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Common/Proper Nouns Language Usage Parts of Speech Possessive Nouns Prepositional Phrase Sentence Types Singular/Plural Nouns Subject/Object Pronouns Subject/Predicate Type of Adjective/Adverb Verb Tense Complete Sentence "Ì iÀÊ>}Õ>}iÊ-à Correct/Incorrect Spelling Friendly/Business Letters Identify Mistakes in Text Combine Sentences Diagram Sentences Ê,iviÀiViÊ-à Alphabetical Order Dictionary Guide Words Syllabication 6V>LÕ>ÀÞÉ7À`Ê-ÌÕ`ÞÊ-à Base Words/Prefixes/Suffixes Contractions Homophones Synonyms/Antonyms Ê «Ài ià Analogies Categorizing Cause and Effect Fact/Opinion, Fiction/Nonfiction Idioms Inference Figurative Language Word Meaning from Context H`^aahHXdeZVcYHZfjZcXZ >«Ì>â>Ì Beginning of Sentence Places, Books, Songs, Poems, Titles Other Proper Nouns *ÕVÌÕ>Ì End of Sentence Abbreviations, Initials Underline Titles Run-on Sentences +ÕÌ>ÌÊ>Àà In Speech Songs, Poems, Short Stories > In a Series Dates, Addresses To Separate Dialogue Direct Address/Interjection Compound Sentence After Introductory Phrase/Clause Nonrestrictive Appositive «ÃÌÀ« i Contractions Possessives À>>ÀÊEÊ1Ã>}i Correct Article/Adjective/Adverb Homophones Plurals Pronouns Compound Words Verb Forms Spelling HZciZcXZ:Y^i^c\H`^aah ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ý Ê Ý Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ý ÝÊ Ý Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ý Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ý Ê Ê ÝÊ Ý ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ý Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ý ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ý Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Week 25 Week 26 Week 27 Week 28 Week 29 Week 30 Week 31 Week 32 Week 33 Week 34 Week 35 Week 36 ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ Ê Ê ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ ÝÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊUÊ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«° {Ê 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Week Week Week Week Week Week Week £ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. duz his cuzin lives in unother sity 2. After james and tamara cleened the garage grandma gave them five dollars -}Õ>ÀÊÀÊ«ÕÀ>4 3. cattle _____________________________________________________________________ ÀViÊÌ iÊÜÀ`ÊÊi>V ÊÀÜÊÌ >ÌÊÃÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ° 4. oxigun oxegun oxygen 5. umpare umpire umpyre 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ IjZhYVn £ 7ÀÌiÊ>Ê>ÌÞÊvÀÊi>V ÊÜÀ`° 1. demolish __________________________________________________________________ 2. imaginary _________________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. the Childrens valubles were storeed in the teachers closit 4. that Hot Rod is the noisier vehicul on my Block iV>À>ÌÛi]ÊÌiÀÀ}>ÌÛi]Ê«iÀ>ÌÛi]ÊÀÊiÝV>>ÌÀÞ4 ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ BdcYVn >i\ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 5. Whoʼs your favorite music artist? ______________________________________________ x >i\ LZYcZhYVn £ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. wernt their no milk in the refrijerator 2. there going to come to sea me at 7 pm «iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 3. heavy : light :: near : _________________________________________________________ close by far away next door traveled 7 iÀiÊÜÕ`ÊÌ iÊvÜ}Ê«ÀL>LÞÊÌ>iÊ«>Vi4 4. The boy watched from the terminal as the commuter plane landed on the runway. ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊÀÌÊÀÊL>ÃiÊÜÀ`4 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn £ 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊ>LLÀiÛ>Ì4 1. Avenue _______________________________________________________________________ 2. pound _______________________________________________________________________ 7 >ÌÊÀiviÀiViÊÃÕÀViÊÜÕ`ÊÞÕÊÕÃiÊÌÊv`ÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÃ>ÕÀÕÃ4Ê 3. __________________________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 4. lets play a game of Soccor to day 5. antonio was to big for his old bike sew he sold it at the old town flee market È ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. illogical _____________________________________________________________________ ;g^YVn >i\ £ 1ÃiÊÌ iÊV«>À>ÌÛiÊÀÊÌ iÊÃÕ«iÀ>ÌÛiÊvÀÊvÊÌ iÊÜÀ`ÊÊ«>ÀiÌ iÃiÃÊÌÊV«iÌiÊ Ì iÊÃiÌiVi° 1. (tall) Suzi was the _________________ player on the basketball team. 2. (heavy) Mark is _____________________ than Steve. 3. (hard) This is the ____________________ homework Iʼve had all year. 4. (busy) Every Saturday morning the mall is the ___________________ place in town. 5. (long) Most snakes are ÊÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚ Êthan worms. ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl £ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ Ç BdcYVn >i\ Ó ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. my Dad gave the prezint two pete and I 2. it werent no serprize I new he wood do it 1ÃiÊVÌiÝÌÊVÕiÃÊÌÊ`iÌiÀiÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÊL`i`ÊÜÀ`ÊLiÜ° 3. The time line gave the events in V À}V>Êorder. >VÌÊÀÊ«4 4. Over 75% of the students had a library card. ______________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ Ó 7ÀÌiÊ>ÊÃÞÞÊvÀÊÃÕVVii`i`° 1. _____________________________________________________________________ 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÜÕ`ÊViÊvÀÃÌÊÊ>« >LiÌV>ÊÀ`iÀ4 2. fiber feverish festive fervor fertilize ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. aprul is my faverutest month of the year 4. we mayd the last paiment on hour new raddio 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«ÀÕÊÌ >ÌÊÜÕ`ÊÀi«>ViÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÕð 5. Bernie and Ben went orienteering with the Scouts. n ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Every student should read one book each month. __________________________________ LZYcZhYVn >i\ Ó ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. the work men layed a straite track for the frayt train 2. maggie claymd she wuz to busy to dew her home work 7 >ÌÊ`ÊÞÕÊV>ÊÌ ÃÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊ>ÊvÀi`ÞÊiÌÌiÀ4 3. Your pen pal, _______________________________________________________________ -iÊÀÊiÌ>« À4 4. The butterfly was as graceful as a ballerina. _______________________________________ ÀViÊÌ iÊ>`ÛiÀLÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn >i\ Ó 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÜÕ`ÊViÊ>ÃÌÊÊ>« >LiÌV>ÊÀ`iÀ4 1. shale shaft shady shallot shaky ÜÊ>ÞÊÃÞ>LiÃÊ`iÃÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`Ê >Ûi4 2. relationship ________________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. mrs peters asked mr beckman will the concert start at 700 or 730 4. the workmen has come to fix the oven in sammys kitchin ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Touch the new puppy gently so you donʼt injure it. 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊÃÃ}ÊiÌÌiÀÃÊvÀÊÌ iÊÉÉÊÃÕ`° 5. sever @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ;g^YVn >i\ Ó ``Ê>ÊÃÕvvÝÊÌÊi>V ÊvÊÌ iÃiÊÜÀ`ÃÊÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ iÊ>ÃÜiÀ° 1. One who studies plants and animals—biolog ______________________________________ 2. Not taking care as you work—care _____________________________________________ 3. One who does not tell the truth—li ______________________________________________ 4. In an unusual manner—strange _________________________________________________ 5. Being filled with a feeling of joy—joy ____________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl Ó ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ £ä /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn >i\ Î ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. we had a flat tire amos wuz car sick and we got losted 2. chris thought I hope thay will chose me for there teem 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊ>LLÀiÛ>ÌÊvÀÊ VÌÀ4 3. Doc Dr Dr. none of these 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊÃ>ÕÌ>ÌÊvÀÊ>ÊLÕÃiÃÃÊiÌÌiÀÊÌÊ À°Ê iÊ ÀÃð 4. _________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ ÃÊ`4 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ Î -ÞÞÃÊÀÊ>ÌÞÃ4 1. arrival, departure ___________________________________________________________ 2. abandon, discontinue ____________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. look out below he called that rock is falling 4. mother and her polish friend brigitta slovik went to a chinese resterant for lunch 7 V ÊÜÀ`Ê`iÃÊÌÊLi}ÊÊÌ ÃÊ}ÀÕ«4 5. granite quartz feldspar gasoline ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Winning the race was quite a feather in my cap. amber ££ >i\ LZYcZhYVn Î ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. our minister rev murphy has worked in churchs in australia guatemala and malaysia 2. there mother ask them to go to blacks market for her ÀViÊÌ iÊV>ÕÃiÊ>`ÊÕ`iÀiÊÌ iÊivviVÌ° 3. The campers had to be rescued after they wandered off the trail and became lost. -}Õ>ÀÊÀÊ«ÕÀ>4 4. phenomena _______________________________________________________________ ÛiÊÌ iÊ«>ÃÌÊÌiÃiÊvÊÌ iÊÛiÀLÊÌi>V ° ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn Î 7 >ÌÊVÌÀ>VÌÊÃÊ>`iÊvÀÊÌ iÃiÊÌÜÊÜÀ`Ã4 1. will not ___________________________________________________________________ 7 >ÌÊÀiviÀiViÊÃÕÀViÊÜÕ`ÊÞÕÊÕÃiÊÌÊv`ÊÃiÛiÀ>ÊÃÞÞÃÊvÀÊÌ iÊÜÀ`ÊÜ>i`4 2. _________________________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. why due I have to due my home work now complained tori 4. its always best to get youʼre work done before you watch tv said mom ``Ê>Ê«ÀivÝÊÌÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`° 5. appoint ___________________________________________________________________ £Ó ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. _________________________________________________________________________ ;g^YVn >i\ Î ,i>`ÊÌ iÊvÜ}Ê«>À>}À>« Ê>`Ê`iV`iÊvÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê«>ÀÌÃÊ >ÛiÊ>Ê V>«Ì>â>ÌÊiÀÀÀ]Ê>Ê«ÕVÌÕ>ÌÊiÀÀÀ]Ê>Êëi}ÊiÀÀÀ]ÊÀÊÊiÀÀÀ° Ancient Egypt a rich and prosperous nation depended on farming. The crops growen by farmers £ Ó Î { living in the nile valley fed and clothed Egyptʼs people. Farmers raised cattle geese oxen and pigs. They planted wheat, flax, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. x 1. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 4. __________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl Î ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ £Î BdcYVn >i\ { ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. on april 2 grandma avery will celebrate her hundred birthday 2. i studyed an interesting artical kayaking in alaska in the national geographic world magazine 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«>ÃÌÊÌiÃiÊvÊÌ iÊÛiÀLÊ}ÀÜ° 3. ___________________________________________________________________________ 7ÀÌiÊ>Êv>VÌÊ>LÕÌÊ >>`>° 4. ___________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ÀViÊÌ iÊ>ÌÞÊvÀÊ«ÕÀÃÕi° continue abandon study 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ IjZhYVn { ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 1. She _________________________ have any coins in her pocket. donʼt doesnʼt never always ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 2. the old tyred dog wantz to lay down by the warm fire 3. are we suppose to read across the plains or mountain trek in are history books tonight 7 >ÌÊÌÜÊÜÀ`ÃÊ>iÊÕ«ÊÌ ÃÊVÌÀ>VÌ4 4. youʼd ____________________________________________________________________ 1ÃiÊÌ ÃÊ « iÊ«>ÀÊÊiÊÃiÌiVi\ÊvÀÌ ]ÊvÕÀÌ ° £{ 5. _________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. chase LZYcZhYVn >i\ { ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. the scaryest story in horrifying bedtime stories was sounds in the night by t s jones 2. the farmer let ʻem ride him horse ÀViÊÌ iÊ>`iVÌÛiÃÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 3. The graceful antelope leaped quickly over the rough, rocky roadbed and disappeared into the thick bushes beyond. ÛiÊÌÜÊÜÀ`ÃÊÌ >ÌÊÀ ÞiÊÜÌ ÊÌ ÀÜ° 4. ____________________________ ______________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÃÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 receve recieve receeve 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn >i\ { 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÜÕ`ÊViÊvÀÃÌÊÊ>« >LiÌV>ÊÀ`iÀ4 1. myth mystery myself mysterious 7 iÀiÊÃÊÃiiÊÜ ÊÃÊÃ>Þ}ÊÌ iÊvÜ}4 2. ¹Due to unexpected turbulence, the captain has turned on the Fasten Seatbelt sign.º ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. dad sets in a chair to read him newspaper 4. is miss browns english class gonna resight robert frosts poem at the assembly ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. receive 7 >ÌÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊëiiV ÊÃÊÕ`iÀi`pÕ]ÊÛiÀL]Ê>`iVÌÛi]ÊÀÊ>`ÛiÀL4 5. Lay the new clothes neatly on the bed before you go outside. ________________________ £x 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl { ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ ;g^YVn >i\ LiÊÌ iÊvÜ}ÊÃiÌiViÃÊÌÊ>iÊiÊÃiÌiVi° 1. The dog chased the cat. The cat ran up the tree. 2. Seline needed to buy a new dress. Seline was performing in a concert. 3. Tom and Seth hit home runs. The team won the championship game. 4. Would you like some lemonade to drink4 Would you like some cookies to eat4 5. I am very hungry. I think I could eat a horse. 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl { ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ £È /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn >i\ x ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. ¹carl will you help me with my home work afterschoolº 2. ¹no not today because I have to go out of town with my mom and dadº ,iÜÀÌiÊÌ ÃÊ« À>ÃiÊÕÃ}Ê>Ê«ÃÃiÃÃÛiÊÕ° 3. the new electronic game belonging to Scott ______________________________________ ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 4. _________________________ going to meet us in the lobby after the movie. Their There Theyʼs Theyʼre ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ ÃÊv}ÕÀiÊvÊëiiV ¶ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ x 7 V ÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊÜ>ÞÊÌÊ`Û`iÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊÃÞ>LiÃ4 1. rep re sen ta tive re pre sent a tive rep re sent a tive iÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê>`ÛiÀLÊÌiÊ Ü]ÊÜ i]ÊÜ iÀi]ÊÀÊÌÊÜ >ÌÊiÝÌiÌ4 2. A cheetah runs the most quickly of all cats. _______________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. why duznt he ever due his home work 4. this donʼt look like any thing ive ever seen before said dr thomas ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. When I asked her for a loan, she said, ¹Go fly a kite.º ÀViÊÌ iÊV>ÕÃiÊ>`ÊÕ`iÀiÊÌ iÊivviVÌð 5. The lava oozed down the sides of the volcano and black smoke smothered the sunlight after the eruption. £Ç LZYcZhYVn >i\ x ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. after ive finished skateing I am going to the liburary four a new book to read 2. did you get a letter from youre pen pal 7 V Ê«>ÀÌÊvÊëiiV ÊÃÊÕ`iÀi`pÕ]ÊÛiÀL]Ê>`iVÌÛi]ÊÀÊ>`ÛiÀL4 3. The flickering birthday candles stood at attention in the frosting drifts. -ÞÞÃÊÀÊ>ÌÞÃ4 4. reluctant, eager ______________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊ>LLÀiÛ>ÌÊvÀÊV }>4 MI MN MH 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn x 7 >ÌÊ>ÀiÊÌ iÊ«>ÃÌÊ>`ÊvÕÌÕÀiÊÌiÃiÊvÊÌ iÊÛiÀLÊ`À«4 1. past _________________________________ future _________________________________ ,iÜÀÌiÊÌ ÃÊ« À>ÃiÊÕÃ}Ê>Ê«ÃÃiÃÃÛiÊÕ° 2. the tusks and ears of the elephant ________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. we stoped once to use the bathroom stretch our legs and eat some diner 4. three boys bikes was left in the senter of seventh street on saterday octobr 10 iV>À>ÌÛi]ÊÌiÀÀ}>ÌÛi]Ê«iÀ>ÌÛi]ÊÀÊiÝV>>ÌÀÞ4 5. I went to the soccer game with Leon last Saturday. ___________________________________ £n ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. MIC ;g^YVn >i\ x ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}ið 1. ÕLÊis to Êas v>Êis to ____________________________________________________ . colt dog zebra monkey 2. >ÌÊis to i>`Êas `Êis to ____________________________________________________ . jar cover hair beret 3. *VÌÕÀiÊis to vÀ>iÊas VÀi>Êis to _______________________________________________ . butter cup pitcher whipped 4. }Êis to i>à Êas L>Êis to ________________________________________________ . cloud branch helium string 5. /iÃÊis to À>ViÌÊas ÛiÞL>Êis to ____________________________________________ . net hand basket ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl court 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl x ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ £ BdcYVn >i\ È ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. mr and mrs lee have traveled to europ asia and south america 2. i cant weight to travel by myself 1ÃiÊVÌiÝÌÊVÕiÃÊÌÊ`iÌiÀiÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÊL`i`ÊÜÀ`ÊLiÜ° 3. Climbing to the rock ledge will test his skills and his iÌÌi° 7ÀÌiÊÌÜÊÃÞÞÃÊvÀÊÌ iÊÜÀ`ÊÃÌ>i° 4. __________________________________ _____________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl VÌÊÀÊvVÌ4 5. Unopened flower buds of the clove tree are used to dull the pain of a toothache, freshen the 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ È iÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê>`iVÌÛiÊÌiÊÜ V Êi]ÊÜ >ÌÊ`]ÊÀÊ ÜÊ>Þ4 1. Carlos exclaimed, ¹Look at that huge pumpkin!º ÀViÊÌ iÊ«Ài`V>ÌiÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 2. The whiskers on my kitten twitch when I rub its back. ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. maggie clamed she was two busy too do her home work last night 4. mario lee and robert went to the steinhart aquarium to find out more about dolphins 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÃÊÌÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 5. inconsiderate Óä uncomfortable prejudice preveiw ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ breath, and flavor ham. ________________________________________________________ LZYcZhYVn >i\ È ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. every saterday morning myh little brother watches rug rats 2. last sumer my friend sarafina moved to santa fe new mexico ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 3. seldom : many :: often : _______________________________________________________ lots more few several -ÞÞÃ]Ê>ÌÞÃ]ÊÀÊ « iÃ4 4. quick, speedy _______________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn È 7 >ÌÊVÌÀ>VÌÊÃÊ>`iÊvÀÊÌ iÃiÊÌÜÊÜÀ`Ã4 1. we are ___________________________________________________________________ ``Ê>Ê«ÀivÝÊÌÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`° 2. test ______________________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. if we work hard replied judy well earn an excellent grade 4. michael ask how soon will brakefast be ready ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. week, weak ________________________________________________________________ *>ÃÌ]Ê«ÀiÃiÌ]ÊÀÊvÕÌÕÀi4 5. occupied ___________________________________________________________________ Ó£ ;g^YVn >i\ È ÃiÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊi>V ÊÃiÌiVi° 1. How ________________ did you do on the test4 good well 2. _____________________ puppies are growing bigger every day. 3. _____________________ that woman standing by the car4 4. Do you know ______________ jacket that is4 5. When _________________ the book reports due4 Whoʼs whoʼs are Are Our Whose whose our ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl È ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ ÓÓ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn >i\ Ç ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. that john elway football belongs to my brother and I 2. michael and me ran in the big brothers marathon 1ÃiÊÌ iÃiÊÌ ÀiiÊ « iÃÊÊiÊÃiÌiVi\ÊÌ iÀi]ÊÌ iÀ]ÊÌ iÞ½Ài° 3. ___________________________________________________________________________ ÀViÊÌ iÊ«Ài«ÃÌÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 4. A young boy is hurrying along the crowded sidewalk. ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7ÀÌiÊ>Ì iÀÊÜÀ`ÊÌ >ÌÊÜÕ`ÊLi}ÊÊÌ ÃÊ}ÀÕ«° utter verbalize inform ______________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ Ç 7ÀÌiÊ>Ê>ÌÞÊvÀÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`° 1. ancient ____________________________________________________________________ 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÃÊÌÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 2. wrestle whistel knapsack scratch ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. every one were invited to there party 4. several butterflys and eagels flew over head ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. speak iÃÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`Ê >ÛiÊ>ÊÃÕvvÝÊÀÊ>Ê«ÀivÝ4 5. impolite ____________________________________________________________________ ÓÎ >i\ LZYcZhYVn Ç ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. them womens lunchs all cost the same amoount 2. jim likes chocolate chip molasses sugar and peanut butter cookys but I only like oatmeal ones 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊÀÌÊÀÊL>ÃiÊÜÀ`4 3. prehistoric __________________________________________________________________ -iÊÀÊiÌ>« À4 4. When the principal walked over to his desk, Sam sat as still as a statue. _________________ ÃÊ>vÌiÀÊÕÃi`Ê>ÃÊ>Ê«Ài«ÃÌÊÀÊ>Ê>`ÛiÀLÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi4 ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn Ç ÜÊ>ÞÊÃÞ>LiÃÊ>ÀiÊÊi>V ÊÜÀ`4 1. inconvenient ________________________________________________________________ 2. inconsiderate _______________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. mi sister teared off the books cover 4. the park district is searching for a couch to help with the boys and girls teams 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«ÀÕÊÌ >ÌÊÜÕ`ÊÀi«>ViÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÜÀ`ð 5. The soldiers and their prisoners marched in single file. Ó{ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. After the farmer harvested the corn, he sold it as ensilage. ___________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ;g^YVn Ç ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ >i\ >ÌV ÊÌ iÊÜÀ`ÃÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊ`ivÌð 1. intersection a. the rate at which something happens 2. vertical b. a mathematical statement 3. equation c. straight up and down 4. currency d. a place where one thing crosses another 5. frequency e. the money used in a country 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl Ç ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ Óx >i\ BdcYVn n ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. please tell me the anser to the riddel begged jose 2. will you help them guys paint there fence ÃÊÌ iÊV>ÊÕÃi`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 3. August 31, 1976 ______________________________________________________________ 4. Salina Kansas, 76532 __________________________________________________________ 7 V Ê«>ÀÌÊvÊëiiV ÊÃÊÕ`iÀi`pÕ]ÊÛiÀL]Ê>`iVÌÛi]ÊÀÊ>`ÛiÀL4 ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ IjZhYVn n «iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 1. leaf : spinach :: root : _________________________________________________________ flower carrot tomato lettuce ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 2. jeff sits his glasses on the tabel 3. I need to right a thank you note to my grandmother for the present that she sent me 1ÃiÊÌ iÊVÌiÝÌÊVÕiÃÊÌÊ`iÌiÀiÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÊL`i`ÊÜÀ`° 4. Many insects find protection in iÃÃ, their close resemblance to other insects that are harmful. >VÌÊÀÊ«4 ÓÈ 5. It is important to respect and protect forests and wildlife at any cost. ___________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. We offer the largest selection of cool beverages, tasty meals, and luscious desserts in town. LZYcZhYVn >i\ n ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. we read articles form newsweek time and the daily herald for our report 2. while she pourd the soup the awkword girl spilt it all over the papers on he mothers desk 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÜÕ`ÊViÊvÀÃÌÊÊ>« >LiÌV>ÊÀ`iÀ4 3. feminine fellowship femoral feline 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÃÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 4. neithur worrys gratious siege ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ÀViÊÌ iÊ>`iVÌÛiÃÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn >i\ n >iÊÌ ÃÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊ>ÊvÀi`ÞÊiÌÌiÀ° 1. Your friend, ________________________________________________________________ 7 >ÌÊ`ÊÌ iÊÜÀ`ÃÊÊÌ ÃÊ}ÀÕ«Ê >ÛiÊÊV4 2. biology chemistry anatomy nuclear physics ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. whil I weighted for the griddel to git hot I scratchded a desighn on a chunk of wood 4. the sky opened up and rein slamed to the grownd ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. The fierce winds surged across the carefully planted wheat fields. 7 >ÌÊVÌÀ>VÌÊÃÊ>`iÊvÀÊÌ iÃiÊÌÜÊÜÀ`Ã4 5. must not __________________________________________________________________ ÓÇ ;g^YVn >i\ n ,i>`ÊÌ iÊvÜ}Ê«>À>}À>« Ê>`Ê`iV`iÊvÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê«>ÀÌÃÊ >ÛiÊ>ÊV>«Ì>â>ÌÊ iÀÀÀ]Ê>Ê«ÕVÌÕ>ÌÊiÀÀÀ]Ê>Êëi}ÊiÀÀÀ]ÊÀÊÊiÀÀÀ° The kendo competition was about to begin at the Obon Festival. In traditional dress, the £ Ó competitors moved like frajle dancers around the ring. Briefly lunging toward each other and Î { then stepping back the competitors performed. Watch the graceful warriors fencing. x 1. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 5. ____________________________________________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl n ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ Ón /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn >i\ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. whose that there boy over their 2. after the hen lies her eggs she sets on them 7ÀÌiÊ>Ì iÀÊÜÀ`ÊÌ >ÌÊVÕ`ÊLi}ÊÊÌ ÃÊ}ÀÕ«° 3. lakes rivers oceans ponds 7 >ÌÊÃÊ«iÀÃvi`ÊÊÌ iÊvÜ}ÊÃiÌiVi4 4. The books on my shelf whispered secrets as I tried to go to sleep. ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÃÊÌÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 ordinery dictionary stare 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ IjZhYVn ,iÜÀÌiÊÌ iÊÃiÌiVi]Ê>``}Ê>ÌÊi>ÃÌÊiÊ>`iVÌÛi° 1. The puppy wagged its tail. 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊÜ>ÞÊÌÊ`Û`iÊÌ iÃiÊÜÀ`ÃÊÌÊÃÞ>LiÃ4 2. obstinate __________________________________________________________________ 3. occupant __________________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 4. me and pete got a new dog at adams pet shop 5. antonio is two big for his old atheletic shews sew he will by a knew pare at florios shoestore ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. orchestra Ó LZYcZhYVn >i\ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. rhianna todd and katie need three deskes at the front of the class room 2. uncle fred bot us pizza at freddies ÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÜÀ`Ê>ÊÃÕLiVÌÊ«ÀÕÊÀÊ>ÊLiVÌÊ«ÀÕ¶ 3. The teacher trusted him to take attendance. _________________________________________ «iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 4. *Ài`>ÌÀ is to «ÀiÞ as Ü is to _________________________________________________ . fly hawk mouse talons ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl LiÊÌ iÃiÊÌÜÊ`i>ÃÊÌÊ>ÊÃ}iÊÃiÌiVi° 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn >i\ 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊ>LLÀiÛ>ÌÊvÀÊ,>`4 1. rd. Rd. RD. Rd ``ÊÌ iÊÃÕvvÝÊ}ÊÌÊi>V ÊvÊÌ iÊvÜ}ÊÜÀ`ð 2. receive _________________ worry _________________ plan _______________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. constantly thomas worrys about his end of the year projeckt 4. the thersty boy drank the dr pepper in one swallough -ÞÞÃÊÀÊ>ÌÞÃ4 5. irregular, rough _______________________________________________________________ Îä ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Susan got out of bed. She looked out her window to check the weather. ;g^YVn >i\ ,i>`ÊÌ iÊ«>À>}À>« °Ê1`iÀiÊÌ iÊÌ«VÊÃiÌiVi°Ê 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ>Ê`i>° ÃÌÊÌ ÀiiÊÃÕ««ÀÌ}Ê`iÌ>ÃÊÕ`iÀÊÌ iÊ>Ê`i>° Some seeds move on the wind. They have winglike parts to catch the wind. Other seeds have hooks or stickers. They catch in the fur of animals and are carried to new places. Some seeds float on water to new places. People move seeds, too. They plant them in their yards and gardens. Seeds travel in many different ways. Main Idea: ______________________________________________________________ Details: 1. ____________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 3.____________________________________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ Î£ BdcYVn >i\ £ä ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. native americans beleived that the land was for everybody to use and share 2. there was hundreds of tribes in america when christopher columbus landed and though that he was in india >VÌÊÀÊv>Ì>ÃÞ4 3. People and animals can sink in quicksand and become trapped. ______________________ ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊi>V ÊÃiÌiVi° 4. The trumpetʼs range is _________________________________ than the baritoneʼs. a. higher b. highest c. high d. none of these ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ £ä 7ÀÌiÊ>Ê«Ê>LÕÌÊ«ÕÌ° 1. ____________________________________________________________________________ vÊÌ iÊ}Õ`iÊÜÀ`ÃÊÊ>Ê«>}iÊ>ÀiÊ«iVÊ>`Ê«i««iÀ]ÊÜ V ÊÜÀ`ÊÜÕ`ÊÌÊLiÊÊ Ì iÊ«>}i4 2. peninsula peony penniless peppermint people ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. i have the adresses of many frends living in countrys around the world 4. one of mrs moores busnesses is taking pitchers of familee groups 1ÃiÊÌ ÃÊ « iÊ«>ÀÊÊiÊÃiÌiVi\ÊvÀ]ÊvÕÀ° ÎÓ 5. ___________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. The tubaʼs range is ____________________________________ of all. a. lower b. lowest c. low d. none of these LZYcZhYVn >i\ £ä ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. the climit along the equator is very diffrent from the climit in alaska 2. a tire on his vehicul was puntured and sew he was stranded on the syde of the rode 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊ«ÀiÃiÌÊÌiÃiÊvÊÌ iÊÛiÀLÊV>Õ} Ì4 3. __________________________________________________________________________ iV>À>ÌÛi]ÊÌiÀÀ}>ÌÛi]Ê«iÀ>ÌÛi]ÊÀÊiÝV>>ÌÀÞ4 4. Watch out for the hole in the deck. ______________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 1`iÀiÊÌ iÊÃÕLiVÌÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn £ä >i\ 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÜÕ`ÊViÊ>ÃÌÊÊ>« >LiÌV>ÊÀ`iÀ4 1. shudder shuffle shut shutdown shuttle 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«ÕÀ>ÊvÊi>V ÊÕ° 2. fox _________________________________ wolf ______________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. mr tuttle asked did you studee four youʼre math test 4. I spended three hours at the libary working on my essae for english ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. How many purchases were made on Sunday4 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊV«iÌiÊ«Ài`V>ÌiÊvÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 5. Our friendship has lasted a long time, despite our differences. ÎÎ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl £ä ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ ;g^YVn >i\ 7 >ÌÊ`ÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê« À>ÃiÃÊi>4 1. Mrs. Peters said that the new easel would fill the bill. 2. My grandpa is nearly ninety, but heʼs fit as a fiddle. 3. The custodian said that sheʼd get to the bottom of the graffiti on the wall. 4. Lance has his finger in every pie. 5. Your dad will never double your allowance. Get real! 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl £ä ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ Î{ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn >i\ ££ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. the words impolight and inknosiderate have about the same meaning 2. dr landrys motto is always bee prepeared ``Ê>ÊÃÕvvÝÊÌÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`° 3. strange ___________________________________________________________________ -iÊÀÊiÌ>« À4 4. Her hair was as shiny as a blackbirdʼs wing. _____________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7ÀÌiÊ>Ì iÀÊÜÀ`ÊÌ >ÌÊÜÕ`ÊLi}ÊÊÌ ÃÊ}ÀÕ«° soothe still allay ___________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ ££ ÀViÊÌ iÊÜÀ`ÃÊÌ >ÌÊÀ Þi° 1. cruel school tell 2. chute newt shut cool route rule role suit stool ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. ¹well dew you think you can help me on saterdayº 4. ¹i can help you monday jay if thats not to laytº 7ÀÌiÊ>ÊÃiÌiViÊ>LÕÌÊÜ iiÃÊÌ >ÌÊVÌ>ÃÊ>ÊiÝ>«iÊvÊ>ÌiÀ>Ì° ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. calm 5. _________________________________________________________________________ Îx >i\ LZYcZhYVn ££ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. all the ice in the lemonaide begun to disapear 2. the jelly in slimʼs sandwitch driped out on hiz shirt 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊ >ÛiÊvÕÀÊÃÞ>LiÃ4 3. representative technology currency substituted ÀViÊÌ iÊV>ÕÃiÊ>`ÊÕ`iÀiÊÌ iÊivviVÌ° 4. The ticket line was so long that we missed the first part of the movie. 7ÀÌiÊ>ÊVÊÕÊvÀÊi>V Ê«À«iÀÊÕ° ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn ££ 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊV«>À>ÌÛiÊ>`ÊÃÕ«iÀ>ÌÛiÊ>`iVÌÛiÃÊvÀÊ i>ÛÞ° 1. ___________________________________ ____________________________________ -ÞÞÃ]Ê>ÌÞÃ]ÊÀÊ « iÃ4 2. substitute, switch _____________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. we catch that there bus at the corner of elm street and first avenue 4. traveler airlines allows you to travel with one suit case and a small carry on bag ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 5. The ________________________________ of his aftershave lingered in the room. cent scent sent ÎÈ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Mr. Beckman _________________________ Arlington, Virginia _____________________ ;g^YVn >i\ 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊÃÕvvÝÊiÝÌÊÌÊÌÃÊi>}\Ê ÞÊ iÃÃÊ >ÀÊ ££ vÕÊ iÌÊ À 1. full of ____________________________________________________________________ 2. the condition of ___________________________________________________________ 3. without ___________________________________________________________________ 4. in what manner ___________________________________________________________ 5. one who _________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ££ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ ÎÇ BdcYVn >i\ £Ó ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. the paddel boats moved along the missouri river 2. land ahoy the first mate shouted 1ÃiÊÌ iÊVÌiÝÌÊVÕiÃÊÌÊ`iÌiÀiÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÊL`i`ÊÜÀ`° 3. Although they had never signed a formal agreement, theirÊÌ>VÌÊunderstanding of the boundary was clear. ___________________________________________________________ 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÃÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ¶ 4. amphibean enviroment civilisation temperature manufactur ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ÀViÊÌ iÊ>`iVÌÛiÃÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ IjZhYVn £Ó 7 V Ê«>ÀÌÊvÊÌ iÊÃiÌiViÊÃÊÕ`iÀi`4 1. Can an amphibian live in an environment where the temperature is very low4 ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 2. we dont have to turn in the asignment untill wedesday septimber 13 3. theyʼre were three peaces of pizza on the plait kelly took the larger one ÀViÊÌ iÊ«Ài«ÃÌÃÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 4. I went to the soccer game with my friend Leon. 7ÀÌiÊ>ÊÃÞÞÊvÀÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`° 5. stalk _____________________________________________________________________ În ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. The heavily armored crocodile slid slowly from the mossy banks into the dark depths. £Ó LZYcZhYVn >i\ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. six hungry geeses was searching in the grass for sum delishush worms to eat 2. last summer we spended our vacashion at uncle jims farm «iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 3. jack : flat tire :: hammer : ______________________________________________________ broken window dull pencil deflated ball loose board ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 4. __________________ your closest living relative4 Whose Whoʼs ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl Who ÀViÊÌ iÊ>`ÛiÀLÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn £Ó >VÌÊÀÊ«4 1. Water expands when it is frozen. ______________________________________________ ÀiÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÜÀ`ÃÊ>ÊVÊÕÊÀÊ>Ê«À«iÀÊÕ4 2. The students swarmed across the playground and splashed into the community pool. ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. The hail stones pounded the roofs during the storem 4. dr rivers standed besighed his pateinces bed and said say ahhhh ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Several flew overhead. 7ÀÌiÊ>Ê>ÌÞÊvÀÊÀÕ`i° 5. __________________________________________________________________________ Î ;g^YVn >i\ £Ó `ÊÌ iÊ}ÀÕ«ÃÊvÊÜÀ`ÃÊÌ >ÌÊ>ÀiÊÃiÌiViðÊ7ÀÌiÊÃiÌiViÊÀÊÌÊ>ÊÃiÌiViÊÊÌ iÊi°Ê >LiÊÌ iÊ«>ÀÌÃ\ UÊ ÀViÊÌ iÊÃÕLiVÌ° UÊ À>ÜÊ>ÊiÊÕ`iÀÊÌ iÊ«Ài`V>Ìi° 1. Climbed the mountain and camped _______________________________________________ 2. The machine responded to his command ___________________________________________ 3. Always in motion and chattering too, the young toddler ______________________________ 4. Tom, Franco, Seline, and Julie played _____________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 5. He lurched and stumbled against the table _________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl £Ó ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ {ä /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn £Î >i\ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. werent their no cookies left 2. hello out there terrys voice was muffled by the layers of material in his mask ÀViÊÌ iÊ«Ài«ÃÌÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 3. Two delivery trucks pulled into the parking lot. ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 4. Do you know the recipe very ____________________________4 a. easy b. good c. well d. none of these ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl Û`iÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊÃÞ>Lið 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ £Î «iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 1. - >Ü is to `ii« asÊ>}>ÀÞ is to ___________________________________________ . make-believe fiction authentic hard-headed -ÕLiVÌÊÀÊ«Ài`V>Ìi4 2. The outcome of the game depends on us. ________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. why cant he never git here on thyme __________________________________________________________________________ 4. the silver falcon singers will conclude the show with there interpretation of america the beeutiful ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. standardize ________________________________________________________________ >VÌÊÀÊ«4 5. Honey is a nutritious natural food.ÊÊÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚ {£ LZYcZhYVn >i\ £Î ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. the sioux lived on the great plains and trackt bufalo 2. woodland tribes like the onondaga and the seneca lived by the water and maid theyʼre homes of wood «iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 3. V is to ViÌiÌiÀ as Þ` is to ____________________________________________________ 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÃÊÌÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ¶ 4. distruction division infection attention description ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7ÀÌiÊ>Ê«ÀÕÊÌ >ÌÊÜÕ`ÊÀi«>ViÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÕ° 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn £Î 7 >ÌÊVÌÀ>VÌÊÃÊ>`iÊvÀÊÌ iÃiÊÌÜÊÜÀ`Ã4 1. they are ____________________________________________________________________ 7 >ÌÊ«ÀÌÊÀiviÀiViÊÃÕÀViÊÜÕ`ÊÞÕÊÕÃiÊÌÊv`ÊÕÌÊ>LÕÌÊÌ iÊÜÀ`½ÃÊ>À}iÃÌÊ ÛV>iÃ4 2. ____________________________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. whos going to kollect the six oclock male when its delivred 4. ive know idea what your talking about 7ÀÌiÊ>ÊÃÞÞÊvÀÊVÀÕi° {Ó 5. ___________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. The custodians worked hard to get ready for the open house. __________________________ ;g^YVn >i\ £Î ,i>`ÊÌ iÊvÜ}Ê«>À>}À>« Ê>`Ê`iV`iÊvÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê«>ÀÌÃÊ >ÛiÊ>Ê V>«Ì>â>ÌÊiÀÀÀ]Ê>Ê«ÕVÌÕ>ÌÊiÀÀÀ]Ê>Êëi}ÊiÀÀÀ]ÊÀÊÊiÀÀÀ° The first olympic games were held in Olympus Greece, in 776 B.C. Todays Olympic £ Ó Î competitions include many different sports. Approximatly 10,200 athletes participated in the { 2000 Summer Games in Australia. x 1. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 4. __________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl £Î ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ {Î >i\ BdcYVn £{ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. my most faverit candys are miad out of swiss chocalate 2. borises baby sister torn the libray book pages 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊL>ÃiÊÀÊÀÌÊÜÀ`4 3. condensation ______________________________________________________________ 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ ÃÊv}ÕÀiÊvÊëiiV 4 4. That game is for the birds. I wish we could get a new one. ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ IjZhYVn £{ ÛiÊÌ iÊ«ÕÀ>ÊvÀÊvÊÌ ÃÊÕ° 1. radius ______________________________________________________________________ ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÃÊÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 2. When I go to _______ aquarium, I always take _______ guidebook to help me identify the fish. a an a an ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. the dogs owners writed a pome about theyʼre pet 4. can you play quiet untill the meeting is adjurned 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊV«>À>ÌÛiÊ>`ÊÃÕ«iÀ>ÌÛiÊ>`iVÌÛiÃÊvÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`° 5. handsome _____________________________ {{ ___________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ ÛiÊÌ iÊV«iÌiÊÃÕLiVÌÊvÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 5. The stunt diver used an oxygen tank until he reached the surface. >i\ LZYcZhYVn £{ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. h w longfellow wrote listen my children and you shall here of the mid-night ride of paul revere 2. the wether man toled the temperture explaned the humidity and gave a forecaste for the day 1ÃiÊVÌiÝÌÊVÕiÃÊÌÊ`iÌiÀiÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÊL`i`ÊÜÀ`ð 3. The volunteers were always willing toÊÃÌi«ÊÌÊÌ iÊLÀi>V Êand offer assistance to the tornado victims. 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«>ÃÌÊÌiÃiÊvÊÌ iÃiÊÛiÀLð ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 4. bind ________________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn £{ -ÕLiVÌÊ«ÀÕÊÀÊLiVÌÊ«ÀÕ4 1. The principal and I presented the perfect attendance awards at the assembly. ____________ 7 >ÌÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊëiiV ÊÃÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi4 2. Green grasshoppers gracefully glide in gravity-defying leaps. ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. I will lie the photograf on that table in plane view 4. flowers of every color and hugh bloomd in professer shaws garden ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. weep _______________________________________________ 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ ÃÊv}ÕÀiÊvÊëiiV 4 5. Iʼll tell you where Mom keeps the cookies, but youʼve got to keep it under your hat. {x ;g^YVn >i\ £{ LiÊÌ iÊÃiÌiViÃÊÌÊ>iÊiÊÃiÌiVi° 1. The football team ran onto the field. They carried their helmets in their hands. 2. Pam found a book for her report. She used the library browser on the computer. Pam checked out the book. 3. Tom fell off the bike. He learned that racing bikes can be dangerous. 4. Ahmad is our new student body president. He got the most votes in the election. 5. Ashley lives next door to me. She feeds my puppies when Iʼm gone. ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl £{ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ {È /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn £x >i\ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. due you think mr longwell will except my report if its hand written 2. my grandad believes you shuld always carry a hankercheif `iÌvÞÊÌ iÊ«Ài«ÃÌÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 3. Students use spoken and written language for many different purposes. ________________ -iÊÀÊiÌ>« À4 4. I wandered across the meadow, a lonely cloud in a clear, blue sky. __________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊ>ÀiÊÌÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 vowal numerel hundred toward 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ £x «iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 1. down : pillow :: beans : ______________________________________________________ beanstalk beanie bed beanbag 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊ>LLÀiÛ>ÌÊvÀÊ ÕiÛ>À`4 2. Bvd. blvd Blvd. bd ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. if I was a docter I wood help people stay well 4. county hospital is located on the corner of king way and state street ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. several *>ÃÌ]Ê«ÀiÃiÌ]ÊÀÊvÕÌÕÀi4 5. wander ___________________________________________________________________ {Ç LZYcZhYVn >i\ £x ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. my littl brothers bestest riddle is what kind of house ways the least 2. the anser is a lite house 7 >ÌÊ`ÊÌ iÊÜÀ`ÃÊÊÌ ÃÊ}ÀÕ«Ê >ÛiÊÊV4ÊÊÊ 3. rectangle trapezoid square triangle parallelogram vÊÌ iÊ}Õ`iÊÜÀ`ÃÊÊ>Ê«>}iÊ>ÀiÊ Õ}ÀÞÊ>`Ê Þ>VÌ ]ÊÜ V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊÜÕ`ÊÌÊLiÊÊ Ì iÊ«>}i4 4. hurl hydrangea hustle hunger hutch ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl iÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê>`ÛiÀLÊÌiÊ Ü]ÊÜ i]ÊÜ iÀi]ÊÀÊÌÊÜ >ÌÊiÝÌiÌ4 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn >i\ £x iÃÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`Ê >ÛiÊ>Ê«ÀivÝÊÀÊ>ÊÃÕvvÝ4 1. misunderstand ______________________________________________________________ 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊÃ}Õ>ÀÊvÀÊvÊÌ ÃÊÕ° 2. halves ____________________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. mrs turlock says that I need to learn how to use parenthesis 4. I cant imagin a more ridiculus idea -ÞÞÃÊÀÊ>ÌÞÃ4 5. free, restricted _____________________________________________________________ {n ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Tommy quickly ran behind the house. ____________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl £x ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ ;g^YVn >i\ >LiÊÌ iÊÃÕLiVÌÊ>`ÊÛiÀLÊÊi>V ÊÃiÌiVi° 1. She crept past the babyʼs crib. 2. She loved walking in the rain. 3. Toby gave his mother the report. 4. Tomorrow Iʼd like to leave early. 5. The three girls smiled and clapped their hands. 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl £x ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ { BdcYVn >i\ £È ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. scott make your arms slice into the water shouted couch storm 2. he reminded him keep your kick going strong out of youʼre turns ÀViÊÌ iÊV>ÕÃiÊ>`ÊÕ`iÀiÊÌ iÊivviVÌ° 3. I didnʼt understand the questions on the test because I missed the previous class. ``ÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊ«ÕVÌÕ>ÌÊÌÊÌ ÃÊLÕÃiÃÃÊ}ÀiiÌ}° 4. To Whom It May Concern _______ 1ÃiÊÌ ÃÊ « iÊ«>ÀÊÊiÊÃiÌiVi\ÊLi`]ÊLÕ`°Ê ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ £È vÊÌ iÊ}Õ`iÊÜÀ`ÃÊÊ>Ê«>}iÊ>ÀiÊvii`L>VÊ>`ÊviV}]ÊÜ V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊÜÕ`ÊLiÊÊÊ Ì iÊ«>}i4 1. feel feeble felon fence fender ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 2. I all ready finishd doing the dishus mom sighed 3. please she said stack your dirtee plaits on the drain bored before you leaf 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊÀÌÊÀÊL>ÃiÊÜÀ`4 4. effective _________________________________________________________________ 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«ÕÀ>ÊvÀÊvÊÌ ÃÊÕ° 5. sandbox xä _________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. ___________________________________________________________________________ £È LZYcZhYVn ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. the waitriss said to day we have strawberrys raspberrys and blackberrys 2. wood you like some whipt cream with youʼre berrys she asked iV>À>ÌÛi]ÊÌiÀÀ}>ÌÛi]Ê«iÀ>ÌÛi]ÊÀÊiÝV>>ÌÀÞ4 3. Look out below! ___________________________________________________________ -ÕLiVÌÊ«ÀÕÊÀÊLiVÌÊ«ÀÕ4 4. Hot or cold, they tasted great! ________________________________________________ 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊ >ÛiÊÌ ÀiiÊÃÞ>LiÃ4 5. entrance entertain envision enviable 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn >i\ envelope £È 7 V ÊÀiviÀiViÊÃÕÀViÊÜÕ`ÊÞÕÊÕÃiÊÌÊv`ÊÌ iÊLÕ`>ÀÞÊLiÌÜiiÊ }Þ«ÌÊ>`ÊÃÀ>i4 1. ___________________________________________________________________________ ,i>ÊÀÊ>iLiiÛi4ÊÊ 2. The cheetahs ran free in the Kenyan game park while tourists watched safely from their jeeps. __________________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. the baby looked like shes going to ball 4. the baby sitter ask do you have any ideas about what we shud do ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ >i\ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 >ÌÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊëiiV ÊÃÊÕ`iÀi`4 5. The cheering crowd roared as the ball cleared the centerfield fence. ___________________ x£ ;g^YVn >i\ £È 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊÛiÀLÊvÀÃÊvÀÊi>V ÊÛiÀL° Present Past Past Participle (used with >Ã, >`, or >Ûi) 1. am ________________________________________________________________________ 2. come ______________________________________________________________________ 3. do ________________________________________________________________________ 4. eat ________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 5. see ________________________________________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl £È ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ xÓ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn £Ç >i\ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. just a little after midnight wee heared jemmaz hungry frends searching for snacs in the cuboard ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. how meny heavy cartens comed in the maail shipmant this after noon ___________________________________________________________________________ ÃÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊÌ iÊÃÕLiVÌÊÀÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊÌ iÊ«Ài`V>ÌiÊÕ`iÀi`4 3. Lay the baby in her crib so she can take a nap. ___________________________________________________________________________ *ÕVÌÕ>ÌiÊÌ ÃÊ>``ÀiÃð 4. 5430 Broad Ave # 310 _______________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl Oakland CA 94618 _________________________________________________________ 7ÀÌiÊ>Ê«Ê>LÕÌÊi`>}iÀi`ÊëiVið 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ IjZhYVn £Ç 7 >ÌÊÌÜÊÜÀ`ÃÊ>iÊÕ«ÊÌ ÃÊVÌÀ>VÌ4 1. thereʼve ______________________________ ________________________________ -ÞÞÃÊÀÊ>ÌÞÃ4 2. surpass, exceed _________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. whoʼs dog are them over their 4. I wish I cud stay at home too meat you but I have two go to school ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. _________________________________________________________________________ 1`iÀiÊÌ iÊ«Ài«ÃÌ>Ê« À>ÃiÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 5. Carlaʼs friend Margo came for a long visit. xÎ LZYcZhYVn >i\ £Ç ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. nurse nancy gived her a cleen bandadge four her kne _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. it may not seem write but its all ways been the rule _____________________________________________________________________________ «iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 3. ÕÌi is to VV as ÕVi is to __________________________________________________ . ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ iÊÃiÌiVi° 4. Yesterday he _____________________________________ his hat on the peg by the door. hang hanged hung will hang has hung ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 1ÃiÊÌ ÃÊ « iÊ«>ÀÊÊiÊÃiÌiVi\ÊÜ`]ÊÜÕ`° 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn >i\ £Ç 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÃÊÌÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 1. multiply currency vertical manufacture atmophere *À«iÀÊÕÊÀÊVÊÕ4 2. the priest _______________________________________ 3. Father McGovern ________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 4. i cant weight to finish the movie because I saw some special snacks nicole brought oatmeal cookies sara brought peanut-butter bars and robert brought chocolate brownies 5. farmer ted dug a big whole in hiz garten for a compost pit x{ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. ___________________________________________________________________________ ;g^YVn >i\ £Ç 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«ÕÀ>ÊvÊi>V ÊÕ°Ê/ iÊÌiÊ ÜÊÞÕÊ>`iÊÌ iÊÜÀ`Ê«ÕÀ>° 1. president ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. bench _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. variety _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. journey ____________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. life ________________________________________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl £Ç ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ xx BdcYVn >i\ £n ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. sasha whispered to her self where did john hid grandmas chest ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. i read to chapters of tom sawyer every knight before I go two bed ____________________________________________________________________________ 1ÃiÊVÌiÝÌÊVÕiÃÊÌÊ`iÌiÀiÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÊL`i`ÊÜÀ`° 3. Limestone and sandstone areÊÃi`iÌ>ÀÞÊrocks that were formed from fragments carried from their source and deposited by water. ________________________________________ ÃiÊÌ iÊÜÀ`ÃÊÌ >ÌÊLiÃÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi\Ê Ü>ÀiÊ Üi>ÀÊ Ü iÀi 4. ________ can Teresa find a costume to _____________ to the party4 ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl vÊÌ iÊ}Õ`iÊÜÀ`ÃÊÊ>Ê«>}iÊ>ÀiÊÀ}}Ê>`ÊÀ««i]ÊÜ V ÊÜÀ`ÊÜÕ`ÊLiÊÊÌ iÊ «>}i4 rind rinsing rise riptide 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ IjZhYVn £n 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊVÌÀ>VÌÊvÀÊvÊÌ iÊVV4 1. ____________________________________________________________________________ 1ÃiÊÌ ÃÊ « iÊ«>ÀÊÊiÊÃiÌiVi\Ê>ÌÌi`>Vi]Ê>ÌÌi`>Ìð 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. the dishs on the shelfs fell during the earth quake 4. the mountian in the oil paynting is mtt hood explained the museum giude `iÌvÞÊÌ ÃÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊ>ÊLÕÃiÃÃÊiÌÌiÀ° xÈ 5. The Western Stage 165 Homestead Street Tyler, Texas 03673 ______________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. ringed >i\ LZYcZhYVn £n ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. mrs springs drys floweres for bouguets 2. the park acrosst the street from mi house is called central park -ÕLiVÌÊ«ÀÕÊÀÊLiVÌÊ«ÀÕ4 3. Did you see her wave her hand4 _______________________________________________ >VÌÊÀÊ«4 4. Mayan architects were some of the worldʼs best builders. ____________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê>`iVÌÛiÃÊÌiÊÜ V Êi]ÊÜ >ÌÊ`]ÊÀÊ ÜÊ>Þ4 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn £n ÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÜÀ`Ê>ÊVÊÕÊÀÊ>Ê«À«iÀÊÕ4 1. The captain readied the plane for take off. ________________________________________ iV>À>ÌÛi]ÊÌiÀÀ}>ÌÛi]Ê«iÀ>ÌÛi]ÊÀÊiÝV>>ÌÀÞ4 2. Before a big test, do you think it is more important to sleep or study4 ___________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. aunt jo had to fly to denver and chicago on her weigh to st louis 4. put extra rightin paper scissor crayons pencils and glue in the tub ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Lacy curtains were draped across the clear glass of the windows. -ÞÞÃ]Ê>ÌÞÃ]ÊÀÊ « iÃ4 5. affirm, deny ________________________________________________________________ xÇ ;g^YVn >i\ £n ,i>`ÊÌ iÊvÜ}Ê«>À>}À>« Ê>`Ê`iV`iÊvÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê«>ÀÌÃÊ >ÛiÊ>ÊV>«Ì>â>ÌÊ iÀÀÀ]Ê>Ê«ÕVÌÕ>ÌÊiÀÀÀ]Ê>Êëi}ÊiÀÀÀ]ÊÀÊÊiÀÀÀ° The spoted salamander remains almost unchanged from the first salamander that walked on The Ó £ Î Earth about 330 Million years ago. It lives in caves, under rocks, and logs, and moves only { x during the blackest hours of the night. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 5. ___________________________________________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl £n ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ xn /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn >i\ £ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. noone in the familee had ever bin to hawaii __________________________________________________________________________ 2. how meny boxs of cookys did you sell the troop leader ask ___________________________________________________________________________ iÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê>`ÛiÀLÊÌiÊ Ü]ÊÜ i]ÊÜ iÀi]ÊÀÊÌÊÜ >ÌÊiÝÌiÌ4 3. The man danced gracefully across the floor. ______________________________________ ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 4. The hen named Peanut laid _______________ eggs last month than the one named Annie. few less fewer lesser ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 V ÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊÜ>ÞÊÌÊ`Û`iÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊÃÞ>LiÃ4 li abil i ty li a bil i ty li a bil it y 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ £ «iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 1. "«>µÕi is to ÌÀ>ë>ÀiÌ as ÌÕÀ is to _________________________________________ . peaceful turbulent stormy clear 7 V ÊÜÀ`Ê`iÃÊÌÊLi}ÊÊÌ ÃÊ}ÀÕ«4 2. oak maple pine geranium elm ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. to me new years day means grandmas baked beans and a happy family feast 4. the principle said make sure your children has a quite time for home work ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. lia bil i ty iV>À>ÌÛi]ÊÌiÀÀ}>ÌÛi]Ê«iÀ>ÌÛi]ÊÀÊiÝV>>ÌÀÞ4 5. The shark in the aquariumʼs tank is well fed. x LZYcZhYVn >i\ £ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. make shure the cup is levil when you pore the punch warned mom 2. i cant beleive i won the jack pot carlos screamed 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«>ÃÌÊÌiÃiÊvÊÌ iÊÛiÀLÊv} Ì° 3. __________________________________________________________________________ -}Õ>ÀÊ«ÃÃiÃÃÛiÊÀÊ«ÕÀ>Ê«ÃÃiÃÃÛi4 4. the centipedeʼs feet ___________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl £ I]jghYVn >i\ 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÃÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 1. tomorow terible remember comeing hospitel ÃÌÊÌ ÀiiÊÜÀ`ÃÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊ«ÀivÝÊ`° 2. ______________________ _______________________ ____________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. scott came home at 8 30 after the boy scout meeting 4. his friends ask mrs morrow to come to his recitle 7 iÀiÊÜÕ`ÊÌ iÊvÜ}Ê«ÀL>LÞÊÌ>iÊ«>Vi4 5. ¹Would you like to send the package priority4 Do the contents need to be insured4º Èä ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. the boysʼ team ______________________________________________________________ ;g^YVn >i\ £ LiÊÌ iÊÃiÌiViÃÊÌÊ>iÊiÊÃiÌiVi° 1. My friends like to go to the gym and work out. I like to go to the gym and work out. We like to go three times a week. 2. Mr. Sutter is my coach. He believes that practice is the key to winning. 3. There was a snowstorm during the night. This morning the bushes wore new coats of white. 4. I called my grandma on the telephone. When she first began talking she sounded weak and shaky. By the time we hung up her voice was full of life. 5. Mowing the lawn is a big job. Besides cutting the grass, you have to service the mower. Then you have to edge the sidewalk. ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl £ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ È£ BdcYVn >i\ Óä ÃiÊÌ iÊÜÀ`ÊÊÜ V ÊÌ iÊ>«ÃÌÀ« iÊÃÊÌÊÕÃi`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ° 1. weʼll mightnʼt sheʼll hasʼnt thoseʼll ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 2. on friday after school is dismised my frends and I will go two the city zoo to see the new exhibits explaned sue _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. ¹peter wood you rather sea the new baby white tigger the elephant exhibit or the trained chimpº _____________________________________________________________________________ 7 >ÌÊvÕVÌÊ`ÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÜÀ`ÃÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiViÊ >Ûi4 4. The Mayans may have transported stones over long distances when they built their temples. _____________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«ÕÀ>ÊvÀÊvÊÌ ÃÊÕ° 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ Óä -iÊÀÊiÌ>« À4 1. The babyʼs hair was corn silk against her soft, pink face. _____________________________ 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÃÊÌÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 2. guessed enough supposed poison insted ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. there weding cayk was sew tall it almost reached the sealing 4. the brides vale borrowed from her aunt lookt like a soft shiney cloud around her face 1ÃiÊVÌiÝÌÊVÕiÃÊÌÊ`iÌiÀiÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÊL`i`ÊÜÀ`° 5. The writing of ancient peoples can be found carved in stone monuments, painted on pottery and walls, and preserved inÊV`ViÃ, folded manuscript books of bark paper or deerskin. ÈÓ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. tomato _____________________________________________________________________ LZYcZhYVn >i\ Óä ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. on the shelve in my room ive displayt mi collecktion of hats from evry major league baseball team ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. its fun to put one on and amagine your self at the plait with a bat on youre shoulder facing nolan ryan ____________________________________________________________________________ 7 >ÌÊÀiviÀiViÊÃÕÀViÊÜÕ`ÊÞÕÊÕÃiÊÌÊv`ÊÌ iÊÃÌÀiiÌÊ>``ÀiÃÃÊvÊÞÕÀÊV>Ê«ââ>Ê«>ÀÀ4 3. __________________________________________________________________________ 7 >ÌÊ`iÃÊÌ iÊ>LLÀiÛ>ÌÊÃV°ÊÃÌ>`ÊvÀ4 4. __________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ÀViÊÌ iÊV>ÕÃiÊ>`ÊÕ`iÀiÊÌ iÊivviVÌ° 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn >i\ Óä 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÜÕ`ÊViÊ>ÃÌÊÊ>« >LiÌV>ÊÀ`iÀ4 1. disprove dissatisfy dissolute dissent dissection 7ÀÌiÊ>Ê « iÊvÀÊÌ iÊÜÀ`Ê«iVi° 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. my uncle one the distinguished flying cross for his bravry 4. were all very prowd of hiz specil distincshun ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Hatshepsut was not permitted to rule because she was a woman and Egyptian law forbade a womanʼs becoming pharaoh. 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊ>ÀiÊ>`ÛiÀLÃ4 5. pretty there swam softly until ÈÎ ;g^YVn >i\ Óä 7 >ÌÊ`ÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê« À>ÃiÃÊi>4 1. Thomas lost his temper for no reason. 2. I got cold feet when it came time to take the stage. 3. I canʼt go to the game today, but Iʼll take a rain check. 4. Sadi bought the used computer game for a song. 5. She was skating on thin ice when she stepped over the guardrail to take a photograph. ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl Óä ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ È{ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn >i\ Ó£ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. can you come over to my house to see wheel of fortune on television asked jamal 2. my mom and my dad are out of town so ill have to ask grandpa travis answered ÀViÊÌ iÊV>ÕÃiÊ>`ÊÕ`iÀiÊÌ iÊivviVÌ° 3. Archaeologists believe that around 1400 B.C., some great disaster struck the palace at Knossos; their excavations found smoke stains on the palace walls as well as overturned and scattered vessels. ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ iÊÃiÌiVi° 4. Steven has _______________three inches in the last six months. groan grown ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ÀViÊÌ iÊ>ÌÞÃÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ Ó£ ÃiÊÌ iÊÜÀ`ÊÌ >ÌÊLiÃÌÊV«iÌiÃÊÌ iÊÃiÌiVi° 1. Itʼs my job to make sure that the floor has been __________________________________ . sweeped sweped swept swepted 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊ >ÛiÊÌ iÊÃ>iÊÃÕ`Ê>ÃÊÉÜÉÊÊÜ4 2. couch allow throw house trout bough ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. teresa will pick-up the papers for recyling take the trash to the dumpster and call the plumber at fix it fast 4. what dew you want too be responsibul four ask mrs timms ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. If you do a thorough job of research, you will find that writing a conclusion is much easier than if you do an incomplete job and donʼt understand your subject. >VÌÊÀÊv>Ì>ÃÞ4Ê 5. When the water evaporated, it became invisible vapor. _____________________________ Èx LZYcZhYVn >i\ Ó£ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. all of them players choosed mr rupp as the best basket ball couch 2. hav you every heared the beatles song yellow submarine 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊ«ÀiÃiÌÊÌiÃiÊvÊÌ iÊÛiÀLÊëi4 3. ____________________________________________________________________________ vÊÌ iÊ}Õ`iÊÜÀ`ÃÊÊ>Ê«>}iÊ>ÀiÊÃÌÀ}iÌÊ>`ÊÃÌÀÕVÌÕÀi]ÊÜ V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊÜÕ`ÊÌÊLiÊÊ Ì iÊ«>}i4 4. string stripe strong stroke struggle strident ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl «iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn Ó£ 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊLiVÌÊvÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi4 1. Grandma bought Whitney a puzzle with over 1,000 pieces. ____________________________ 7 iÀiÊÃÊÃiiÊÜ ÊÃiiÃÊÌ iÊvÜ}4 2. The captains meet at midfield for the coin toss before the kickoff. ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. sydeny asked will we sea sharks at ocean world 4. on my way home from school I saw my friend peter and he asked can you stop buy my house 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊÀÌÊÀÊL>ÃiÊÜÀ`4 ÈÈ 5. contradiction Ê ÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. à are to VÀii as ÃÌÀ>ÜLiÀÀià are to ____________________________________________ . shortcake pudding basket field ;g^YVn >i\ Ó£ ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊi>V ÊÃiÌiVi° 1. He ______________________________________ seen walking by the pond yesterday. is been was 2. When ___________________________________ you think you will finish the book report4 does do donʼt 3. Bill, please give this cup of tea to _________________________. him them he 4. How many ________________________________ were exhibited at the fair4 sheep sheeps sheepʼs sheepes 5. _________________________________________ going to the ballgame4 Whose Whoʼs Who Whom ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl Ó£ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ ÈÇ BdcYVn >i\ ÓÓ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. chelsea josh tori and maddie went to elitchs park for the day 2. thay road the big dipper the people mover and the cyclone 1ÃiÊVÌiÝÌÊVÕiÃÊÌÊ`iÌiÀiÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÊL`i`ÊÜÀ`° 3. The Nile River has six V>Ì>À>VÌÃ, or falls, where the water level changes abruptly and fast currents make it impassable. 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊ>ÀiÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 4. manufacture enviroment charecteristic civilization ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl infectted -}Õ>ÀÊ«ÃÃiÃÃÛiÊÀÊ«ÕÀ>Ê«ÃÃiÃÃÛi4 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ ÓÓ ÀViÊÌ iÊ>`iVÌÛiÃÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 1. Mouth-watering aromas seeped from Motherʼs new oven and made my hungry stomach rumble. 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÜÕ`ÊViÊ>ÃÌÊÊ>« >LiÌV>ÊÀ`iÀ4 2. guava guest guardsman guise guile ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. if you join my running club today you will recieve a three-month prescription for runner’s world 4. perks supreme is the only koffee that my mother like 1`iÀiÊÌ iÊ«Ài«ÃÌ>Ê« À>ÃiÃÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° Èn 5. After the service, all of his relatives went to the restaurant. ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. The womenʼs room is down the hall. _____________________________________________ LZYcZhYVn >i\ ÓÓ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. if we go to the libary now dave boasted well be the first ones finished 2. huck finn becky thatcher and tom sawyer are ficshunel charactrs created by mark twain 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊ>LLÀiÛ>ÌÊvÀÊ-i«ÌiLiÀ4 3. __________________________________________________________________________ ``Ê>ÊÃÕvvÝÊÌÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`° 4. state _______________________________________________________________________ 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊÃÕLiVÌÊvÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi4 ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn ÓÓ >i\ 7ÀÌiÊÃÞÞÃÊ>`Ê>ÌÞÃÊvÀÊÌ iÃiÊÜÀ`ð 1. accurate synonym _____________________ antonym ________________________ 2. glamorous synonym _____________________ antonym ________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. meekers student council voted to give a thanksgiving basket to the mission homeless shelter 4. the president and the executive committee will go two ralphs to by the ham vegetables pies and rolls ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Will you be able to get your homework done on time4 _______________________________ Û`iÊÌ iÊvÜ}ÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊÃÞ>Lið 5. mosquito _________________________________________________________________ È 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ÓÓ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ ;g^YVn >i\ >LiÊÌ iÊÃÕLiVÌÊ>`ÊÛiÀLÊÊi>V ÊÃiÌiVi° 1. Tedʼs puppy wagged its tail and barked. 2. Slippery Rock is the name of a town. 3. The dove built a nest under the eaves. 4. How did you do on the test4 5. Summer vacation is almost here. 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ÓÓ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ Çä /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn ÓÎ >i\ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. keli and glenn want two go horse back riding next saturday at 3 o clock 2. the smith twins sarah and emily where matching outfites to school jest to fool the teachers 7 >ÌÊÃÊ>Ì iÀÊÜÀ`ÊÌ >ÌÊLi}ÃÊÊÌ ÃÊ}ÀÕ«4 3. bang, crash, ping, splash, splat, _______________________________________________ *>ÃÌ]Ê«ÀiÃiÌ]ÊÀÊvÕÌÕÀi4 4. When will you go to camp4 __________________________________________________ >iÊÌ ÃÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊ>ÊLÕÃiÃÃÊiÌÌiÀ° ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ ÓÎ ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 1. Fred is so tired he needs to _________________________down before the game. lay laid lie lying vÊÌ iÊ}Õ`iÊÜÀ`ÃÊÊ>Ê«>}iÊ>ÀiÊV>Ê>`ÊV>ÃÃV>]ÊÜ V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊÜÕ`ÊLiÊÊÌ iÊ«>}i4 2. clatter classroom clasp clarinet clack clam ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. when im tried of writeing i stand up and take a few deep breathes 4. i think my computer has a mind of its own so sometimes what i think i key board is not whats on the page ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Iʼm writing to inform you that your company has been awarded the contract. -ÞÞÃÊÀÊ>ÌÞÃ4 5. endure, persist _____________________________________________________________ Ç£ >i\ LZYcZhYVn ÓÎ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. when i asked who is it i heard a soft voice replie its only me 2. humpty dumpty posed a impossible challenge for all the kings mens 7ÀÌiÊ>Êv>VÌÊ>LÕÌÊ iÜÀ° 3. _________________________________________________________________________ ÀViÊÌ iÊÌÜÊ«>ÀÃÊvÊÃÞÞÃÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 4. I hope to locate the original deed or to at least discover the first ownerʼs name. iÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê>`ÛiÀLÊ« À>ÃiÊÌiÊ Ü]ÊÜ i]ÊÜ iÀi]ÊÀÊÌÊÜ >ÌÊiÝÌiÌ4 ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn ÓÎ 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«ÃÃiÃÃÛiÊÕ° 1. the three dogs of Arturo ______________________________________________________ 1ÃiÊVÌiÝÌÊVÕiÃÊÌÊ`iÌiÀiÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÊL`i`ÊÜÀ`° 2. Mayan sculptors chiseled freestanding monuments, called ÃÌi>i, from limestone and obsidian. ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. its all most lunch time shouted simon 4. hurry lets go to carpenter beach four a piknic iÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê>`iVÌÛiÊÌiÊÜ V ÊiÃ]ÊÜ >ÌÊ`]ÊÀÊ ÜÊ>Þ4 5. Those wiggly worms felt funny in my hand. ÇÓ _______________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. The jukebox played the song over and over. _____________________________________ ;g^YVn >i\ ÓÎ ,i>`ÊÌ iÊvÜ}Ê«>À>}À>« Ê>`Ê`iV`iÊvÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê«>ÀÌÃÊ >ÛiÊ>Ê V>«Ì>â>ÌÊiÀÀÀ]Ê>Ê«ÕVÌÕ>ÌÊiÀÀÀ]Ê>Êëi}ÊiÀÀÀ]ÊÀÊÊiÀÀÀ° Have you ever wondered where ice cream came from. On one of his trips to the Far East, Ó £ Marco Polo returned to italy with a recipe for a frozen milk desert. Italy is credited with Î { popularising ice cream. x 1. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 4. ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ÓÎ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ ÇÎ >i\ BdcYVn Ó{ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. of all the stars in the sky the sun is the closer to earth 2. its a bawl of burning gasʼs thats over for million years old iÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê>`ÛiÀLÊÌiÊ Ü]ÊÜ i]ÊÜ iÀi]ÊÀÊÌÊÜ >ÌÊiÝÌiÌ4 3. Tori liked to twist her hair and pin it up in a knot. ____________________________________ -iÊÀÊiÌ>« À4 4. Mrs. Perchʼs hair was a nest for the perky red bow. __________________________________ ÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÜÀ`ÊÃ}Õ>ÀÊÀÊ«ÕÀ>4 ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ IjZhYVn Ó{ -ÕLiVÌÊ«ÀÕÊÀÊLiVÌÊ«ÀÕ4 1. We wanted to thank them for all of their help. _____________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 2. do you think that some day sum one will travel all the weigh to mars 3. simpson nose that the letter was supposd to have arived on june 10 by 10 a m 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ ÃÊv}ÕÀiÊvÊëiiV 4 4. Lance has his finger in every pie. _______________________________________________ ÀViÊÌ iÊÃÕLiVÌÊvÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 5. Covered with suds and dripping with water, the toddler dashed from the bathtub to the bedroom. Ç{ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Which fish in the aquarium swims the fastest4 _______________________________________ LZYcZhYVn >i\ Ó{ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. youd beter clean up that mess quick 2. boris peter and jean packt all the picters in the packadges for the air express truck ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 3. Scott had _________________________________ many dirty dishes in his room. two to too tow 7ÀÌiÊÃiÌiViÊÀÊÌÊ>ÊÃiÌiViÊÊÌ iÊi° 4. Always busy working in the kitchen, the cooks ____________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn Ó{ >i\ 7 V ÊVÌÀ>VÌÊÃÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 1. weʼll thereʼell theyʼare thatʼill therʼed 7 >ÌÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊëiiV ÊÃÊÕ`iÀi`pÕ]ÊÛiÀL]Ê>`iVÌÛi]ÊÀÊ>`ÛiÀL4 2. The runner sprinted down the track effortlessly. _____________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. in his poem primer lesson carl sandberg wrote look out how you use proud words 4. isnt it all most time for reces ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. The computer responded to his command ________________________________________ -ÞÞÃÊÀÊ>ÌÞÃ4 5. tumult, pandemonium _______________________________________________________ Çx ;g^YVn >i\ Ó{ LiÊÌ iÊÃiÌiViÃÊÌÊ>iÊiÊÃiÌiVi° 1. Marilyn bought some sandals. She tried on hiking boots, walking shoes, and ballet slippers. 2. We drove to the camping store to buy a tent cover. When we got there the store was closed. 3. The road was covered with black ice. The car turned the corner. The car slid off the road. 4. Jo went to visit her sister. Joʼs sister lives in St. Louis. Jo only has one sister. ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 5. I found a carton of eggs in the refrigerator. It had only one egg in it. I couldnʼt make the cookies. 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY Ó{ ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ ÇÈ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn Óx >i\ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. these here sentenses our begining to all look a like 2. honey is a sweet treet four bares sayed the zoo keaper 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«ÃÃiÃÃÛiÊÕ° 3. the books of the teachers ______________________________________________________ 1ÃiÊÌ ÃÊ « iÊ«>ÀÊÊiÊÃiÌiVi\Ê«>]Ê«>i° 4. __________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >VÌÊÀÊ«4 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ Óx 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊV«>À>ÌÛiÊ>`ÊÃÕ«iÀ>ÌÛiÊvÀÃÊvʵÕiÌ° 1. _____________________________________ ________________________________ 1`iÀiÊ>ÊÌ iÊÕÃÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 2. The kindergartners buzzed around the soccer ball like bees around a hive. ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. i use post it notes to lable each paige that kneeds korrections 4. after ten laps around the track his chest heaves in and out as he breaths ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. A brainstorm is a good idea. _____________ 7 V ÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊÜ>ÞÊÌÊ`Û`iÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊÃÞ>LiÃ4 5. en ve lop e en vel ope en ve lope env el ope ÇÇ >i\ LZYcZhYVn Óx ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. the gardner suggests that i planted hollyhocks sweet peas and a double delight rose 2. hav you ever had two hav youʼre teeth pulled out buy a dentist «iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 3. -i`Êis to vÌi as >Þ is to _________________________________________________ . lots more few several -ÕvvÝÊÀÊ«ÀivÝ4 4. envious _____________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn Óx ÀViÊÌ iÊV>ÕÃiÊ>`ÊÕ`iÀiÊÌ iÊivviVÌ°Ê 1. To avoid the extreme daytime heat, we drove across the desert at night. 7 >ÌÊÀiviÀiViÊÃÕÀViÊÜÕ`ÊÞÕÊÕÃiÊÌÊv`Ê>ÊÃÞÞÊvÀÊi}Ì 4 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. the fruit sails person had kiwi froot from mexico peeches from guatemala and pineapple from hawaii 4. can you git some peeches for me ask frank ÃiÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊ`>ÌiÊÌÊV«iÌiÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 5. Mrs. Franks was born on __________________________ at Weld County General Hospital. March 13 1952 March 13, 1952 March 13, 1952, Çn ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. entrust ______________________________________________________________________ ;g^YVn >i\ Óx 7ÀÌiÊÜ >ÌÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê« À>ÃiÃÊi>° 1. Letʼs get down to brass tacks. How much do you want for your bike? 2. My mom gets a kick out of shopping. 3. I donʼt believe the salesman. Heʼs full of hot air. 4. On the soccer field, I feel like a fish out of water. 5. His idea to start school fifteen minutes earlier every day went over like a lead balloon. ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY Óx ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ Ç BdcYVn >i\ ÓÈ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. uncle ray will pick up his new pick up at the star truck plaza tomorow morning 2. during the last rain storm my roof sprung a leak 1ÃiÊÌ iÊVÌiÝÌÊVÕiÃÊÌÊ`iÌiÀiÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÊL`i`ÊÜÀ`° 3. Because «ii« is spelled the same way both forward and backward, it is called a «>`Ài° `iÌvÞÊÌ ÃÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊ>ÊvÀi`ÞÊiÌÌiÀ° 4. Dear Aunt Betty, _____________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 1`iÀiÊÌ iÊ«Ài«ÃÌ>Ê« À>ÃiÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ ÓÈ 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊ«À«iÀÊ>LLÀiÛ>ÌÊvÀʵÕ>ÀÌ4 1. qrt. q. qt. QT 7ÀÌiÊ>Ê«À«iÀÊÕÊvÀÊi>V ÊVÊÕ° 2. city _________________________________________________ 3. business ______________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 4. the scott boys reading club meets in the libary every wedesday and fryday after skhool 5. wood you like to come to the next meating as my gest nä ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. My baby sister sits in her highchair, giggles, and throws her food overboard. >i\ LZYcZhYVn ÓÈ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. when a beaver builts a dam everie member of an beaver family helps 2. mother father and three or for younger beavers work togather 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊV«>À>ÌÛiÊ>`ÊÃÕ«iÀ>ÌÛiÊ>`iVÌÛiÃÊvÊi>ÃÞ° 3. __________________________________ __________________________________ «iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 4. password : computer network :: key : _____________________________________________ house lock ring mouse ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊV«iÌiÊÃÕLiVÌÊvÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn ÓÈ 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«ÀÕÃÊÌ >ÌÊÜÕ`ÊÀi«>ViÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÕÃ°Ê Megan and Chelsea played on the trampoline. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. theyʼre many diffrent kinds of letus lik romaine and bibb 4. chef dennis uses for lettuceʼs in his famose signature salad ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. The transparent plastic crate held all of her photos and letters. ÀViÊÌ iÊV>ÕÃiÊ>`ÊÕ`iÀiÊÌ iÊivviVÌ° 5. Devon watched a DVD movie on my dadʼs computer, so when Dad turned on the computer, the battery was low. n£ ;g^YVn >i\ ÓÈ ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊi>V ÊÃiÌiVi° 1. Tommy looked all over for the keys he ________________________ . lose losed lost 2. Samantha ________________________________ all the Girl Scouts her new badge. show shown showed 3. Did you know _____________________________ both from Nebraska4 Ê their theyʼre there 4. Why did you ______________________________ those cookies so close to suppertime4 Ê eat ate eaten 5. The choir had _____________________________ the school song at the assembly. Ê sang singed sung Ê ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ÓÈ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ nÓ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn ÓÇ >i\ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. i named my special bear george because i got him at george washingtons home mt vernon 2. if you squeese georges hand him says youre my bestest frend -ÕLiVÌÊ«ÀÕÊÀÊLiVÌÊ«ÀÕ4 3. Will you dance with Mary at the recital4 _________________________________________ 4. Can you eat it and play at the same time4 ________________________________________ 7 >ÌÊ`ÊÌ iÃiÊÜÀ`ÃÊ >ÛiÊÊV4 crochet cross-stitch needlepoint 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ IjZhYVn ÓÇ 7 V Ê«>ÀÌÊvÊëiiV ÊÃÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiViÃ4 1. The narrow road twisted between the tall, snowy mountains. 2. Twenty-five team members competed in the tournament. ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. the navajo people are famos for there beutiful rugs and jewlry 4. historyical thay livd on the southwestern planes ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. knit ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl -ÞÞÃ]Ê>ÌÞÃ]ÊÀÊ « iÃ4 5. moan, mown _______________________________________________________________ nÎ LZYcZhYVn >i\ ÓÇ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. Pete finded his faverit cd back street boys in concert under hiz bed 2. dr morgan xrayed annies teeth and said no cavitys ``Ê>Ê«ÀivÝÊÌÊÌ iÊÜÀ`Ê}À>« ° 3. __________________________________________________________________________ 7 iÀiÊÜÕ`ÊÌ iÊvÜ}Ê«ÀL>LÞÊÌ>iÊ«>Vi4 4. ¹Donʼt forget to write your name on your test. Show all your work.º ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 V ÊÌÜÊÜÀ`ÃÊii`ÊÌÊLiÊÃÜÌV i`ÊÌÊ>iÊÌ iÊÃÌÊÊVÀÀiVÌÊ>« >LiÌV>ÊÀ`iÀ4 stole stomach stoop stone 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn >i\ ÓÇ 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÃÊ>Ê«ÕÀ>ÊÕ4 1. people dogʼs dress goes ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 2. the trafik wasnʼt bad this mourning maybe its a work holiday 3. frank complained my hands are chap becuz of the cold wet whether 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«>ÃÌÊ>`ÊvÕÌÕÀiÊÌiÃiÊvÊÌ iÊÛiÀLÊvÀL`° 4. ________________________________ ___________________________________ ÀViÊÌ iÊV«iÌiÊÃÕLiVÌÊvÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 5. The enormous elephants, two fierce tigers, a gawky llama, and Bobo the trained bear shared the train car with the Flying Delaneys—all twelve of them! n{ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. stoke ;g^YVn >i\ ÓÇ «iÌiÊi>V ÊÃiÌiViÊÕÃ}ÊÌ iÊ>««À«À>ÌiÊ « ið 1. Philip spent the ________________ morning mending a ______________ in his sock. hole whole 2. Be sure that you _________________ the ____________________ answer for each question. right write 3. I set up a meeting with the _____________ because I believed that the basic ___________ behind the code had been violated. principal principle 4. Through the bright __________ of first morning, the soldier began to ____________ the new flag. At the same time, the bulldozers began to __________ the old building. raise raze rays ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 5. With plumed pen and embossed _______________, the scribe assumed her ___________ position for the diorama. stationery stationary 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ÓÇ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ nx BdcYVn >i\ Ón ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. heather weaved a small blanket for the babies bed 2. drew knew the write anser even befor the teecher had ask the queston 1ÃiÊÌ iÊVÌiÝÌÊVÕiÃÊÌÊ`iÌiÀiÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÊL`i`ÊÜÀ`° 3. Most travelers and fishermen on Ancient Egyptʼs Nile River used small boats, calledÊÃvvÃ,Êmade from bundles of papyrus stalks lashed together with rope. 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊÀÌÊÀÊL>ÃiÊÜÀ`4 ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 4. reconstruction ________________________________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ Ón 7 V ÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊÜ>ÞÊÌÊ`Û`iÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊÃÞ>LiÃ4 1. lum in ous lu min ous lu mi nous lum i nous ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 2. the eligant ladie wavved her glovd hand at her reltor and said regardles of the cost we must have that house 3. the house was desihnd by a famus archtekt named frank lloyd wright ÃÊÌ iÊÃÕLiVÌÊÀÊ«Ài`V>ÌiÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi4 4. When evening came, the bubbling brookʼs babble seemed to increase in volume. / iÊÜÀ`ÊÀiviVÌÊ >ÃÊÊÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚ° nÈ 5. a prefix a suffix both a prefix and a suffix neither a prefix nor a suffix ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. imported ____________________________________________________________________ LZYcZhYVn >i\ Ón ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. mr gerk announcd if i donʼt have a cup of starbucks coffey in the morning my day is off too a bad start and this mourning i didnt have my cuppa coffey 2. here sir said hillary i think i can help as she heald out a steeming mug >VÌÊÀÊ«4 3. All students need foreign language training. _______________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÊëi}ÊvÊÌ iÊÜÀ`ÃÊÌ >ÌÊ>ÀiÊÌÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ° 4. athletes chocolotes rhythems purchases ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊ>ÀiÊ>`ÛiÀLÃ4 regrettably hustle soon significant 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn Ón iÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê>`iVÌÛiÊÌiÊÜ V Êi]ÊÜ >ÌÊ`]ÊÀÊ ÜÊ>Þ4 1. Summer days are barefoot walks in cool grass and picnics under big trees. _____________ 2. Those mosquitoes love summer days too. _________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. jog around the track at del monte twyce before you come too school coach okeefe reminded us 4. thirdy two differnt speeshes of birds live in the park near lake oswego ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. suddenly -iÊÀÊiÌ>« À4 5. The rain is a magic elixir that changes the brown landscape to green. _________________ nÇ ;g^YVn >i\ Ón ,i>`ÊÌ iÊvÜ}Ê«>À>}À>« Ê>`Ê`iV`iÊvÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê«>ÀÌÃÊ >ÛiÊ>ÊV>«Ì>â>ÌÊ iÀÀÀ]Ê>Ê«ÕVÌÕ>ÌÊiÀÀÀ]Ê>Êëi}ÊiÀÀÀ]ÊÀÊÊiÀÀÀ° Tomas huddled like a scarred animal in the brush. He had come to this region to give a lecture £ Ó about using plants from the amazon rainforest for medical research, but now he was stranded on Î a deserted unpaved road somewhere near the equator. { x 1. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 4. ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY Ón ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ nn /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn Ó >i\ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. molly and max his two boston bull terriers and for sisters make life exciting at joshs house 2. the declartion of independance is worth understanding and remembering as a live guide 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊV«>À>ÌÛiÊ>`ÊÃÕ«iÀ>ÌÛiÊvÀÃÊvÊL>`° 3. _________________________________ ____________________________________ ÃÊÌÊ>ÊÃiÌiVi4 4. Ted at the wheel, the blue van piled with gifts for all the cousins and grandkids yes no no 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ IjZhYVn Ó ÀViÊÌ iÊV>ÕÃiÊ>`ÊÕ`iÀiÊÌ iÊivviVÌ° 1. Forest Service officials are combing the area for Japanese Beetle larvae. Last week the larvae were found in a backyard garden. They are considered a danger to area vineyards. ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 2. stuart little is a carring new comer to the little family 3. nashvil tennessee is the capitol of that state 1ÃiÊÌ iÊ>««À«À>ÌiÊÜÀ`ÊÊi>V ÊÃiÌiVi\ÊÊi>Ãi`]Êi>ÃÌ°Ê ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Come here yes ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 4. He _______________ the garage for the upcoming year. 5. Having a roof over his head was the ______________________ of his worries. n LZYcZhYVn >i\ Ó ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. a trip to the museum of natrual history is always a treet exclaimed sara 2. tomorow is my favorit song from annie 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ ÃÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊ>ÊLÕÃiÃÃÊiÌÌiÀÊV>i`4 3. Sincerely, Tom Adams, Secretary _________________________________________________________ 1`iÀiÊÌ iÊ«Ài«ÃÌ>Ê« À>ÃiÃÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 4. In this helter-skelter world, I need to find a place of my own quickly. ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl «iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn >i\ Ó 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊ>LLÀiÛ>ÌÊvÀÊ ÃÌÀVÌÊvÊ ÕL>4 1. Dist. of Co. D of C D.C. DC iV>À>ÌÛi]ÊÌiÀÀ}>ÌÛi]Ê«iÀ>ÌÛi]ÊÀÊiÝV>>ÌÀÞ4 2. Give Sam a hand for his effort. _________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. imagin a arbor abuve the door way with fragrent roses cascading frum the green branchs 4. my garden is lik a vegetbul stand with dayly fresh prodeuce spechuls 7 V ÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊÜ>ÞÊÌÊ`Û`iÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊÃÞ>LiÃ4 5. hea vi er ä heav i er heav ier hea vie r ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. foundation : cement :: skeleton : _________________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl Ó ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ ;g^YVn >i\ >LiÊÌ iÊÃÕLiVÌÊ>`ÊÛiÀLÊÊi>V ÊÃiÌiVi° 1. Pat and Mike will go fishing. 2. Mike brought the fishing poles. 3. Pat caught the first fish. 4. The fish was too small to keep. 5. He threw the tiny fish back into the water. 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl Ó ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ £ >i\ BdcYVn Îä ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. jose finded cash and sum recepts in the wallet for a account at the first national bank 2. when he returnned the wallet to securitie he recieved a reward of 50 dollars 1ÃiÊÌ iÊVÌiÝÌÊVÕiÃÊÌÊ`iÌiÀiÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÊL`i`ÊÜÀ`° 3. On March 21, Iranians celebrateÊ ÀÕâ] the Iranian New Year, by cleaning their houses, wearing new clothes, and going on a picnic. *>ÃÌ]Ê«ÀiÃiÌ]ÊÀÊvÕÌÕÀi4 4. Patricia canʼt wait for her birthday party. _________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ IjZhYVn Îä >VÌÊÀÊ«4 1. My piano teacher can play ragtime melodies with flair. _______________________________ 7ÀÌiÊ>Ê>ÌÞÊvÀÊÌ iÊÜÀ`Ê«ÌÃÌV° 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. dr shimizu the pediatrician is a grandfather to his own grandchildren and many patience besides 4. why did julie decide to take drivers education this summer 1ÃiÊÌ ÃÊ « iÊ«>ÀÊÊiÊÃiÌiVi\ÊÃViÌ]ÊÃiÌ° 5. ___________________________________________________________________________ Ó ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Walking in the forest provided a respite in Bobʼs day. _______________________________ LZYcZhYVn >i\ Îä ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. mr smith the art teacher lended me the book about picasso 2. peter and me want to try to pant a murel in picassos style ÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÜÀ`Ê>ÊÕ]ÊÛiÀL]Ê>`iVÌÛi]ÊÀÊ>`ÛiÀL4 3. A threatening cloud hung high in the sky as we anticipated rain. ________________________ 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÃÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 4. weapen secend hospitel happen ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl iÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê>`iVÌÛiÊÌiÊÜ V Êi]ÊÜ >ÌÊ`]ÊÀÊ ÜÊ>Þ4 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn Îä *>ÃÌ]Ê«ÀiÃiÌ]ÊÀÊvÕÌÕÀi¶ 1. The farmer is having a sale of his farm equipment in the fall. _________________________ 2. Colby flew to Amsterdam for Petrovʼs graduation. _________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. noises especially loud ones sound intimidating when the lights go out explained ferdinand 4. my kitten tasha loves to take a nap wake up and stretch and than curl up in a bawl to sleep sum more ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Shimmering stars shine softly in the summer sky. _____________________________________ 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊV«>À>ÌÛiÊ>`ÊÃÕ«iÀ>ÌÛiÊ>`iVÌÛiÃÊvÊvÕÞ° 5. _______________________________ ___________________________________ Î ;g^YVn >i\ Îä 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊiÌÌiÀÊvÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÀÊi>V ÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÜÀ`ÊÀÊÜÀ`ð 1. The patrolman may cite you for speeding. _________________________________________ 2. It was a magnificent sight! _____________________________________________________ 3. Our school is to be the site of the filming. _________________________________________ 4. The sight on the telescope helps the astronomer. ____________________________________ 5. The boy set his sights on winning the trophy. _______________________________________ a. to strive for b. a device looked through to help aim c. summon to court d. display e. location ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl Îä ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ { /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn >i\ Σ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. the union colony pioneer society is a group of descendints of familys whom home steaded in greeley colorado 2. my grate grandmothers parents were part of that originel settlment 7ÀÌiÊÃÞÞÃÊvÀÊÌ iÃiÊÜÀ`ð 3. retrieve _____________________________________________ 4. secluded ____________________________________________ iÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê>`ÛiÀLÊÌiÊÜ i]Ê ÜÊÕV ]ÊÀÊÜ iÀi4 ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ ÃÊv}ÕÀiÊvÊëiiV 4 1. Iʼve got a big test tomorrow. Iʼd better hit the books. ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 2. how many of there are us 3. sal and ron and me went out to hour new club house 7 >ÌÊ`ÊÌ iÃiÊÜÀ`ÃÊ >ÛiÊÊV4 4. spaghetti 5. diapers linguine stroller manicotti bottles ziti Σ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. The doctor showed patience as the traffic crawled forward. bib x LZYcZhYVn >i\ Σ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. my little couzen always says give me 5 2. the telephone rung jest as mom was leafing the house ÀViÊÌ iÊV>ÕÃiÊ>`ÊÕ`iÀiÊÌ iÊivviVÌ° 3. I missed my connection in Denver due to a late takeoff in Los Angeles. 7ÀÌiÊ>Ê«Ê>LÕÌÊÛiVi° 4. _________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÃÊÌÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 fragmentary presentible fractional prejudice 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn Σ 7 >ÌÊÌÞ«iÊvÊLÊÃÊ`iÃVÀLi`Ê iÀi4 1. He carefully checked the network organization and then installed the new hub. 1ÃiÊVÌiÝÌÊVÕiÃÊÌÊ`iÌiÀiÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÊL`i`ÊÜÀ`° 2. Several thousand years ago, a man named Tan invented the Asian puzzle, the Ì>}À>. ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. i just finished reding a book entitled through my eyes by ruby bridges 4. it descrbed her experence as the only black student in frantz elementary school in new orleans 1`iÀiÊÌ iÊV«iÌiÊ«Ài`V>ÌiÊvÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° È 5. After the false start, the swimmer dove into the water and swam to victory. ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. authoritative ;g^YVn >i\ Σ ,i>`ÊÌ iÊvÜ}Ê«>À>}À>« Ê>`Ê`iV`iÊvÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê«>ÀÌÃÊ >ÛiÊ>Ê V>«Ì>â>ÌÊiÀÀÀ]Ê>Ê«ÕVÌÕ>ÌÊiÀÀÀ]Ê>Êëi}ÊiÀÀÀ]ÊÀÊÊiÀÀÀ° Success in reading depends on using active strategies to increase comprihension. Do you have £ ÊÊÓ stratedgies that you use. Before you read, do you organize your materials and tune in to the task? Î As you read do you take notes and look up words? After you read do you review and use your { x new information to answer questions4 1. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 4. _________________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl Σ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ Ç BdcYVn >i\ ÎÓ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. pebbles and bam bam are charesters in the movie the flint stones 2. because it snowd last night mr ruiz the building manager had to cleared the walks before school begun -iÊÀÊiÌ>« À4 3. The quiet surrounded her like a soft, downy comforter. ________________________________ 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÊÃÊÌÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 4. feeling group makings natcheral quarrelsome ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 >ÌÊÌiÊÃÊÌ4 5. The clock in the hallway chimed one but there was no one about, and even the stars seemed 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ ÎÓ 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«ÃÃiÃÃÛiÊvÀ° 1. uniforms of those band members _________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 2. homer spit is a tiny peace of land that reaches into the kamishak bay from mainland alaska 3. the empress hotel in victoria british columbia has a lovey dinning room where high tea is served -ÞÞÃ]Ê>ÌÞÃ]ÊÀÊ « iÃ4 4. pair, pare ___________________________________________________________________ 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÃiÊÜÀ`ÃÊÊVÀÀiVÌÊ>« >LiÌV>ÊÀ`iÀ° 5. breakage n breadwinner breeze brevity breakfast ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ to sleep under a thick blanket of clouds. ___________________________________________ LZYcZhYVn >i\ ÎÓ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. me and my brothers like to play monopoly and scrabble on saturday after noons 2. eating a apple every day is suppose to keep the docter away 7 >ÌÊÌÜÊÜÀ`ÃÊ>iÊÕ«ÊÌ ÃÊVÌÀ>VÌ4 3. wouldʼve __________________________________________________________________ 7 >ÌÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊëiiV ÊÃÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÊÌ iÊÃiÌiViÊLiÜ4 4. Avoid eating too many sweets. _________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 V ÊÜÀ`Ê`iÃÊÌÊLi}4 oak maple birch elm 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn >i\ ÎÓ 1ÃiÊÌ ÃÊ « iÊ«>ÀÊÊiÊÃiÌiVi\Ê}>Ìi]Ê}>Ì° 1. _________________________________________________________________________ vÊÌ iÊ}Õ`iÊÜÀ`ÃÊÊ>Ê«>}iÊ>ÀiÊ`>LLiÊ>`Ê`>>}i]ÊÜ V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊÜÕ`ÊÌÊLiÊvÕ`Ê ÊÌ iÊ«>}i4 2. Dalmatian dainty dab damask daily ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. once up on a time in a far away land there was a king and a queen and a magnificant castel 4. pleeze put up youʼre umbrela after your out side the door ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. plywood ``Ê>Ê«ÀivÝÊ>`Ê>ÊÃÕvvÝÊÌÊÌ iÊÜÀ`ÊL>° 5. __________________________________________________________________________ ;g^YVn >i\ ÎÓ «iÌiÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið The best book I ever read was _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ is my favorite song of all time. _________________________________________________ was the best movie I saw this year. I could read the poem _________________________________________ over and over again. Yesterday I watched __________________________________________________ on television. ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ÎÓ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ £ää /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn ÎÎ >i\ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. you can use choclate bars marshmellows and gerahm crackers to make a tastey desert 2. the name of the deserts sʼmores and you will all ways want some more after youʼre furst one 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊL>ÃiÊÀÊÀÌÊÜÀ`4 3. standardization _____________________________________________________________ 4. conspiracy __________________________________________________________________ 1`iÀiÊÌ iÊ>`ÛiÀLÊ« À>ÃiÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ IjZhYVn ÎÎ ÀViÊÌ iÊV«iÌiÊ«Ài`V>ÌiÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 1. Did Max snore last night4 1ÃiÊVÌiÝÌÊVÕiÃÊÌÊ`iÌiÀiÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÊL`i`ÊÜÀ`° 2. Bats use iV V>Ì, or reflected sound, to navigate through dark caves and forests. ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. it is my contention that goldilocks was simply a trespaser and a theif announced prof high 4. I agree with youʼre assessment of the situation replyed prof low ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Take what she says with a grain of salt. ``Ê>Ê«ÀivÝÊÌÊÌ iÊÜÀ`ÊÃV«i° x°ÊÊÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚ £ä£ ÎÎ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. black widow spiders and mexican tarantula are faresome insexts 2. some times I wish I was a eagle soring threw the clear blew sky «iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 3. predator: prey :: lion : _________________________________________________________ 7 >ÌÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊëiiV ÊÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÜÀ`4 4. Suddenly the wind burst through the window and slapped the door closed. 5. When the mouse ran across the room, Carolyn stood on a chair and screamed. 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn >i\ ÎÎ 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«ÀÕÊÌ >ÌÊÜÕ`ÊÀi«>ViÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`ÊÕÃÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 1. I mixed carrots, peas, and mushrooms in the pan. ___________________________________ 7 >ÌÊÜÀ`Ê`iÃÊÌÊLi}ÊÊÌ ÃÊ}ÀÕ«4 2. vertical horizontal square perpendicular parallel ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. tonya said my legs go two sleep when i set on them 4. stephen said oh my legs go too sleep when im laying on the bed 7 >ÌÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊëiiV ÊÃÊÕ`iÀi`4 5. The books were so heavy that I almost dropped them. ________________________________ £äÓ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ LZYcZhYVn >i\ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ÎÎ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ ;g^YVn >i\ 7 >ÌÊ`ÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê« À>ÃiÃÊi>4 1. When Scott sees my new bike, heʼll be green with envy. 2. When it comes to swimming, Tony is head and shoulders above everyone else. 3. The coach thinks that the game is in the bag. 4. Classical music isnʼt my cup of tea. 5. Suzie was so excited, she let the cat out of the bag. 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ÎÎ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ £äÎ BdcYVn >i\ Î{ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. charlie peter timmy and frank weʼre late becuase they wanted to walk by the new constructive sight before school 2. they had to go to the principles office appologize to there teacher and then go straite to gym 1ÃiÊVÌiÝÌÊVÕiÃÊÌÊ`iÌiÀiÊÌ iÊi>}ÊvÊÌ iÊL`i`ÊÜÀ`° 3. The crisp almond cookies called LÃVÌÌÊare great for dipping into a warm cup of cocoa or coffee. 7 V ÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊÜ>ÞÊÌÊ`Û`iÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊÃÞ>LiÃ4 4. ri di cu le rid ic ule rid i cule ri dic ule ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 iÊ} ÌÊÞÕÊ i>ÀÊÌ iÊvÜ}4 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ Î{ 7ÀÌiÊ>Êv>VÌÊ>LÕÌÊÃÌÀ>} ÌÊ >À° 1. ____________________________________________________________________________ vÊÌ iÊ}Õ`iÊÜÀ`ÃÊÊ>Ê«>}iÊ>ÀiÊV>ÌiÊ>`ÊVÃ]ÊÜ V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊÜÕ`ÊLiÊÊÌ iÊ«>}i4 2. collarbone collector collapse collage college ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. even through she played soccor was a cheer leader swum on the swim team she still had time two go to the hospital every week to visit with her grandma 4. becuz computers are up to date and theyʼre search ingines make finding things easy they are a good source of infromation iÃÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê>`ÛiÀLÊÌiÊ Ü]ÊÜ i]ÊÜ iÀi]ÊÀÊÌÊÜ >ÌÊiÝÌiÌ4Ê £ä{ 5. Kittens can be irritatingly playful. ________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. Look under N for number 35. ___________________________________________________ LZYcZhYVn >i\ Î{ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. cuz ive never been back packing before i canʼt hardly weight to go next week 2. I putted sew many things in my pack that it ways more than fourty pounds 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ>LLÀiÛ>ÌÊvÀÊÃiV`° 3. _________________________________________________________________________ 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«ÕÀ>ÊvÀÊvÊõÕÌ° 4. _________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊ>ÀiÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 ourselves ownce anoye boundary 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn Î{ 7ÀÌiÊ>ÊVÊÕÊvÀÊÌ ÃÊ«À«iÀÊÕ° 1. Martin Luther King Day _______________________________________________________ 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊV«>À>ÌÛiÊ>`ÊÃÕ«iÀ>ÌÛiÊvÀÃÊvÊÌ iÊÜÀ`Ê}`° 2. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. greyhound bus drivers and union pacific railroad engineers are reposnible for transportating many passengers they have to be alert at all times 4. my mom and my aunt have been buying hot dogs and buns soda pop and chips and checking the weather forecast they may have plans for this week end ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. receive 7 >ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊvÜ}Ê«iÀýÃÊL4 5. Mr. Lee checked the screens in front of him and spoke into his headset, ¹You are cleared to land.º £äx ;g^YVn >i\ Î{ ÃiÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊV«iÌiÊi>V ÊÃiÌiVi° 1. Mrs. Riley is patient with everyone in her class, so she deserves the _________________ Award. Procrastinator Anxiety Forbearance Cantankerous 2. He was __________________ when his science fair project collapsed as the judge looked at it. chagrined thrilled fortunate fulfilled 3. Frannie took her bow amid the applause and _____________________ of her fellow musicians. disapproval acclaim scorn alarm 4. The trail mix will provide ______________________ for the hike. adornment earnings sustenance bulk ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 5. She hopes to ______________ her progress so that she can complete the course in half the time. delay furnish dissolve accelerate 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl Î{ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ £äÈ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ BdcYVn Îx >i\ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. impatient my lab partner ask when do you think youll be able too compleat the project 2. i replyed ill be done as soon as i finish the research organize my notes compose my ideas and print it all out «iÌiÊÌ iÊ>>}Þ° 3. penguin : bird :: pizza : ______________________________________________________ ÛiÊÌ iÊV«iÌiÊÃÕLiVÌÊvÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 4. Thirty-two hungry, roughhousing kindergartners burst through the lunchroom doors. ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ Îx iÃÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`Ê >ÛiÊ>ÊÃÕvvÝ]Ê>Ê«ÀivÝ]ÊLÌ ]ÊÀÊi4 1. extraordinary @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 7ÀÌiÊ>Ì iÀÊÜÀ`ÊÌ >ÌÊÜÕ`ÊLi}ÊÊÌ ÃÊV>Ìi}ÀÞ° 2. Denver Sacramento Austin Louisville Springfield ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. on saturday june 5 cindy and jen will drive from arlington virginia to champaign illinois 4. tricias swiming imporved so much she moved from the novice to the intermmediate class in jest for weaks ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. When she was asked to give her phone number, the new girl answered, “I havenʼt learned it yet.” 7 V ÊÃÊÌ iÊVÀÀiVÌÊÜ>ÞÊÌÊ`Û`iÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`ÊÌÊÃÞ>LiÃ4 5. rev o lu tion ar y re vo lu tion ar y rev o lut ion ar y re vol u tion ar y £äÇ LZYcZhYVn >i\ Îx ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. how is sking and snowboreding different ask simons uncle 2. tulips rose bushes and fragrant lilacs line grannys path way it smells like a flour shop 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊ«ÀiÃiÌÊvÀÊ>`ÊÌ iÊ«>ÃÌÊ«>ÀÌV«iÊvÊÌ iÊÛiÀLÊ``° 3. ____________________________________ __________________________________ 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊ>ÀiÊÌÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 busineses familys countries flies -ÞÞÃ]Ê>ÌÞÃ]ÊÀÊ « iÃ4 5. mature, develop ____________________________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl >i\ I]jghYVn Îx 7ÀÌiÊÌ iÊV«>À>ÌÛiÊ>`ÊÃÕ«iÀ>ÌÛiÊ>`iVÌÛiÃÊvÊÌ iÊÜÀ`ÊLi>ÕÌvÕ° 1. ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ÀViÊÌ iÊ>`iVÌÛiÃÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiVi° 2. Aunt Carolʼs sixtieth birthday party was an exciting celebration of her many interests and friends. ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. somethings fishy exclaimmed the detective as he peerd in the window of the house ill go inside and check it out 4. I wish that I was tall like my friend john so then I could slamdunk the ball Ý«>ÊÜ >ÌÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê`ÊÊÌ ÃÊÃiÌiViÊi>ð 5. Iʼve been saving for roller blades for over a year, but I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. £än ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 4. addresses ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl Îx ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ ;g^YVn >i\ >LiÊÌ iÊÃÕLiVÌÊ>`ÊÛiÀLÊvÊi>V ÊÃiÌiVi° 1. This summer Iʼd like to learn to scuba dive. 2. When I was mowing the lawn, a little frog hopped out of the grass. 3. A sudden storm took the campers by surprise. 4. Iʼve never seen a purple cow. 5. Mishaʼs elderly aunt and her cat live down the street. 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl Îx ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ £ä BdcYVn >i\ ÎÈ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. when water got hot it will change in to a gas water vaper this process is called evaporation 2. when water vaper got cold it will change in to a liqid this process is called condensation ÊÕÊÀÊ«À«iÀÊÕ4 3. My favorite treat is caramel apples from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. __________ iÌ>« ÀÊÀÊÃi4 4. Mom has had her new washer repaired three times. She bought a lemon! ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 7 V ÊÜÀ`Ê >ÃÊÌ iÊÃÌÊÃÞ>LiÃ4 humiliation persevere courageously 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl IjZhYVn >i\ ÎÈ 7 V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊ>ÀiÊëii`ÊVÀÀiVÌÞ4 1. awkward allready daughter brought althouh stalke ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 2. horton the elefant demonstated that determiation paiys of when he said on birds egg and hatches it 3. do you think dr seusss grinch wood like to eat green eggs and ham `iÌvÞÊÌ iÊÌÞ«iÊvÊÃiÌiVi° 4. Would you like me to check the tires and look under the hood4 5. The astronauts repaired the space station during their space walk. ££ä ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. nourishment LZYcZhYVn >i\ ÎÈ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 1. studying the piccolo has some important advantages explained doug its much easyer to carrie a piccolo than it is to carrie a tuba 2. after seeing jurassic park jason ask do you think scientist will clon dna to make a living dinosaur 7ÀÌiÊ>Êv>VÌÊ>LÕÌÊÛi}iÌ>Lið 3. ____________________________________________________ -ÞÞÃ]Ê>ÌÞÃ]ÊÀÊ « iÃ4 4. grand, large _______________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl I]jghYVn >i\ ÎÈ vÊÌ iÊ}Õ`iÊÜÀ`ÃÊÊ>Ê«>}iÊ>ÀiÊ>VÕÀiÊ>`Ê>Ìi]ÊÜ V ÊÜÀ`ÃÊÜÕ`ÊÌÊLiÊ vÕ`ÊÊÌ iÊ«>}i4 1. manmade maniac mannerism mantilla mantle ``Ê>ÊÃÕvvÝÊÌÊÌ ÃÊÜÀ`° 2. imagine __________________________________________________________________ ÀÀiVÌÊÌ iÃiÊÃiÌiVið 3. how importat is it that I take a water filter on the back packing trip ask bill I will carry water in my canteen 4. take the filter just in case you need more water the scout master answer you will be glad you did ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 5. temporary, permanent _______________________________________________________ 7ÀÌiÊ>Ê>ÌiÀ>ÌÛiÊ« À>ÃiÊ>LÕÌÊ`}ð 5. __________________________________________________________________________ £££ ;g^YVn >i\ ÎÈ ,i>`ÊÌ iÊvÜ}Ê«>À>}À>« Ê>`Ê`iV`iÊvÊÌ iÊÕ`iÀi`Ê«>ÀÌÃÊ >ÛiÊ>ÊV>«Ì>â>ÌÊ iÀÀÀ]Ê>Ê«ÕVÌÕ>ÌÊiÀÀÀ]Ê>Êëi}ÊiÀÀÀ]Ê>ÊÕÉÛiÀLÊ>}ÀiiiÌÊiÀÀÀ]ÊÀÊÊiÀÀÀ° Solids, liquids and gases are all conducters of sound, but the speed of sound is different for each type £ Ó Î of material. Sound waves travels much faster through solids and liquides than through gases. x { 1. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________________ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl 5. ____________________________________________________________________________ 9V^anAVc\jV\ZGZk^Zl ÎÈ ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ 9V^anEgd\gZhhGZXdgY ÊÜÊ>ÞÊ``ÊÞÕÊ}iÌÊVÀÀiVÌÊi>V Ê`>Þ¶Ê ÀÊÌ iÊõÕ>Àið x { Î Ó £ `>Þ ££Ó /ÕiÃ`>Þ 7i`iÃ`>Þ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ À`>Þ 6chlZg@Zn LZZ` £ `>ÞÊÊ 1. Does his cousin live in another city? 2. After James and Tamara cleaned the garage, Grandma gave them five dollars. 3. plural 4. oxygen 5. umpire / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. Ave. 2. lb. 3. dictionary 4. Letʼs play a game of soccer today. 5. Antonio was too big for his old bike, so he sold it at the Old Town Flea Market. /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. Possible answer—construct 2. Possible answer—real 3. The childrenʼs valuables were stored in the teacherʼs closet. 4. That hot rod is the noisiest vehicle on my block. 5. interrogative À`>Þ 1. tallest 2. heavier 3. hardest 4. busiest 5. longer 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. Wasnʼt there any milk in the refrigerator? 2. Theyʼre going to come to see me at 7 p.m. 3. heavy : light :: near: far away 4. the airport 5. logic `>Þ 1. My dad gave the present to Pete and me. 2. It wasnʼt a surprise; I knew he would do it. 3. arranged in the order in which something occurred 4. fact 5. opinion /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. Possible answer—won 2. fertilize 3. April is my favorite month of the year. 4. We made the last payment on our new radio. 5. They 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. The workmen laid a straight track for the freight train. 2. Maggie claimed she was too busy to do her homework. 3. closing 4. simile 5. gently ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ LZZ` Ó / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. shallot 2. 4 3. Mrs. Peters asked Mr. Beckman, “Will the concert start at 7:00 or 7:30?” 4. The workmen have come to fix the oven in Sammyʼs kitchen. OR The workman has come to fix the oven in Sammyʼs kitchen. 5. al À`>Þ 1. ist 2. less 3. ar 4. ly 5. ful ££Î `>Þ 1. We had a flat tire; Amos was carsick; and we got lost. 2. Chris thought, “I hope they will choose me for their team.” 3. Dr. 4. Dear Dr. Ben Corliss: OR Dear Dr. Corliss: 5. an accomplishment to be proud of /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. antonyms 2. synonyms 3. “Look out below!” he called. “That rock is falling!” 4. Mother and her Polish friend, Brigitta Slovik, went to a Chinese restaurant for lunch. 5. gasoline 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. Our minister, Rev. Murphy, has worked in churches in Australia, Guatemala, and Malaysia. 2. Their mother asked them to go to Blackʼs Market for her. 3. circle—became lost underline—had to be rescued 4. plural 5. taught `>Þ 1. On April 2, Grandma Avery will celebrate her hundredth birthday. 2. I studied an interesting article, “Kayaking in Alaska,” in the National Geographic World magazine. 3. grew 4. Answers will vary—Canada is a large country located north of the continental United States. 5. abandon /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. doesnʼt 2. The old, tired dog wants to lie down by the warm fire. 3. Are we supposed to read “Across the Plains” or “Mountain Trek” in our history books tonight? 4. you would 5. Answers will vary—Sally was fourth in line as the dancers paraded back and forth across the stage. 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. The scariest story in Horrifying Bedtime Stories was “Sounds in the Night” by T. S. Jones. 2. The farmer let them ride his horse. 3. graceful, rough, rocky, thick 4. Answers will vary—moan, own, phone, sewn, shone, stone, zone 5. receive ££{Ê LZZ` Î / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. wonʼt 2. thesaurus 3. “Why do I have to do my homework now?” complained Tori. 4. “Itʼs always best to get your work done before you watch TV,” said Mom. 5. Answers will vary—Two possible answers: disappoint, reappoint À`>Þ 1. punctuation error (Ancient Egypt, a rich and prosperous nation,) 2. spelling error (grown) 3. capitalization error (Nile Valley) 4. punctuation error (raised cattle, geese, oxen, and pigs.) 5. no error LZZ` { / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. myself 2. on an airplane 3. Dad sits in a chair to read his newspaper. 4. Is Miss Brownʼs English class going to recite Frostʼs poem at the assembly? 5. adverb À`>Þ Sentences may vary somewhat. Accept any reasonable sentence construction that contains all the information. 1. When the dog chased the cat, the cat ran up the tree. 2. Seline needed to buy a new dress because she was performing in a concert. 