DSC1520/001/4/2020 SG001/4/2020 Quantitative Modelling 1 DSC1520 Semesters 1 and 2 Department of De ision S ien es This is the only study guide for DSC1520. Bar code Contents 1 Introdu tion 1.1 1.2 1 The module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.1 Knowledge assumed to be in pla e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.2 Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.1.3 Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.1.4 A tivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Development of a mathemati al model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Modelling 1.2.1 I Linear fun tions 5 2 Appli ations of linear fun tions 6 2.1 2.2 2.3 Revenue, ost and prot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.1.1 Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.1.2 Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.1.3 Prot 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Demand and supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.2.1 Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.2.2 Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Pri e elasti ity of demand and supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Pri e elasti ity of demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.3.2 Pri e elasti ity of supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3 Appli ations of simultaneous fun tions 3.1 13 17 Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.1.1 Equilibrium in the goods market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.1.2 Equilibrium in the labour market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3.1.3 Pri e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.1.4 Complementary and substitute goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.1.5 Taxes and subsidies ontrols and government intervention in markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3.2 Break-even analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.3 Consumer and produ er surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.3.1 Consumer surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.3.2 Produ er surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.3.3 Total surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Linear programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.4 ii DSC1520/SG001 II Non-linear fun tions 38 4 Appli ations of non-linear fun tions 39 4.1 Non-linear fun tions in e onomi s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4.2 Quadrati 40 fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 Optimising quadrati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.2.2 Market equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 4.2.3 Break-even analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 4.3 Cubi fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 4.4 Exponential and logarithmi 4.5 revenue, prot and fun tions ost fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 4.4.1 Unlimited growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 4.4.2 Limited growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 4.4.3 Logisti Hyperboli growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 III Dierentiation 54 5 Dierentiation theory 55 5.1 Slope of a urve and dierentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Dierentiation rules 55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 5.2.1 The power rule for dierentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 5.2.2 Exponential and natural logarithmi fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 5.2.3 The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 5.2.4 The produ t rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 5.2.5 The quotient rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 5.3 Higher derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5.4 Optimisation of fun tions in one variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 5.4.1 The nature of stationary points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 5.4.2 Intervals along whi h a fun tion is in reasing or de reasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 5.4.3 Sket hing fun tions using dierentiation 72 hain rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Appli ations of dierentiation 6.1 75 Marginal and average fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 6.1.1 Marginal revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 6.1.2 Marginal 76 6.1.3 Average revenue and ost fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 6.1.4 Produ tion fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 ost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Optimisation of e onomi fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 6.3 Elasti ity of demand non-linear demand fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 IV Integration 90 7 Integration theory 91 7.1 Integration as the reverse of dierentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 7.2 Integration rules 91 7.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.1 The power rule for integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 7.2.2 Integration by substitution 94 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The denite integral and the area under a urve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Appli ations of integration 97 102 iii DSC1520/SG001 8.1 8.2 From marginal to total fun tions ost from marginal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 8.1.1 Total ost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 8.1.2 Total revenue from marginal revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 8.1.3 Rate of hange to total quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Consumer and produ er surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 8.2.1 Consumer surplus 8.2.2 Produ er surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 8.2.3 Total surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 9 Solutions to a tivities 112 9.1 Se tion 2.1 (Revenue, 9.2 Se tion 2.2 (Appli ations: demand, supply, 9.3 Se tion 2.3 (Elasti ity of linear demand and supply fun tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 9.4 Se tion 3.1 (Equilibrium and break-even) 9.5 Se tion 3.1.4 (Complementary and substitute goods) 9.6 Se tion 3.1.5 (Taxes and subsidies) 9.7 Se tion 3.2 (Break-even analysis) 9.8 Se tion 3.3 (Consumer and produ er surplus) 9.9 Se tion 3.4 (Linear programming) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 9.10 Se tion 4.1 (Quadrati ost and prot fun tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 fun tions in e onomi s) fun tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 fun tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 9.13 Se tion 5.2.1 (The power rule for dierentiation) 9.14 Se tion 5.2.3 (The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 9.11 Se tion 4.4 (Exponential and logarithmi 9.12 Se tion 4.5 (Hyperboli ost, revenue) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 hain rule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 9.15 Se tion 5.2.4 (The produ t rule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 9.16 Se tion 5.2.5 (The quotient rule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9.17 Se tion 5.3 (Higher derivatives) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 9.18 Se tion 5.3 (Optimisation of fun tions in one variable) 9.19 Se tion 6.1 (Marginal and average fun tions) 9.20 Se tion 6.1.4 (Produ tion fun tions) 9.21 Se tion 6.2 (E onomi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 appli ations of optimisation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 9.22 Se tion 6.3 (Elasti ity of demand non-linear demand fun tions) 9.23 Se tion 7.2.1 (The power rule for integration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 9.24 Se tion 7.2.2 (Integration by substitution) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 9.25 Se tion 7.3 (The denite integral and the area under a urve) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 9.26 Se tion 8.1 (From marginal to total fun tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 9.27 Se tion 8.2 (Consumer and produ er surplus) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 V Mathemati al ba kground assumed to be in pla e 140 A Numbers and variables 141 A.1 Priorities A.2 Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 A.3 Laws of operations A.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 A.3.1 Addition and subtra tion A.3.2 Multipli ation and division Fra tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 A.4.1 Multipli ation and division A.4.2 Addition and subtra tion A.5 Fa torisation A.6 Fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 iv DSC1520/SG001 A.7 Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 A.8 Per entages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 B Equations and inequalities B.1 B.2 152 Solving equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 B.1.1 Linear equations B.1.2 Quadrati Inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 C Linear fun tions 157 C.1 Graphs of linear fun tions C.2 Plotting linear fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 C.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 y C.2.1 Using the slope and C.2.2 Using the inter epts on the axis inter ept x and Determining formulæ of linear fun tions y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 C.3.1 Given two points on the line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 C.3.2 Given the slope of the line and any point on the line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 C.4 Plotting linear inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 C.5 Simultaneous equations/inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 C.5.1 Solving simultaneous linear equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 C.5.2 Solving simultaneous equations graphi ally C.5.3 Systems of inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 D Non-linear fun tions D.1 Quadrati D.1.1 fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Properties and graphs D.2 Cubi D.3 Exponential fun tions D.4 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 D.3.1 Denition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 D.3.2 Working with exponentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 D.3.3 Solving equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Logarithmi fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 D.4.1 Denition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 D.4.2 Graphs and properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 D.4.3 Working with logarithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 D.4.4 Solving equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 D.5 Hyperboli D.6 Composite fun tions fun tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 E Solutions to a tivities (Appendix) 186 E.1 Se tion A.1 (Priorities) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 E.2 Se tion A.2 (Variables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 E.3 Se tion A.3 (Laws of operations) E.4 Se tion A.4 (Fra tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 E.5 Se tion A.5 (Fa torisation) E.6 Se tion A.6 (Fun tions) E.7 Se tion A.7 (Polynomials) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 E.8 Se tion A.8 (Per entages) E.9 Se tion B.1 (Solving equations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 E.10 Se tion B.2 (Inequalities) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 E.11 Se tion C.2 (Plotting linear fun tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 E.12 Se tion C.3 (Determining formulæ of linear fun tions) v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 DSC1520/SG001 E.13 Se tion C.5 (Simultaneous equations/inequalities) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 E.14 Se tion D.1 (Quadrati E.15 Se tion D.2 (Cubi fun tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 fun tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 E.16 Se tion D.3 (Exponential fun tions) E.17 Se tion D.4 (Logarithmi E.18 Se tion D.5 (Hyperboli fun tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 fun tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 E.19 Se tion D.6 (Composite fun tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 vi Chapter 1: Introdu tion Students who enrol for a business-related degree su h as De ision S ien es (or E onomi s) often nd it surprising that mathemati s form su h a huge part of the study. However, in order to make informed business de isions, it very often is ne essary to set up and solve some mathemati al formulæ representing real-life problems. modelling (or This setting up of mathemati al formulæ to represent problems is quantitative modelling). alled mathemati al 1.1 The module This module, Quantitative Modelling, provides introdu tory notes on elementary mathemati al te hniques and illustrates the appli ation thereof on de ision-making situations. The study guide is divided into four main parts that in lude this introdu tion, seven hapters and an appendix with details of the mathemati al ba kground that you should have a quired at s hool or somewhere else. Ea h hapter starts with the learning obje tives that highlight the key hapter. When you have nished a thoroughly familiar with all the relevant All hapters also he klist to ensure that you are on epts. ontain worked examples to show how questions on a topi ontain a tivities that are intended as self-assessment tests. If you making any signi ant errors, then you have apparently mastered the reveal the areas in whi h you require further study. In this the on epts you will en ounter in the hapter, use these obje tives as a should be answered. The hapters an manage the a tivities without hapter. If not, the exer ise should ase you should go ba k to the relevant parts of hapter. Should you, at this stage, after an earnest attempt to understand troublesome passages, nd that you make progress, you should annot onta t your le turer or tutor at on e and ask for his or her help. Setting aside too many unresolved problems for another day is bound to lead to onfusion and disillusionment. 1.1.1 Knowledge assumed to be in pla e You were allowed to enter this module sin e you had either passed Grade 12 with good marks in mathemati s or ompleted a higher erti ate su essfully. We therefore assume that you are pro ient in basi mathemati s, whi h in ludes the following: ⊲ Numbers and working with numbers priorities variables laws of operations fra tions fa torisation fun tions polynomials 1 DSC1520/SG001 ⊲ Fun tions ⊲ powers and roots per entages linear fun tions linear systems evaluating and transforming fun tions Equations and inequalities solving linear and non-linear equations solving simple inequalities ⊲ Linear fun tions ⊲ Simultaneous linear fun tions ⊲ Non-linear fun tions quadrati ubi fun tions fun tions exponential and logarithmi fun tions omposite fun tions If you should nd that you la k knowledge and/or understanding of any one of these on epts, you will nd notes and exer ises on them in Appendix V. 1.1.2 Notation Throughout the module, we use fun tions. variables p ursive lower ase letters for variables and upper ase For example, the fun tions for and q ost, revenue and prot are denoted by C, R ursive letters for and P, while the denote pri e and quantity. 1.1.3 Software In this module we introdu e you to the mathemati al pa kage Maxima. This is free software that an be downloaded from the internet. Notes on the installation and use of Maxima are available at the following https://my.unisa.a .za/portal/site/DSC1520-20-S1 https://my.unisa.a .za/portal/site/DSC1520-20-S2. links: and Maxima is really easy to use for mathemati al operations su h as plotting fun tions or solving equations. When you observe the graphs of dierent fun tions regularly, you may develop an intuitive sense of the properties of ertain fun tions. You may also use Maxima to he k your answers to assignment questions. 1.1.4 A tivities Throughout ea h hapter, you will nd a tivities. Do these a tivities by hand (with pen on paper) before you look at the solutions. This will give you an indi ation of how well you understand the relevant study material and provide the opportunity to exer ise your mathemati al writing skills. Solutions to a tivity questions are available in Chapter 9. Please try to do the a tivities before looking at the solutions. 2 DSC1520/SG001 1.2 Modelling In many areas of life, models are used to represent aspe ts of reality. In this se tion, we attempt to put the notion of mathemati al modelling into Models may be ⊲ lassied as either physi al or abstra t, and stati or dynami . Examples are the following: Physi al models Stati : fashion models; miniature Dynami : the aerodynami s of a ⊲ ontext with referen e to other kinds of models. repli as of buildings/trains/ ars; et ar in a wind tunnel; et Abstra t models Stati : a hart showing interrelations in an organisation; the design of a ar engine; the relationship between the pri e of a good and the quantity demanded; et Dynami : the ow of information in an organisation; how a how a population Abstra t models may also be ⊲ Deterministi ar engine works when it is swit hed on; hanges over time; et lassied as deterministi : The out ome of the model or sto hasti . an be determined exa tly when all the inputs are given. Example: If p is the pri e of an item and q the number of items sold, then the equation q = 20 − 2p des ribes how the number of items demanded depends on the pri e per item. With this equation available, the number of items demanded ⊲ Sto hasti : The out ome is an be determined exa tly if the pri e is known. al ulated with a ertain probability. Example: When a fair di e is tossed, any one of the numbers 1, 2, . . . , 6 may turn up. The probability of getting any one of these numbers is x is a sto hasti variable. 1 6 . If x represents the number turning up when the di e is tossed, we say In this module we are mainly We do not in lude any dynami on erned with stati , deterministi , abstra t models. or sto hasti models. 1.2.1 Development of a mathemati al model The pro ess that needs to be followed to develop a mathemati al model for a real-life situation, an be summed up in the following four steps: 1. Study and understand the situation ask pertinent questions. 2. Formulate the mathemati al model. (a) Identify variables. (b) Set up mathemati al formulæ. ( ) Solve the equations and interpret solutions. 3. Che k the validity of the model. 4. If the model passes the validity test, it may be used, subje t to the onditions under whi h it has been set up. If not, start again. Consider the following real-life example: Judy provides fudge to be sold at a railway station kiosk. She needs to de ide how many blo ks of fudge she should make per day. 3 DSC1520/SG001 To formulate a model for Judy's problem, we follow the steps explained above: 1. We assume that only the pri e harged per blo k of fudge determines the number that will be demanded, sin e the fudge is very tasty and Judy is the only person providing fudge at the station. Past experien e shows that 50 blo ks of fudge are sold per day if the pri e is R1 per blo k, while only 20 blo ks are demanded if the pri e is R4 per blo k. 2. To formulate the model, we go through the following steps: (a) First of all, we de ide to let q denote the number of blo ks of fudge demanded and p the pri e per blo k. These are the variables that are measurable. q = a − bp. (p; q), are given through whi h the line representing our problem should pass, namely (1; 50) and (4; 20). Using these points, it is found1 that our problem an be represented by the line q = 60 − 10p. (b) The simplest mathemati al formula is the linear fun tion, in general represented by Two points, ( ) The solution and interpretation are straightforward in this ase, sin e we an simply he k whether the mathemati al formula represents the given data. However, this might not always be the 3. To he k the validity of this model, he k whether the demand at a ertain pri e ase. orresponds reasonably well to the out ome of the model. If the model passes the validity test, it may be used. If not, something is wrong and you will have to start again. Throughout the study guide, modelling is used for su h real-life examples. So, let's get started. 1 Details of how to solve this, are provided in Se tion 2.2.1. 4 PART I LINEAR FUNCTIONS 5 Chapter 2: Appli ations of linear fun tions Learning obje tives After you have ompleted this ⊲ explain the ⊲ explain the ⊲ ost and prot ost and prot fun tions from given information on epts of demand and supply plot demand and supply fun tions and distinguish between the two types of graphs determine equations for demand and supply from given information explain the These on epts of revenue, set up revenue, hapter, you should be able to on ept of pri e elasti ity of demand and supply al ulate and interpret point and ar elasti ity of demand and supply on epts form the basis of quantitative modelling. moving on to more You should understand them really well before ompli ated topi s. 2.1 Revenue, ost and prot The aim of any business is to generate prot. In order to ne essary to determine what the operation al ulate the prot earned from an operation, it is osts and what in ome an be generated 2.1.1 Cost In general, ost is what one needs to pay (or give up) in order to get something. In business, ost is an amout of money that represents the (i) eort, (ii) material, (iii) resour es, (iv) time onsumed, (v) utilities onsumed, (vi) risks in urred and (vii) opportunities that might have been missed in the pro ess of produ ing something or delivering a servi e. Total ost (T C ) is broken down into xed osts (F C ) and variable osts (V C ), with T C = F C + V C. (a) Fixed sold) ost is the expense or hanges. Fixed ost that does not hange when the number of items that are produ ed (or osts are expenses that have to be paid by a ompany, independent of any business a tivity. (b) Variable osts depend on produ tion output it is a may in lude the and sales ommissions to be paid. multiplied by the onstant amount per unit produ ed. These ost of raw materials used in produ tion, the Variable ost is osts osts al ulated as the quantity of goods produ ed (q ) ost per unit (c), that is V C = q × c. 6 ost of utilities like ele tri ity, labour DSC1520/SG001 linear The total ost fun tion TC = FC + V C an be graphed by using either the slope and the verti al inter ept (or another point on the line), or any two points on the line (e.g. the Consider, for example, the total oordinates on the axes). ost fun tion T C = 20 + 4q, F C = 20 and V C = 4q . To (when q = 0) a the slope is four. with 1 graph the fun tion , we note that the inter ept on the verti al axis is 20 The graph is shown in Figure 2.1. TC (5; 40) 40 30 20 Fixed ost 10 1 2 Figure 2.1: 3 4 q 5 T C = 20 + 4q . 2.1.2 Revenue In retail stores, the pri es of produ ts are usually xed. The amount of money that a storekeeper will re eive from selling a ertain produ t is total revenue2 (T R) from the produ the number of units sold (q ), that is alled the by multiplying the pri e per unit, (p) by t. Total revenue is al ulated T R = q × p. If, for example, a produ t is sold for R10 per unit, total revenue is given by T R = 10q. This fun tion is plotted as shown in Figure 2.2. Note that the slope is 10 and the verti al inter ept is 0 the line goes through the origin (0; 0). 2.1.3 Prot Prot (P ) is the surplus that remains after total su osts have been dedu ted from total revenue. A ompany's ess is usually measured by the prot it makes. Prot is al ulated by subtra ting total osts from total revenue, that is P = T R − T C = T R − (F C + V C). Note: 1 2 ⊲ When T R = T C, no prot is made (P = 0) ⊲ When TR > TC (i.e. P > 0), the ompany makes a prot. ⊲ When TR < TC (i.e. P < 0), the ompany makes a loss. and we say the ompany breaks even. If you nd it di ult to plot su h a graph, please onsult Appendix C (page 157). Total revenue is the in ome generated from the sale of goods or servi es before any osts or expenses are dedu ted. 7 DSC1520/SG001 TR (4; 40) 40 30 20 10 1 2 3 Figure 2.2: 4 q T R = 10q Example A tu k shop at the station has xed while the produ tion The tu k shop's total osts of R600 per week. They sell pies at a xed pri e of R25,00 ea h, ost per pie is R10,00. We assume all the pies that are produ ed will be sold. ost fun tion is T C = F C + V C = 600 + 10q, where q is the number of pies produ ed per week. Their total revenue fun tion is T R = price per pie × number of pies sold = 25q. The prot fun tion is given by P = TR − TC = 25q − (600 + 10q) = 15q − 600. Figure 2.3 shows the graph of the prot fun tion as obtained from Maxima. From the graph it is Figure 2.3: the tu k shop needs to sell 40 pies to pies, their prot is R900, whi h we an P = 15q − 600 over their overhead al ulate as lear that osts and break even. Also, when they sell 100 P = 15(100) − 600 = 900. 8 DSC1520/SG001 A tivity 1. The surng lub provides swimming lessons to boost their funds. The day when oering these lasses mostly for insuran e and it (a) Write down the total daily (b) Cal ulate the total osts of R250 per osts them R25 for ea h lesson given. ost fun tion. ost to provide 20 lessons. ( ) How many lessons did they provide if total 2. A rm's xed lub has xed osts to produ e a osts amounted to R1 400? ertain kind of lamp amount to R1 000 per week and it osts R15 to produ e ea h lamp. These lamps are sold for R35 ea h. (a) Write down the total (b) What is total ost and total revenue fun tions. ost if 400 lamps are produ ed per week? ( ) How many lamps are produ ed when total revenue is R1 750? (d) Write down the prot fun tion for this kind of lamp and nd the prot if 100 lamps are produ ed and sold. 3. Adam sells wat hes at the ea market on Saturdays. His xed osts per week amount to R900. He buys the wat hes wholesale at R30 ea h and he sells them for R60 ea h. (a) Write down Adam's weekly total ost, total revenue and prot fun tions. (b) How many wat hes did Adam sell on Saturday if his total revenue was R4 200? 4. A rm produ es al ulators for a to produ e. The ertain shop. Their xed al ulator osts R15 al ulators are sold for R35 ea h. (a) Write down the equation for total weekly (b) Graph the total ( ) What is the total (d) How many ost is R1 000 and ea h ost fun tion for ost. q = 0 to 100. ost to produ e 25 al ulators? al ulators are produ ed if total osts amount to R7 000? (e) Find the total revenue fun tion. (f ) Graph the (g) How many TR fun tion for q = 0 to 100. al ulators are sold when T R = 1 750? (h) Does the rm's total revenue ex eed total osts when 80 al ulators are produ ed? What does this mean? (i) Cal ulate the rm's prot when 80 al ulators are produ ed. 2.2 Demand and supply The level of e onomi a tivity in an e onomy is determined by the de isions about demand and supply that onsumers, rms and the government make. These de isions play a vital role in business and onsumer a tivity, and we need mathemati al tools to analyse them. In this module we onsider the simplest models of demand and supply where the demand for and the supply of a produ t depend on pri e only. All other variables are For example, demand may be ae ted by 9 onsidered to be onstant. DSC1520/SG001 (i) onsumer in ome 3 or supplementary4 good (ii) the pri e of a substitute (iii) the level of advertising Supply may be inuen ed by (i) the ost of produ tion (ii) the pri e of other goods (iii) available te hnology (iv) taxes or subsidies 2.2.1 Demand The term demand represents the quantity of a produ t or servi e (q ) that onsumers would buy at a ertain pri e (p). The demand for a produ t is negatively related to the pri e that is asked for the produ t, that is the quantity demanded de reases when the pri e in reases. Consumers will buy less of a produ t if its pri e in reases, while they will buy more of a produ t at a lower pri e. The demand fun tion an be modelled by the linear equation q = a − bp, where a and b are onstants, q is the dependent variable (on the verti al axis) and p the independent variable (on the horizontal axis). Comparing this with the linear fun tion, we see that the verti al inter ept is given by a. q = 0, We nd the inter ept on the horizontal axis by setting that is 0 = a − bp or p= a b. The general linear demand fun tion is graphed in Figure 2.4. q a Slope = −b a b Figure 2.4: Linear demand fun tion p q = a − bp Note that the demand fun tion falls in the rst quadrant of the graph, sin e q be less than zero. Example Consider the demand fun tion q = 200 − 2p. 3 4 A substitute good an be used instead of another, like trains and buses. A supplementary good is onsumed in onjun tion with another, like petrol and ars. 10 (quantity) and p (pri e) annot DSC1520/SG001 To plot the linear demand fun tion, we For example, by setting 0 = 200 − 2p or p = 100 p = 0 we an either nd two points on the line, or use the slope and inter ept. q = 200 − 2(0) = 200 (100; 0)). nd (the point (the point (0; 200)) and by setting q=0 we nd The graph of this demand fun tion is shown in Figure 2.5. q 200 150 100 50 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 2.5: Demand fun tion p q = 200 − 2p lear that the slope of the demand line is negative (−2). When the pri e is zero, It is q = 200 items are demanded. On the other hand, when the pri e is R100, the quantity demanded is zero, whi h means that the pri e is too high and nobody will buy the produ t. 2.2.2 Supply The term supply represents the quantity of a produ t or servi e (q ) that is made available in the market, depending on the pri e (p) of the produ t or servi e. There is a positive relationship between the supply of a produ t and its pri e, that is the quantity supplied in reases when the pri e in reases. When the pri e of a good is high, suppliers want to sell more in order to make more prot, thus in reasing supply. When the pri e of a good de reases, however, suppliers will also de rease the quantity supplied. As is the ase with the demand fun tion, we onsider supply (q ) as the dependent variable and pri e (p) as the independent variable. The general linear supply fun tion is given by q = c + dp, where q is the number of units supplied, p is the pri e per unit, and c and d are onstants. The graph of this supply fun tion is shown in Figure 2.6. Example John supplies hand-printed T-shirts to a raft market. He will only supply T-shirts when the pri e per T-shirt is more than R50 and will in rease his output by 20 units for every R10 in rease in pri e. To nd the supply fun tion, we need either a point on the line and the slope of it, or two points on the line. ⊲ It is given that q = 0 if p < 50, whi c this to Figure 2.6 above, we see that − d ⊲ ⊲ = 50, giving the verti al inter The slope of the line is found from the fa t that the slope of the line as d= 20 10 (p; q) = (50; 0). ept as c = −50d. h means the line goes through the point q Comparing will in rease by 20 for every R10 in rease in p, giving = 2. The verti al inter ept is therefore at c = −50(2) = −100, so that the supply fun tion is given by q = −100 + 2p. 11 DSC1520/SG001 q Slope c =d p − dc Figure 2.6: Linear supply fun tion q = c + dp We plot this supply fun tion as shown in Figure 2.7. q 200 100 0 50 −100 100 p 150 Figure 2.7: Linear supply fun tion q = −100 + 2p Note: * The slope of the line is positive, indi ating a positive relationship between pri e and supply. * The line under the horizontal line is dashed to indi ate that it is only in luded to draw the graph. * If we need the supply fun tion with p as the dependent variable, we transform the fun tion to nd that 2p = 100 + q or p = 50 + 0,5q. A tivity 1. Suppose the demand fun tion for joyrides at a merry-go-round is given by number of rides per hour and (a) Find the demand when (b) Use these p is the pri e per ride in rand. p=0 and the pri e when q = 0, oordinates to plot the demand fun tion with ( ) What is the q = 64 − 4p, and write these results as q where q is the oordinates. on the verti al axis. hange in demand (q ) if pri e (p) in reases by one unit? (d) Transform the demand fun tion to have pri e (p) as dependent variable. 2. The demand and supply fun tions for baby marrows are tively, with p the pri e in rand and q q = 210 − 3,5P the quantity in boxes. (a) Transform the supply fun tion to have q as the dependent variable. 12 and p = 0,25q + 22,5, respe - DSC1520/SG001 (b) By using the inter epts on the verti al and horizontal axes, graph the demand and supply fun tions on the same axes with q as dependent variable. ( ) Find the point where the demand and supply fun tions interse t. What does this point tell us? 3. A supplier supplies 50 T-shirts when the pri e is R60 per T-shirt and 90 T-shirts when the pri e is R110 per T-shirt. (a) Determine the equation of the supply fun tion as a fun tion of (b) How many additional T-shirts are supplied for ea h su q. essive R1 in rease in pri e? ( ) How many T-shirts are supplied when the pri e is R85? (d) What is the pri e when 120 T-shirts are supplied? 