Enaldo, Meriam COFFEESHOP ANOVA ANOVA - Overallpers Cases Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p Location 22.842 4 5.710 1.161 0.329 Residuals 964.093 196 4.919 Note. Type III Sum of Squares Based on the one-way ANOVA results, there’s no significant difference on Overall Personality when analyzed according to where the coffee drinker buys their coffee, F(4)=1.161, p=0.329, which is less than 0.05. Therefore, there’s no significant difference was noted between the coffeeshop (m=7.051, SD= 2.046) and the rest of the locations. Descriptives Descriptives - Overallpers Location Mean SD N 1 7.051 2.046 80 3 6.731 2.240 28 4 5.573 1.433 6 5 7.337 2.340 83 6 6.835 3.597 4 Assumption Checks Test for Equality of Variances (Levene's) F df1 df2 p 1.062 4.000 196.000 0.377 Q-Q Plot Post Hoc Tests Standard Post Hoc Comparisons - Location 95% CI for Mean 95% CI for Difference Cohen's d Mean Cohen's Lower Upper SE t Lower Upper Difference d 13 0.321 -1.020 1.661 0.487 0.658 0.145 -0.479 0.768 4 1.478 -1.107 4.063 0.939 1.574 0.666 -0.539 1.872 5 -0.286 -1.243 0.671 0.347 -0.824 -0.129 -0.574 0.316 6 0.216 -2.912 3.345 1.136 0.190 0.098 -1.357 1.552 34 1.157 -1.590 3.904 0.998 1.160 0.522 -0.758 1.801 5 -0.607 -1.941 0.728 0.485 -1.252 -0.274 -0.895 0.348 6 -0.104 -3.368 3.160 1.185 -0.088 -0.047 -1.565 1.471 45 -1.764 -4.346 0.817 0.938 -1.882 -0.795 -2.001 0.410 6 -1.262 -5.203 2.680 1.432 -0.881 -0.569 -2.403 1.266 56 0.502 -2.623 3.628 1.135 0.443 0.227 -1.227 1.680 Note. P-value and confidence intervals adjusted for comparing a family of 5 estimates (confidence intervals corrected using the tukey method). pscheffe 0.980 0.649 0.954 1.000 0.853 0.814 1.000 0.474 0.941 0.995 ANOVA ANOVA - OverallLife Cases Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p Location 6.397 4 1.599 2.841 0.025 Residuals 110.332 196 0.563 Note. Type III Sum of Squares Based on the one-way ANOVA results, there’s a significant difference on Overall Lifestyle when analyzed according to where the coffee drinker buys their coffee, F(4)=2.841, p=0.025, which is greater than 0.05. Moreover, post hoc analysis using Scheffe’s test revealed that Lifestyle among coffee drinkers from coffeeshops is way higher (m=3.061, SD=0.777) compared to coffee drinkers from the location 5 (m=2.684, SD=0.693), t=3.204, p=0.039. Descriptives Descriptives - OverallLife Location Mean SD N 1 3.061 0.777 80 3 2.856 0.818 28 4 3.143 0.905 6 5 2.684 0.693 83 6 2.667 0.614 4 Assumption Checks Test for Equality of Variances (Levene's) F df1 df2 p 0.902 4.000 196.000 0.464 Q-Q Plot Post Hoc Tests Standard Post Hoc Comparisons - Location 95% CI for Mean 95% CI for Difference Cohen's d Mean Cohen's Location Lower Upper SE t Lower Upper Difference d 1 3 0.205 -0.249 0.658 0.165 1.242 0.273 -0.352 0.897 4 -0.083 -0.957 0.792 0.318 -0.110 -1.312 1.092 0.260 5 0.377 0.053 0.700 0.118 3.204 0.502 0.051 0.953 6 0.393 -0.665 1.452 0.384 1.023 0.524 -0.933 1.981 3 4 -0.287 -1.217 0.642 0.338 -0.383 -1.661 0.896 0.851 5 0.172 -0.279 0.624 0.164 1.050 0.229 -0.392 0.851 6 0.189 -0.916 1.293 0.401 0.470 0.251 -1.267 1.769 4 5 0.459 -0.414 1.333 0.317 1.448 0.612 -0.591 1.816 6 0.476 -0.858 1.809 0.484 0.983 0.634 -1.201 2.469 5 6 0.016 -1.041 1.074 0.384 0.043 0.022 -1.431 1.475 Note. P-value and confidence intervals adjusted for comparing a family of 5 estimates (confidence intervals corrected using the tukey method). pscheffe 0.819 0.999 0.039 0.902 0.948 0.894 0.994 0.718 0.915 1.000 ANOVA ANOVA - OverallValues Cases Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p Location 2.586 4 0.646 1.063 0.376 Residuals 119.165 196 0.608 Note. Type III Sum of Squares Based on the one-way ANOVA results, there’s no significant difference on Overall Values when analyzed according to where the coffee drinker buys their coffee, F(4)=0.646, p=0.376, which is greater than 0.05. Therefore, there’s no significant difference was noted between the coffeeshop (m=3.383, SD= 0.838) and the rest of the locations. Descriptives Descriptives - OverallValues Location Mean SD 1 3.383 0.838 3 3.360 0.796 4 3.425 0.809 5 3.161 0.726 6 3.547 0.078 N 80 28 6 83 4 Assumption Checks Test for Equality of Variances (Levene's) F df1 df2 p 2.119 4.000 196.000 0.080 Q-Q Plot Post Hoc Tests Standard Post Hoc Comparisons - Location 95% CI for Mean 95% CI for Difference Cohen's d Mean Cohen's Lower Upper SE t Lower Upper Difference d 13 0.023 -0.448 0.494 0.171 0.134 0.030 -0.594 0.653 4 -0.042 -0.950 0.867 0.330 -0.126 -0.053 -1.255 1.148 5 0.222 -0.114 0.559 0.122 1.819 0.285 -0.162 0.732 6 -0.164 -1.264 0.936 0.399 -0.411 -0.210 -1.665 1.244 34 -0.065 -1.030 0.901 0.351 -0.184 -0.083 -1.360 1.194 5 0.199 -0.270 0.668 0.170 1.169 0.255 -0.366 0.877 6 -0.187 -1.335 0.960 0.417 -0.449 -0.240 -1.758 1.278 45 0.264 -0.644 1.171 0.330 0.800 0.338 -0.863 1.540 6 -0.123 -1.508 1.263 0.503 -0.243 -0.157 -1.990 1.676 56 -0.386 -1.485 0.713 0.399 -0.968 -0.495 -1.951 0.960 Note. P-value and confidence intervals adjusted for comparing a family of 5 estimates (confidence intervals corrected using the tukey method). pscheffe 1.000 1.000 0.510 0.997 1.000 0.850 0.995 0.958 1.000 0.919