Biology 105 --- General Biology Laboratory --- ALL labs --- Spring 2021 Text: Laboratory Manual by Citrus College Biology Department 7th Ed. Week Exercise 1 (2/17-2/21) 2 (2/22-2/28) 3 (3/1-3/7) None 1 1 Topic Welcome, syllabus, introduction to Canvas site Introduction to the Metric System, Scientific Method and Graphic Analysis Introduction to the Metric System, Scientific Method and Graphic Analysis Quiz Summary - - Orientation Quiz (2/24-2/25) - - Due 3/7 4 (3/8-3/14) 2 Solubility, pH and Concentration of Solutions Ex 1 Quiz (3/10-3/11) Due 3/14 5 (3/15-3/21) 3 Biochemistry Ex 2 Quiz (3/17-3/18) Due 3/21 6 (3/22-3/28) 4 Microscopy and Cell Structure Ex 3 Quiz (3/24-3/25) Due 3/28 7 (3/29-4/4) 5 Cell Membranes: Transport of Molecules Ex 4 Quiz (3/31-4/1) Due 4/4 8 (4/5-4/11) 6 Photosynthesis Ex 5 Quiz (4/7-4/8) Due 4/11 (4/12-4/18) NONE 9 (4/19-4/25) 7 Aerobic and Anaerobic Cellular Respiration Ex 6 Quiz (4/21-4/22) Due 4/25 10 (4/26-5/2) 10 Genetics: DNA and DNA Fingerprinting Ex 7 Quiz (4/28-4/29) - 11 (5/3-5/9) 10 Genetics: DNA and DNA Fingerprinting - Due 5/9 12 (5/10-5/16) 8 Cell Division: Mitosis and Cancer Ex 10 Quiz (5/12-5/13) Due 5/16 13 (5/17-5/23) 9 Mendelian Genetics Ex 8 Quiz (5/19-5/20) Due 5/23 14 (5/24-5/30) 11 Natural Selection and Evolution Ex 9 Quiz (5/26-5/27) Due 5/30 15 (5/31-6/6) None 16 (6/7-6/13) SPRING BREAK Ex 11 Quiz (6/2-6/3) Lecture Finals (No lab activities) Biology 105 Laboratory ----- Course Policies --- All Instructors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Canvas: Course Canvas sites can be accessed at: and you will need to enter your username and password. Your Canvas site for the course will have content and a gradebook for both your lecture and lab. Because this course will be completely on-line, it is imperative that you know how to navigate the Canvas site and access/submit assignments. Please take some time at the beginning of the term to familiarize yourself with the site and email your instructor if you have any questions. Below are the main resources and assignments you will be responsible for during this laboratory class. Virtual Lab Meeting: In place of in-person lab meetings, your instructor will hold a virtual lab meeting online using Zoom for 1 hour per week during your normally scheduled lab time. You are expected to attend these meetings and they serve as a time to interact with your instructor and peers to work together on the lab, review concepts, and ask any questions you may have. Biology 105 Lab - Syllabus Lab PowerPoint Presentations/Videos: You will need to view the corresponding PowerPoint presentation video for the week’s lab exercise. These presentations include the necessary images, data, explanations and additional resources to explain the lab exercises. You will use these PPT presentations along with your lab manual to answer the lab summary sheet for each exercise. Lab Exercise Summaries: Summary sheets for the assigned exercises will be posted Monday at 12 am and are due Sunday at 11:59pm of that week. Summaries will be graded for correctness and the summary keys for the week will be available immediately after the summaries are due and will remain posted until Wednesday 12am of the following week. At the end of the term your lowest summary score will be dropped. Lab Quizzes: The schedule of quizzes is listed on the course outline for the semester. The first quiz is an orientation quiz worth 10 points to familiarize you with the Canvas format and to make sure you understand the syllabus and course expectations. The orientation quiz will be available for one week to take in one attempt with unlimited time. Each quiz on a lab exercise is worth 15 points. If a quiz is scheduled, it will be available Wednesday 12 am and will be due Thursday at 11:59pm. You will have one attempt to take the quiz and a time limit of 20 minutes. Although the assessments are open-resources, it is highly advised that you study and prepare for each assessment in order to complete it in the allotted amount of time. Quizzes will cover both the material covered in the previous lab. Viewing the summary keys on Canvas will be a good resource for preparing for these quizzes. Quizzes may include multiple-choice, fill-in, true-false, and/or short answer questions. At the end of the semester your lowest quiz score will be dropped. Equipment/Supplies needed: You will need a calculator and a ruler for some of the labs. Accommodation: Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities. Students requesting this accommodation should make their needs known to the instructor during the first week of the term. Cheating and Plagiarism: Copying work or plagiarizing from web-sites to complete summary sheets or cheating on quizzes may result in your dismissal from the course, possibly a failing grade, and other actions by the college. Grading Policies and Grade Scale: You will receive one grade for BIOL 105 - your lab grade is 25% of your overall grade, with lecture comprising 75%. Breakdown of lab points and grading scale for the BIOL 105 course are shown below: Breakdown of Laboratory Points Summaries 10 (out of 11) 15 pts each Quizzes Orientation Quiz 10 pts 10 (out of 11) 15 pts each Total Points → 150 10 150 310 Contacts for the department: Biology 105 Lab Coordinator: Professor June Han ( Dean: Eric Rabitoy ( Biology 105 Lab - Syllabus Grading Scale 100-88% A 87-78% B 77-65% C 64-55% D Below 55% F