2.3 Pri e elasti ity of demand and supply It is ne essary for a rm to know how qui kly and ee tively it espe ially to pri e an respond to hanging market onditions, hanges. For example, if the pri e of a produ t is R900 per unit, will a 10% in rease in pri e result in a 10% de rease in demand, or will it have a larger per entage de rease in demand? Su h information is very important to rms as their total revenue from a produ t depends on both the pri e and the quantity sold. They need to know whether the additional revenue that will be generated by the pri e in rease will make up for the loss in revenue due to the de rease in demand. This is where elasti ity plays an important role, sin e it measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded/supplied to The oe ient of hange in an e onomi elasti ty variable su h as pri e or in ome. is determined as the ratio of the per entage supplied) to the per entage hange in quantity demanded (or hange in pri e. In general, the numeri al value of elasti ty (ε) is given without the sign. This is alled the absolute value, whi h is dened as |ε| = The oe ient of elasti ty 1. When |ε| > 1 (i.e. |ε| ε < −1 or ε > 1), (i.e. −1 < ε < 1), supply is weakly responsive to |ε| = 1 per entage (i.e. ε = −1 or ategories: we say demand or supply is elasti . This means that demand or hange in demand or hange in pri e. we say demand or supply is inelasti . This means that demand or hange in pri e, in other words the per entage supply is less than the per entage 3. When −ε if ε < 0. hange in pri e, in other words the per entage supply is greater than the per entage |ε| < 1 ε if ε ≥ 0, an fall in one of the following three supply is strongly responsive to 2. When ( hange in demand or hange in pri e. ε = 1), we say demand or supply is hange in demand or supply is equal to the per entage unit elasti . This means that the hange in pri e. 2.3.1 Pri e elasti ity of demand Pri e elasti ity of demand (εd ) is a measure of how demand responds to a rise (or fall) in the pri e of a good or servi e. 13 DSC1520/SG001 Pri e elasti ty of demand is al ulated as % change in quantity demanded % change in price %∆q = %∆p εd = The numeri al value of εd = ∆q q ∆p p = ∆q p · . ∆p q × 100 × 100 is negative, sin e the slope of the demand line given by ∆q ∆p is negative. We know that the slope of a straight line is given by the number of units the variable on the verti al axis unit hange in the variable on the horizontal axis, whi h is ∆q ∆p = −b hanges per for the demand fun tion q = a − bp. Therefore, εd = ∆q ∆p · p q = −b · p q is also negative. This negative sign indi ates the dire tion of responsiveness of demand with regard to hange in pri e, namely an in rease in pri e will result in a de rease in demand, while a de rease in pri e will result in an in rease in demand. Note that pri e elasti ity an also be written as a fun tion of only εd = −b · This formula We ontains only p as a variable, sin e a p, that is p p = −b · . q a − bp and b are onstants in the demand fun tion. onsider two approa hes to measuring pri e elasti ity, namely point elasti ity and ar elasti ity. Point pri e elasti ity of demand Point elasti ity measures elasti ity at a point on the demand fun tion. For the demand fun tion q = a − bp, point elasti ity at any point (p0 ; q0 ) is ∆q p0 ∆p q0 p0 = −b × , q0 εd = sin e the slope of the demand line is ∆q ∆p = −b. Example The demand fun tion for a ertain kind of omputer is given by q = 4 800 − 2p. Let's determine the point elasti ity of demand when p = 1 800, p = 1 200 14 and p = 600. DSC1520/SG001 ⊲ When p = 1 800, then q = 4 800 − 2(1 800) = 1 200, εd = −b × |ε| = 3 > 1 and This means that (or de rease) in pri e will ⊲ When p = 1 200, then ⊲ When p = 600, then and an further say that a 1% in rease ause a 3% de rease (or in rease) in demand. that is (p0 ; q0 ) = (1 200; 2 400) and p0 1 200 = −2 × = −1. q0 2 400 and demand is unit elasti at this pri e. This means that a 1% in rease (or ause a 1% de rease (or in rease) in demand. q = 4 800 − 2(600) = 3 600, εd = −b × This means that at this pri e. We q = 4 800 − 2(1 200) = 2 400, |ε| = 1 de rease) in pri e will (p0 ; q0 ) = (1 800; 1 200) 1 800 p0 = −2 × = −3. q0 1 200 demand is elasti εd = −b × This means that that is |ε| = 0,33 < 1 (or de rease) in pri e will that is (p0 ; q0 ) = (600; 3 600) and p0 600 = −2 × = −0,33. q0 3 600 and demand is inelasti at this pri e. This means that a 1% in rease ause a 0,33% de rease (or in rease) in demand. Ar pri e elasti ity of demand Ar pri e elasti ity measures the elasti ity of demand over an interval. It uses the average of the pri es and quantities at the beginning and end of the interval under If the interval is from (p1 ; q1 ) to (p2 ; q2 ) εd = onsideration to on the demand line, ar al ulate elasti ity. pri e elasti ity is ∆q 12 (p1 + p2 ) p1 + p2 = −b · · 1 . ∆p 2 (q1 + q2 ) q1 + q2 Example Consider the demand fun tion for a kind of omputer as before, namely q = 4 800 − 2p. To determine ar elasti ity if pri e in reases from R1 000 to R1 500, we need to nd the quantities demanded at these pri es. If p = 1 000, then q = 4 800 − 2(1 000) = 2 800 to get (p1 ; q1 ) = (1 000; 2 800). If p = 1 500, then q = 4 800 − 2(1 500) = 1 800 to get (p2 ; q2 ) = (1 500; 1 800). Then ar pri e elasti ity is εd = −b · Sin e |εd | > 1, demand is elasti 1 000 + 1 500 p1 + p2 = −2 · = −2 × 0,54 = −1,08. q1 + q2 2 800 + 1 800 over the given interval. 15 DSC1520/SG001 2.3.2 Pri e elasti ity of supply The on ept of elasti ity derived for point and ar an also be applied to the analysis of the pri e elasti ity of supply. The formulae sensitivity of demand, an also be derived for supply, but sin e the supply fun tion has a positive slope, elasti ity will also be positive. Pri e elasti ity of supply (εs ) is a measure of the how supply responds to a rise (or fall) in the pri e of a good or servi e. Consider the supply fun tion q = c + dp with slope d. Point pri e elasti ity of supply is al ulated as % change in quantity supplied % change in price ∆q p · = ∆p q p =d· , q εs = and ar elasti ity of supply over the interval εs = (p1 ; q1 ) to (p2 ; q2 ) on the supply line, is ∆q 12 (p1 + p2 ) p1 + p2 · 1 . =d· ∆p 2 (q1 + q2 ) q1 + q2 Example Consider the supply fun tion p = 10 + 0,5q, The point elasti ity of supply at pri e whi h we p = R25 (where εs = d · Sin e |εs | > 1, supply is elasti an transform to q = 30) q = −20 + 2p. is 25 p =2· = 1,67. q 30 at a pri e of R25. If the pri e in reases by 1%, supply will in rease by 1,67%. A tivity demand fun tion demanded at pri e p. 1. The for a ertain kind of al ulator is q = 250 − 5p, with p only. (a) Find the expression for point elasti ity of demand in terms of (b) Cal ulate point elasti ity of demand at pri es ( ) Cal ulate ar p = 20 and p = 30, q the number of and explain ea h of the results. elasti ity of demand if the pri e in reases from R25 to R35. 2. The supply fun tion for a ertain produ t is given by p = 90 + 0,05q , with p quantity, respe tively. (a) Find the formula for pri e elasti ity of supply in terms of p. (b) Determine pri e elasti ity of supply when the pri e is R70. ( ) Cal ulate ar al ulators elasti ity of supply when the pri e in reases from R40 to R60. 16 and q the pri e and Chapter 3: Appli ations of simultaneous fun tions Learning obje tives After you have ⊲ ⊲ hapter, you should be able to determine the point where two (or more) equations or inequalities interse t explain the ⊲ ompleted this determine pri e and quantity at market equilibrium in the goods and labour markets determine and interpret the ee t of intervention through pri e determine and interpret the ee t of determine the break-even point after setting up explain the ⊲ explain the omplementary and substitute goods on ept of break-even determine the break-even point, given total revenue (T R) and total ⊲ eilings, pri e oors, taxes and subsidies explain the on ept of equilibrium on epts of determine T R and T C ost (T C ) fun tions fun tions frome available information onsumer and produ er surplus onsumer, produ er and total surplus from given demand and supply fun tions on ept of linear programming (LP) set up the obje tive fun tion and plot the onstraints for an LP model from given information onstraints, nd the feasible area and solve an LP model graphi ally 3.1 Equilibrium E onomi equilibrium is dened as a state in whi h e onomi for es su h as supply and demand are balan ed. When in equilibrium, the values of e onomi variables will not In a perfe tly equilibrium is the point where the supply of and demand for a ompetitive market, e onomi hange if there are no external inuen es. produ t are equal. This point is found on a graph where the lines representing supply and demand interse t. 3.1.1 Equilibrium in the goods market Market equilibrium o 1 for and supply2 of a produ t (or good) are in balan e, that is urs when the demand when the number of units that (qs ). Equilibrium also o onsumers demand (qd ) is equal to the number of units that produ ers supply the pri e that the produ er is willing to a At market equilibrium, the following ept (ps ). onditions hold: qd = qs 1 2 onsumers are willing to pay (pd ) for a good is equal to urs when the pri e that and pd = ps . Consumer demand is the number of units of a produ t that onsumers buy in stores. Produ er supply is the number of units that a produ er makes available to be sold in retail stores. 17 DSC1520/SG001 Example The demand and supply fun tions for a ertain produ t are given as qd = 210 − 3,5pd and qs = −90 + 4ps To nd the equilibrium pri e and quantity, we need to solve the demand and supply fun tions simultaneously. Sin e the fun tions are both given in the form q(p), we set them as equal and solve for p (the equilibrium pri e), that is qd = qs 210 − 3,5p = −90 + 4p −3,5p − 4p = −90 − 210 7,5p = 300 p = 40. To nd the equilibrium quantity, we substitute p = 40 into either one of the given fun tions, to nd q = 210 − 3,5(40) = 70 or q = −90 + 4(40) = 70. Figure 3.1 shows how market equilibrium is determined graphi ally by plotting the fun tions on the same axes and nding the point of interse tion, that is at point E0 . q 210 180 150 120 90 b 60 E0 = (40; 70) 30 0 −30 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 p −60 −90 Figure 3.1: Equilibrium if qd = 210 − 3,5pd and qs = −90 + 4ps 3.1.2 Equilibrium in the labour market Labour market equilibrium o supply (ls ). Also, when the workers are willing to a urs when the labour that rms demand (ld ) is equal to the labour that workers wage (or salary) that a rm is willing to pay (ws ) is equal to the wage that ept (wd ), the labour market is in equilibrium. At labour market equilibrium, the following onditions hold: ld = ls and 18 wd = ws . DSC1520/SG001 Example At a small bottling ompany, the demand fun tion is given as ld = 15 − 1,67wd , and the supply fun tion as ls = −5 + 2,5ws , where labour is measured in number of workers and wage in hourly salary. To nd the we set ld = ls ompany's equilibrium, to nd 15 − 1,67w = −5 + 2,5w −1,67w − 2,5w = −5 − 15 4,17w = 20 w = 4,8. Substituting this into either the demand or supply fun tions, we nd l = −5 + 2,5(4,8) = 7. Therefore, at equilibrium the ompany should employ seven workers at a wage of R4,80 per hour. Graphi ally, we represent the situation as shown in Figure 3.2, where E0 is the labour market equilibrium the demand and supply lines interse t. l 15 12 9 b 6 E0 = (4,8; 7) 3 0 −3 1 2 3 Figure 3.2: Equilibrium if ld 4 5 6 7 = 15 − 1,67wd 8 9 and ls w = −5 + 2,5ws 3.1.3 Pri e ontrols and government intervention in markets It often happens that markets fail to a hieve market equilibrium owing to ertain fa tors, su h as the existen e of rms with monopoly power or intervention by the government. In this se tion we look at government intervenes through pri e ases where the ontrols. Pri e eilings When government believes that the equilibrium pri e is too high for pri e pri e. 3 onsumers to pay, they may establish a eiling3 below market equilibrium. The pri e is then not allowed to ex eed this Maximum pri e ontrol. 19 eiling (or maximum) DSC1520/SG001 Example Suppose the demand and supply fun tions for a good are given by pd = 100 − 0,5qd These fun tions an be transformed to have q pd = ps or qd = qs , and qs = −20 + 2ps . we nd the equilibrium pri e and quantity to be qe = 55 Suppose a pri e ps = 10 + 0,5qs . as the dependent variable, that is qd = 200 − 2pd By setting either and eiling of R40 is introdu ed (p and = 40). pe = 90. The number of units demanded and supplied at this pri e, is then qd = 200 − 2(40) = 120 and qs = −20 + 2(40) = 60. 4 at this pri e and a shortage of This means that demand is higher than supply the market. This shortage 120 − 60 = 60 units exists in reates an opportunity for someone to buy the 60 units at the lower pri e of R40 and sell them on the bla k market for more than the equilibrium pri e, sin e there is a demand for them. The pri e that onsumers are willing to pay if these 60 units are made available, is pd = 100 − 0,5(60) = R70 and the bla k marketeer an potentially make a prot of P = TR − TC = number sold (demanded) × price per unit − number bought × cost per unit = 60 × 70 − 60 × 40 = R1 800. Figure 3.3 illustrates this situation graphi ally, with the potential prot to be made by the bla k marketeer represented by the shaded area. Pri e oors When government believes that the equilibrium pri e is too low for produ ers to re eive, a minimum pri e ( alled a pri e oor) an be set to prote t produ ers. Su h a pri e operates above market equilibrium. Example Consider a labour market with demand and supply fun tions wd = 9 − 0,6ld These fun tions an be transformed to have l and ws = 2 + 0,4ls . as dependent variable: ld = 15 − 1,67wd and ls = −5 + 2,5ws . On page 19, we found the equilibrium wage and number of labourers to be seven labourers at an hourly wage of R4,80. 4 Produ ers will only make 60 units available to be sold in retail stores at the lower pri e. 20 DSC1520/SG001 p 100 90 80 70 60 b 50 E0 = (90; 55) Pri e eiling 40 30 20 10 20 Figure 3.3: Pri e 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 eiling of R40 for market with pd = 100 − 0,5qd and q ps = 10 + 0,5qs If the government makes a law that wages may not be lower than R6,00 per hour, whi h is higher than the market equilibrium, employers will have to employ fewer people, de reasing employer demand to ld = 15 − 1,67(6) = 4,98 ≈ 5 labourers. More employees will be willing to work for this higher wage, in reasing the supply of employees to ls = −5 + 2,5(6) = 10 labourers. This means that there will be a surplus of ve employees in the market (unemployment will rise by ve). Figure 3.4 depi ts the situation: w 9 8 7 Pri e oor 6 5 b E0 = (7; 4,8) 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 3.4: Equilibrium if ld 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l = 15 − 1,67wd and ls = −5 + 2,5ws A tivity 1. Lindiwe designs and manufa tures fashion jewellery. The demand and supply fun tions for rings are pd = 800 − 2qd and 21 ps = −40 + 8qs , DSC1520/SG001 respe tively. (a) Transform the supply and demand fun tions to have quantity as dependent variable. (b) Cal ulate the equilibrium pri e and quantity. ( ) Find the ex ess of rings supplied if the pri e per ring is set as R720. (d) Find the ex ess demand if the pri e is lowered to R560. 2. The demand and supply fun tions for labour are given as wd = 70 − 4ld respe tively, where w and ws = 10 + 2ls is the hourly wage payable by the employer and l is the number of workers employed. (a) Write the given demand and supply fun tions with labour l as dependent variable. (b) Determine the equilibrium number of workers and wage per hour. ( ) Find the ex ess demand for labour when (d) Find the ex ess supply of labour when w = 20. w = 40. 3.1.4 Complementary and substitute goods Sin e produ ts are not always traded in isolation, we need to know how omplementary and substitute goods ae t market equilibrium. Complementary goods are goods that are and software, et . The one Substitute goods onsumed together, like ars and petrol; and omputer hardware annot fun tion without the other. are goods that are onsumed instead of ea h other, like oee or tea and a train or a bus on ertain routes. Consider two goods, ⊲ If X and Y are X and Y. omplementary goods, then the demand fun tion for good X is given by qX = a − bpX − cpY , where a, b and c are onstant The negative sign before cpY oe ients, while pX and pY are the pri es of goods indi ates that demand for good in reases. For example, when the pri e of ars in reases, X X and Y , respe tively. de reases as the pri e of good onsumers will buy fewer ars and Y onsequently the demand for petrol will de rease. ⊲ If X and Y are substitute goods, then the demand for X is given by qX = a − pX + cpY . Adding cpY means that as the pri e of Y in reases, more of X will be demanded. For example, if train fares in rease, people will rather take the bus, in reasing the demand for bus transport. Example Consider a two-goods market with demand and supply fun tions for good qdX = 82 − 3pX + pY and 22 X (Y being a substitute good) are qsX = −5 + 15pX . DSC1520/SG001 The demand and supply fun tions for good Y (X being the substitute good) are qdY = 92 + 2pX − 4pY and qsY = −6 + 32pY . Then, at equilibrium, qdX = qsX 82 − 3pX + pY = −5 + 15pX −3pX − 15pX + pY = −5 − 82 −18pX + pY = −87 (3.1) and pdX = psX 92 + 2pX − 4pY = −6 + 32pY 2pX − 4pY − 32pY = −6 − 92 2pX − 36pY = −98. (3.2) We now need to solve this system of simultaneous equations. From Equation 3.1 we nd that pY = −87 + 18pX . (3.3) Subtituting this into Equation 3.2 gives 2pX − 36(−87 + 18pX ) = −98 2pX + 3132 − 648pX = −98 −646pX = −3 230 pX = 5. Substituting ba k into Equation 3.3 gives pY = −87 + 18(5) = 3. To nd the equilibrium quantities, we simply substitute pX = 5 and pY = 3 into the given equations: qdX = 82 − 3pX + pY = 82 − 3(5) + 3 = 70 and qdY = 92 + 2pX − 4pY = 92 + 2(5) − 4(3) = 90. The equilibrium pri es and quantities in this two-goods market are pX = 5, qx = 70, pY = 3, qY = 90. A tivity 1. The demand and supply fun tions for two omplementary produ ts, pit hing wedges (X ) and putters (Y ), are given as qdX = 190 − 2pX − 2pY and qsX = −10 + 2pX qdY = 240 − 2pX − 4pY and qsY = −40 + pY , and where pX and pY are measured in hundreds of rands. (a) Determine the equilibrium pri es for pit hing wedges and putters. (b) Find the equilibrium quantities for the two produ ts. 23 DSC1520/SG001 3.1.5 Taxes and subsidies Governments an intervene in the market by imposing taxes and/or subsidies. When a tax is put on a produ t, we say it is an indire t tax, whi h may be either of the following: ⊲ a xed amount per unit of output, for example the tax imposed on petrol, al ohol and toba ⊲ a per entage of the pri e of a good, for example value added tax (VAT) In this module, we only onsider xed tax per unit. We assume that the o onsumer always pays the equilibrium pri e, while the supplier re eives the equilibrium pri e minus the tax. Fixed tax per unit When a xed tax per unit is imposed on a produ t, the produ er will re eive the pri e is p − t. The supply fun tion p = c + dq p minus tax t, that will then be ome p − t = c + dq or p = c + dq + t. Example The demand and supply fun tions for a good are given as pd = 100 − 0,5qd and ps = 10 + 0,5qs . The equilibrium pri e and quantity are found by equating the demand and supply fun tions, that is 100 − 0,5q = 10 + 0,5q, whi h results in q = 90 and p = 55. If government now imposes a xed tax of R6 per unit sold, the supplier re eives supply fun tion be omes ps − 6 = 10 + 0,5qs or ps − 6 per unit, and the ps = 16 + 0,5qs . Now, we nd equilibrium by equating the new taxed supply fun tion and the demand fun tion, that is 100 − 0,5q = 16 + 0,5q, whi h results in q = 84 and p = 58. In Figure 3.5, the supply fun tions before and after tax as well as the equilibrium points before (E0 ) and after tax (Et ) are shown. As stated before, the After tax, onsumer always pays the equilibrium pri e. onsumers pay R58 per unit, whi h is R3 more than the equilibrium before tax (R55). On the other hand, the produ er re eives the new equilibrium pri e, minus the R6 tax, that is R58−R6 = R52, whi h is R3 less than the equilibrium pri e before tax. In this ase, the tax is distributed evenly between the produ er and onsumer ea h pays 50% of the tax. Subsidies When a produ t is subsidised by Rs per unit, the produ er will re eive the equilibrium pri e subsidy, that is p + s. In this ase the supply fun tion be omes p + s = c + dq or 24 p = c + dq − s. p, plus the DSC1520/SG001 p 100 ps = 16 + 0,5qs 90 ps = 10 + 0,5qs 80 70 ET = (84; 58) 60 b b 50 E0 = (90; 55) 40 pd = 100 − 0,5qd 30 20 10 50 100 150 200 q Figure 3.5: Equilibrium before and after tax Example The demand and supply fun tions for rates of pears are given as pd = 450 − 2qd The equilibrium pri e and quantity are and ps = 100 + 5qs . al ulated by equating the demand and supply fun tions, that is 450 − 2q = 100 + 5q, whi h results in q = 50 that is 50 rates at a pri e of R350 per If a subsidy of R70 per and rate. rate is provided, the supply fun tion be omes ps + 70 = 100 + 5qs Now, the equilibrium is p = 350, or ps = 30 + 5qs . al ulated as 450 − 2q = 30 + 5q −7q = −420 q = 60, with p = 30 + 5(60) = 330. Figure 3.6 shows the supply fun tions before and after subsidy as well as the equilibrium points before (E0 ) and after subsidy (Es ). As before, the onsumer pays the equilibrium pri e, that is R330 per than before. The onsumer therefore re eives 20 70 ≈ 29% rate after subsidy. That is R20 less of the subsidy. The produ er, on the other hand, re eives the equilibrium pri e plus the subsidy, that is whi h is R50 more than before the subsidy. The produ er therefore re eives 25 50 70 ≈ 71% 330 + 70 = 400, of the subsidy. DSC1520/SG001 p ps = 100 + 5qs 500 Produ er pri e400 Consumer pri e ps = 30 + 5qs E0 b ES b 300 200 pd = 450 − 2qd 100 50 100 150 200 q 250 Figure 3.6: Equilibrium before and after subsidy A tivity The demand and supply fun tions for golf lessons at a pd = 200 − 5qd ertain golf and lub are given as ps = 92 + 4qs . 1. Find the equilibrium pri e and quantity algebrai ally. Show this graphi ally. 2. Government imposes a tax of R9 per lesson. (a) Write down the equation of the supply fun tion adjusted for tax and then graph it on the same graph as in Question 1. (b) Cal ulate the equilibrium pri e and quantity with tax taken into a ( ) How is the tax distributed between the ount. ustomer and the supplier (the lub)? 3.2 Break-even analysis In business, it is usually very important to know how many of a produ t should be sold to break even, that is when the in ome from selling the produ t equals the the osts have been overed and the business ost to produ e or buy it. This is the point where an start making prot. At break-even the total revenue re eived (T R) is equal to the osts asso iated with the pro esses needed to generate the revenue (T C ). This means that at break-even TR = TC with FC xed ost(s) and VC variable or T R = F C + V C, ost. Example For a ertain good, total revenue and total T R = 3q ost fun tions are given as and 26 T C = 10 + 2q, DSC1520/SG001 where q is the number of units produ ed and sold. The break-even point is found by setting TR = TC 3q = 10 + 2q q = 10. This means that when ten units of the good is sold, total revenue is equal to total T R = 3 × 10 = 30 and Figure 3.7 shows the osts. At this point, T C = 10 + 2 × 10 = 30. TR and TC fun tions, and the break-even point at TR TC T R = 3q 30 b q = 10. T C = 10 + 2q Break-even point 20 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 q Figure 3.7: Break-even point A tivity 1. A rm sells their produ t for R30 per item. Their xed osts amounts to R200 and the variable ost is R5 per unit produ ed. (a) How many units should the rm produ e and sell to break even? (b) Cal ulate the value of total revenue and total 2. A rm manufa tures ost at break-even. hildren's wat hes that are sold for R6,60 ea h. The rm's total manufa turing these wat hes is ost fun tion for T C = 800 + 0,2q . (a) Write down the total revenue fun tion. (b) How many wat hes must be manufa tured and sold to break even? ( ) Suppose that at the rm's break-even point, they sell 160 wat hes. What is the pri e per wat h in this situation? 3.3 Consumer and produ er surplus 3.3.1 Consumer surplus Consumer surplus CS is the dieren e between what onsumers are willing and able to spend on a produ t and what they a tually spend (at market pri e). The market pri e of a produ t is often lower than the pri e that what we have learnt thus far, we know the following: 27 onsumers are willing to pay. In terms of DSC1520/SG001 ⊲ Market pri e is given by the pri e at equilibrium. ⊲ The pri e that onsumers are willing to pay, is given by the demand fun tion. For example, the demand and supply fun tions for a p = 100 − 0,5q ertain produ t are given by and p = 10 + 0,5q. At equilibrium, we nd the market pri e and quantity of the produ t by equating the demand and supply fun tions, that is 100 − 0,5q = 10 + 0,5q, giving q = 90, and p = 100 − 0,5(90) = 55. In Figure 3.8(a), the demand fun tion is graphed with the equilibrium point indi ated at E0 = (p0 ; q0 ) = (90; 55). The shaded area under the demand line, between q=0 and q = 90, represents the amount that onsumers are willing to spend on the produ t. At the market pri e of R55 per unit, 90 units of the produ t are sold. The amount that spend on the produ t is p0 × q0 = 55 × 90 = onsumers a tually R4 950. This amount is represented by the shaded area of the re tangle in Figure 3.8(b). As stated earlier, the onsumer surplus is the amount that onsumers are willing to spend over and above expenditure at market pri e. This is represented by the area under the demand line from q = 0 to q = 90 and above the line representing market pri e. This is the shaded area in Figure 3.8( ) and is known as onsumer surplus. p p A 100 p0 = 55 p A 100 E0 (q0 ; p0 ) q0 = 90 200 100 E0 55 q 200 q (b) Amount a tually spent Figure 3.8: Cal ulating Consumer surplus for our problem is E0 55 90 (a) Amount willing to spend A 90 200 q ( ) Consumer surplus onsumer surplus al ulated as follows: CS = amount consumers are willing to spend − amount actually spent = area under demand line from 0 to q0 − (p0 × q0 ) = area of triangle p0 E0 A = 0,5 × 90 × (100 − 55) = R2 025 (area of triangle = 1/2 × base × height) 3.3.2 Produ er surplus Now onsider the situation from produ ers' point of view. minimum pri e at whi h produ ers are willing to produ e. 28 The market pri e might be higher than the DSC1520/SG001 Again onsider the demand and supply fun tions, whi h are p = 100 − 0,5q For the supply fun tion p0 = p = 10 + 0,5Q, and the produ er sells R55 per unit. The resulting revenue is Figure 3.9(a). 90 × 55 = However, the supply line represents pri es that are a ure 3.9(b) therefore represents the revenue that is a supply line, between q=0 and p = 10 + 0,5q. q0 = 90 units of the produ t at market pri e of R4 950, whi h is represented by the shaded area in eptable to the produ er. The shaded area in Fig- eptable to the produ er. This is the area under the q = 90. Produ er surplus is therefore given by the revenue at market pri e, minus the revenue that the produ er would be willing to a ept. This is shown as the shaded area in Figure 3.9( ). p p 100 p 100 p0 = 55 E0 100 10 10 q0 = 90 200 B = 10 q 90 (a) Revenue at market pri e E0 p0 = 55 E0 55 200 q q0 = 90 (b) A eptable revenue 200 q ( ) Produ er surplus Figure 3.9: Cal ulating produ er surplus Produ er surplus for our supply fun tion is al ulated as follows: P S = p0 × q0 − area under supply line to the left of q0 = area of triangle p0 E0 B = 0,5 × 90 × (55 − 10) (1/2 × base × height.) = R2 025 3.3.3 Total surplus The total surplus at market equilibrium is simply the sum of onsumer surplus and produ er surplus at market pri e. Example The demand and supply fun tions of shirts are given as pd = 60 − 0,6qd and ps = 20 + 0,2qs . Again, we nd the equilibrium pri e and quantity by setting demand equal to supply, that is pd = ps 60 − 0,6q = 20 + 0,2q −0,6q − 0,2q = 20 − 60 −40 = 50 q= −0,8 29 DSC1520/SG001 and p = 20 + 0,2(50) = 30. Figure 3.10 shows the demand and supply fun tions, with the equilibrium point at E0 . p A 60 50 40 CS E0 p0 = 30 PS 20 B 10 25 q0 = 50 Figure 3.10: Market equilibrium; Consumer surplus is represented by the triangle 75 100 q onsumer surplus and produ er surplus AE0 p0 . This area is al ulated as CS = 0,5 × base × height = 0,5 × 50 × (60 − 30) = 750. Produ er surplus is represented by the triangle BE0 p0 and the area is al ulated as P S = 0,5 × base × height = 0,5 × 50 × 10× = 250. Total surplus at market equilibrium is therefore CS + P S = 750 + 250 = 1 000. A tivity 1. The demand and supply fun tions for seats on a tour bus are given by pd = 58 − 0,2qd and ps = 4 + 0,1qs . (a) Find the equilibrium pri e and quantity. Plot the demand and supply fun tions, and show the areas representing onsumer surplus and produ er surplus at equilibrium. (b) Cal ulate the following: i. the amount ii. the amount iii. onsumers pay (at equilibrium) onsumers are willing to pay onsumer surplus (CS ) ( ) Cal ulate the following: i. the amount the bus ompany (the produ er) re eives for seats on the bus ii. the amount that the bus ompany is willing to a iii. produ er surplus (P S ) 30 ept DSC1520/SG001 3.4 Linear programming Linear programming (LP) is a method where a problem is modelled by representing the exist in terms of the variables as linear fun tions. The prot or minimising ost, also obje tive fun tion onstraints that of the model, su h as maximising onsists of a linear relationship between the variables of the problem. When su h a model is solved, values for the variables are found that optimise the obje tive fun tion. The important aspe ts of an LP model are the are onstraints and the obje tive fun tion. Also, the way variables hosen to represent elements of the problem have an impa t on the su variables should be arefully ess of su h a model, therefore onsidered. When given a real-life problem statement and one needs to formulate it as an LP model, the following steps should be followed: 1. Dene the de ision variables. The following steps are all performed a ording to these variables. 2. Analyse the given information and put it in some stru ture like a table. 3. Write down the obje tive fun tion, that is the fun tion that needs to be optimised. 4. Set up the onstraints of the problem. Now let us illustrate these steps based on the following problem statement: A manufa turer of leather arti les produ es boots and ja kets. The manufa turing pro ess sists of two a tivities, namely making ( utting and stit hing) and on- nishing. There are 800 labour hours available per month for making the arti les and 1 200 hours for nishing them. It takes four hours to make a pair of boots and three hours to nish them. It takes two hours to make a ja ket and four hours to nish it. They sell a pair of boots for R1 200 and a ja ket for R900. To formulate an LP model for this problem, we follow the steps above with the obje tive to maximise monthly revenue. 1. De ision variables When we read this problem statement, we realise that the manufa turer needs to determine how many pairs of boots and how many ja kets they should manufa ture to maximise revenue. variables 2. are therefore The de ision hosen to represent this obje tive, namely letting ⊲ x be the number of pairs of boots to manufa ture; and ⊲ y be the number of ja kets to manufa ture. Stru ture the information To give stru ture to the given information, we set up the following table: Ja kets Hours (x) (y ) available Making 4 2 800 Finishing 3 4 1 200 1 200 900 Pri e 3. Boots Obje tive fun tion The revenue from selling boots is Rx = 1 200x and the revenue from selling ja kets is 31 Ry = 900y , with DSC1520/SG001 total revenue T R = Rx + Ry = 1 200x + 900y . The obje tive fun tion is therefore Maximise T R = 1 200x + 900y. 4. Constraints The onstraints of the problem are represented by the following linear inequalities: 4x + 2y ≤ 800 x, y ≥ 0 (only 800 hours available for making) 3x + 4y ≤ 1 200 (only 1 200 hours available for finishing) (impossible to produce a negative number of items) The LP model for our problem is therefore the following: Maximise T R = 1 200x + 900y subject to 4x + 2y ≤ 800 (Making) 3x + 4y ≤ 1 200 (Finishing) x, y ≥ 0 (Non-negativity) To solve a model like this, we need to determine how many of ea h of the produ ts must be manufa tured and sold to maximise total revenue. We use the graphi al method, whi h follows the following steps: 1. Plot the onstraint inequalities on the same axes. Treat them as equations and then determine on whi h side of the line ea h inequality holds. 2. Find the feasible area. This is where the inequalities overlap and all the onstraints are feasible. 3. Determine where the obje tive fun tion is optimised. To plot the we onstraints in our LP model, we rst treat them as equations. For example, to graph onsider the equation 4x+2y ≤ 800, 4x + 2y = 800. x = 0 to nd the y inter ept x = 200 (from 4x + 2(0) = 800). Set Draw the line through the as y = 400 (from 4(0) + 2y = 800) and y=0 to nd the x inter ept as oordinates (0; 400) and (200; 0). Determine whi h side of the line represents the inequality by using the origin (0; 0) and see whether it satises the inequality. [Substitute x=0 and y=0 into the inequality to nd 4(0) + 2(0) = 0 < 800, is true.℄ The origin therefore falls inside the feasible area of this inequality and we whi h an shade this area, as in Figure 3.11(a). The same pro edure is followed to draw the fun tion 3x + 4y = 1 200 and nd the feasible area as shown in Figure 3.11(b). The non-negative onstraints positive. x≥0 and y≥0 restri t us to the rst quadrant, where x and y are always In Figure 3.11( ), all the inequalities are drawn on the same axes. The area where the feasible areas overlap (the he kered area) is the feasible area of the model. In this area all the onstraints are satised. Now, to nd the point in this feasible area where the total revenue fun tion maximum, we we an either al ulate the total revenue at ea h orner point and T R = 1 200x + 900y an draw the isorevenue lines to nd the optimum. Total revenue at the orner points as shown in Figure 3.12(a) is as shown in Table 3.1. 32 is a hoose the highest number, or DSC1520/SG001 y y y 400 400 400 300 300 300 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 200 300 400 x x 100 200 300 400 (a) 4x + 2y ≤ 800 100 200 300 400 (b) 3x + 4y ≤ 1 200 x ( ) Feasible area Figure 3.11: Finding the feasible area Point Coordinates Total Revenue 1 200x + 900y A (0, 300) 270 000 B (80; 240) 312 000 C (200; 0) 240 000 Table 3.1: Total revenue at The isolines with slope − 34 (from T R = 1 200x + 900y ) ← Maximum orner points are shown in Figure 3.12(b) where it is lear that revenue is a maximum at the point (80; 240). (Find this point by solving the simultaneous equations 4x + 2y = 800 and 3x + 4y = 1 200.) y y 400 300 400 A(0; 300) 300 B(80; 240) B(80; 240) 200 200 100 100 C(200; 0) 100 200 300 400 x 100 (a) Feasible area and orner points 200 300 400 x (b) Feasible area and isorevenue lines Figure 3.12: Maximise total revenue The solution to the LP model is to manufa ture (and sell) 200 pairs of boots and 300 ja kets for maximum revenue of R312 000. Example Consider the following problem statement: 33 DSC1520/SG001 A daily diet requires a minimum of 600 mg of vitamin C, 360 mg of vitamin D and 40 mg of vitamin E. Two food mixes, X and Y, ontain these vitamins per portion as given in the following table: Per portion of Per portion of Vit D Vit E Cost per mg (mg) (mg) (mg) (R) 20 10 4 5 30 20 1 4 600 360 40 X Y Minimum daily requirement Find the number of portions of food mixes minimum Vit C X and Y that will satisfy the minimum dietary requirements at ost. To model this problem as an LP, we follow the steps spe ied before. 1. De ision variables x Let 2. be the number of portions of food mix X and y the number of portions of food mix Y. Obje tive fun tion The obje tive is to minimise in lude X osts R5. So if we Y osts 4y . Therefore, ost. From the table, we see that a portion of mix x portions per day, the ost is 5x. Likewise, to in lude y portions of mix the total obje tive fun tion is Minimise cost = 5x + 4y. 3. Constraints The onstraints on the problem are the minimum daily requirements of ea h vitamin. The requirements are not exa t one may take in more than the minimum therefore they are A ording to the table, food mix and food mix Y X inequality onstraints. ontains 20 mg, 10 mg and 4 mg of vitamins C, D and E, respe tively, ontains 30 mg, 20 mg and 1 mg of vitamins C, D and E, respe tively. It is also stated that the diet should in lude at least 600 mg of vitamin C, 360 mg of vitamin D and 40 mg of vitamin E. Furthermore, the number of portions annot be negative, so x and y must be greater than or equal to zero. The onstraints are therefore 20x + 30y ≥ 600 (vit C) 10x + 20y ≥ 360 (vit D) 4x + y ≥ 40 (vit E) x, y ≥ 0 4. (non-negativity) Plot the onstraints and nd the feasible area To graph ea h onstraint, the easiest is to determine the inter epts on the x and y axes. This is done in the following table: Equation Vit C Vit D Vit E 20x + 30y = 600 10x + 20y = 360 4x + y = 40 x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0 x axis inter ept (y = 0) 20x + 0 = 600 → x = 30 10x + 0 = 360 → x = 36 4x + 0 = 40 → x = 10 First quadrant 34 y axis inter ept (x = 0) 0 + 30y = 600 → y = 20 0 + 20y = 360 → y = 18 0 + y = 40 → y = 40 DSC1520/SG001 Now, plot the lines and determine on whi h side of the line ea h inequality holds. (See Se tion C.4.) Figure 3.13 shows the onstraints and the area where the onstraints overlap the feasible area. x 40 P(0, 40) Feasible area 20 18 Q(6, 16) R(12, 12) S(36, 0) 30 10 Vit E 36 y Vit C Vit D Figure 3.13: Inequalities and feasible area 5. Optimise the obje tive fun tion There are two ways of determining the optimal solution, namely by value at ea h of the whi h al ulating the obje tive fun tion orner points and sele ting the lowest, or by using isolines to determine graphi ally orner point represents minimum ost (the optimal solution). 