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Phased Array Ultrasonics Technical Procedure

Number: PA-P-022TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Figure 2: ASME Calibration Block for Non-Piping (as per FIG. T-434.2.1 of ASME Sec V Art 4)
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Number: PA-P-022TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Examination Area
7.1. Accessibility – During the actual inspection process inspection personnel will be allowed
uninterrupted access to welds.
7.2. Surface Condition
Contact Surfaces - the finished contact surface should be free from dust, weld spatter
and any roughness that would interfere with free movement of the search unit or
impair the transmission of ultrasound into the weld.
Weld Surfaces – The QC inspectors shall have visually accepted all welds prior to
Temperature – the maximum surface temperature to be scanned shall not exceed
60°C. The surface temperature shall be within +/- 14°C of the calibration block
temperature when the calibration was performed.
7.3. Identification of Weld Examination Areas
Weld identification shall be as provided by the Client/Owner.
Scan start position shall be clearly marked on the weld and pipe/plate using a paint
marker. Where applicable, this scan start position can be noted on the Phased Array
Data Report as: Top, Bottom, North, South, East or West.
Scan direction shall be clearly marked on the weld and pipe/plate using a paint
marker. Where applicable, this scan direction can be noted on the Phased Array Data
Report as: Clockwise, Counter-clockwise, Up, Down, North, South, East or West.
Equipment Calibration
8.1. Instrument Linearity Checks - Linearity Verifications are to be performed at intervals not
exceeding one year, as per Metalogic Procedure PA-CAL-001. Equipment check validity shall be
on the equipment’s log book and/or sticker.
8.2. Ultrasonic System - System calibration shall include the complete ultrasonic examination
system (PAUT instrument, Y-splitter, Probes, Cables, Extension cables and Wedges) and shall be
performed prior to use of the system in the thickness range under examination.
8.3. Calibration Surface - Calibrations shall be performed from the surface (clad or unclad; convex
or concave) corresponding to the surface of the component from which the examination will be
performed. The surface of the calibration block shall be in the same condition as the part to be
examined (Eg. bare, painted, linished, etc).
8.4. Temperature - The temperature of the calibration block must be within +/- 14°C of the
component(s) to be examined.
8.5. Couplant - The same couplant to be used during the examination shall be used for calibration.
8.6. Contact Wedges - The same contact wedges to be used during the examination shall be used
for calibration.
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Number: PA-P-022TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
8.7. Instrument Controls - Any control which affects instrument linearity (e.g., Rx filters, Tx Voltage,
Averaging, reject, or clipping) shall be in the same position for calibration, calibration checks,
instrument linearity checks, and examination.
8.8. Focal Laws - The focal laws to be used during examinations shall be used for calibration.
8.9. Lamination Scan Time Base Calibration
Place the transducer on the tank wall plate so that reflections from the first backwall
and second backwall signals are peaked and observed simultaneously on the A-scan
Using gates and the ^DA readouts on the PAUT instrument, measure the distance
between the first and second backwall response signals. This result shall be + 5% of
the actual wall thickness of the calibration block as measured with a calliper.
If the measured separation between the signals is too large (greater than 5%),
decrease the Material Longitudinal Velocity parameter. Similarly, if the measured
distance is too short (less than 5%), increase the velocity value. Repeat adjustment
until an acceptable value is achieved.
With the transducer remaining in the peaked position, measure the metal path of the
second backwall reflector using a cursor in the A-scan Display.
The value should measure to be +/- 2% double the actual wall thickness. If this
measurement is less than 2% of double the wall thickness, increase the value of the
Wedge Delay (in the UT Settings/General Menu) parameter until the measurement is
correct. If this value is greater than 2% of double the wall thickness, decrease the
Delay parameter until the measurement is correct. If a delay adjustment exceeding
2.0us is required, wedge parameters (height) shall be adjusted to ensure that the
delay value does not exceed 2.0us.
8.10. Lamination Scan Sensitivity Calibration
Set the second back wall indication to 80% of full screen height (FSH) on a section of
the pipe to be tested that is free from laminations. Once obtained, the signal to noise
ratio shall be greater than 12Db.
8.11. Parallel and Perpendicular Scans Time Base Calibration
Sectoral scans shall use the default “Steel” velocity setting as well as “0” wedge delay.
It shall be verified that the ID and OD notches or 0.5 – 3.5T SDHs are clearly visible on
all beams within the Sectoral scan regardless of depth.
The angle beam time base calibration shall be performed using the start and stop
angle of the sectorial scan (as per the scan plans), as well as the natural refracted
angle of the wedge being used. By verifying that these three angles have valid time
base calibrations, it is proven that all angles have valid time base calibrations.
At each of the three angles, the reference reflector must be at its maximum amplitude
peak at the correct depth, and index offset to the wedge reference.
If, at any angle, the reference reflector appears at the incorrect depth (within 10% of
the actual calibration block wall thickness) or index offset on the S-scan (within 1mm
of surface distance), the setup parameters must be checked.
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Number: PA-P-022TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
If all setup parameters are correct, changes must be made to the wedge parameters
(due to manufacturing tolerances the wedge parameters are not always correct for
each and every wedge manufactured and used) or the carbide pin positions.
The angle beam time base calibration can be considered valid when the reference
reflector appears at the correct depth (within 10% of the actual calibration block wall
thickness) and index offset (within 1mm of surface distance) at each of the three
angles within the S-scan.
Separate calibrations shall be established for both axial and circumferential
8.12. Parallel and Perpendicular Scans Sensitivity (TCG) Calibration
An automated TCG (Time Corrected Gain) shall be performed on the acquisition unit.
The sensitivity calibration function (ACG – Angle Corrected Gain) on the acquisition
unit shall be utilized prior to creating the TCG.
The TCG shall be set to a reference level of 80% full screen height, with a tolerance of
+/- 5% FSH. This is the primary reference level. Once obtained, the signal to noise
ratio shall be greater than 12Db.
The first point shall be the ID circumferential notch or 0.5T SDH on the first leg (probe
position A in Figure 2 below), the second point shall be the OD circumferential notch
on the second leg or 1.5T SDH (probe position B in Figure 2 below), and the third point
shall be the ID circumferential notch on the third leg or 2.5T SDH (probe position C in
Error! Reference source not found. 4 below). When calibrating using SDHs, a 4th point
at 3.5T shall also be established (probe position D in Figure 2 below). It may be
necessary to establish a TCG point at 2T prior to the other points due to the focal
point typically being closer to this depth.
When complete, the TCG must encompass the entire area of interest. (1 – 3T for
calibrations using Notches, 0.5 - 3.5T for calibrations using SDHs)
Refer to the acquisition unit user’s manual for detailed instructions in building a TCG.
Separate calibrations shall be established for both axial and circumferential
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Number: PA-P-022TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Figure 2: TCG Calibration Points
8.13. Encoder Calibration – All setups
The encoder shall be calibrated to within (+/-) 1% on a 500mm scan length.
The encoder shall be calibrated at intervals not exceeding one month or prior to first
use thereafter.
Refer to the PAUT instrument user’s manual for detailed instructions in calibrating
the encoder.
8.14. The completed calibrations shall be saved to an electronic setup file; however, the time base
and sensitivity calibrations must be verified whenever the setup file is opened.
8.15. Setup files shall be named as per the following:
For Perpendicular setup files ÆPipe Diameter-NWT-Offset-SearchUnit.ops (i.e.
For Parallel setup files ÆTank-NWT-Skew(ProbeDirection)-SearchUnit.ops (i.e. Tank9.5MM-180SKW-10L32.ops)
For Lamination setup files Æ NWT-Lam-SearchUnit.ops (i.e. 0.8IN-LAM-5L54.ops)
8.16. System Calibration Changes – When any part of the examination system is changed (e.g., Wear
Pin adjustment, probe re coupling / tightening, technician change, power source change etc.),
a calibration check shall be made on the calibration block to verify that distance range points
and sensitivity settings satisfy the requirements of 8.16.1 and 8.16.2 below.
Distance Range Points - If any distance range point has moved on the sweep line by
more than 10% (+/-) of the distance reading or 5% (+/-) of the full sweep, whichever
is greater, correct the distance range calibration and note the correction in the
examination record. All recorded indications since the last valid calibration or
calibration check shall be re-examined and their values shall be changed on the
reports or rerecorded.
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Number: PA-P-022TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Sensitivity Settings - If any sensitivity setting has changed by more than 20% or 2 dB
of its amplitude, correct the sensitivity calibration and note the correction in the
examination record. If the sensitivity setting has decreased, all reports since the last
calibration check shall be marked void and the area covered by the voided reports be
re-examined. If the sensitivity setting has increased, all recorded indications since the
last valid calibration or calibration check shall be re-examined and their values
changed on the reports or rerecorded.
8.17. System and Calibration Checks – A system and calibration check on at least one of the reflectors
in the calibration block shall be performed at the completion of each examination or series of
similar examinations, and when examination personnel are changed. The encoder, distance
range and sensitivity values shall satisfy the requirements of 8.13.1, 8.16.1 and 8.16.2.
8.18. Wedge inspection - It is important to visually inspect the wedges for uneven wear or rough or
deep gouges/scratches on the bottom surface of the wedge. Wedges with scratches or gouges
shall be dispositioned as per the technician’s expertise. This may include light sanding or
discarding of the wedge. Excessive or uneven wear of the wedge face is determined during the
time base calibration.
