1. A.) Start with a guess for the square root, x0. We can choose x0 = n/2. Compute x1 = (x0 + n/x0)/2. If x1 is close enough to x0 then we can stop and return x1 as the result. Otherwise, we can set x0 = x1 and go back to the previous step It is possible to compute the square root of a positive integer n by beginning with a guess for the square root, which is denoted by x0. We can go with x0 = n/2 as our option. After that, you compute x1 as the following: x1 = (x0 + n/x0)/2. If the distance between x1 and x0 is small enough (for instance, if the difference between them is less than 0.001), then we can call x1 the outcome. We can simply reset x0 to equal x1 and continue the process. B.) Set x0 = n/2. Set x1 = (x0 + n/x0)/2. If the difference between x1 and x0 is less than 0.001, return x1. Otherwise, set x0 = x1 and go back to step 2. Algorithm begins by making a best guess for the value of x0, which is the square root. Then, it takes the average of x0 and n/x0 to come up with a new guess called x1, which it computes. If this new guess is sufficiently similar to the one that came before it, then we will use that one as the result. If this is not the case, we will set x0 to equal x1 and continue the operation 2. A). Euclid 2 ( Mn ) algorithm data substations rather uses integer than ) Algorithm Euclid ( Mn compute god Cnn ) Input : nonnegative The greatest while it by Two output ! code ! based Euclid algorithm n do -1-0 man m return snap ← M m integers common Chin ) - n Mand n divisor of on both m divisions substations edval and n to 0 B). Euclid's definition : It is an algorithm for computing the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two integers ( numbers) , the largest number that divides them both without a reminder. board of to difficult Too algorithm Euclid 's Earnt to god ( m,n ) which The includes total to 3 . do 7- Cnet This we Prove " = ntn (1+4) n for , ? 3 to (1+1) reanimate " and the of initial moves first : it it version . maximum of subtraction is is the initial numbers pair 80km ,n ) odd is go them the on even , - one 2 should choose n± equivalent is the the written . equivalent is En ) to )n÷ is which to by only possible ,%Tmn , to prove want we is of choose second m integers two it should One where number 3. Hence • and be can go.%ca.mg to enrol is integers that prove integers generated the are generated integers at Total number to " decreasing ntn > it N Cut is . "" ) ≥ ( ntl ("÷j we 1) ¥ " ≤N first prove we dressing get that the function ( It ±) " < n statement when 4. pcn ) let the Two If If Since By the is second Ln -4 definition know as such n -11 where Tw , by not statement first we pal , pls) the itself is n -11 f-* terms , . the in . . . statement n as sequence be true , Platt ) for valid is expressed be Fibonacci Pcn ) to . can cases : ntl . . that show we 2) that assume that statement the distinct of sum we 1) he , that Fibonacci number a true is statement we Cnn , Fibonacci number a Pln -4 true is Fk ) Ln -4 - we decompose may - then , ) Fx so is done are then ntl by true into the . FKLH Fiat Ch -11 inductive hence it : - Fk the Fi - , + Fir + subscripts strong induction . an are , . -1 -11 < Fk -11 may Fk ) - Pln ) holds be , for all n ≥ . hypothesis Fim distinct . 1 , expressed