35 DSC1520/SG001 ⊲ The values of the obje tive fun tion at the It is therefore Point (x, y ) Cost = 5x + 4y P(0, 40) Cost 5(0) + 4(40) = 160 5(6) + 4(16) = 94 5(12) + 4(12) = 108 5(36) + 4(0) = 180 Q(6, 16) Cost R(12, 12) Cost S(36, 0) Cost al ulated as follows: ← Minimum lear that the optimum solution is at point Q where six portions of food mix 16 portions of food mix at the minimum ⊲ orner points are Y are onsumed. The minimum daily vitamin requirements are satised We start by assuming that the diet all have the same slope. The ost fun tion at dierent values of The line has a slope of − 45 osts R200 per day to get the slope of the iso ost lines, whi h 5 y = − x + 50. 4 or and is depi ted as a thi k, dashed line on the graph in Figure 3.14. The lines parallel to this line that pass through the orner points of the feasible area are shown as thinner dashed lines. As the lines move lower in the graph, the ost ost de reases and is at it lowest = R94. This is the optimum point where six portions of X and 16 portions of ost of R94. x 40 P(0, 40) Feasible area 20 18 ost. ost fun tion at this value is 5x + 4y = 200 at the minimum and ost of R94. Iso ost lines are lines representing the at point Q, where X Q(6, 16) R(12, 12) S(36, 0) 30 10 Vit E 36 Vit C Vit D Figure 3.14: Iso ost lines 36 y Y are onsumed per day DSC1520/SG001 A tivity 1. Consider the following linear inequality onstraints: 5x + 4y ≤ 20 (1) 15x + 8y ≤ 48 (2) 7x + 3y ≤ 21 (3) x, y ≥ 0 (a) Graph the inequality (b) Find the onstraints and shade the feasible area. oordinates of the orner points of the feasible area. ( ) If produ tion is measured in thousands of units of P = 3x + 2y , 2. A ompany x and y and the obje tive fun tion is to maximise nd the optimal solution. an use two types of ma hine (A and B) in a manufa turing plant. The number of operators required and the running ost per day are given in the following table. Cost per Available Floor area Prot per ma hine day operators (m2 ) Ma hine A 6 2 2 20 Ma hine B 3 4 2 30 360 280 160 Maximum available Write down the prot fun tion and inequality onstraints. 3. A gardener requires fertiliser with a minimum of 80 units of nitrogen, 15 units of potassium and 10 units of iron. Two fertiliser mixes are available, namely Brand X and Brand Y. Brand X ontains 20 units of nitrogen, two units of potassium and one unit of iron per kilogram, while Brand Y four units of nitrogen, one unit of potassium and two units of iron per kilogram. Brand X per kilogram, while Brand Y osts R180 osts R60 per kilogram. (a) Dene the de ision variables for this problem. (b) Write down the obje tive fun tion and inequality ( ) Solve this LP problem graphi ally. 37 ontains onstraints for the gardener's problem. PART II NON-LINEAR FUNCTIONS 38 Chapter 4: Appli ations of non-linear fun tions Learning obje tives After you have ⊲ ⊲ ⊲ ⊲ ompleted this plot quadrati , set up quadrati hapter, you should be able to ubi , exponential, logarithmi revenue, optimise quadrati and hyperboli fun tions ost and prot fun tions from given information revenue, ost and prot fun tions determine market equilibrium for quadrati determine break-even points for quadrati demand and/or supply fun tions (or ubi ) explain, manipulate and interpret exponential and logisti manipulate and interpret hyperboli T R, T C and/or P fun tions growth fun tions fun tions The theory of non-linear fun tions dis ussed in this hapter is onsidered to be knowledge that you have gained at s hool or elsewhere. If you feel un ertain about non-linear fun tions, please onsult Appendix D. 4.1 Non-linear fun tions in e onomi s Linear fun tions gave us a good introdu tion to modelling business revenue, on epts su h as demand and supply, ost. However, these models are very limited in representing real-life situations. For example, the linear total revenue fun tion T R = 36q rm whose demand fun tion takes only pri e into a represents the revenue of a perfe tly ount, so that demand is simply given by For a monopolist, however, the demand fun tion is usually given by the fun tion revenue is given by T R = pq = (a − bq)q = aq − bq 2 . This is a quadrati p = a − bq , ompetitive p = 36. so that total fun tion. If we take the demand fun tion for a monopolist to be p = 50 − 2q, then the total revenue fun tion is T R = pq = (50 − 2q)q = 50q − 2q 2 . This is a quadrati fun tion with its graph as shown in Figure 4.1. Another example that illustrates the limitations of linear models is the linear This ost fun tion assumes that ost fun tion T C = 10 + 2q . osts rise by the same amount (two units) for ea h extra unit of output produ ed, even after 200 units have been produ ed, whi h is not realisti . What is more realisti , is that after the initial setup, the ost of produ ing an extra unit will start de reasing. Total osts should rise at a de reasing rate, until expansion might be required and further outlay might in rease the rate again. Su h a situation is best des ribed by a ubi total ost fun tion T C = aq 3 − bq 2 + cq + d, with a, b, c and d onstants, and q the number of units produ ed. The graph in Figure 4.2 illustrates su h a situation: 39 DSC1520/SG001 TR 300 200 100 5 10 Figure 4.1: 15 20 25 q T R = 50q − 2q 2 TC In reasing rate De reasing rate q T C = aq 3 − bq 2 + cq + d Figure 4.2: 4.2 Quadrati fun tions You need to know what the properties of quadrati fun tions are and you must be able to plot su h fun tions. The following is a summary of the information available in Appendix D.1: ⊲ The general form of a quadrati fun tion is f (x) = ax2 + bx + c, where a, b and c are onstants. ⊲ A quadrati ⊲ The roots of a quadrati fun tion has a minimum (or a maximum) turning point if equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 nd the roots, we use the formula (often alled the x= When the quadrati ⊲ equation fun tion are found where the graph b ( ) a < 0). rosses the x axis. To minus formula) √ b2 − 4ac . 2a 2 − 4ac) is alled the dis riminant. The nature of the roots of an be derived from the value of the dis riminant, namely: b2 − 4ac > 0, the graph has two dierent real roots. 2 If b − 4ac = 0, the graph tou hes the x axis at a single 2 If b − 4ac < 0, the graph does not tou h the x axis. (a) If (b) (or an be fa torised, nd the roots by equating ea h fa tor to zero. The expression under the square root (b a quadrati −b ± a>0 40 point. DSC1520/SG001 ⊲ The turning point of the graph, that is either the maximum or minimum point, is at x= −b . 2a The graph is symmetri al about the verti al line through this point, whi h is When the roots, the turning point and the y axis inter ept have been found, we alled the vertex. an plot a quadrati fun tion. 4.2.1 Optimising quadrati revenue, prot and ost fun tions In any business, the major obje tive is to maximise prot, where profit P = T R − T C. Equivalent to this, rms aim to maximise total revenue (T R), while minimising total Let's work through a few examples to illustrate these osts (T C ). on epts with non-linear fun tions. Examples 1. Consider the demand fun tion for a monopolist given by the fun tion p = 100 − 2q, where p is the pri e per unit of a good and q the quantity produ ed and sold. From the demand fun tion, we nd the total revenue fun tion to be T R = price per unit × number of units sold =p×q = (100 − 2q) × q = 100q − 2q 2 . To maximise total revenue, we need to nd the turning point of the parabola representing the fun tion. From the graph of the rea hed at TR fun tion in Figure 4.3, we an estimate the maximum TR TR to be q = 25. TR 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 10 Figure 4.3: Comparing the c = 0. TR 20 30 40 TR q T R = 100q − 2q 2 fun tion with the standard quadrati From this we nd that 50 fun tion, we nd that is a maximum at its turning point at q= a = −2, b = 100 and −100 −100 −b = = = 25, 2a 2(−2) −4 where T R = 100(25) − 2(25)2 = 2 500 − 1 250 = 1 250. This means that when 25 units are produ ed and sold, a maximum total revenue of R1 250 is made. 41 DSC1520/SG001 2. On the other hand, onsider the total ost fun tion for a ompany given by T C = 800 − 120q + 5q 2 , where q is the number of units produ ed. This fun tion is graphed in Figure 4.4. TC 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 5 Figure 4.4: Again, we estimate from the graph that b = −120 and c = 800, 10 15 20 25 q T C = 800 − 120q + 5q 2 TC is a minimum at q = 12. Algebrai ally, with a = 5, the minimum is found at the turning point q= −b −(−120) 120 = = = 12. 2a 2(5) 10 At this point, T C = 800 − 120(12) + 5(12)2 = 80, whi h means that when 12 units are produ ed, the 3. A rm's total q ost of R80. ost fun tion and demand fun tions are given by T C = 200 + 3q where ompany has a minimum total and pd = 107 − 2q, is the number of units of a produ t produ ed and sold. From the demand fun tion, we nd the total revenue fun tion to be T R = pq = (107 − 2q)q = 107q − 2q 2 . The prot fun tion for the rm is therefore P = TR − TC = 107q − 2q 2 − (200 + 3q) = −2q 2 + 107q − 3q − 200 = −2q 2 + 104q − 200. The prot fun tion is shown in the graph from Maxima in Figure 4.5. To maximise prot, we need to nd the turning point of quadrati fun tion, we nd a = −2, b = 104 q= and c = −200. P. By omparing P with the standard The turning point is at −b −104 = = 26, 2a 2(−2) giving a maximum prot of P = −2(26)2 + 104(26) − 200 = 1 152. When the rm produ es and sells 26 units of the produ t, they will make a maximum prot of R1 152. 42 DSC1520/SG001 Figure 4.5: P = −2q 2 + 104q − 200 4. You will often en ounter problems in assignments and/or examinations where the fun tions are not readily provided as in the above examples. Consider, for example, the following problem statement: The ACE produ tion ompany de ides to enter the market with a new mi rowave oven, the ACE2015. osts entail xed osts of R120 000 per month and a unit The ost of R400 per oven produ ed. A market survey established that at a wholesale pri e of R600 per unit, demand will be 1 000 units per month, but if the pri e is in reased to R1 000 per unit, there will be no demand. Assuming that the demand fun tion is linear, they on lude that demand is given by q = 2 500 − 2,5p, where p is pri e in rand and q is the number of units demanded. We need to nd the wholesale pri e and the number of units to be produ ed for maximum prot. To solve this problem, we need to nd the prot fun tion that needs to be maximised. We know that prot P = T R − T C, so we rst need to nd the total revenue and ost fun tions. We know that total revenue is given by the number of units produ ed and sold times the pri e, that is T R = pq = p(2 500 − 2,5p) = 2 500p − 2,5p2 . Total ost is given by xed osts plus variable ost, where xed osts are given as R120 000 and variable ost as R400 per unit. Therefore, T C = 120 000 + 400q, with q the given demand fun tion, q = 2 500 − 2,5p. Therefore, T C = 120 000 + 400(2 500 − 2,5p) = 1 120 000 − 1 000p. The prot fun tion is therefore P = TR − TC = 2 500p − 2,5p2 − (1 120 000 − 1 000p) = −2,5p2 + 3 500p − 1 120 000. This is a quadrati fun tion with a = −2,5, b = 3 500 and c = 1 120 000. The vertex of the prot fun tion is at p= −b −3 500 = = 700, 2a 2 × −2,5 43 DSC1520/SG001 P = −2,5p2 + 3 500p − 1 120 000 Figure 4.6: Prot fun tion whi h means that prot is a maximum when p= R700. This is (Maxima) onrmed by the graph of the prot fun tion in Figure 4.6. The maximum prot at a pri e of R700 is Pmax = −2,5(700)2 + 3 500(700) − 1 120 000 = R105 000. 4.2.2 Market equilibrium In Se tion 3.1 linear demand and supply fun tions were demand and supply fun tions and see how we Consider, for example, the quadrati onsidered. In this se tion, we look at non-linear an nd market equilibrium. demand and supply fun tions pd = q 2 − 10q + 25 ps = q 2 + 6q + 9. and We need the properties as shown in the following table to plot these fun tions: Turning point pd = q 2 − 10q + 25 ps = q 2 + 6q + 9 a > 0 → minimum a > 0 → minimum q= Discriminant Vertical axis intercept −b 2a = −(−10) 2 =5 q= −b 2a = −6 2 = −3 b2 − 4ac = (−10)2 − 4(1)25 = 0 b2 − 4ac = 62 − 4(1)(9) = 0 touches axis touches axis p = 25 p=9 The demand and supply fun tions are plotted on the same axes in Figure 4.7, showing only the rst quadrant. Market equilibrium is found where the graphs interse t. supply fun tions equal to ea h other and solving for q, This point is found by setting the demand and to nd pd = ps q 2 − 10q + 25 = q 2 + 6q + 9 −10q − 6q = 9 − 25 −16q = −16 q = 1. At q = 1, both the demand fun tion and the supply fun tion give 44 p = 16. DSC1520/SG001 p 60 50 40 ps = x2 + 6x + 9 30 20 10 pd = x2 − 10x + 25 1 2 Figure 4.7: Quadrati 3 4 5 q demand and supply fun tions 4.2.3 Break-even analysis Initially, it osts the ompany money to set up for the produ tion of a produ t the ompany has to pay for ma hines, spa e, employees, et . It is only after a number of units have been sold, that these be overed from the revenue. Thereafter, when more units of the produ t are sold, the to make a prot. The point where total revenue and total At break-even, total revenue (T R) is equal to total ost are equal is osts will ompany will start alled the break-even point. osts (T C ), that is T R = T C = F C + V C, where FC is xed osts and VC variable osts. Example A ompany produ es a produ t at a xed for the produ t is given as per unit. q = 65 − 5p, ost of R30 and variable where From the given information, we nd the total q ost of R2 per unit. The demand fun tion is the number of units produ ed and sold, and p is the pri e ost fun tion to be T C = F C + V C = 30 + 2q. We also need to nd the total revenue fun tion in terms of terms of p, q. The demand fun tion is, however, given in so we transform it to nd q = 65 − 5p 5p = 65 − q p = 13 − 0,2q. We now nd that T R = price per unit × number of units produced and sold = pq = (13 − 0,2q)q = 13q − 0,2q 2 . Break-even o urs where T R = T C, that is where 13q − 0,2q 2 = 30 + 2q 11q − 0,2q 2 − 30 = 0 −0,2q 2 + 11q − 30 = 0. 45 DSC1520/SG001 We solve this quadrati Here, a = −0,2, b = 11 fun tion by using the formula c = −30, and q= TR and TC √ b2 − 4ac 2a as given on page 40. so we nd −(11) ± p (11)2 − 4(−0,2)(−30) 2(−0,2) √ −11 ± 97 = −0,4 √ −11 + 97 = 2,9 = −0,4 By plotting the x= −b ± √ −11 − 97 q= = 52,1. −0,4 or fun tions on the same axes, we nd the break-even points where these two graphs interse t. This is demonstrated in Figure 4.8. T R/T C T R = −0,2q 2 + 13q 200 150 100 T C = 2q + 30 50 10 20 30 40 50 Figure 4.8: Break-even at interse tion of TR 60 and TC q fun tions A tivity 1. Consider again the ACE produ tion line. to R300. ompany's problem above. ACE If they do so, the saving on labour However, the onsiders in orporating two robots into the ost an redu e the unit apital expenditure in urred will raise their xed ost of the ACE2015 osts to R200 000. How will in orporating the robots ae t the optimal pri e and protability, and what would you advise ACE to do? 2. Clan y's Chariots, a to R150 per ar-rental rm, has a eet of 100 identi al vehi les. The xed daily ar, while ea h ar used in urs an additional the rent is set at R200 per day, all osts amount ost of R50 per day. Experien e shows that if ars are rented out, whereas for ea h in rease of R20 the number of ars rented out drops by one. Determine the optimal pri e, the number of ars rented out per day at that pri e and the maximum prot. 3. Find the e onomi ally meaningful equilibrium pri e and quantity if the demand and supply fun tions are given as p = q 2 − 0,5 p = −q 2 + 4. and 4. The demand and supply fun tions for a produ t are given by pd = −(q + 4)2 + 100 and ps = (q + 2)2 . (a) Plot both fun tions on the same axes and estimate the equilibrium pri e and quantity. (b) Find the equilibrium pri e and quantity algebrai ally. 46 DSC1520/SG001 5. The demand fun tion for a ertain produ t is given by p q = 600 − , 8 where p is the pri e per unit and q is the number of units sold. (a) Find the total revenue fun tion for the produ t. (b) Determine the number of units that need to be sold to maximise total revenue. ( ) It is given that the total ost fun tion for the produ t is given by prot fun tion. (d) Determine the number of units that the T C = 800 − 120q + 5q 2 . Find the ompany should produ e and sell to break even. 4.3 Cubi fun tions The general ubi fun tion is f (x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d, where of a, b, c ubi and d are onstants. Consult Appendix D.2 for information about the form, graph and roots fun tions. The following is an example of ubi fun tions in a real-life situation. Example The demand and total ost fun tions for a ertain good are given by p = 90 − q T C = q3. and From this information, we nd the total revenue fun tion to be T R = pq = (90 − q)q = 90q − q 2 , and the prot fun tion, P = T R − T C = 90q − q 2 − q 3 . We an nd the break-even points by either setting that is by setting P = 0. TR = TC or by nding the roots of the prot fun tion, Both these methods result in 90q − q 2 − q 3 = q(90 − q − q 2 ) = 0. From this, we nd that either q=0 or 90 − q − q 2 = 0. Multiplying by of the se ond equation, we nd the equivalent −1 and rearranging the omponents q 2 + q − 90 = 0. Fa torising this gives (q + 10)(q − 9) = 0, whi h gives q = −10 or q = 9. Of ourse, a negative number of units does not make sense, so we on lude that they break even when either nothing is produ ed, or when nine units are produ ed and sold. This is onrmed by the graph of the graphs interse t at q=0 and T R and T C q = 9. The rm will make a prot as long as TR in Figure 4.9(a), where the break-even points are found where is greater than T C. When TC will make a loss. From the graph, it is evident that they will only make a prot while Figure 4.9(b), we see that prot be omes negative when 47 q > 9. T R, however, they 0 ≤ q ≤ 9. Also, from is greater than DSC1520/SG001 T R/T C 2000 P 1500 300 1000 200 TR 500 2 4 100 TC 6 8 q 10 12 2 (a) T R = 90q − q 2 and T C = q 3 4 6 8 10 q (b) P = 90q − q 2 − q 3 Figure 4.9: Break-even where T R = T C, that is where P =0 4.4 Exponential and logarithmi fun tions Complete notes on exponential and logarithmi fun tions are provided in Appendi es D.3 and D.4. Note that we expe t you to be a quainted with these notes. We also assume that you solve equations ontaining exponentials and logarithms by using the rules for working with su h fun tions. Exponential fun tions to base of growth we an manipulate and e des ribe growth and de ay in a wide range of systems. The three main types onsider are unlimited, limited and logisti growth. 4.4.1 Unlimited growth Unlimited growth is modelled by the fun tion f (t) = aert , where t stands for time, while a and r are onstants. Examples of su h fun tions are investment and population growth. Example The population (P op) of a village was 753 in 1980. It is given that the population grows a fun tion P op(t) = 753e0,03t , where p is the number of people in the population at time P op Figure 4.10 shows the graph of The population in 1990 (when t, with t=0 in 1980. from 1980 to 2040. t = 10) is al ulated as P op(10) = 753e0,03×10 = 753e0,3 = 1 016 and in 2010 the population was P op(30) = 753e0,03×30 = 753e0,9 = 1 852. We round the numbers, sin e the population onsists of people. 48 ording to the DSC1520/SG001 P op 4000 3000 2000 1000 10 20 30 40 50 Figure 4.10: Unlimited growth fun tion If we need to know when the population will be 3 500, we set 753e0,03t = 2 500 3 500 e0,03t = 753 ln e0,03t = ln 4,65 60 t P op(t) = 753e0,03t P op(t) = 3 500 and solve for t, that is (Remember that ln(ex ) = x.) 0,03t = 1,54 t = 51,33. This means that after 51 years (and 4 months) in 2031 the population is proje ted to be 3 500. 4.4.2 Limited growth Limited growth is modelled by the fun tion f (y) = a(1 − e−by ), where a and b are onstants. Examples of limited growth are onsumption fun tions, and ele tri al and me hani al systems. Example The onsumption of a protein against the in ome of households, is modelled by where y Con(y) = 300 1 − e−0,3y , is the in ome measured in thousands of rand and Con is measured in kilograms per year. By simply looking at the fun tion, we see that if a family has no in ome, they onsume no protein, sin e Con(0) = 300(1 − e0 ) = 300(1 − 1) = 0. On the other hand, if someone has an in ome of R10 000 per month, they onsume Con(10) = 300(1 − e−0,3×10 ) = 300(1 − e−3 ) = 285 kg protein per year. Figure 4.11 shows how the It is onsumption in reases as in ome in reases. lear that as in ome in reases, the onsumption of protein in reases at a de reasing rate towards an upper limit of 300 kilogram per annum. 49 DSC1520/SG001 Con 300 250 200 150 100 50 5 10 15 Figure 4.11: Limited growth fun tion 20 y C(y) = 300(1 − e−0,3y ) 4.4.3 Logisti growth Logisti growth is modelled by f (t) = where a, b and c are onstants and t is time. a , 1 + be−ct Examples of logisti growth are onsumption fun tions, onstrained populations, growth of epidemi s and sales. Example A virus spreads through a hi ken farm a ording to the fun tion F (t) = where F is the number of infe ted hi kens and infe ted, at whi h stage there were 800 Initially, when t = 0, F (0) = After two weeks, when t is the number of days sin e the rst hi ken has been hi kens on the farm. 800 800 = 1 chicken is infected. = 0 1 + 799e 800 t = 14, F (14) = and when 800 , 1 + 799e−0,1t 800 800 = = 4 chickens are infected −0,1(14) 294,93 1 + 799e t = 100, F (100) = 800 = 772 chickens are infected. 1 + 799e−0,1(100) Figure 4.12 shows the growth fun tion. From the graph it is lear that in the long run, all the hi kens will be infe ted. A tivity 1. In a ertain area, the number of people aged over 60 (in thousands) is expe ted to grow a the fun tion P (t) = 125,5e0,012t , where t is measured in years sin e 1995. 50 ording to DSC1520/SG001 F 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 20 40 60 80 Figure 4.12: Logisti 100 120 140 t growth fun tion (a) Find the number of people older than 60 in 1995 and in 2020. (b) Plot the graph of P from 1995 to 2095 and omment on the general trend in the population. ( ) How long will it take for the population of people older than 60 to grow to one million? 2. Sales of a new sports magazine are expe ted to grow a ording to the fun tion S(t) = 200 000(1 − e−0,05t ), where t is measured in weeks. (a) Cal ulate the number of magazines sold after one week and after one year. (b) Plot sales over the rst two years of the magazine's availability and omment on the trend in sales. 3. S ientists estimate that a lake an sustain no more than 6 000 of a ertain kind of sh. They formulated the growth fun tion of the sh population to be P (t) = where t 6 000 , 1 + 29e−0,4t is measured in years. (a) Find the initial sh population and the population after ten years. (b) Plot the graph of P for 0 < t < 20. ( ) How long will it take for the population to rea h 4 000? 4.5 Hyperboli fun tions The general hyperboli fun tion is given by f (x) = where a, b and c are a , bx + c onstants. Consult Appendix D.5 for information about the form and graph of a hyperboli 51 fun tion. DSC1520/SG001 Example The demand and supply fun tions for a good are given by 200 p q+1= where q is the number of units of the good and and p ps = 5 + 0,5q. is the pri e per unit. To be able to plot these fun tions on the same axes, we need to have both with the same dependent variable. Therefore, write the demand fun tion with p as dependent variable, that is 200 p p(q + 1) = 200 200 pd = . q+1 q+1= Figure 4.13 shows the graph of this fun tion. p 180 160 140 120 100 80 pd = 60 200 q+1 40 ps = 5 + 0,5q 20 5 10 15 20 25 q Figure 4.13: Demand and supply fun tions To determine the pri e and quantity of the good at market equilibrium, equate the demand and supply fun tions to nd 200 q+1 (5 + 0,5q)(q + 1) = 200 5 + 0,5q = 0,5q 2 + 5,5q + 5 − 200 = 0 q 2 + 11q − 390 = 0. Solving this quadrati equilibrium is when fun tion gives q = 15 q = 15 q = −26. A negative number of units is not possible, so the are produ ed and pri e p= This or (Multiply by 2,) 200 200 = = R12,50. q+1 15 + 1 orresponds with the point in Figure 4.13 where the demand and supply fun tions interse t. 52 DSC1520/SG001 A tivity 1. The value of a ar (in thousands of rand) t years after it has been bought, is given by V (t) = 1 + 840 . 1 + 2t (a) Graph the value fun tion for the rst ten years. Des ribe how the ar depre iates over time. (b) How long will it take for the value to drop to R200 000? 2. A new model of laptop is gradually repla ing an earlier model. The proje ted sales (in thousands) for the old and new models are given by Sold = where t 9 t+3 and Snew = 36 , 21 − t is measured in months. (a) Graph the sales for the old and new models on the same axes. Did the introdu tion of the new model improve overall sales? (b) Find the time and sales at the interse tion of the fun tions algebrai ally. What does this interse tion represent? 53 PART III DIFFERENTIATION 54 Chapter 5: Dierentiation theory Learning obje tives After you have ⊲ ⊲ ⊲ ⊲ ⊲ ⊲ ⊲ ⊲ ⊲ ompleted this explain the hapter, you should be able to on ept of dierentiation apply the power rule to dierentiate given fun tions dierentiate exponential and logarithmi dierentiate fun tions omposite fun tions using the hain rule apply the produ t rule to dierentiate the produ t of two fun tions apply the quotient rules to dierentiate the quotient of two fun tions nd the rst, se ond and third derivative of a fun tion use dierentiation to nd the optimal point(s) of a non-linear fun tion nd the turning point(s) of a non-linear fun tion use the se ond derivative to determine the nature of the turning point(s) determine the intervals along whi h a non-linear fun tion is in reasing or de reasing use dierentiation to sket h a non-linear fun tion 5.1 Slope of a urve and dierentiation In Se tion C.1 the slope of a line is dened as the verti al hange (∆y ) divided by the horizontal hange (∆x), that is Slope = The slope of a straight line is ∆y y2 − y1 = . ∆x x2 − x1 onstant at any point on the line. For a urve, however, the slope at dierent points varies. 1 are drawn between points Consider, for example, the urve shown in Figure 5.1, where D. is quite steep and negative, while the slope of The slope of the slope of CD hord AB B with oordinates (x; y) and point C a short distan hord BC is given by Slope = If hord BC slope of the BC A, B, C and is atter and positive, while is steep and positive. Consider point The slope of hords B. When point C oordinates (x + ∆x; y + ∆y). ∆y vertical change = . horizontal change ∆x is progressively shortened, so that urve at point e from it with ∆x and ∆y get smaller and smaller, we ome B , the slopes of hord BC and the rea hes point loser to the urve are the same. At this point, the horizontal distan e, ∆x, is almost zero, but not equal to zero (to avoid dividing by zero, whi h is not allowed). We say ∆x tends to zero and write 1 The line between two points on a urve is alled a hord. 55 ∆x → 0. DSC1520/SG001 y = f (x) D A C(x + ∆x; y + ∆y) C∗ B(x; y) C ∗∗ x Figure 5.1: Chords with varying slopes and the tangent at The pro ess of moving loser and i ally as the limit when ∆x loser to the point where ∆x is very B lose to zero, is des ribed mathemat- tends to zero. This is written as ∆y . ∆x→0 ∆x lim The straight line that tou hes the tangent is also the slope of the Of ourse, the slope of the y = f (x) urve at point B is tangent alled the to the urve at B. The slope of the urve at that point. urve varies as one moves along the is known as the derivative of the as urve with respe t to urve. The formula for the slope of the x. urve In mathemati al notation, this is written ∆y dy = f ′ (x) = lim . ∆x→0 ∆x dx To illustrate, we work through the following example to nd the derivative of a fun tion from rst prin iples. Example Consider the fun tion y = f (x) = x2 with its graph shown in Figure 5.2. To nd the derivative of f (x) from rst prin iples, we need to nd an expression for lim ∆x→0 ∆y . ∆x We start with the given fun tion y = x2 and repla e x and y with the oordinates of point C, that is y + ∆y = (x + ∆x)2 . Squaring the RHS gives y + ∆y = x2 + 2x∆x + (∆x)2 . When we subtra t y (whi h is equal to x2 ) from both sides of the equation, we nd y + ∆y − y = x2 + 2x∆x + (∆x)2 − x2 , 56 ∆y ∆x and then determine DSC1520/SG001 y C (x + ∆x; y + ∆y) 4 3 ∆y 2 ∆x B (x; y) 1 1 Figure 5.2: y = x2 with points x 2 B and C on the urve or ∆y = 2x∆x + (∆x)2 . Dividing by ∆x on both sides of the equation, gives ∆y = 2x + ∆x. ∆x When ∆x now be omes smaller and smaller (tends to zero), we nd the derivative to be dy ∆y = lim = lim (2x + ∆x) = 2x. dx ∆x→0 ∆x ∆x→0 The slope of the urve y = x2 is alled its derivative and is given by dy = 2x dx By using this formula, we an nd the slope of the ⊲ At x = −1 the slope is f ′ (−1) = −2. ⊲ At x = 0,5 the slope is f ′ (0,5) = 2 × 0,5 = 1. ⊲ At x=2 the slope is or f ′ (x) = 2x. urve at any point on the urve. Examples: f ′ (2) = 2 × 2 = 4. The derivative of a fun tion gives the rate at whi h the fun tion is hanging at ea h point on the fun tion. 5.2 Dierentiation rules The pro ess of nding the derivative of y with respe t to x, denoted by dy dx , is alled dierentiation. In the following se tions we dis uss the dierent rules for dierentiation. 5.2.1 The power rule for dierentiation The power rule is the basi rule to determine the derivative of power rule states the following: 57 xn , where n may be any real number. The DSC1520/SG001 y = f (x) = xn If then f ′ (x) = dy = nxn−1 . dx Consider, for example, the fun tion y = x5 In this ase n = 5, so a or f (x) = x5 . or f ′ (x) = 5x5−1 = 5x4 . ording to the power rule, dy = 5x5−1 = 5x4 dx The following additional rules are appli able when working with the power rule: ⊲ When a mathemati al term is multiplied (or divided) by a multiplied (or divided) by the For any term of the form kxn , the derivative is k× The onstant k onstant, the term is dierentiated and then onstant. d n x = k × nxn−1 . dx an be positive, negative or a fra tion. Examples: d (10x3 ) = 10 dx ⊲ d (−3x2 ) = −3 dx d 2 x dx = 10 × 3x2 = −3 × 2x = 30x2 . = −6x. The derivative of a A d 3 x dx onstant like 5 d dx 1 5 x 2 1 d 5 x = 2 dx 1 = × 5x4 2 5 4 = x . 2 onstant term is zero. an be written as zero is equal to one. 5 × 1, whi h is also equal to 5 × x0 , be ause anything to the power The derivative of 5 is therefore d 5=5 dx d 0 x dx = 5 × 0x0−1 = 0, sin e anything multiplied by zero, is zero. ⊲ The derivative of a polynomial y = f (x) = axn + bxn−1 + · · · + cx2 + dx1 + e, with a, b, c, d and e onstants, is the sum of the derivatives of the terms. Example: d 4 d d d d d 4 (x + 2x3 − 5x2 + 3x + 100) = (x ) + (2x3 ) − (5x2 ) + (3x) + 100 dx dx dx dx dx dx = d d d d 4 (x ) + 2 (x3 ) − 5 (x2 ) + 3 (x) + 0 dx dx dx dx = 4x3 + 2 × 3x2 − 5 × 2x + 3 × 1 = 4x3 + 6x2 − 10x + 3. 58 DSC1520/SG001 Examples 1. Dierentiating f (x) = 10x8 , gives f ′ (x) = 10 2. To dierentiate f (x) = d 8 x = 10 × 8x7 = 80x7 . dx 1 x2 , we rst simplify to get f (x) = x−2 . The derivative is then f ′ (x) = −2x−2−1 = −2x−3 = − 3. The derivative of f (x) = x2 + 7x + 5 is f ′ (x) = d d d 2 x +7 x+ 5 = 2x + 7. dx dx dx f (x) = x − 4 x1 + 8 x22 , 4. To dierentiate the fun tion 2 . x3 we simplify to get f (x) = x − 4x−1 + 16x−2 . d d d x − 4 x−1 + 16 x−2 dx dx dx = 1 − 4(−1x−1−1 ) + 16(−2x−2−1 ) f ′ (x) = = 1 + 4x−2 − 32x−3 4 32 = 1 + 2 − 3. x x 5. To dierentiate the fun tion f (x) = 5x+2 x , we rst simplify to get f (x) = 5x 2 + = 5 + 2x−1 . x x Now, by using the power rule we nd f ′ (x) = 6. Simplify the fun tion d d 2 5 + 2 x−1 = 0 + 2(−1x−2 ) = − 2 . dx dx x y = 10 + 5x + 1 to nd x2 y = 10 + 5x + x−2 . Dierentiation gives 2 dy = 0 + 5 − 2x−3 = 5 − 3 . dx x 7. Dierentiating the fun tion P (q) = q3 3 + 700q − 15q 2 gives d d 1 d 3 q + 700 q − 15 q 2 3 dq dq dq 1 = (3q 2 ) + 700(1) − 15(2q 1 ) 3 = q 2 + 700 − 30q. P ′ (q) = 59 Then, DSC1520/SG001 8. To apply the power rule to the fun tion y= √1 , we need to simplify it rst to get x 1 y = x− 2 . Dierentiating this fun tion gives 1 1 dy = − x(− 2 −1) dx 2 1 3 = − x− 2 2 1 =− 3 2x 2 1 =− √ . 2 x3 9. Simplifying the fun tion √ q f (q) = 4 q2 gives 1 1 3 f (q) = 4q 2 q −2 = 4q 2 −2 = 4q − 2 . Dierentiation gives 3 f (q) = 4 − 2 ′ 5 3 q (− 2 −1) = −6q − 2 6 =− 5 q2 6 = −p . q5 A tivity 1. Find the slope of the urve y = x3 + 4x − 7 at x = 3. 2. Dierentiate ea h of the following fun tions by using the power rule: (a) √ y =4+x+2 x (b) f (x) = ( ) f (x) = 7 + (d) p(q) = 1 x − 5 x2 + 10 √7 x q 2 −q q3 5.2.2 Exponential and natural logarithmi fun tions The derivative of the basi exponential fun tion y = ex is the fun tion itself, that is d x dy = e = ex . dx dx 60 DSC1520/SG001 When the exponential fun tion ontains a onstant, the derivative is multiplied by the onstant, that is d ax e = aeax . dx For example, if f (x) = 10ex + 5e3x , then f ′ (x) = 10ex + 5(3)e3x = 10ex + 15e3x . The derivative of the natural logarithmi fun tion (the log to base e), y = ln(x) is 1 over x, that is 1 d ln(x) = . dx x 5.2.3 The hain rule The hain rule for dierentiation is used to dierentiate The following are examples of su h 1. y = (2x + 3)5 2. y = e4x+5 3. y = ln(5x − 1) 4. y= The the inner fun tion is u = 2x + 3 u = 4x + 5 the inner fun tion is 1 x+7 the inner fun tion is and the outer fun tion is u = 5x − 1 u=x+7 dus and the outer fun tion is y= x of a ln(u). 1 u. omposite fun tion y = f (u) is given by in the rst equation or f ′ (x) = f ′ (u)g′ (x). an el out. In words we say that the derivative of a omposite fun tion is the derivative of the outer fun tion, multiplied by the derivative of the inner fun tion. Now let's dierentiate ea h of the 2 y = eu . and the outer fun tion is dy du dy = · dx du dx Note that the y = u5 . and the outer fun tion is hain rule of dierentiation states that the derivative in terms of u = g(x) fun tion of a fun tion). omposite fun tions: the inner fun tion is with inner fun tion 2 omposite fun tions (the omposite fun tions given above. Refer to Se tion D.6 on page 184. 61 DSC1520/SG001 Examples 1. For the omposite fun tion f (x) = y = (2x + 3)5 , we denote the inner fun tion by This outer fun tion The inner fun tion By y(u) u u = 2x + 3, so that the fun tion be omes u is dierentiated in terms of is dierentiated y = f (u) = u5 . by using the power rule, namely d 5 dy = u = 5u4 . du du in terms of x to nd d du = (2x + 3) = 2. dx dx ombining these results, the derivative is found to be d 5 d d (2x + 3)5 = u · (2x + 3) dx du dx = 5u4 · 2 = 10(2x + 3)4 . 2. For the (since u = 2x + 3) omposite fun tion f (x) = e4x+5 , the inner fun tion is u = 4x + 5, so that the outer fun tion be omes f (u) = eu with u = 4x + 5. The derivatives of the outer and inner fun tions are f ′ (u) = d u e = eu du u′ (x) = and d (4x + 5) = 4. dx ombining these gives f ′ (x) = f ′ (u)u′ (x) = eu · 4 = 4e4x+5 . f (x) = y = ln(5x − 1) 3. Transform the outer fun tion that is f (u) = ln u to be in terms of the inner fun tion with u = 5x − 1, u = 5x − 1. The derivatives of the outer and inner fun tions are f ′ (u) = d 1 ln u = du u u′ (x) = and ombining these results in f ′ (x) = f ′ (u)g′ (x) = 4. Transform the outer fun tion f (x) = y = f (u) = d (5x − 1) = 5. dx 5 1 ·5= . u 5x − 1 1 x+7 to be in terms of the inner fun tion 1 = u−1 u with u = x + 7, u = x + 7. The derivatives of the outer and inner fun tions are f ′ (u) = 1 d −1 u = −u−2 = − 2 du u and u′ (x) = d (x + 7) = 1, dx ombining these results in f ′ (x) = f ′ (u)g ′ (x) = − 62 1 1 ·1=− . 