Inspection Procedure
9.1. Surface Preparation - When the base material or weld surface interferes with the examination,
the base material or weld shall be prepared as needed to permit the examination as per Para.
9.2. Measure and record on the report the average weld cap width using a ruler.
9.3. Measure and record on the report the pipe thickness on both sides of the weld.
9.4. Straight Beam (Lamination Scan) Examination.
The initial straight beam material examination of the complete area of base metal
that shear waves pass through shall be examined for laminations, (T-434.1.3, T-471.1
and T-483 of Section V, Article 4). It shall be performed only in cases where the Client
requests it due to the lamination scan not being performed as part of the pipe
manufacturing process. If a lamination scan is specifically requested to be performed
by the Client, see 9.4.2 through 9.4.7.
Scanning shall be performed at 6 dB above the reference level used to create
sensitivity. When indications from laminations are detected, scanning shall also be
performed at reference dB.
Each pass of the search unit must overlap a minimum of 10% of the probe aperture
dimensions perpendicular to the direction of scanning.
A loss of the second backwall reflection (a loss of backwall shall be defined as when
the backwall signal is less than 10% in FSH at reference level) shall represent a
lamination that must be noted on the Phased Array Data Report. The laminations
location, length, width, and depth shall be noted on the Phased Array Data Report.
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Number: PA-P-022TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Sizing of lamination extents (width and length) shall be performed using the 6 dB drop
Lamination scan encoding is required when indications are detected.
9.5. Perpendicular Scan Examination (see Figure 3)
Supplemental TOFD examination is required where configuration permits as per
inspection procedure Addendum TFD-ADD-001-TMEP.
Scanning shall be performed at minimum of 6dB higher than reference level set
during the TCG calibration and as demonstrated.
The scanner as described in 6.5 shall be used to ensure the probe travels in a straight
line along the weld as shown in Figure 3.
An encoder must always be used to record all A-scan data from all perpendicular
Center the search unit at the starting position of the scan, with the search unit
directing sound essentially perpendicular to the weld axis.
The front of the search unit shall be positioned at the offset distance from the weld
centerline, as defined in the Scan Plans.
Scan the complete length of the weld, as well as an additional 25 mm of overlap past
the scan start and end positions where possible.
Data files must not have data dropout that exceeds 2 data lines per 25 mm or any
adjacent data dropout lines.
Save the data file as per the weld ID and scan type.
Calibration must be checked periodically as stated in 8.17 - calibration requirements.
If any deviations from the last acceptable calibration are noted, all welds examined
after the last acceptable calibration shall be re-examined.
Figure 3: Perpendicular Scan
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Number: PA-P-022TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
9.6. Parallel Scan Examination
Scanning shall be performed at minimum of 6dB higher than reference level set
during the TCG calibration and as demonstrated.
Parallel scans are to be performed manually (not encoded), and any indication
interpreted to be a flaw shall be rejected and repaired, regardless of flaw location,
type, or size.
If the weld cap has been ground smooth, the angle beam shall be directed essentially
parallel to the weld as shown in Figure 4(2 scans) at 0 and 180 skews.
If the weld cap has not been ground smooth, the angle beam shall be directed 0 o –
60o with respect to the weld axis, as shown in Figure 5 (4 scans).
Scan the complete circumference of the weld with the search units in all of the
orientations as shown in Figure 4 or Figure 5.
Calibration must be checked periodically as stated in the calibration requirements. If
any deviations from the last acceptable calibration are noted, all welds examined
after the last acceptable calibration shall be re-examined.
Figure 4: Parallel Scan if Weld Cap Ground Smooth Figure 5: : Parallel Scan if Weld Cap Left As-Welded
Figure 6: Raster / Skewed Scans at Weld Junctions
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Number: PA-P-022TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
9.7. Weld Junctions - Vertical and Horizontal weld intersections shall be manually Raster / Skewed
scanned as shown in Figure 6.
9.8. Coupling verification
For each Phased Array transducer utilized during inspection, a straight beam group
shall be fired from the center of the transducer to verify coupling by recording the
presence of the back wall.
The group shall consist of no more than 10 elements pulsed to create a zero degree
beam within the parent material with a focus point of 1.5wt to 3wt.
Reference should be set @ 80% FSH with an additional 6dB on the second Back wall.
Reference shall be set at the 6 O’clock position.
More dB may be added to accommodate for surface condition variance,
providing the signal does not become saturated at any point of the scan.
An alarm shall be set to constantly monitor the percentage of the back wall reflector
and trigger when the signal is below 20%FSH.
9.9. Interpretation of Results
The location, amplitude, and extent of reflectors that produce a response greater
than 20% of the TCG reference level shall be investigated to determine whether the
indication originates from a flaw or is a geometric indication in accordance with
Paragraph 9.8. PAUT interpretation shall be supplemented with TOFD whenever
When a reflector is found, it shall be characterized and sized as per Paragraph 9.10,
9.11, 9.12 and evaluated for acceptance in accordance with Paragraph 11.
9.10. Geometric Indications
The following steps may be taken to classify an indication as geometric:
x Interpret the area containing the reflector in accordance with the applicable
examination procedure
Plot and verify the reflector coordinates within the sectorial/linear scan showing
the reflector position and surface discontinuities such as root.
Review fabrication or weld preparation drawings. Other ultrasonic techniques or
non-destructive examination methods may be helpful in determining a reflector’s
true position, size, and orientation.
The identity, maximum amplitude, location, and extent of reflector causing
geometric indications, other than cap or root reflections, shall be recorded.
Indications that are determined to originate from the surface configurations or
variations in metallurgical structure of materials may be classified as geometric
indications, and
x Need not be characterized or sized in accordance with Paragraph 9.9
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Phased Array Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Need not be compared to allowable flaw acceptance criteria in Paragraph 11
Shall be recorded as part of the data file
9.11. Flaw Sizing - The dimensions of the flaw shall be determined by the rectangle that fully contains
the area of the flaw. Saturated Signals (greater than 200% (Omniscan) or 400% Topaz)) shall be
recorded at 80% FSH and the gain difference recorded. Interpretation shall be supplemented
by TOFD examination wherever used.
Flaw Length
The flaw length shall be drawn parallel to the inside pressure retaining surface of
the component.
The flaw length extents shall be determined by using the 6dB drop method.
The flaw length shall be measured “live” with the encoder position, or performed
on the C-scan on a saved data file.
Flaw Height
Flaws characterized as cracks or volumetric, Tip sizing may be employed.
For all other type of flaws, the flaw height extents shall be determined by
using the 6dB drop method.
The flaw height shall be measured on the sectorial scan at position in
which the flaw is the largest.
Flaw Depth
The flaw depth is the distance from the OD surface of the component to
the bottom of the flaw, as measured in Paragraph 9.10.2.
9.12. Flaw Type
Indications shall be classified either “Surface” or “Sub Surface” (See Figure 6 for
classification of surface and subsurface indications)
Surface Flaws:
A flaw shall be classified as a Surface Flaw if half the height of the flaw is
equal to or greater than the distance between the flaw, and the nearest
surface (S≤0.5h).
Table 1 criteria applies to Surface flaws.
Acceptable Surface flaws shall be additionally examined with MT or PT to
determine if they break the surface. Flaws determined to break the surface
shall be rejectable regardless of length.
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Number: PA-P-022TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Subsurface Flaws:
Flaw length (l) shall not exceed 4t
Table 2 criteria applies to Sub Surface flaws.
9.13. Multiple Flaws
Discontinuous flaws that are oriented primarily in parallel planes shall be considered
to lie in a single plane if the distance between the adjacent planes is the lesser of:
equal to or less than 13mm (0.5 in.) or ½ Tw.
If the space between two flaws aligned along the axis of weld is less than the length
of the longer of the two, the two flaws shall be considered a single flaw.
If the space between two flaws aligned in the through-thickness dimension is less
than the height of the flaw of greater height, the two flaws shall be considered a single
Figure 7: Classification of Surface and Subsurface Indications
10.1. All A-scan data shall be recorded for the area of interest in an unprocessed form with no thresh
10.2. Data copies of the scan files of each weld are to be uniquely identified, saved, and stored.
Storage media for scanning data and viewing software shall be capable of securely storing and
retrieving data for the time period specified by the client or code.
10.3. Data shall be stored in at least 2 separate locations, to ensure data is not lost.
10.4. Only rejectable flaws are to be reported, unless otherwise requested by the Client.
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Number: PA-P-022TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Acceptance Criteria
11.1. Surface Connected planar flaws are rejectable regardless of length or height.
11.2. If the flaw size exceeds the value in the appropriate row / column in figure 9, the flaw is
Figure 8: Flaw Acceptance Criteria
Thickness at Weld (t) (1)
10 (0.375) to <13 (0.50)
13 (0.50) to <19 (0.75)
19 (0.75) to <25 (1.0)
25 (1.0) to <32 (1.25)
32 (1.25) < 38 (1.50)
38 (1.50) to < 44 (1.75)
For Surface Flaw (2)
For Subsurface Flaw
With Height, (h) mm (in.)
With Height, (h) mm (in.)
2 (0.08)
2.5 (0.10)
3 (0.12)
2 (0.08)
3 (0.12)
4 (0.16)
5 (0.2)
5 (0.20)
8 (0.30)
6 (0.24)
Disposition Instructions
12.1. All rejectable indications shall be clearly marked on the weld as a minimum.
12.2. Post-examination cleaning technique - When post-examination cleaning is required, it should
be conducted as soon as practical after evaluation and using a process that does not adversely
affect the part.
