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Writing Exercise: Eliminate Redundancies & Improve Clarity

Strategy 1 Words Exercise:
Directions: Put everything you have learned in Strategy 1 into practice. You can repeat this process on
various pieces of writing and genres.
1. Choose a piece of your writing, either a rough draft or polished of any genre, particularly prose.
Perhaps try to this process on both pieces.
2. You will "strip every sentence to its cleanest components." (William Zinnser) Use the bracket technique
to do so.
3. Review Strategy1 Technique 8.
4. Review Strategy 1 Techniques 1-7 for examples of redundancies and generalities to eliminate from
your writing.
5. Here is a brief list of features to identify and cut, correct, or replace:
Repetitive words—Review Technique 1: Cut repetitive words and phrases.
Cliches--(Google lists to identify and familiarize yourself with these). Review Technique 2:
Eliminate clichés and overused phrases.
Vague words--(Google lists of vague nouns, verbs, etc. to help you identify these). Review
Technique 3: Replace vague words with concrete substitutes.
Redundant Adverbs--Review Technique 4: Reduce adverb usage in sentences.
Redundant Adjective--Review Technique 5: Reduce adjective usage when it adds nothing
new to a noun’s meaning.
Qualifiers—(Google lists of qualifiers.) Review Technique 6: Cut words that qualify
perceptions, conditions, and situations.
Redundant “ing” verb forms—Review Technique 7: Limit the use of “ing” verbs.
6. Print a physical copy of your draft and grab a pen or pencil. Read through, perhaps one time for each two or three of these so you don’t lose focus. Put brackets around any of these kinds of phrases and any others that stand out as weak or unnecessary. 7. Remember, you are not cutting yet; you are simply putting brackets around the work. 8. Once you have bracketed words, phrases, and sentences, go back through and decide if they are necessary, based on the feedback in Strategy 1 and what works best for streamlining and clarity. What is needed? Keep it. What weights down the sentences? Cut it. What is weak? Correct or replace it. 9. Review the draft and see how it flows after your revisions. It should flow like it has received an extreme makeover. 10. Add the corrections to your electronic copy and save. 11. Keep old drafts on your computer so you can see the before and after shots, and if you need to refer to something in the older draft later. 