2 u (x + 7)2 that is DSC1520/SG001 A tivity Dierentiate ea h of the following fun tions by using the 2. y = (4 − 5x)3 √ f (x) = x2 + 12 3. y= 4. q = 500 ln(p3 + 8p) 5. g(x) = 5e1,5 + 1. hain rule: 15 1+ex 2 x+2 − ln(2x − 1) 5.2.4 The produ t rule Fun tions may onsist of the produ t of two or more fun tions. To dierentiate su h a fun tion, we apply the produ t rule. This rule states that for the fun tion f (x) = y = u(x)v(x), the derivative f ′ (x) = u′ (x)v(x) + u(x)v ′ (x) or du dv dy = v(x) + u(x) . dx dx dx In words: To dierentiate the produ t of two fun tions, multiply the derivative of the rst fun tion with the se ond fun tion and add the rst fun tion, multiplied by the derivative of the se ond fun tion. Examples 1. The fun tion f (x) = ex (x2 + 5) onsists of the following distin t, independent fun tions of u(x) = ex x that are multiplied together: and v(x) = x2 + 5 The derivatives of these fun tions are u′ (x) = ex and v ′ (x) = 2x. Applying the produ t rule gives f ′ (x) = u′ (x)v(x) + u(x)v ′ (x) = ex (x2 + 5) + ex 2x = ex (x2 + 5 + 2x). 2. The fun tion f (x) = (x2 + 2x + 1)(3x + 2) onsists of the produ t of the fun tions u(x) = x2 + 2x + 1 with du = 2x + 2 dx 63 and v(x) = 3x + 2 with dv = 3. dx DSC1520/SG001 The derivative of f, a ording to the produ t rule, is dv du v+u dx dx = (2x + 2)(3x + 2) + (x2 + 2x + 1) × 3 f ′ (x) = = 6x2 + 10x + 4 + 3x2 + 6x + 3 = 9x2 + 16x + 7. 3. The fun tion f (x) = x2 e2x+1 onsists of the produ t of the fun tions u(x) = x2 The derivative of with f du = 2x dx and v(x) = e2x+1 with dv = e2x+1 · 2 (chain rule). dx is dv du v+u dx dx = 2x · e2x+1 + x2 · 2e2x+1 f ′ (x) = = 2xe2x+1 + 2x2 e2x+1 = 2xe2x+1 (1 + x). 4. The fun tion (factorisation) √ P (q) = 2 q(q + 5) onsists of 1 √ u(q) = 2 q = 2q 2 with u′ (q) = 2 −1 1 q 2 =√ 2 q and v(q) = q + 5 with v ′ (q) = 1. The derivative of P is P ′ (q) = u′ (q)v(q) + u(q)v ′ (q) √ 1 = √ (q + 5) + 2 q · 1 q √ 5 √ = q+ √ +2 q q 5 √ =3 q+√ q 3q + 5 = √ . q 5. The fun tion C(y) = (y + 4) ln(y) onsists of the produ t of u(y) = y + 4 and v(y) = ln(y) with derivatives u′ (y) = 1 and 64 v ′ (y) = 1 . y DSC1520/SG001 The derivative of C is C ′ (y) = u′ (y)v(y) + u(y)v ′ (y) 1 = 1 · ln y + (y + 4) y y 4 = ln y + + y y 4 = ln y + 1 + . y A tivity Dierentiate the following fun tions by applying the produ t rule: 1. √ Q(p) = p p + 5 2. AC(q) = 3. f (x) = 4. f (x) = x3 ln(x3 ) 1 q − q ln q 3 x−5 20 xe 5.2.5 The quotient rule When we have a fun tion onsisting of the quotient of two fun tions, that is f (x) = u(x) v(x) we apply the quotient rule given by u′ (x)v(x) − u(x)v ′ (x) . v(x)2 f ′ (x) = Examples 1. Consider the fun tion f (x) = x2 + 2x + 1 . 3x + 2 Here, u(x) = x2 + 2x + 1 with u′ (x) = 2x + 2 Now, a and v(x) = 3x + 2 with v ′ (x) = 3. ording to the quotient rule, dv − u dx v2 (2x + 2)(3x + 2) − (x2 + 2x + 1)(3) = (3x + 2)2 6x2 + 10x + 4 − (3x2 + 6x + 3) = (3x + 2)2 3x2 + 4x + 1 . = (3x + 2)2 f ′ (x) = du dx v 65 DSC1520/SG001 2. The fun tion y = f (x) = x2 1 + ex onsists of the quotient of u(x) = x2 The derivative of f with u′ (x) = 2x v(x) = 1 + ex and with v ′ (x) = ex . is u′ (x)v(x) − u(x)v ′ (x) v(x)2 2x(1 + ex ) − x2 ex = (1 + ex )2 2x + 2xe− x2 ex = (1 + ex )2 x(2x + 2ex − xex ) . = (1 + ex )2 f ′ (x) = 3. The fun tion P (q) = q 3q + 5 onsists of the quotient of u(q) = q with u′ (q) = 1 and v(q) = 3q + 5 with v ′ (q) = 3. A ording to the quotient rule, u′ (q)v(q) − u(q)v ′ (q) v(q)2 1 · (3q + 5) − q · 3 = (3q + 5)2 3q + 5 − 3q = (3q + 5)2 5 = . (3q + 5)2 P ′ (q) = Note: The quotient of two fun tions an always be transformed to be the produ t of two fun tions. For example, the fun tion f (x) = 2x + 3 = (2x + 2)(3x + 2)−1 . 3x + 2 We now have the produ t of u(x) = 2x + 2 with u′ (x) = 2 and v(x) = (3x + 2)−1 with v ′ (x) = −1(3x + 2)−2 · 3 = − 66 3 . (3x + 2)2 DSC1520/SG001 Applying the produ t rule results in f ′ (x) = u′ (x)v(x) + u(x)v ′ (x) = 2(3x + 2)−1 + (2x + 2) · (−3(3x + 2)−2 ) 2 3(2x + 2) = − 3x + 2 (3x + 2)2 2(3x + 2) − 3(2x + 2) = (3x + 2)2 −2 = . (3x + 2)2 A tivity Use the quotient rule to dierentiate the following fun tions: ln x 3x 1. f (x) = 2. C(y) = 1 − 3. F (x) = 2x ln x 3x2 4. P (q) = 50−q 2 50+q 2 e−0,8y y2 5.3 Higher derivatives Up to now, we have found only the rst derivative of fun tions. When we now dierentiate this result again, we get the se ond derivative and we an derive this again to nd the third derivative. The rules in the previous se tion are always appli able, regardless of whether the rst, se ond or third derivative is found. The higher-order derivatives are used to determine and/or onrm maximum, minimum and ine tion points, as will be seen in following se tions. The notation used for higher-order derivatives are as follows: First derivative Second derivative d df d2 f = dx dx dx2 df dx f ′ (x) f ′′ (x) Third derivative d d2 f d3 f = dx dx2 dx3 Consider, for example, the fun tion f (x) = 25x4 − 10x2 + 200. The rst, se ond and third derivatives of f are f ′ (x) = 25(4)x3 − 10(2)x + 0 = 100x3 − 20x, f ′′ (x) = 100(3)x2 − 20 = 300x2 − 20 and f ′′′ (x) = 300(2)x − 0 = 600x. 67 f ′′′ (x) DSC1520/SG001 A tivity 1. Find the rst and se ond derivatives of ea h of the following fun tions: (a) (b) ( ) f (x) = (150 − 2x)x √ f (x) = 10x + x f (x) = x4 − 1 x4 2. Find the rst, se ond and third derivatives of the following fun tion: C(x) = x3 5x − 8x2 + + 180. 5 2 5.4 Optimisation of fun tions in one variable Optimisation is the pro ess of nding maximum and minimum points. Stationary points are those points on a urve where the slope hanges from positive to negative (at a maximum point), or from negative to positive (at a minimum point). Obviously, at the point where the slope Consider the hanges, it rst has to be ome zero. urve in Figure 5.3. f (x) A ive Pos it Pos it ive e tiv ga Ne x B Figure 5.3: Turning points At point A (the maximum), the slope hanges from positive to negative and at B (the minimum), the slope hanges from negative to positive. At ea h of the stationary points A and B, the slope of We know that the slope of a fun tion f is given by the derivative of Slope = f ′ (x) = Also, as shown above, the slope of ′ of a fun tion by setting f (x) f f, f is zero. that is df . dx is zero at the turning points. We an therefore nd the turning points = 0. The turning points of a fun tion f is found by setting the derivative of zero, that is f ′ (x) = df = 0. dx We use the following method to nd the turning point(s) of a fun tion 68 f. f equal to DSC1520/SG001 Find the rst derivative of ⊲ Set ⊲ Determine the fun tion value at the resulting points f ′ (x) = 0 f, f ′ (x). ⊲ and solve for ∗ the turning point are (x ; that is x; x∗ , that is, nd f (x∗ ), so that the oordinates of f (x∗ )). Example Let's nd the turning point(s) of the fun tion f (x) = 3x2 − 18x + 34. We start by dierentiating the fun tion and then set the result equal to zero, that is f ′ (x) = 6x − 18 = 0. When we solve this equation, we nd x= 18 = 3, (with) f (3) = 3(3)2 − 18(3) + 34 = 7. 6 The turning point is therefore at (3; 7). From the fun tion we see that the oe ient of x2 is positive, so we 3 to be a minimum point. This is onrmed by the graph of f on lude that the stationary point has in Figure 5.4. f (x) 30 20 10 1 2 Figure 5.4: 3 4 5 6 x f (x) = 3x2 − 18x + 34 5.4.1 The nature of stationary points On e we have found the stationary points of a fun tion, we need to determine whether they are minimum or maximum points. We an, of ourse, graph the fun tion to see this, but it may be quite not really pra ti al. We need an algebrai When we way to determine this. onsider a maximum point, we know that the slope stationary point. umbersome and In Figure 5.5, we see that the slope of maximum from the left, until it eventually rea hes zero. f hanges from positive to negative at the de reases gradually as we move loser to the After the maximum point, the slope be omes in reasingly negative, meaning that it keeps on de reasing. The slope of f hanges from positive, through zero to negative as we move through the maximum the value ′ of the slope (f ) is therefore de reasing through the maximum. This means that the derivative of the slope ′′ (f ) at the maximum is negative. 3 See property (a) on page 169. 69 DSC1520/SG001 f (x) 4 3 2 1 0 −3 −2 −1 −1 1 x −2 f (x) = −x2 − 2x + 3 Figure 5.5: When we onsider the minimum turning point in Figure 5.6, we see that the slope of less negative) until it rea hes zero and then starts to in rease. The value of the slope f ′′ through the minimum point, meaning that f in reases (be omes f ′ therefore in reases is positive. f (x) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 −1 1 derivative test: If if f ′′ (x∗ ) = f ′′ (x∗ ) = d2 f dx2 d2 f dx2 < 0, x∗ 3 x f (x) = x2 − 2x + 3 Figure 5.6: To determine whether a stationary point at 2 is a maximum or minimum point, we use the following then f has a maximum turning point at x∗ ; x∗ > 0, then f has a minimum turning point at x∗ 70 x∗ . and se ond DSC1520/SG001 However, when f ′′ (x) = 0, we annot ome to any on lusion. If the slope negative at this point, or from negative to positive, it is a turning point. negative) throughtout the point, it probably is an ine tion point f′ hanges from positive to If the slope stays positive (or 4 and will need more investigation. 5.4.2 Intervals along whi h a fun tion is in reasing or de reasing When we know whether the stationary points of where f are maximum or minimum points, we an determine is in reasing and where it is de reasing. f (x) = −x2 − 2x + 3, we nd that f has a turning point where f ′ (x) = −2x − 2 = 0, that is x = −1. From f ′′ (x) = −2 < 0 we on lude that the turning point is a maximum. This is onrmed by If we at f onsider Figure 5.5 on the previous page. For a maximum at x = −1, we an say that to the left of mathemati al terms, f is in reasing for Furthermore, to the right of f x < −1 x = −1, f is de reasing for f or x = −1 the fun tion is in reasing. Therefore, in in reases over the interval (−∞; −1). is de reasing. Therefore, x > −1 or f de reases over the interval (−1; ∞). Example Consider the fun tion f (x) = −x3 + 9x2 − 24x + 26. To nd the stationary points of f, we nd the derivative of f, set it equal to zero and solve for x. The derivative is f ′ (x) = −3x2 + 18x − 24. Now, set it equal to zero and solve −3x2 + 18x − 24 = 0 x2 − 6x + 8 = 0 (divide by − 3) (x − 4)(x − 2) = 0 (factorise) x − 4 = 0 or Therefore, f has stationary points at x=4 x − 2 = 0. and x = 2. We now need to determine whether these points are maximum or minimum points, by using the se ond derivative, namely f ′′ (x) = d (−3x2 + 18x − 24) = −6x + 18. dx ⊲ Sin e f ′′ (4) = −6(4) + 18 = −6 < 0, ⊲ Sin e f ′′ (2) = −6(2) + 18 = 6 > 0, With this information at hand, we (−∞; 2) and (4; ∞), we have a lo al we have a lo al 6 minimum point at an easily draw a rough graph of while it in reases over Figure 5.7 shows the graph of 5 maximum point at f x = 4. x = 2. and spe ify that f is de reasing over (2; 4). f. 4 Ine tion points fall outside the s ope of this module. For more detail google ine tion points al ulus. Sin e f has larger values to the left, the turning point is a lo al maximum. 6 Sin e f has smaller values to the right, the turning point is a lo al minimum. 5 71 DSC1520/SG001 f (x) 24 20 16 12 8 4 1 Figure 5.7: 2 3 4 5 x 6 f (x) = f (x) = −x3 + 9x2 − 24x + 26 A tivity 1. Find the turning point(s) of ea h of the following fun tions. Use the se ond derivative to determine the nature of the turning point(s). (a) f (x) = x2 − 6x + 6 (b) f (t) = 13 t3 − 2t2 − 5t + 8 ( ) Q(p) = 64p + (d) f (x) = 200 − 2(x − 4)2 1 p 2. Determine the intervals along whi h ea h of the following fun tions in reases or de reases: (a) f (x) = x2 − 18x + 11 (b) f (x) = 3x2 − 0,1x3 5.4.3 Sket hing fun tions using dierentiation If we an nd the turning points and the inter epts on the x and y axes, we should be able to sket h non-linear fun tions. Examples 1. If we qui kly need to draw the graph of the fun tion y = f (x) = x2 − 6x + 6, we start by dierentiation the fun tion and setting the result equal to zero to nd the turning point(s) of f. Here, f ′ (x) = 2x − 6 = 0, The fun tion therefore has a turning point at The oordinates of the turning point are x = 3, (3; −3). 72 giving where x = 3. f (3) = (3)2 − 6(3) + 6 = −3. DSC1520/SG001 Sin e f is a quadrati fun tion with a > 0, we know that it has a minimum turning point. This is onrmed by the se ond derivative, f ′′ (x) = 2 > 0, Furthermore, from f which indicates a minimum turning point. we see that when x = 0, then y = 6. This is the y axis inter ept. √ x axis inter epts, set y = 0 and solve for x. Maxima gives the roots as x =√2 + 3 = 4,73 √ b2 −4ac x = 3 − 3 = 1,27, whi h is the same result as found by using the formula x = −b± 2a . To nd the or f. We now have enough information to draw a rough graph of Figure 5.8 shows the graph of f with the points we have found above, indi ated with dots. y 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 1 2 Figure 5.8: 2. For the ubi 3 4 5 x 6 f (x) = x2 − 6x + 6 fun tion y = f (x) = 2x3 − 3x2 , the rst derivative is f ′ (x) = 6x2 − 6x. We set f ′ (x) = 6x2 − 6x = 6x(x − 1) = 0, to nd the turning points of f to be at x=0 and x = 1. The turning points are at (0; 0) and (1; −1). Using the se ond derivative, namely f ′′ (x) = 12x − 6, we nd The y f ′′ (0) = −6 < 0 We x = 0 and x = 0 or x = 1,5. inter ept is at whi h gives (a maximum turning point) and the x f ′′ (1) = 6 > 0 inter epts are found by setting ( a minimum turning point). 2x3 − 3x2 = 0, an now draw a rough graph through these points, as shown in Figure 5.9. 73 or x2 (2x − 3) = 0, DSC1520/SG001 y 3 2 1 0 1 −1 −2 −3 Figure 5.9: f (x) = 2x3 − 3x2 74 x Chapter 6: Appli ations of dierentiation Learning obje tives After you have ⊲ explain the hapter, you should be able to on epts of average and marginal revenue and use dierentiation to nd marginal revenue and ost ost fun tions from total revenue and ost fun - tions ⊲ ⊲ ompleted this nd average revenue and nd total revenue and ost fun tions from total revenue and ost fun tions ost fun tions from given average revenue and ost fun tions nd the marginal produ t of labour, given a labour fun tion use dierentiation to optimise e onomi fun tions like revenue, ost and prot fun tions use dierentiation to determine and interpret point elasti ity of non-linear demand 6.1 Marginal and average fun tions In Chapter 5, the derivative of a fun tion was des ribed as the equation for the rate of In e onomi s, the rate at whi h total revenue (T R) at whi h total Therefore, ost (T C ) hanges, is alled hanges, is alled marginal ost (M C ). hange of the fun tion. marginal revenue (M R) marginal revenue (M R) is the rate of hange in total revenue T R fun tion in terms of q , that is and the rate per unit in rease in output, q, and is found by dierentiating the MR = Likewise, marginal ost (M C ) is the rate of T C fun tion in terms by dierentiating the hange in total of q, TR TC FC VC ost per unit in rease in output, q, and is found that is MC = Throughout this dT R . dq dT C . dq hapter, the variables in the following table are used: Total revenue Total ost Fixed ost Variable ost MR MC MV C Marginal revenue Marginal ost Marginal variable ost AR AC AF C AV C Average revenue Average ost Average xed ost Average variable ost 6.1.1 Marginal revenue Marginal revenue is dened as the additional in ome that is generated from the sale of one more unit of a good or servi e. 75 DSC1520/SG001 If the demand fun tion for a ertain produ t is given by p = a − bq , then we an nd the total revenue fun tion by multiplying the demand fun tion by the number of units demanded, that is T R = pq = (a − bq)q = aq − bq 2 . TR The marginal revenue fun tion is then found by dierentiating the MR = fun tion, that is d (aq − bq 2 ) = a − 2bq. dq Example Suppose we have the demand fun tion p = 6 − 0,5q. From this, we nd the total revenue fun tion to be T R(q) = pq = (6 − 0,5q)q = 6q − 0,5q 2 . By dierentiation, we nd the marginal revenue fun tion to be MR = From the MR d dT R = (6q − 0,5q 2 ) = 6 − q. dq dq fun tion, we nd that when ve units have been sold, the revenue from the next unit sold, will be M R(5) = 6 − 5 = R1. This means that the sixth unit to be sold, will generate additional in ome of R1. 6.1.2 Marginal ost Marginal ost refers to the in rease or de rease in the unit or serving one more The total ost fun tion ost of produ ing one more ustomer. onsists of xed osts and variable osts, and is given by T C = F C + V C. Marginal ost is found by dierentiating the MC = Note that, sin e xed Marginal ost is TC fun tion, that is d d d d dT C = (F C + V C) = FC + V C = V C. dq dq dq dq dq onstant and is not inuen ed by the number of units produ ed, ost is therefore given by the derivative of the variable marginal variable ost, that is M C = M V C. 76 ost fun tion, so that MC dF C dq = 0. is the same as DSC1520/SG001 Example 1. Given the total ost fun tion T C = 100 + 40q, we nd that marginal ost is MC = This means that 2. For the total MC is onstant and does not vary with output ea h additional unit will ost R40. ost fun tion TC = we nd marginal q = 15, 1 3 q − 8q 2 + 120q, 3 ost to be MC = When d (100 + 40q) = 40. dq dT C = q 2 − 16q + 120. dq then M C = (15)2 − 16(15) + 120 = 105. This means that the ost to produ e the 16th unit, is R105. 6.1.3 Average revenue and ost fun tions Average fun tions give expressions for the average value of e onomi Average revenue (AR) variables over an interval. is dened as the average revenue per unit for the rst q su essive units sold, and is found by dividing total revenue by the number of units sold, that is AR = TR . q From this formula, we nd that T R = AR × q. But, sin e total revenue is dened as T R = p × q, it follows that AR × q = p × q This means that AR Average ost (AC ) is equal to pri e, with is given by total p or given by the demand fun tion. ost, divided by the number of units produ ed, that is AC = From this follows that if average AR = p. TC . q ost is known, then total number of units produ ed, that is T C = AC × q. 77 ost is given by average ost multiplied by the DSC1520/SG001 Examples 1. A perfe tly 1 demand fun tion is given by ompetitive rm's p = 20, and we nd that T R = pq = 20q. From this follows that marginal revenue and average revenue are MR = This means that d 20q = 20 dq and AR = TR 20q = = 20. q q M R = AR = p. 2 is given by 2. The demand fun tion for a monopolist p = 50 − 2q. From this demand fun tion we nd that T R = pq = (50 − 2q)q = 50q − 2q 2 . Marginal revenue and average revenue are MR = d (50q − 2q 2 ) = 50 − 4q dq and From the graph in Figure 6.1, we see that the slope of AR = MR 50q − 2q 2 = 50 − 2q. q is double the slope of AR. AR MR 50 40 30 20 AR = 50 − 2q = p 10 M R = 50 − 4q 5 10 15 Figure 6.1: A monopolist's 3. Given that the average ost fun tion for a AR 20 and 1 MR fun tions ertain produ t is AC = 2q + 5 + we nd the total q 25 30 , q ost fun tion to be T C = AC × q = 2q 2 + 5q + 30. A perfe tly ompetitive rm hooses output levels to maximise prots, that is where M C = p. In a monopolisti market only one ompany may oer produ ts and servi es to the publi . This is the opposite of a perfe tly ompetitive market, in whi h an innite number of rms operate. 2 78 DSC1520/SG001 By simply looking at this total ost fun tion, we nd that xed and variable F C = 30 Marginal ost fun tion, that is d T C = 4q + 5. dq MC = The V C = 2q 2 + 5q. and ost is the derivative of the total osts are ost to produ e one additional unit of the produ t, after 50 units have been produ ed, is M C(50) = 4(50) + 5 = R205. A tivity 1. The demand fun tion for a monopolist is q = 120 − 3p. (a) Find expressions for (b) Find the value of q T R, M R for whi h and AR. AR = 0. Does it make sense for the monopolist to sell this number of units? Explain. 2. A rm's xed osts amount to R1 000 and their variable (a) Write down the total (b) Find the marginal of marginal ost fun tion and ost fun tion and ost in this al ulate total (b) Find the TC de reases as MC q = 20. when q = 20. q 10 . q in reases. Use dierentiation. osts. ost fun tion. Comment on the relationship between 4. The average revenue for a Des ribe the meaning ost fun tion: fun tion and dedu e xed and variable ( ) Find the marginal ost when al ulate the value of AC = 50 + AC V C = 3q . ase. 3. A rm has the following average (a) Show that ost is TC and M C. ertain rm is given by AR = 180 − 12q. (a) Write down the total revenue fun tion and nd the marginal revenue fun tion. (b) Comment on the relationship between AR 5. Consider the following total revenue and total T R = 200q − 4q 2 and M R. ost fun tions of a rm: and TC = q3 − 12q 2 + 164q + 100. 3 (a) Derive the formulae for marginal and average revenue. (b) Derive the formulae for marginal and average ost. ( ) Find the rm's prot fun tion and determine the prot if 20 units are produ ed and sold. 79 DSC1520/SG001 6.1.4 Produ tion fun tions During any produ tion pro ess, inputs are transformed into units of output. There may be a variety of inputs, su h as following: l k r te labour number of workers employed, either per day or per hour physi al apital - buildings, ma hinery, et . raw materials te hnology, in luding information te hnology A produ tion fun tion gives the relationship between input and output. The general form of su h a fun tion states the level of output, q, that depends on the amounts of inputs used in the produ tion pro ess, that is q = f (l, k, r, te , . . .). For this module we assume that the inputs fun tion of labour, l , that is As before, we nd the 3 k, r, te , . . . are xed , therefore the level of output is only a q = f (l). marginal produ t of labour by dierentiating the labour fun tion, that is MPL = dq . dl In e onomi s, the marginal produ t of labour (M P L) is the hange in output that results from employing an additional worker. We also nd the average produ t of labour, AP L, labour units, l , that is to be the produ tion fun tion divided by the number of q AP L = . l The average produ t of labour (AP L) is a measure of the average amount of output ea h worker an produ e. Example Suppose we have the daily produ tion fun tion q = 15l2 − 0,5l3 , where l is the number of workers employed per day. We nd the marginal produ t of labour by dierentiation, that is MPL = d d q = (15l2 − 0,5l3 ) = 30l − 1,5l2 . dl dl When ten workers are employed per day, that is l = 10, then M P L = 30(10) − 1,5(10)2 = 150. This means that, when ten workers are employed per day, employing an additional worker will in rease daily produ tion at the rate of 150 units. 3 This is normally the ase in the short run. 80 DSC1520/SG001 The average produ t of labour is AP L = q 15l2 − 0,5l3 = = 15l − 0,5l2 . l l When ten workers are employed per day, then AP L = 15(10) − 0,5(10)2 = 100. This means that the average produ tivity per worker is 100 units of output per day. The total daily output of the rst ten workers is q = AP L × l = 100 × 10 = 1 000 units. A tivity A daily produ tion fun tion is given as where l 1 q = 225l − l3 , 3 is the number of workers employed per day. 1. Find the marginal produ t of labour when l = 5. What does this value mean? 2. Find the average produ t of labour fun tion when l = 5. What is the meaning of this value? 6.2 Optimisation of e onomi fun tions In Chapter 5.3, we found the turning point(s) of a non-linear fun tion to be where the rst derivative is equal to zero. Furthermore, the nature of su h turning point(s) is determined by nding the se ond derivative at the point(s). If f ′′ (x) > 0, f ′′ (x) < 0, it is a minimum point, and when We now apply this to e onomi fun tions like T R, T C and it is a maximum point. P. Examples 1. The demand fun tion for a good is given as p = 100 − 2q, where p is the pri e per unit and q is the number of units produ ed and sold. From the demand fun tion, we nd the total revenue fun tion to be T R = price per unit × number of units =p·q = (100 − 2q)q = 100q − 2q 2 . The marginal revenue is given by MR = The TR d d TR = (100q − 2q 2 ) = 100 − 4q. dq dq fun tion has a turning point where M R = 0, 100 − 4q = 0 81 that is where or q = 25. DSC1520/SG001 The se ond derivative is T R′′ (q) = −4. Sin e this is less than zero, the turning point is indeed a maximum point. This means that when 25 units are sold, total revenue is a maximum of T R(25) = 100(25) − 2(25)2 = R1 250. 2. The demand fun tion for a ertain produ t is given by p = 24 − 6 ln q. From the demand fun tion, we nd the total revenue fun tion to be T R(q) = pq = (24 − 6 ln q)q = 24q − 6q ln q. To nd the number of units that should be produ ed and sold to maximise total revenue, we set M R = T R′ (q) = 0, with d q ln q dq d d = 24 − 6 q · ln q + q ln q dq dq 1 = 24 − 6 ln q + q q = 24 − 6 ln q − 6 T R′ (q) = 24 − 6 (product rule) = 18 − 6 ln q. Setting this equal to zero, gives 18 − 6 ln q = 0 3 − ln q = 0 ln q = 3 q = e3 = 20,09 ≈ 20 units. Sin e the se ond derivative of T R, T R′′ (q) = for all q > 0, T R d 6 (18 − 6 ln q) = − < 0 dq q is an in reasing fun tion. 3. The output over time for a rm is given by the fun tion Q(t) = where t is in years and Q is the t3 − 5t2 + 9t + 90, 3 output in hundreds of units produ ed. We need to determine the years when output is a maximum and when it is a minimum, that is the turning points of The rst derivative of Setting Q′ = 0, Q is Q′ (t) = t2 − 10t + 9. we nd by fa torisation t2 − 10t + 9 = (t − 9)(t − 1) = 0. 82 Q. DSC1520/SG001 Therefore, Q has turning points at t=9 and t = 1, with Q(9) = 9 and Q(1) = 94,33. The se ond derivative is d 2 (t − 10t + 9) = 2t − 10. dt ′′ This gives at t = 1, Q (1) = 2 − 10 = −8 < 0, indi ating a maximum ′′ Q (9) = 18 − 10 = 8 > 0, indi ating a minimum turning point. Q′′ (t) = We turning point, and at t = 9, an therefore say that output will be a maximum in year one and it will be a minimum in year nine. This is onrmed by the graph in Figure 6.2. Figure 6.2: Q(t) = t3 3 − 5t2 + 9t + 90 4. A monopolist has a demand fun tion p = 152,5 − 3q, and osts given by T V C = 0,5q 3 − 15q 2 + 175q and T F C = 300. The monopolist's total revenue fun tion is T R = pq = 152,5q − 3q 2 , while his total ost fun tion is T C = T V C + T F C = 0,5q 3 − 15q 2 + 175q + 300. From these, we nd the prot fun tion as P = T R − T C = (152,5q − 3q 2 ) − (0,5q 3 − 15q 2 + 175q + 300) = −0,5q 3 + 12q 2 − 22,5q − 300. To determine the output for whi h prot is a maximum or minimum, we use the derivatives P ′ (q) = −1,5q 2 + 24q − 22,5 and P ′′ (q) = −3q + 24. Set the rst derivative of the prot fun tion equal to zero and solve for q, P ′ (q) = −1,5q 2 + 24q − 22,5 = 0, −2 By using the minus b whi h is simplied by multiplying by formula with a = 3, b = −48 and c = 45, we √ −b ± b2 − 4ac q= p2a 48 ± (−48)2 − 4(3)(45) = 2(3) 48 ± 42 = 6 = 15 or 1. 83 nd that is to get 3q 2 − 48q − 45 = 0. DSC1520/SG001 q=1 The prot fun tion therefore has turning points when Sin e P ′′ (1) = −3(1) + 24 = 21 > 0, Sin e P ′′ (15) = −3(15) + 24 = −21 < 0, This is onrmed by the graph of P Figure 6.3: Note: We and when p = 1, prot is a minimum at prot is a maximum at q = 15. with q = 15, P (1) = −311. with P (15) = 375. in Figure 6.3. P (q) = −0,5q 3 + 12q 2 − 22,5q − 300 ould also have used the fa t that prot has turning points where M R = M C. By dierentiation, we nd MR = d T R = 152,5 − 6q dq and MC = d T C = 1,5q 2 − 30q + 175. dq Equating these gives 152,5 − 6q = 1,5q 2 − 30q + 175 This is the same equation as 5. The demand and total P ′ (q) − 1,5q 2 + 24q + 22,5 = 0. or above, giving the same results. ost fun tions for a rm are given by p = 50 − 2q and T C = 160 + 2Q. From this, we nd the total revenue fun tion to be T R = pq = (50 − 2q)q = 50q − 2q 2 . From Se tion 3.2, we know that break-even o urs when total revenue is equal to total therefore nd the break-even points for the rm by setting T R = T C, ost. We an that is 50q − 2q 2 = 160 + 2Q −2q 2 + 48q − 160 = 0 (6.1) 2 q − 24q + 80 = 0 (q − 20)(q − 4) = 0, q = 20 (multiply by − 2) or q = 4. The rm therefore breaks even when either four, or 20 units of the good are produ ed and sold. Figure 6.4 shows the TR and TC fun tions, the points where break-even o urs and the areas where prot or loss is made. T R > T C , that is between the break-even where T C > T R, that is when less than four We see that prot is made everywhere in the areas where points. On the other hand, loss is made over the area units or more than 20 units are sold. 84 DSC1520/SG001 TR TC TR 300 Prot 200 Loss 100 Loss Break-even points q = 4 and q = 20 5 Figure 6.4: From the TR TC and TC 10 15 T R = 50q − 2q 2 20 and q 25 T C = 160 + 2q fun tions, we nd the prot fun tion to be P = 50q − 2q 2 − (160 + 2q) = −2q 2 + 48q − 160. We nd the turning point of P where P ′ (q) = −4q + 48 = 0 Sin e P ′′ (q) = −4 < 0, that is at q = 12. prot is indeed a maximum at this point, with P (12) = 128. If we need to sket h the prot fun tion, we already know that the turning point is at (12; 128) and the y inter ept is at (0; −160). We also need the x axis inter epts, whi h we nd by setting P (q) = −2q 2 + 48q − 160 = 0. This equation is the same as setting q = 20. TR = TC as in Equation 6.1 above, whi h resulted in These are the break-even points at (4; 0) and (20; 0) on the graph of P (12; 128) 100 50 0 −50 −100 5 10 15 20 q Break-even points q = 4 and q = 20 −150 Figure 6.5: P (q) = −2q 2 + 48q − 160 85 P q=4 in Figure 6.5. and DSC1520/SG001 A tivity 1. Mary is a vendor at a ea market. She sells hand-dyed T-shirts over weekends. Her demand and total ost fun tions are p = 240 − 10q and T C = 120 + 8q. (a) Write down the total revenue and prot fun tions. (b) Find the number of T-shirts that should be sold to maximise prot. ( ) Find the MC (d) Plot the TR and then and and MR TC fun tions, and show that MR = MC when prot is a maximum. fun tions on the same graph. From the graph, estimate the break-even points onrm your answer algebrai ally. Also show the area on the graph where prot is made. Explain what these values mean to Mary. (e) Plot the M R and M C fun tions on the same graph. What is signi ant about the point of interse tion of these fun tions? 2. The average ost and revenue fun tions for a brand of water bottle are given as AC = 15 + 8 000 q and AR = 25. (a) Write down the fun tions for total revenue (T R), total marginal ost (T C ), marginal revenue (M R) and ost (M C ). (b) How many water bottles should be produ ed and sold to break even? ( ) Write down the prot fun tion. Is it possible to nd the maximum prot? Explain this by using dierentiation and the 3. A MR ompany supplies kit hen and MC fun tions. abinets. Their demand and total p = 5 504 − 0,8q (a) Determine the pri e and quantity of well as MR and M C. and ost fun tions are given as T C = 608 580 + 120q. abinets for whi h prot is maximised, using dierentiation as Give the number of abinets to be supplied, the pri e per prot to be made when prot is a maximum. (b) Find the break-even points. 4. A rm's average revenue fun tion is given by AR = (a) Find the TR and MR 50 . e0,5q fun tions. (b) Determine the number of units to be produ ed and sold to maximise revenue. 5. The total ost of produ ing a ertain good is given by T C = 120 ln(q + 10). (a) Find the total xed (b) Find the marginal ost fun tion, T F C. ost fun tion. ( ) How many units should be produ ed to minimise total 86 ost? abinet and the DSC1520/SG001 6.3 Elasti ity of demand non-linear demand fun tions In Se tion 2.3 the on ept of elasti ity was introdu ed for linear demand fun tions. se tion to refresh your understanding of the Please onsult this on ept of elasti ity. Point elasti ity of demand for linear fun tions is dened as εd = 1 p ∆q p · =− · . ∆p q b q For non-linear demand fun tions, we use derivatives, so elasti ity is given by εd = dq p · . dp q dp dq dq or dp , depending on the format of the fun tion. dp dq in terms of q , nd the derivative dq and invert it to nd dp , whi h is needed The derivative of a demand fun tion is given by either If the demand fun tion gives p for the denition of elasti ity. We may to do this, be ause 1 dq = dp . dp dq Depending on the absolute value of the elasti ity oe ient at a ertain pri e, denoted by ases may be identied: ⊲ If |εd | > 1 at a |εd | < 1 at a |εd |4 , the following elasti at that pri e, meaning that if the pri e in reases inelasti at that pri e, meaning that if the pri e in reases ertain pri e, then demand is by 1%, demand de reases by more than 1%. ⊲ If ertain pri e, then demand is by 1%, demand de reases by less than 1%. ⊲ If |εd | = 1, ⊲ If |εd | is we have unitary elasti ity. When pri e in reases by 1%, demand de reases by 1%. onstant for all posible pri es, and onstant elasti Note: Dierentiation or inelasti . |εd | > 1 |εd | < 1, or an also be used for a linear demand fun tion, then we say demand is respe tively q = a − bp, sin e the derivative, ∆q ∆p , whi h is needed to determine elasti ity. gives the slope of the demand fun tion, whi h is the same as Examples 1. Consider the demand fun tion dp = −2q. dq p = 60 − q 2 , with For the elasti ity formula, we need dq dp . We therefore invert the derivative to nd 1 dq = . dp −2q Elasti ity of demand is therefore given by εd = Transforming the demand fun tion 4 1 p p dq p · = − · = − 2. dp q 2q q 2q p = 60 − q 2 , q 2 = 60 − p we nd or q= p 60 − p. Absolute value is the magnitude of a quantity, irrespe tive of sign. For example, | − 2| = 2. 87 dq dp , DSC1520/SG001 Then, p p . =− 2 −2q 2(60 − p) εd = When the pri e is R45 per unit, that is at p = 45, εd = − Sin e |ε| = 1,5 > 1, elasti demand is 45 = −1,5. 2(60 − 45) at the pri e of R45. This means that if the pri e in reases by 1%, demand de reases by 1,5%. 2. For the exponential demand fun tion q = 45e−0,04p , we nd dq = 45(−0,04)e−0,04p = −1,8e−0,04p . dp Elasti ity of demand is found to be εd = dq p · dp q = −1,8e−0,04p · p 45e−0,04p = −0,04p. At p = 10, |εd | = 0,4 < 1. This indi ates that demand is inelasti when the pri e is R10 if the pri e in reases by 1%, demand de reases by 0,4%. 3. The derivative of the demand fun tion q= 200 = 200p−2 p2 is d 200p−2 = (−2)200p−3 = −400p−3 . dp Therefore, εd = Sin e |εd | = 2 > 1, p −400p−2 dq p · = −400p−3 · = = −2. dp q 200p−2 200p−2 demand is elasti everywhere this is 4. The demand for one-litre bu kets of i e onstant elasti ity. ream is given by p = 50 − 0,5q or q = 100 − 2p. From the demand fun tion, we nd the total revenue fun tion in terms of q to be T R = pq = q(50 − 0,5q) = 50q − 0,5q 2 . From this, marginal revenue is found to be MR = and average revenue is AR = d T R = 50 − q dq 50q − 0,5q 2 TR = = 50 − 0,5q. q q We nd the pri e and quantity at whi h revenue is a maximum by setting M R = 50 − q = 0, that is at q = 50, 88 which gives p = 50 − 0,5(50) = 25. DSC1520/SG001 dq dp Sin e = −2, we nd the oe ient of pri e elasti ity of demand in terms of εd = and in terms of εd = p = 25, to be dq p p p p · = −2 · =− = , dp q 100 − 2p 50 − p p − 50 q, At maximum revenue, p 50 − 0,5q 100 dq p · = −2 · =1− . dp q q q and 25 = | − 1| = 1, 25 − 50 |εd | = whi h indi ates unitary elasti ity, meaning that if the pri e in reases by 1%, demand de reases by 1%. A tivity 1. Consider the demand fun tion q = 25 − 3p. (a) Find the oe ient of elasti ity for the demand fun tion. (b) Cal ulate elasti ity of demand when the pri e is R6,00 and omment on the meaning of the value you nd. 2. Find the oe ient of elasti ity for the demand fun tion q = 80 − 10 ln p and omment on the elasti ity at pri e R60. 3. The demand for ti kets to the So er World Cup is given by q = 192 − p2 , where q is the number of ti kets bought and p is the pri e per ti ket in hundreds of rand. (a) Find the expression for pri e elasti ity of demand in terms of (b) Cal ulate pri e elasti ity of demand if ti kets ( ) If ten seats be ome available when the new pri e. 4. The demand fun tion for a εd = −1, p. ost R800 ea h. What does this mean? determine the per entage hange in pri e. Cal ulate ertain wine is given by p = 1 500e−0,025q , where p is the pri e per bottle of the wine and q is the number of bottles demanded. (a) Find the marginal revenue fun tion for the wine. (b) Determine pri e and quantity at whi h TR is a maximum. ( ) Find pri e elasti ity at maximum revenue. 