MINUTES OF HOMEROOM PARENTS’-TEACHERS ASSOCIATION (PTA) CONFERENCE I. II. III. IV. V. Date: August 16, 2022 Time started: 3:05 PM Time Ended: 4:00 PM Meeting Facilitator: Attendees: 19 parents Meeting Agenda: 1. Election of Officers 2. School Rule and Regulations 3. SPA Uniform 4. ID/Lanyard 5. Ceiling Grades 6. Behavior of the Learner 7. Class Project/Donation VI. PROCEEDINGS: The meeting started with a prayer led by _______________, ____ adviser. After the prayer, parents were welcomed by the adviser and ________________, head teacher incharge of the _____Department. Teacher adviser mentioned the different agendas to be discussed. The first agenda is the Election of officers and the parents eleted _______________ as the President, _________ as the Vice President, ____________________ as the Secretary, ____________________ as the Treasurer, _______________ as the Auditor, ____________ as the Business Manager, __________ as the PIO and ______________ as the PO. After the election, _________ presented and explained the Schools Rules and Regulations and the possible consequences of learners if they will violate the mentioned rules to the parents. Learners Uniform and ID and Lanyard were also discussed. Female uniform is white blouse with necktie and checkered maroon skirt that is knee level and Male uniform is white polo with a necktie and a maroon slacks. The adviser also discussed that ceiling grade for ____ is __. The learners behavior was also tackled, how the learners respond to their teachers and their attitude towards learning.