Sensors International 3 (2022) 100181 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Sensors International journal homepage: Design and implementation of a solar powered navigation technology for the visually impaired Michael W. Apprey a, *, Kafui T. Agbevanu b, Gabriel K. Gasper a, Patrick O. Akoi c a b c Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Ho Technical University, Ghana Department of Computer Science, Ho Technical University, Ghana Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Accra Institute of Technology, Ghana A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: Blind Navigation Arduino uno 1Sheeld Solar panel The Blind Navigation System using Arduino and 1sheeld is a system that intends to enhance blind peoples' access to the environment, particularly in Ghana, Africa. This research aimed at designing a safe navigation system to allow seamless transitions for visually impaired people from one location to another, as well as a tool to assist them in communicating with their surroundings and guardians when in a difficult situation. The design uses PVC pipe as the cane, 1Sheeld, Arduino Uno, ultrasonic and water sensors for processing and monitoring, a buzzer and vibration motor to offer an alarm system via vibration and sound, housed within a circuit box and the handle, and finally powered by a portable mini solar panel with a rechargeable battery. The phone of the blind is connected to the 1sheeld board via Bluetooth link and the 1sheeld App is installed on the mobile phone. The guardian receives a call or an SMS with the GPS coordinates, which can be tracked when the blind person is lost through Google Map. The simulations related to the design's overall purpose were precise, and the trial findings from volunteers obtained from the final test were encouraging and ensured the safety and speed of mobility. As a result, the goal of designing a safe navigation system to detect impediments and provide the exact location of the visually impaired through GPS/SMS processing and powered by a mini solar panel with rechargeable battery system were achieved. 1. Introduction Most visually impaired individuals in the public arena are suffering while practising the essential things of day-to-day existence, and that could put lives in danger while moving around. There is a need these days to give security and protection to these individuals [1]. Blindness occurs when a person's capacity to see is lost due to physiological or neurological factors [2]. Total blindness refers to the entire loss of visual light perception, whereas partial blindness refers to a lack of integration in the optic nerve's or the eye's visual centre's growth. Because humans receive 83% of their information from their surroundings through sight, vision is the most essential aspect of their physiology [3,4]. According to World Health Organization (WHO) figures from 2021, near or farsighted vision impairment affects at least 2.2 billion individuals worldwide. Vision impairment may have been avoided or managed in at least one (1) billion (or almost half) of these cases [5]. Again, there are 285 million visually impaired people on the globe, with 39 million blind and 246 million with limited vision. Around 65% of visually impaired people and 82% of blind people are over the age of 50 [6–8]. Around 90% of the world's visually impaired people reside in poor nations [9], including Ghana. A study in 2015 by the Ghana Health Service (GHS) in conjunction with the Ghana Blindness and Visual Impairment Study (GBVIS) projected that about 190,000 people in Ghana are blind [10]. This is a very sad issue in the country since most of these blind people are poor. For example, a study on poverty and its repercussions discovered that “although some people become handicapped as a result of low income, a shocking 64% of people with disabilities were * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: (M.W. Apprey), (K.T. Agbevanu), (G.K. Gasper), (P.O. Akoi). Production and hosting by Elsevier Received 26 March 2022; Received in revised form 17 May 2022; Accepted 17 May 2022 Available online 22 May 2022 2666-3511/© 2022 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( M.W. Apprey et al. Sensors International 3 (2022) 100181 which will be detected by the pressure sensor, and force will be applied to the shoe. An alert is generated when the output exceeds the threshold value. The authors in Ref. [24] proposed a Smart Blind Stick in 2020. The primary purpose of the technology is to aid blind people in walking with complete relief and independence. The blind stick contains three ultrasonic sensors: a panic switch, a navigation switch, Bluetooth, a soil moisture meter, and an Arduino UNO. The Smart Blind Stick employs sensors to automatically detect the impediment in front of the user as well as moisture detection at the bottom to detect the wetness of the soil or ground, allowing the user to determine whether or not it is safe to walk on that particular surface. An ultrasonic transducer, a water circuit, and an RF transmitter and receiver module were integrated into an electronic stick in Ref. [25]. The ultrasonic sensor will detect an obstruction within the span and sound a buzzer to alert the blind individual. The water circuit shorts out when it comes into contact with water, causing the buzzer to ring. In addition, it gives a means of locating a missing stick indoors. When the person hits the remote's button, the stick will alert the blind person to the presence of the stick. Because it is simple, inexpensive, and lightweight, it is easy to carry. The prototype model was implemented, and the Arduino ATMEGA 328-PU was used to control all of the setup procedures. The authors of reference [26] presented a smart walking stick for the blind. The obstacle is recognized using a camera, and the distance between objects is measured using an ultrasonic sensor. If a blind person encounters an impediment, the user can be alerted by hearing the sound created by the headphone. The technique is extremely