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Group 7 G12 Chemistry PT Paper

Names of Members
Member 1: Yuri Sy (Blue)
Member 2: Raphael L. Uy (Online)
Member 3: Nathan Yao (Blue)
The Turn of Anabolic Steroids
General Information (Yuri Sy)
● Introduce and describe the process/substance.
● Give the historical context. (inventor/discoverer, date of invention) Why was there
a need to invent/discover this?
● Give an example of an industry that uses this today.
Anabolic Steroids, mainly oxandrolone (C19H30O3) or more commonly known as Anavar
have a very strong negative connotation these days. Oxandrolone is a substance that
induces rapid weight gain for people who have medical conditions. According to
WebMD, these conditions are patients who underwent surgery trauma, infections, etc.
Oxandrolone is ingested orally compared to other anabolic steroids which are
injected. The drug closely replicates male hormones created by the body, thus its
effectiveness for weight gain.
It was first used for medical purposes in the year 1964 but was created by
researchers Raphael Pappo and Christopher J. Jung during the year 1962. Both
researchers found the drug to have a lot of potential due to it having small side
effects in terms of affecting male hormones while having a high anabolic or weight
gain effect. With HIV and AIDS being a rising problem, Oxandrolone would help
muscle growth and combat the rapid weight loss that comes with people who have
these diseases. Although in 1989, with abuse of this substance in the bodybuilding
industry and bad media, the company decided to discontinue selling this drug. It is
only during 1995 that they rereleased it under a different name, now Oxandrin.
Anavar once it was first produced gained a lot of traction in this industry due to the
effortless process to get your hands on it. Without the need for prescriptions, anyone
could buy Anavar in their local pharmacy. Even after being discontinued Anavar still
remained popular due to its effectiveness in the medical industry as well as its
optimality as a steroid for the bodybuilding industry to use.
An industry that uses this today would of course still be the medical industry which
uses it for combating rapid weight loss that patients deal with when they undergo
some treatments. Other than this, the bodybuilding industry makes use of this drug
greatly in order to overcome their genetic setpoint in terms of lean muscle mass to
beat out the rest of the competition. This is “normal” in the industry as all top-tier
bodybuilders abuse anabolic steroids which comes with a cost, as seen later as the
paper continues.
The Good Side (Raphael Uy)
● State and explain the inventor/discoverer’s intended good use of this
● Explain the chemical reaction of the process/substance when it is used for the
benefit of the society.
● Cite 2 other examples where this substance is used for the benefit of the
Pappo and Jung created Anavar, which was mainly used as a treatment for catabolic
disorders for people over 30 years. With its flexibility, it can be injected or taken by
mouth. The primary use of Anavar is for frailty and loss of muscle mass due to aging.
This is also used with other catabolic clinical disorders such as HIV.
Anavar acts as an androgen receptor to influence and increase gene expression and
cellular functioning. Primarily the substance induces protein synthesis in the body
then regulates the androgen receptor in skeletal muscle and increases IGF-1
(insulin-like growth factor).
Anavar is absorbed orally through the gastrointestinal tract, with effects occurring 1
hour after indigestion. 95% of Anavar is protein which contributes to the stability of
the steroid and its resistance to the liver and its decomposition process.
It is also used to treat burn injuries. Increases LBM (lean body mass) and enhances
wound healing by binding to intracellular androgen receptors, forming a complex
which binds to DNA and stimulates protein synthesis. Anavar is also seen being used
in the aftermath of surgeries wherein the patient loses weight. This speeds up their
recovery by letting them gain weight at a faster pace.
The Dark Side (Nathan Yao)
● State and explain when (include date and context) the process/substance
started to be used for the detriment of the society.
● Explain the chemical reaction of the process/substance when it is used for the
detriment of the society. Is it different from when it was used for good?
● Cite 2 other examples where this substance is used for the detriment of the
Now looking into the dark side of Anavar, the beginning of this substance misuse
began in 1954. Professional athletes began consuming anabolic steroids during the
1954 Olympics when testosterone was given to Russian weightlifters. Eventually in
the 1980s, this steroid was used by the general population, with the main purpose of
enhancing athletic performance. Congress noticed the misuse of this substance and
passed the Anabolic Steroid Act of 1990 which seeks to respond to the increased
misuse of this steroid, categorizing it as a drug. In 2004, the congress prohibited
over-the-counter steroid precursors and increased the penalties for the production,
selling, and possession of these steroids. (National Institute of Drug Abuse, n.d.)
