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WBC Count Procedure: Haemocytometer Method

WBC pipette, WBC diluting fluid(Turks
fluid),haemocytometer, microscope,
materials for capillary puncture.
Calculation involved:
Haemocytometer is a heavy glass slide with
two platforms and there is a space of 0.1 mm
depth under the coverslip. Each of the big
square is divided into 16 smaller squares.
The cells in 4 corner squares of counting
chamber is counted under low power.
Diluting fluid: 3ml Glacial acetic acid + 1
ml of 1% Gentian violet and the volume is
made to 100 ml using distilled
water.[Glacial acetic acid destroys RBCs
and acts as fixative. Gentian violet stains
the nuclei of WBCs]