beneficial to persons who are visually impaired and frequently require assistance from others. A blind stick is built and produced in Ref. [27] to aid and offer a clear way for the blind person. An ultrasonic sensor is attached to the user's stick as part of the system. While the user strolls, the ultrasonic sensor attached to the stick with an Arduino mega tries to identify any obstacles in the way. If the sensor detects an impediment, the recipient's output is triggered, and the microcontroller detects this change since the receiver's output is sent as inputs to the microcontroller. This stick detects the object before the person and alerts the user through vibration. A smart stick guiding concept for visually impaired persons was demonstrated in Ref. [28]. This package included an Arduino-based controlling system, an Ultrasonic sensor for detecting objects around the user to avoid lethal injuries, a Light sensor module to monitor the strength of the light in the surroundings, LED lights to send the signal to the surroundings, a DC power system to operate the controlling module, and a buzzer to detect obstacles around the stick. The majority of visually assistive solutions, according to the report, are designed for users. The suggested system, on the other hand, is not just for supporting visually impaired users, but also for directing individuals navigating around them to avoid inadvertent injury. The publication [29] provided a thorough comparison of current assistive technologies for visually impaired persons. The functionality and functioning principles of these strategies are used to classify them. These methodologies' major characteristics, problems, and limits have been addressed as well. Furthermore, a score-based quantitative analysis of these devices is carried out to highlight their feature enrichment capabilities in each category. It could be useful in determining which gadget is best for a certain situation. The authors in Ref. [30] provided up-to-date assistive gadgets for the blind using the Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) Methodology in medical engineering. This study aims to show how a systematic design approach was used in the development of the “Ocane,” an innovative smart cane concept for visually impaired patients that was created in response to the needs of the end-user by incorporating an easy to transport, locate, and adjust element with ultrasonic sensors and tactile feedback. First, the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method is presented and used to gather final consumer demands, with benchmarking and similar-thought items on the market rounding up the investigation. Following that, the not poor before they became afflicted.” When compared to households unaffected by disability who were not previously disadvantaged, households impacted by disability had three times the chance of becoming impoverished within one year after the beginning of impairment. Because of the additional expenditures and lower wages associated with impairment, households impacted by disability have a lesser chance of escaping poverty [11]. The blind also relies on additional aids such as a white cane; information from strangers; trained dogs; and so on. Guide dogs are effective, and they may be taught by specialists and cared for by their owners. Their prices range from $12,000 to $20,000 [12–14], making them prohibitively expensive for blind people in Africa, and more specifically Ghana. However, this system has significant disadvantages, such as the difficulty in understanding the complicated directions given by these dogs and the person's inability to follow them in important situations. The need for navigation and orientation assisting devices has grown. Trained dogs and the white cane are the most basic and cost-effective navigational instruments. Despite their popularity, these technologies cannot offer the blind all of the information and functionality that persons with sight have access to for safe movement [15,16]. Many types of studies have been performed throughout the years to create and develop technologies that could safeguard the visually impaired from harm. The “white” walking stick is the most frequent item used by the blind to assist their movement, especially while they are moving around outside [17]. One of the new developments in rehabilitation engineering that helps blind individuals move about more simply and pleasantly is the creation of an electronic walking stick. Because of the rapid advancements in current technology, both on the hardware and software fronts, intelligent navigation capabilities are now possible [18]. Intelligent systems use sensors to identify their surroundings and take appropriate actions [19]. Authors in Ref. [20] proposed a smart walking stick for visually challenged individuals that use ultrasonic sensors and Arduino. The system is made up of obstacle and moisture detection sensors that receive, process, and send signals to the alarm system, which then informs the user to take immediate action. The system was conceived, coded in C, and tested and checked by a visually challenged individual for accuracy. The gadget can identify impediments about 2 m around the user. The Blind Stick Navigator [21] was created utilizing an Arduino Uno and a 1Sheeld in 2017. The prototype has a vibrating device for detecting obstructions and a message system for alerting others in the event of an emergency. The ability of the ultrasonic sensor on the stick improves a blind person's awareness. The new approach of applying contemporary technological components such as 1Sheeld aided in reducing the blind's challenges in achieving greater feedback of their surroundings. Mohapatra et al. in Ref. [22] provided a functioning model of a walking stick with an ultrasonic sensor and a microcontroller integrated with Electronic Save Our Souls (e-SOS technology. The sensor sends data to the microcontroller when it detects impediments. The data is then processed by the microcontroller, which determines if the