Looking into the chemical composition of Anavar, the steroid is based on the
dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone. It was slightly modified to make a huge
difference to the effects. By replacing two carbon atoms with an oxygen atom, it
provides Anavar an at least three times increase in anabolic strength as compared to
the DHT. Below is a chemical equation that exhibits the entire process of how the
substance is modified:
C19H30O2 + O2 → C19H30O3
To give a definition to anabolic and androgenic rating, these ratings provide insight on
how potent an anabolic steroid is from both the anabolic and androgenic standpoint.
(Hodnik, 2016) However, the score does not always define its strength and potency.
This rating is used in almost, if not all kinds of anabolic steroids. In the case of
Anavar, its androgenic rating is 24, which is rather low. But despite that, it has great
anabolic properties. It's androgenic and anabolic properties are the reasons behind its
potency when bodybuilding or when competing in athletic competitions.
One example where the Anavar steroid is misused would be the improvement of
personal appearance. Some effects Anavar has on the human body are the burning of
fat and a preserver of existing muscle tissue. These are what cause the muscular
looks on the human body. Another example where it is misused would be the
enhancement of athletic performance. Anavar enhances one’s strength, endurance,
stamina, and recovery. Because of this, there would be a noticeable change in one's
performance when working out.
II. Chemistry Application and Context (Group)
● State which Chemistry concept can be related to the process/substance in order
to control it.
● Give at least one chemical equation that represents the process/substance.
(synthesis of oxandrolone) C19H30O3
● Should the chemical reaction speed up or slow down? State and explain at least
3 factors (temperature, concentration, catalyst, pressure, nature of substance,
etc) that must disrupt the system in order to control the process/substance.
Include at least 3 references to back up this information.
Chemical Equation (decomposition): C19H30O3 →
C19H30O3 Isomer
4CH3 + 4H3C +O3
The chemistry concept that we have decided to use for the control of the process
of production of oxandrolone would be chemical kinetics. This is because chemical
kinetics is the branch of chemistry that deals with the extent and rate of a chemical
reaction/equation. They measure the efficiency and economy of the chemical reaction
itself. By increasing or decreasing of the activation energy, we will be able to speed up
or slow down the rate of chemical reactions.
One of the factors that we can use would be temperature. The temperature has
a directly proportional relationship with the rate of reaction. With this, if you want to
speed up the reaction, you must increase the temperature and vice versa. This is
brought about by the increase in the kinetic energy of the particles, as temperature
increases, the rate of bumping particles creates more kinetic energy (Key, n.d.). By
gaining more energy the activation energy barrier of the reaction will be achieved more
quickly. According to ScienceReady, “temperature affects rate of collision as well as the
energy of molecules during collisions”. With this, more effective collisions will be
achieved once the temperature is increased. Lastly, the impact of temperature on the
rate of reaction is greatly affected even by a 10-degree celsius increase which would
double the reaction rate. (Beck, 2020).
Another factor would be the nature of the substance, this plays a big factor in
the medical field. Proper chemical equations need to be made in order to properly
produce the drug. In order to increase or decrease the reactions, we’ll have to make
chemical changes. According to an article written by S.J. Enna, David B. Bylund, “Use of
the anabolic steroid oxandrolone (60) 〈62TL365〉 results in increased growth velocity in
young men who have a delay in reaching adolescence. In combination with
recombinant human growth hormone, the drug is effective in the treatment of short
stature in young women with Turner syndrome, a form of mental retardation.” The
improper elements used will cause negative side effects as seen here. In order to
increase the rate of reaction we’ll have to change the chemical structure.
Apart from these two factors, one more factor would be the surface area. The
reaction is sped up when the surface area is smaller and is slowed down when larger.
Given that Anavar is taken in tablets, the speed of the reaction is faster when its taken
by tiny bits and is slower when it is taken as a tablet. According to an article made by
Urban, M. (2017), there are different versions of Anavar. There are three versions
mentioned in the article: powdered oxandrolone, Anavar capsule size, and an oral
solution. The raw powdered Anavar is best when consuming the right dose. This is a
method in speeding up the reaction as powdered Anavar has less surface area when
compared to a capsule.
