, in Nigeria we have Nigeria Farmers Association, and in
America, there is a group of farmers known as American Farmers Bureau
Federation etc
3, Economic groups This is a group of pressure groups whose aim is to protect
the economic interest of their members by influencing government policies.
Example is the tread union like the Nigerian chamber of commerce.
4, religious groups this group is formed to protect interest by influencing
government policies. Examples of religious groups includes the national council of
church in Christ, the American Jewish congress, and the Christian association of
Nigeria, jam at tu Nasr Islam
5, social group this group is formed to protect the social interest of their members
by influencing government policies or decision, under these groups, we have boys
brigade, girls guide, red cross society, youth clubs and boys scout etc
6, educational groups educational groups aims at promoting and protecting
educational interests of their members by trying to influence government policies
and decisions, examples of educational groups includes, academic staff union of
university ASUU national association of Nigerian student NANS
Functions of pressure groups
1, pressure groups influence government policies and decisions.
2, pressure group set as watch dog on the government.
3, pressure group main aim is protect the interest of their members.
4, pressure group promotes economic activities through their efforts to realize and
promote specific economic interest of their members.
5, Pressure groups help to foster the achievement of democracy.
Modes of operation of pressure group
In order to achieve the objectives or goals of pressures groups, the adopt the
following methods such as
1, lobbying  pressure groups attempts to lobby influential officials of the state like
legislature to make law or amend law that will benefit their members , lobbying
also involves persuasive argument back with necessary data to influence those in
the position of authority over a policy they are interested upon.
2, demonstration  demonstration could be peaceful or violent, pressure group
have used this method successful in forcing the government to drop certain policy.
The group normally organize themselves in strategic locations with their members.
A case in point was the one organized by Nigeria Labor Congress against the
federal government because of increase in the price of petroleum product in
Nigeria the year 2005, a few civil society groups joined the protest which was
carried out in all most all the state in Nigeria
3, ultimatum  pressure group sometimes issue ultimatum to back their demands
on certain government policies
4, propaganda  campaigns are carried out most often by pressure groups
especially when government takes decision tends to ignore the interest of their
members. Pressure groups can use the mass media like the press, radio, television,
bulletins and handbills to persuade those in authority to accent to their demands
1, Lack of Finance  most of the pressure group lack the necessary funding to
carry out their objective
2, poor attitude of the members  members lack respect for their leaders and the
constituted authority
3, government intolerance  government intolerance to group activities constitute
problem to their success e.g. Buhari regime in Nigeria which dissolve Nigeria
medical association and banned academic staff union of university ASUU
Conclusion 
These group aim sole at influencing government and political parties to meet
up their demands by adopting several means which includes lobbying,
demonstration, ultimatum, propaganda etc Even though there are factors that
militate the success of pressure group and these factors are lack of finance, poor
attitude, government intolerance etc.
Reference 