impediment is close enough. The loop accomplishes nothing if the obstacle is not close enough. If an impediment is approaching, the blind person receives an alert signal from the microcontroller When a blind person is having difficulty navigating, he hits the e-SOS distress call button on the stick to make a video call to a family member. The video is seen on an Android phone via an Android app. The Android application also informs the blind person's family members of his location. Again [23], designed a robot cane that would continually monitor upcoming events as well as enhance outdoor and indoor navigation by detecting impediments at varying heights on a level road. The cane is also designed to accommodate people's real-time motions when walking or their various walking patterns by counting each step and distance travelled. A threshold level for acceleration is established when a person walks. At the tip of the shoe, an ultrasonic sensor and a force sensor are integrated to help detect the distance between the stick and the leg. If a person is prone to falling, their hands will exert more effort than usual, 2 M.W. Apprey et al. Sensors International 3 (2022) 100181 or unable to find their way in complex locations; proximity sensors (Ultrasonic sensors), a water detection sensor, a vibrator, and a buzzer. The software used to program the microcontroller is C-Programming in the Arduino IDE environment. 1Sheeld is a new Arduino shield that is simple to set up. It is linked to a mobile app that lets you include all of your Android phone's features, including the LCD screen, switches, LEDs, accelerometer, GSM, Wi-Fi, GPS, and so on, into your Arduino code. The main advantage of this design is that the microcontroller and power circuitry (solar and battery-based), real-time GPS technology with the 1sheeld App, and the alert signals (vibration and buzzer) are the crucial parts of the scheme, and they provide great coordination between this hardware to provide safe guidance. At the same time, the simplicity of the design makes it convenient to use by any blind person, and at the same time, the cost of manufacturing the stick is kept low. Fig. 1 depicts an overview of the prototype architecture which demonstrates how sensor signals respond when they encounter an obstruction, as well as the feedback given to the mobile device. Stylistic Design Engineering (SDE) technique is revealed by finding and developing the “Ocane” concept and advancing toward the conclusion of an inventive product. In [31], the authors presented a low-cost 3D intelligent walking gadget. This gadget depends on sensors, which may enhance the world through diagnostics in a variety of applications and aid in performance improvement. The gadget is fabricated with an ARM controller, IR sensors, a vibration sensor, and GSM and GPS for position sharing. Along with this, a speech module is created to guide in audio format. To optimize the machine, this Entered gadget is programmed using basic machine learning algorithms. The goal of research work [32] is to create a technology that can identify impediments for blind individuals. The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor is also used in this gadget. This research resulted in a prototype design stick for blind people that uses sensor technology to notify and move blind persons who can detect items at a distance of 7 cm using sound and vibration output. The resultant stick comprises a 0.5-inch PVC frame and is divided into two parts: the stick rod and the sensor unit. Finally, the system in Ref. [33] was designed at a low cost to give artificial vision and object identification, as well as real-time help through GPS, using Raspberry Pi. This system comprises ultrasonic sensors, a GPS module, audio feedback, and voice output through TTS (text to speech). This technology recognizes an object in its environment and offers feedback in the form of voice, alarm messages sent via earphones, and GPS navigation to a specified area. To overcome certain constraints of existing devices, the suggested system has to meet specific requirements, such as selecting low-cost components with higher precision to make the system economical and dependable for the blind. Thus, the goal of this study is to create a simple and low-cost [34,35] intelligent electronic orientation aid (EOA) system that can aid the blind without requiring the assistance of a sighted person and also assist them in communicating with their surroundings and guardian when in a difficult situation. The main benefits of the system design are that the microcontroller and power circuitry (mini solar panel with rechargeable battery system), calling, SMS, and real-time GPS technology with 1sheeld module connected via Bluetooth to the blinds' phone and alert signals (vibration and beeping sound) are critical components of the scheme and provide excellent coordination between these hardware to ensure safe navigation. The design's simplicity makes it easy for any blind person to use while keeping the cost of producing such sticks comparatively cheap. When a blind person uses this stick, they may affirm that they have arrived at their desired destination or obtain the assistance they require when they are locked up in a difficult environment. It is simple to keep up with and a pleasure to use. 2.2. System block diagram In Fig. 2, the block diagram depicts how each module of the prototype is connected. A 9 V power supply is required to run the circuit. This power supply consists of a mini solar panel with a charging circuit for charging a battery. After receiving data from the ultrasonic sensor, the microcontroller analyses the information by measuring the time in microseconds and converting it to inches. This conversion is used to reduce the range of values that may be communicated from the ultrasonic sensor to the microcontroller. This transformed value is then mapped to the preset values for identifying obstructions ranging from 80 cm to 100 cm, which then triggers the vibration motor and buzzer when the range set is captured. The Arduino Uno, in conjunction with the 1sheeld module, is used to process sensor feedback and deliver notice from the blind person's mobile device to the guardian's mobile device. 