Synthesis of Anavar:
III. Plan of Action (Group)
● State your objective in uncovering information about the substance/process.
● Determine and explain your plan of action in order to uncover how these
processes/substances can be controlled. (You may choose to do an experiment,
extensive research, interview, or industry analysis)
● Give a step by step procedure of your chosen plan of action.
Our objective in uncovering and further extending our research on information
regarding Anavar would be to find out if it is something that needs to be tended by the
community. By finding out more about Anavar, we will be able to decide and hopefully
inform others about its negative side effects but also its positive effects. In order to do
this, we as a group have decided to do an industry analysis on the medical and
bodybuilding industry as Anavar is mostly used there.
Anavar intake in the bodybuilding/fitness industry is greatly common for top-tier
professionals in the field. Based on an article by Inside Bodybuilding, “athletes and
bodybuilders now typically take 15-25mg per day. This is usually administered for 6-8
weeks.” In the sport of bodybuilding, most if not everyone competing in the highest
degree is on a steroid stack which they take in cycles. Going on and off during their
off-and-on seasons, it would be able to help them achieve the physique they want to
bring to the stage as well as help in their training. Benefits that bodybuilders take
advantage of would first of all be the enhancement of fat loss whilst a hefty increase in
lean muscle mass. Despite these, strength is also increased during training which is
advantageous for pushing limits and gaining more mass.
Side effects on the other hand include a negative change in cholesterol levels which
makes arteries clogging easier and increase one’s blood pressure. With this,
testosterone is reduced greatly, lowering sex drive, and motivation and affecting
important hormones. Since Anavar is broken down on the kidney instead of the liver,
the kidney is very vulnerable. Lastly, hair loss is also seen with Anavar containing
dihydrotestosterone which has an effect on thinning or hair fall.
In terms of legality in the bodybuilding industry, it is taboo. Before the Anabolic Steroids
Control Act in 1990, the substance was legal and prescriptions from doctors were easy
to get. But now, buying the substance with no medical objective is illegal in most
countries, and the intake or distribution of the substance has severe consequences.
Despite these rules, products like Anavar is still being distributed and sold around the
world legally such as Anvarol. It is approved by the FDA as it does not have the side
effects of Anavar making it safer for intake.
Apart from its use for fitness and enhancing athletic performance, it can be used as a
medicine to treat weight loss due to medical conditions. Some of which would be burns,
infections, catabolic illnesses, etc. This type of anabolic steroid promotes the growth of
muscle tissue, which makes it useful for weight gain. Hence, this is why it is used to
treat cases of weight loss. In addition to this, Anavar can also be used to reduce bone
pain for those who suffer from osteoporosis. The reason behind this is that the drug is
capable of increasing bone mineral density.
HIV also known as human immunodeficiency virus is a virus that primarily attacks the
immune system. There is no cure for this meaning that once you have it you’ll most
likely have it for life. HIV is transmitted through sexual contact or the sharing of needles
and syringes. It may seem like HIV is a lost cause but there are treatments to help
control it. One of these treatments is Anavar.
HIV has a big side effect on weight loss. Anavar is used to treat this, a study seen in
PubMed by Carl Grunfeld, Donald P Kotler, Adrian Dobs, Marshall Glesby, and Shalender
Bhasin shows how HIV patients were given 20, 40, or 80 mg of oxandrolone daily
depending on their weight levels. This was in order to regain the 10%-20% body
weight they lost due to the disease.
The results were very pleasing as stated in the study by Carl Grunfeld , Donald P Kotler,
Adrian Dobs, Marshall Glesby, and Shalender Bhasin “ Body weight increased in all
groups, including the group receiving placebo, during the double-blind phase (1.1 +/2.7, 1.8 +/- 3.9, 2.8 +/- 3.3, and 2.3 +/- 2.9 kg in placebo and 20-, 40-, and 80-mg
oxandrolone groups, respectively; all P < 0.014 vs. baseline). BCM increased from
baseline in all groups (0.45 +/- 1.7, 0.91 +/- 2.2, 1.5 +/- 2.5, and 1.8 +/- 1.8 kg in
placebo and 20-, 40-, and 80-mg oxandrolone groups, respectively).
