Electromagnetic Theory Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Why EMF ? What is EMF ? Sources of EMF Applications Effects ( human, animals & plants) Standards Exposure levels and limits Precautions &Recommendations Why this Subject ? Factors affecting EMF Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai 1.Why a study on EMF ? • Changes in social status & behavior have increased the electricity demand and invention of advanced technologies • To understand the happenings of almost all the processes in the universe. Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai • EMF are present everywhere in our environment . • Everyone is exposed to a complex mix of weak electric and magnetic fields, both at home and at work. Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai 2. What is EMF ? • Electric fields (E) Due to static electric charges • Magnetic fields (H) Due to motion of electric charges • Electromagnetic fields Due to both time varying E and H fields Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Electric Fields (E) Magnetic fields (H) Flux density (B) Arises from Voltage difference Arises from current flows, magnet V/m A/m, Magnetic flux density T, G Decreases with distance from the source At higher frequencies , 2 Power Density W/m Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai 3.Sources of EMF • Natural Sources • Human made Sources Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Natural sources of EMF • • • • Atmospheric fields Geo magnetic field Extra terrestrial fields Living organisms Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Atmospheric fields • Clouds getting charged, Lightning discharge • Normal weather 200V/m (2V/cm) • Lightning > 2-3MV/m ( 20kV/cm) Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Earth as a Capacitor W = 7x 1012 J ( million fully charged 12V, 100AHr automobile storage batteries) Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Earth’s magnetic field • Earth's static field 30µT ( equator)- 60µT (poles) • EM radiation 0.003 W/m2, up to 300kHz Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Extra terrestrial fields RF radiation of cosmic origin observed with Earth’s satellite 1.8 x 10-20 W/m2/Hz at 200 kHz to 8 x 10-20 W/m2/Hz at 10 MHz. Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Human Generator • Human body emits EMF 0.003 W/m2 up to 300kHz ( if the total body surface is 1.8 m2 , then the total radiated power is 0.0054 W) • walking slowly 0.1m/sec - 4µV/m • Walking fastly 8m/sec - 400 µV/m • A tilt of the head of 45 Deg. - 4µV/m at 0.2µT at 60Hz • A fast nod in 0.16 sec. - 40mV/m Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Heart Dipole Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Electric Fish • Electric organ made up of modified muscle or nerve cells • Electric output of the organ Electric organ discharge (EOD) CEG, Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, AU Chennai • Strong EOD- 10-500V, 1A - to stun the prey - electric eel, electric catfish • Weak EOD <1V - used for navigation, electrolocation, electro communication -Peter Elephentose Fish • Wave shape of EOD -Cont. , Sinusoidal • Brief, pulses with large gaps. Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Human made sources Of EMF Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai EMF sources Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai 4. EMF Applications Sl. No Frequency Application 1 0.3-30 kHz Power line, electric appliances, medical applications, electric furnaces, induction heating, refining, VDUs 2 30-300 kHz Radio navigation, marine and aeronautic communications, VDUs, power inverters Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai 3 0.3-3 MHz AM broadcasting,, sealing for packaging, production of semiconductor material, medical applications medical diathermy, magnetic resonance imaging, dielectric heating, wood drying and gluing 4 3-30 MHz 5 30-300 diathermy, magnetic resonance MHz imaging, dielectric heating, plastic welding, food processing , particle separation Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai 6 0.3-3 UHF-TV, microwave ovens, medical GHz diathermy, food processing, material manufacture, insecticide, particle acceleration, cellular 7 3-30 Radar, satellite communications, GHz airborne weather radar, police, plasma heating, thermonuclear fusion experiments 8 30- Radar, satellite 300 microwave relay GHz communications, Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai 8/25/2022 24 VARIOUS VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Voltage <1000 V Medium High 1000 V – 33 kV AC 33 kV – 220 kV AC Extra high 220 kV – 765 kV 800 kV – 1000 kV AC, DC Valid Section Secondary Distribution Primary Distribution Secondary Transmission Primary Transmission AC, DC Primary Transmission >1000 kV HVDC Primary Transmission Ultra high 8/25/2022 System AC 25 Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai 5. EFFECTS OF EMF • on Human • on animals • on plants Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai EFFECTS ON HUMAN • Tiny electrical currents exist in the human body even in the absence of external electric fields. • Low-frequency E and H induce circulating currents within the human body, if sufficiently large could cause stimulation of nerves and muscles or affect other biological processes. Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Effect on human health Positive effects • Medical diagnosis • Restoration of movement in the limbs • Termination of TB bacilli Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai On Human: Negative effects Cancer Increased BP Depression Eye sight Brain cell damage Professional hazards Reproductive outcome Neurological (Alzheimer’s disease) and psychiatric diseases • Cardiovascular • Brain and behavior Hormonal and immune systems 8/25/2022 Effects of ELF EMF Electric field do not penetrate the body significantly but they do built up a charge on its surface Magnetic field exposure to magnetic fields cause circulating currents to flow in the body 30 Effects of ELF EMF On Humans: Human body in a uniform electric field of 1 kV m-1 at 60 Hz showing the external electric field and surface charge density on the body surface: (a) in free space, and (b) in contact with perfect ground (Stuchly & Dawson, 2000). 8/25/2022 31 Effects on animals Effects of ELF EMF • Neurological changes systems in the brain • night-time suppression of melatonin etc., Cow- decreased milk yield and shorter calving intervals 8/25/2022 32 Effects of ELF EMF On Birds: • mortality • visibility is reduced • orientation of birds is affected • Unable to pick grain due to chattering • Growth reduction 8/25/2022 Bees can be affected if the hive is under (or close to) a power line and they receive microshocks. 33 Threshold limits • • • • • • • • Rats- 3 and 13 kV/m , 200 µT Rabbits - 100 µT Rodents - >50 kV/m Baboons- 5–15 kV /m miniature swine 30– 35 kV/m Birds- 30 kV/m Fruit flies- E> 1kV/m - 1.5 or 80 µT Honey bees – sensitive to 0.025 µT (1000–7000µT, found within 1m of the conductors, afects honey bee olfactory learning, fight, foraging activity and feeding) Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai On aquatic life Undersea power cables could interfere with the prey sensing or navigational abilities of these animals in the immediate vicinity of the sea cables. Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai EFFECTS ON PLANTS Application in agriculture • Devitalisation and control of weed seeds • Effective against soil borne pests and pathogens • In effective pollination • Food processing • Destruction of plant tumor without affecting the plant Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai EFFECTS ON PLANTS (Negative) • The growth characteristics like shoot length, root length, leaf area, leaf fresh weight, specific leaf weight, shoot/root ratio, total biomass content and total water content of the four crop plants were reduced significantly • Damage to trees is well known to occur at due to corona discharge at the tips of the leaves. • Reduced fruit yielding capacity Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Other effects of EMF Effects of ELF EMF EMF Effects on Vehicles parked near Line EMF Effects on Pipe Line /Fence/Cables 8/25/2022 38 EMF Effects Maintenance Worker 6.Standards for static electric and magnetic fields • 1994: the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) • 1994: the International Commission on NonIonizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) • 2010: ICNIRP (for limiting exposures to Electric and Magnetic fields {1Hz-100kHz}) • 2004: A draft of new occupational exposure guidelines from the European Union Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai STANDARDS FOR STATIC ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC FIELDS • American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) • International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) • Coupling mechanisms between fields and body • Conclusion from the current scientific literature • Guidelines for limiting EMF exposure • Reference levels Precautionary approaches Communication WHO recommendations Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai The standards are based on the foll. considerations. • To keep the electrical currents induced by movement through the static magnetic field to a level less than those that occur naturally in the body. • To keep the electrical currents induced in large blood vessels by blood flow to a level that will not produce hemodynamic or cardiovascular effects. Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai • The pacemaker and prosthetic device restrictions are considered • Typical tolerances provided are 10% for professionals of this field and 50% for public. Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai 7.REFERENCE LEVELS FOR OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE & GENERAL PUBLIC EXPOSURE AS PER ICNIRP (2010) Frequency range Hz Occupational Exposure General Public Exposure E- field strength E (kV m-1) Magnetic field strength H (A m-1) E- field strength E (kV m-1) Magnetic field strength H (A m-1) 1–8 20 1.63 x 105 / f2 5 3.2 x 104 / f2 8 – 25 20 2 x 104 / f 5 4 x 103 / f 25 – 300 5 x 102 / f 8 x 102 2.5 x 102 / f 1.6 x 102 300 – 3 k 5 x 102 / f 2.4 x 105 / f 2.5 x 102 / f 6.4 x 104 / f 3 k – 10 M 1.7 x 10-1 80 8.3 x 10-2 21 ICNIRP exposure guidelines European power frequency Frequency 50 Hz Mobile phone base station frequency 50 Hz 900 MHz 1.8 GHz E (V/m) B (µT) Public exposure limits 5 000 100 Power density (W/m2)) 4.5 Occupation al exposure limits 10 000 500 22.5 Microwav e oven frequency 2.45 GHz Power density (W/m2) Power density (W/m2) 9 10 45 Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Table of power density,E and time to heat 10ltr of water 100C Category Power E density W/m2 Time MW transmitter 2.4x106 30.0 kV/m 18 min IEEE safe level for human 2 27.5 V/m 5.8 hrs 100 µV/m 53X106 Years FCC level for 27X10 -12 equipment Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Typical B of household appliances at various distance 3cm distance( (µT) 6-2000 30cm distance (µT) 1m distance (µT) 0.01-7 0.01-0.03 Electric shaver 15-1500 0.08-9 0.01-0.03 Computer 0.5-30 <0.01 Electric appliance Hair dryer Microwave 73-200 4-8 oven Vacuum 200-800 2-20 cleaner Limit at 30 cm distance µT CEG, Dr.S.Usa,<100 Professor,DEEE, AU Chennai 0.25-0.6 0.13-2 WHO recommendations • More bio-effects research is needed • Need to pay careful attention to the need for careful planning and quality control of the research. • The potential environmental effects of EMF should be reviewed by independent agencies. Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai 8.Precautionary approaches • Strict adherence to existing national or international safety standards • Simple protective measures • Consultation with local authorities and the public in siting new power lines or mobile phone base stations Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai • Communication: an effective system of health information and communication among scientists, governments, industry and the public • This level of communication can help raise general awareness of programs dealing with exposure to electromagnetic fields and reduce any mistrust and fears. Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Why this Subject ? • To understand the working principle & design • To enhance & optimize the design • EMI / EMC • Invention of new applications • Protect our environment Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai CODES OF ETHICS • Engineering is a profession that makes significant contributions to the economic and social well-being of people all over the world. As members of this important profession, engineers are expected to exhibit the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai As per IEEE • To accept responsibility in making engineering decisions consistent with the safety, health, and welfare of the public, and to disclose promptly factors that might endanger the public or the environment • To avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest whenever possible, and to disclose them to affected parties when they do exist; • To be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data; • To reject bribery in all its forms; • To improve the understanding of technology, its appropriate application, and potential consequences Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai • To maintain and improve our technical competence and to undertake technological tasks for others only if qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure of pertinent limitations; • To seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of technical work, to acknowledge and correct errors, and to credit properly the contributions of others; • To treat fairly all persons regardless of such factors as race, religion, gender, disability, age, or national origin; • To avoid injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious action; • To assist colleagues and co-workers in their professional development and to support them in following this code of ethics. Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai PIONEERS OF ELECTROMAGNETICS Thales of Miletus 636-546 B.C Pioneered in electricity and magnetism William Gilbert 1540-603 A.D Recognized that earth is a huge magnet Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790 Established conservation of charge Charles A de Coulomb 1736-1806 Measured electric and magnetic forces Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Karl F Gauss 1777-1855 Divergence theorem Hans C Oersted 1777-1851 E H Michael faraday 1791-1867 H E James C Maxwell 1831-1879 Electromagnetic theory Heinrich Hertz Radio waves 1857-1894 Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Organization of EM Theory Electro statics Magneto statics Electro dynamics Maxwell’s Equations Dr.S.Usa, Professor,DEEE, CEG, AU Chennai Electro Magnetic Waves