Program for Fixed point Method function r =myfixed(x0,tol,n) for i=1:n x=g(x0); if abs (x-x0) < tol break end x0=x; end r=x; function y=g(x) y=x^2; >> myfixed(1,0.00001,10000) ans = 1 >> myfixed(0,0.00001,10000) ans = 0 Program for Newton Method function r =mynewt(x0,tol,n) for i=1:n x=x0-f(x0)/fd(x0); if abs (x-x0) < tol break end x0=x; end r=x; function y=f(x) y=x^2-4; function t=fd(x) t=2*x; r =mynewt(1,0.00001,10000) r= 2.0000 Program for bisection Method function[p]=mybisection (a,b,tol,n) f=inline ('sqrt (x)-cos (x)'); for i=1:n p=(a+b)/2; if abs (f (p))<tol return elseif f (a)*f (p)<0 b=p; else a=p; end end mybisection (0,1,0.0001,100) ans = 0.6417 برنامج بلغة الماتالب لحل التكامل األحادي بطريقة شبه المنحرف function r =mytrip(a,b,n) h=(b-a)/n; sum =0; for i=1:n-1 sum = sum +f(a+i*h); end I =h/2*(2* sum +f(a)+f(b)); disp('the integeration of the function =') disp(I) function y=f(x) y=x; >> mytrip(0,1,10) the integeration of the function = 0.5000 برنامج بلغة الماتالب لحل التكامل األحادي بطريقة سمبسون function r=mysimp(a,b,n) h=(b-a)/n; sum1 =0; for i=1:2:n-1 sum1 = sum1 +f(a+i*h); end sum2 = 0; for i=2:2:n-2 sum2 = sum2+f(a+i*h); end I =h/3*(4*sum1 +2* sum2 +f(a)+f(b)); disp('the integeration of the function =') disp(I) function y=f(x) y=x; >> mysimp(0,1,10) the integeration of the function = 0.5000 Program for Euler Method function y=myeuler(a,b,n,alpha) f=inline('1-t*y'); h=(b-a)/n; t(1)=a; y(1)=alpha; for i=2:n t(i)=a+i*h; y(i)=y(i-1)+h*f(t(i-1),y(i-1)); end >> myeuler(0.0,5.0,25,1.0) ans = Columns 1 through 17 1.0000 1.2000 1.3040 1.3475 1.3319 1.2655 1.0365 0.9048 0.7791 0.6675 0.5738 0.4984 0.4392 0.3573 0.3286 1.1618 0.3933 Columns 18 through 25 0.3052 0.2087 0.2854 0.2685 0.2537 0.2406 0.2289 0.2183 Program for Range Kutta 4 Method function y = myrk4(a,b,n,alpha) f=inline('1-t*y'); t(1)=a; y(1)=alpha; h =(b-a)/n; for i = 1 : n k1 = h*f(t(i),y(i)); k2 = h*f(t(i) + h/2, y(i) + k3 = h*f(t(i) + h/2, y(i) + k4 = h*f(t(i) + h, y(i) + y(i+1) = y(i) + (k1 + 2*(k2 / 6.0; t(i+1)=a+i*h; end >>myrk4(0.0,5.0,25,1.0) ans = Columns 1 through 6 1.0000 1.1776 1.3024 1.3682 1.3755 1.3313 Columns 7 through 12 1.2473 1.1373 1.0147 0.8912 0.7753 0.6722 Columns 13 through 18 0.5842 0.5112 0.4519 0.4043 0.3661 0.3352 Columns 19 through 24 0.3098 0.2887 0.2708 0.2553 0.2418 0.2297 Columns 25 through 26 0.2190 0.2093 k1/2); k2/2); k3); + k3) + k4)