12.3. All reports are to be submitted daily
12.4. If the technician, for whatever reason, is unable to comply with the requirements of this
procedure, guidance shall be sought from the Technical Services Group. Any agreed deviations
from this procedure shall be documented for the inspection records.
12.5. The final data package should be turned over at the end of the project.
Reporting Criteria
13.1. Report Form PA-F-010 or PA-F-012 shall be used.
13.2. Weld identifications on the report shall match the scanned data file name.
13.3. Any deviations from the procedure shall be noted on the report
13.4. Any limitations of the examination shall be noted on the report
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Number: PA-P-022TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Appendix A
Report Form PA-F-010
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Phased Array Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Report Form PA-F-012
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Number: PT-ADD-102TMEP
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Addenda Procedure
Date d/m/y
Written By
Reviewed By
Approved By
Elia Damis
Elia Damis
Steve LaPointe
David Smith
Elia Damis
Amendments made to Section 2addition of TMEP specifications, CSA
Z662 and CGSB, Section 2.2 header
changed to “Reference Publications”,
Section 6 – reference to comply with
procedure qualification, Sections 7, 8, 9,
10 and 11- Reference to applicable
Initial Release
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Number: PT-ADD-102TMEP
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Addenda Procedure
List of Contents
Scope ................................................................................................................................................ - 4 Procedures and other Documents ..................................................................................................... - 4 Qualifications of Personnel .............................................................................................................. - 4 Safety ............................................................................................................................................... - 4 Equipment and Materials ................................................................................................................. - 5 Method of Liquid Penetrant Examination ........................................................................................ - 5 Interpretation .................................................................................................................................... - 6 Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................ - 6 Disposition Instructions ................................................................................................................... - 6 Records ............................................................................................................................................ - 7 Reporting.......................................................................................................................................... - 7 -
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Number: PT-ADD-102TMEP
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Addenda Procedure
This Addendum allows for the use of high temperature products for Liquid Penetrant Inspection
(LPI) only in accordance with Metalogic Inspection Services (MIS) procedure PT-P-005 (Current
In case of differing information and descriptions, this addenda procedure will supersede the
general magnetic particle inspection procedure.
This addendum covers the inspection of surface temperature between 50 °C (120 °F) and 121
°C (250 °F)
Procedures and other Documents
Metalogic Inspection Services Documents
Liquid Penetrant Examination – Combined Methods
Reference Publications
ASME B31.3
ASTM E 709
CSA Z 662
TMEP MP-3903
CGSB 48.9712
ASME Code for Pressure Piping (Process Piping)
Non-destructive Examination (Article 6)
ASME Code for Welding Qualifications
Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing
Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems
Personnel Qualification & Certification in NDT
Welded steel construction (metal arc welding)
Non-Destructive Testing Specification
Certification of Non-destructive Personnel
The latest edition or revision shall apply for all reference documents and Procedures.
Qualifications of Personnel
As per PT-P-005-TMEP Liquid Penetrant Examination- Combined Methods.
All applicable safety precautions as described in Metalogic Inspection Services Health, Safety
and Environment Manual shall be adhered to.
All client and/or Project specific safety requirements shall be followed.
Additional safety measure shall be observed and followed for the control of aerosol release
around high temperature surfaces.
The surface temperature shall be checked and monitored through out the duration
of testing.
No testing shall be completed within 25ft of open flame or grinding.
Heat and Flame-retardant gloves are required to be worn.
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Number: PT-ADD-102TMEP
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Addenda Procedure
Flame-retardant coveralls are required.
Face shields are required for surface temperatures above 100 oC.
A fire watch shall be present with a suitable fire extinguisher.
Equipment and Materials
Light meter: As per refenced procedure.
Penetrants: as per Table 1
Table 1: Materials with combinations to be used.
Solvent Removable
Visible Penetrant,
Sherwin Double Check Penetrant KO-17
Sherwin Double Check Developer D-350
Sherwin Double Check Cleaner / Remover KO-19
Water Washable
Visible Penetrant,
Sherwin Double Check Penetrant KO-17
Sherwin Double Check Developer D-350
Method of Liquid Penetrant Examination
Temperature: The temperature of the test surface shall be between 50 °C (120 °F) and 121 °C
(250 °F) throughout the examination.
Where it is not practical to comply with the temperature limitations given above, other
temperatures and times may be used provided the procedures are qualified as specified in
ASME/BPVC SEC V Paragraph T-653.
Penetrant cans shall be kept at a temperature under 50 °C (120 °F) at all times.
Surface Preparation: As per refenced procedure.
Penetrant Application
After the part or relevant area has been cleaned, dried, and is within the specified
temperature range, the penetrant is applied to the surface to be examined so that
the entire part or area is completely covered with penetrant. The penetrant may be
applied by spraying.
The penetrant dwell time will fluctuate based on the temperature. Table 2 shall be
used as a minimum guide at each temperature range.
Table 2: Minimum Dwell Times
50 oC to 70 oC
71 oC to 80 oC
81 oC to 90 oC
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Minimum Dwell Time
8 Minutes
5 Minutes
4 Minutes
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Liquid Penetrant Testing
Addenda Procedure
91 oC to 100 oC
101 oC to 121 oC
3 Minutes
2 Minutes
To prevent the penetrant from becoming dry or tacky, it may be necessary to reapply
penetrant during the specified dwell time. If it should become dry or tacky, the
examination shall be considered invalid; the area must be completely cleaned and
examination process re-initiated.
Excess Penetrant Removal
After the specified dwell time has elapsed, any penetrant remaining on the surface
shall be removed. Care must be taken to minimize removal of penetrant from
discontinuities. Excess solvent removable penetrant shall be removed by wiping with a
clean lint free material, repeating the operation until most traces of
penetrant have been removed. The remaining traces shall be removed by lightly wiping the surface with
lint free material moistened with KO-19 solvent or water.
The surface shall be dry before the application of developer. But shall not be left for
extended periods of time before applying the developer.
The developer shall be applied as soon as possible after excessive penetrant removal;
the time interval shall not exceed 1 minute.
The developer shall be applied in such a manner to ensure complete part coverage,
with a thin, even film. The amount of developer applied is critical to the
interpretation of the discontinuity. Insufficient developer may not draw the
penetrant out of discontinuities; conversely, excessive developer may mask
indications. Wet Non aqueous Developer Application: A wet nonaqueous developer
shall be applied only to a dry surface by spraying. Drying shall be by normal
evaporation only.
As per PT-P-005-TMEP Liquid Penetrant Examination- Combined Methods.
As per PT-P-005-TMEP Liquid Penetrant Examination- Combined Methods.
Disposition Instructions
As per PT-P-005-TMEP Liquid Penetrant Examination- Combined Methods.
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Number: PT-ADD-102TMEP
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Addenda Procedure
As per PT-P-005-TMEP Liquid Penetrant Examination- Combined Methods.
As per PT-P-005-TMEP Liquid Penetrant Examination- Combined Methods.
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Number: PT-P-005TMEP
Technical Procedure
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Written By
Reviewed By
Approved By
Elia Damis
Elia Damis
David Smith
David Smith
Elia Damis
Amendments made
to Section 4 –
Addition of CGSB,
CSA Z662 and Note,
Section 6.1.2 –
removed “for work
in Canada”, Section
8.3.2 – reference to
8.5.3 of MP3903,
Section 9.1 –
Initial Release
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Technical Procedure
Number: PT-P-005TMEP
Liquid Penetrant Testing
List of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Principle ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Reference Publications ........................................................................................................................ 4
Safety................................................................................................................................................... 4
Qualifications of Personnel ................................................................................................................. 5
Equipment and Materials .................................................................................................................... 5
Method of Liquid Penetrant Examination ........................................................................................... 6
Interpretation ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Evaluation ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Disposition Instructions....................................................................................................................... 9
Records .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Reporting ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Appendix I .................................................................................................................................................. 11
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Technical Procedure
Number: PT-P-005TMEP
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Liquid Penetrant Examination is utilized for the detection of discontinuities open to the surface in
metals and other materials. Typical discontinuities detectable by the method are cracks, seams, laps,
cold shuts, laminations, and porosity. When required, this procedure shall be demonstrated or qualified
(or be accompanied by evidence of previous demonstration or qualification).
This procedure details the examination techniques to be utilized for visible, fluorescent, solvent
removable and water washable liquid penetrant examinations. It does not indicate or suggest criteria
for evaluation of the indications obtained. A separate code, standard or specification shall define the
type, size, location and direction of indications considered acceptable, and those considered
A liquid penetrant is applied to the surface to be examined and allowed to enter discontinuities. All
excess penetrant is then removed, the part dried, and a developer applied. The developer functions as
a blotter to absorb penetrant that is trapped in discontinuities, and acts as a contrasting background to
enhance the visibility of penetrant indication. The dyes in penetrants are either color contrast (visible
under white light) or fluorescent (visible under ultraviolet light).
Reference Publications
ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section V, Article 6
Metalogic Inspection Services SNT TC-1A Written Practice
Non-destructive Testing Specification TMEP-MP3903
CSA Z662 Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems
CGSB 48.9712 Certification of Non Destructive Personnel
CSA W59 Welded Steel construction (metal arc welding)
NOTE: The latest edition or revision shall apply for all reference documents and Procedures
All applicable safety precautions as described in Metalogic Inspection Services Health, Safety and
Environment Manual shall be adhered to.