89 PART IV INTEGRATION 90 Chapter 7: Integration theory Learning obje tives After you have ⊲ ⊲ ⊲ ⊲ ⊲ ompleted this explain the hapter, you should be able to on ept of integration as the reverse of dierentiation apply the power rule of integration to integrate given omposite fun tions apply integration by substitution to integrate given fun tions understand the on ept of denite integration apply integration to determine the area between a urve and the x axis over a given interval 7.1 Integration as the reverse of dierentiation In mathemati s, we often en ounter operations that reverse ea h other dire tly, like addition and subtra tion; and multipli ation and division. In a similar way, integration is the reverse of dierentiation. This means that when a fun tion f (x) = x2 is differentiated to find f ′ (x) = 2x, then, when we integrate the result, it will again give the original fun tion, that is Z A s hemati ′ f (x) dx = Z 2x dx = x2 = f (x). representation of this relation is shown in Figure 7.1. Dierentiate d f (x) dx f ′ (x) f (x) Z f ′ (x) dx Integrate Figure 7.1: Integration reverses dierentiation 7.2 Integration rules 7.2.1 The power rule for integration Dierentiating a fun tion su h as f (x) = x3 by using the power rule of dierentiation, gives f ′ (x) = d 3 x = 3x3−1 = 3x2 . dx 91 DSC1520/SG001 Integration reverses this operation. Therefore, to get x3 3x2 , from we need to add one to the exponent of x and divide by three, that is Z f ′ (x) dx = Z Now, suppose we need to integrate the fun tion 3x2+1 = x3 . 3 3x2 dx = f (x) = x5 . This means that we should nd the fun tion 5 whose derivative is x . We know that d 6 x = 6x5 , dx whi h is six times the answer we need. We therefore need to divide by six to get Z Sin e the derivative of any ould ontain a x5 dx = x5 . Thus, x6 . 6 1 onstant is zero, the fun tion that we have to dierentiate to nd the integral , onstant and the integration would not be orre t. Example: d 3 (x + 2) = 3x2 , dx We d 3 (x + 200) = 3x2 dx and d 3 (x − 2 000) = 3x2 dx an therefore not determine through integration whether the fun tion should ontain a onstant, or what the value should be. It may be zero, but it may also be something else. The result of integration should therefore always in lude a Z 2 3 3x dx = x + c onstant. Our two examples above should be Z and x5 dx = x6 + c. 6 In general, the power rule for integration is given by Z xn dx = xn+1 + c. n+1 Note the following rules for working with the power rule for integration: 1. The integral of any onstant term, Z 2. The integral of a k, k dx = is Z kx + c (when integrating with regard to k × x0 dx = k × x). Sin e x0 = 1, x0+1 + c = kx + c. 0+1 onstant multiplied by a variable term, is the onstant multiplied by the integral of the variable term, that is Z kf (x) dx = k Z f (x) dx. 3. The integral of the sum of a number of terms is the sum of the integrals of the terms, that is 1 Z (f (x) + g(x)) dx = Z f (x) dx + Z g(x) dx. The result of integrating a fun tion is alled the integral, while the fun tion that is being integrated is alled the integrand. 92 DSC1520/SG001 4. We know that Therefore, the integral Applying the power rule to 1 x whi h is not dened. 1 d ln x = . dx x Z Z 1 −1 dx = ln |x| + c. x dx = x R R = x−1 results in division by zero, x1 dx = x−1 dx = 5. The integral of the natural exponential fun tion Z f (x) = ex , x−1+1 −1+1 +c = x0 0 =?, is the fun tion itself, that is ex dx = ex + c. Examples 1. The integral of 2. The integral of f (x) = x3 + 3x2 + x + 1 is Z x3+1 x2+1 x1+1 x0+1 f (x) dx = +3 + + +c 3+1 2+1 1+1 0+1 x2 x4 + x3 + + x + c. = 4 2 √ f (x) = 2x3 + x − x12 is Z Z Z Z 1 1 −2 3 3 2 2 (2x + x − x ) dx = 2 x dx + x dx − x−2 dx 1 x−2+1 x3+1 x 2 +1 − =2× + 1 +c 3+1 −2 + 1 2 +1 3 =2 x−1 x4 x 2 + 3 − +c 4 −1 2 3 1 x4 2x 2 + + + c. = 2 3 x 3. The integral of 1 3 f (x) = √ + is x x Z 1 1 + 3 x x2 1 dx = Z 1 (x− 2 + 3x−1 ) dx 1 x− 2 +1 + 3 ln x + c = 1 −2 + 1 1 = x2 1 2 + 3 ln x + c √ = 2 x + 3 ln x + c. 4. It is always best to simplify a fun tion before attempting to integrate it. fun tion f (x) = Simplifying f gives f (x) = 1 x +5 x + 5x2 . x2 and Z 1 + 5 dx = ln x + 5x + c. x 93 Consider for instan e the DSC1520/SG001 5. The integral of f (x) = 3ex + 5 Z 6. Simplifying f (x) = is x (3e + 5) dx = 3 et + e2t et Z x e dx + Z 5 dx = 3ex + 5x + c. et e2t + t = 1 + et . Now, et e Z t Z e + e2t dt = (1 + et ) dt = t + et + c. et gives f (x) = A tivity Integrate the following fun tions: 1. f (x) = x + x3 + x3,5 2. f (x) = 3. f (x) = 4. f (x) = 2x + 5. f (q) = q(q − √1 x5 √ x+ x x 1 2x √ q) 7.2.2 Integration by substitution To integrate Consider the omposite fun tions, we need to reverse the hain rule for dierentiation. 2 omposite fun tion f (x) = (4x + 3)3 . If 4x + 3 is seen as an entity, say we set be integrated with regard to u u = 4x + 3, to x, u = 4x + 3 u3 du = By substituting 4x + 3 Z by u whi h an u4 + c. 4 also needs to be taken into a ount. If we dierentiate we nd du = 4, dx 2 f (u) = u3 , to nd Z However, the inner fun tion then we have the simple fun tion which results in and 3 dx by du = 4 dx dx = du . 4 du 4 , we get du u3 4 Z 1 = u3 du 4 1 u4 +c = 4 4 (4x + 3)4 + c. = 16 (4x + 3) dx = or Z (substitute) (substitute back) Refer to Se tion 5.2.3 on page 61. 94 u with regard DSC1520/SG001 Examples 1. Consider the fun tion f (x) = To integrate f, we set u = 2x − 1 du =2 dx 10 . 2x − 1 and dierentiate to get or du = 2 dx, which gives dx = du . 2 dx = du . 5 dx = du . 3 Now, Z 10 dx 2x − 1 Z 10 du = u 2 Z 1 du =5 u = 5 ln u + c f (x) dx = Z = 5 ln(2x − 1) + c. 2. To integrate the fun tion f (x) = e5x−2 , we set u = 5x − 2 and dierentiate to nd du =5 dx or du = 5 dx, which gives Now, Z 5x−2 e du eu 5 Z 1 = eu du 5 1 = eu + c 5 1 5x−2 = e + c. 5 dx = Z 3. To integrate f (x) = we set the inner fun tion to be du =3 dx u = 3x + 4 or √ 3x + 4, and dierentiate to nd du = 3 dx, 95 which gives DSC1520/SG001 Integrating f gives √ Z Z 3x + 4 dx = 1 (3x + 4) 2 dx 1 du u2 3 Z 1 1 = u 2 du 3 = Z = 1 u2 +c 3 32 3 3 12 (3x + 4) 2 + c 33 2p (3x + 4)3 + c. = 9 = 4. For the integration Z we set u = 8q + 1 1 dq, 8q + 1 and dierentiate to nd du =8 dq or du = 8 dq, which gives dq = du . 8 Now, Z 1 dq = 8q + 1 1 du u 8 Z 1 1 du = 8 u Z = 1 ln u + c 8 = 1 ln(8q + 1) + c. 8 5. To integrate the fun tion f (x) = √ 1 x+1+ √ , x we rst simplify to nd 1 1 f (x) = (x + 1) 2 + x− 2 . The rst term is a omposite fun tion, with inner fun tion du = 1, which gives dx 96 u = x + 1. du = dx. This is dierentiated as DSC1520/SG001 Now, Z f (x) dx = = = Z Z 1 (x + 1) 2 dx + 1 1 u 2 du + x2 1 2 Z 1 x− 2 dx +c 3 u2 1 + 2x 2 + c 3 2 3 1 2 = (x + 1) 2 + 2x 2 + c 3 √ 2p (x + 1)3 + 2 x + c. = 3 6. For the integration we set u = 5 − 8y and dierentiate to nd du = −8 or dy 2 dy, 5 − 8y Z du = −8 dy, which gives dy = − du . 8 Now, Z 2 dy = 5 − 8y 2 du ×− u 8 Z 2 1 =− du 8 u Z 1 = − ln |u| + c 4 1 = − ln |5 − 8y| + c. 4 A tivity Integrate ea h of the following fun tions: 1. f (x) = √ 3 2. p(q) = 1 2−7q 3. f (x) = 10e2−5q 4. f (t) = 1 e2t 9x − 5 + 2et+2 + 3 7.3 The denite integral and the area under a urve When it is ne essary to nd the area under a urve, one an nd an approximation by dividing the area into intervals, determining the areas of the re tangles under the In Figure 7.2(a) the area under the ∆x and height y. urve between x=a urve and adding them. and x=b is divided into four intervals of width The total area is then approximated by the sum of the areas of the four re tangles, that is Area ≈ b X x=a 97 y∆x. DSC1520/SG001 We see that there are large areas between the urve and the re tangles not being taken into a ount in al ulating the total area. When ∆x is halved, as in Figure 7.2(b), the areas omitted in the summation be ome smaller. y = f (x) y = f (x) a ∆x ∆x ∆x ∆x ∆x ∆x ∆x ∆x ∆x ∆x ∆x ∆x x b (a) Area divided into four intervals Figure 7.2: Area under a urve approximated by sum of re tangles ∆x When we halve the intervals again and again, making sum of the areas of the re tangles ( ∆x Pb a y∆x) gets smaller and smaller, the area represented by the loser and loser to the true area under the be omes innitely small (tends to zero), we nd the exa t area under the urve, between This innite summation is represented mathemati ally by the integration symbol urve between a and b x b (b) Area divided into eight intervals Z a urve. When and b. b and the area under the a is given by Area = Z b f (x) dx. a The area shown in Figure 7.3 is the exa t area between the urve f and the x axis, from point a to b. f (x) Z b f (x) dx a a Figure 7.3: Area under b urve determined exa tly by integration This area is found mathemati ally by integrating the fun tion integral F at the upper bound, x = b, x f as usual, and then nding the value of the minus the value at the lower bound, 98 x = a. This is DSC1520/SG001 Area = Z b b f (x) dx = F (x) a a = F (b) − F (a). Consider for example the fun tion f (x) = x2 − 2x + 3. We nd the area under this parabola between Z The area between the Z 1 5 (x2 − 2x + 3) dx = urve f and the (x2 − 2x + 3) dx = x x=1 x=5 and by rst integrating f normally to nd x3 x2 x3 − 2 + 3x + c = − x2 + 3x + c. 3 2 3 axis from x=1 to x3 2 − x + 3x + c 3 5 is determined as 5 1 (5)3 3 (1) − (5)2 + 3(5) + c − − (1)2 + 3(1) + c 3 3 = (41,67 − 25 + 15 + c) − (0,33 − 1 + 3 + c) = = 31,67 − 2,33 = 29,34. onstant disappears (c Note that the The graph of f − c = 0). and the area determined above are shown in Figure 7.4. f (x) 15 10 5 1 2 Figure 7.4: 3 4 x 5 f (x) = x2 − 2x + 3 When the area between the graph of a fun tion and the x axis is above the x axis, the area is positive, but when it falls below the axis, it is negative. The graph in Figure 7.5 shows the fun tion f (x) = x2 − 1. The following al ulations show that it does not matter whether we al ulate the areas separately and add them together, or integrate over the entire area, the result is the same. * The area between the urve and the Z 0 1 x 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 is under the x axis 1 1 x3 2 = −x −1 −0=− . 3 3 3 0 axis over (x2 − 1) dx = 99 with DSC1520/SG001 f (x) 4 3 2 1 ** 0 −2 * 1 −1 −1 f (x) = x2 − 1 Figure 7.5: 1≤x≤2 ** The area over Z 2 1 2 (x − 1) dx = is x3 −x 3 2 = 1 1 8 6 23 2 1 3 2 4 −2 − −1 = − − − = − − = . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Adding these results gives the net area between Sin e f is symmetri x 2 about the y Therefore, the total net area over f and the x axis, the total net area to the left of the −2 ≤ x ≤ 2 is 2× 2 3 = y axis as − 23 + 34 = 23 . 2 over −2 ≤ x ≤ 0 is also . 3 axis to the right of the y axis 4 3. The same result is found by simply integrating over the interval, that is Z 2 −2 2 (x − 1) dx = x3 −x 3 2 = −2 −8 8 2 2 2 −2 4 −2 − − (−2) = 2 − 2 − −2 + 2 = − = . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Examples 1. To nd the area under the urve f (x) = 40e2x−3 x = 0 and x = 2, we rst integrate f normally. du u = 2x − 3 and dierentiate to nd du dx = 2 so that dx = 2 . between Z 40e2x−3 dx = Z 40eu Sin e f 2 2 40e2x−3 dx = 20e2x−3 0 0 = 20(e2(2)−3 − e2(0)−3 ) = 20(e1 − e−3 ) = 20(2,668) = 53,37. The graph of f omposite fun tion, we set du = 20eu + c = 20e2x−3 + c. 2 The area is therefore Z is a Now, is shown in Figure 7.6(a). 100 DSC1520/SG001 2. To nd the area under the normally to nd Z The area is therefore Z 1 0,2 1 x + x 2 1 x between f (x) = x2 − urve 1 x + x 2 dx = dx = x3 + ln x 3 (1)3 x = 0,2 and x = 1, we rst integrate f x3 + ln x + c. 3 1 0,2 (0,2)3 = + ln(1) − + ln(0,2) 3 3 = (0,3333 + 0) − (0,0027 − 1,6094) = 0,3333 + 1,6067 = 1,94. The graph of f is shown in Figure 7.6(b). (a) f (x) = 40e2x−3 (b) f (x) = x2 + x1 Figure 7.6: Areas between f and x axis A tivity Evaluate ea h of the following denite integrals. (Work to two de imal pla es.) 1. Z 3 (x + 5) dx 1 10 x+5 dx 2 10 x2 + 8x dx x3 1,3 4. Z 10 dx x 5. Z 8p 2. Z 3. Z 1 3 0,3 1 6. Z 1 q + 8 dq 500e0,4x dx 0 7. Consider the fun tion f (q) = 16 − q 2 . (a) Plot the fun tion over the interval (b) Cal ulate the net area between ( ) Find the net area between above and below the q f f 0 ≤ q ≤ 10. and the and the q q axis over the interval axis over the interval axis separately. 101 0 ≤ q ≤ 10 0 ≤ q ≤ 10 by using integration. by al ulating the areas Chapter 8: Appli ations of integration Learning obje tives After you have ⊲ ⊲ ⊲ ompleted this hapter, you should be able to apply integration to nd total revenue and ost fun tions from marginal revenue and apply integration to determine total quantity, given the rate of apply denite integration to determine ost fun tions hange in the quantity onsumer surplus, produ er surplus and total surplus 8.1 From marginal to total fun tions In Chapter 6 marginal fun tions were dened as the derivative of total fun tions. integration is the reverse of dierentiation. Total ost and total revenue fun tions We also know that an therefore be found by integrating marginal fun tions. 8.1.1 Total ost from marginal ost The marginal ost for a ertain produ t is given by the derivative of the total M C = T C ′ (q) = where We q 10 , q is the number of units produ ed. It is also known that the total an therefore nd the total ost fun tion by integrating the marginal TC = Z ost fun tion, that is ost of produ ing 100 units is R500. ost fun tion, that is M C(q) dq 10 dq q = 10 ln q + c. = It is given that T C = 500 when q = 100. Z We therefore nd the onstant, c, by setting 10 ln 100 + c = 500 to get c = 500 − 10 ln 100 = 453,95. The total ost fun tion is therefore T C = 10 ln q + 453,95. 8.1.2 Total revenue from marginal revenue As for total ost, marginal revenue is found by dierentiating the total revenue fun tion, that is MR = d T R. dq 102 DSC1520/SG001 Suppose we know that the marginal revenue fun tion for a good is M R = 100 − 4q, where q Now, we is the number of units sold, and that total revenue from selling 25 units is R1 250. an nd the total revenue fun tion by integrating the marginal revenue fun tion, that is TR = = Z Z M R dq (100 − 4q) dq 4q 2 +c 2 = 100q − 2q 2 + c. = 100q − From the information given, T R = 1 250 when q = 25. Therefore, we nd the value of c as follows: 100(25) − 2(25)2 + c = 1 250 2 500 − 1 250 + c = 1 250 c = 1 250 − 2 500 + 1 250 = 0. The total revenue fun tion is therefore T R = 100q − 2q 2 . 8.1.3 Rate of hange to total quantity Pra ti al situations are often des ribed in terms of the rate at whi h a quantity hanges over time, for example ⊲ ⊲ ⊲ ⊲ the rate at whi h the demand for a good the rate at whi h the volume of sales hanges over a period of time hanges the rate at whi h natural resour es are depleted the rate at whi h pollutants invade the environment We know that the rate at whi h a fun tion hanges, is given by the derivative (the slope) of the fun tion, that is Rate of change in T R = d T R. dq Examples 1. At a small tool-hire ompany, the estimated rate of in rease in the maintenan e given by C(t) = 2 + t1,5 , where C is in rand and Total maintenan e t is time in weeks. osts during the rst ve weeks (0 Z ≤ t ≤ 5) 5 (2 + t1,5 ) dt 0 t2,5 5 = 2t + 2,5 0 TC = 52,5 −0 2,5 = R32,36. = 2(5) + 103 are given by ost of power drills is DSC1520/SG001 During the following ve weeks (5 < t ≤ 10), total maintenan e osts amount t2,5 10 T C = 2t + 2,5 5 (5)2,5 (10)2,5 − 2(5) + = 2(10) + 2,5 2,5 = 146,49 − 32,36 to = R114,13. 2. The annual rate at whi h parran is onsumed at an informal settlement is given by d K = 1 560e0,012t , dt where when K is the amount t = 0, no parran To nd the of paran is onsumed per year (in litres) and onsumed (K t is in years. We assume that = 0). onsumption fun tion, we use integration to nd K= Z (1 560e0,012t ) dt e0,012t +c 0,012 = 130 000e0,012t + c. = 1 560 The value of c is found by using the assumed values, that is 0 = 130 000e0 + c or The c = −130 000. onsumption fun tion is therefore K = 130 000e0,012t − 130 000. The amount of paran onsumed during the rst ten years is given by K= Z 0 10 d K dt. dt 10 = 130 000e0,012t 0 0,012(10) = 130 000 e − e0,012(0) = 130 000(0,1275) = 16 574,6 litres. To nd the amount onsumed during the next ten years we integrate over the interval that is K= Z 20 10 3. The marginal 10 < t ≤ 20, d K dt = 130 00 e0,012(20) − e0,012(10) = 18 694 litres. dt ost of a good is given by M C = −q 2 + 80q, where q is the number of units produ ed. It is also given that the xed 104 ost of produ tion is R500. DSC1520/SG001 From the marginal fun tion we nd the total TC = Z ost fun tion to be (−q 2 + 80q)d q = − From the given information we dedu e that q2 q3 + 80 + c = −0,33q 3 + 40q 2 + c. 3 2 c = 500. Therefore, T C = −0,33q 3 + 40q 2 + 500. The total ost of produ ing su essive units from q =3 to q = 12, is found by integrating over this interval, that is TC = Z 12 (−q 2 + 80q) dq 3 12 = −0,33q 3 + 40q 2 3 3 = −0,33(12) + 40(12)2 − (−0,33(3)3 + 40(3)2 ) (fixed costs cancel out) = 5 189,76 − 351,09 = 4 838,67. A tivity 1. The marginal revenue fun tion for a rm is given by M R = 120 − 2q, where q is the number of units sold. (a) Find the total revenue fun tion if it is given that TR = 0 when q = 0. (b) Cal ulate the rm's total revenue when 50 units are sold. 2. The rate at whi h Johnnie an memorise a sequen e of items is given by N ′ (t) = where t 10 , 1+t is in minutes. (a) Sket h the rate of memory retention roughly and omment on it. (b) Find the fun tion of the total number of items memorised over an interval in time, given that at time t=0 no items have been memorised. ( ) Cal ulate the number of items memorised over the rst and se ond ten minutes. 3. The marginal ost and revenue fun tions for a M C = 80 where q ertain produ t are and M R = 200 − 20q, is the number of units produ ed and sold. (a) Find the prot fun tion, given that xed (b) Determine the value of q osts amount to R500 and total revenue is zero when q = 0. for whi h prot is a maximum. 8.2 Consumer and produ er surplus In Se tion 3.3, the on epts of onsumer surplus and produ er surplus for linear demand and supply fun tions were dis ussed. In this se tion we onsider onsumer surplus and produ er surplus for non-linear fun tions. 105 DSC1520/SG001 8.2.1 Consumer surplus As stated before, onsumer surplus, CS , is the dieren e between the total amount that willing to spend on a good or servi e (indi ated by the demand onsumers are urve) and the total amount that they a tually spend (at market pri e, that is at equilibrium). p0 and q0 , onsumer surplus is represented graphi ally by the area en losed q = 0 to q = q0 , minus the area of the re tangle representing revenue at market equilibrium), p0 × q0 . If market pri e and quantity are by the demand fun tion, from market pri e and quantity (at Consumer surplus is therefore given by CS = Area under demand curve − area of rectangle Z q0 (demand function) − p0 q0 . = 0 Examples 1. Consider the demand fun tion p = 60 − 2q. It is known that market equilibrium, E0 , is at pri e p0 = 12 and quantity q0 = 24. Figure 8.1 shows onsumer surplus graphi ally: p 60 40 CS 20 E0 p0 5 10 15 Figure 8.1: Consumer surplus for We determine CS 20 q0 25 p = 60 − 2q 30 at q p0 = 12 by subtra ting the area of the re tangle at equilibrium from the area of the triangle under the demand line, as was done in Se tion 3.3. We CS = = Z Z an also use integration as follows: q0 (demand function)dq − p0 q0 0 24 0 (60 − 2q)dq − 12 × 24 = 60q − q 24 2 0 − 288 = (60(24) − (24)2 ) − (60(0) − (0)2 ) − 288 = 864 − 288 = 576. 2. Consider the quadrati demand fun tion p = 100 − q 2 . 106 DSC1520/SG001 p 100 CS 50 E0 (8; 36) p0 2 4 Figure 8.2: Consumer surplus for Market equilibrium is given to be at q0 = 8. In Figure 8.2 the demand fun tion and The area is q0 6 8 q 10 p = 100 − q 2 at q0 = 8 Substituting this into the demand fun tion, gives p0 = 36. onsumer surplus are shown graphi ally. al ulated algebrai ally as follows: Z 8 (100 − q 2 )dq − 36 × 8 0 q3 8 = 100q − − 288 3 0 CS = = 629,33 − 288 = 341,33. 3. The area representing onsumer surplus for the hyperboli p= with market equilibrium at q0 = 3 and p0 = 100 3+2 demand fun tion 100 , q+2 = 20, is shown as the shaded area in Figure 8.3. p 50 CS E0 (3; 20) p0 1 q0 2 Figure 8.3: Consumer surplus for 107 q 3 p= 100 q+2 at q=3 DSC1520/SG001 We nd CS algebrai ally as follows: CS = Z 3 0 100 dq − p0 q0 q+2 3 0 = 100 ln(q + 2) − 20 × 3 = 100[ln(3 + 2) − ln(0 + 2)] − 60 d (q + 2) = 1 dx = 100(0,9163) − 60 = 31,63 8.2.2 Produ er surplus Produ er surplus is the dieren e between the revenue the produ er re eives for pri e per unit, p0 , and the revenue they are willing to a ept for su q0 units of a good at market essive units over the interval (0; q0 ). P S = (revenue at market price) − (acceptable revenue at a lower price) = p0 q0 − (area under supply function over (0; q0 )) Z q0 (supply function)dq = p0 q 0 − 0 Examples 1. For the linear supply fun tion p = 20 + 4q, produ er surplus is given by the shaded area in Figure 8.4. p 40 p0 = 36 30 20 10 E0 PS (4; 36) Revenue a eptable to produ er 1 2 3 Figure 8.4: Produ er surplus for 108 q0 4 5 p = 20 + 4q at q0 = 4 DSC1520/SG001 Cal ulating PS by using integration gives P S = Area of rectangle − area under curve Z 4 (20 + 4q) dq = 36 × 4 − 0 4q 2 4 = 144 − 20q + 2 0 = 144 − (20(4) + 2(4)2 − 0) = 144 − 122 = 32. 2. Produ er surplus for the supply fun tion p = q 2 + 6q at market equilibrium E0 = (q0 ; p0 ) = (4; 40) is al ulated as Z 4 (q 2 + 6q) dq 0 3 6q 2 4 q + = 40 × 4 − 3 2 0 3 (4) 2 = 160 − + 3(4) − 0 3 = 160 − (21,33 + 48) P S = p0 q 0 − = 90,67. A graphi al representation of this situation is shown in Figure 8.5. p 40 p0 E0 (4; 40) 30 PS 20 Revenue a eptable to produ er 10 1 2 3 Figure 8.5: Produ er surplus for 4 q0 q 5 p = q 2 + 6q at q0 = 4 8.2.3 Total surplus To measure total e onomi welfare, we add the onsumer surplus to the produ er surplus to arrive at the total surplus. For example, onsider the demand and supply fun tions for a good given respe tively by pd = 300e−0,2q and 109 ps = 2e0,8q . DSC1520/SG001 We nd the equilibrium pri e and quantity by setting pd = ps , that is 300e−0,2q = 2e0,8q 150e−0,2q = e0,8q e0,8q = 150 e−0,2q e0,8q e0,2q = 150 eq = 150 q0 = ln 150 = 5,01. Substituting this value into the demand (or the supply) fun tion, results in p0 = 300e−0,2(5,01) = 300e−1,002 = 110,14. Consumer surplus at market equilibrium is CS = Z q0 (pd ) dq − p0 q0 0 = Z 5,01 0 (300e−0,2q ) dq − 110,14 × 5,01 300e−0,2q 5,01 − 551,80 −0,2 0 300 −0,2(5,01) (e − e0 ) − 551,80 = −0,2 = −1 500(0,367 − 1) − 551,80 = = 949,28 − 551,80 = 397,48. Produ er surplus at market equilibrium is found to be Z q0 ps dq Z = 110,14 × 5,01 − P S = p0 q 0 − 0 2e0,8q = 551,8 − 0,8 5,01 (2e0,8q ) dq 0 5,01 0 = 551,8 − 2,5(e4,008 − e0 ) = 551,8 − 2,5(55,04 − 1) = 416,7. Total surplus in the market is the sum of CS and P S, that is 397,48 + 416,7 = 814,18. The total shaded area in Figure 8.6 represents the total surplus in the market. A tivity 1. Sket h ea h of the following demand fun tions, shade the area representing al ulate (a) CS to two de imal pla es: pd = 100 − q 2 at q0 = 8 110 onsumer surplus and DSC1520/SG001 p 300 200 pd = 300e−0,2q CS 0,8q E0 ps = 2e p0 100 PS q0 1 Figure 8.6: Produ er and (b) pd = 100 q+1 at 2 3 4 5 q onsumer surplus at market equilibrium. q0 = 9 2. Sket h ea h of the following supply fun tions, shade the area representing produ er surplus and late PS to two de imal pla es: 1 q+1 at (a) ps = 10 − (b) ps = q 2 + 4 at q0 = 4 q0 = 5 3. The demand and supply fun tions for a good are given as pd = 100 − 0,5q and ps = 10 + 0,5q . (a) Determine pri e and quantity at equilibrium. (b) Cal ulate onsumer surplus, produ er surplus and total surplus at equilibrium. 111 al u- Chapter 9: Solutions to a tivities 9.1 Se tion 2.1 (Revenue, ost and prot fun tions) 1a The total ost fun tion: T C = F C + V C = 250 + 25q . 1b T C(20) = 250 + 25 × 20 = R750. 1 Substituting into the formula q = 46. TC = FC + V C we nd 1 400 = 250 + 25q , whi h results in 25q = 1 150 or They provided 46 lessons. 2a T C = 1 000 + 15q and T R = 35q . 2b T C(400) = 1 000 + 15(400) = R7 000. 2 When 2d Prot fun tion: When T R = 1 750, q = 100, then 35q = 1 750 or q= = 50. P = T R − T C = 35q − (1 000 + 15q) = 20q − 1 000. then prot is P (100) = 20(100) − 1 000 = R1 000. 3a T C = F C + V C = 900 + 30q , T R = 60q 3b T R = 60q = 4 200 4a 1 750 35 so that and P = T R − T C = 60q − (900 + 30q) = 30q − 900. q = 70. From the given information we nd that F C = 1 000 and V C = 15. The total weekly ost fun tion is therefore given by T C(q) = F C + V C = 1 000 + 15q, where 4b q is the number of From the total al ulators produ ed per week. T C axis is 1 000. So, when T C = 1 000+15×100 = 2 500. ost fun tion, we see that the slope is 15 and the inter ept on the nothing is produ ed, the ost is R1 000; and when 100 al ulators are produ ed, The graph is shown in Figure 9.1. TC (100; 2 500) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 9.1: 4 The total ost of produ ing 25 al ulators is q T C = 1 000 + 15q T C(25) = 1 000 + 15(25) = 1 375. 112 DSC1520/SG001 4d To determine the number of 7 000 = 1 000 + 15q 4e 15q = 6 000, Total revenue is given by the number of T R fun T R = 0, that To graph the are sold, whi h gives we solve for q in the equation al ulators sold/demanded (q ) multiplied by the pri e per al u- T R = 35q. lator. Therefore, 4f T C = 7 000, q = 400. al ulators produ ed when and nd that tion for q = 0 to 100, is the oordinate (0; 0). we need to nd two points on the line. When no al ulators T R = 3 500, giving the When 100 al ulators are sold, oordinate (100; 3 500). The graph of TR is shown in Figure 9.2. TR (100; 3 500) 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 9.2: 4g To nd the number of q = 50. 4h Therefore, 50 When 80 al ulators sold when T R = 35q T R = 1 750, 4i we set 1 750 = 35q , from whi h it follows that al ulators are sold. al ulators are sold, T C(80) = 1 000 + 15(80) = 2 200 Sin e q TR > TC we The prot when on lude that revenue ex eeds q = 80 is and T R(80) = 35(80) = 2 800. osts, so a prot is made. P (80) = T R(80) − T C(80) = 2 800 − 2 200 = R600. 9.2 Se tion 2.2 (Appli ations: demand, supply, ost, revenue) 1a When 1b The demand fun tion is graphed in Figure 9.3. p = 0, then q = 64, and when q = 0, then p= 64 4 = 16, giving the oordinates (0; 64) and (16; 0). q 64 16 Figure 9.3: Demand fun tion 1 When the pri e p in reases by R1, demand q p q = 64 − 4p de reases by four rides per hour. (The slope is 113 −4.) DSC1520/SG001 1d Writing the demand fun tion p = 16 − 14 q = 16 − 0,25q 2a Writing the supply fun tion results in 2b . q = 64 − 4p with p = 0,25q + 22,5 p on the left-hand side gives q with as the subje t, we nd q = −90 + 4p. To graph the demand and supply fun tions, we nd the fun tion (60; 0). q = 210 − 3,5p, For the supply fun tion oordinates (0; −90) and when p = 0, q = 210 and when 4p = 64 − q , resulting in 0,25q = −22,5 + p, whi h oordinates on the axes for ea h. For the demand q = 0, p = 60, giving the oordinates (0; 210) p = 0,25q + 22,5, when p = 0, q = −90 and when q = 0, p = 22,5, (22,5; 0). The fun tions are graphed on the same axes as follows: and giving the q 210 180 150 120 90 (40; 70) 60 30 0 −30 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 p −60 −90 Note: Sin e negative pri es and quantities do not make sense, only the quadrant where both positive are shown in demand and supply graphs. The p and q are oordinate on the negative axis only assists in drawing the line. 2 The point of interse tion simultaneously. with 3a q = 70. an either be read o the graph or it 1 This point is at (40; 70), whi h says that when pri e p = 40, We have two distin t points on the supply line, namely We rst nd the slope d, and (q2 ; p2 ) = (90; 110). The 110 − 60 50 p2 − p1 = = = 1,25. q2 − q1 90 − 50 40 p axis (c), we 60 = c + 1,25(50), Now, to nd the inter ept on the p = c + 1,25q , (q1 ; p1 ) = (50; 60) p = c + dq . that is d= that is substitute one of the given points, say (50; 60), into the from whi h it follows that is therefore 3b demand and supply are equal (When demand and supply are equal, we say the market is in equilibrium.) equation of the supply fun tion is in the form equation an be found by solving the fun tions c = −2,5. The supply fun tion p = −2,5 + 1,25q. The number of T-shirts that will be supplied additionally for ea h R1 in rease in pri e is given by the slope of the supply fun tion with to have q q as subje t. We therefore need to transform the equation from at the left, that is 1,25q = p + 2,5 or p = −2,5 + 1,25q q = 0,8p + 2. Therefore, for ea h R1 in rease in pri e, 0,8 additional T-shirts are supplied. 3 When the pri e is R85, then 3d When 120 T-shirts are supplied, the pri e is 1 See Se tion C.5 on page 163. q(85) = 0,8(85) + 2 = 70 T-shirts are supplied. p(120) = −2,5 + 1,25(120) = R147,50 114 per T-shirt. DSC1520/SG001 9.3 Se tion 2.3 (Elasti ity of linear demand and supply fun tions) 1a From the given demand fun tion, by q = 250 − 5p, εd = −b · 1b |εd | = 2 3 < 1, b=5 and point elasti ity of demand is given p p p p = −5 · =− = . q 250 − 5p 50 − p p − 50 Using the formula derived in (a) with Sin e we see that p = 20, we nd we say that demand is inelasti . εd = 20 20−50 = − 32 . This means that a hange in pri e will not have a signi ant ee t on demand. In fa t, if the pri e is in reased by 1%, demand will de rease by 0,667%. When Sin e 30 30−50 = − 23 . p = 30, then εd = 3 2 > 1, we say that demand is elasti . This means that a |εd | = hange in pri e will have a signi ant ee t on demand. In fa t, if the pri e is in reased by 1%, demand will de rease by 1,333%. 1 We need the values of demand at these pri es, that is Ar εd = −b · Sin e 2a If |εd | > 1, p = 90 + 0,05q , p is then 2 Using the formula derived in (a) with if Ar with d = 20 25 ≤ p ≤ 35. ( he k for yourself ). Point elasti ity of supply in p p p = 20 · = . q −1 800 + 20p p − 90 p = 70, we nd that εs = 70 70−90 = −3,5. Sin e at pri e R70. When the pri e in reases by 1%, supply will in rease by 3,5%. +p2 εs = d · pq11 +q . From the supply fun 2 when p = 60, then q = −600. Therefore, elasti ity of supply is given by p = 40, q = −1 000, then and εs = 20 · Sin e over the interval q = −1 800 + 20p εs = d · elasti p1 + p2 25 + 35 = −5 · = −1,5. q1 + q2 125 + 75 demand is on average elasti terms of 2b q(25) = 250−125 = 125 and q(35) = 250−5×35 = 75. elasti ity of demand is therefore |εs | > 1, supply is elasti tion |εs | > 1, q = 20p − 1 800, supply is we nd that 100 40 + 60 = 20 · = −1,25. −1 000 − 600 −1 600 over the given pri e interval. 9.4 Se tion 3.1 (Equilibrium and break-even) 1a The demand fun tion ps = −40 + 8qs 1b pd = 800 − 2qd is transformed qs = 5 + 0,125ps . to transformed is To nd the equilibrium, we set pd = ps qd = 400 − 0,5pd and the supply fun tion to nd 800 − 2q = −40 + 8q −2q − 8q = −800 − 40 −10q = −840 q = 84. At equilibrium q = 84 rings are supplied/demanded. When we substitute this into the equilibrium pri e to be p = 800 − 2(84) = R632. 115 pd = 800 − 2q , we nd DSC1520/SG001 1 When the pri e p = 720, whi h is higher than the equilibrium pri e, then Lindiwe will supply qs − qd = (5 + 0,125(720)) − (400 − 0,5(720)) = 95 − 40 = 55 more rings than the demand at this pri e. 1d The level of ex ess demand when P = 560 is: Qd − Qs = (400 − 0,5(560)) − (5 + 0,125(560)) = 120 − 75 = 45. If the pri e per ring is lowered to R560, 2a ustomers will demand 45 more rings. The demand and supply fun tions with l as subje t, are ld = 17,5 − 0,25wd 2b At equilibrium, wd = ws , and ls = −5 + 0,5ws . that is 70 − 4ld = 10 + 2ls −4l − 2l = 10 − 70 −6l = −60 l = 10. Therefore, at equilibrium, ten labourers are working. When we substitute the equilibrium wage to be 2 w = 70 − 4(10) = R30 The ex ess demand for labour when w = 20 l = 10 into per hour. wd = 70 − 4l, we nd is ld − ls = (17,5 − 0,25(20)) − (−5 + 0,5(20)) = 12,5 − 5 = 7,5. If the wages are lowered to R20, fewer workers will be willing to work and needed to work. 2d The ex ess supply for labour when w = 40 7,5 ≈ 8 more workers will be is ls − ld = (−5 + 0,5(40)) − (17,5 − 0,25(40)) = 15 − 7,5 = 7,5. If wages are raised to R40, then eight more workers will be willing to work. 9.5 Se tion 3.1.4 (Complementary and substitute goods) 1a To nd equilibrium, equate the demand and supply fun tions of ea h produ t and solve for pX and pY , that is qdX = qsX 190 − 2pX − 2pY = −10 + 2pX −4pX − 2pY = −200 2pX + pY = 100, 116 (9.1) DSC1520/SG001 and qdY = qsY 240 − 2pX − 4pY = −40 + pY −2pX − 5pY = −280 2pX + 5pY = 280. From Equation 9.1 we nd that pY = 100 − 2pX . (9.2) Substituting this into Equation 9.2 gives 2pX + 5(100 − 2pX ) = 280 (9.3) 2pX + 500 − 10pX = 280 (9.4) −8pX = −220 (9.5) pX = 27,5, (9.6) and pY = 100 − 2(27,5) = 45. The pri es at equilibrium are therefore R2 750 for pit hing wedges and R4 500 for putters. 1b At equilibrium, qX = −10 + 2pX = −10 + 2(27,5) = 45 pit hing wedges and qY = −40 + pY = −40 + 45 = 5 putters should be sto ked. 9.6 Se tion 3.1.5 (Taxes and subsidies) 1 To nd the equilibrium, we set pd = s d to nd p = 140. Graphi ally the equilibrium is determined as E0 200 − 5q = 92 + 4q or −9q = −108. This gives q = 12 and in Figure 9.4. p ps = 101 + 4qs 200 ps = 92 + 4qs ET 150 b b E0 100 pd = 200 − 5qd 50 10 20 30 40 q Figure 9.4: Equilibrium before and after tax 2a The supplier pays the tax, so the supply fun tion be omes 2b Equilibrium is found when 200 − 5q = 101 + 4q The equilibrium after tax is shown as 2 After tax, the −9q = 99, whi h gives or q = 11 ps = 101 + 4qs . and p = 145. in Figure 9.4. ustomer pays R145, whi h is R5 more than before tax. The supplier re eives the pri e after tax minus the tax, that is 5:4 between ET or ps − 9 = 92 + 4qs , 145 − 9 = R136, whi h is R4 less than before tax. The tax is therefore distributed ustomer and supplier. 117 DSC1520/SG001 9.7 Se tion 3.2 (Break-even analysis) 1a It is given that the pri e per unit Fun tions for total revenue and total p = 30, T R = p × q = 30q At the break-even point, T R = T C, xed osts F C = 200 and variable ost VC = 5 per unit. ost therefore are so and T C = F C + V C = 200 + 5q. 30q = 200 + 5q , whi h gives 25q = 200 or q = 8. The rm should therefore produ e and sell eight units to break even. 1b At break-even, 2a Total revenue 2b Break-even o T R = 30(8) = 240 and T C = 200 + 5(8) = 240, whi h are equal, as expe ted. T R = number of watches sold × price per watch = q × 6,60 = 6,6q . urs when T C = T R, that is when 800 + 0,2q = 6,6q, which gives 6,4q = 800 or q = 125. 2 Suppose the pri e at break-even is given by TR = TC gives P = 832 160 P, then = R5,20. T R = P × 160 and T C = 800 + 0,2 × 160. Setting 9.8 Se tion 3.3 (Consumer and produ er surplus) 1a Demand and supply fun tions are given as pd = 58 − 0,2q and ps = 4 + 0,1q . 58 − 0,2q = 4 + 0,1qQ, whi h results in 0,3q = 54 or q0 = 180. Substituting p0 = 22. This means that at equilibrium 180 seats on the bus will be sold for At equilibrium, this into either fun tion gives R22 ea h. Figure 9.5 shows equilibrium, onsumer surplus and produ er surplus for pd = 58 − 0,2q and p A = 58 CS p0 = 22 E0 PS B=4 q0 = 180 Figure 9.5: Market equilibrium; 1(b)i At equilibrium onsumers pay p0 × q0 = 22 × 180 = R3 960. 1(b)iii CS = 7 200 − 3 960 = R3 240. At equilibrium, the bus q onsumer surplus and produ er surplus 1(b)ii p0 × q0 + 0,5 × 22 × (58 − 22) = 3,960 + 3 240 = R7 200. 1( )i 290 ompany re eives R3 960. 1( )ii 180 × 4 + 0,5 × 180 × (22 − 4) = 720 + 1 620 = 2 340. 1( )iii P S = 3 960 − 2 340 = 1 620. 118 ps = 4 + 0,1q . DSC1520/SG001 9.9 Se tion 3.4 (Linear programming) 1a Constraint (1) goes through the points (0; 5) and (4; 0); onstraint (2) goes through (0; 6) and (3,2; 0); onstraint (3) goes through (0; 7) and (3; 0). These are plotted in Figure 9.6. y 7 6 5 4 (3) A B 3 2 (1) C 1 D 1 2 (2) 3 x 4 Figure 9.6: Feasible area 1b Coordinates at A are (0, 5) and D is at (3; 0). At B, inequalities (1) and (2) ross, whi h is where 5x + 4y = 20 and 15x + 8y = 48 interse t. From (1) we 5 5 nd that y = 5 − x. Substituting this into (2) gives 15x + 8(5 − x) = 48, resulting in 4 4 5×1,6 8 or x = = 3. The oordinates of B are (1,6; 3). 