2.3. System algorithm Fig. 3 illustrates the flow chart of programming the sensors in the C language for detecting obstacles and alerting the guardian. All the sensors begin to scan as soon as the power is switched on. To precisely estimate the sensor-to-target distance, the system monitors the time delay between each emitted and echo pulse. The water sensor measures the size of traces of water droplets through the line with a series of parallel lines exposed on the sensor. When the sensor value increases or decreases and falls in between the ranges of the programmed value, the buzzer buzzes 2. Materials and methods The SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) approach was employed in the creation of this system as a research method. The process of building and updating systems, as well as the models and processes used to develop an application, is referred to as the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) [2]. These processes for the design are as follows; 2.1. System design overview To address some of the constraints of existing devices, the suggested system had to meet specific criteria, such as the device's components having to be low-cost and accurate for the system to be economical and dependable in this part of the world, specifically in Africa. The proposed device is based on a design model and a system concept of EOA to provide a smart electronic aid for the blind with navigation technology. Two major parts fulfil the design specification, and these involve the hardware and software parts. The hardware consists of the electronic walking stick itself, the microcontroller (Arduino Uno þ 1sheeld) to give the blind's location and finally send emergency notification via SMS to their guardian or authority whenever they are in need Fig. 1. Architecture diagram of the proposed system. 3 M.W. Apprey et al. Sensors International 3 (2022) 100181 2.5. System circuit simulation Proteus is a piece of software that allows one to simulate microprocessors, record schematics, and design printed circuit boards (PCBs). Proteus-VSM (Virtual System Modelling) enables the co-simulation of embedded software and hardware designs for common microcontrollers [37]. As indicated in Fig. 5, the software was utilized to simulate the design circuit. The simulation began when a hex file was prepared using the Arduino IDE and uploaded to the microcontroller in Proteus. Because 1sheeld was not available in the proteus library, a combination of the SIM900D module and the GPS module was utilized to provide the SMS and GPS position for the simulation. 2.6. 1Sheeld application interface In certain cases, visually impaired people confront several challenges in a new area or are experiencing health problems and desire to call their Fig. 2. Block diagram of the proposed system. and the vibrator vibrates discontinuously. If the blind perceive a constant beep from the buzzer or the vibrator or even both, then there are too many obstructions on the pathway and they need to press the toggle switch for an SMS of their location to be sent to the contact person's mobile device for the search to begin or to call the phone and speak directly to them. 2.4. Programming Code development One of the most important aspects of developing the project's algorithm is programming development. It includes a C program for the AVR microcontroller, ADC value declarations for the sensors, a vibrator, LED, and buzzer, and sensor coordination programming [36]. As illustrated in Fig. 4, the system software was developed in C for the Arduino and programmed via the ICSP interface with a specialized programmer. The software was created and explained as well as the circuit functionality. Without the library, the Arduino Uno and 1Sheeld þ boards will not be able to run the sketch code. Fig. 4. Programming code development with Arduino IDE. Fig. 3. Flow chart diagram. 4 M.W. Apprey et al. Sensors International 3 (2022) 100181 Fig. 5. Circuit simulation with Proteus Suite 8.0. guardian. Normally, the blind must rely on others for assistance, but an emergency application comes in these cases [38]. An Android-based emergency application is utilized in this system, which may be downloaded from the open-source Google Play store or IOS for communication between the 1sheeld module and the mobile phone of the blind through Bluetooth. For this project, the 1sheeld app was downloaded and installed on an Android phone from the Play Store. Fig. 6 illustrates the process of launching the 1sheeld app. 2.7. Selection of material The blind stick is made mostly of PVC tubing, as seen in Fig. 7. Several variables contribute to the benefits of using PVC pipes. Any used wire (main circuit wiring) can be stored within the PVC pipe. Apart from that, PVC pipe is a non-toxic and safe material that lasts for a long time with no maintenance and is readily recyclable. The complete assembly is mounted on a 100-cm-long PVC pipe. The length of the PVC pipe was chosen because it is appropriate for use by a blind person. Besides, the complete circuitry is housed in a closed box, which is located on the pipe's top half section. assessment performance of the solar-powered navigation technology for the visually impaired. To evaluate the overall system performance, important tests were performed in the laboratory environment through simulations and real testing. The responses to the proposed EOA device are discussed. 3. Results and discussions 3.1. Final system design This section delves deeper into sustainable solar power performance, system sensing performance, energy consumption analysis, and system A system architecture was built to test the EOA device as illustrated in Fig. 8, with the ultrasonic sensors positioned at 30 and 10 beneath the Fig. 7. ½ inch PVC pipe. Fig. 6. 1sheeld application interface. 