All client and/or Project specific safety requirements shall be followed.
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Technical Procedure
Number: PT-P-005TMEP
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Qualifications of Personnel
Any personnel performing liquid penetrant examination (including calibration and interpretation)
in accordance with this procedure shall meet the following minimum qualification requirements:
SNT-TC-1A Level II or III PT (in accordance with the Metalogic Inspection Services Written
Personnel shall also have a CAN/CGSB 48.9712 PT Level 2 or 3 certification.
Equipment and Materials
Liquid penetrant examination methods and types are classified as shown in Table 1. The preferred
method should utilize color contrast (visible) non-fluorescent solvent removeable or water washable
Table 1: Classification of penetrant examination types and methods
Light Meter: Light meters, both visible and fluorescent (black) light meters, shall be calibrated at
least once a year or whenever the meter has been repaired. If meters have not been in use for one
year or more, calibration shall be done before being used.
Penetrant materials and cleaning agents used on nickel base alloys, austenitic stainless steels and
titanium shall not contain sulfur, chlorine and fluorine content exceeding the limit as permitted in
Article 6 of ASME Section V Mandatory Appendix II. Test results for each numbered batch shall be
certified and records maintained.
The following penetrant materials shall be used only in the combinations shown which are in
accordance with penetrant manufacturer’s recommendations. The penetrant and developer used
in a given examinations shall always be from the same manufacturer (family concept).
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Technical Procedure
Number: PT-P-005TMEP
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Table 2: Materials with combinations to be used
Solvent Removable
Visible Penetrant,
Visible Penetrant,
Ardrox Penetrant 906
or P6R
Ardrox Cleaner 9PR50
or PR1
Ardrox Penetrant 906
or 96R
Penetrant ZL-67
Developer SKDS2
Magnaflux Penetrant
Magnaflux Penetrant
Cleaner SKC-S
Magnaflux Developer
Magnaflux Penetrant
Developer SKD-S2
Method of Liquid Penetrant Examination
Temperature: The temperature of the test surface and penetrant shall be between 10°C (50 °F) and
52 °C (125 °F) throughout the examination unless the procedure has been qualified in accordance
with ASME Section V, Article 6, Mandatory Appendix III, for a range of non-standard temperatures.
For examinations conducted on surfaces within 5°C (40°F) - 10°C(50°F) the dwell time as
stated in para 8.3.2 shall be doubled and the application shall meet para 8.3.3.
Surface Preparation
The examination area and all areas adjacent to the examination area (within 25.4mm),
shall be clean, dry and free of contaminants such as water, dirt, oil, grease, loose rust,
loose mill sand, loose mill scale, lint, thick paint, welding flux/slag, loose blistering,
flaking, peeling coating, weld spatter or any other masking material shall be removed.
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Technical Procedure
Number: PT-P-005TMEP
Liquid Penetrant Testing
The surfaces to be examined may be prepared by grinding or any other mechanical
means, only to the degree necessary to be removing surface irregularities that can
otherwise mask relevant indications.
Shot, sand or grit blasting treatment of the surfaces is not recommended, due to the
possibility of peening the surface and therefore masking discontinuities.
Typical cleaning agents which may be used are detergents, organic solvents, descaling
solutions and paint removers. Degreasing and ultrasonic cleaning methods may also be
Drying of the surfaces to be examined shall be accomplished by wiping the excess
cleaning solvent from the examining part with a clean, dry, lint free cloth and allowing at
least two minutes for normal evaporation. It may be necessary to extend this twominute drying period when performing the examination in stagnant air having a high
humidity. The examination surface must be completely dry before the penetrant is
Penetrant Application
After the part or relevant area has been cleaned, dried, and is within the specified
temperature range, the penetrant is applied to the surface to be examined so that the
entire part or area is completely covered with penetrant. The penetrant may be applied
by spraying, brushing or dipping.
The minimum penetrant dwell time shall be 10 minute for part temperatures between
10 and 51 degrees Celsius and the maximum dwell time shall not exceed 2hr unless
demonstrated for specific applications. An increase in dwell time to 20 minutes is required for part temperatures
between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius.
A dwell time of less than 10 minutes may be used as required when
demonstrated or qualified for specific applications.
To prevent the penetrant from becoming dry or tacky, it may be necessary to reapply
penetrant during the specified dwell time. If it should become dry or tacky, the
examination shall be considered invalid; the area must be completely cleaned and
examination process re-initiated.
Excess Penetrant Removal
After the specified dwell time has elapsed, any penetrant remaining on the surface shall
be removed. Care must be taken to minimize removal of penetrant from discontinuities. Excess solvent removable penetrant shall be removed by wiping with a clean
lint free material, repeating the operation until most traces of penetrant have
been removed. The remaining traces shall be removed by lightly wiping the
surface with lint free material moistened with solvent. To minimize removal of
penetrant from discontinuities, care shall be taken to avoid the use of
excessive solvent. Flushing the surface with solvent, following the application
of the penetrant and prior to developing, is prohibited.
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Technical Procedure
Number: PT-P-005TMEP
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Excess water-washable penetrant shall be removed with a gentle water spray.
Care shall be taken to minimize removal of penetrant from discontinuities. The
water pressure shall not exceed 50 psi (350 kPa) and the water temperature
shall not exceed 43°C (110 °F).
The surface shall be dry before the application of developer.
For the water washable technique, the surfaces may be dried by blotting with clean
materials or by using circulating air, provided the temperature of the surface is not raised
above 52qC (125qF).
The developer shall be applied as soon as possible after exsesive penetrant removal; the
time interval shall not exceed 5 minutes.
The developer shall be applied in such a manner to ensure complete part coverage, with
a thin, even film. The amount of developer applied is critical to the interpretation of the
discontinuity. Insufficient developer may not draw the penetrant out of discontinuities;
conversely, excessive developer may mask indications.
With color contrast penetrants, only a wet developer shall be used. Wet Aqueous Developer Application: A wet aqueous developer may be applied
to either a wet or dry surface. It shall be applied by dipping, brushing, spraying,
or other means, provided a thin coating is obtained over the entire surface
being examined. Drying time may be decreased by using warm air, provided
the surface temperature of the part is not raised above 52qC (125qF). Blotting
is not permitted. Wet Nonaqueous Developer Application: A wet nonaqueous developer shall be
applied only to a dry surface. It shall applied by spraying except where safety
or restricted access precludes it. Under such conditions, developer may be
applied by brushing. Drying shall be by normal evaporation only.
With fluorescent penetrants, a wet or dry developer may be used. Dry Developer Application: Dry developer shall be applied only to a dry surface
by a soft brush, hand powder bulb, powder gun, or other means, provided the
powders dusted evenly over the entire surface being examined.
The examination area shall be closely observed following the application of the developer to
monitor the bleed-out of indications. Final interpretation shall be made after allowing the
penetrant to bleed out for not less than 10 minutes nor more than 60 minutes after the developer
coating has dried.
An interpretation time more than that stated in Para 9.1 may be used as required when
demonstrated or qualified for specific applications.
For Fluorescent penetrants, The inspectors shall be in the darkened area for at least 5 minutes prior
to performing the examination to enable their eyes to adapt to dark viewing. The use of
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Technical Procedure
Number: PT-P-005TMEP
Liquid Penetrant Testing
photosensitive lenses in glasses is strictly prohibited. The intensity of ambient visible light in the
darkened area where fluorescent examination is performed shall not exceed 2 foot-candles (20
The blacklight shall be allowed to warm up for a minimum of 5 minutes prior to use or
the verification of blacklight intensity.
Black lights shall achieve a minimum of 1000 PW/cm² on the surface of the part being
examined throughout the examination.
Reflectors and filters shall be checked and, if necessary, cleaned prior to use. Cracked or
broken filters shall be replaced immediately.
The black light intensity shall be measured with a black light meter prior to use, whenever
the lights power source is interrupted or changed, and at the completion of the
examination or series of examinations.
For Visible Penetrants, Adequate illumination is required to ensure no loss of sensitivity of the
examination and evaluation of indications. A minimum of 100 fc (1000 Lx) at the examination
surface is required. Artificial light may consist of a flashlight, 60 watt light bulbs, and/or halogen
lights, provided the minimum light at the surface of the component under examination be 100 fc.
This demonstration shall be recorded and documented at least one time.
All indications shall be evaluated in terms of the acceptance criteria of the referencing code,
standard or specification.
Discontinuities at the surface will be indicated by bleed-out of penetrant; however, localized
surface irregularities due to machining marks or other surface conditions may produce false or nonrelevant indications.
Broad areas of fluorescence or pigmentation, which could mask indication or discontinuities, are
unacceptable, and such areas shall be cleaned and re-examined.
Technique restriction: Florescent penetrant examination shall not follow a color contrast
penetrant examination of the same area.
Technique Limitation: A retest with water washable penetrants may cause loss of
marginal indications due to contamination
Once the examination has been completed, if required the examined object or area shall be
cleaned and dried as soon as reasonably possible.
Disposition Instructions
All rejectable indications shall be clearly marked on the weld as a minimum.
Post-examination cleaning technique - When post-examination cleaning is required, it should be
conducted as soon as practical after evaluation and using a process that does not adversely affect
the part.