5 = 1,6, so that y = 5 − 4 15x + 40 − 10x = 48 ross, whi h is where 15x + 8y = 48 and 7x + 3y = 21 interse t. From (3) y = 7 − 37 x. Substituting into (2) gives 15x + 8(7 − 37 x) = 48, resulting in 15x − 56 3 x = −8 or that y = 1,91. The oordinates of C are (2,18; 1,91). At C, inequalities (2) and (3) we nd that x = 2,18, 1 so The obje tive fun tion's value at the orner points are at A P = 10,00; P = 9,00. The maximum prot is found at point B, giving x and 3 000 units of y for a maximum prot of R10 800. and at D units of 2 If the de ision variables are 20a + 30b. The inequality a and b the optimal solution as produ ing 1 600 (3) be the number of kilograms of Brand X and The obje tive fun tion is to minimise The inequality P = (2) y the number of kilograms of Brand Y the gardener should pur hase. 3b P = 10,36; (1) 2a + 2b ≤ 160 x at C for ma hines A and B, respe tively, then the prot fun tion is 2a + 4b ≤ 280 Let P = 10,80; onstraints are the following: 6a + 3b ≤ 360 3a at B ost, that is Minimise Cost = 180x + 60y . onstraints are the following: 20x + 4y ≥ 80 (nitrogen) 2x + y ≥ 15 (potassium) x + 2y ≥ 10 (iron) 119 DSC1520/SG001 y A 20 15 (1) B 10 5 (2) (3) C 2 4 D 6 8 x 10 Figure 9.7: Corner points, feasible area and iso ost lines 3 The inequalities, the feasible area and the iso ost lines are shown in Figure 9.7. The orner points are A(0; 20), B(1,67; 11,65), C(6,67; 1,66) and D(10; 0). The solution is found at point B, where 1,67 kilogram of Brand X and 11,65 kilogram of Brand Y should be pur hased at minimum ost of 180(1,67) + 60(11,65) = R999,60. 9.10 Se tion 4.1 (Quadrati fun tions in e onomi s) 1 If the robots are pur hased, the total ost fun tion is T C = 200 000 + 300p. The demand and total revenue fun tions remain the same as q = 2 500 − 2,5p and T R = 2 500 − 2,5p2 . The prot fun tion now be omes P = TR − TC = 2 500p − 2,5p2 − (200 000 + 300(2 500 − 2,5p)) = 2 500p − 2,5p2 − 200 000 − 750 000 + 750p = −2,5p2 + 3 250p − 950 000. Here, a = −2,5, b = 3 250 and c = −950 000. pm = The pri e that maximises prot is −b −3 250 = = R650, 2a 2(−2,5) whi h is R50 per unit less than before. The maximum prot at this pri e is P = −2,5(650)2 + 3 250(650) − 950 000 = R106 250. We would advise ACE to pur hase the robots, sin e their prot will be 120 106 250 − 105 000 = R1 250 higher. DSC1520/SG001 2 Total ost is al ulated as xed osts plus variable ost, therefore T C = 100 × 150 + 50q = 15 000 + 50q. To nd the demand fun tion, we need two points on the line. It is given that when rent is R200, all the ars are rented out, that is the point rented out drops by ten. Therefore, The slope of the demand fun tion (p1 ; q1 ) = (200; 100). Also, when the rent goes up (p2 ; q2 ) = (220; 99) is also on the demand line. qd = a − bp b= by R20, the number is 99 − 100 −1 = = −0,05, 220 − 200 20 giving the demand fun tion to be q = a − 0,05p. To nd the value of a, we use the point (200; 100) to nd demand fun tion is therefore 100 = a − 0,05(200) = a − 10, giving a = 110. The q = 110 − 0,05p. The total revenue fun tion is given by T R = pq = p(110 − 0,05p) = 110p − 0,05p2 and the prot fun tion is P = TR − TC = 110p − 0,05p2 − (15 000 + 50q) = 110p − 0,05p2 − (15 000 + 50 (110 − 0,05p)) = 110p − 0,05p2 − 20 500 + 2,5p = −0,05p2 + 112,5p − 20 500. This is a quadrati fun tion with a < 0, p= If the rent is R1 125, then to rent out half a −112 112,5 −b = = = 1 125. 2a 2(−0,5) 0,1 q = 110 − 0,5(1 125) = 53,75 ar, we round the number of The prot when the rent is R1 125 per This means that if they rent out 54 3 therefore it has a maximum turning point. The vertex is at ar is ars will be rented out per day. Sin e it is impossible ars to 54. P (1 125) = −0,05(1 125)2 + 112,5(1 125) − 20 500 = 42 781,25. ars per day for R1 125 ea h, they will make a daily prot of R42 781,25. The demand and supply fun tions are shown graphi ally in the following gure: 121 DSC1520/SG001 To nd the equilibrium, equate the demand and supply fun tions to nd q 2 − 0,5 = −q 2 + 4 2q 2 = 4,5 p q = ± 2,25 = 1,5 A negative quantity does not make sense, so 4a or − 1,5. q = 1,5, giving the equilibrium pri e to be p = (1,5)2 −0,5 = 1,75. To plot the fun tions, we rst need to simplify them and then nd pd = −(q + 4)2 + 100 = −(q 2 + 8q + 16) + 100 = −q 2 − 8q + 84 and ps = (q + 2)2 = q 2 + 4q + 4. These fun tions are plotted in Figure 9.8. Equilibrium seems to be at the point (4; 35). Figure 9.8: 4b To determine the pd = −q 2 − 8q + 84 and ps = q 2 + 4q + 4 ompany's equilibrium pri e and quantity, we equate the demand and supply fun tions to nd −q 2 − 8q + 84 = q 2 + 4q + 4 −2q 2 − 12q + 80 = 0 q 2 + 6q − 40 = 0 (q + 10)(q − 4) = 0 (divide by − 2) (factorise) q = −10 or q = 4. A negative number of items does not make sense, therefore we and sold for 5a p= (4)2 + 4(4) + 4 = R36 on lude that four items should be produ ed to break even. Total revenue is given by the pri e per unit, times the number of units sold, that is We an also nd TR in terms of q p2 p = 600p − . T R = pq = p 600 − 8 8 by transforming the demand fun tion: p q = 600 − 8 p = 600 − q 8 p = 4 800 − 8q. Now, T R = pq = (4 800 − 8q)q = 4,800q − 8q 2 . 122 DSC1520/SG001 5b Here, T R = −8q 2 + 4 800q is a quadrati fun tion with a negative oe ient of q2, whi h indi ates that the graph has a maximum turning point. This point is at q= −b −(4 800) 4 800 = = = 300, 2a 2(−8) 16 where T R = −8(3002 ) + 4 800(300) = 720 000. The ompany therefore needs to produ e and sell 300 units of the produ t to get a maximum revenue of R720 000. Figure 9.9 shows that the turning point of the total revenue fun tion is indeed at Figure 9.9: 5 Prot is q = 300 units. T R = 8q 2 + 4 800q al ulated as the dieren e between total revenue and total ost, that is P = TR − TC = −8q 2 + 4 800q − (800 − 120q + 5q 2 ) = (−8 − 5)q 2 + (4 800 + 120)q − 800 = −13q 2 + 4 920q − 800. 5d To break even, total revenue should be equal to total ost. This is also the point where prot is zero. We therefore nd the break-even point by setting the prot fun tion equal to zero, that is P = −13q 2 + 4 920q − 800 = 0. This is a quadrati fun tion with q= = = = a = −13, b = 4 920 and c = −800. By using the formula as before, we nd √ b2 − 4ac 2a p −4 920 ± 4 9202 − 4(−13)(−800) 2(−13) −4 920 ± 4 915,77 −26 −4 920 − 4 915,77 −4 920 + 4 915,77 = 0,16 or q= = 378,3, −26 −26 −b ± whi h means that prot is zero (or break-even is rea hed) when either no units are produ ed, or when 378 units are produ ed and sold. This is onrmed by the graphs of the T R, T C and prot (P ) fun tions in Figure 9.10. 123 DSC1520/SG001 (a) T R and T C (b) Prot Figure 9.10: Break-even where TR = TC and/or P =0 9.11 Se tion 4.4 (Exponential and logarithmi fun tions) 1a In 1995, t=0 and P (0) = 125,5e0,012(0) = 125,5, whi h means that there were 125 500 people older than 60. In 2020, t = 25 and P (25) = 125,5e0,012(25) = 206,9, whi h means that there are 206 900 people older than 60. 1b Figure 9.11 shows the growth fun tion from 1995 to 2095. Figure 9.11: Unlimited growth fun tion This is an unlimited growth fun tion, meaning the number of people older than 60 will in rease at a faster rate as time goes by. 1 We need to nd t when P (t) = 1 000, that is 125,5e0,012t = 1000 e0,012t = 7,968 0,012t = ln 7,968 2,075 = 172,95. t= 0,012 Therefore, after 173 years this population will be one million. 2a After one week, After 52 weeks, 2b t = 1, and S(1) = 200 000(1 − e−0,05 ) = 9 754 S(52) = 200 000(1 − e−0,05×52 ) = 185 145 magazines. magazines. Graph 9.12 shows the sales of magazines for 104 weeks. The sales will grow at a de reasing rate with an upper limit of 200 000 magazines. 124 DSC1520/SG001 Figure 9.12: Sales of magazines 3a Initially, t = 0, with After ten years, when 3b P (1) = 6 000 1+29e−0,4 t = 10, P (10) = ≈ 294 sh. 6 000 1+29e−0,4(10) = 3 918 sh. Graph 9.13 shows the growth of the sh population. Figure 9.13: Fish population 3 The population will be 4 000 when 6 000 1 + 29e−0,4t −0,4t 4 000(1 + 29e ) = 6 000 4 000 = 1 + 29e−0,4t = 1,5 1,5 − 1 = 0,017 e−0,4t = 29 −0,4t = ln 0,017 −4,06 t= = 10,15, −0,4 that is after ten years. 9.12 Se tion 4.5 (Hyperboli fun tions) 1a Figure 9.14 shows the graph of this fun tion. The ar depre iates very fast over the rst three years and after that the rate of depre iation de reases. 125 DSC1520/SG001 Figure 9.14: Value fun tion 1b The value will be R200 000 when 200 = 1 + 840 1 + 2t 199(1 + 2t) = 840 199 + 398t = 840 840 − 199 = 1,6 years. t= 398 2a Figure 9.15 shows the graph of these fun tions. Figure 9.15: Sales of old and new models of laptops The sales of the new model grows at an in reasing rate, whi h shows a rapid improvement in rate of sales. 2b The sales of the models are equal at the interse tion, where 36 9 = t+3 21 − t 9(21 − t) = 36(t + 3) (−9 − 36)t = 36 × 3 − 21 × 9 −81 t= = 1,8. −45 When t = 1,8, then Sold = Snew = 1,875. This means that after 1,8 months (about 54 days) 1 875 of both the old and the new laptops are sold. 9.13 Se tion 5.2.1 (The power rule for dierentiation) 1 The slope is given by the derivative of the fun tion, that is dy d 3 = (x + 4x − 7) = 3x2 + 4. dx dx 126 DSC1520/SG001 At 2a x = 3, dy = 3(3)2 + 4 = 31. dx Simplify the fun tion to get 1 y = 4 + x + 2x 2 . Dierentiation gives 1 dy 1 1 1 = 0 + 1 + 2 × x 2 −1 = 1 + x− 2 = 1 + √ . dx 2 x 2b Simpli ation gives f (x) = x−1 − 5x−2 + 10. Dierentiating f gives f ′ (x) = (−1)x−1−1 − 5(−2)x−2−1 + 0 = −x−2 + 10x−3 = − 2 Simpli ation results in f (x) = 7 + √7 x =7+ 7 1 x2 1 = 7 + 7x− 2 . 10 1 + 3. 2 x x Dierentiation gives 1 1 7 7 3 f ′ (x) = 0 + 7 − x− 2 −1 = − x− 2 = − √ . 2 2 2 x3 2d We rst simplify to get p(q) = q 2 −q q3 = q2 q3 − q q3 = q −1 − q −2 . Dierentiation gives p′ (q) = −q −2 − (−2)q −3 = − 1 2 + 3. 2 q q 9.14 Se tion 5.2.3 (The hain rule) 1 For y = (4 − 5x)3 , set u = 4 − 5x so that y = u3 . dy = 3u2 du Combining these gives 2 For f (x) = √ x2 + 12, set f ′ (u) = Combining these gives For y= 15 1+ex , set dy 1 1 1 = u− 2 = √ du 2 2 u u = 1 + ex Combining these gives For q = 500 ln(p3 + 8p), so that y= 15 u = 15u−1 . du = 2x. dx The derivatives are dy 15 = −15u−2 = − 2 . du u and dy du 15 15ex dy = · = − 2 · ex = − . dx du dx u (1 + ex )2 set u = p3 + 8p so that du = 3p2 + 8 dp Combining these gives and u′ (x) = x 1 . f ′ (x) = f ′ (u) · u′ (x) = √ · 2x = √ 2 2 u x + 12 du = 0 + ex dx 4 du = −5. dx and dy dy du = · = 3u2 · (−5) = −15(4 − 5x)2 . dx du dx √ 1 u = x2 + 12 so that y = u = u 2 . The derivatives are 3 The derivatives are q = 500 ln u. and The derivatives are dq 500 = . du u dq dq du 500 500(3p2 + 8) = · = · (3p2 + 8) = . dp du dp u p3 + 8p 127 DSC1520/SG001 5 We know that the derivative of the sum of a number of terms is simply the derivative of the terms added together. We therefore dierentiate ea h term and add. ⊲ The derivative of the rst term is ⊲ For the se ond term, f (x) = d 1,5 dx 5e 2 x+2 , we set = 0 be ause it does not u=x+2 so that ontain f (u) = u′ (x) = 1 and f ′ (u) = −2u−2 = resulting in f ′ (x) = f ′ (u) · u′ (x) = ⊲ For the third term, f (x) = ln(2x − 1), we set f ′ (u) = = 2u−1 . onstant. The derivatives are −2 , u2 −2 −2 ·1= . 2 u (x + 2)2 u = 2x − 1 1 u 2 u x and is therefore a so that f (u) = ln(u). The derivatives are and u′ (x) = 2, resulting in f ′ (x) = f ′ (u) · u′ (x) = 2 1 ·2= . u 2x − 1 Adding these derivatives, gives −2 2 g (x) = + =2 2 (x + 2) 2x − 1 ′ 1 1 − 2x − 1 (x + 2)2 . 9.15 Se tion 5.2.4 (The produ t rule) √ 1 Q(p) = p p + 5 v ′ (p) = 1 2 (p − 12 + 5) onsists of u(p) = p with derivative u′ (p) = 1 and 1 v(p) = (p + 5) 2 with derivative . The produ t rule gives Q′ (p) = u′ (p)v(p) + u(p)v ′ (p) 1 1 1 = 1 · (p + 5) 2 + p · (p + 5)− 2 2 p p = p+5+ √ 2 p+5 2(p + 5) + p √ = 2 p+5 3p + 10 = √ . 2 p+5 2 AC(q) = 1 q , is dierentiated using the power rule to nd −2 −q . The se ond term, q ln q , is the produ t of u(q) = q and v(q) = ln q , with u′ (q) = 1 and 1 q − q ln q onsists of two terms. The rst term, d −1 = dq q ′ v (q) = 1q . The derivative of AC is AC ′ (q) = −q −2 − [u′ (q)v(q) + u(q)v ′ (q)] 1 −1 = 2 − 1 · ln q + q · q q −1 = 2 − ln q − 1. q 128 DSC1520/SG001 3 3 3 f (x) = 20 xe2x−5 onsists of the produ t of u(x) = 20 x with derivative 2x−5 ′ 2x−5 e with derivative v (x) = e · 2. The derivative of f is The fun tion v(x) = u′ (x) = 3 20 and f ′ (x) = u′ (x)v(x) + v ′ (x)u(x) 3 3 = · e2x−5 + 2e2x−5 · x 20 20 3 2x−5 = e (1 + 2x). 20 4 f (x) = x3 ln(x3 ) u(x) = x3 of f is onsists of ( hain rule). The derivative with derivative u′ (x) = 3x2 and v(x) = ln x3 with v ′ (x) = 1 x3 · 3x2 f ′ (x) = u′ (x)v(x) + v ′ (x)u(x) 3x2 3 ·x x3 = 3x2 (ln x3 + 1). = 3x2 · ln x3 + 9.16 Se tion 5.2.5 (The quotient rule) 1 f (x) = ln x 3x onsists of the quotient of u(x) = ln x with u′ (x) = 1 x and v(x) = 3x with v ′ (x) = 3. Applying the quotient rule results in u′ (x)v(x) − u(x)v ′ (x) = f (x) = v(x)2 ′ 2 The se ond term of C(y) = 1 − u(y) = e−0,8y e−0,8y y2 1 x (3x) − ln x(3) 3 − 3 ln x 1 − ln x = = . (3x)2 9x2 3x2 onsists of the quotient of with u′ (y) = e−0,8y (−0,8) and v(y) = y 2 with v ′ (y) = 2y. Applying the quotient rule for the se ond term, results in u′ (y)v(y) − u(y)v ′ (y) (v(y))2 −0,8e−0,8y y 2 − 2ye−0,8y =− (y 2 )2 −0,8y e (0,8 + 2y) . = y4 C ′ (y) = 0 − 3 F (x) = 2x ln x 3x2 onsists of the quotient of u(x) = 2x ln x with u′ (x) = 2 ln x + 2x (product rule) x and v(x) = 3x2 Applying the quotient rule results in u′ (x)v(x) − u(x)v ′ (x) v(x)2 (2 ln x + 2)(3x2 ) − (2x ln x)(6x) = (3x2 )2 6x2 (ln x + 1 − 2 ln x) = 9x4 2(1 − ln x) . = 3x2 F ′ (x) = 129 with v ′ (x) = 6x. DSC1520/SG001 4 P (q) = 50−q 2 50+q 2 onsists of the quotient of u(q) = 50 − q 2 with u′ (q) = −2q v(q) = 50 + q 2 and v ′ (q) = 2q. with Applying the quotient rule results in u′ (q)v(q) − u(q)v ′ (q) v(q)2 (−2q)(50 + q 2 ) − (50 − q 2 )(2q) = (50 + q 2 )2 −100q − 2q 3 − 100q + 2q 3 = (50 + q 2 )2 −200q . = (50 + q 2 )2 P ′ (q) = 9.17 Se tion 5.3 (Higher derivatives) 1a f (x) = (150 − 2x)x = 150x − 2x2 . Then, = 150 − 4x and f ′′ (x) = 0 − 4 = −4. √ 1 1b Simpli ation gives f (x) = 10x + x = 10x + x 2 . Then, 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 f ′ (x) = 10 + x− 2 = √ and f ′′ (x) = 0 − · x− 2 = − x− 2 = − √ . 2 2 x 2 2 4 4 x3 Simplify to nd f ′ (x) 1 = x4 − x−4 . Then, x4 4 f ′ (x) = 4x3 − (−4)x−5 = 4x3 + 4x−5 = 4x3 + 5 and x 20 ′′ 2 −6 2 −6 f (x) = 4(3)x + 4(−5)x = 12x − 20x = 12x2 − 6 . x 1 Simplify to nd f (x) = x4 − 2 C ′ (x) = 35 x2 − 16x + 25 , C ′′ (x) = 65 x − 16 and C ′′′ (x) = 6 5 = 1,2. 9.18 Se tion 5.3 (Optimisation of fun tions in one variable) 1a From 1b Dierentiate 1 Dierentiate f ′ (x) = 2x − 6 = 0 we nd that f has a stationary = 2 > 0, the turning point is a minimum. point at x = 3. ′′ Sin e f (x) f (t) = 31 t3 − 2t2 − 5t + 8 to nd f ′ (t) = t2 − 4t − 5 and f ′′ (t) = 2t − 4. ′ 2 Setting f (x) = t − 4t − 5 = 0 and solving for t, gives (t − 5)(t + 1) = 0, resulting in turning points ′′ at t = 5 and t = −1. Sin e f (5) = 2(5) − 4 = 6 > 0, f has a lo al minimum at x = 5 and sin e ′′ f (−1) = 2(−1) − 4 = −6 < 0, f has a lo al maximum at t = −1. Setting Q(p) = 64p + p−1 Q′ (p) = 64 − 1 p2 =0 gives 1 ′′ 2 and Q (p) pq 1 1 1 2 or p = 64 so that p = ± 64 , that is p2 0, Q has a lo al minimum at p = 81 . to nd 64 = Q′ (p) = 64 − p−2 = 64 − 2 ′′ 1 Sin e Q ( ) = 1 3 = 2(512) = 1 024 > 8 (8) 1 2 ′′ Sin e Q (− ) = = −2(512) = −1 024 8 (− 1 )3 < 0, Q has a lo al maximum at 8 1d Dierentiate 2a Dierentiate ′ Setting f (x) p= 2 . p3 − 81 . = −(−2)p−3 = p= 1 8 or p= 1 8. f (x) = 200 − 2(x2 − 8x + 16) = −2x2 + 16x + 168: f ′ (x) = −4x + 16 and f ′′ (x) = −4. = −4x + 16 = 0 gives x = 4. Sin e f ′′ (4) = −4 < 0, f has a maximum at x = 4. f (x) = x2 − 18x + 11: f ′ (x) = 2x − 18 and f ′′ (x) = 2. ′ ′′ Setting f (x) = 2x − 18 = 0 gives turning point at x = 9. Sin e f (9) = 2 > 0, f Therefore, f de reases over (−∞; 9) and in reases over (9; ∞). 130 has a minimum at x = 9. DSC1520/SG001 2b Dierentiate f (x) = 3x2 − 0,1x3 : f ′ (x) = 6x − 0,3x2 and f ′′ (x) = 6 − 0,6x. 6 ′ 2 Setting f (x) = 6x − 0,3x = 0 gives x(6 − 0,3x) = 0, so the turning points are at x = 0 and x = 0,3 = 20. ′′ ′′ Sin e f (0) = 6 > 0, f has a minimum at x = 0 and sin e f (20) = 6 − 0,6(2) = −6 < 0 it has a maximum at x = 20. Therefore, f de reases over (−∞; 0) and (20; ∞), (0; 20). while it in reases over 9.19 Se tion 6.1 (Marginal and average fun tions) 1a We need the demand fun tion to be in terms of q, so we transform it to nd Now, 3p = 120 − q or p = 40 − q 3. q2 q q = 40q − , T R = pq = 40 − 3 3 d q2 2 MR = 40q − = 40 − q dq 3 3 and AR = 1b q 3 q TR = 40 − = p. q 3 M R = 40 − 23 (120) = 40 − 80 = −40 < 0. monopolist should stop selling the produ t when M R = 0, be ause he will start losing money after 2q point. They should therefore stop selling when M R = 40 − 3 = 0, that is when q = 60. AR = 40 − When = 0, q = 40 × 3 = 120. 2a T C = F C + V C = 1 000 + 3q 2b M C = d dq T C =3 and 3a AC The derivative of q>0 and average is The this T C(20) = 1 000 + 3(20) = 1 060. M C(20) = 3. TC and ase. It gives the amount by whi h Here, Marginal ost is given by the slope of T C, whi h is onstant in this in reases for ea h extra unit produ ed. d −1 dq (50 + 10q ) = 0 − 10q −2 = − 10 q2 . The slope of AC is therefore negative for all ost de reases as the number of units produ ed in reases. (e onomies of s ale). 3b T C = AC × q = 50q + 10, with F C = 10 and V C = 50q . 3 Marginal TC ost, MC = d dq T C = The slope of 5a M R = d dq T R 5b M C = d q3 dq ( 3 5 = 50, is the slope of the T C fun tion. For ea h unit produ ed, in reases by R50. 4a T R = AR × q = 180q − 12q 2 4b d dq (50q + 10) Prot When MR = and MR = is double the slope of d dq (200q d dq T R AR − 4q 2 ) = 200 − 8q = 180 − 24q . a monopolist. and AR = TR q = 200 − 4q . 2 − 12q 2 + 164q + 100) = q − 24q + 164 and AC = TqC = q3 − 12q + 164 + 100 q . 3 3 P = T R − T C = 200q − 4q 2 − q3 − 12q 2 + 164q + 100 = − q3 + 8q 2 + 36q − 100. 3 2 q = 20, P = − (20) 3 + 8(20) + 36(20) − 100 = R1 153,33. 9.20 Se tion 6.1.4 (Produ tion fun tions) 1 MPL = d dl q = d dl (225l − 31 l3 ) = 225 − l2 . M P L(5) = 225 − 52 = 200. This means that when ve workers are employed per day, an additional worker will in rease produ tion at a rate of 200 units per day. 131 DSC1520/SG001 2 AP L = When 225l− 13 l3 l = 225 − l2 3. l = 5, AP L(5) = 225 − 52 3 q l = = 216,67. This means that when ve workers are employed per day, the average produ tivity is 217 output units per worker per day. 9.21 Se tion 6.2 (E onomi appli ations of optimisation) 1a Total revenue is the pri e per unit times the number of units sold, that is T R = pq = (240 − 10q)q = 240q − 10q 2 . Prot is total revenue minus total ost, that is P = 240q − 10q 2 − (120 + 8q) = −10q 2 + 232q − 120. 1b dP dq Prot is a maximum when = −20q + 232 = 0, that is when T-shirts, she will make a prot of R1 224. 1 MR = q = 11,6, 1d d dq T R = q = 11,6 ≈ 12 d dq (240q we nd that d − 10q 2 ) = 240 − 20q and M C = dq (120 + 8q) = 8. M R = 240 − 20(11,6) = 8, whi h is the same as M C . TR Figure 9.16 shows the graphs of and T C, units. If Mary sells 12 At maximum prot, when the break-even points and the area where prot is made. TR TC 1500 1000 TR Prot 500 TC Figure 9.16: 5 10 15 T R = 240q − 10q 2 From the graph, we estimate the break-even points to be at by settinge T R = T C, 240q − 10q 2 = 120 + 8q , q = 0,53 and q = 22,67. that is Solving this equation gives 20 and q≈1 whi h q 25 T C = 120 + 8q and q ≈ 23, whi h are found algebrai ally an be simplied to 5q 2 − 116q + 60 = 0. Mary should produ e and sell either one or 23 T-shirts to break even. When she sells more than one, but fewer than 23 T-shirts, she will make a prot. 1e Figure 9.17 shows MR and MC MR interse t at and MC q = 11,6, fun tions and their interse tion. that is the point where prot is a maximum. 2a T R = AR × q = 25q , T C = AC × q = (15 + 8 000 q )q MR = d dq T R = d dq (25q) MC = d dq T C = d dq (15q 2b Break-even o = 25 = 15q + 8 000, and + 8 000) = 15. urs where T R = T C, that is where 25q = 15q + 8 000, 132 giving q = 800. DSC1520/SG001 MR MC 250 200 150 MR 100 50 MC 2 4 6 8 M R = 240 − 20q Figure 9.17: 2 P = T R − T C = 25q − (15q + 8 000) = 10q − 8 000. The derivative of P is MR onstant, while MC q and therefore say that prot will in rease indenitely as 3a 10 and This is a linear fun tion without a turning point. are both onstants and will never interse t. We P ′′ (q) = −1,6 < 0 P ′ (q) = −1,6q + 5 384 = 0, that is when 5 504 − 1,6q = 120 For maximum prot of The −0,8q 2 that is when M R = M C , that 5 504−120 q= = 3 365. 1,6 or P = 8 450 000, q = 3 365 ompany breaks even when + 5 384q − 608 580 = 0. Total revenue is given by T R = T C, and pri e is d dq (5 504q 5 384 1,6 = 3 365. − 0,8q 2 ) = Sin e 5 504q − 0,8q 2 = 608 580 + 120q , q = 115 and q = 6 615. 50q . e0,05q M R = T R′ d 50q = dq e0,05q d qe−0,05q = 50 dq = 50 1 · e−0,05q + q · (−0,05)e−0,05q −0,05q = 50e Revenue is a maximum when (product rule) (1 − 0,05q). T R′ = M R = 0, that is where 50e−0,05q (1 − 0,05q) = 0 1 − 0,05q = 0 (divide by 50e−0,05q ) q = 20. The rm needs to produ e and sell 20 units to maximise revenue. 133 d dq (608 580 + p = 5 504 − 0,8(3 365) = 2 812. that is when Solving this equation gives T R = AR × q = is when Marginal revenue 4b q= and the prot prot is indeed a maximum at this point. Marginal analysis: Prot is a maximum when 120q), an in reases. T R = pq = (5 504 − 0,8q)q = 5 504q − 0,8q 2 P = (5 504q − 0,8q 2 ) − (608 580 + 120q) = −0,8q 2 + 5 384q − 608 580. Dierentiation: Prot is a maximum when 4a MC = 8 From the demand fun tion, we nd that fun tion is 3b q 12 whi h gives DSC1520/SG001 5a Simplifying the Fixed TC ost is therefore 5b Marginal 5 To minimise ost fun tion, gives T C = 120(ln q + ln 10) = 120 ln q + 120 ln 10. T F C = 120 ln 10 = 276,3. MC = d dq 120 ln(q ost, we set + 10) = MC = 0 to get 120 q+10 . 120 q+10 =0 120 = 0(q + 1) = 0, or whi h does not have a solution. 9.22 Se tion 6.3 (Elasti ity of demand non-linear demand fun tions) 1a This is a linear fun tion with dq dp = εd = 1b At d dp (25 − 3p) = −3, giving elasti ity as dq p p 3p · = −3 · =− . dp q 25 − 3p 25 − 3p 3(6) p = 6, |εd | = − 25−3(6) = | − 2,57| = 2,57 > 1. Demand is elasti . For every 1% in rease in pri e, demand will de rease by 2,57%. 2 The derivative of the logarithmi demand fun tion is dq dp = −10 p , giving the oe ient of elasti ity as dq p · dp q −10 p · = p q 10 =− q 10 . =− 80 − 10 ln p εd = When pri e is R60, 10 εd = − 80−10 ln 60 = −0,256. Sin e |εd | = 0,256 < 1, demand is inelasti at p = 60. This means that at pri e R60, demand de reases by 0,256% for every 1% in rease in pri e if pri e in reases by 5%, demand de reases by 1,28%. 3a The derivative of the demand fun tion is εd = 3b p = 8, If pri e is R800, unitary elasti . If p d dp (192 in reases by one unit, When 4a From the demand fun tion, we nd giving pri e elasti ity of demand as dq p p −2p2 · = −2p = . dp q 192 − p2 192 − p2 giving elasti ity as 3 − p2 ) = −2p, q εd = −2(8)2 192−(8)2 = −1. This means that at this pri e, demand is de reases by one unit. p = 8, q = 192 − 82 = 128 seats are available, meaning that the ten additional seats represent an 10 in rease of 128 = 0,0781 or a 7,81%. Sin e we have unitary elasti ity, the pri e will de rease by 7,81%, that is by R800 × 0,0781 = 62,48, to R737,52. T R = pq = 1 500qe−0,025q . Dierentiating this gives d 1 500qe−0,025q dq = 1 500 1 · e−0,025q + q · (−0,025e−0,025q ) MR = (product rule) = 1 500e−0,025q (1 − 0,025q). 4b M R = 0, that is where 1 500e−0,025q (1−0,025q) = 0. This is true when 1 − 0,025q = 0, whi h gives q = 40 and p = 1500e−0,025(40) = R551,82. Total revenue is a maximum where −0,025q either e =0 (impossible) or 134 DSC1520/SG001 4 Dierentiating the demand fun tion gives dp dq = 1 500(−0,025)e−0,025q . The oe ient of elasti ity of demand is dq p · dp q |εd | = 1 500e−0,025q 1 · 1 500(−0,025)e−0,025q q 1 =− 0,025q 40 =− . q = At maximum revenue, q = 40, |εd | = | − 1| = 1. giving by 1%, demand de reases by 1%. This indi ates unitary elasti ity if pri e in reases 9.23 Se tion 7.2.1 (The power rule for integration) 1 2 3 R R (x + x3 + x3,5 ) dx = √1 x5 Simplify Now, 4 dx = R f R 5 x2 2 x− 2 dx = to nd R f (x) = + x4 4 + x4,5 4,5 x−2,5 dx = √ x+ x x (1 + x−0,5 ) dx = x + x0,5 0,5 = x x +c x−1,5 −1,5 + √ x x +c=x+ 3 +c= x− 2 − 23 =1+ √1 x √ x 1 2 =− √2 3 x3 + c. = 1 + x−0,5 . √ = x + 2 x + c. 2 (2x + 0,5x−1 ) dx = 2x2 + 0,5 ln x + c = x2 + 0,5 ln x + c. 3 √ 5 Simplify f to nd f (q) = q(q − q) = q 2 − q 2 . p Z 5 3 q3 q 2 q3 2 q5 2 Now, q − q 2 dq = − 5 +c= − + c. 3 3 5 2 R 2x + 1 2x dx = R 9.24 Se tion 7.2.2 (Integration by substitution) 1 Simplify to nd Set u = 9x − 5 R √ 3 9x − 5 dx = R 1 (9x − 5) 3 dx . and dierentiate to nd Z du dx =9 or dx = 1 3 (9x − 5) dx = du 9 . Then, Z 1 u3 du 9 4 1 u3 = 4 +c 9 3 = 13 4 u3 + c 94 4 (9x − 5) 3 + c. = 12 2 Set the inner fun tion as Z u = 2 − 7q 1 dq = 2 − 7q Z and dierentiate to nd 1 du 1 · = u −7 −7 Z du dq = −7, or dq = du −7 . Then, 1 1 1 du = − ln |u| + c = − ln |2 − 5q| + c. u 7 7 135 DSC1520/SG001 3 Set u = 2 − 5q du dq so that = −5, Z 4 Simplify to nd 1 e2t f (t) = For the rst term, set dv dierentiate to nd dt giving 2−5q 10e dq = dq = Z du −5 . 10eu du = −2eu + c = −2e2−5q + c. −5 + 2et+2 + 3 = e−2t + 2et+2 + 3. u = −2t so that du dt = −2 = 1 and dt = du. Then, Z and dt = du −2 ; for the se ond term set v = t+2 Z 1 t+2 + 2e + 3 dt = (e−2t + 2et+2 + 3) dt e2t Z Z u du = e + 2 ev dv + 3t + c −2 1 = − eu + 2ev + 3t + c 2 = −0,5e−2t + 2et+2 + 3t + c. 9.25 Se tion 7.3 (The denite integral and the area under a urve) 1 3 2 R3 (x + 5) dx = x2 + 5x 1 = 29 + 5(3) − ( 21 + 5) = 19,5 − 5,5 = 14. R 10 x R 10 100 x2 2 110 x+5 2 dx = 1 2 + 2,5 dx = 4 + 2,5x 1 = ( 4 + 2,5(10)) − (0,25 + 2,5) = 50 − 2,75 = 47,25. R R 10 2 10 8 3 310 x x+8x ) − (ln 3 − 83 ) = 1,503 − (−1,568) = 3,07. dx = 3 x1 + 8x−2 dx = ln x − x8 2 = (ln 10 − 10 3 R 1,3 10 1,3 4 0,3 x dx = 10 ln x|0,3 = 10(ln 1,3 − ln 0,3) = 10(0,262 − (−1,204)) = 10(1,466) = 14,66. 5 1 We set u=q+8 and nd that Z du dq =1 1 (q + 8) 2 dq = and du = dq . 6 Set u = 0,4x so that Z du dx 1 1 u 2 du = u2 3 2 2(q + 8) 2 q + 8 dq = 3 0,4x and dx = dx = Z 1 8 1 = 42,67 − 18 = 24,67. du 0,4 . Then, 500 Z eu 500 u du +c= e + c = 1 250e0,4x + c, 0,4 0,4 and Z 3 2u 2 2(q + 8) 2 +c= + c, 3 3 +c = 3 8p = 0,4 500e 3 3 Z and Z Therefore, 1 500e0,4x dx = 1 250e0,4x 0 0 = 1 250(1,4918 − 1) = 614,78. 7a The graph as plotted by Maxima is shown in Figure 9.18. 7b The net area is Z 0 10 2 (16 − q ) dq = q3 16q − 3 136 10 0 = −173,33. and DSC1520/SG001 Figure 9.18: 7 The urve uts the q axis at Z 0 The area below the Z 4 10 q 2 x = 4. 4 2 f (q) = 16 − q 2 The area above the (16 − q ) dq = q3 16q − 3 q axis is 4 0 = 16(4) − 43 = 42,67. 3 axis is (16 − q ) dq = q3 16q − 3 The net area is therefore 10 4 43 103 − 16(4) − = −173,33 − 42,67 = −216. = 16(10) − 3 3 42,67 − 216 = −173,33. This is equal to the net area al ulated in (b). 9.26 Se tion 8.1 (From marginal to total fun tions) 2 1a T R = M Rdq = (120 − 2q) dq = 120q − 2 q2 + c = 120q − q 2 (c = 0). R R 1b T R(50) = 120(50) − 502 = 3 500. 2a The sket h is shown in Figure 9.19: Figure 9.19: N (t) = 10 1+t The rate of memory retention de lines rapidly during the rst ve minutes, after whi h it de lines gradually to an assymptote at zero. 2b The fun tion of the a tual items memorised is determined by integrating the given rate fun tion, that is R 10 N (t) = 1+t dt = 10 ln(1 + t) + c. Sin e N = 0 when t = 0, N (0) = 10 ln 1 = 0. N (t) = 10 ln(1 + t). R = 10 ln(11) − 10 ln 1 = 24 items. 2 010 N ′ (t) dt = 10 ln(1 + t) 10 0 R 20 ′ 20 10 N (t) dt = 10 ln(1 + t) 10 = 10 ln(21) − 10 ln(11) = 6,5 items. 137 Therefore, c=0 and DSC1520/SG001 3a To nd the prot fun tion, we need to nd the total ost and total revenue fun tions. R R T R = M R dq = (200 − 20q) dq = 200q − 10q 2 + c. Sin e T R = 0 when q = 0, c = 0, giving T R = 200q − 10q 2 . R R The total ost fun tion is T C = M C dq = 80 dq = 80q + c. Sin e xed ost is R500, T C = 80q + 500. Here, The prot fun tion is given by 3b P ′ (q) = 0 or M R = M C . Dierentiating P = −10q 2 + 120q − 500 gives results in q = 6. Setting M R = M C gives 200 − 20q = 80, whi h also results Prot is a maximum when either P ′ (q) in P = T R − T C = 200q − 10q 2 − (80q + 500) = −10q 2 + 120q − 500. = −20q + 120 = 0, q = 6. whi h 9.27 Se tion 8.2 (Consumer and produ er surplus) 1a At 1b At q0 = 8, p0 = 100 − 82 = 36. The graph of pd is shown in Figure 9.20(a). CS demand urve and the line at p0 = 36. R8 3 8 CS = 0 (100 − q 2 ) dq − 36 × 8 = (100q − q3 ) 0 − 288 = 629,33 − 288 = 341,33. q0 = 9, p0 = 100 9+1 = 10. The graph p0 = 10. of pd is shown in Figure 9.20(b). CS is the area between the is the area under the demand urve and above the line at (a) pd = 100 − q 2 at q0 = 8 (b) pd = 100 q+1 at q0 = 9 Figure 9.20: Consumer surplus CS = 2a At R9 100 0 q+1 9 dq − 10 × 9 = 100 ln(q + 1) 0 − 90 = 100(ln 10 − ln 1) − 90 = 230,26 − 90 = 140,26. q0 = 4, p0 = 10 − above the supply P S = 9,8 × 4 − 2b At urve 1 4+1 = 10 − 0,2 = 9,8. The graph p0 = 9,8. of ps is shown in Figure 9.21(a). PS is the area urve and under the line at R4 0 (10 − 1 q+1 ) dq = 39,2 − (10q − ln(q + 1)) q0 = 5, p0 = 52 + 4 = 29. The graph and under the line at p0 = 29. of ps 4 0 = 39,2 − [(40 − ln 5) − (0 − ln 1)] = 0,81. is shown in Figure 9.21(b). 1 (a) ps = 10 − q+1 at q0 = 4 PS is the area above the supply (b) ps = q 2 + 4 at q0 = 5 Figure 9.21: Produ er surplus 138 DSC1520/SG001 P S = 29 × 5 − 3a R5 0 3 (q 2 + 4) dq = 145 − ( q3 + 4q) 5 0 = 145 − [(41,67 + 20) − 0] = 83,33. Equilibrium is where demand and supply are equal, this equation gives 3b CS = p0 = 55 and pd = ps , that is when q0 = 90. 100 − 0,5q = 10 + 0,5q . 90 R 90 (100 − 0,5q) dq − p0 q0 = (100q − 0,25q 2 ) 0 − 55 × 90 = (6 975 − 0) − 4 950 = 2 025. R 90 90 P S = 55 × 90 − 0 (10 + 0,5q) dq = 4 950 − (10q + 0,25q 2 ) 0 = 4 950 − (900 + 2 025) = 2 025. 0 Total surplus is 2 025 + 2 025 = 4 050. Figure 9.22: pd = 100 − 0,5q and 139 ps = 10 + 0,5q at equilibrium Solving PART V MATHEMATICAL BACKGROUND ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE 140 Appendix A: Numbers and variables A.1 Priorities Simple operations in mathemati s are performed in the following order: 1. parenthesis (bra kets) 2. exponentiation 3. multipli ation/division 4. addition/subtra tion Consider the following: 2 × 3 + 4 × 5 = 6 + 20 = 26 8 ÷ 2 − 6 ÷ 3 = 4 − 2 = 2. 5 × 3 + 15 ÷ 3 − 4 × 5 = 15 + 5 − 20 = 0. Parenthesis (or bra kets) in mathemati s are mainly used for grouping and larity. For example, we know that 4 × 3 + 7 × 5 = 12 + 35 = 47 when we apply the normal priority rules. However if we rst need to add 3 and 7 before multiplying by 4 and 5, we use bra kets and write 4 × (3 + 7) × 5, whi h indi ates that the expression in bra kets must rst be al ulated before the other operations, so that 4 × 10 × 5 = 40 × 5 = 200. We also use bra kets to indi ate fra tional exponents, for example 82/3 = 8(2÷3) . Also note that −22 = −4, but (−2)2 = 4. A square root sign a ts as bra kets, so When an expression p 22 + 5 + 3 = p (4 + 5) + 3 = √ 9 + 3 = 3 + 3 = 6. ontains bra kets within bra kets, as in (42 − (6 × 3 − 80 ÷ 5)2 ) ÷ (92 − 77), 141 DSC1520/SG001 we rst need to rst al ulate the value in the innermost bra kets, namely get 6 × 3 − 80 ÷ 5 = 18 − 16 = 2, to (42 − (2)2 ) ÷ (92 − 77) = (16 − 4) ÷ (81 − 77) = 12 ÷ 4 = 3. A tivity Evaluate ea h of the following expressions: 1. 2. 4 × 3 ÷ 2 + 5 × 6 − 20 ÷ 4 × 2 √ 32 × 7 − 9 × 8 + 22 ÷ 4 × 3 A.2 Variables If you need to nd the area of a 4 m by 3 m re tangle, you multiply 4 by 3. But if you do not have spe i values for the re tangle, you by L × W. an all the length of the re tangle This will be true for any value of width, in this ase, are alled L and W. L and its width W, and the area is given Su h letters or symbols that represent length and variables. The rule to express one quantity as a per entage of another is to divide the rst quantity by the se ond and multiply by 100. If the rst number is denoted by x y x and the se ond by y, these words an be expressed as × 100. This is the great advantage of using variables to represent numbers. They enable us to write down rules or expressions that are ompletely general. If we then need to nd the answer to a parti ular to do is to substitute the parti ular values of the variables (x, A variable is simply a label that represents something and In printed text it is represented by either itali a, b, c, . . . , x, y, z ) y , L, W , et an assume any one of several numeri letters of the Roman alphabet (A, B, C, or other symbols like Greek letters (α, β, σ, χ, et .). A tivity 1. Determine the numeri al value of ea h of the following: (a) 12x + 17 (b) x2 − 3 ( ) (d) 2. If if x+7 if x = 5 4 (x + 3)(x − 2) a = 2, b = 1 (a) x=2 x=4 if and if c = 7, x=6 then nd the value of the following: 2(a + b − c) + c(b − a) (b) a2 + b2 + c2 ( ) (a + b)(b − c) (d) 2b − c+3 a + b2 3. Write ea h of the following statements as a mathemati al expression: (a) The sum of x and y. (b) Subtra t the sum of ( ) Three times x a and b from eight. added to two times ase, all we need .) into the appropriate expression. y. 142 values. . . . , X, Y, Z or DSC1520/SG001 (d) Robert's age in seven years' time if he is y years old at the moment. A.3 Laws of operations There are three laws appli able to tipli ation (×) 1. and division (÷). ombinations of the basi These are the operations ommutative, asso iative addition (+), subtra tion (−), muland distributive laws. Commutative laws The two most basi laws are the ommutative laws of addition and multipli ation. They say that it does not matter in whi h order numbers are added or multiplied. (a) The ommutative law of addition The sum of two numbers is unique, meaning that it does not matter whi h number is pla ed rst or se ond, the result is the same. For example, 6+2 = 2+6 (= 8) or, in terms of variables, a + b = b + a. (b) The ommutative law of multipli ation The produ t of two numbers is unique, meaning that it does not matter whi h number is pla ed rst or se ond, the result is the same. For example, 5×2=2×5 (= 10) and, in terms of variables, a × b = b × a. But, what about subtra tion and division? Does the ommutative law apply to them too? The following examples show that it does not: ⊲ For subtra tion, 7 − 3 6= 3 − 7. Here, ommutation (i.e. of 4). ⊲ (The sign 6= stands for is not equal to.) hanging the order) leads to the negative of the initial result (−4 instead For division, 10 ÷ 2 6= 2 ÷ 10. Here, 2. ommutation leads to the re ipro al of the initial result (1/5 instead of 5). Asso iated laws Asso iated laws say that the order in whi h three (or more) numbers are added (or multiplied) does not have an ee t on the result. ⊲ The asso iated law of addition The sum of three (or more) numbers is unique it does not depend on whi h two are added rst, the result is the same. Consider the following example, where we use bra kets to indi ate the sequen e in whi h the operations are to be performed: 7 + (3 + 2) = (7 + 3) + 2 143 (= 12) DSC1520/SG001 In terms of variables, (a + b) + c = a + (b + c). This implies that when adding long olumns of numbers, it does not matter whi h numbers are added rst and whi h last. ⊲ The asso iated law of multipli ation The produ t of three (or more) numbers is unique it does not depend on whi h two are multiplied rst, the result is the same. Consider the following examples. Bra kets again indi ate the sequen e in whi h the operations are to be performed: 5 × (4 × 2) = (5 × 4) × 2 (= 40) In terms of variables, (a × b) × c = a × (b × c). Again, when multiplying many numbers, it does not matter whi h numbers are multiplied rst and whi h last. When it omes to subtra tion and division, however, we must be very areful, as the following examples show: 10 − (5 − 2) 6= (10 − 5) − 2 and (8 ÷ 4) ÷ 2 6= 8 ÷ (4 ÷ 2). This means that an expression like 8÷4÷2 is highly ambiguous, be ause the result depends on the order in whi h the operations are performed. One should always indi ate and enfor e a spe i order by using bra kets. So far, we have stated laws for expressions multipli ation. Let's take a look at a 3. ontaining one type of operation only, namely addition or ombination of these two operations. Distributive law of multipli ation over addition The produ t of a number with the sum (or dieren e) of two other numbers is equal to the sum (or dieren e) of the produ ts of the rst number and ea h of the other two numbers. Consider the following example: 6 × (2 + 3) = 6 × 2 + 6 × 3 In terms of variables, a(b + c) = ab + ac. 144 (= 30) DSC1520/SG001 Note: ⊲ Sin e multipli ation obeys the ommutative law, the fa tors involved in the statements above may be reversed, for example 6 × (2 + 3) = 6 × 2 + 6 × 3 = 2 × 6 + 3 × 6 = (2 + 3) × 6 and, in terms of variables, x × (y + z) = xy + xz = yx + zx = (y + z)x. ⊲ Although we annot easily formulate similar laws for subtra tion and division, we transform expressions ontaining subtra tion and division to ones an frequently ontaining only addition and multi- pli ation. For the In the ommutitative law: ase of subtra tion, hange the sign of the number being subtra ted and then add, for example 11 − 4 = 11 + −4 = −4 + 11 In the (the commutative law). ase of division, repla e the number being divided by its inverse and multiply, for example 9 ÷ 3 = 9 × 3−1 = 3−1 × 9 For the distributitative law, we (the commutative law). ombine these, for example (17 − 4) ÷ 5 = (17 + −4) × 5−1 = 17 × 5−1 + −4 × 5−1 . Although these laws are elementary almost to the extent of being self-evident they tools for rearranging expressions when used in an be very powerful onjun tion. A.3.1 Addition and subtra tion Only terms of the same type an be added or subtra ted. For example, 2 + 3 + 5 = 10 but 2 + 3x + 5 = 7 + 3x. Likewise, 5x + 8x − 3x = 10x but 5x + 8x − 3xy = 13x − 3xy. A.3.2 Multipli ation and division When terms with the same sign (+ or −) are multiplied or divided, the result is positive. However, when the signs dier, the result is negative. Examples are as follows: 7 × 5 = 35 but 7 × −5 = −35, 35 ÷ 5 = 7 but 35 ÷ −5 = −7. It is important to remember that zero times any real number is zero and zero divided by any real number is zero. In symbols 0 × (any real number) = 0 Note the following important multipli ation and 0 ÷ (any real number) = 0. onventions: 2(x + y) = 2x + 2y, 145 (A.1) DSC1520/SG001 (x + y)2 = (x + y)(x + y) = x2 + xy + yx + y 2 = x2 + 2xy + y 2 , (A.2) (x − y)2 = (x − y)(x − y) = x2 − xy − yx + y 2 = x2 − 2xy + y 2 (A.3) (x + y)(x − y) = x2 − xy + yx − y 2 = x2 − y 2 . (A.4) A tivity 1. Apply the distributive law of multipli ation over addition to expand the following expressions to ontain the sum of four terms, ea h term being the produ t of three numbers. (You do not need to a tually al ulate the result.) (a) 7 × (6 × (5 + 4) + 3 × (2 + 1)) (b) A(B(C + D) + E(F + G)) 2. Whi h of the ommutative or asso iative laws are asso iated with the following expressions? (a) 2 + (5 + 4) = (2 + 5) + 4 (b) (ab)c = c(ab) ( ) (3 + 7) + 4 = (7 + 3) + 4 (d) 2(7 + 4) = 2 × 7 + 2 × 4 3. Add (subtra t) the following terms: (a) (b) 8x + 6xy − 12x + 6 + 2xy 3x2 + 4x + 7 − 2x2 − 8x + 2 4. Simplify the following expressions: (a) (b) (a + b)(6a − 3b) (x + 2)2 − x(x + 2) ( ) 4x2 +2x 2x (d) x2 −2xy+y 2 x−y A.4 Fra tions We all the top part of a fra tion the numerator and the bottom part the fraction = To illustrate what a fra tion a tually is, that is numerator . denominator onsider the fra tion 10 2 . This number indi ates that ten must be split into groups of size two ea h, that is 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10. This means that ve su h groups of two denominator, an be formed from ten, giving 10 = 5. 