Sheet1 name bind bnd cctx cdc cdm cdup con conc cref cwm cwr cwun cwup disp est fcc fcc fsc fsf Page 1 Sheet1 gdsfp gsbu hoc hoc props pt pta pta ptao ptaor ptar ptb ptbr pte ptel ptelr pter ptet ptetr ptf ptfr pti ptir Page 2 Sheet1 ptn ptnd ptndr ptnr pto ptoo ptoor ptoos ptoosr ptor pts ptsh ptsh ptshr ptsr rcc rccp rcfc rcjc rdp rdp ren rpc Page 3 Sheet1 rpt rpt rrc rrc rrdc rsc rscp rsf rsf rsfp rsfp rsi rwwd scu scu ssf sst state useCallb ack Page 4 Sheet1 useCallb ack useConte xt useConte xt useDebu gValue useEffect useEffect useImper ativeHan dle useImper ativeHan dle useImper ativeHan dle useLayo utEffect useLayo utEffect useMem o useMem o Page 5 Sheet1 useRedu cer useRedu cer useRedu cer useRef useRef useState useState useState Page 6 Sheet1 description Binds the this of a method. To be used inside a constructor Binds the this of a method. To be used inside a constructor Creates a context Error boundaries catch errors during rendering, in lifecycle methods, and in constructors of the whole tree below them. Invoked once, only on the client (not on the server), immediately after the initial rendering occurs. Invoked immediately after the component's updates are flushed to the DOM. Adds a default constructor for the class that contains props as arguments Adds a default constructor for the class that contains props and context as arguments Creates a ref Invoked once, both on the client and server, immediately before the initial rendering occurs Invoked when a component is receiving new props. This method is not called for the initial render. Invoked immediately before a component is unmounted from the DOM. Invoked immediately before rendering when new props or state are being received. Adds the redux mapDispatchToProps function Creates empty state object. To be used in a constructor. Creates a React component class with FlowTypes Creates a React component class with FlowTypes Creates a stateless React component with FlowTypes and ES6 module system Creates a stateless React component as a named function with FlowTypes Page 7 Sheet1 Invoked after a component is instantiated as well as when it receives new props. Invoked right before the most recently rendered output is committed to e.g. the DOM. It enables your component to capture current values Creates a React higher-order component Creates a React higher-order component Access component's props Creates empty propTypes declaration Array prop type Array prop type An array of a certain type An array of a certain type required Array prop type required Bool prop type Bool prop type required Prop type limited to specific values by treating it as an enum React element prop type React element prop type required Prop type limited to specific values by treating it as an enum required An object that could be one of many types An object that could be one of many types required Func prop type Func prop type required Is an instance of a class prop type Is an instance of a class prop type required Page 8 Sheet1 Number prop type Anything that can be rendered: numbers, strings, elements or an array Anything that can be rendered: numbers, strings, elements or an array required Number prop type required Object prop type An object with property values of a certain type An object with property values of a certain type required An object whose keys are known ahead of time An object whose keys are known ahead of time required Object prop type required String prop type An object taking on a particular shape An object taking on a particular shape An object taking on a particular shape required String prop type required Creates a A higher-order component Creates a React component class with PropTypes and ES6 module system Creates a React component class with PropTypes and all lifecycle methods and ES6 module system Creates a React component class with ES6 module system Creates empty defaultProps declaration Creates empty defaultProps declaration When called, it should examine this.props and this.state and return a single child element. Creates a React pure component class with PropTypes and ES6 module system Page 9 Sheet1 Creates empty propTypes declaration Creates empty propTypes declaration Creates a React component class connected to redux Creates a React component class connected to redux Creates a React component class connected to redux with dispatch Creates a stateless React component without PropTypes and ES6 module system Creates a stateless React component with PropTypes and ES6 module system Creates a stateless React component as a named function without PropTypes Creates a stateless React component as a named function without PropTypes Creates a stateless React component as a named function with PropTypes Creates a stateless React component as a named function with PropTypes Creates a stateless React component without PropTypes and ES6 module system but with Implicit Return and props Creates a React component class with constructor, empty state, proptypes and export in ES6 module system without imports. (Mostly used when React, Proptypes are provided by webpack provide plugin) Invoked before rendering when new props or state are being received. Invoked before rendering when new props or state are being received. Performs a shallow merge of nextState into current state Performs a shallow merge of nextState into current state Access component's state useCallback Page 10 Sheet1 useCallback useContext useContext useDebugValue useEffect useEffect useImperativeHandle useImperativeHandle useImperativeHandle useLayoutEffect useLayoutEffect useMemo useMemo Page 11 Sheet1 useReducer useReducer useReducer useRef useRef useState useState useState Page 12 Sheet1 value this.