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Technical Procedure
Number: PT-P-005TMEP
Liquid Penetrant Testing
All reports are to be submitted daily
If the technician, for whatever reason, is unable to comply with the requirements of this procedure,
guidance shall be sought from the Technical Services Group. Any agreed deviations from this
procedure shall be documented for the inspection records.
Non-rejectable indications shall be recorded as specified by the referencing code section.
Rejectable indications shall be recorded. As a minimum, the type of indication (linear or rounded),
location and extent (length or diameter or aligned) shall be recorded.
If approved and / or requested by the client, photographs of the indication can be taken to be
included in the report.
The following (at a minimum) shall be included on the examination report:
Date of examination
Unique Report Number
Station Identification
Client name and project number (if applicable)
Procedure number and revision
Code of Construction
Identification of the area(s) examined (weld/part number, material, thickness, etc.)
Materials – family, type
Liquid penetrant type –Fluorescent or Visible
Lighting equipment
Surface temperature of the part or component examined.
Interpretation and Evaluation of Indications noted, (sketches or photograhs illustrating
the location and size of indications shall be included where deemed necessary)
All rejectable indications shall be reported. As a minimum, the type of indication (linear
or rounded), location and extent (length or diameter or aligned) shall be reported.
Technician's Printed Name, Signature and Certification, Number, Type and Level
Report Form PT-RF-405B or PT-F-01 shall be used
Any deviations from the procedure shall be noted on the report
Any limitations of the examination shall be noted on the report
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Technical Procedure
Number: PT-P-005TMEP
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Appendix I
Report Form PT-RF-405B
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Technical Procedure
Number: PT-P-005TMEP
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Report Form PT-RF-01
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Written By
Reviewed By
Approved By
Elia Damis
Jonathan Chimuk
Elia Damis
Amendments made to section 3 – added
references, Section 3 – Editorial, Section 4.2
added CP-189, Section 10, 11, 12 13 –
referenced PAUT procedure.
Initial Release
Revision Number: 0.1
David Smith
Steve LaPointe
Date: 1-Jul-19
Elia Damis
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List of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4
Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Referenced Documents ........................................................................................................... 4
Personnel Qualification Requirements.................................................................................... 5
Safety Requirements - As per Phased Array Procedure .......................................................... 5
Equipment ............................................................................................................................... 5
Examination Area - As per Phased Array Procedure ............................................................... 7
Equipment Calibration ............................................................................................................. 8
Inspection Procedure - As per Phased Array Procedure. ........................................................ 8
Flaw Sizing................................................................................................................................ 8
Recording – As per phased array procedure ........................................................................... 9
Acceptance Criteria – As per phased array procedure............................................................ 9
Disposition Instructions – As per phased array procedure ..................................................... 9
Reporting Criteria .................................................................................................................... 9
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This Addendum must be used in conjunction with the referenced Phased Array Procedure(s),
and is not to be used on its own. This Addendum only contains information directly relevant to
ToFD requirements. All other information is contained within the Phased Array Procedure.
This Addendum contains information relating to the equipment, calibration, inspection, and
acceptance criteria for ToFD.
All requirements in this addendum are to take precedence over the requirements in the
referenced procedure (where there is a conflict in requirements, this document is to take
This procedure covers the inspection of butt welds satisfying the conditions delineated in the
following procedure(s) and documents:
PA-P-011-TMEP Phased Array Examination of Pipeline Girth Welds to CSA Z662
PA-P-013-TMEP Phased Array Examination of Process Piping to ASME B31.3
PA-P-022-TMEP Phased Array Examination to API 650 (Annex U) and API 620
(Appendix U)
PA-P-025-TMEP Phased Array Examination of Structural Welding to CSA W59
PA-P-101-TMEP Phased Array Examination of Girth Welds to CSA Z662 and ASME 31.3
Thickness range * ToFD shall only be applied to parts 6.4mm or greater as per 10.1.5 of TMEP-MP3903
For use with PA-P-011-TMEP:
For use with PA-P-013-TMEP:
For use with PA-P-022-TMEP:
For use with PA-P-025-TMEP:
For use with PA-P-101-TMEP:
3.5* mm to 75 mm
3.8* mm to 300 mm
10 mm to 300 mm
3.5* mm to 300 mm
3.5* mm to 75 mm
This procedure utilizes (when required / recommended) the Time of Flight Diffraction (ToFD)
Technique. When weld / surface geometry allows, and t > 6.4mm, ToFD should be used as a
supplement technique, and PAUT be used for dead zone coverage and primary characterization.
Single Element probes in pitch catch orientation.
Angle Beam Longitudinal waves.
Referenced Documents
ASME Sec V Art 4, App III and N
PA-P-011-TMEP Phased Array Examination of Pipeline Girth Welds to CSA Z662
PA-P-013-TMEP Phased Array Examination of Process Piping to ASME B31.3
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PA-P-022-TMEP Phased Array Examination to API 650 (Annex U) and API 620 (Appendix U)
PA-P-025-TMEP Phased Array Examination of Structural Welding to CSA W59
PA-P-101-TMEP Phased Array Examination of Girth Welds to CSA Z662 and ASME 31.3
CGSB 48.9712/ISO 9712
MIS ASNT SNT-TC-1A/CP-189 Written Practice
CSA Z662 Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems
TMEP-MP3052 Storage Tank Welding and Non-Destructive Testing
TMEP-MP3903 Non-Destructive Testing Specification
The latest edition or revision shall apply for all reference documents and Procedures.
Personnel Qualification Requirements
Ultrasonic Level 2 or 3 certified personnel in accordance with CGSB 48.9712 shall be responsible
for carrying out all calibrations, inspections, evaluations and reporting.
In addition to having the above certifications, personnel performing calibrations, inspections,
evaluations, and reporting shall have also completed training and certified in an ISO 9712 ToFD
Level 2 or 3 and ASNT SNT-TC-1A/CP-189 certified in the application of ToFD examination
Safety Requirements - As per Phased Array Procedure
Search Units
Two probes shall be used in a pitch-catch arrangement (TOFD pair). Each probe in the
TOFD pair shall have the same nominal frequency.
The TOFD pair shall have the same element dimensions
The pulse duration of the probe shall not exceed 2 cycles as measured to the 20dB
level below the peak response.
Probes may be focused or unfocused. Unfocused probes are recommended for
detection and focused probes are recommended for improved resolution for sizing.
Probes may be single element or phased array.
The nominal frequency shall be from 5 MHz to 15MHz unless variables, such as
production material grain structure, require the use of other frequencies to assure
adequate penetration or better resolution.
Search unit selection – See table below
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Thickness, t, mm
6.4 - 12.7
>12.7 - 25.4
Nominal Frequency,
10 to 15
7.5 to 10
5 to 10
Element Size, mm
Angle, deg
3 to 6 mm
3 to 6 mm)
3 to 6 mm
60 to 70
50 to 70
45 to 65
Multi Zones Examination: for thickness above 25.4mm, two zones shall be used,
Zone One shall have a beam intersection at t/2 and Zone Two shall have a beam
intersection of 5/6t.
Pulser / preamp use
A preamplifier is recommended on all inspections but shall be utilized in the system
if t > 35mm. A remote pulser is recommended if a search unit extension cable is used
(cable length > 20’ (6m)).
Calibration Blocks
The calibration block and reflectors shall be as specified in Paragraph III T-434 of the
ASME BPVC Section V, Article 4.
Materials With Diameters 20 in.(500 mm) and Less - For examinations in materials
where the examination surface diameter is equal to or less than 20 in. (500 mm), a
curved block shall be used. A single curved basic calibration block may be used for
examinations in the range of curvature from 0.9 to 1.5 times the basic calibration
block diameter. For example, an 8 in (200 mm) diameter block may be used to
calibrate for examinations on surfaces in the range of curvature from 7.2 in. to 12 in.
(180 mm to 300 mm) in diameter. The curvature range from 0.94 in. to 20 in. (24 mm
to 500 mm) in diameter requires 6 curved blocks as shown in Fig. T-434.1.7.2 for any
thickness range.
Block Thickness - The block thickness shall be at ±10% of the nominal thickness of the
piece to be examined for thicknesses up to 4 in. (100 mm) or ±0.4 in. (10 mm) for
thicknesses over 4 in. (100 mm). Alternatively, a thicker block may be utilized
provided the reference reflector size is based on the thickness to be examined and an
adequate number of holes exist to comply with III-434.2.1 requirements.
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Figure 1: ToFD Reference Block(as per FIG III 434.2.1a of ASME Sec V Art 4)
Figure 2: ToFD Two Zone Reference Block (as per FIG. III 434.2.1b of ASME Sec V Art 4)
Examination Area - As per Phased Array Procedures PA-P-011, PA-P-013, PA-P-022
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Equipment Calibration
ToFD Sensitivity Calibration
Calibration shall be performed utilizing the calibration block shown in Fig. 1 or Fig. 2 as
With the ToFD probes positioned on the reference block surface to be utilized for
calibration, with the correct Probe Center Spacing (PCS), adjust the gain setting so as
the lateral wave is at 40 - 90% Full Screen Height (FSH). If a lateral wave is not
displayed or barely discernible, (i.e. For multiple zone inspections), set the gain based
solely on the noise (grass) level (5 - 10% FSH)
ToFD Time Base Calibration - Refer to the OmniScan manual for calibrating the time
base line for ToFD.
Confirmation of Sensitivity - Scan the calibration block’s SDHs with them centered between the
probes, at the reference sensitivity level set in 8.2.1. The SDH responses from the required zone
shall be a minimum of 6 dB above the grain noise and shall be apparent in the resulting digitized
grayscale display.