2 146 DSC1520/SG001 Note that any number an be written as a fra tion with denominator one, for example 100 1 000 5 , 1 000 = , 5 = , 100 = 1 1 1 A.4.1 Multipli ation and division To multiply fra tions, we multiply the numerators with ea h other and the denominators with ea h other, for example 2 1 2×1 2 × = = . 3 2 3×2 6 This nal fra tion an be simplied by dividing both the numerator and denominator by two to get the 1 answer to be . 3 Whatever is done to the numerator of a fra tion, must also be done to the denominator to ensure that the number that the fra tion represents does not Consider the following example of multiplying fra tions hange. ontaining variables: 3 x+1 3(x + 1) 3x + 3 × = = 2 . x x−3 x(x − 3) x − 3x To divide by a fra tion, we simply multiply by the invert of the fra tion. Remember that 1 x = x−1 . Examples of this operation are 5 3 4 and 2x x+y 3x 2(x−y) = =5÷ 5 4 20 3 = × = , 4 1 3 3 2x 3x 2x 2(x − y) 4x(x − y) 4(x − y) ÷ = × = = . x + y 2(x − y) x+y 3x 3x(x + y) 3(x + y) A.4.2 Addition and subtra tion To add or subtra t fra tions, you need to transform the fra tions to have the same denominator. This is done as follows: ⊲ Find a ommon denominator. This is a number (or term) that is divisible by ea h of the fra tions' denominators (often the produ t of all the denominators). ⊲ For ea h fra tion, divide its denominator into the ommon denominator and multiply the numerator by the result. ⊲ Now, add (or subtra t) and simplify the answer. Consider the following numeri al example: 1(3)(5) + 2(2)(5) − 3(2)(3) 15 + 20 − 18 17 1 2 3 + − = = = . 2 3 5 (2)(3)(5) 30 30 Also, when working with variables, 1 3 x + 3(x + 2) x + 3x + 6 4x + 6 + = = = . x+2 x (x + 2)(x) x(x + 2) x(x + 2) 147 DSC1520/SG001 A tivity Simplify ea h of the following expressions: 1. 2 3 2. 7 2x 3. x−3 5 1 5 ÷ − x 9 + 2 x − x 5 A.5 Fa torisation To simplify an expression like 2x(x + 1), multiply the 2x into the bra ket to nd 2x2 + 2x. Also, by multipli ation we nd that (x + 2)(x + 3) = x2 + 3x + 2x + 6 = x2 + 5x + 6. When this pro ess is reversed, we fa torise 1 to nd that 2x2 + 2x = 2x(x + 1) and x2 + 5x + 6 = (x + 2)(x + 3). A tivity 1. Simplify the following expressions: (a) 2(3x + 5) + x(4x2 + 1) (b) 100(1 − x)(1 + x) ( ) 4x2 + 7x + 2x(4x − 5) (d) (5x + 1)2 (e) (5x2 + 4)(x + 1) 2. Fa torise the following expressions: (a) 63 − 7x2 (b) f s − f r + qr − qs ( ) 12ax + 3ay + 8bx + 2by (d) 2a2 + 11a + 12 (e) 4x2 − 13x + 3 (f ) 2x2 − 8x − 24 A.6 Fun tions A fun tion is a rule that relates how one quantity depends on other quantities. For example, if ea h item of a ertain produ t is sold for R8, then the in ome when ten items are sold, is R80; if 20 items are sold the in ome is R160; et . The number of items sold is a variable and we denote it by q. 1 Finding what to multiply together to get an expression. 148 DSC1520/SG001 The relationship between the in ome, I, and the number sold, q, is given by the fun tion, f and denoted by I = f (q) = 8Q. Variable I If we use is x alled the dependent variable and for the independent variable and relationship between x y and q y the independent variable. for the dependent variable, we an write the fun tional as y = f (x). In mathemati s, we often ome a ross fun tions like y = x2 + 5x + 2, whi h an also be written as y = f (x) = x2 + 5x + 2, to show that y This notation x is a fun tion of (depends on x). an be used to determine the value of the dependent variable for pendent variable. For example, if x = 3, ertain values of the inde- then by substitution y = f (3) = (3)2 + 5(3) + 2 = 9 + 15 + 2 = 26. A tivity 1. Evaluate the fun tion f (x) = 3x + 20 2. Given that the height (in x = −4. when entimetres) of a parti ular obje t at time t (in years) is nd the height after two years. 3. If Note: ⊲ F (t) = 3t − t2 Any fun tion the fun tion ⊲ y = 12 x + 3 for t ≤ 2, nd F (2) and h(t) = 50t − 4,9t2 , F (3). an also be written as an equation. For example, y = f (x) = 2x + 6 an be written as ⊲ y = f (x) = x2 + 6x − 10 an be written as the equation 2y − x − 3 = 0, an be written as y = 2x + 6, or y − 2x − 6 = 0, and y − x2 − 6x + 10 = 0. A.7 Polynomials A polynomial is a fun tion involving only non-negative, integer powers of x. In general, we dene a polynomial as a fun tion of the form f (x) = an xn + an−1 xn−1 + · · · + a2 x2 + a1 x1 + a0 , a0 , a1 , a2 , . . . , an are real numbers degree of a polynomial is the highest where alled the The power of This general formula might look quite not really the ompli ated, but oe ients of the polynomial. x in its expression. onsider the following examples to see that this is ase: ⊲ f (x) = 2x2 − x − 2 is a polynomial This is alled a quadrati fun tion. of degree 2, sin e 2 is the highest power of 149 x. DSC1520/SG001 ⊲ f (x) = 4x3 − 3x2 + 2 is a polynomial This is alled a ubi fun tion. ⊲ f (x) = x7 − 4x5 + 1 Fun tions are in the formula. is a polynomial of degree 7. Note that we only need the highest power of powers of x of degree 3, as 3 is the highest power of x to determine the degree of the polynomial. lassied as polynomials if they ontain only non-negative, integer x. The following examples are not polynomials: ∗ f (x) = x3 − √ x + 10 ∗ f (x) = 5x2 − 4x + is not a polynomial sin e it 3 x is not a polynomial sin e it ontains √ 1 x = x2 . ontains a negative power of x, namely 3 x = 3x−1 . The following table shows a summary of polynomials of degrees 0, 1, 2 and 3: Degree Fun tion name 0 Constant 1 Linear fun tion 2 Quadrati 3 Cubi fun tion fun tion General form a, b, c, . . . y = ax + b y = ax2 + bx + c y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d A tivity For ea h of the following fun tions, state whether it is a polynomial and, if so, give the degree thereof. If it is not a polynomial, say why not. 1. f (x) = x3 + 3 2. f (x) = −x2 + πx √ f (x) = x − 1 3. 4. f (x) = 23x5 − 100 + 3x17 5. f (x) = 4x3 − 3x−3 A.8 Per entages As we know, We per ent means per hundred. al ulate 5% of 250 as follows: When we say a number in reases by a So, 5% stands for 5 per every hundred, or 5 100 . 1 250 5 × 250 = = 12,5. 100 100 ertain per entage, say Number × x%, then the number in reases by x , 100 and the in reased number is given by Number + the increase = Number + Number × Consider the following examples: 150 x x . = Number 1 + 100 100 DSC1520/SG001 1. We al ulate 23% of 1 534 as 1 534 35 282 23 × = = 352,82. 100 1 100 2. If you earn a salary of R55 240 per month and you get a 12% in rease, then your salary in reases by 12 662 880 × 55 240 = = R6 628,80. 100 100 Your new monthly salary will be 55 240 + 6 628,80 = R61 868,80, whi h an also be al ulated in one step as New salary = Old salary(1 + 12%) = 55 240 × 1,12 = R61 868,80. 3. An apartment was valued at R63 400 in 2008. If we know that this is 5% higher than the pri e paid for the apartment in 2006, then we an nd the value of the apartment in 2006 (let's all it the basi pri e) as follows: 5 63 400 = basic price × 1 + 100 whi h leads to basic price = 63 400 × = basic price × 105 , 100 100 = R60 380,95. 105 A tivity 1. Cal ulate (i) 12% of 360,20 (ii) 11,5% of R523,00. 2. The pri e of a new washing ma hine is R4 950, whi h in ludes 15% value added tax (VAT). Cal ulate the pri e without VAT. 3. A ompany plans to phase out a the present output is 500 ertain model of ars per week, ar by redu ing their output by 20% per week. If al ulate the number of ars to be produ ed in the next three weeks. 4. In 2005, a house was valued at R450 000 and in 2011 it was valued at R700 000. (a) Find the per entage in rease in the value of the house between 2005 and 2011. (b) If house pri es are predi ted to rise by 8% per year between 2011 and 2015, al ulate the proje ted value of the house in 2012 and 2013. ( ) The number of rst-year BCom students registered at a ertain university is 1 540 females and 2 211 males. What per entage of students is (i) male and (ii) female? 151 Appendix B: Equations and inequalities B.1 Solving equations To solve an equation, one needs to nd the value(s) of the variable(s) for whi h the left-hand side (LHS) of the equation is equal to the right-hand side (RHS). Note that an equation may have one of the following three types of solutions: 1. a 2. 3. unique solution, as was the ase in the examples above innitely many solutions, for example, (x = 4, y = 6), (x = 1, y = 9), . . . no solution, for example, the equation 5 x the equation =0 x + y = 10 has solutions (x = 5, y = 5), has no solution, be ause there is no value of x that an be multiplied by 0 to obtain 5 B.1.1 Linear equations To solve a simple equation like x + 2 = 5, we need to nd the value of if x = 3. An equation like and the x for whi h the LHS is equal to the RHS. It is The solution to the equation is therefore, 2x − 6 + 5x = x + 3, lear that this will be true only x = 3. is solved by manipulating it to get the terms ontaining x on the LHS onstant terms at the RHS: 2x − 6 + 5x = x + 3 7x − 6 = x + 3 (Add like terms on both sides.) 7x = x + 3 + 6 (Add 6 on both sides.) 7x − x = 9 (Subtract x on both sides.) 6x = 9 9 x = = 1,5. 6 (Divide by 6 on both sides.) Another kind of equation to be solved, may be the produ t of two linear expressions, for example: (x + 3)(x − 6) = 0 To solve this, we see that if if x−6=0 (or x = 6), x+3= 0 (or x = −3), the LHS is zero and the equation has been solved. Also, the equation is true. The solution is therefore x = −3 or 152 x = 6. DSC1520/SG001 B.1.2 Quadrati equations The general form of a quadrati equation is ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b and c are onstants. The solution to this quadrati Of x that makes √ −b ± b2 − 4ac . x= 2a equation is the value of ourse there are also other ways to solve quadrati tion B.1. If you the LHS equal to zero, given by (B.1) equations it is not always ne essary to use Equa- an fa torise the fun tion, the roots are found easily by setting ea h of the fa tors equal to zero. Consider for instan e the equation x + 10 = 11x2 − x + 1. Here, we rst simplify to get the equation in standard form as 11x2 − 2x − 9 = 0, with a = 11, b = −2 and c = −9. Using Equation B.1, we nd the solution to be −(−2) ± x= 2± p p (−2)2 − 4(11)(−9) 2(11) 4 − (−396) √ 22 2 ± 400 = 22 2 ± 20 = 22 −18 22 or = 22 22 =1 or − 0,8181. = 1 By using fa torisation , we nd 11x2 − 2x − 9 = (11x + 9)(x − 1) = 0. The solution is therefore either 11x + 9 = 0, whi h gives x= −9 11 = −0,8181, or x − 1 = 0, whi h gives x = 1. Examples 1. The equation (x − 5)(x + 5) = 0 an be solved by setting ea h of the fa tors equal to zero, or we expand the LHS to nd 2 (x − 5)(x + 5) = 0 x − 5x + 5x − 25 = 0 x2 − 25 = 0 x2 = 25 √ x = ± 25 1 See page 148. x = 5 or x = −5. 153 an DSC1520/SG001 2. The equation (x + 2)2 − (x − 2)2 = 4 is solved by expanding the LHS, that is (x + 2)(x + 2) − (x − 2)(x − 2) = 4 x2 + 4x + 4 − (x2 − 4x + 4) = 4 x2 + 4x + 4 − x2 + 4x − 4 = 4 8x = 4 1 x= . 2 3. The equation 3x2 + 25x − 18 = 0 an be solved by using fa torisation: 3x2 + 25x − 18 = 0 (3x − 2)(x + 9) = 0 3x − 2 = 0 or x + 9 = 0 2 or x = −9 x= 3 A tivity 1. Solve the following linear equations: (a) (b) ( ) (d) 14 + 9x = 95 16 + y = 25 4 x + 2 = 2x 3 3 x−3 2 x + − = 5 x 5 10 2. Solve the following quadrati equations: (a) (x − 2)(x + 4) = 2x (b) x(x2 − 2) = 0 ( ) 4x2 + 7x − 2x(2x − 5) = 17 3y y −12y + = 480 y 2 2 (d) (e) 5Q P +2 1 P +2 = 20 (f ) 3 2 − =1 x 2x (g) 2x(y + 2) − 2y(x + 2) = 0 (h) 2 =0 Q 154 DSC1520/SG001 B.2 Inequalities Equations are statements where the expression at the LHS is equal to the expression at the RHS. Inequalities, >) or on the other hand, are statements where the expression at the LHS is either greater than (denoted by less than (denoted by <) the expression at the RHS. For example: 9 > 5, 2<5 or 9x > 2x, 2x < 3x + 3 A handy way to visualise inequalities, is by using a number line su h as Numbers in reasing in value. −5 Note that zero is the −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 entral point with numbers in reasing positively to the right and negatively to the left. It is important to realise that when numbers in rease to the negative side, they means that −5 < −1 5 and de rease in magnitude. This −10 > −100. An inequality statement su h as x > −3 is indi ated on the number line as follows: All numbers greater than −3. −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 When we add or subtra t values on both sides of an inequality, it does not −8 on both −3 > −6, whi 8 or sides of the inequality is h both are true. 5 > 2, we nd 5 + 8 > 2 + 8, that is 5 hange. For instan e, if we add 13 > 10 and 5 − 8 > 2 − 8, However, when we multiply (or divide) by a negative number, the dire tion of the inequality example, if we multiply both sides of the inequality 5(−2) > 2(−2) or To make the inequality true, we need to 5>2 by −2, x+3 = 5 hanges. For we nd − 10 > −4, which of course is not true. hange the inequality symbol from > to < to have is true ( he k on the number line). When an equation like that is solved, the solution is x=2 −10 < −4, whi h a unique number. The solution to an inequality, however, is a range of values for whi h the inequality holds. Examples 1. The solution to x−2 > 3 is x > 5. This represents all numbers greater than, but not in luding, ve. On a number line, this is x>5 −2 2. We solve the inequality −1 0 25 > 10 x 1 2 3 4 5 by multiplying on both sides by 6 x, 7 that is 8 25 > 10x Illustrated on a number line, we have x < 2,5 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 155 4 5 6 7 8 or x < 2,5. DSC1520/SG001 3. Solving the inequality 2 2x − 6 ≤ 12 − 4x, with 2x − 6 ≤ 12 − 4x 2x + 4x ≤ 12 + 6 x > 0, gives (Add 6 and 4x on both sides.) 6x ≤ 18 x ≤ 3 and x > 0. Note that below as a x ≤ 3 indi ates that three is in luded in the solution. This is indi ated on the bla k dot at x = 3, while the dot at x = 0 is open, sin e zero is not in luded: 0<x≤3 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 4. Consider the following solution to the inequality 3x − 29 ≤ 7x + 11 3x − 7x ≤ 11 + 29 2 3 4 5 3x − 29 ≤ 7x + 11: (Add 29 and subtract 7x on both sides.) −4x ≤ 40 x ≥ −10. 5. The solution to the inequality 1 (Divide by − 4 and swap the inequality.) (x − 3)(−x + 5) > 0 x > 3 or is − x > −5, that is x < 5. On the number line, this is shown as 3<x<5 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A tivity Find the range of values for whi h the following inequalities are true, assuming that 1. 2. 3. 2 x − 12 > 10 −75 > 15 x 2x − 6 ≤ 12 − 4x The symbol ≤ stands for less than or equal to, and ≥ for greater than or equal to. 156 x > 0. number line Appendix C: Linear fun tions C.1 Graphs of linear fun tions The general form of a linear fun tion is y = f (x) = ax + b, where a and b are onstants. Here, a The graph of su h a linear fun tion the line and b is alled the x. oe ient of onsists of a straight line drawn on a system of axes, with a the slope of the inter ept on the verti al axis. Consider the graph of su h a straight line in Figure C.1: y y y b x inter ept x =a +b inter ept b −b a x b a Figure C.1: Graph of The ⊲ x and The y y inter epts are ⊲ The x learly indi ated in the gure. These inter ept is found where therefore gives the y y = f (x) = ax + b x = 0, that is where y = 0, that is where with a>0 an be determined algebrai ally as follows: y = a(0) + b = b. The b in the fun tion y = ax + b inter ept. inter ept is found where The slope of a linear fun tion is given by the ⊲ the ⊲ the number of units by whi h ⊲ the ratio of the 0 = ax + b, oe ient of x, namely giving a. ax = −b or x= −b a , if a 6= 0. The slope is dened as hange in height per unit in rease in horizontal distan e; or hange in y y hanges when values and the x in reases by one unit; or hange in Slope = x values, that is ∆y y2 − y1 = . ∆x x2 − x1 157 (C.1) DSC1520/SG001 y From Figure C.1 we see that in reases by b units when Slope = The form of a linear fun tion Figure C.2 shows the dierent b b a x =b× in reases by b a units. The slope is therefore a = a. b an be anti ipated by simply looking at its slope (a) and the y inter ept (b). ases: y y a > 0, b > 0 a < 0, b > 0 x x (a) Positive slope; positive y inter ept (b) Negative slope; positive y inter ept y y a > 0, b < 0 a < 0, b < 0 x x ( ) Positive slope; negative y inter ept (d) Negative slope; negative y inter ept y a = 0, b < 0 x (e) Zero slope; negative y inter ept Figure C.2: Straight line graphs with dierent slopes and y inter epts C.2 Plotting linear fun tions In this se tion we dis uss two ways to plot linear fun tions, namely by using ⊲ ⊲ the slope and y axis inter ept as given by the fun tion; and the inter epts on the x and y axes. C.2.1 Using the slope and y axis inter ept For the general linear fun tion Consider the fun tion y = ax + b, the slope of the line is given by y = 2x − 1. 158 a and the y axis inter ept by b. DSC1520/SG001 The slope of this line is a = 2. This means that for every unit in rease in x, y in reases by two units. y The axis inter ept is at y = b = −1. The fun tion is plotted in Figure C.3(a), with Maxima to show that it is indeed the ∗ at the y inter ept. We in lude the graph from orre t line. y 1 Slope = 0 −1 ∗ −1 1 2 units up 1 unit right 2 =2 x 3 −2 (a) Using slope and y inter ept (b) Maxima Figure C.3: Graph of y = 2x − 1 C.2.2 Using the inter epts on the x and y axes Any linear fun tion an be graphed if two points on the line are known. It is important to realise that everywhere on the Consider the fun tion We know that Likewise, the point x=0 y = 0 on 1 2; 0 . A straight line y axis, x = 0. Also, everywhere on the x axis, y = 0. y = 2 − 4x. on the the x y axis. The axis. The x y inter ept is therefore at y = 2 − 4(0) = 2, inter ept is therefore found where an now be drawn through the points Again, we in lude the graph by Maxima as (0; 2) and onrmation. 1 2; 0 0 = 2 − 4x that is the point or x= −2 −4 = (0; 2). 1 2 , that is to get the graph in Figure C.4(a). A tivity 1. Plot ea h of the following fun tions by using the inter epts on the (a) y =x+1 (b) y = −5x − 25 2. Graph ea h of the following fun tions by using the slope and the (a) y = −6 + 9x (b) y = −2x + 4 y x and y axes: inter ept: C.3 Determining formulæ of linear fun tions It is often ne essary to nd the fun tion (or equation) representing a line from available data. We may only have two points on the line, or we may have the slope of the line and a point that it passes through. 159 DSC1520/SG001 y 6 4 2 b (0; 2) 0 −1 −2 b 1 2; 0 1 x −4 (a) Using slope and y inter ept (b) Maxima Figure C.4: Graph of y = 2 − 4x C.3.1 Given two points on the line As noted before, any line an be graphed if two of the points on the line are known. This also means that if we have two points that fall on a line, we an determine the linear fun tion representing the line. For example, if we know that the points (1; 3) and (3; 7) are on a line, we with a the slope and b an nd the fun tion the verti al inter ept of the line. From Equation C.1 on page 157 we know that a= If we take (x1 ; y1 ) = (1; 3) and ∆y y2 − y1 = . ∆x x2 − x1 (x2 ; y2 ) = (3; 7), a= then 7−3 4 = = 2, 3−1 2 giving the general linear fun tion to be y = 2x + b. Now, to nd the value of b, we use one of the given points, say (1; 3), to nd 3 = 2(1) + b or b = 3 − 2 = 1. The fun tion of the line is therefore y = 2x + 1. 160 y = ax + b DSC1520/SG001 Note: ⊲ (x1 ; y1 ) and whi h as (x2 ; y2 ). (x2 ; y2 ) = (1; 3), we would have It does not matter whi h point we label as (x1 ; y1 ) = (3; 7) way around with and a= If we have taken it the other 3−7 −4 = = 2, 1−3 −2 as before. ⊲ We ould also have used the other point (3; 7) to nd the value of 7 = 2(3) + b or b, namely b = 7 − 6 = 1, whi h is the same! C.3.2 Given the slope of the line and any point on the line Sin e the slope of a line is the same when measured between any two points, we be (x1 ; y1 ) and (x; y), an onsider the points to and write (from Equation C.1) a= y − y1 . x − x1 Simplifying this gives y − y1 = a(x − x1 ) or y = a(x − x1 ) + y1 , whi h is the fun tion of the line with slope Consider for example a line with slope a that passes through the point a = 2 and a point (x1 ; y1 ). (x1 ; y1 ) = (3; 5) on the line. The equation representing this line is y = a(x − x1 ) + y1 = 2(x − 3) + 5 = 2x − 6 + 5 = 2x − 1. Sometimes data about the line in question are not given expli itly, and you need to nd data from given information. Consider for example the following: Miriam bakes vetkoek to be sold at the station. If she bakes 20 vetkoek, it 40 vetkoek, her ost is R13. Assuming that there is a linear relationship between the of vetkoek baked, nd the linear ost and the number ost fun tion. Let's take the independent variable be the osts her R8,00 and if she bakes x to be the number of vetkoek baked and the dependent variable ost to bake them. We write the given information in a table to summarise it for ourselves: x y 20 8 40 13 161 y to DSC1520/SG001 Two data points that satisfy the linear relationship are therefore P1 = (x1 ; y1 ) = (20; 8) and P2 = (x2 ; y2 ) = (40; 13). As before, we nd the slope of the line to be a= 13 − 8 5 1 y2 − y1 = = = , x2 − x1 40 − 20 20 4 so the fun tion of the line is given by y= 1 x + b. 4 We now use any one of the given points to determine the value of 1 8 = (20) + b 4 The fun tion is therefore y= or 1 x+3 4 b. Say we use P1 = (20; 8) to get b = 8 − 5 = 3. or y = 0,25x + 3. A tivity 1. Determine the fun tion of the straight line that passes through the points (−2; 8) and (4; 1). 2. Find the equation of a line with slope 1,5 that passes through the point (2; 4). 3. Determine the expression that represents the straight line through the points 4. Find the inter epts on the x and y axes for the linear fun tion 5. A bus agen y has room for 60 people on a bus tour. If they (1; 2) and (3; 3). y = f (x) = −4x + 3. harge R600 per person, they will be able to ll the bus. They know from experien e that if they in rease the pri e of the tour by R50 they will lose three ustomers. Determine the demand fun tion if demand fun tion of the pri e p d (number of ustomers) is a linear (in rand). 6. Mr Walsh sells Brighter-and-Better washing powder. If he sells the washing powder for R190 per box, demand is 26 000 boxes per week. If he p is the pri e per box, d harges R210 per box, the weekly demand is 16 000 boxes. If is the weekly demand and we assume there is a linear relationship between pri e and demand, derive an expression for weekly demand. C.4 Plotting linear inequalities The fun tion y = f (x) > 3x − 2 represents an inequality and y > 3x − 2 To plot the inequality y > 3x − 2, or y − 3x + 2 > 0. we start by plotting the line whi h side of the line the inequality holds. First, we plot the fun tion an be written as y = 3x − 2 with slope To nd where the inequality holds, we a=3 y = 3x − 2 and verti al inter ept as before and then de ide on b = −2 as in Figure C.5(a). onsider the origin (i.e. the point (0; 0)) and nd 0 > 3(0) − 2 or 0 > −2, whi h is true. The origin therefore falls within the inequality and we 162 an indi ate it as shown in Figure E.3. DSC1520/SG001 y y 1 1 0 −1 −1 0 −1 −1 x 1 −2 −2 −3 −3 −4 −4 (a) The fun tion y = 3x − 2 Note that the inequality is stri tly 1 x (b) Inequality y > 3x − 2 larger than (>). It therefore does not in lude the line itself, and we indi ate it as a dotted (or dashed) line. The shaded area in Figure E.3 is alled the feasible area (or region) of the inequality. If we have two (or more) inequalities and need to determine where both of them hold, the feasible area is the area where the feasible areas overlap. C.5 Simultaneous equations/inequalities C.5.1 Solving simultaneous linear equations To solve simultaneous linear equations, one may use either the method of elimination or the method of substitution. In the examples below we apply either of these methods as and when they are appropriate. Two equations in two variables To illustrate, we work through a few examples of solving systems of simultaneous equations. 1. Consider the following system of simultaneous equations: x + 3y = 4 −x + 2y = 6. To solve the system algebrai ally, we try to eliminate one of the variables and nd the value of the remaining variable. Sin e we have an x in one equation and a adding the equations to get 0 + 3y + 2y = 10 −x in the other, we or 5y = 10, giving x = −2, whi h results in y = 2. By substituting y=2 into the rst equation, we nd x + 3(2) = 4 and into the se ond −x + 2(2) = 6 giving 163 −x=2 or x = −2. an eliminate x by DSC1520/SG001 We may therefore use either equation for the substitution. The solution to the system is therefore at the point (x; y) = (−2; 2), that is where the lines interse t. 2. Solve the following equations simultaneously: 2x + 3y = 12,5 (1) −x + 2y = 6 (2) From equation (2) we nd that x = 2y − 6. When we repla e the x (3) in equation (1) with 2y − 6, we nd 2(2y − 6) + 3y = 12,5 4y − 12 + 3y = 12,5 7y = 24,5 y = 3,5. When we now substitute y = 3,5 into equation (3), we get x = 2(3,5) − 6 = 1. The solution to this system of simultaneous equations is therefore (x; y) = (1; 3,5). 3. Solve the following system of simultaneous equations: 2x + 3y = 0,75 (1) 5x + 2y = 6 (2) From equation (1) we nd 2x = −3y + 0,75 x = −1,5y + 0,375. (3) Substituting this into equation (2) gives 5(−1,5y + 0,375) + 2y = 6 −7,5y + 1,875 + 2y = 6 −5,5y = 6 − 1,875 4,125 y= = −0,75. −5,5 When we substitute y = −0,75 into equation (3), we nd x = −1,5(−0,75) + 0,375 = 1,5. The solution to this system of simultaneous equations is the point where the lines representing the equations interse t, that is the point (x; y) = (1,5; −0,75). Three equations in three variables In the ase of three equations ontaining three variables (unknowns), the same methods Consider the following set of three simultaneous equations in three variables: 2x + y − z = 4 (1) x+ y−z = 3 (2) 2x + 2y + z = 12 (3) 164 an be applied. DSC1520/SG001 y and y − z = 2, and When we subtra t equation (2) from equation (1), we eliminate both When we substitute x=1 giving 2 + 2y + z = 12 giving Adding equations (4) and (5) eliminates x = 1. z, (4) 2y + z = 10. (5) and we nd 3y = 12 or y=4 and get into equations (2) and (3) we nd 1+ y−z = 3 We now substitute z, y = 4. into equation (4) and nd 4 − z = 2 or z = 2. The solution to this system of simultaneous equations is the point where all three equations pass through, that is where x = 1, y = 4 z=2 and in the three-dimensional spa e. C.5.2 Solving simultaneous equations graphi ally When two simultaneous linear equations are plotted on the same axes, a solution to the system is found where the equations interse t. Consider again the system x + 3y = 4 −x + 2y = 6. Writing the equations in standard fun tional format, gives 1 4 y =− x+ 3 3 and y = 0,5x + 3. Graphi ally, the solution of the system is found at the point where the lines interse t, as shown in Figure C.5. y y= − 1x 3 + 3 4 3 2 b 0 y= −6 −5 ,5 x (−2; 2) +3 −4 1 −3 −2 −1 Figure C.5: Simultaneous equations 1 x + 3y = 4 2 and 3 4 x −x + 2y = 6 Depending on the equations, the solution to a system of equations may be one of the following: ⊲ a unique solution ⊲ no solution when the lines when they never ⊲ innitely many solutions ross (as above) ross (e.g. when the lines are parallel) when the lines overlap 165 DSC1520/SG001 C.5.3 Systems of inequalities To solve a system onsisting of inequalities, we need to nd the feasible area of ea h inequality. The solution is then given by the area where the individual feasible areas overlap. Consider, for instan e, the following system of inequalities: x + 3y ≤ 4 (1) −x + 2y < 6. (2) The lines representing these equations have been shown in Figure C.5 (above), where we found the point of (−2; 2). interse tion to be at We now need to nd the feasible area of ea h inequality. As before, we onsider the origin to determine on whi h side of ea h line the equation holds. For inequality (1), at (0; 0) we nd that (0) + 3(0) = 0 ≤ 4, whi h is true. The feasible area therefore in ludes the origin. This area is therefore below the line, as shown in Figure C.6(a). For inequality (2), at (0; 0) we nd that −(0) + 2(0) = 0 < 6, whi h is also true. So, again the feasible area ontains the origin and is below the line as shown in Fig- ure C.6(b). y x+ 3y ≤ 4 (1 ) y 3 3 2 Feasible area 1 −x b −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 =6 2 (2) Feasible area 1 b x −6 −5 (a) Feasible area of x + 3y ≤ 4 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 x (b) Feasible area of −x + 2y < 6 Figure C.6: Inequalities Note: y +2 x + 3y ≤ 4 and −x + 2y < 6 For the < inequality, the line representing the equation is not in luded and is indi ated by a dashed line not a solid line as for the ≤ inequality. The feasible area representing the solution to the system of inequalities is found where the individual feasible areas overlap, that is the ross-hat hed area in Figure C.7. A tivity 1. Solve the following system of equations: 2y + 10x = 580 (1) y − 10x = −40 (2) 2. Find the solution to the following set of simultaneous equations: x +1 2 y = 0,5x + 2 y= 166 DSC1520/SG001 y x+ 3y = 4 + −x −6 −5 =6 2y 3 (1) 2 (2) Feasible area −4 −3 −2 1 −1 Figure C.7: Simultaneous inequalities 1 x + 3y ≤ 4 2 and 3 −x + 2y < 6 3. Solve the following system of simultaneous equations: 4x − 3y + 1 = 13 0,5x + y − 3 = 4 4. Find the solution to the following simultaneous equations: p= 18 − 10q 5 2= 3q + 5p 2 5. Solve the following simultaneous equations: 7 5 q − 3p = 2 2 and 3p = 3(q − 3). 6. Solve the following system of inequalities: 2x − 3y ≤ 12 (1) x + 5y ≤ 20 (2) x ≥ 0. (3) 167 4 x Appendix D: Non-linear fun tions In this appendix, we dis uss quadrati and hyperboli and ubi fun tions in detail and we tou h on exponential, logarithmi fun tions. The graphs of these fun tions have distin t features. In Figure D.1 examples of quadrati and 1 ubi fun tions are shown : f (x) f (x) 100 30 50 20 0 −4 −2 −50 10 −3 −2 −1 1 2 x 3 2 4 6 8 10 x −100 (a) f (x) = 3x2 + x + 3 (b) f (x) = 0,5x3 − 5x2 + 1,5x + 25 Figure D.1: Graphs of quadrati and ubi fun tions D.1 Quadrati fun tions The fun tion y = ax2 + bx + c is x, alled a quadrati fun tion. Here, a, b and c are onstant values, with a and b the oe ients of x2 and respe tively. Solving a quadrati fun tion implies that we need to uts the x axis, that is where y = 0. These values are 2 the standard quadrati same as solving nd the values of x where the graph of the fun tion alled the roots of the quadrati fun tion. This is the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0. The equation x2 = 3−2x, for example, is written in standard form as either x2 +2x−3 = 0 or −x2 −2x+3 = 0. These equations are the same, sin e we sign by Note: −1, We may multiply by fun tions f (x) = x2 + 2x − 3 graphs in Figure D.6. 1 2 an simply multiply either one of them on both sides of the equal to nd the other. −1 and equations, but not when working with fun tions. The f (x) = −x2 − 2x + 3 are obviously not the same, as an be seen from their when working with These graphs were generated by Maxima. We en ourage you to use this software to visualise non-linear fun tions. See Se tion B.1.2 on page 153 for information on solving quadrati equations. 168 DSC1520/SG001 f (x) f (x) 4 4 2 2 0 −4 −3 −2 −1 −2 1 2 0 −4 −3 −2 −1 −2 x −4 1 2 x −4 (a) f (x) = x2 + 2x − 3 (b) f (x) = −x2 − 2x + 3 Figure D.2: Quadrati fun tion multiplied by −1 (using Maxima) D.1.1 Properties and graphs The properties that follow, are given in terms of the quadrati fun tion in standard form, namely f (x) = ax2 + bx + c. (a) The general form of the graph From Figure D.6(a) (above) we see that when the oe ient of x2 is positive, the turning point of the graph is at the bottom, and the legs of the graph point upwards. On the other hand, as an be seen from Figure D.6(b), when the oe ient of x2 is negative, the turning point is at the top and the legs point downwards. When the oe ient of and when the (b) x2 oe ient of is positive (> x2 0) is negative (< the fun tion has a minimum turning point, 0) the graph has a maximum turning point. The turning point The The oordinates of the turning point are important when plotting the graph of a quadrati x 3 value of the turning point is alled the vertex of the graph and it is given by xm = The fun tion. −b . 