INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES Individual Differences - refers to the variation in how people respond to the same situation based on personal characteristics. “The idea s that each person is different from all other and that these differences are usually substantial rather than meaningless.” Behavior - is a function of person interacting with the environment B=F(PxE) Behavior - is therefore determined by the effects of the individual and the environmental on each other Differences of People Result to: Quantities of output Qualities of output Reactions to empowerment Reaction to a given leadership style Degrees of need for contact with other Degrees of commitment to organization Level of self-esteem WHAT MAKES PEOPLE DIFFERENT FROM EACH OTHER A. DEMOGRAPHICS Performance in the workplace and behavior of workers are sometimes affected by the differences between demographic characteristics of individual workers The sources of demographics diversity includes the following: 1. Gender 2. Generational and Aged-based Differences 3. Culture GENDER - The differences in the perception of male and female roles are refer to as gender differences. - Evidence suggest that there are few differences between men and women in such factors as ability and motivation that will affect their job performance. Gender Differences in communication patters have been noted. MEN - typically communicate to convey information or establish status WOMEN - are more likely to communicate to establish rapport and solve problems Specifically, men and women are not different along the following concerns: 1. Problem Solving Abilities; 2. Analytical Skills 3. Competitive Drive 4. Motivation 5. Learning Ability 6. Sociability