5 M.W. Apprey et al. Sensors International 3 (2022) 100181 solar energy harvesting system, allowing it to prolong its energy autonomy. The power stage, as depicted in Fig. 9, provides 9Vdc to charge the battery. The design of the Proteus 8 program is shown, and a DC Voltmeter was installed at the output section of the circuit to assess the output supply voltage value necessary to power the AVR microcontroller, which was derived from the design. The DC voltmeter was used to measure the requisite 5 V DC to power the microcontroller at the output section of the power supply circuit, and the LED was turned on when the switch was closed. As a result, the power supply circuit was easy to create. The system power supply circuit was monitored in the lab, and then measurements were collected with the Hantek DSO5072P dual-channel digital oscilloscope to evaluate the photovoltaic (PV) system electrical performance and the battery charging performance. The solar system was able to fully charge the battery. Fig. 10a and b shows the outcomes of recognition and communication. Several criteria should be examined while evaluating the suggested guidance system's performance. The first and most important parameter is the system's power consumption and how long it will work before needing to be recharged [37]. Although the device consumes power, the power source needs to be of optimum capacity to enable the device to operate for a long time before it gets drained. This system comprises solar power and a rechargeable battery system that is capable of delivering the required power to drive these tremendous sensors and circuit designs for longer periods. The navigation system's average operating current was around 0.253 A or (253 mA), and the battery capacity was 2000 mAh. The average battery life was evaluated using equation (1). BL ¼ Fig. 8. Overall system design. BC LC (1) where; circuit box on the stick for direct and ground detection, respectively. A water detection sensor was also installed at the bottom edge of the stick to detect water on the pathway of the blind person. Above the top ultrasonic sensor, a circuit unit box was installed on the middle section of the stick, and the mini solar panel was placed directly on top for detecting direct sunlight to charge the battery. BL→(Battery life in hours); BC →(Estimated battery capacity in mAh) and LC →(Estimated load current in A or mA). From the equation and the values stated above, the average life of the battery estimated in a day is roughly 8 h. As the blind person strolls during the day, the battery recharges, and this allows the system to perform magnificently. The system is powered by a 9 V rechargeable battery that can last for at least 8–9 h or even beyond each day when energy-saving techniques such as turning the device off when not in use. The battery life will be affected if the blind encounter too many 3.2. Power supply circuit and energy consumption analysis The power supply for the circuit was simulated using the Proteus 8 software to analyse the circuit of the design components and determine the required output. The proposed gadget would be powered by a fixed Fig. 9. Power supply circuit test. 6 M.W. Apprey et al. Sensors International 3 (2022) 100181 Fig. 10. Laboratory results of the solar charging system. indicating that an obstacle exists ahead of the blind person. The visually impaired must then decide whether to adjust the pathway or halt. In place of the monitor, a buzzer and a vibrator were utilized as output devices to warn the blind about making a decision. Again, one of the primary requirements for the many types of barriers being explored was distinction by material. Five materials; Humans, metal, wood, stone, and plastic were all put through rigorous testing. The ultrasonic sensor's produced signal was evaluated at varied distances for each substance studied. The microcontroller collects reflected information from the barriers by measuring the breadth of the echo pulse signal. It was demonstrated that the distance between the nearest barrier and the pulse width are closely connected. Obstacles were placed at intervals of 50–200 cm. The mean distance values for the five materials selected are summarized in Table 1. It was discovered that ultrasonic sensors could identify barriers properly, and the calculated distance to the obstacles was also roughly right. A graph was produced between the recorded value and the real value to compare the obtained distance to the real distance, as illustrated obstructions because the output devices will trigger with virtually every detection. This will have an impact on the duration of the power supply. During such times, the blind user should not stroll outside for a longer time. The user can also charge the battery with a 9 V-1A AC to DC adapter charger to sustain the battery power when the weather of the day is partly cloudy. The standard charging rate of the battery is 16hrs. The most important element is the framework's power consumption and how long it will operate without the need to recharge the battery often. The following evaluations are taken into account: electrical power usage of 0–0.5 W is regarded as low power utilization, 0.5–1 W is considered medium power utilization, and greater than 1 W is considered high power utilization [35]. This design consumes a total power of 1.265 W, which falls on the medium power utilization scale. Because of the absolute number of segments associated with the framework for a viable route to be accomplished, the blind can use the electronic stick for a significant number of hours before charging the battery. 