3. The team won the championship game because Tom and Seth hit home runs. 4. Would you like some lemonade to drink or some cookies to eat? 5. Iʼm so hungry, I think I could eat a horse. >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊUÊ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«° LZZ` `>Þ 1. “Carl, will you help me with my homework after school?” 2. “No, not today because I have to go out of town with my mom and dad.” 3. Scottʼs new electronic game 4. Theyʼre 5. go away; stop bothering me / ÕÀÃ`>Þ /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. rep re sent a tive 2. how 3. Why doesnʼt he ever do his homework? 4. “This doesnʼt look like anything Iʼve ever seen before,” said Dr. Thomas. 5. circled—eruption; underlined—lava oozed down the sides of the volcano and black smoke smothered the sunlight À`>Þ 1. zebra 2. jar 3. pitcher 4. string 5. hand x 1. past—dripped; future—will drip 2. the elephantʼs tusks and ears 3. We stopped once to use the bathroom, stretch our legs, and eat some dinner. 4. Three boysʼ bikes were left in the center of Seventh Street on Saturday, October 10. 5. declarative 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. After Iʼve finished skating, I am going to the library for a new book to read. 2. Did you get a letter from your pen pal? 3. adjective 4. antonyms 5. MI LZZ` È `>Þ 1. Mr. and Mrs. Lee have traveled to Europe, Asia, and South America. 2. I canʼt wait to travel by myself! 3. iÌÌi means “courage or strength of character.” 4. There are many correct answers: wrong, incorrect, erroneous, off-base. 5. nonfiction / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. weʼre 2. Answers will vary—pretest, posttest, attest 3. “If we work hard,” replied Judy, “weʼll earn an excellent grade.” 4. Michael asked, “How soon will breakfast be ready?” 5. past /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. what kind 2. twitch when I rub its back 3. Maggie claimed she was too busy to do her homework last night. 4. Mario, Lee, and Robert went to the Steinhart Aquarium to find out more about dolphins. 5. preveiw À`>Þ 1. well 2. Our 3. Whoʼs 4. whose 5. are 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. Every Saturday morning my little brother watches Rugrats. 2. Last summer my friend Sarafina moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico. 3. few 4. synonyms 5. homophones ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ ££x `>Þ 1. That John Elway football belongs to my brother and me. 2. Michael and I ran in the Big Brothersʼ Marathon. 3. Many sentences are possible—Theyʼre standing over there holding blue hats in their hands. 4. along 5. Answers will vary—talk, articulate, converse /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. Answers will vary—modern, contemporary 2. whistel 3. Everyone was invited to their party. 4. Several butterflies and eagles flew overhead. 5. prefix LZZ` Ç / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. 4 2. 5 3. My sister tore off the bookʼs cover. 4. The Park District is searching for a coach to help with the boysʼ and girlsʼ teams. 5. They À`>Þ 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. e 5. a 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. Those womenʼs lunches all cost the same amount. 2. Jim likes chocolate chip, molasses, sugar, and peanut butter cookies, but I only like oatmeal ones. 3. history 4. simile 5. preposition `>Þ 1. “Please tell me the answer to the riddle,” begged Jose. 2. Will you help them paint their fence? 3. yes 4. no 5. noun /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. carrot 2. Jeff sets his glasses on the table. 3. I need to write a thank-you note to my grandmother for the present that she sent me. 4. imitation of others 5. opinion 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. We read articles from Newsweek, Time, and The Daily Herald for our report. 2. While she poured the soup, the awkward girl spilled it all over the papers on her motherʼs desk. 3. feline 4. siege 5. fierce, carefully planted, wheat ££ÈÊ LZZ` n / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. closing 2. The words name different kinds of science. 3. While I waited for the griddle to get hot, I scratched a design on a chunk of wood. 4. The sky opened up, and rain slammed to the ground! 5. mustnʼt À`>Þ 1. capitalization error (The Kendo competition) 2. no error 3. spelling error (fragile) 4. punctuation error (Briefly lunging toward each other and then stepping back,) 5. no error >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊUÊ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«° `>Þ 1. Whoʼs that boy over there? 2. After the hen lays her eggs, she sits on them. 3. Any water form—stream, sea, bay 4. the books 5. ordinery /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. Sentences will vary—The friendly puppy wagged its curly tail. 2. ob sti nate 3. oc cu pant 4. Pete and I got a new dog at Adamʼs Pet Shop. 5. Antonio is too big for his old athletic shoes, so he will buy a new pair at Florioʼs Shoe Store. LZZ` / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. Rd. 2. receiving, worrying, planning 3. Thomas worries constantly about his end-ofthe-year project. 4. The thirsty boy drank the Dr. Pepper in one swallow. 5. synonyms À`>Þ Topic sentence: Sentence 8 Main idea: How seeds travel Supporting details: Sentences 1, 4, 5, and 6 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. Rhianna, Todd, and Katie need three desks at the front of the classroom. 2. Uncle Fred bought us pizza at Freddieʼs. 3. object pronoun 4. mouse 5. When Susan got out of bed, she looked out her window to check the weather. `>Þ 1. Native Americans believed that the land was for everyone to use and share. 2. There were hundreds of tribes in America when Christopher Columbus landed and thought that he was in India. 3. fact 4. a–higher 5. b–lowest /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. Opinions will vary—Eliminating pollution is everyoneʼs job. 2. peppermint 3. I have the addresses of many friends living in countries around the world. 4. One of Mrs. Mooreʼs businesses is taking pictures of family groups. 5. Sentences will vary—I picked four strawberries for the cobbler. 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. The climate along the equator is very different from the climate in Alaska. 2. A tire on his vehicle was punctured, so he was stranded on the side of the road. 3. catch 4. imperative 5. purchases ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ LZZ` £ä / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. shuttle 2. foxes, wolves 3. Mr. Tuttle asked, “Did you study for your math test?” 4. I spent three hours at the library working on my essay for English. 5. has lasted a long time, despite our differences À`>Þ 1. be just the perfect thing 2. in good health 3. find out the real cause 4. is involved in many matters 5. Face reality. ££Ç `>Þ 1. The wordsÊ«Ìi and VÃ`iÀ>Ìi have about the same meaning. 2. Dr. Landryʼs motto is “Always be prepared.” 3. stranger, strangely, strangest 4. simile 5. quiet, lull, settle /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. cruel, school, cool, rule 2. chute, newt, route, suit 3. “Well, do you think you can help me on Saturday?” 4. “I can help you Monday, Jay, if thatʼs not too late.” 5. Sentences will vary—Whirling wheels whizzed by me. 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. All the ice in the lemonade began to disappear. 2. The jelly in Slimʼs sandwich dripped out on his shirt. 3. technology, substituted 4. cause—ticket line was so long effect—missed the first part of the movie 5. man, city `>Þ 1. The paddleboats moved along the Missouri River. 2. “Land ahoy!” the first mate shouted. 3. implied 4. temperature 5. armored, mossy, dark /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. prepositional phrase 2. We donʼt have to turn in the assignment until Wednesday, September 13. 3. There were three pieces of pizza on the plate. Kelly took the largest one. 4. to, with 5. track, pursue, hunt 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. Six hungry geese were searching in the grass for some delicious worms to eat. 2. Last summer we spent our vacation at Uncle Jimʼs farm. 3. loose board 4. Whoʼs 5. overhead ££nÊ LZZ` ££ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. heavier, heaviest 2. synonyms 3. We catch that bus at the corner of Elm Street and First Avenue. 4. Traveler Airlines allows you to travel with one suitcase and a small carry-on bag. 5. scent À`>Þ 1. ful 2. ment 3. less 4. ly 5. or, ar LZZ` £Ó / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. fact 2. common noun 3. The hailstones pounded the roofs during the storm. 4. Dr. Rivers stood beside his patientʼs bed and said, “Say ahhhh.” 5. polite À`>Þ 1. not a sentence 2. sentence: machine—subject responded to his command—predicate 3. not a sentence 4. sentence: Tom, Franco, Seline, and Julie—subject played—predicate 5. sentence: He—subject lurched and stumbled against the table— predicate >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊUÊ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«° LZZ` £Î `>Þ 1. Werenʼt there any cookies left? 2. “Hello out there!” Terryʼs voice was muffled by the layers of material in his mask. 3. into 4. c–well 5. stan dard ize / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. theyʼre 2. almanac OR encyclopedia 3. Whoʼs going to collect the six oʼclock mail when itʼs delivered? 4. Iʼve no idea what youʼre talking about. 5. Answers will vary—mean, hurtful, fierce /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. authentic 2. subject 3. Why canʼt he ever get here on time4 4. The Silver Falcon singers will conclude the show with their interpretation of “America the Beautiful.” 5. fact À`>Þ 1. capitalization error (The first Olympic Games) 2. punctuation error (Olympus, Greece,) 3. punctuation error (Todayʼs Olympic) 4. spelling error (Approximately) 5. no error 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. The Sioux lived on the Great Plains and tracked buffalo. 2. Woodland tribes, like the Onondaga and the Seneca, lived by the water and made their homes of wood. 3. yard 4. distruction 5. They `>Þ 1. My favorite candies are made out of Swiss chocolate. 2. Borisʼs baby sister tore the library book pages. 3. condense (dense) 4. worthless 5. The stunt diver /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. radii 2. an, a 3. The dogʼs owners wrote a poem about their pet. 4. Can you play quietly until the meeting is adjourned? 5. handsomer, handsomest 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. H. W. Longfellow wrote, “Listen, my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere.” 2. The weatherman told the temperature, explained the humidity, and gave a forecast for the day. 3. to give help in a crisis 4. bound 5. wept ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ LZZ` £{ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. subject pronoun 2. adverb 3. I will lay the photograph on that table in plain view. 4. Flowers of every color and hue bloomed in Professor Shawʼs garden. 5. keep something secret À`>Þ Sentences may vary. Accept any reasonable sentence construction that contains all the information. 1. Carrying their helmets in their hands, the football team ran onto the field. 2. Pam used the library browser to find a book for her report, and then she checked it out. 3. When Tom fell off the bike, he learned that racing bikes can be dangerous. 4. Ahmad became our new student body president when he got the most votes in the election. 5. Since Ashley lives next door to me, she feeds my puppies when Iʼm gone. OR Ashley, who lives next door to me, feeds my puppies when Iʼm gone. ££ `>Þ 1. Do you think Mr. Longwell will accept my report if itʼs handwritten? 2. My granddad believes you should always carry a handkerchief. 3. for 4. metaphor 5. vowal, numerel /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. beanbag 2. Blvd. 3. If I were a doctor, I would help people stay well. 4. County Hospital is located on the corner of King Way and State Street. 5. present 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. My little brotherʼs best riddle is, “What kind of house weighs the least?” 2. The answer is, ¹A lighthouse.º 3. They all are two-dimensional shapes. 4. hydrangea, hunger 5. where LZZ` / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. prefix 2. half 3. Mrs. Turlock says that I need to learn how to use parentheses. 4. I canʼt imagine a more ridiculous idea! 5. antonyms À`>Þ 1. subject–She verb–crept 2. subject–She verb–loved 3. subject–Toby verb–gave 4. subject–I verb–would like 5. subject–girls verbs–smiled, clapped `>Þ 1. “Scott, make your arms slice into the water!” shouted Coach Storm. 2. He reminded him, “Keep your kick going strong out of your turns.” 3. cause—I missed the previous class effect—I didnʼt understand the questions on the test 4. To Whom It May Concern: 5. Sentences will vary—The carpenter who will build the garage has already billed my parents for the plans. /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. feel, felon, fence 2. “I already finished doing the dishes,” Mom sighed. 3. “Please,” she said, “stack your dirty plates on the drainboard before you leave.” 4. effect 5. sandboxes £x LZZ` £È / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. atlas 2. real 3. The baby looks like sheʼs going to bawl. 4. The baby-sitter asked, “Do you have any ideas about what we should do?” 5. verb À`>Þ 1. am, was, been 2. come, came, come 3. do, did, done 4. eat, ate, eaten 5. see, saw, seen 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. The waitress said, “Today we have strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries.” 2. “Would you like some whipped cream with your berries?” she asked. 3. exclamatory, imperative 4. subject pronoun 5. entertain, envision, envelope £ÓäÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊUÊ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«° LZZ` £Ç / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. atmopere 2. common noun 3. proper noun 4. I canʼt wait to finish the movie because I saw some special snacks: Nicole brought oatmeal cookies Sara brought peanut butter bars, and Robert brought chocolate brownies. OR I canʼt wait to finish the movie because I saw some special snacks. Nicole brought oatmeal cookies, Sara brought peanut-butter bars, and Robert brought chocolate /ÕiÃ`>Þ brownies. 1. there have 5. Farmer Ted dug a big hole in his garden for a 2. synonyms compost pit. 3. Whose dog is that one over there? OR Whose dogs À`>Þ are those over there? 1. presidents—add à to the end of most words 4. I wish I could stay at home to meet you, but I 2. benches—if a word ends in V , add ià have to go to school. 3. varieties—if a word ends in a consonant 5. for a long visit followed by Þ, change the Þ to and add ià 7i`iÃ`>Þ 4. journeys—if the word ends in a vowel followed 1. Nurse Nancy gave her a clean bandage for her knee. by Þ, just add à 2. It may not seem right, but itʼs always been the rule. 5. lives—some words ending in vi are formed by 3. scale changing the v to Û and adding ià 4. hung 5. Sentences will vary—I would like to have a sled made out of wood. `>Þ 1. Just a little after midnight, we heard Jemmaʼs hungry friends searching for snacks in the cupboard. 2. How many heavy cartons came in the mail shipment this afternoon? 3. predicate 4. 5430 Broad Ave. #310 Oakland, CA 94618 5. Opinions will vary—It is important to protect the natural environments of endangered species. `>Þ 1. Sasha whispered to herself, “Where did John hide Grandmaʼs chest?” 2. I read two chapters of Tom Sawyer every night before I go to bed. 3. -i`iÌ>ÀÞ rock is a kind that is formed from fragments of other materials carried from their source by water. 4. Where, wear 5. rinsing /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. oʼclock 2. Sentences will vary—There were two bridal attendants in attendance at the shower. 3. The dishes on the shelves fell during the earthquake. 4. “The mountain in the oil painting is Mt. Hood,” explained the museum guide. 5. inside address LZZ` £n / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. common noun 2. interrogative 3. Aunt Jo had to fly to Denver and Chicago on her way to St. Louis. 4. Put extra writing paper, scissors, crayons, pencils, and glue in the tub. 5. antonyms À`>Þ 1. spelling error (The spotted salamander) 2. no error 3. capitalization error (walked on the Earth) 4. capitalization error (330 million) 5. punctuation error (lives in caves, under rocks and logs,) 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. Mrs. Springs dries flowers for bouquets. 2. The park across the street from my house is called Central Park. 3. object pronoun 4. opinion 5. what kind ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ £Ó£ `>Þ 1. No one in the family had ever been to Hawaii. 2. “How many boxes of cookies did you sell?” the troop leader asked. 3. how 4. fewer 5. li a bil i ty /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. peaceful 2. geranium 3. To me, New Yearʼs Day means Grandmaʼs baked beans and a happy family feast. 4. The principal said, “Make sure your children have a quiet time for homework.” OR The principal said, “Make sure your child has a quiet time for homework.” 5. declarative 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. “Make sure the cup is level when you pour the punch,” warned Mom. 2. “I canʼt believe I won the jackpot!” Carlos screamed. 3. fought 4. singular possessive 5. plural possessive LZZ` / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. remember 2. midnight, midway, midsummer, midyear 3. Scott came home at 8:30 after the Boy Scout meeting. 4. His friends asked Mrs. Morrow to come to his recital. 5. the post office or shipping center À`>Þ Sentences will vary, but should include all the information. 1. My friends and I like to go to the gym and work out three times a week. 2. My coach, Mr. Sutter, believes that practice is the key to winning. 3. After last nightʼs snowstorm, this morning the bushes wore new coats of white. 4. At first when I talked with my grandma on the telephone, she sounded weak and shaky, but by the time we hung up, her voice was full of life. 5. Mowing the lawn is a big job because, besides cutting the grass, you have to service the mower and edge the sidewalk. `>Þ 1. hasʼnt 2. “On Friday after school is dismissed, my friends and I will go to the City Zoo to see the new exhibits,” explained Sue. 3. “Peter, would you rather see the new baby white tiger, the elephant exhibit, or the trained chimp?” 4. verb—The words show action. 5. tomatoes /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. metaphor 2. insted 3. Their wedding cake was so tall it almost reached the ceiling. 4. The brideʼs veil, borrowed from her aunt, looked like a soft, shiny cloud around her face. 5. Codices are folded manuscript books of bark paper or deerskin containing ancient writing. £ LZZ` Óä 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. On the shelf in my room, Iʼve displayed my collection of hats from every major league baseball team. 2. Itʼs fun to put one on and imagine yourself at the plate, with a bat on your shoulder, facing Nolan Ryan. 3. telephone book 4. miscellaneous 5. cause—Egyptian law forbade a womanʼs becoming pharaoh effect—Hatsepsut was not permitted to rule / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. dissolute 2. peace 3. My uncle won the Distinguished Flying Cross for his bravery. 4. Weʼre all very proud of his special distinction. 5. there, softly À`>Þ 1. got angry 2. was afraid, perform 3. go another time 4. very inexpensively 5. putting herself in danger £ÓÓÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊUÊ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«° `>Þ 1. “Can you come over to my house to see Wheel of Fortune on television?” asked Jamal. 2. “My mom and my dad are out of town, so Iʼll have to ask Grandpa,” Travis answered. 3. cause—some great disaster struck effect—smoke stains on the palace walls, overturned and scattered vessels 4. grown 5. thorough, incomplete /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. swept 2. couch, allow, house, trout, bough 3. Teresa will pick up the papers for recycling, take the trash to the dumpster, and call the plumber at Fix It Fast. 4. “What do you what to be responsible for?” asked Mrs. Timms. 5. fact 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. All of the players chose Mr. Rupp as the best basketball coach. OR All of them chose Mr. Rupp as the best basketball coach. 