General guide for preparing an overall audit strategy and audit plan: Should include the following: i. Cover page – refer to sample audit plans for inspiration ii. Introductory page – includes date, addressee, content, name and signature of the auditor/partner, and name of audit firm. Refer to sample audit plans for inspiration. 1. Scope of the audit – includes the financial reporting framework, industry-specific reporting requirements and locations of the components of the entity. Location is not specified in the case, so you have the freedom to decide the location/s. 2. Significant audit risks and planned audit approach – areas with higher risk, material components/account balances 3. Audit materiality – set overall materiality and planning materiality 4. Audit team 5. Audit timeline Scroll down below for the template and other guiding notes: Cover page Introductory page Scope of the audit Significant audit risks Area of risk (Based on available information in the case) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (continue if there are more) Why is the risk significant (Explain why you listed it as a risk) Planned Audit Approach (Nature, timing and extent) Accounts in the Financial Statements Amount Is the account Significant material account (Y/N) (Y/N) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Continue if there are more Audit approach: Since we are discussing risk-based audit process, the auditor focuses on areas with higher audit risk. For each area of risk, state the nature (what risk assessment procedures, tests of controls or substantive tests), timing (interim or year-end) and extent (more detailed or less detailed) Risk assessment procedures – this will be discussed in detail in Module 4, but to be able to complete this audit plan, you must note that the following are the procedures in the risk assessment phase. 1. Observation and inspection 2. Inquiries of management or others in the client entity who may help the auditor identify risks of material misstatement. 3. Analytical procedures – comparing the information of the client entity with that of previous period, with budgets. with industry averages, etc. Tests of control - this will be discussed in detail in Module 4, but to complete this audit plan, the following is explained: 1. If internal controls of the client company seem to be strong, preliminary assessment of control risk is low, therefore, there would be more tests of control and lesser substantive testing. 2. However, if preliminary assessment of control risk is high (meaning internal controls of the client, seems to be weak), then there would be lesser tests of control and more on substantive testing. 3. If preliminary assessment of control risk is set between low and high, then adjust accordingly. Substantive tests – will depend on the assessment of combined level of inherent and control risk. Audit materiality Materiality level Overall materiality Performance materiality Amount Basis for setting the amount Audit Team Role Audit team member Audit partner Audit manager Senior auditor Staff auditor Specialists (if necessary) Quality control reviewer If team members are not enough (ex. There are only 5 in your group), you can add fictitious team members. Audit Timeline Shall include the following, but not limited to: Audit phase Planning Risk Assessment Risk Response Year-end audit procedures Submission of audit report Timetable Deliverables (output)