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Innovation in Business: Growth & Strategies

Innovation in Business
Innovation refers to the process of creating something new which can be a method, idea, or
product.It can also be a change or upgrade made to an existing product,idea or field.Innovation is
crucial for business to grow,increase profits and survive in the future.It makes our lives
easier,enhances our productivity,improves our health,entertains us and increases our ability to
communicate and connect globally.
In business there are always challenges some of which are unavoidable and innovation helps
business owners stay ahead and grow their companies in the process. As a business owner, here are
reasons why innovation is important for your business.
It grows your business: Successful innovation allows you to add value to your business so that you
can increase your profits thus avoiding stagnation which can damage your business.
It helps you take advantage of new technologies:Technology is evolving faster especially the artificial
intelligence for example the image recognition for face unlock in mobile phones whuich means there
may be new more efficient technologies to make better products,to offer your services and to
market your business or track your performance.By taking advantage of these new technologies for
the innovation process,you will be able to enhance your business and gaina competeitive adavnatge
over your competitors.
It allows adaptability:Innovation is necessary for organizations and business owners to adopt and
overcome the challenges of change, for instance during the covid 19 pandemic where many
businesses were disrupted and could no longer maintain the routine operations.Most of the
entrepreneurs switched from physical forefront stores to online businesses and even corporate
employees started working from home to ensure the business was running as usual.
It helps you stay ahead of competition;There are more competing businesses with globalization and
a rapidly changing market.Innovative thinking help one predict the market and keep up with
custiomer needs since most industries have multiple competitors offering similar products or
services.It also help distinguishing your business from that of others.
There are three distint approaches that either big or small businesses can use to introduce
something new and they include:
The revenue-model innovation which involves business owners looking at their revenue model for
places to innovate the products and services that they offer,the prices of their products and services
and the customers they target.For example,when organizations or business owners choose this
model of innovation,they may choose to create innovative products,stop selling certain
products,make changes to their supply chain,sell to new customers or change the prices of their
The business-model innovation that requires business owners to look and identify which of their
processes,product or services,could be improved to boost the companys profitability.That is their
business strategies ,mission statement,technologies they use and businesses that they partner
with.For example, when organizations choose business to form new partnerships or create a
strategic partnership with another business,update the software they use or implement new
technologies,accept venture capital financing or go from selling at a physical store to selling online.
The industry-model innovation that involves business oweners looking at theuir industry model for
places to innovate.That is the industry they currently work within and what potential industries they
could transition to.They can choose to market their product to an wentirely different industry or
create a whole new industry to align with their mission and products.
However innovation isn’t a guaranteed success as there are factors or risks that may prevent it from
being successful such as:
Expense: Innovation can be very expensive with the new technology,specialized employees,huge
shifts in the business identity amd most importantly because increased profits aren’t guaranteed.It
can be risky which is why in an innovation process,a business owner should think about the costs
weighed against the potential profits and make the best decision.
Scheduling: The innovation process takes time and the time that a business owner spends innovating
is time that he or she is not focusing on his or her current products,marketing and sales.Therefore ,if
a business owner cant implement his or her innovation quickly and efficiently, he or she can risk
failing to meet their limits and fall behind schedule thus loosing profits,customers and investors
Instability: As much as innovative processes and ideas are exciting,if businesses are constantly
making huge innovations they may fail to find a stable identity or market and it will be hard for
customers,investors and employees to keep up with their changes.Therefore innovation
management is key to ensure the business identity is stable for generating profits.Its important that
a business owner choose new innovations carefully and avoid accepting every new thing that they
Innovation improves people’s lives and it’s key for making any kind of progress in business. To foster
business growth,stay relevant in changing times and differentiate from the competition,business
owners must think creatively and embrace innovation into their business models.Their willingness to
innovate is not the only needed aspect for success as they must have solid understanding of how to
go about bringing that innovation to life.One way to do this is by gaining experience working on
exciting,challenging,and innovative projects,as doing so will expose the business leader to the skills
needed to become an innovative entrepreneur within his or her business.