2. Have you ever heard the Beatlesʼsong “Yellow Submarine?” 3. speak 4. string, struggle, strident 5. basket `>Þ 1. Chelsea, Josh, Tori, and Maddie went to Elitchʼs Park for the day. 2. They rode the Big Dipper, the People Mover, and the Cyclone. 3. waterfalls 4. manufacture, civilization 5. plural possessive /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. mouth-watering, Motherʼs, new, hungry 2. guise 3. If you join my running club today, you will receive a three-month subscription for Runner’s World. 4. Perkʼs Supreme is the only coffee that my mother likes. 5. After the service, all of his relatives went to the restaurant. 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. “If we go to the library now,” Dave boasted, “weʼll be the first ones finished.” 2. Huck Finn, Becky Thatcher, and Tom Sawyer are fictional characters created by Mark Twain. 3. Sept. 4. statement, stately, stateside 5. you ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ LZZ` Ó£ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. puzzle 2. a football or soccer game 3. Sydney asked, “Will we see sharks at Ocean World?” 4. On my way home from school, I saw my friend Peter and he asked, “Can you stop by my house?” 5. diction À`>Þ 1. was 2. do 3. him 4. sheep 5. Whoʼs LZZ` ÓÓ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. Some possible synonyms—precise, right, correct Some possible antonyms—inaccurate, incorrect, wrong 2. Some possible synonyms—attractive, gorgeous, stunning, stylish Some possible antonyms—unattractive, plain, frumpy 3. Meekerʼs Student Council voted to give a Thanksgiving basket to the Mission Homeless Shelter. 4. The president and the executive committee will go to Ralphʼs to buy the ham, vegetables, pies, and rolls. 5. mos qui to À`>Þ 1. subject–puppy verbs–wagged, barked 2. subject–Slippery Rock verb–is 3. subject–dove verb–built 4. subject–you verb–did 5. subject–vacation verb–is £ÓÎ `>Þ 1. Keli and Glenn want to go horseback riding next Saturday at 3 oʼclock. 2. The Smith twins, Sarah and Emily, wear matching outfits to school just to fool the teachers. 3. Accept any falling sound—kerplop, thump, clang 4. future 5. body /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. lie 2. clasp, clarinet, clam 3. When Iʼm tired of writing, I stand up and take a few deep breaths. 4. I think my computer has a mind of its own because sometimes what I think I keyboard is not whatʼs on the page. 5. synonyms 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. When I asked, “Who is it?” I heard a soft voice reply, “Itʼs only me.” (Note: Although i is incorrect, since this is a quotation it can be used. Use this as an authentic moment to discuss ÌÊÃÊ°®Ê `>Þ 1. Of all the stars in the sky, the sun is the closest to Earth. 2. Itʼs a ball of burning gases thatʼs over four million years old. 3. where or how 4. metaphor 5. singular /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. object pronoun 2. Do you think that someday someone will travel all the way to Mars? 3. Simpson knows that the letter was supposed to have arrived on June 10 by 10 a.m. 4. is involved in many matters 5. toddler 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. Youʼd better clean up that mess quickly! 2. Boris, Peter, and Jean packed all the pictures in the packages for the Air Express truck. 3. too 4. not a sentence 5. sentence £Ó{Ê LZZ` ÓÎ 2. Humpty Dumpty posed an impossible challenge for all the kingʼs men. 3. Facts will vary—The amount of homework assigned nightly varies. 4. locate/discover, original/first 5. to what extent / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. Arturoʼs 2. freestanding Mayan monuments carved from limestone and obsidian 3. “Itʼs almost lunchtime!” shouted Simon. 4. Hurry! Letʼs go to Carpenter Beach for a picnic! 5. which ones À`>Þ 1. no error 2. punctuation error (came from?) 3. capitalization error (returned to Italy) 4. spelling error (frozen milk dessert) 5. spelling error (popularizing) LZZ` Ó{ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. weʼll 2. adverb 3. In his poem “Primer Lesson,” Carl Sandberg wrote “Look out how you use proud words.” 4. Isnʼt it almost time for recess? 5. synonyms À`>Þ Sentences may vary. Accept any reasonable sentence construction that contains all the information. 1. Marilyn tried on hiking boots, walking shoes, and ballet slippers before she bought some sandals. 2. We drove to the camping store to buy a tent cover, but when we got there the store was closed. 3. The car slid off the road when it turned the corner because the road was covered with black ice. 4. Jo went to visit her only sister, who lives in St. Louis. 5. I couldnʼt make the cookies because the carton of eggs in the refrigerator had only one egg in it. >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊUÊ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«° `>Þ 1. These sentences are beginning to all look alike. 2. “Honey is a sweet treat for bears,” said the zookeeper. 3. the teachersʼ books 4. Sentences will vary—She carried her plain black suitcase onto the plane. 5. opinion /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. quieter, quietest 2. kindergartners, ball, bees, hive 3. I use Post-it® notes to label each page that needs corrections. 4. After ten laps around the track, his chest heaves in and out as he breathes. 5. en ve lope LZZ` Óx / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. cause—extreme daytime heat effect—drove across the desert at night 2. thesaurus 3. The fruit salesperson had kiwi fruit from Mexico, peaches from Guatemala, and pineapple from Hawaii. 4. “Would you get some peaches for me?” asked Frank. 5. March 13, 1952, À`>Þ 1. get straight to the basic facts of the matter 2. enjoys 3. talking nonsense 4. like someone who doesnʼt fit in 5. failed miserably 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. The gardener suggests that I plant hollyhocks, sweet peas, and a Double Delight rose. 2. Have you ever had to have your teeth pulled out by a dentist? 3. few 4. suffix 5. prefix `>Þ 1. Uncle Ray will pick up his new pickup at the Star Truck Plaza tomorrow morning. 2. During the last rainstorm, my roof sprang a leak. 3. A «>`Ài is a word that is spelled the same forward and backward. 4. greeting 5. in her high chair /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. qt. 2. Answers will vary—Greeley 3. Answers will vary—Sun Land Company 4. The Scott Boysʼ Reading Club meets in the library every Wednesday and Friday after school. 5. Would you like to come to the next meeting as my guest? 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. When a beaver builds a dam, every member of the beaver family helps. 2. Mother, Father, and three or four younger beavers work together. 3. easier, easiest 4. lock 5. the transparent plastic crate ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ LZZ` ÓÈ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. They 2. it 3. There are many different kinds of lettuce, like romaine and bibb. 4. Chef Dennis uses four lettuces in his famous Signature Salad. 5. cause—Devon watched a DVD movie effect—when Dad turned on the computer, the computer battery was low À`>Þ 1. lost 2. showed 3. theyʼre 4. eat 5. sung £Óx `>Þ 1. I named my special bear George because I got him at George Washingtonʼs home, Mt. Vernon. 2. If you squeeze Georgeʼs hand, he says, “Youʼre my best friend.” 3. subject pronoun 4. object pronoun 5. Answers will vary—They are all skills or hobbies that use yarn or thread to make things. /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. verb 2. adjective 3. The Navajo people are famous for their beautiful rugs and jewelry. 4. Historically, they lived on the Southwestern Plains. 5. homophones LZZ` ÓÇ / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. people 2. The traffic wasnʼt bad this morning. Maybe itʼs a work holiday. OR The traffic wasnʼt bad this morning, so maybe itʼs a work holiday. 3. Frank complained, ¹My hands are chapped because of the cold, wet weather.º 4. forbade, will forbid 5. The enormous elephants, two fierce tigers, a gawky llama, and Bobo the trained bear À`>Þ 1. whole, hole 2. write, right 3. principal, principle 4. rays, raise, raze 5. stationery, stationary 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. Pete found his favorite CD, “Backstreet Boys in Concert,” under his bed. 2. Dr. Morgan X-rayed Annieʼs teeth and said, “No cavities!” 3. Responses will vary—autograph, telegraph, paragraph, homograph 4. in math class 5. stoop, stone `>Þ 1. Heather wove a small blanket for the babyʼs bed. 2. Drew knew the right answer even before the teacher had asked the question. 3. -vvà are small boats made from bundles of papyrus stalks lashed together with rope. 4. construct 5. port /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. lu mi nous 2. The elegant lady waved her gloved hand at her realtor and said, “Regardless of the cost, we must have that house.” 3. The house was designed by a famous architect named Frank Lloyd Wright. 4. subject 5. both a prefix and a suffix 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. Mr. Gerk announced, “If I donʼt have a cup of Starbuckʼs coffee in the morning, my day is off to bad start, and this morning I didnʼt have my cup of coffee.” 2. “Here, Sir,” said Hillary, “I think I can help,” as she held out a steaming mug. 3. opinion 4. chocolates, rhythms 5. suddenly, regrettably, soon £ÓÈÊ LZZ` Ón / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. what kind 2. which ones 3. “Jog around the track at Del Monte twice before you come to school,” Coach OʼKeefe reminded us. 4. Thirty-two different species of birds live in the park near Lake Oswego. 5. metaphor À`>Þ 1. spelling error (scared animal) 2. no error 3. capitalization error (Amazon Rainforest) 4. punctuation error (deserted, unpaved) 5. no error >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊUÊ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«° `>Þ 1. Molly and Max, his two Boston bull terriers, and four sisters make life exciting at Joshʼs house. 2. The Declaration of Independence is worth understanding and remembering as a life guide. 3. worse, worst 4. no 5. yes /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. cause—Japanese Beetle larvae were found in a backyard garden effect—Forest Service officials are combing the area 2. Stuart Little is a caring newcomer to the Little family. 3. Nashville, Tennessee, is the capital of that state. 4. leased 5. least LZZ` Ó / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. D.C. 2. imperative 3. Imagine an arbor above the doorway with fragrant roses cascading from the green branches. 4. My garden is like a vegetable stand with daily fresh produce specials. 5. heav i er À`>Þ 1. subjects–Pat, Mike 2. subject–Mike 3. subject–Pat 4. subject–fish 5. subject–he verb–will go verb–brought verb–caught verb–was verb–threw 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. “A trip to the Museum of Natural History is always a treat!” exclaimed Sara. 2. “Tomorrow” is my favorite song from Annie. 3. closing 4. in this helter-skelter world, of my own 5. bone `>Þ 1. Jose found cash and some receipts in the wallet for an account at The First National Bank. 2. When he returned the wallet to Security, he received a reward of $50. 3. ÀÕâ is the Iranian New Year. 4. present 5. past /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. opinion 2. pessimistic 3. Dr. Shimizu, the pediatrician, is a grandfather to his own grandchildren and many patients, besides. 4. Why did Julie decide to take driverʼs education this summer? 5. Sentences will vary—I sent a card to my grandma that had a rose scent if you scratched the picture. LZZ` Îä / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. future 2. past 3. “Noises, especially loud ones, sound intimidating when the lights go out,” explained Ferdinand. 4. My kitten, Tasha, loves to take a nap, wake up and stretch, and then curl up in a ball to sleep some more. 5. funnier, funniest À`>Þ 1. c 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. a 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. Mr. Smith, the art teacher, lent me the book about Picasso. 2. Peter and I want to try to paint a mural in Picassoʼs style. 3. verb 4. happen 5. what kind ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«°ÊUÊ >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊ £ÓÇ LZZ` Σ `>Þ 1. The Union Colony Pioneer Society is a group of descendants of families who homesteaded in Greeley, Colorado. 2. My great-grandmotherʼs parents were part of that original settlement. 3. Answers will vary—bring, fetch, return 4. Answers will vary—remote, distant, isolated 5. where /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. study carefully 2. How many of us are there4 3. Sal, Ron, and I went out to our new clubhouse. 4. They are different kinds of pasta. 5. They are things a baby uses. 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. My little cousin always says, ¹Give me five!º 2. The telephone rang just as Mom was leaving the house. 3. cause—late takeoff in Los Angeles effect—missed connectipn in Denver 4. Opinions will vary—Television shows contain too much violence. 5. presentible / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. computer technician 2. A Ì>}À> is an Asian puzzle. 3. I just finished reading a book entitled Through My Eyes by Ruby Bridges. 4. It described her experience as the only black student in Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans. 5. dove into the water and swam to victory LZZ` ÎÓ `>Þ 1. Pebbles and Bam Bam are characters in the movie The Flintstones. 2. Because it snowed last night, Mr. Ruiz, the building manager, had to clear the walks before school began. 3. simile 4. natcheral 5. 1 a.m. /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. band membersʼ uniforms 2. Homer Spit is a tiny piece of land that reaches into the Kamishak Bay from Mainland Alaska. 3. The Empress Hotel in Victoria, British Columbia, has a lovely dining room where high tea is served. 4. homophones 5. breadwinner, breakage, breakfast, breeze, brevity 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. My brothers and I like to play Monopoly® and Scrabble® on Saturday afternoons. 2. Eating an apple everyday is supposed to keep the doctor away. OR Eating an apple every day is supposed to keep the doctor away. 3. would have 4. verb 5. plywood `>Þ 1. You can use chocolate bars, marshmallows, and graham crackers to make a tasty dessert. 2. The name of the dessertʼs sʼmores, and you will always want some more after your first one. 3. standard 4. conspire 5. with a grain of salt /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. did snore last night 2.Ê V V>Ì is a navigation system of reflected sound used by bats. 3. ¹It is my contention that Goldilocks was simply a trespasser and a thief!º announced Prof. High. 4. ¹I agree with your assessment of the situation,º replied Prof. Low. 5. Answers will vary—microscope, telescope, periscope 4. Please put up your umbrella after youʼre outside the door. 5. embankment À`>Þ Answers will vary, but they should be capitalized and punctuated correctly. / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. Sentences will vary—She changed the horseʼs gait as they rode through the gate. 2. dab, damask 3. Once upon a time in a faraway land there were a king, a queen, and a magnificent castle. £ÓnÊ À`>Þ 1. spelling error (increase comprehension) 2. spelling error (strategies) 3. punctuation error (that you use4) 4. punctuation error (As you read,) 5. punctuation error (After you read,) LZZ` ÎÎ 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. Black widow spiders and Mexican tarantulas are fearsome insects. 2. Sometimes I wish I were an eagle soaring through the clear blue sky. 3. Answer must be something the lion hunts—zebra. 4. verb 5. preposition À`>Þ 1. extremely jealous 2. far superior 3. a sure thing 4. something I donʼt like 5. gave away the secret / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. them 2. square 3. Tonya said, ¹My legs go to sleep when I sit on them.º 4. Stephen said, “Oh, my legs go to sleep when Iʼm lying on the bed.” 5. adverb >ÞÊ>}Õ>}iÊ,iÛiÜ]ÊÀ>`iÊÈÊUÊ ÊxÇÈÊUÊ^Óää{Ê Û>ÀÊ À«° LZZ` Î{ `>Þ 4. Because computers are up to date 3. Greyhound bus drivers and Union Pacific 1. Charlie, Peter, Timmy, and Frank were and their search engines make finding Railroad engineers are responsible for late because they wanted to walk by things easy, they are a good source of transporting many passengers, so they the new construction site before school. information. have to be alert at all times. 2. They had to go to the principalʼs office, 5. to what extent 4. My mom and aunt have been buying apologize to their teacher, and then go hot dogs and buns, soda pop and 7i`iÃ`>Þ straight to gym. chips, and checking the weather forecast. 1. Iʼve never been backpacking before, so 3.Ê ÃVÌÌ is a crisp almond cookie. They may have plans for this weekend. I can hardly wait to go next week. 4. rid i cule 5. air traffic controller 2. My pack weighs more than forty pounds 5. when you are playing bingo À`>Þ because I put so many things in it. /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. Forbearance 3. sec. 1. Facts will vary—Some people have 2. chagrined 4. mosquitoes straight hair and some people have 3. acclaim 5. receive, ourselves, boundary curly hair. 4. sustenance 2. collector, college 5. accelerate / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 3. Even though she played soccer, was a 1. holiday cheerleader, and swam on the swim 2. better, best team, she still had time to go the hospital every week to visit with her grandma. LZZ` Îx `>Þ 1. Impatiently, my lab partner asked, ¹When do you think youʼll be able to complete the project4º 2. I replied, ¹Itʼll be done as soon as I finish the research, organize my notes, compose my ideas,and print it all out.º 3. food 4. thirty-two hungry, roughhousing kindergartners 5. the new girl /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. both 2. any state capital 3. On Saturday, June 5, Cindy and Jen will drive from Arlington, Virginia, to Champaign, Illinois. 4. Triciaʼs swimming improved so much, she moved from the novice to the intermediate class in just four weeks. 5. rev o lu tion ar y 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. ¹How are skiing and snowboarding different?º asked Simonʼs uncle. 2. Tulips, rose bushes, and fragrant lilacs line Grannyʼs pathway. It smells like a flower shop. 3. do, done 4. busineses, familys 5. synonyms / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. more beautiful, most beautiful 2. Aunt Carolʼs, sixtieth, birthday, exciting, her, many 3. ¹Somethingʼs fishy!º exclaimed the detective as he peered in the window of the house. ¹Iʼll go inside and check it out!º 4. I wish that I were tall like my friend John, so then I could slam dunk the ball. 5. a long-searched-for goal is within reach À`>Þ 1. subject–I 2. subject–frog 3. subject–storm 4. subject–I 5. subjects–aunt, cat verb–would like verb–hopped verb–took verb–have seen verb–live LZZ` ÎÈ `>Þ 1. When water gets hot, it will change into a gas, or water vapor. This process is called evaporation. 2. When water vapor gets cold, it will change into a liquid. This process is called condensation. 3. common noun 4. metaphor 5. humiliation /ÕiÃ`>Þ 1. awkward, daughter, brought 2. Horton the Elephant demonstrated that determination pays off when he sat on the birdʼs egg and hatched it. 3. Do you think Dr. Seussʼs Grinch would like to eat green eggs and ham? 4. interrogative 5. declarative 7i`iÃ`>Þ 1. ¹Studying the piccolo has some important advantages,º explained Doug. ¹Itʼs much easier to carry a piccolo than it is to carry a tuba.º 2. After seeing Jurassic Park, Jason asked, ¹Do you think scientists will clone DNA to make a living dinosaur?º 3. Facts will vary—Some vegetables are root vegetables and some are leaf vegetables. 4. synonyms 5. antonyms / ÕÀÃ`>Þ 1. maniac, mantilla, mantle 2. Answers will vary—imagination, imaginary 3. ¹How important is it that I take a water filter on the backpacking trip?º asked Bill. ¹> will carry water in my canteen.º 4. ¹Take the filter just in case you need more water,º the scoutmaster answered. ¹You will be glad you did.º 5. Sentences will vary. All or nearly all words must begin with the same sound—Davyʼs dogs dig dutifully. À`>Þ 1. punctuation error (solids, liquids, and gases) 2. spelling error (conductors) 3. no error 4. noun/verb agreement error (Sound waves travel) 5. spelling error (liquids)stuck.