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Reasoning: Deductive & Inductive Logic - Psych 110 Notes

Friday, February 15, 2019
Reasoning: The Action of Thinking About Something In a Logic
Sensible Way
Test Next Friday(30 questions)
• Tom Richey for inductive deductive reasoning review
- The selection task (concept on test ) 4 based on this
9 total on deduction and inductive reasoning
“If” “then” statement
Two valid statements
Two invalid conditioning statements
Vowel =odd number premise
Conclude that if even than a constant
Used E,C,5,4
2 Cognitive challenges
Friday, February 15, 2019
- World present us with more information than we can process in a given moment
Must limit this info so not to get bogged down in thought
- World does not provide us with all the information we need at any given moment
1. Investigate
Based on information, assume other options
• Given that one fact or another is true ,
• Generalized reasoning schema based on facts given
Reasoning Schema =
P Or Q (Premise)
Evidence that one fact is not true
Deductive reason =La carte idea of I think therefore I do
Premise must be wrong if conclusion is wrong
2 possibliltable must be if one is not true the other must be true
- A special kind of argument-guarantees that if the premised are true the conclusion is true
- If premise are true than conclusion is true .Conclusion has to true in order to be a true
- False conclusion, therefore the premise must be false
Friday, February 15, 2019
• Creates valid argument
Validity and Truth
- Validity refers to the structure of the argument
- The way the argument is set up. If valid, the truth of the premise guarantee the truth of the
Truth= whether or not a particular premise (or statement) about the world is correct
Valid argument= the truth of premise guarantees the truth of the conclusion.(look over
Memorize concepts and try to under them
Example :
Premise 1 : All doctors are professional people
Premise 2 :Some professional people are rich
Conclusion: Some doctors are rich
This conclusion is not valid-
Premise1: with panic says p or q will ok
Premise 2: p will not occur
Premise 1: If John committed the robbery, then he has 15 tv sets
Premise 2: John has 15 tv send
Conclusion: John commits the robbery
This conclusion is not valid
Friday, February 15, 2019
Correlation does not equally causation (similar idea )
1. Conditional reasoning
What outcomes are expected if certain conditions are met. IN particular, the rs premise is
typically in form If P then Q.
* p causing q to happen
* P ad the antecedent, Q as the consequent because there is a directional, causation
* One thing happen the other will occur
2. Deduction- Modus Ponens “Af rming the Antecedent
- No q means Q event did not occur
- P means could not have occurred either
• If it rain, then the ground is wet
It did not rain
Therefore ground not wet
Denying antecedent
3. Invalid Conditional Reasoning in Deduction “af rming the consequent”
The selection task (concept on test ) 4 based on this
9 total on deduction and inductive reasoning
“If” “then” statement
Two valid statements
Friday, February 15, 2019
Two invalid conditioning statements
Vowel =odd number premise
Conclude that if even than a constant
Used E,C,5,4
3. Inductive reasoning
Sir Frances bacon (17th century English Philosopher)
- Challenging greek philosopher Artostle
- Conclusion. drawing from top down
- Empircism
• Function of probability
Argument structure
P is the set of belief or theory, linked to certain expectations (Q)
If these expectations are satis ed (or observed),
Then our belief in P is strengthened
Further tested the idea from premise
Probabl-istic Reasoning
Inductive reasoning uses evidence to change the strength of our beliefs
Often quanti ed with probability
Conclusion based are not guaranteed to be proven or true
Valid vs truth of argument
You only have control of validity based on premises
Friday, February 15, 2019
2 valid type of conditional reasoning structure
2 type of invalid reasoning structure
Inductive vs Deductive reasoning