In order to regain the weight patients lost, Anavar is one of the ways that could help. It
is used primarily in the medical field to help patients maintain the proper weight in
order to make a fast recovery. It is not only used in the field of HIV but in many more.
Cancer is the uncontrollable growth of cells in the body. When abnormal or damaged
cells grow and multiply in a certain area in the body, they may form tumors. As of the
present moment, there is no cure for cancer. But, there are many ways to treat the
disease, and one of them would be Oxandrolone.
Since weight loss is one of the symptoms of cancer, the consumption of Oxandrolone
may possibly help prevent this symptom. According to an article published by Laino
(n.d.), she discussed a four-month study conducted on 131 cancer patients that
suffered from weight loss. All of the patients took 10 milligrams of Oxandrolone twice a
day. The study shows that 81% of the patients either gained or maintained their
weight. Additionally, the lean tissue weight increased at an average rate of 7.5% in a
span of four months.
Based on the study, it can be inferred that Oxandrolone is an effective drug to maintain
or even gain weight despite suffering from cancer. This can be an effective method of
treating this symptom of cancer.
Chemical processes (how it is
15-25mg of Anavar is
taken per day and is
used daily throughout
6-8 weeks which is
called a cycle. Instead
Depending on their
body weight loss of
HIV infected people are
met with doses of
10mg of Anavar is
given to the patient
twice a day. The drug
is ingested orally
instead of being taken
of it being injected to
the body, it is ingested
orally. Throughout the
year, it is only intaked
in cycles (6-8 weeks)
during the off or on
seasons depending on
the bodybuilder’s
20-80mg of
oxandrolone daily.
via injection.
Raw Materials
4-Androstene-3b-ol, 17-one, 1-Androstene-3b-ol, 17-one, Epiandrosterone,
Androstenolone Acetate, 6-0x0-A
4-pregnene-3,20-dione, Ajuga Turkestanica Extract (Whole Plant),
[(3b,5a,6a,25R)-Spirostan-3,6-diol], Microcrystaline Cellulose,
Phosphatidylcholine 75%, Hydroxypropyl Beta cyclodextrin (HPBCD),
Phytosterols, Magnesium Stearate, Silica, FD&C Blue #2, FD&C Red # 40.
Chemical factors
Molecular Weight: 306.4
Melting Point: 236.5 °C
Solubility: Insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol, freely soluble in
Stability: “Stable in the air but darkens when exposed to light” (Pubchem,
Economic Factors
Anavar being illegal in
some countries is still
sold on the dark web
and through illegal
dealers despite it
having alternatives that
are similar to its
effects. With it still
being sold, it has a
positive effect on the
economy despite it
being minimal.
Anavar is sold through
many places. Local
pharmacies, specialized
suppliers, online stores
and more.
Anavar, depending on
the amount being
bought by the
consumer, has a price
range of ₱2,200 for a
pack of 50 tablets of
10mg according to
Anavar is still sold in
pharmacies, whether it
be through the
physical store or
through online
pharmacies. Depending
on the amount of
Anavar in one package,
the prices range from
Environmental Factors
Anavar does not have environmental factors that affect the environment
negatively or positively.
Health Factors
Positive physical effects
include: Enhancement
of fat loss whilst a
hefty increase in lean
muscle mass, strength
is also increased during
training which is
Positive: Weight gain,
Anavar’s primary source
of use in the medical
field in order to help
those rapidly losing
weight to recover. As
stated previously, there
A factor would be
weight gain. Since
weight loss is one of
the factors of cancer,
Oxandrolone may be
able to fix that issue.
As mentioned
advantageous for
pushing limits and
gaining more mass.
Negative: negative
change in cholesterol
levels which makes
arteries clogging easier
and increases one’s
blood pressure,
testosterone is reduced
greatly, lowering sex
drive, and motivation
affecting important
hormones. It also
leaves you vulnerable
to kidney
complications, hair
loss, and even
Anabolic Steroids
Control Act in 1990
makes Anavar only
available to those who
have prescriptions from
a doctor. This makes
Anavar a taboo in the
community and
industry. With this,
alternatives such as
Anvarol is sold and is
legally approved by the
are positive outcomes
to the use of this drug
when implemented to
those sick with HIV.