3.3. Sensors performance test and results The ultrasonic sensors on the upper portion of the stick were tested by placing various obstacles in front of them to check whether the sensor could detect the obstacles within the distances set in the programme code. The distances to which the impediments were recognized were monitored using the serial monitor in the Arduino software system. The output results from the test are shown in Fig. 11. It can be observed that the sensor did not perceive any impediments ahead within certain distances and so displayed a “No Obstacle Ahead” or “No Ground Obstacle” message, indicating that the blind person's route was clear of hazards. At other defined distances, the sensor identifies impediments ahead and displays an “Obstacle Ahead” or “Ground Obstacle Ahead” message, Table 1 Experimental results of selected material. S/ No. Selected material Obstacle positioned range (cm) Mean distance measured (cm) Calculated marginal error 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Human Metal Wood Plastic Stone 50 100 150 180 200 46 92 144 174 197 0.04 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.03 Fig. 11. Obstacles detection test and results. 7 M.W. Apprey et al. Sensors International 3 (2022) 100181 represented as guardians of the blindfolded volunteers to track their position on a mobile phone when an SMS is received from the blindfolded person under test. The purpose of the learning and familiarization test was to gather usability feedback data from our volunteers to enhance our system performance in training the blind. The functioning of the buzzer, vibrator, and emergency systems, i.e., the calling and SMS features provided on the navigation system were explained to the volunteers before they were blindfolded to grasp its usage when they found it difficult to navigate. When a participant is assigned to the start region, the timer begins and ends when the participant has completed the route. Table 2 describes the yield signals for obstacle, ground, and water identifications. The response time, performance and feedback of each group of volunteers are recorded in Table 3. The findings imply that the majority of participants were aware of warning signals provided by our system and could utilize them to avoid obstructions. In all, the navigation system built for the blind operated admirably and with less trouble than most volunteers had expected. Other volunteers serving as guardians were able to track their partners when the emergency button was pressed, allowing them to send an SMS to their guardian. Also, the speed of mobility of the users was slightly above the stipulated time, whiles other participants could not appropriately interpret the difference in the warning signals assigned to each sensor when an obstacle or water is detected on their pathway, and this might be attributed to their first-time usage. The inability of the guardian participants to track their blindfolded partners was due to inexperience in the use of high-grade mobile phones or the inconsistency in the use of most applications on the mobile phone. This will be considered to enhance training sessions. To determine if the intended design was capable of delivering its purpose, we examined the gadget's most fundamental, yet critical, properties as shown in Table 4. In addition, we gave a quantitative assessment of the intended system's development based on the key criteria that must be offered by any system that provides a service to visually impaired persons. It has been established that a system designed for the blind person must have several features, including clear and concise information in seconds, consistent performance during the day and night, indoors and outdoors operation; detects objects from close and far distances; and detects static and dynamic objects to handle any sudden appearance of objects; otherwise, the user's life is in danger [15]. Table 4 shows the results of the assessment and score of the Smart Cane navigation system's characteristics, such as solar battery charging, Bluetooth connectivity, sensor detection responses, GPS/SMS processing, and so on. The assessed elements are fundamental features for designing and relying on assistive technology for blind persons. As a result, weights of 5.0 or 10.0 (representing the number of trial times) were assigned because each feature has a considerable influence on the system performance. We then assigned a performance rate to each feature of the system created based on the data we gathered through calculations after each independent assessment. The authors assumed the following formula shown in equation (2) for calculating the performance rates of each system parameter under test; in Fig. 12. According to Table 1, there is a modest disparity between the estimated and observed attributes. The graph depicts a linear curve, indicating that the error in distance measurement was marginally insignificant. In any instance, the error edge displayed illustrates that the sensor execution is still accurate regardless of the little difference. 3.4. Emergency system test and results The prototype system has emergency-calling and SMS features that allow the blind individual to contact their family or guardian in the event of an emergency or during panic situations. The 1Sheeld can identify the blind person's position by turning on the Bluetooth and both the call and GPS functions in the Android smartphone widget menu. A calling signal is sent from the blind person's phone to the guardian's phone when the toggle switch placed beside the circuit box is hit once, or an emergency SMS generated from the program code is sent when the button is touched twice. The Blind Stick Navigator offers longitude and latitude coordinates for the visually impaired and therefore serves as a provider of real-time GPS position for this procedure, in addition to the vibrator and buzzer as warning signs. The smartphone sends an SMS alert with GPS coordinates displayed and searches for them through Google Map to obtain the exact position of the blind. These demo processes are similar to research done by Ref. [38]. The operation and results of the demos are shown in Fig. 13. 