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Covenant Theology: Biblical Story & Jesus' Role

RNRS 396
Dave Dorman, Ph.D.
Week 2 Theology Video:
1. Covenant as the heart of the biblical story
a. A brief description of Covenant
b. The role of God in Covenant
2. The biblical story
a. The initial challenge of the covenant with Abraham
b. Refocusing of the covenant under Moses
c. The failure of the covenant—in faith and in obedience
d. God’s response to human failure
3. Jesus and the covenant
a. Jesus as the exemplar of the covenant
In his interactions
ii. In his works
iii. In his teachings
b. Jesus as the guarantor of the covenant
In his death
ii. In his resurrection
iii. In his incarnation
4. Covenants in our lives
a. Marriage and family, friends
b. Nation and world
c. In our work
d. Limitations of the covenant commitment
e. Covenant with God
5. Concluding observations on covenant
a. Covenant as grace
b. Covenant as structured relationship: contract vs. covenant
c. Covenant as redemptive
d. Covenant as restricted by human contexts and limitations
e. Covenant as durative
f. Covenant as propelled by God