Negative: When taken
with the wrong
prescription or
carelessly it may cause
many changes. These
are mostly related to a
change in cholesterol
which causes further
complications when
treated incorrectly. As
well as kidney failure
due to the drug’s
natural composition.
previously, around
81% of the 131 cancer
patients recorded in
the study either gained
or maintained their
The Anabolic steroids act in 1990 was placed to
make the consumption of the drug safer. Only
making it available to those who have the proper
prescriptions from a licensed professional in the
Based on the extensive research and analysis and compilation of it through the table, it
can be seen that the three industries that use Anavar are very similar. Exactly the same
substance is used and factors of the composition, chemical factors, and environmental
factors are similar to each other. However, the different industries have different
intentions on the product. In the bodybuilding industry, it is used for increasing physical
strength and for enhancing athletic performance. On the other hand, the medical
industry uses it as a method of treating conditions such as weight loss. Due to the
misuse of the substance in the bodybuilding industry, a law had to be passed to prohibit
the consumption of this substance unless given prescriptions by doctors. Therefore, this
substance can only be used in the medical industry.
IV. Results and Discussion (Group)
All in all, our group would label Anavar or Oxandrolone as a positive substance that
should be pushed for production with its positive effects and uses outweighing the bad
ones. Although there was a turn from good to bad with the abuse mostly seen in the
bodybuilding and sports industry, the uses from the medical industry are too
detrimental to dissolve. In accordance with this, there are strong laws held in place for
minimizing oxandrolone abuse and misuse. From deaths in the sport of bodybuilding
due to the side effects steroids have, the medical industry is able to save lives and cure
near to incurable sicknesses. As seen in our industry analysis, it has a great impact on
HIV and Cancer patients by overall improving the quality of life they have on a sickness
that does not have a certain cure.
Based on our research, these are the results we have gotten:
The data we gathered is based on sicknesses of HIV and Cancer. In the medical field, it
is shown that Anavar is used in order to gain more weight in order to achieve a faster
recovery. Anavar acts as an androgen receptor to influence and increase gene
expression and cellular functioning.
In order to prevent any abuse of the drug, proper laws have been placed in order to
limit users. Laws such as needing a proper prescription from licensed doctors and a limit
to how much you can buy.
Primarily the substance induces protein synthesis in the body then regulates the
androgen receptor in skeletal muscle and increases IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor).
Which explains the weight gain potential.
Our group decided on increasing the speed of the production of Anavar. Despite the fact
that this substance is abused by many, it has its right uses. As mentioned previously,
Anavar can be used as a medication to treat medical conditions such as weight loss due
to diseases like HIV and cancer. We are against the idea of using this substance as a
way to bulk up and enhance athletic performance as there are alternatives to that. But,
we support the idea of using it as a medicine as it is an effective substance in treating
patients that suffer from certain medical conditions such as weight loss. From all this,
we have come to the conclusion that Anavar should be used for medical purposes. We
all agree that it is used right when its intention is to treat conditions. It's just best to be
aware of the side effects that may occur in one’s body and immune system.
V. Reflection on Moral Consequences
Yuri Sy
The misuse and abuse of Anavar in certain industries have a lot of side effects and
negative consequences but most of all it has moral consequences. In the medical
industry, there are close to no misuses as they are diagnosed properly in that
industry. In the bodybuilding industry and sports industry, on the other hand, Anavar’s
misuses are commonly seen. In the bodybuilding industry, Anavar and steroid abuse
are greatly normalized and pushed for by top-tier professionals. The moral
consequences in the industry would be the unknowingly pushing for upping the
standards of competition but increasing the risk of Anavar and steroid abuse. By
normalizing steroid abuse for the enhancement of the professionals of the sport, they
are misguiding leading the downward path for the younger generations. With their
reach of an audience, they are able to have a great impact on the decision-making
and thinking of others. With this, the abuse and misuse of Anavar for things that are
not detrimental would have moral consequences tied up with it. Therefore, one must
ensure they make the right decision regarding the substance of Anavar.