3.5. System assessment performance A usability test for system accuracy performance, which includes collecting measurements with the top and lower sensors in line of sight was carried out on the field. We conducted user research in a real-world outdoor setting to see if our system might assist visually impaired people in following a prioritized path without losing their orientation or clashing with barriers. Obstructions seen from a blind person's upper torso are detected by the upper sensor, which has a line of sight of 100 cm. To detect ground impediments and other obstacles, the bottom sensor has been set with an 80 cm line of sight from the lower body. The system was put to the test with barriers of various materials and forms placed at various distances. When an impediment was identified above and below the knee level within the predefined range selected, the buzzer and vibrator were activated. The experiment's findings from the system accuracy test were quite positive. It demonstrated an efficient accuracy, indicating that the system is effective and unique in its capacity to describe the source and distance of the barriers and water encountered by the user. Fig. 14 shows the field test process. Following the usability test, five volunteers were blindfolded and instructed to navigate through Ho Technical University's campus within a specified route for a set duration of five (5) minutes without clashing with objects above and below the knee level that were positioned at various spots along the pathway. Another five volunteers were PR ð%Þ ¼ NS NF 100 NT (2) where; PR →(Percentage performance rate); NS →(Estimated proportion of success); NF →(Estimated proportion of failure) and NT →(Total number of trials). Fig. 12. Analysis measured values. of the distance between the actual values In brief analysis, the solar power and battery charging system was tested five (5) times. The solar panel was directed to sunlight until the battery indicator LED started to blink to indicate the charging process. In all, the system responded accordingly in all five (5) trials. Therefore, it can be concluded that the estimated proportion of success is five (5), the and 8 M.W. Apprey et al. Sensors International 3 (2022) 100181 Fig. 13. Results of emergency system test (calling, SMS and tracking). Fig. 14. System accuracy test for obstacle detection. Table 2 Output signal process for the stick. Table 3 Volunteer performance and response. S/ No. Sensor type Distance (from the stick in cm) Type of signal 1. Ultrasonic Sensor 1 (Direct Detection) Ultrasonic Sensor 2 (Ground Detection) Water Detection Sensor 100 Longer and faster beep þ vibration þ buzzer Longer and slower beep þ vibration þ buzzer short and slower beep þ vibration þ buzzer 2. 3. 80 – estimated proportion of failure is zero (0) and the number of trials is five (5), providing a result of 100% of PR. Again, the ultrasonic sensors for direct and ground obstacle detection were tested ten (10) times. It can be concluded based on the results that the estimated proportion of success is nine (9), the estimated proportion User (blindfolded) Average time to complete (mins) Easy to navigate Encounter collision Ability to use emergency features (SMS/ Calling) Ability to track with google map (guardian) 1 2 3 4 5 7:08s 9:13s 8:48s 6:11s 7:28s Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes of failure is one (1) and the number of trials is ten (10), providing a result of 80% of PR. The overall system average performance rate was 9 M.W. Apprey et al. Sensors International 3 (2022) 100181 The EOA development, on the other hand, proved to be extremely essential since the quantity of information gathered from the environment was far greater than any traditional navigation aid. Any new technology should be compared to what is presently available and current technology, as stated in the literature study. The designed system is compared with the blind Stick Navigator developed in 2017 by Sri Banu et al. [21]. This Blind Stick Navigator was created utilizing an Arduino Uno and 1Sheeld to fix the shortfalls of the inspirational classic white cane. This research project is a step forward from the previous effort, the white cane, which assisted blind people while travelling. The prototype has a vibrating device for detecting obstructions and a message system for alerting others in the event of an emergency. The ability of the ultrasonic sensor to interact with two sensors on a stick improves blind people's awareness. The new approach of applying contemporary technological components such as 1Sheeld aided in reducing the blind's challenges in achieving greater feedback of their surroundings. However, a few challenges were identified during the development and testing stage of the system design. It was noted that when the power supply to the microcontroller board was not enough, the prototype lacked the resilience to continue in operation for a longer time. Therefore, the prototype requires a steady power supply. The microcontroller will be damaged or crashed if more power is supplied to it [21]. Several ideas were suggested to improve the project's function and implementation in the future by the noble authors. For improved mobility and durability, as suggested by the authors, the power source may be converted to be rechargeable using solar technology. This is where the novelty of including the solar chargeable system was implemented in this system since this type of energy provides electricity from renewable clean energy that is accessible daily and even on overcast days. Whether active or not, this smart cane with a rechargeable battery automatically regulates the energy consumption by providing a low power supply to the microcontroller and its associated peripherals to reduce power consumption and extend the life of the device [39]. The designed EOA technology also circumvents the constraints of GPS/SMS processing. The calling capability has also been included so that if the blind sends an SMS and does not receive a response, they may use it to contact the guardian. There are several advantages to employing the newly built system, especially at this early stage of its implementation. First and foremost, it is safe, economical, and portable due to its lightweight; when impediments are detected, the system warns the user through a buzzer and a vibrator, allowing them to get a better awareness of the environment around them. Table 4 Summary of assessment and score for system parameters tested. S/ No System Parameter Under Test (N) No. of Trials (NT) Remarks Performance Rate (PR%) 1. 