$FUNC$ = this.$FUNC$.bind(this);$END$ this.$1$ = this.$1$.bind(this);$END$ const $contextName$ = React.createContext();$END$ componentDidCatch(error, info) { $END$} componentDidMount() { $END$} componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { constructor(props) { super(props); constructor(props, context) { $END$} $END$} super(props, context); $END$} this.$refName$Ref = React.createRef();$END$ componentWillMount() { $END$} componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { componentWillUnmount() { $END$} $END$} componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { $END$} function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return { }} this.state = { $1$}; // @flowimport * as React from 'react';type Props = { $END$};type State = { $1$};export class $TM_FILENAME_BASE$ ex // @flowimport * as React from 'react';type Props = { $END$};type State = { $1$};export class $TM_FILENAME_BASE$ ex // @flow import * as React from 'react';type Props = { $END$};export const $TM_FILENAME_BASE$ = (props: Props) => { // @flowimport * as React from 'react';type Props = { $END$};export function $TM_FILENAME_BASE$(props: Props) { ret Page 13 Sheet1 static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) { $END$} getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { $END$} import React from 'react'import PropTypes from 'prop-types'export default ($WrappedComponent$) => { const $hocComp import React from 'react'import PropTypes from 'prop-types'export default ($WrappedComponent$) => { const $hocComp this.props.$END$ $componentName$.propTypes = { $END$}; PropTypes.array, PropTypes.array, PropTypes.arrayOf($END$), PropTypes.arrayOf($END$).isRequired, PropTypes.array.isRequired, PropTypes.bool, PropTypes.bool.isRequired, PropTypes.oneOf(['$END$']), PropTypes.element, PropTypes.element.isRequired, PropTypes.oneOf(['$END$']).isRequired, PropTypes.oneOfType([ $END$]), PropTypes.oneOfType([ $END$]).isRequired, PropTypes.func, PropTypes.func.isRequired, PropTypes.instanceOf($END$), PropTypes.instanceOf($0).isRequired, Page 14 Sheet1 PropTypes.number, PropTypes.node, PropTypes.node.isRequired, PropTypes.number.isRequired, PropTypes.object, PropTypes.objectOf($END$), PropTypes.objectOf($END$).isRequired, PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.shape($END$)), PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.shape($END$)).isRequired, PropTypes.object.isRequired, PropTypes.string, PropTypes.shape({ $END$}), PropTypes.shape({ $END$}), PropTypes.shape({ $END$}).isRequired, PropTypes.string.isRequired, import React, { Component } from 'react';class $TM_FILENAME_BASE$ extends Component { render() { return ( <div> import React, { Component } from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';class $componentName$ extends Componen import React, { Component } from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';class $componentName$ extends Componen class $TM_FILENAME_BASE$ extends Component { render() { return ( <div> $END$ </div> ); }} $1$.defaultProps = { $2$}; $1$.defaultProps = { $2$}; render() { return ( <div> $END$ </div> );} import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';class $TM_FILENAME_BASE$ extends Page 15 Sheet1 $1$.propTypes = { $2$}; $1$.propTypes = { $2$}; import React, { Component } from 'react';import { connect } from 'react-redux'; class $componentName$ extends Compon import React, { Component } from 'react';import { connect } from 'react-redux'; class $componentName$ extends Compon import React, { Component } from 'react';import { connect } from 'react-redux';function mapStateToProps(state) { return { }; import React from 'react';const $componentName$ = () => { return ( <div> $END$ import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';const $componentName$ = props => { </div> );};export defa return ( <div> import React from 'react';function $TM_FILENAME_BASE$(props) { return ( $1$ );}export default $TM_FILENAME_BASE import React from 'react';function $TM_FILENAME_BASE$(props) { return ( $1$ );}export default $TM_FILENAME_BASE import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';$TM_FILENAME_BASE$.propTypes = { $END$};function $T import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';$TM_FILENAME_BASE$.propTypes = { $END$};function $T import React from 'react';const $TM_FILENAME_BASE$ = (props) => ( $END$);export default $TM_FILENAME_BASE$; class $TM_FILENAME_BASE$ extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {}; } render() { shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { $END$} shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { $END$} this.setState((state, props) => { return { $END$ };}); this.setState($END$); this.state.