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Peer Review Feedback Form

Peer Review Feedback Form
Good writing comes from revision. One of the most valuable skills you can have in any career is the ability
to critically review your own writing as well as the writing of others. Your task is to help the author to write
a better and more readable paper. For this you need to be a good, attentive, reader. We provide you with
specific aspects of writing to assess, and questions to answer that will help you to give the author feedback
concerning particular conventions of paragraph writing.
Content and Organization
_____ / 45
1. Title (5 pts.). Your score: ……
Does the paragraph have an appropriate title? Does it effectively describe the paper?
Suggestions for improvement:
2. Topic Sentence (10 pts.) Your score: …..
Does the paragraph include a proper topic sentence?
………. No
Write the topic sentence:
Does it have a topic and a controlling idea? 1
Does the controlling idea reflect the writer’s attitude / viewpoint on the topic?
Does the topic sentence express a complete thought and manageable topic?
Comments and suggestions:
3. Supporting sentences (10 pts.) Your score: …..
Does the paragraph include supporting sentences/points to support the topic sentence? Do they reinforce the
argument, explain and expand the topic effectively?
Comments and suggestions:
4. Supporting examples (10 pts.) Your score: …..
Do the supporting sentences/points have enough examples, minor supporting points, details, etc. Are they
well-explained? Would you like more information about any supporting point for the completeness of the
Comments and suggestions:
5. Conclusion (10 pts.) Your score: …..
Read the concluding sentence. Does it summarize the main points and/or link back to the topic statement by
restating it? Does it include any new ideas?
Comments and suggestions:
Coherence and Unity ____/ 35 pts.
6. Does the paragraph discuss one main idea from beginning to end or does it include more than one main
idea? (5 pts) Your score: …..
7. Are the supporting points relevant to the topic sentence? Do the supporting details relate to supporting
points? Are there any irrelevancies? (5 pts) Your score: …..
8. Does the writer use proper and consistent pronouns throughout the paragraph? Do pronouns have clear
antecedents? (5 pts) Your score: …..
9. Is the key noun repeated when necessary? Is repetition avoided by the use of synonyms or pronouns? (5
pts) Your score: ….
10. Are transition signals used to help the reader move easily through the paragraph? Do they indicate clear
relationships between the sentences? Note any place that needs a transition or has an inappropriate or
ineffective one. Does the writer use a variety of transition signals? (10 pts.)
Your score: …..
11. Are the ideas arranged in a logical order? (5 pts) Your score: …..
Style and Writing Conventions (grammar, punctuation, and so on.) …../20 pts.
12. Writing style (10 pts.) Your score: ….
Is the writing style appropriate for you—the audience? The paragraph should be interesting to read,
provide necessary background, and be written at an appropriate level for a college student to read.
Comments and suggestions:
13. Mechanics (10 pts.) Your score: ….
Do you see any problems with grammar, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary or any other
writing conventions? The paragraph should be written in standard formal English. Mark these issues on the
paper itself and discuss suggestions with the writer.
Total Score: ____/ 100 pts.