Merric Hardhead +2 10 0 0 Halfling Lightfoot Folk Hero Chaotic Good 0 12 +2 Wild Magic 3 - Wild Magic Surge - Tides of Chaos 25ft 19 -1 8 -1 -1 2 14 3d6 2 2 2 +2 ◆ 4 14 +2 Light C.B +4 1d8+2 pier. Dagger +4 1d4+2 pier. Dagger +4 1d4 pier. 1 13 ● 3 5 1 1 +1 3 13 1 1 0 10 0 ● 0 0 0 ● 2 ◆ 5 16 +3 2 2 - Twinned Magic - Distant Spell 3 3 3 ● 5 Lightning Lure S.15ft 1 Act. STR Pulled 10ft and dealt 1d8 Lightning DMG if it's within 5ft of me Ray of Frost - Halfling Ability Score Increase (DEX) by 2 - Lucky: When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check or saving throw you can reroll the die and must use the new role - Brave: Advantage on saving throws for being frightened. - Halfling nimbleness: I can move through any creature larger than me - Lightfoot Halfling Ability Score Increase (CHA) - Naturally Stealthy: You can attempt to hide when I'm obscured by a creature larger than me. 60ft 1 Act N/A Deal 1d8 Cold DMG and reduce speed by 10ft Fire Bolt 120 ft 1 Act N/A On hit deal 1d10 Fire DMG and ignite Chaos Bolt 120ft 1 Act N/A On hit deal 2d8+1d6. The d8 determines DMG type. If both d8 are the same make the attack agaisnt another target. ● Fluent Common and Halfling - Vehicle Land ● ● ● ● ● ● 4 0 Ray of Frost 0 Lightning Lure 0 Mold Earth 0 Fire Bolt 1 Chaos Bolt 1 Shield 2 Maximillian's Earthen Grashp 2 Wither and Bloom Merric Hardhead 30 2ft9' 40 LB To be determined? Brown Slightly Tanned Brown None I always see the bright side of a situation. Excitment!: Can I steal the giants pouch? Of course I can The safety of my village is worth any sacrifice. My friendships and family are what matter most. I never settle for one slice when I can have the whole cake. (Greedy) BACKGROUND - Folk Hero; Rustic Personality WEAPONS: - Dagger; Light, Finesse, Thrown - Light C.B; Ammunition, Range 80/320, loading, two handed N/A N/A N/A Travelers Clothes N/A Crystal Ring N/A Leather Belt Leather Boots 11 - Arcane Focus; Crystal Ring - Backpack - Shovel -Iron Pot - Common Clothes - A. T; Cook's Utensils - 20 bolts, in case - A permanently warm shard of obsidian - Chain 10ft - Bedroll - Tinderbox - 10 Torches - 10 Days of Rations - Waterskin - 50 foot of Hempen Rope - Grappling Hook