The interval between system calibration checks shall be as per Phased array procedure
The scan offset of the ToFD probes shall be verified to be with in a tolerance of +/- 3mm.
Inspection Procedure - As per Phased Array Procedure.
Flaw Sizing
The location and extent of all relevant ToFD images that have an indicated length greater than
4.0mm (0.16 in.) shall be investigated. The dimension of the discontinuity(s) shall be
determined by the rectangle that fully contains the area of the discontinuity(s).
Flaw Length
Flaw Length shall be the maximum as measured by either the Phased Array Technique
or the TOFD technique, or from the combination of the two techniques.
Using TOFD, flaw length sizing shall be performed by measuring the distance between
the diffracted tip signals.
Flaw Height
Flaw Height shall be the maximum as measured by either the Phased Array Technique
or the ToFD technique, or from the combination of the two techniques.
Using ToFD, flaw height sizing shall be performed by measuring the distance between
the diffracted tip signals.
Flaw Depth – As per Phased Array procedure
Flaw Type – As per Phased Array procedure
Multiple Flaws – As per Phased Array procedure
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Recording – As per Phased Array Procedures PA-P-011, PA-P-013, PA-P-022
Acceptance Criteria – As per Phased Array Procedures PA-P-011, PA-P-013, PA-P-022
Disposition Instructions – As per Phased Array Procedures PA-P-011, PA-P-013, PA-P-022
Reporting Criteria
Report form PA-TFD-010 shall be used.
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Addenda Procedure
No: UT-P-002-TMEP
Manual Ultrasonics
Date (D/M/Y)
Revision Number: 0.1
Written By
Elia Damis
Steve LaPointe
Reviewed By
Approved By
Elia Damis
David Smith
Date: 1-Jul-19
Elia Damis
Amendments made to section 1.1 –
reference MP3052, Section 2 – thickness
range changed to 3.9mm, Section 6.1.2 –
removed “for work in Canada”, Section 3add CGSB
Initial Release
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Addenda Procedure
No: UT-P-002-TMEP
Manual Ultrasonics
Table of Contents
Preface .......................................................................................................................................4
Scope .........................................................................................................................................4
Reference Documents.................................................................................................................4
Principle .....................................................................................................................................5
Safety Requirements ..................................................................................................................5
Qualifications of Personnel .........................................................................................................5
Contractor Responsibility ............................................................................................................5
Technique ..................................................................................................................................7
Instrument Linearity Evaluation ..................................................................................................8
Calibration .................................................................................................................................9
Examination ............................................................................................................................. 14
Classification of Indications ....................................................................................................... 16
Interpretation of Results ........................................................................................................... 17
Acceptance Criteria................................................................................................................... 18
Disposition Instructions ............................................................................................................ 19
Reporting Criteria ..................................................................................................................... 19
Appendix A ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Appendix B ...................................................................................................................................... 22
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Addenda Procedure
No: UT-P-002-TMEP
Manual Ultrasonics
1.1. This procedure is for manual ultrasonic examination (MUT) of process piping welds in
accordance with ASME B31.3
1.2. This procedure utilizes single or dual element pulse echo probes and angle beam shear waves.
1.3. The procedure utilizes the contact technique, in which the search unit (probe and wedge) is
coupled directly to the outside surface of the pipe.
1.4. This procedure is used for the characterization and sizing of welding flaws.
1.5. This procedure covers the examination of the complete weld volume and the lesser of 25 mm
or “t” of adjacent base metal.
1.6. When required, this procedure shall be demonstrated (Qualified) (or have documented
evidence of a previous successful demonstration). The procedure qualification shall meet the
requirements of ASME Section V, Article 4, Mandatory Appendix IX.
1.7. Details of the proposed welding methods and bevel configurations shall be supplied by Client
prior to qualification.
1.8. This procedure is valid for testing weld configurations in conjunction with specific technique
2.1. This procedure defines work instructions for ultrasonic testing of butt welds.
2.2. Non-encoded manual ultrasonic testing (MUT) longitudinal and shear wave inspection modes
performed on pipelines shall only be permitted as the main inspection method when utilized
for wall thickness inspection, lamination checks and coupling verification or as otherwise
directed by the company.
2.3. This procedure covers the inspection of welds (any type) satisfying the following conditions:
Thickness range Æ 3.9 mm to 175 mm
Diameter Range Æ 19 mm minimum, no maximum
Material types: Carbon Steel and Low Alloy Steel (P-Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5A through 5C, and
15A through 15 F), Stainless Steel (Austenitic, Nickel bases or any other alloy
combination) and Titanium
Reference Documents
3.1. Metalogic Inspection Services (MIS) SNT-TC-1A Written Practice Manual.
3.2. MIS Safety Manual.
3.3. CGSB 48.9712/ ISO 9712
3.4. ASME Section V Article 4 (and applicable Mandatory Appendices),
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3.5. ASME B31.3 “Process Piping”.
3.6. TMEP-MT3903
3.7. In the event of a conflict between the text of this procedure and the references cited above, the
text of this procedure shall take precedence.
NOTE: The latest edition or revision shall apply for all reference documents and Procedures
4.1. Ultrasonic inspection is a nondestructive method in which beams of high-frequency acoustic
energy are introduced into the material under evaluation in order to detect surface and
subsurface flaws and to measure the thickness of the material or the distance to the flaw.
4.2. An ultrasonic beam will travel through a material until it strikes an interface or discontinuity
such as a flaw. Interfaces and flaws interrupt the beam and reflect a portion of the incident
acoustic energy. The amount of energy reflected is a function of (a) the nature and orientation
of the interface or flaw and (b) the acoustic impedance of such a reflector. Energy reflected
from various interfaces or flaws may be used to define the presence and locations of flaws, the
thickness of the material or the depth of a flaw beneath a surface.
Safety Requirements
5.1. All applicable safety precautions as described in Metalogic Inspection Services Safety Manual
shall be adhered to.
5.2. All client and/or Project specific safety requirements shall be followed.
Qualifications of Personnel
6.1. Any personnel performing ultrasonic examination (including calibration and interpretation) in
accordance with this procedure shall meet the following minimum qualification requirements:
SNT-TC-1A Level II or III UT (in accordance with the Metalogic Inspection Services
Written Practice).
CGSB 48.9712 Level II UT certification is required in addition to SNT-TC-1A Level II UT.
6.2. Personnel performance qualifications are performed as part of personnel receiving training as,
as well as part of their examinations for SNT-TC-1A.
Contractor Responsibility
7.1. The client is responsible to ensure that all pipe diameter, nominal wall thicknesses, pipe
material, bevel configurations, and coating cut back (if applicable) information is supplied to
Metalogic Inspection Services Inc.
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7.2. Long seams and surface condition of actual production welds must meet the requirements of
14.1 Surface Preparation.
7.3. Weld numbering or identification system, will be provided by the client, prior to the start of the
7.4. During the actual inspection process Metalogic Inspection Services Inc. personnel will be
allowed uninterrupted access to welds.
8.1. Ultrasonic Instrument
The ultrasonic instrument shall meet the following requirements: Have attenuation (Gain) control stepped in increments of 2 dB or less Ability to display A-Scan images Capable of operation at frequencies of 1 MHz to 5 MHz Capable of having a pulse repetition rate small enough to assure that a
signal from a reflector located at the maximum distance in the examination
volume will arrive back at the search unit before the next pulse is placed on
the transducer.
The reject control shall be in the “off” position for all examinations, unless it can be
demonstrated that it does not affect the linearity of the examination.
Any control which affects instrument linearity (e.g., filters, averaging, reject) shall be
in the same position for calibration, calibration checks, instrument linearity checks,
and examination.
8.2. Search Units
All search unit probes and wedges shall be contoured to match the curvature of the
pipe surface.
Refer to Table 8.2. 1 for probe sizes and angles to be used. Other probes may be used
if performance demonstrations are performed.
Table 8.2. 1
Crystal Size
Straight Beam Examination 5 to 175 mm
5 to 25 mm
5 to 12 mm
5 to 12.5 mm
12 to 40 mm
5 to 12.5 mm
60 or 700
40 to 70 mm
12.5 mm
60 or 700
70 to 125 mm
12.5 mm
45 or 600
125 to 175 mm
25 mm
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Nominal frequency is 2.25 MHz, other frequencies or angles may be used to evaluate. Single or dual
transmitter/receiver probes may be used.
8.3. Couplant
The couplant, including additives, shall not be detrimental to the material being
Control of Contaminants Couplants used on nickel base alloys shall not contain more than 250 ppm
of sulfur. Couplants used on austenitic stainless steel or titanium shall not contain
more than 250 ppm of halides (chlorides plus fluorides).
The same couplant to be used during the examination shall be used for the
Ultragel II, Sonotrace 40, Sonatech, glycerine, Sonoglide 7, Sonoglide 8, Sonoglide 20,
and water may be used as couplant when performing calibrations and examinations.
8.4. Cables
Dual or single / BNC to microdot or BNC to BNC
8.5. Calibration Blocks
IIW Calibration Block to be used for Instrument Linearity, Search unit Angle
Verification, Material Velocity, and Delay Calibration.