5 4. SMS feature 5 5. Calling feature 5 6. 10 10 Detected obstacles on the ground level 80 5 10. Buzzer 10 Detected water at an appreciable level The system vibrated accordingly per detection The System buzzed accordingly per detection 80 9. Ultrasonic sensor A (Direct detection) Ultrasonic Sensor B (Ground obstacle detection) Water detection sensor Vibrator Able to charge battery system Paired with the App via Bluetooth link Able to provide GPS coordinates via SMS Able to Send SMS to guardian's phone when the switch is hit twice Able to call guardian's phone when the switch is hit once Detected obstacles directly 100 3. Solar power and battery system 1sheeld App and module GPS coordinates 2. 7. 8. 5 5 10 Overall System Average Performance 100 100 100 100 80 100 100 94.0 calculated based on the following assumed formula shown in equation (3). P AVPR ð%Þ ¼ PR N (3) where; P PR →(Summation of performance rates); and N →(Total number of tests performed). The overall system average performance rate after calculation was found to be 94%, indicating an excellent system that can provide a navigation guide to the blind user. Any device with high scores has higher-quality features [29]. During the assessment period, the sensors recognized a variety of barriers within the defined ranges, however, in certain cases, there was little interference (ultrasonic noise). Because the water detection sensor was placed near the base of the stick, it appeared to detect water at a reasonable level. The system's GPS, SMS, and calling services performed admirably. Through the Bluetooth link, the installed 1sheeld app links the system's circuitry to the mobile phone of the blind. The GPS menu estimates the user's location (i.e., latitude and longitude) and provides these coordinates through an SMS for the guardian to search for the blind in the Google Maps application to help or save them. If a blind person is out for a stroll or any other purpose and feels he/she is lost, they can inform a guardian. On the stick, there is an alert button that when hit, communicates the stick's coordinates to a pre-stored mobile number through SMS or calls the number directly to speak with this guardian. Finally, the warning systems responded to each sensor detection. The design's warning mechanisms, a buzzer, and a vibrator were able to notify the blind individual of the danger ahead when obstructions are detected. The performance rates from each parameter tested are based on the response of every system under test. The quantity of information necessary for blind persons' safe and rapid mobility was not being produced by conventional navigation aids. 3.6. System design limitations Wireless access control solutions do have limitations, which must be understood alongside the benefits and use cases to achieve the most balanced outcome. During the circuit design, various challenges and limitations were found. The most prominent and often overlooked feature is the detection by the sensors. Ultrasonic sensors work similarly as optical sensors, in that, they send out a pulse of sound at an ultrasonic frequency and measure how long it takes for the sound to bounce back. The distance may be determined using the known sound speed and the time gap between the pulse and the echo. If there are other sources of ultrasonic noise in the area, the sensor will pick them up and give an incorrect distance reading. It is also conceivable for a prior pulse to reverberate off many surfaces, causing the sensor to trigger prematurely. Although ultrasonic sensors should theoretically work properly indoors, we encountered slight interference (ultrasonic noise) in some cases during the test, resulting in slight inconsistency [40], thereby failing in some trials and causing slight changes in the performance rate as indicated in Table 4. 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Conclusion A solar-powered smart walking stick for the visually impaired was developed and built to serve as a useful helper and support in their environment. This study provided a comprehensive comparison of assistive devices for the visually impaired. The device is classified based on its usefulness and working mechanism. The power supply provided the needed force to drive these tremendous circuits through the solar panel and the charge controller circuit developed. The system sensors were able to identify objects and water within the defined ranges during the testing of the electronic walking stick developed. The warning mechanisms of the design, a buzzer and a vibrator were able to notify the blind individual of the danger ahead. The GPS menu estimates the location of the user and provides the coordinates through an SMS for the guardian to search for the blind in the Google Maps app to help or save them. This system is a simple gadget that can be carried for a long distance and requires no additional training. The design also eliminates the constraints associated with the majority of mobility issues that may affect blind people in their environment while using a white walking stick. The trial test results along an obstructed path were promising and very good. The simulations performed were accurate and relevant to the ultimate goal of the design implementation. Hence, the electronic walking stick developed can be used to guide the visually impaired. Based on the limitations discovered, we can state that this gadget is not optimal. Therefore, an intelligent system that can cover all of the necessary elements to support the blind and yet can be affordable as advised is required. Future development will focus on improving the system's performance and decreasing the stress on the user by replacing the buzzer with an actual human voice to precisely guide the blind. 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