$END$ useCallback( () => { $callback$ }, [$input$],);$END$ Page 16 Sheet1 useCallback( () => { $callback$ }, [$input$],);$END$ const $context$ = useContext($contextValue$);$END$ const $context$ = useContext($contextValue$);$END$ useDebugValue($value$);$END$ useEffect(() => { return () => { $effect$ };}, [$input$]);$END$ useEffect(() => { return () => { $effect$ };}, [$input$]);$END$ useImperativeHandle( $ref$, () => { $handler$ }, [$input$],);$END$ useImperativeHandle( $ref$, () => { $handler$ }, [$input$],);$END$ useImperativeHandle( $ref$, () => { $handler$ }, [$input$],);$END$ useLayoutEffect(() => { return () => { $effect$ }, [$input$]});$END$ useLayoutEffect(() => { return () => { $effect$ }, [$input$]});$END$ useMemo(() => $function$, $input$);$END$ useMemo(() => $function$, $input$);$END$ Page 17 Sheet1 const [state, dispatch] = useReducer($reducer$, $initialState$, $init$);$END$ const [state, dispatch] = useReducer($reducer$, $initialState$, $init$);$END$ const [state, dispatch] = useReducer($reducer$, $initialState$, $init$);$END$ const $ref$ = useRef($initialValue$);$END$ const $ref$ = useRef($initialValue$);$END$ const [$state$, set$setState$] = useState($initState$);$END$ const [$state$, set$setState$] = useState($initState$);$END$ const [$state$, set$setState$] = useState($initState$);$END$ Page 18 Sheet1 toReformat toShortenFQNames variable name TRUE TRUE FUNC TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE 1 TRUE TRUE 1 1 1 TM_FILENAME_BASE TRUE TRUE TM_FILENAME_BASE TRUE TRUE TM_FILENAME_BASE 1 contextName refName Page 19 Sheet1 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE 1 1 TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 0 1 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE WrappedComponent hocComponent componentName Page 20 Sheet1 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 0 1 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TM_FILENAME_BASE TRUE TRUE componentName TRUE TRUE componentName TRUE TRUE TM_FILENAME_BASE TRUE TRUE 1 1 1 2 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TM_FILENAME_BASE Page 21 Sheet1 TRUE TRUE 1 1 1 2 TRUE TRUE 1 1 TRUE TRUE TM_FILENAME_BASE TRUE TRUE componentName TRUE TRUE componentName TRUE TRUE 1 1 TRUE TRUE 1 1 TM_FILENAME_BASE TRUE TRUE TM_FILENAME_BASE TRUE TRUE TM_FILENAME_BASE TRUE TRUE 1 1 FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE componentName 1 TM_FILENAME_BASE 1 callback Page 22 Sheet1 1 1 input TRUE TRUE 1 1 TRUE TRUE value TRUE TRUE effect 1 1 input TRUE TRUE 1 1 handler 1 1 input TRUE TRUE effect 1 1 input TRUE TRUE 1 1 context contextValue ref function input Page 23 Sheet1 TRUE TRUE reducer 1 1 initialState 1 1 init TRUE TRUE ref 1 1 TRUE TRUE 1 1 setState 1 1 initState initialValue state Page 24 Sheet1 expression defaultValue alwaysStopAt option "handleChange" TRUE "" TRUE "contextName" TRUE "refName" TRUE "" TRUE "" TRUE capitalize(camelCase(fileNameWithoutExtension())) "" TRUE capitalize(camelCase(fileNameWithoutExtension())) "" TRUE capitalize(camelCase(fileNameWithoutExtension())) "" TRUE Page 25 Sheet1 "WrappedComponent" TRUE "hocComponent" TRUE "MyComponent" TRUE Page 26 Sheet1 capitalize(camelCase(fileNameWithoutExtension())) capitalize(camelCase(fileNameWithoutExtension())) capitalize(camelCase(fileNameWithoutExtension())) "" TRUE "MyComponent" TRUE "MyComponent" TRUE "" TRUE "" TRUE "" TRUE "" TRUE Page 27 Sheet1 capitalize(camelCase(fileNameWithoutExtension())) "" TRUE "" TRUE "MyComponent" TRUE "" TRUE "MyComponent" TRUE "MyComponent" TRUE "<div></div>" TRUE "" TRUE "<div></div>" TRUE capitalize(camelCase(fileNameWithoutExtension())) "" TRUE capitalize(camelCase(fileNameWithoutExtension())) "" TRUE capitalize(camelCase(fileNameWithoutExtension())) "" TRUE "callback" TRUE capitalize(camelCase(fileNameWithoutExtension())) capitalize(camelCase(fileNameWithoutExtension())) Page 28 Sheet1 "input" TRUE "context" TRUE "contextValue" TRUE "value" TRUE "effect" TRUE "input" TRUE "ref" TRUE "handler" TRUE "input" TRUE "effect" TRUE "input" TRUE "function" TRUE "input" TRUE Page 29 Sheet1 "reducer" TRUE "initialState" TRUE "init" TRUE "ref" TRUE "initialValue" TRUE "state" TRUE capitalize(state) TRUE "initState" Page 30 TRUE Sheet1 name value Page 31 Sheet1 JS_EXPRESSION FALSE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE Page 32 Sheet1 JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE JS_EXPRESSION FALSE TS_EXPRESSION TRUE Page 33 Sheet1 TypeScript TRUE JS_EXPRESSION TRUE JS_STATEMENT TRUE Page 34