2a oordinates of the turning point of a quadrati fun tion are given by ( ) −b 2a . The y axis inter ept The y inter ept of a quadrati verti al inter ept of f f is the point where it f (0) = a(0)2 + b(0) + c = c. fun tion is therefore The 3 −b ;f 2a y inter ept of f (x) = ax2 + bx + c uts the axis, that is where is given by When we dis uss dierentiation later on, you will see how this point is derived. 169 y c. x = 0. The DSC1520/SG001 (d) The x axis inter ept(s) The points where a quadrati f (x) = ax2 + bx + c = 0 fun tion and solve for uts the x x axis, are found where y = 0. We nd these roots by either fa torisation or by using the `minus x= The kind of roots of a quadrati square root sign, namely ⊲ When an −b ± b' formula, √ b2 − 4ac . 2a fun tion an be determined by looking at the expression under the whi h is alled the b2 − 4ac, b2 −4ac > 0, we We therefore need to set to nd the roots of the fun tion. al ulate √ dis riminant. b2 − 4ac and the solution onsists of two dierent, real-valued roots. Figure D.3(a) shows su h a fun tion. ⊲ When b2 − 4ac = 0, the `minus b2 − 4ac < 0, we fun tion therefore tou hes the ⊲ When b' formula be omes −b 2a , whi h is the turning point of the graph. The x axis at its turning point. Figure D.3(b) shows su h a fun tion. annot evaluate the square root, sin e the square root of a negative number 4 is not a real number . In this ase the fun tion does not tou h the x axis and has no x inter epts. Figure D.3( ) shows su h a fun tion. These dierent kinds of roots are visualised in Figure D.3. indi ates the type of roots Che k for yourself that the dis riminant orre tly. f (x) f (x) 25 4 0 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 −2 2 −4 15 −6 10 −8 5 f (x) 0 −4 −3 −2 −1 −2 1 2 x x 1 20 −10 −4 (a) f (x) = x2 + 2x − 3 −3 −2 −1 (b) f (x) = −x2 − 2x + 3 1 2 3 x ( ) f (x) = 3x2 + x + 3 Figure D.3: Dierent kinds of roots the value of the dis riminant Example Use the properties dis ussed above to sket h the graph of the quadrati fun tion y = f (x) = −x2 − 2x + 3. (a) We see that (b) The y a = −1 < 0 and we know the parabola will have a maximum turning point. inter ept is 3. (If we set x = 0, we nd y = 3.) b2 − 4ac = (−2)2 − 4(−1)(3) = 16 > 0, x2 + 2x − 3 = 0) has two distin t roots. ( ) Sin e the dis riminant is is the same as 4 No real value exists that gives a negative value when squared. 170 the equation −x2 − 2x + 3 = 0 (whi h DSC1520/SG001 By fa torising the LHS, we nd the x axis. (d) The vertex of f the turning point is The graph of f x = −b 2a = at (−1; 4). is at (x + 3)(x − 1) = 0, −(−2) 2(−1) = −1. At whi h gives x = −1 is shown in Figure D.4. The points that were x = −3 we nd and x=1 as the inter epts on f (−1) = −(−1)2 − 2(−1) + 3 = 4, so al ulated above are indi ated as bla k dots. (−1; 4) f (x) 4 3 2 1 −3 −2 Figure D.4: 0 −1 −1 1 2 x f (x) = −x2 − 2x + 3 A tivity For ea h of the following quadrati fun tions, determine the inter epts on the axes and the turning point. Indi ate the shape of ea h by means of a rough graph. Solutions are available on page 194. 1. f (x) = 2x2 − x − 3 2. f (x) = 4x2 − 16x + 16 3. f (x) = −3x2 + 3x − 2 D.2 Cubi fun tions A ubi fun tion in general notation is f (x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d, where a, b, c and d are onstants. Unfortunately there are no general rules (as for quadrati sin e, depending on the fun tions) to analyse and plot oe ients of the fun tion, they may behave so dierently. ubi fun tions As shown in Figure D.5, they may have no turning points and a single root (Figure D.5(a)), or two turning points with one root (Figure D.5(b)), two roots (Figure D.5( )) or three roots (Figure D.5(d)): To illustrate, we work through a few examples. You will see that we estimates for the roots of ubi an easily nd the general form and fun tions by employing mathemati al software like Maxima. 171 DSC1520/SG001 f (x) 60 f (x) 40 4 20 3 0 −4 −2 −20 2 1 −1.0 −0.5 0.5 1.0 2 4 6 x 8 −40 x (a) f (x) = 3x3 + 2 (b) f (x) = 0,5x3 − 5x2 + 8,5x + 27 f (x) 40 f (x) 20 40 0 −12 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 −20 20 −4 −3 0 −1 −20 −2 1 x 4 −40 x 2 2 −60 −80 −40 −100 ( ) f (x) = 3x3 + 9x2 (d) f (x) = −0,5x3 − 5x2 + 8,5x + 27 Figure D.5: Dierent kinds of roots the value of the dis riminant Examples 1. Consider the fun tions f (x) = x3 f (x) = y = x3 are found by 3 same applies for f (x) = −x . The roots of root. The and setting y = 0, f (x) = −x3 . that is f (x) f (x) 20 20 10 10 0 −3 −2 −1 −10 1 2 3 1 2 3 x=0 as the only x −20 (a) f (x) = x3 Figure D.6: Graphs of whi h gives 0 −3 −2 −1 −10 x −20 It is x3 = 0, (b) f (x) = −x3 f (x) = x3 and f (x) = −x3 lear that these fun tions are ree tions of one another, while ea h has only one root at no turning points. 172 x = 0 and DSC1520/SG001 2. Consider the ubi fun tion f (x) = x3 − 9x + 5. By simply looking at the fun tion, we To nd the roots of a ubi an say that the inter ept on the y axis is at fun tion like this, we need to solve the equation 5 not a simple task and we will not attempt it at this stage . y = 5. x3 − 9x + 5 = 0, whi h is f (x) 30 20 10 0 −4 −3 −2 −1 −10 1 2 3 4 x −20 Figure D.7: f (x) = x3 − 9x + 5 A tivity Graph ea h of the following 1. 2. ubi f (x) = 0,5x3 − 8x2 + 200 Y = 3x3 + 9x2 fun tions and nd their roots (use a mathemati al tool like Maxima): over the interval over the interval −5 < x < 15. −4 < x < 2. D.3 Exponential fun tions D.3.1 Denition Exponential fun tions have the general form y = f (x) = ax , where base ⊲ a is a ⊲ x is the power (or index) of the exponential fun tion. Let's onstant, referred to as the onsider a=4 and evaluate 4x of the exponential fun tion, and as shown in Table D.1: The graph of this fun tion is shown in Figure D.8: Figure D.9 shows the following exponential fun tions plotted on the same axes: y = 2−x , y = 2x , y = ex 5 and y = 3,5x . You will nd the tools to determine the turning points of ubi fun tions when we get to dierentiation in Study unit 4. 173 DSC1520/SG001 x 4x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 0,016 0,06 0,25 1 4 16 64 Table D.1: f (x) = 4x f (x) 60 50 40 30 20 10 −3 −2 −1 1 Figure D.8: Note that e e in the third fun tion is the number is the base of the natural logarithms 2 x 3 y = 4x e = 2,7182818284590452353602874713527 . . . . 6 and is very important in mathemati s f (x) y = 3,5x 5 y = 2−x The number y = ex y = 2x 4 3 2 1 −2 −1 1 Figure D.9: Graphs of x 2 2−x , 2x , ex and 3,5x From this graph, we see the following properties of exponential fun tions: ⊲ All urves are ontinuous (no breaks) and pass through the point the power zero is one ((real 6 (0; 1). number)0 = (variable)0 = 1). Read more about this at https://www.mathsisfun. om/numbers/e-eulers-number.html. 174 Remember that anything to DSC1520/SG001 2x , ⊲ When the index (or power) is positive, as in ⊲ When the index (or power) is negative, as in ⊲ Exponential fun tions with larger bases in rease more rapidly for x< ⊲ 0. Compare 2x and From Figure D.10 it is y > 0), the 2−x , urve in reases and is the alled a growth urve de reases and is x>0 urve. alled a de ay urve. and de rease more rapidly for 3,5x in the graph. y = ax and y = a−x y = −a−x are always below lear that the graphs of while the graphs of y= −ax and (a) y = 1,5x and y = −1,5x x y < 0). are always above the the x axis (i.e. (b) y = 1,5−x and y = −1,5−x Figure D.10: Graphs of positive and negative exponential fun tions (Maxima) D.3.2 Working with exponentials The rules below must be followed when multiplying, dividing and raising exponentials to a power: 1. To multiply two exponentials with the same base, add the indi es: am × an = a(m+n) Example: 43 × 45 = 4(3+5) = 48 2. To divide two exponentials with the same base, subtra t the indi es: am ÷ an = am = a(m−n) an Example: 43 ÷ 45 = 43 1 = 4(3−5) = 4−2 = 2 45 4 3. To raise an exponential to a power, multiply the indi es: (am )k = am×k Example: (52 )3 = 52×3 = 56 175 axis (i.e. DSC1520/SG001 Examples 1. Simplifying 25 23 2−4 , gives 25 25 = 23 2−4 23−4 25 = −1 2 = 25−(−1) = 26 = 64. 2. Simplifying √ 35 , gives 3−4 34 √ 5 35 32 = −4+4 3−4 34 3 5 32 = 0 3 = 32,5 √ 1 ( a = a2 ) (30 = 1) = 15,588. 3. Simplifying 7eα eβ , gives e3 7eα eβ 7eα+β = e3 e3 α+β−3 = 7e . 4. Simplifying 2L0,5 L−2 2 (Add when multiplying.) (Subtract when dividing.) , gives 2L0,5 L−2 2 2 = 2L0,5−(−2) = 2L2,5 (Subtract when dividing.) 2 = 22 L2×2,5 (Multiply when raising to power.) 5 = 4L . D.3.3 Solving equations To solve an equation ontaining exponentials, start by writing ea h side of it as (base)power , with the bases the same throughout. Then, sin e the bases are identi al, the powers must also be equal for the LHS to be equal to the RHS. For example, 2x = 24 leads to x = 4. Examples 1. To solve the equation 2x = 1 16 , we write both sides in the form 2x = whi h leads to 1 1 = 4 = 2−4 , 16 2 x = −4. 176 2? , that is DSC1520/SG001 2. To solve e2x e4+x = 1, we need to write it with both sides in the form e2x =1 e4+x e2x = e4+x whi h leads to 3. To solve 2 4t = 2x = 4 + x, e? , that is (Multiply both sides by e4+x .) resulting in x = 4. 1 2 , we need to write both sides as 4? , that is 1 2 = 4t 2 2 × 2 = 4t 4 = 4t , resulting in t = 1. 4. In the following equation we have form e? , t in the exponent of e. We therefore need to write both sides in the that is 2 +5 e5 et+1 1 et = 5+t+1 e et = e−t−6 , 5 + 2et = whi h results in t = −t − 6, or 2t = −6, (Subtract 5 and divide by 2 on both sides.) giving t = −3. A tivity 1. Simplify ea h of the following expressions: (a) (b) ( ) (d) 4L2 L−2 xy 3y 2 2Q √ 3P P 2 − xy 2 2y ex (1+e1−x ) e 2 2. Solve ea h of the following equations: √1 16 (a) 2x = (b) (1 + 2t)0,5 = 12 ( ) e5x = 1 xx−5 (d) 16 − (e) 2 5t 1 −2t 8 =2 =0 177 DSC1520/SG001 D.4 Logarithmi fun tions D.4.1 Denition In the previous se tion we solved equations by manipulating them to have the same base throughout and then equating the powers. But, what if it is not possible to do this? For example, take the equation The RHS annot be written as two to some power, and we For su h problems we use logarithms. 2x = 10. annot solve the equation. We say that to take the logarithm of a number is the inverse of exponentiation in the same way as subtra tion is the inverse of addition and division is the inverse of multipli ation. The logarithm of x is the power to whi h base words, the logarithm of x to base b b x. In other by = x, written must be raised to yield is the solution y to the equation as logb x = y. We know that 3 sin e 2 100 = 102 , therefore we an write log10 100 = 2. In the same way we an write log2 8 = 3, = 8. In general, we say that if Number = BasePower , then logBase Number = Power. Of ourse, the base exponentiation. (D.1) an be any number su h as 2, 3, 5 or 10, as we have seen in previous examples of The most frequently used bases are 2 (used in base, used in s ien e and engineering) and e omputer s ien e), 10 (the most (the base of the natural logarithm, with in mathemati s and physi s). On your base al ulator you should nd the e (loge x). b ≈ 2,718, ommon used widely log key for logarithms to base 10 (log10 x) and the ln key for logs to We will use only these two bases in this module. D.4.2 Graphs and properties In Figure D.11 as ln x log x and ln x are graphed on the same axes. Note that Maxima does not have a fun tion su h log(x), whi h represents ln(x). We therefore have to enter log10 (x) as log(x)/ log(10). it only has Figure D.11: Graphs of ln x (blue) and log10 (x) = From the graphs, we note the following properties of algorithms: 178 ln(x) ln(10) (red) DSC1520/SG001 ⊲ The logarithm of values ≤0 ⊲ The logarithm of one is zero for any base (log 1 ⊲ Logarithms of values less than one is negative. ⊲ Logarithms of values greater than one is positive. do not exist. = ln 1 = 0). D.4.3 Working with logarithms The rules below must be followed when 1. To add two logarithmi ombining and manipulating logarithmi fun tions: values to the same base, nd the logarithm of the produ t of the values: logb (M ) + logb (N ) = logb (M N ) Example: ln(14) + ln(9) = ln(14 × 9) = ln(126) = 4,8363 Che k if this is indeed true: 2. To subtra t two logarithmi ln(14) = 2,6391, ln(9) = 2,1972 and the sum is 2,6391 + 2,1972 = 4,8363 values to the same base, nd the logarithm of the quotient of the values: logb (M ) − logb (N ) = logb M N Example: ln(40) − ln(9) = ln Che k if this is indeed true: 40 9 = ln(4,4444) = 1,4917 ln(40) = 3,6889, ln(9) = 2,1972 and 3,6889 − 2,1972 = 1,4917 3. To nd the logarithm of a number raised to a power, multiply the power by the logarithm of the number: logb (M z ) = z logb (M ) Example: log(43 ) = 3 log(4) = 3 × 0,6021 = 1,8063 Che k if this is indeed true: log(43 ) = log(64) = 1,8062 (The dieren e in the fourth de imal is due to rounding.) 4. To hange the base of the logarithm of a value, divide the logarithm to the new base of the value by the logarithm to the original base: logb (N ) = logx (N ) logx (b) Example: log(24) = Che k if this is indeed true: log(24) = 1,3802 and 179 ln(24) ln(10) ln(24) ln(10) = 3,1781 2,3026 = 1,3802 (Use your al ulator.) DSC1520/SG001 Examples 1. We simplify the expression logx (25) + logx (5) − logx (45) logs are to the same base, we by employing the rules above. Sin e all the an say that 25 + 35 logx (25) + logx (35) − logx (45) = logx 45 = logx (1,3333). If x = 5, (Rules 1 and 2) then the answer is evaluated as log5 (1,3333) = If x = 10, the answer is ln(1,3333) = 0,1787. ln(5) log(1,3333) = 0,0125; and if 2. Using the rules above to simplify the expression (Rule 3) x = e, then it is ln(1,3333) = 0,2877. 4 log(7) − 3 log(0,85) + log(10): 4 log(7) − 3 log(0,85) + log(10) = log(74 ) − log(0,853 ) + log(10) 4 7 = log + log(10) 0,853 = log(3 909,6276 × 10) (Rule 3) (Rule 2) (Rule 1) = log(39 096,276) = 4,592 D.4.4 Solving equations In the following examples, the variable for whi h we need to solve the equations, is in an exponent and we need to use logarithms. 1. To solve an equation like 21 = 3(2x ), we rst need to write it in the form number = basepower . We an simplify the equation by dividing on both sides by three to nd 21 = 2x 3 2x = 7. or Now, to nd the solution, we take logarithms at both sides either to base 10, or available on our al ulators. Let's use base e to nd ln 2x = ln 7. By using Rule 3 above, we an write x ln 2 = ln 7 or x= ln 7 = 2,807. ln 2 2. We follow the same pro edure to solve the equation 15 + 5,12x = 24,2. By subtra ting 15 on both sides, we nd 5,12x = 9,2. 180 e, sin e they are DSC1520/SG001 Now, by taking the logarithm to base 10 on both sides, we nd log(5,1)2x = log(9,2) 2x log(5,1) = log(9,2) log(9,2) 2x = = 1,362 log(5,1) 1,362 = 0,681. x= 2 When an equation (Rule 3) ontains a logarithm, on the other hand, we have to reverse the pro ess. We know from Equation D.1 (page 178) that log (Base)Power = Power, for example log(10x ) = x Consider the equation e(x+3) = 1. If we and ln(ex ) = x. an take the logarithm to base e on both sides, then ln e(x+3) = ln(1) x+3=0 The equation 2x 2x+1 = 7 x = −3. an be solved by taking logarithms to base two on both sides: 2x 2x+1 = 7 2x+x+1 = 7 (Rule 1) 2x+1 log2 (2 ) = log2 (7) ln(7) = 2,8074 2x + 1 = ln(2) 2,807 − 1 = 0,9037. x= 2 A tivity 1. Simplify ea h of the following expressions: (a) log(x) + log(x − 5) (b) 2 ln(x − 2) − ln(2x) x+1 1 log 1−x + log x+1 ( ) 2. Solve ea h of the following equations: (a) 5 = 3(10)x (b) 5 = 10x−4 ( ) 125 = 230et (d) 3 log(x + 5) = 3,6 (e) 2 + ln(x − 4,5) = 4 (f ) et = 9 − 2et (g) 20 = 40(1 − e−t ) (h) 2 ln(5x) − 2 ln(2x) = 2,5 181 (Rule 4) DSC1520/SG001 D.5 Hyperboli fun tions Consider the hyperboli fun tion with the following formula in standard form a + q, x−p y= with a, p and q onstants. Properties that a>0 an be derived dire tly from the standard form of the hyperboli ⊲ If ⊲ There is a verti al asymptote at the graph falls in quadrants one and three, while it falls in quadrants two and four if The simplest hyperboli x=p and a horizontal asymptote at fun tion is y= p=0 where both fun tion, are the following: and q = 0. a < 0. y = q. 1 , x Figure D.12 shows the graph of this fun tion: f (x) 8 6 Verti al asymptote 4 2 −2 0 −1−2 1 x 2 Horizontal asymptote −4 −6 −8 Figure D.12: The hyperboli From the graph, it is the x axis as The value of x lear that there is a horizontal asymptote at be omes very big (x y= 1 x fun tion → ∞) and as annot be determined at verti al asymptote at x = 0. x x=0 y= y = 0, 1 x meaning that the graph approa hes be omes very small (x → −∞). sin e division by zero is not allowed, therefore there is a In the general formula, the verti al asymptote is where x = p. In the standard formula, given by y=q y = a + q, x−p x − p = 0, that is where the horizontal asymptote is and the verti al asymptote is given by x = p. Examples 1. Consider the hyperboli fun tion y= Here, p=0 y = 3. The and x q = 3, 1 + 3. x so the graph has a verti al asymptote at axis inter ept is where 1 + 3 = 0 so that x y = 0, x=0 and a horizontal asymptote at that is where 1 = −3 or 1 = −3x giving x 182 1 x = − = −0,333. 3 DSC1520/SG001 Figure D.13 shows the graph of 1 x y= + 3. Note the asymptotes at x=0 and y = 3. f (x) 8 6 4 2 0 −1−2 x 1 −4 −6 −8 Figure D.13: Graph of 2. Figure D.14 shows the graph of the hyperboli p = −1 and +3 200 x+1 −1 ≤ x ≤ 20. We see that there are asymptotes at with 1 x fun tion f (x) = y = over the interval y= q = 0. x = −1 and y = 0, whi h an be derived from the general formula f (x) 200 150 100 50 5 10 15 Figure D.14: Graph of 3. Let's solve the hyperboli 20 y= x 200 x+1 fun tion x+5 = x + 1. x−5 We start by multiplying on both sides by x−5 to get x + 5 = (x + 1)(x − 5) = x2 − 4x − 5. Simplifying this gives x2 − 5x − 10 = 0. 183 DSC1520/SG001 We an now nd the solution by using the quadrati x= −(−5) ± = 6,53 Alternatively, you or formula (see page 170) to nd p (−5)2 − 4(−10) 2 − 1,53. an use Maxima to nd the roots of the fun tion to be √ ( 65 − 5) x=− , or 2 whi h is simplied to x = −1,5311 or √ 65 + 5 x= , 2 x = 6,5311. A tivity 1. Graph ea h of the following fun tions: (a) y =2+ (b) y= 1 x+1 4 1−x 2. Solve ea h of the following hyperboli (a) (b) fun tions: 5 = 10 q − 3,5 x =3 x+4 D.6 Composite fun tions Two fun tions g and f may be ombined to get a new fun tion. For example, suppose f (x) = x2 then the fun tions an be and g(x) = x + 3, ombined to nd f [g(x)] = (g(x))2 = (x + 3)2 (Replace x by x + 3 in f.) or g[f (x)] = f (x) + 3 = x2 + 3. Su h a ombined fun tion is fun tions are alled a (Replace x by x2 in g.) omposite fun tion (a ombined are obviously very important, as fun tion of a fun tion). The order in whi h the an be seen from the following examples. Examples 1. Consider the fun tions f (x) = 2x These fun tions may be and g(x) = ex . and g(f (x)) = e(f (x)) = e2x . ombined to nd f (g(x)) = 2(g(x)) = 2ex 184 DSC1520/SG001 2. Consider the fun tions f (x) = 3x We an and g(x) = 2x2 − 5. ombine these fun tions to get f (g(x)) = 3(g(x)) = 3(2x2 − 5) = 6x2 − 15 and g(f (x)) = 2(f (x))2 − 5 = 2(3x)2 − 5 = 2(9x2 ) − 5 = 18x2 − 5. 3. The fun tions f (x) = 2x + 3 an be and g(x) = 2 x ombined to get 4 2 +3= +3 f (g(x)) = 2(g(x)) + 3 = 2 x x and g(f (x)) = 2 2 = . (f (x)) 2x + 3 A tivity Find the f (g(x)) √ g(x) = x omposite fun tions 1. f (x) = e4x 2. f (x) = x − 8 3. f (x) = 5 2x2 and and and and g(f (x)) for the following fun tions: g(x) = x2 g(x) = 10x 185 Appendix E: Solutions to a tivities (Appendix) E.1 Se tion A.1 (Priorities) 1 4 × 3 ÷ 2 + 5 × 6 − 20 ÷ 4 × 2 = 12 ÷ 2 + 30 − 5 × 2 = 6 + 30 − 10 = 26 √ 2 32 × 7 − 9 × 8 + 22 ÷ 4 × 3 = 9 × 7 − 3 × 8 + 1 × 3 = 63 − 24 + 3 = 42 E.2 Se tion A.2 (Variables) 1a 12(2) + 17 = 41 1b 42 − 3 = 16 − 3 = 13 1 5+7 4 = 12 4 =3 1d (6 + 3)(6 − 2) = 9 × 4 = 36 2a 2(2 + 1 − 7) + 7(1 − 2) = 2(−4) + 7(−1) = −8 − 7 = −15 2b 22 + 12 + 72 = 4 + 1 + 49 = 54 2 (2 + 1)(1 − 7) = 3(−6) = −18 2 2d 2(1) − 7+3 2 + 1 = 2 − 5 + 1 = −2 3a x + y 3b 8 − (a + b) 3 3x + 2y 3d y + 7 E.3 Se tion A.3 (Laws of operations) 1a 7 × (6 × (5 + 4) + 3 × (2 + 1)) = 7 × (6 × 5 + 6 × 4 + 3 × 2 + 3 × 1) = 7 × 6 × 5 + 7 × 6 × 4 + 7 × 3 × 2 + 7 × 3 × 1 1b A(BC + BD + EF + EG) = ABC + ABD + AEF + AEG 2a Asso iative law of addition. 2b Commutitative law of multipli ation 2 Commutitative law of addition 2d Distributive law of multipli ation over addition 3a 8x + 6xy − 12x + 6 + 2xy = (8x − 12x) + (6xy + 2xy) + 6 = −4x + 8xy + 6 3b 3x2 + 4x + 7 − 2x2 − 8x + 2 = (3x2 − 2x2 ) + (4x − 8x) + 7 + 2 = x2 − 4x + 9 186 DSC1520/SG001 4a (a + b)(6a − 3b) = 6a2 − 3ab + 6ab − 3b2 = 6a2 + 3ab − 3b2 4b (x + 2)2 − x(x + 2) = (x + 2)(x + 2) − x(x + 2) = x2 + 4x + 4 − x2 − 2x = 2x + 4; or (x + 2)2 − x(x + 2) = (x + 2)(x + 2 − x) = 2(x + 2) = 2x + 4 4 4x2 +2x 4d x2 −2xy+y 2 x−y 2x 2x(2x+1) 2x = = by fa torisation (see Se tion A.5) = 2x + 1 (x−y)2 x−y =x−y E.4 Se tion A.4 (Fra tions) 1 2 3 2 7 2x 3 x−3 5 ÷ 1 5 − = x 9 + 2 3 = 2 x × 5 1 = 10 3 7(9)−x(2x) 18x − x 5 = = 63−2x2 18x (x−3)x+2(5)−x(x) 5x = x2 −3x+10−x2 5x = 10−3x 5x E.5 Se tion A.5 (Fa torisation) 1a 2(3x + 5) + x(4x2 + 1) = 6x + 10 + 4x3 + x = 4x3 + 7x + 10 1b 100(1 − x)(1 + x) = 100(1 + x − x − x2 ) = 100 − 100x2 1 4x2 + 7x + 2x(4x − 5) = 4x2 + 7x + 8x2 − 10x = 12x2 − 3x 1d (5x + 1)2 = (5x + 1)(5x + 1) = 25x2 + 5x + 5x + 1 = 25x2 + 10x + 1 1e (5x2 + 4)(x + 1) = 5x3 + 5x2 + 4x + 5 2a 63 − 7x2 = 7 × 9 − 7x2 = 7(9 − x2 ) = 7(32 − x2 ) = 7(3 − x)(3 + x) (See Equation A.4.) 2b f s − f r + qr − qs = f (s − r) + q(r − s) = f (s − r) − q(s − r) = (s − r)(f − q) 2 (12ax + 3ay) + (8bx + 2by) = 3a(4x + y) + 2b(4x + y) = (4x + y)(3a + 2b) 2d 2a2 + 11a + 12 = (2a + 3)(a + 4) 2e 4x2 − 13x + 3 = (4x − 1)(x − 3) 2f 2x2 − 8x − 24 = 2(x2 − 4x − 12) = 2(x − 6)(x + 2) E.6 Se tion A.6 (Fun tions) 1 f (−4) = 3(−4) + 20 = −12 + 20 = 8 2 h(2) = 50(2) − 4,9(2)2 = 100 − 19,6 = 80,4 m. 3 F (2) = 3(2) − (2)2 = 6 − 4 = 2 and F (3) is undened, sin e E.7 Se tion A.7 (Polynomials) 1 A polynomial of degree 3 2 A polynomial of degree 2 3 Not a polynomial it 4 A polynomial of degree 17 ontains x0,5 (only integers allowed). 187 t>2 DSC1520/SG001 5 Not a polynomial it ontains a negative power of x (only positive powers allowed). E.8 Se tion A.8 (Per entages) 1 (i) 2 Pri e without VAT is 3 Week 1: 0,12 × 360,20 = 43,22 Week 3: 4 950 × (1 − 15%) = 4 950 × 0,85 = R4 207,50 The pri e in reased by pri e in 2005. 4b 700 000 − 450 000 = 250 000. This is an in rease of 250 000 450 000 = 0,56 or 56% on the 700 000(1 + 0,08) = 756 000 756 000 × 1,08 = 816 480 In 2012: In 2013: 4 0,115 × 523,00 = 60,15 500(1 − 0,20) = 500 × 0,8 = 400 400 × 0,8 = 320 320 × 0,8 = 256 Week 2: 4a (ii) In total there are 3 751 students. Of these, (i) 0,41 or 41% are female. 2 211 ÷ 3 751 = 0,59 or 59% are male and (ii) 1 540 ÷ 3 751 = E.9 Se tion B.1 (Solving equations) 1a 14 + 9x = 95 giving 9x = 81, resulting in x = 9. 1b 1 in 1d 16+y 4 = 25 From x 3 From x−3 5 gives 16 + y = 100 that results in + 2 = 2x we nd x + 6 = 6x −5x = −6 or x = 65 . 10x). + 2 x − x 5 This results in (multiply by 3) or From 2b The solution to 2 Simplifying results in 2d Simplifying gives 2e From √ (x − 2)(x √ + 4) = 2x x = + 8 or − 8. we nd x(x2 − 2) = 0 x2 + 4x − 2x − 8 − 2x = x2 − 8 = 0, is either follows that 5Q P +2 2f From 2 x 2g From 2x(y + 2) − 2y(x + 2) = 0 3 2x =1 x=0 = 20 we nd 4 − 3 = 2x or 1 P +2 x2 − 2 = 0, that is whi h results in (multiply by follows that solution has an innite number of solutions. 2h t 6x and add 6). This results ommon denominator whi h gives x=0 or x2 = 8, √ x=+ 2 or resulting in √ x = − 2. 4x2 + 7x − 2x(2x − 5) = 4x2 + 7x − 4x2 + 10x = 17x = 17, giving x = 1. −12y 3y 4y y = 12 = −12(2y) = 480, resulting in 2y = −40 or y = −20. + y 2 2 2 P 6= −2.) − x − 6x = −6 (subtra 3 follows that 2x(x − 3) + 10(2) − 2x(x) = 3x (multiply by = 10 2x2 − 6x + 20 − 2x2 = 3x or −6x − 3x = −20, giving x = 20 9 . 2a ( P5Q +2 ) = 20 1 ( P +2 ) y = 84. 5Q = 20 ommon denominator or 2x). Q = 4. This results in 2xy + 2x − 2xy − 4y = 2x − 4y = 0, There is no solution to this equation, be ause there is no number that E.10 Se tion B.2 (Inequalities) 1 x − 12 > 10 gives x > 10 + 12 = 22. 188 (This is only true if resulting in x= 1 2 x = 2y . an be divided to get zero. This DSC1520/SG001 x > 22 −10 2 −75 > 15 x 3 From gives −75 > 15x 2x − 6 ≤ 12 − 4x Assuming that 0 x>0 or 10 x < −5. follows that 20 But, if we assume that 2x + 4x ≤ 12 + 6 gives the solution to be or 30 x > 0, 6x ≤ 18, 40 no solution exists. giving x ≤ 3. 0 < x ≤ 3. 0<x≤3 −3 0 3 6 E.11 Se tion C.2 (Plotting linear fun tions) 1a The x (−1; 0). inter ept is on the Likewise, the The graph of 1b The The x y x axis, where y = 0. This gives 0 = x + 1, or y inter ept is where x = 0, giving y = 0 + 1 = 1. The inter y = x + 1 is drawn through the points (0,1) and (−1; 0) to x = −1. The inter ept is therefore ept is therefore (0; 1). give the following: y axis where x = 0. This gives y = −5(0) − 25 = −25, giving the point (0; −25). y = 0, that is at 0 = −5x − 25 or x = −25 5 = −5, that is the point (−5; 0). inter ept is on the inter ept is where The graph through these points is as follows: 2a Here, written in the form we have y = 9x − 6 with a=9 and b = −6. b, whi h is −6, so the graph goes through the point (0; −6). a = 9, meaning that for ea h unit we move to the right (on the x axis) we need to move 9 units up. So, from (0; −6), if we move one unit to the right, we need to move 9 units up to y = −6 + 9 = 3. The new point is then (1; 3). The y y = f (x) = ax + b, inter ept is given by The slope is Verify that the following graph represents this information: 189 DSC1520/SG001 2b For the fun tion y = f (x) = −2x + 4, goes downwards from left to right. y = b = 4 (i.e. the point (0; 4)). The slope a = −2 indi ates in rease in the x value, y de reases by 2. From the point (0; 4), if we move one unit we must de rease y by 2 (from 4), to get y = 4 − 2 = 2. This gives the point (1; 2). The y we see that the slope of the line is negative (−2). The line therefore inter ept is at that for every unit of to the right to x = 1, Verify that the following is a graph of this fun tion: E.12 Se tion C.3 (Determining formulæ of linear fun tions) 1 1 y = ax + b is a = xy22 −y −x1 for points P1 = (x1 ; y1 ) P1 = (x1 ; y1 ) = (−2; 8) and P2 = (x2 ; y2 ) = (4; 1), we nd The slope of a line a= and P2 = (x2 ; y2 ) on the line. Taking −7 1−8 = , 4 − (−2) 6 giving −7 x + b. 6 value of b, y= Now use either one of the given points to nd the 1= −7 (4) + b 6 The line passing through the points P1 or and P2 b=1+ Here, a = 1,5 and the given point is (x1 ; y1 ) = (2; 4), 1,5(x − 2) + 4 = 1,5x − 3 + 4 = 1,5x + 1. If we take (x1 ; y1 ) = (1; 2) and 7(2) 3 14 17 = + = . 3 3 3 3 so the equation of the line is y = ax + b. (x2 ; y2 ) = (3; 3), a= Then, 17 −7 x+ . 6 3 2 The general expression of the line is P2 = (4; 1). is therefore given by the fun tion y= 3 say then the slope of the line is y2 − y1 1 3−2 = = 0,5, = x2 − x1 3−1 2 190 y = a(x − x1 ) + y1 = DSC1520/SG001 so the expression be omes y = 0,5x + b. Using the point 2 = 0,5(1) + b or (x1 ; y1 ) = (1; 2), we nd the value of b as b = 2 − 0,5 = 1,5. The expression is therefore y = 0,5x + 1,5. 4 The 5 y = 0, inter ept is found where y inter y = 3. The at x ept is given by b in that is 0 = −4x + 3 the general expression −4x = −3, whi h gives y = ax + b (where x = 0). The y x= 3 4 = 0,75. inter ept is therefore d = ap + b. We are given two points on the line, (p2 ; d2 ) = (600 + 50; 60 − 3) = (650; 57). The slope of the demand line is The general demand fun tion is given by (p1 ; d1 ) = (600; 60) and a= The value of b (p1 ; d1 ) = (600; 60) is found by using namely 57 − 60 −3 d2 − d1 = = = −0,06. p2 − p1 650 − 600 50 to nd demand fun tion is therefore 6 or 60 = −0,06(600) + b or b = 60 + 36 = 96. The d = −0,06p + 96. The general expression representing demand is d = ap + b, p b. sin e the independent variable is need to nd the values of a and (Mr Walsh an de ide on the pri e) and the dependent variable is The given information provides two points on the weekly demand line, namely (p1 ; d1 ) = (190; 26 000) The slope of the line is a= so the demand line be omes To nd the value of b, and (p2 ; d2 ) = (210; 16 000). d2 − d1 16 000 − 26 000 −10 000 = = = −500, p2 − p1 210 − 190 20 d = −500p + b. we use one of the points on the line, say (p2 ; d2 ) = (210; 16 000), 16 000 = −500(210) + b or b = 16 000 + 105 000 = 121 000. The demand line is therefore given by d = −500p + 121 000. E.13 Se tion C.5 (Simultaneous equations/inequalities) 1 From equation (2) we nd that y = 10x − 40. When we substitute this into equation (1), we nd 2(10x − 40) + 10x = 580 20x − 80 + 10x = 580 30x = 660 x = 22, 191 to nd d. We DSC1520/SG001 and from equation (2) it follows that y = 10(22) − 40 = 180. This gives the point (22; 180) as solution to the system of simultaneous equations, whi h is onrmed by the plot from Maxima in Figure E.1: Figure E.1: Equations 2 It is 2y + 10x = 580 and lear that the two fun tions have the same slope, namely and the system has no solution. This is y − 10x = −40 a= 1 2 . The lines will therefore never onrmed by the plot from Maxima in Figure E.2: Figure E.2: Equations with the same slope 3 First, we simplify the equations to nd 4x − 3y = 12 (1) 0,5x + y = 7. From (2) we nd that y = 7 − 0,5x. (2) When we substitute this into (1) we nd 4x − 3(7 − 0,5x) = 12 4x − 21 + 1,5x = 12 5,5x = 33 x = 6, and 4 y = 7 − 0,5(6) = 4. Again we rst simplify and get 5p + 10q = 18 (1) 5p + 3q = 4. (2) When we substitute the rst equation as it is given 5 p= 18 − 10q 5 18 − 10q + 3q = 4 5 18 − 10q + 3q = 4 −7q = −14 q = 2. 192 into (2), we nd ross DSC1520/SG001 Substituting this value into (1) gives 5p + 10 × 2 = 18 The solution is therefore 5 or p= −2 = −0,4. 5 (p; q) = (−0,4; 2). Simplifying the equations gives 5q − 6p = 7 (1) q − p = 3. From (2) we nd q = p + 3. Substituting this into (1) gives Substituting this into (2) gives 6 (2) 5(p + 3) − 6p = 7, whi h results in p = 8. q = 11. To graph the inequalities, we write the rst two in standard form to get 2x − 3y ≤ 12 x + 5y ≤ 20 −3y ≤ −2x + 12 2 y ≥ x−4 3 5y ≤ −x + 20 x y ≤ − + 4. 5 Plotting ea h of the three inequalities gives the graphs as shown in Figure E.3. 2 4 Feasible area Feasible area 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 2 −2 Feasible area 0 2 0 2 −4 4 6 8 4 6 8 10 10 −2 −2 (a) y ≥ 23 x − 4 (b) y ≤ − x5 + 4 ( ) x≥0 Figure E.3: Individual feasible areas The feasible area of the system onsists of the area where these areas overlap, as shown in Figure E.4. 4 2 Feasible area 0 2 4 6 8 10 −2 −4 Figure E.4: Feasible area of the system of inequalities 193 DSC1520/SG001 E.14 Se tion D.1 (Quadrati fun tions) 1 For f (x) = 2x2 − x − 3, a = 2, b = −1 −(−1) xm = −b 2a = 2(2) = at (0,25; −3,125). The vertex is at turning point is The y inter ept is at 1 4 and c = −3. = 0,25. Sin e a > 0, f At the vertex, f (0,25) = 2(0,25)2 − 0,25 − 3 = −3,125. b2 − 4ac = (−1)2 − 4(2)(−3) = 25 > 0, f x = = = √ −b− b2 −4ac 2a √ −(−1)− 25 2×2 −4 4 and (2x − 3)(x + 1) = 0, = = The y xm = inter ept is at −b 2a = −(−16) 2×4 f (x) = 2x2 − x − 3 and c = 16. Sin e a>0f For giving the turning point as f (x) = 4x2 − 16x + 16 f (x) = −3x2 + 3x − 2, a = −3, b = 3 point as The y xm = (0,5; −1,25). inter ept is at −b 2a = y = −2 −(3) 2×−3 = 0,5 and and c = −2. axis. The Sin e hes the x axis at its minimum (Maxima) a < 0, f has a maximum turning point. f (0,5) = −3(0,5)2 + 3(0,5) − 2 = −1,25, giving the turning (=c). b2 − 4ac = (3)2 − 4(−3)(−2) = 9 − 24 = −15 < 0, graph of f is shown in Figure E.7: The dis riminant x (2; 0). y = 16 (= c). b2 −4ac = (−16)2 −4(4)(16) = 0. Therefore, the graph tou (2; 0). The graph of f is shown in Figure E.6: The vertex is at is shown in Figure E.5: has a minimum turning point. = 2 and f (2) = 4(2)2 − 16(2) + 16 = 0, Figure E.6: 3 f (Maxima) The dis riminant is point at inter epts, namely −b+ b2 −4ac 2a √ −(−1)+ 25 2×2 6 4 resulting in the same roots. The graph of f (x) = 4x2 − 16x + 16, a = 4, b = −16 The vertex is at x √ = 1,5. Figure E.5: For has two distin t x = = −1 2 The y = −3 (= c). Sin e the dis riminant Fa torisation gives has a minimum turning point. 194 therefore the graph does not tou h the DSC1520/SG001 Figure E.7: f (x) = −3x2 + 3x − 2 (Maxima) E.15 Se tion D.2 (Cubi fun tions) 1 The graph of the fun tion is shown in Figure E.8: Figure E.8: Maxima gives the roots of f f (x) = 0,5x3 − 8x2 + 200 (Maxima) as [x=6.483089182511198,x=-4.425328095280196,x=13.942238912769℄. 2 The graph of the fun tion is shown in Figure E.9: Figure E.9: Maxima gives the roots of f as f (x) = 3x3 + 9x2 [x=0.0,x=0.0,x=-3.0℄, whi h (Maxima) orresponds with the graph. E.16 Se tion D.3 (Exponential fun tions) 1a 1b 1 2 = (4L2−(−2) )2 = (4L4 )2 = 16L8 = 2Q 3P ×P 0,5 − 4L2 L−2 xy 3y 2 2Q √ 3P P xy 2 2y 2 = = 2Q 3P 1,5 x 3y − xy 2 2 = x 3y − x2 y 2 4 = 4x−3x2 y 3 12y 195 = x(4−3xy 3 ) 12y DSC1520/SG001 1d ex (1+e1−x ) e 2a 2x = √1 16 = ex−1 (1 + e1−x ) = ex−1 + ex−1+1−x = ex−1 + e0 = ex−1 + 1 1 4 = = 2−2 , which results in x = −2. 2b From (1 + 2t)0,5 = 12 2 From e5x = or x= 1 we nd ex−5 5 6. 2d Simplify to nd 2e We 1 + 2t = 144 we nd 16 − e5x+(x−5) = 1 whi 1 −2t 8 an write the equation by squaring both sides. This results in h is simplied to e6x−5 = e0 . = 16 − 82t = 24 − (23 )2t = 24 − 23×2t = 0, 2 5t = 2 1 as 5t = 1 or 5t = 50 , whi h results in t= 144−1 2 = 71,5. From this follows that whi h gives 24 = 26t or 6x − 5 = 0 t= 2 3. t = 0. E.17 Se tion D.4 (Logarithmi fun tions) 1a log(x) + log(x − 5) = log(x(x − 5)) = log(x2 − 5x) 1b 2 ln(x − 2) − ln(2x) = ln(x − 2)2 − ln(2x) = ln 1 log x+1 1−x + log 1 x+1 = log 2a If 5 = 3(10)x , 2b If 5 = 10x−4 , 2 If 125 = 230et , 2d From 2e From 2f From 2g et = 9 − 2et From 40(1 − e−t ) = 20 2h From 2 ln(5x) − ln(2x) = 2,5 then then 10x = then et = 12,5x = 5 3 giving 1 x+1 125 230 giving = 12,1825 = log 1 1−x = 0,2218 = log(1 − x)−1 = − log(1 − x) x = 4,6990 giving log(x + 5) = 1,2 3et = 9 or ln(x − 4,5) = 2 or et = 3, e−t = follows that or 5 3 (x−2)2 2x 125 t = ln 230 = −0,6098 follows that follows that i x = log follows that 2 + ln(x − 4,5) = 4 x = 11,889. in x+1 1−x x − 4 = log 5 = 0,6990 3 log(x + 5) = 3,6 e2,5 h follows that x = 0,9746. 20−40 −40 10log(x+5) = 101,2 , or eln(x−4,5) = e2 , whi h results in = 0,5, whi h results in resulting in x = 10,8489 x − 4,5 = 7,3891 or t = ln(3) = 1,0986. −t = ln(0,5) = −0,6931 or t = 0,6931. 2 ln(5x)2 − ln(2x) = 2,5 or ln 25x = 12,5x = 2,5. This results 2x resulting in E.18 Se tion D.5 (Hyperboli fun tions) 1a Comparing the fun tion y = 2+ 1 x+1 with the standard form whi h indi ates that there is a verti al asymptote at y inter ept is where x = 0, that is at y = 2 + −2x − 2 = 1, resulting in x = 1+2 −2 = −1,5. The The graph is shown in Figure E.10: 4 Comparing the fun tion y = 1b 1−x = −4 x−1 1 1 x = −1 = 3. y= a x−p + q , we see that p = −1 and q = 2, and a horizontal asymptote at The x inter ept is where with the standard form, we see that y =2+ y = 2. 1 x+1 = 0, a < 0, p = 1 and that is q = 0, whi h indi ates that the graph falls in the se ond and fourth quadrants, there is a verti al asymptote at x = −1 and a horizontal asymptote at There is no x inter ept and the y y = 0. inter ept is at y= 4 1+0 = 4. The graph is shown in Figure E.11: 2a Simplifying the equation gives 5 q−3,5 = 10, whi h gives 196 40 = 10q , resulting in q = 4. DSC1520/SG001 f (x) 4 3 2 1 −3 −2 −1 1 2 y= Figure E.10: Graph of 3 1 x x +3 f (x) 6 4 2 −3 −2 0 −1 −2 1 2 3 y= 4 1−x x −4 −6 Figure E.11: Graph of 2b From x x+4 =3 follows that x = 3x + 12, whi h results in x = −6. E.19 Se tion D.6 (Composite fun tions) √ 1 f (g(x)) = e(g(x)) = e x 2 f (g(x)) = f (x2 ) = x2 − 8 3 f (g(x)) = f (10x) = and 5 2(10x2 )2 g(f (x)) = p f (x) = √ e4x g(f (x)) = g(x − 8) = (x − 8)2 = x2 − 16x + 64 5 1 = 2(100x and g(f (x)) = g 2x5 2 = 10 2x5 2 = 25x2 4 ) = 40x4 and 197