ASME Calibration Blocks for piping: The calibration block(s) for piping, containing 10%
(of nominal wall thickness) ID and OD notches in the axial and circumferential
direction to establish a primary reference response of the equipment and to construct
a distance amplitude correction curve (or time corrected gain), shall be as shown in
ASME Sec V, Art 4, Fig. T-434.3. The basic calibration block shall be a section of pipe
of the same nominal size and schedule. See Attachments “b”. Quality: Prior to fabrication, the block material shall be completely
examined with a straight beam search unit. Areas that contain an indication
exceeding the back-wall reflection shall be excluded from the beam paths
required to reach the various calibration reflectors. Material: The material from which the block is fabricated shall be from
material of the same material specification, product form, and heat
treatment condition, as the material to which the search unit is applied to
during the examination. Surface Finish: The finish on the surfaces of the block shall be
representative of the surface finishes of the component to be tested. Temperature. The temperature of the reference block must be within +/14°C of the component being tested. The maximum surface temperature
to be scanned should not exceed 50°C as mentioned in par. 12.1.3.
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9.1. This procedure utilizes the following ultrasonic techniques:
Angle beam shear waves, where incident angles in wedges produce only refracted
shear waves in the material under examination.
The contact technique, in which the search unit (probe and wedge) are coupled
directly to the component being examined.
9.2. When course grained materials (high alloy steel and high nickel alloy weld deposits and
dissimilar metal welds) are to be inspected, weld mock-ups shall be made with reference
reflectors in the weld deposit. By using these reference reflectors in the weld deposit, it is
possible to verify that the system can effectively provide full coverage of the weld deposit, heat
affected zone, and adjacent base metal.
9.3. Scanning shall include: weld volume, heat affected zone, and adjacent base metal (1 inch or T
- whichever is less).
Instrument Linearity Evaluation
10.1. Screen Height Linearity must be done to verify the ability of the ultrasonic instrument to meet
the linearity requirement of ASME Sect V, Article 4, App I. Screen Height Linearity of the
ultrasonic instrument shall be evaluated at regular intervals, not to exceed 12 months. Linearity
checks shall be recorded in the instrument log book.
Position the search unit on the IIW to obtain indications from the two radii. The two
calibration reflectors must provide amplitude differences with sufficient signal
separation to prevent overlapping of the two signals.
Adjust the search unit position to give a 2:1 ratio between the two indications, with
the larger indication set at 80% of FSH and the smaller indication at 40% of FSH.
Without moving the search unit, adjust the sensitivity (gain) to set the larger
indication to 100% of FSH; record the amplitude of the smaller indication, estimated
to the nearest 1% of FSH. Record the smaller indication height in the instrument log
book data table that shall be similar to Figure 10.1.1
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Figure 10.1.1: Ultrasonic Linearity Verification Form
Ultrasonic Linearity Verification
Screen Height Linearity
Set at %
of Full
Limits (%
of FSH)
Amplitude Control Linearity
Indication (% of
Small (%),
-6 dB
32 to 48%
-12 dB
16 to 24%
+6 dB
64 to 96%
+12 dB
64 to 94%
Equipment (S/N):
Performed By:
Successively set the larger indication from 100% to 20% of FSH in 10% increments;
observe and record the smaller indication estimated to within 1% of FSH at each
setting. Record each small indication height in Figure 10.1.1.
The smaller amplitude indication readings must be 50% of the larger amplitude
indication, within 5% of FSH.
Record results in the instrument log book data table that shall be similar to Figure
10.2. Amplitude Control Linearity must be done to verify the ability of the ultrasonic instrument to
meet the linearity requirement of ASME Sect V, Article 4, App II. Amplitude Control Linearity of
the ultrasonic instrument shall be evaluated at regular intervals, not to exceed 12 months.
Linearity checks shall be recorded in the instrument log book.
Position the search unit on IIW block so that the radius indication is peaked on the
With the increases and decreases in attenuation shown in Figure 10.1.1, the
indication must fall within the specified limits.
The readings must be estimated to within 1% of FSH.
Record results in the instrument log book data table that shall be similar to Figure
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11.1. Straight Beam Method
Calibrations shall be performed from the surface (clad or unclad; convex or concave)
corresponding to the surface of the component from which the examination will be
11.1.2. The same couplant used for calibration shall be used during the examination.
11.1.3. The same contact wedges used for calibration shall be used during the examination.
11.1.4. Sweep Range Calibration Delay Control Adjustment: Position the search unit for the maximum first
indication from the 1/4T SDH. Adjust the left edge of this indication to line
2 on the screen with the delay control. Range Control Adjustment: Position the search unit for the maximum
indication from the 3/4T SDH. Adjust the left edge of this indication to line
6 on the screen with the range control. Repeat Adjustments: Repeat the delay and range control adjustments until
the 1/4T and 3/4T SDH indications start at sweep lines 2 and 6. Back Surface Indication: The back surface indication will appear near
sweep line 8. Sweep Readings: Two divisions on the sweep equal 1/4T.
Distance Amplitude Correction Position the search unit for the maximum indication from the SDH which
gives the highest indication. Adjust the sensitivity (gain) control to provide an 80% (+/- 5%) of FSH
indication. This is the primary reference level. Mark the peak of this
indication on the screen. Position the search unit for maximum indication from another SDH. Mark the peak of the indication on the screen. Position the search unit for maximum indication from the third SDH and
mark the peak on the screen. Connect the screen marks for the SDH’s and extend through the thickness
to provide the distance amplitude curve. These points also may be captured by the ultrasonic instrument and
electronically displayed.
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11.2. Angle Beam Method
Sweep Range Calibration (IIW Block) Search Unit Adjustment: Position the search unit for the maximum
indication from the 100 mm (4 inch) radius while rotating it side to side to
also maximize the second reflector indication Delay and Range Control Adjustment: Without moving the search unit,
adjust the range and delay controls so that the indications start at their
respective metal path distances. Repeat Adjustments: Repeat delay and range control adjustments until the
two indications are at their proper metal paths on the screen. Sweep Readings: Two divisions on the sweep now equal 1/5th of the screen
range selected.
Sweep Range Calibration (Figure 11.2.1): The notches in piping calibration blocks may
be used to calibrate the distance range displayed on the instrument screen. They have
the advantage of providing reflectors at precise distances to the inside and outside
surfaces. Delay Control Adjustment: Position the search unit for the maximum first
indication from the inside surface notch at its actual beam path on the
instrument screen. Adjust the left edge of this indication to its metal path
on the screen with the delay control. Range Control Adjustment: Position the search unit for the maximum
second indication from the outside surface notch. Adjust the left edge of
this indication to its metal path on the screen with the range control or
velocity control. Repeat Adjustments: Repeat delay and range control adjustments until the
two indications are at their proper metal paths on the screen. Sweep Readings: Two divisions on the sweep now equal 1/5th of the screen
range selected.
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Figure 11.2.1
Distance Amplitude Correction: Calibration for Piping Notches Primary Reference
Level (Figure 11.2.2)
Figure 11.2.2 Position the search unit for maximum response form the notch which gives
the highest amplitude. Adjust the sensitivity (gain) control to provide an indication of 80% (+/-5%)
of full screen height (FSH). Mark the peak of this indication on the screen. Without changing the gain, position the search unit for maximum response
from another notch. Mark the peak of the indication on the screen.
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at its Half Vee, Full Vee or 3/2nd Vee beam paths mark the peak on the
screen. Position the search unit for maximum amplitude from any additional Vee
Path(s) when used and mark the peak(s) on the screen. Connect the screen marks for the notches to provide the distance
amplitude curve (DAC). These points also may be captured by the ultrasonic instrument and
electronically displayed.
11.3. System Calibration Verification
System calibration verification shall include the entire examination system. Sweep
range and TCG calibration shall be verified on the appropriate calibration block or
simulator block, as applicable, under the following conditions: Prior to the start of a series of examinations. With any substitution of the same type and length of search unit cable. With any change of examination personnel At least every 4 hours during the examination At the completion of a series of examinations Whenever the validity of the calibration is in doubt
A simulator block (e.g., IIW block, miniature DSC) may be used for the entire test
system calibration verifications. The simulator block may be of any material and
configuration that will permit verification of the sweep range and TCG sensitivity.
The initial system calibration shall be made using a basic calibration block. Whenever
possible, the final system calibration verification should be made using the basic
calibration block. If a reference block e.g., Rompas, block is used to perform system
calibration verification, the location and amplitude of the simulator reflector(s) shall
be documented on the calibration record at the time of the initial calibration. If the
gain controls are adjusted, the dB settings shall be recorded for the reference block.
The reference block shall be identified by type and part number or serial number on
the system calibration record.
11.4. System Calibration Changes
Distance Range Points. If any distance range point has moved on the sweep line by
more than 10% of the distance reading or 5% of the full sweep, whichever is greater,
correct the distance range calibration and note the correction in the examination
record. All recorded indications since the last valid calibration or calibration check
shall be re-examined and their values shall be changed on the reports or rerecorded.
Sensitivity Settings. If any sensitivity setting has changed by more than 20% or 2 dB of
its amplitude, correct the sensitivity calibration and note the correction in the
examination record. If the sensitivity setting has decreased, all reports since the last
calibration check shall be marked void and the area covered by the voided reports be
re-examined. If the sensitivity setting has increased, all recorded indications since the
last valid calibration or calibration check shall be re-examined and their values
changed on the reports or rerecorded.
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11.5. Recalibration. Any of the following conditions shall be cause for system recalibration:
Search unit transducer or wedge change, cable type or length change, couplant
Ultrasonic instrument change,
Change in examination personnel,
Change in type of power source.
