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Well Control Drill Procedures: Pit, Trip, & Strip Drills

Well Control Drills and Exercises
Three types of drills are to be exercised, one while
drilling with the kelly on the string, one normally while tripping without the kelly on the
string and one with the bit off bottom ie.:
Kick Drill While Drilling (pit drill)
Kick Drill While Tripping (trip drill)
Kick Drill While Bit Off Bottom (strip drill).
General Requirements
The following guidelines shall be followed for well control drills :
 Well control drills shall be initiated by the contractor or the Drilling Supervisor and
performed under the supervision of the Drilling Supervisor to ensure that the crews
are adequately trained and prepared to implement well control procedures correctly.
 Well control drills shall only be conducted when they do not complicate ongoing
operations. A kick should be simulated by manipulation of a primary kick indicator
such as the tank level indicator or the flowline indicator.
 The drills described in the above section include the full sequence of shutting in a
well. The critical reaction time shall be measured up to the point when the well is
closed in.
 Trip drills shall only be conducted if the BHA is inside the casing shoe.
 Out-of-hole drills may be conducted at any time when out of hole with no tools or
wireline through the BOP stack.
Kick Drill While Drilling - Pit Drills
Before drilling out to any shoe, and at the discretion of the Drilling Supervisor, but not less
than once every week per crew while normal drilling operations are in progress.
1. INITIATE kick verbally or by raising a float (normally Drilling Supervisor or Toolpusher).
2. On initiation the crew leader is to ALERT the crew and STOP the rotary.
3. PULL kelly above the rotary table until the lower kelly cock is above the drilling floor, at
same time SLOW DOWN the pump.
4. STOP the pumps.
5. CLOSE the annular preventer
6. OPEN the hydraulic operated valve in the side outlet from the BOP stack to the choke
manifold (The inner valve is always open under normal conditions).
Note : A diagram with all relevant measurement relating to tool joint position should be
available to the driller at the BOP control panel.
7. TAKE readings of the closed-in annulus and drillpipe pressures.
8. MEASURE the ‘gain’ in the active mud tank.
9. END drill, RETURN all settings to normal operating mode.
Kick Drill While Tripping – Trip Drills
At the discretion of the Drilling Supervisor, but not less than once every two weeks per crew
while normal drilling operations are in progress.
1. INITIATE kick verbally or by raising a float in the trip tank.
2. On initiation the crew leader (Driller/Assistant driller) is to ALERT the crew.
3. BRING tool joint to rotary level.
4. INSTALL stabbing valve in open position (hand tight).
5. CLOSE stabbing valve.
6. CLOSE the annular preventer.
7. OPEN hydraulic operated valve in the side outlet from the BOP stack to the choke
Note: A diagram with all relevant measurements relating to tool joint position shall be
available to the driller at the BOP control panel.
8. INSTALL circulating head, MAKE UP correct torque, OPEN stabbing valve and TAKE
readings of the closed-in annulus and drillpipe pressure.
9. READ gain in trip tank.
10. END drill, RETURN all settings to normal operating mode.
Volumetric Stripping Drill - Procedure
Strip Drills
A combined volumetric/stripping drill should preferably be performed once per week per
crew. The drill shall only be conducted after a casing string (ideally the 9 5/8" or Production
string) has been cemented and pressure tested and prior to drilling out the shoe track.
Note: The Annular Preventer shall be pressure tested following the stripping drill.
1. HOLD a “strip drill” in the casing before drilling out the shoe track.
2. RIH to 1 000 ft above top cement.
3. HOLD a kick drill. CLOSE annular preventer
4. INSTALL inside BOP. OPEN stabbing valve.
5. APPLY 500 psi pressure on the annulus through the kill line
6. REDUCE closing pressure of the annular preventer to minimum avoiding leakage (make
sure bushings are locked !).
7. OPEN valve to surge bottle in annular closing line.
8. CONNECT line from choke manifold to trip tank. Trip tank to be half full. CHECK if trip
tank drains into strip tank.
9. SET UP flow line so that any fluid that leaks through annular preventer goes into trip tank.
10. MAKE UP next stand. (Have a good file on the floor to remove tong and slip marks on
the pipe.)
11. STRIP stand in hole and MAINTAIN pressure on annulus constant by bleeding off
through the choke. Run pipe slowly to avoid pressure surges. Measure volume of mud bleed
off and ensure total volume is equal to closed end volume of stand stripped into hole.
12. When complete stand is run in, CLOSE IN at choke manifold by closing valve behind the
13. DRAIN closed end volume of one stand out of trip tank into stripping tank.
14. INSTALL next stand.
15. CONTINUE stripping until crew is familiar with operation.
Note : Check if all equipment is working properly and calibrations of tanks is correct. Ensure
crews are fully aware that Kelly Cock has to be put on before the inside BOP.
After Completing The Strip Drill
1. BLEED OFF annulus pressure through choke.
2. CLOSE valve to surge bottle in annular preventer closing line.
3. INCREASE annular pressure to normal operating pressure.
4. OPEN annular preventer.
5. CLOSE HCR. SET UP choke manifold for normal drilling.
6. PULL BACK to remove inside BOP and kelly cock.
7. CLOSE kelly cock (in case pressure trapped in below Inside BOP).
8. REMOVE inside BOP.
9. OPEN kelly cock carefully to check for pressure.
10. REMOVE kelly cock.
11. TEST bag type preventer prior to continuing operations.
The Driller is to document the drill in the IADC report under remarks. The following shall be
 Type of drill.
 Time of drill.
 Reaction time in seconds from the moment the kick is simulated until the well is
closed in. The designated crew member is a member of the drill crew who is present
on the drill floor at the time of a BOP drill or well control situation. All drill crew
members must be capable and able to react correctly to the drill or real well control
 The total time taken for the drill. The time taken should be less than a pre-determined
benchmark. If not, the drill shall be repeated.
The following shall be recorded on the DDR:
 the reaction time from the moment the kick is simulated until the designated crew
member is ready to start the closing procedure.
 the total time it takes to complete the entire drill.
 time drill was held (to determine which crew performed the drill)