In chemistry overall, our moral responsibilities and duties with advanced knowledge in
this branch of science would be to ensure that the information we share as well as
the inventions being created hopefully will not be used to harm others. The inventions
and development should be done to help the development of society. An example of
this is the development of Penicillin by Alexander Flemming and the use of Ammonia
as plant fertilizer by Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch. Without the development of
penicillin, modern-day bacterial infections would be uncurable and would make
humanity vulnerable. With it being produced very well and safely it was not able to
have negative uses and was used mainly for the good. Same with this, the use of
ammonia by Haber and Bosch was able to combine oxygen and nitrogen in order to
use it for fertilizer and help speed up and develop agriculture. This shows us that
development can be done without the need for it to be used for the worse despite it
inevitably happening in today’s society. After doing this research paper, I now see
scientific advancements as something that not only has good connotations but also
has some bad connotations. Scientists should just attempt to minimize its negative
uses or effects and ensure that the positive uses outweigh the negatives before they
share their invention. Now that I am more knowledgeable on the process of making
harmful substances and the business that goes with them, in the future, I will
definitely consider the morality involved despite the economic effects the opportunity
offers. After finishing this paper, I can say that there are more important things than
money especially in the advancements of science as morality and human safety is
definitely more important.
Nathan Yao
Anavar is seen from different perspectives, whether it be as a medication or as a
substance used for bodybuilding or sports. Although the substance's original intention
was to treat medical conditions, further research revealed another possible purpose
for it, to boost athletic performance. This eventually resulted in the downfall of the
substance. It went so far to the point that it was misused by top-tier professional
athletes, despite the various risks. It made athletic competitions demonstrate the
power of Anavar, instead of the natural and authentic talents of the athletes.
Furthermore, the misuse of this substance causes many side effects on one’s body. It
even leads to malfunctions in certain organs and in the immune system as a whole. In
certain situations like this, it is best to seek medical care. To tie things up, Anavar
really depends on its intention and on one’s decisions. Using it as a medication won’t
be a problem as the intention is to treat a condition. But, if one uses it with the
intention of bodybuilding or enhancing athletic performance, he/she must be vigilant
of the consequences to come.
To me, our moral responsibilities and duties as persons that have a broad knowledge
of the subject is to ensure that it is for the betterment of society. We also must make
sure that the environment and its creatures are not harmed. Though every
advancement should ideally fulfill these conditions, there are still those that harm the
environment. An example of this would be the manufacturing of plastic. Since it is a
lightweight material, it is easy to mold. This provides plastic with various possibilities
when it comes to making products. Despite these opportunities, the recycling of this
product results in serious damage to the environment. Another example would be the
manufacturing of fuels. The manufacturing of fuels offers multiple benefits to society
as it is a great source of energy. The downside to this though is the fact that tons of
toxic chemicals are emitted in the air, resulting in air pollution. These are just some
examples of the innovations with its benefits and consequences. But in general, every
advancement or innovation, despite its benefits, has its consequences.
After doing this research project, I came to realize that with great power comes great
responsibility. As persons with broad knowledge on the subject, we have the power to
create and to innovate. Whatever we create will affect the environment and society.
So we have to be aware of how our advancements affect the environment and society
as a whole.
Now being more knowledgeable on the processes of producing harmful substances
and the business that goes with it, what I need to keep in mind in the future should
be whether that action is impacted positively or negatively. To me, I think there
should be a balance between economy and morality. If I were to produce and sell a
product, it must be able to sell, but at the same time, it shouldn’t cause harm to
anyone or anything. By selling the product, it is my duty to ensure that no one is
harmed and that no damage was dealt to the environment.
Raphael Uy
Anavar is used in many ways, our research showed its use in the medical industry as
well as in the sports industry. Anavar helps quite the amount of people in the medical
industry with its abilities. Although it helps in the medical field we see that it is also
being abused in the sports industry. With people abusing its abilities in order to
bodybuild, and even enhance overall performance. This has negative effects on the
body like organ failure and a weaker immune system. In the end the drug has
positive and negative uses, its use relies on the users intention like many other drugs.
In most cases though I’d recommend using it for medication. If used to bodybuild or
enhance performance there will be consequences.
In most cases upon reflection I realized that people often overlook the effects of
drugs like these. With them opting to consume it regardless of the side effects, in this
case the drug is being consumed regardless of the liver and cholesterol side effects.
All in order to gain an advantage in the sport. This is the case for many other drugs,
and I believe that we as scientists have to carefully research the product we are
using. In order to prevent issues and for our overall safety.
VI. References (APA format)
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