12.1. Surface Condition
Contact Surfaces - the finished contact surface should be free from weld spatter and
any roughness that would interfere with free movement of the search unit or impair
the transmission of ultrasonic vibrations.
Weld Surfaces - the weld surface should be free of irregularities that could mask or
cause reflections from defects to go undetected and should merge smoothly into the
adjacent base materials.
Temperature - the maximum surface temperature to be scanned should not exceed
50°C. The surface temperature shall be within +/- 14°C of the reference block
temperature when the calibration was performed.
Conditions which do not meet these requirements shall be recorded as limitations on
the Data Report.
12.2. Accessibility
Inaccessible weld areas due to geometry or laminar flaws shall be scanned from at
least one side if possible. Removal of the weld reinforcement should be discussed
with the client as an available option.
All examination areas that are not accessible must be noted on the Data Report.
12.3. Identification of Weld Examination Areas
Welds shall be identified by one or more of the following: Client supplied “NDE Request” Isometric drawing Line/Spool number
Scan start position shall be clearly marked on the weld and pipe using a paint marker.
This scan start position shall be noted on the Phased Array Data Report as: Top,
Bottom, North, South, East or West.
Scan direction shall be clearly marked on the weld and pipe using a paint marker. This
scan direction shall also be noted on the Phased Array Data Report as: Up, Down,
North, South, East or West.
12.4. Straight Beam Examination
Where possible the entire volume of material to be scanned using the angle beam
method, shall be scanned using straight beam method to detect reflectors that might
affect interpretation of angle beam results.
Straight beam scanning level shall be at 6 dB above the primary reference level.
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Each pass of the search unit shall overlap a minimum of 10% of the transducer
dimension perpendicular to the direction of the scan.
12.5. Angle Beam Scanning for Reflectors Orientated Parallel to the Weld:
Scanning sensitivity shall be 6 dB above the reference level used to create the DAC or
TCG calibration. Evaluation shall be performed with respect to the primary reference
The search unit shall be manipulated so that the ultrasonic energy passes through the
required volumes of weld and adjacent base material.
Place the search unit at the starting position of the scan, with the search unit directing
sound essentially perpendicular to the weld axis. If a single probe set-up is used,
identical scans are required from the opposite side of the weld.
Move the search unit alongside the weld. The scan speed shall not exceed 50 mm/s.
Scan the complete circumference of the weld, as well as an additional 25 mm of
overlap past the scan start position.
Search unit contact must be maintained throughout the entire scan. If contact is lost
between the search unit and the pipe at any point during a recorded scan, the scan
must be restarted. If contact is lost due to component geometry or obstructions, this
must be noted on the Data Report.
Perform the examination from both sides of the weld, where practical, or from one
side as a minimum. All examination volume limitations shall be documented on the
Data Report.
Calibration must be checked periodically as stated in the calibration requirements. If
any deviations from the last acceptable calibration are noted, all welds examined to
the last acceptable calibration will be re-examined.
12.6. Angle Beam Scanning for Reflectors Orientated Transverse to the Weld:
Scanning sensitivity shall be 6 dB above the reference level used to create the DAC or
TCG calibration. Evaluation shall be performed with respect to the primary reference
The search unit shall be manipulated so that the ultrasonic energy passes through the
required volumes of weld and adjacent base material.
Place the search unit at the starting position of the scan, with the search unit directing
sound essentially parallel to the weld axis. If a single probe set-up is used, identical
scans are required from the opposite side of the weld.
Move the search unit alongside the weld. The scan speed shall not exceed 50 mm/s.
Scan the complete circumference of the weld, as well as an additional 25 mm of
overlap past the scan start position.
Search unit contact must be maintained throughout the entire scan. If contact is lost
between the search unit and the pipe at any point during a recorded scan, the scan
must be restarted. If contact is lost due to component geometry or obstructions, this
must be noted on the Data Report.
Perform the examination from both sides of the weld, where practical, or from one
side as a minimum. All examination volume limitations shall be documented on the
Data Report.
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A complete Data Report must be filled out for all welds that are tested. Reports shall
be typed and electronically saved.
12.6.9. Calibration must be checked periodically as stated in the calibration requirements. If
any deviations from the last acceptable calibration are noted, all welds examined to
the last acceptable calibration will be re-examined.
12.6.10. Rotate the search units 180 degrees and repeat Par. 12.6.3 through Par. 12.6.5.
12.6.11. In total, 4 transverse scans must be completed wherever possible (2 from each side
of the weld and 2 from the each side of the weld with the probes rotated 180
12.7. Welds that cannot be fully examined from two directions using the angle beam technique
(corner joints, tee joints) shall also be examined, if possible, with a straight beam technique.
These areas of restricted access shall be noted on the Data Report.
12.8. Welds that cannot be examined from at least one side using the angle beam technique shall be
noted in the Data Report. For flange welds, the weld may be examined with a straight beam or
low angle longitudinal waves from the flange face provided the examination volume can be
Classification of Indications
13.1. Indications produced by ultrasonic testing are not necessarily defects. Changes in the weld
geometry due to alignment offset of abutting pipe ends, changes in weld reinforcement profile
of I.D. root and O.D capping passes, internal chamfering, and ultrasonic wave mode conversion
due to such conditions may cause geometric indications that are similar to those caused by weld
imperfections but that are not relevant to acceptability.
13.2. Linear indications are defined as indications with their greatest dimension in the weld length
direction. Typical linear indications may be caused by, but are not limited to, the following types
of imperfections: inadequate penetration without high-low, inadequate penetration due to
high-low, inadequate cross penetration, incomplete fusion, incomplete fusion due to cold lap,
elongated slag inclusion, cracks, undercutting adjacent to the cover pass, or root pass, and
hollow bead porosity.
13.3. Transverse indications are defined as indications with their greatest dimension across the weld.
Typical transverse indications may be caused by, but are not limited to, the following types of
imperfections: cracks, isolated slag inclusion, and incomplete fusion due to cold lap at
start/stops in the weld passes.
13.4. Volumetric indications are defined as three-dimensional indications. Such indications may be
caused by multiple inclusions, voids or pores. Partially filled voids, pores or small inclusions at
start/stops in the weld passes may cause larger indications in the transverse direction than in
the weld length direction. Typical volumetric indications may be caused by, but are not limited
to, the following types of imperfections: internal concavity, burn through, isolated slag
inclusions, porosity and cluster porosity.
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Interpretation of Results
14.1. General: It is recognized that not all ultrasonic reflectors indicate flaws, since certain
metallurgical discontinuities and geometric conditions may produce indications that are not
relevant. Included in this category are plate segregates in the heat-affected zone that become
reflective after fabrication. Under straight beam examination, these may appear as spot or line
indications. Under angle beam examination, indications that are determined to originate from
surface conditions (such as weld root geometry) or variations in metallurgical structure in
austenitic materials (such as the automatic-to-manual weld clad interface) may be classified as
geometric indications. The identity, maximum amplitude, location, and extent of reflector
causing a geometric indication shall be recorded. [For example: internal attachment, 200% DAC,
1 in. (25 mm) above weld center line, on the inside surface, from 90 deg to 95 deg.] The
following steps shall be taken to classify an indication as geometric:
Interpret the area containing the reflector in accordance with the applicable
examination procedure.
Plot and verify the reflector coordinates. Prepare a cross-sectional sketch showing
the reflector position and surface discontinuities such as root and counter bore.
Review fabrication or weld preparation drawings. Other ultrasonic techniques or
nondestructive examination methods may be helpful in determining a reflector’s true
position, size, and orientation.
14.2. Any flaws greater than 20% of the DAC will be investigated to the extent that the ultrasonic
examination personnel can determine their shape, identity, and location, and evaluate them in
terms of Par. 16.
The orientation, shape and height of the discontinuity should be determined by using
the 6 dB drop technique as follows: Maximize the signal and adjust the amplitude to 100% of FSH. Record the
sound path distance from the time base line and make a mark on the part
at the beam index point of the probe. Move the probe forward until the signal response drops to 50% of FSH.
Record the travel distance and again make a mark on the part. Move the probe backward past the 100% FSH until the signal response
drops to 50% in the opposite direction. Record the travel distance and again
make a mark on the part. Transfer the distances calculated from the center of the examination area,
and determine the location, height and orientation of the discontinuity. Record this on a Data Report. Report: depth, height, and orientation.
The length of a discontinuity will be determined using the 6 dB drop technique as
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14.2.3. Maximize the signal and adjust the amplitude to 100% of FSH. Move the probe laterally until the signal response drops to 50% of FSH.
Record the travel distance and make a mark on the part from the centerline
of the probe. Move the probe laterally back past the 100% FSH until the signal response
drops to 50% in the opposite direction. Record the travel distance and again
make a mark on the part. Record this on a Data Report. Report Length.
The length sizing techniques identified above provide an outside diameter length
dimension which is longer than the actual inside diameter length dimension due to
curvature of the piping material. To calculate the actual flaw length at the inside
surface, the following formula shall be used:
§ ID ·
ODFlawLeng th ¨
© OD ¹
If necessary, employ alternate NDE methods for verification.
14.3. Base metal laminar indications that interfere with the examination volume shall require the
examination procedure to be modified such that the maximum feasible volume is examined,
and shall be recorded in the field data report.
14.4. Multiple Flaws
Discontinuous flaws that are oriented primarily in parallel planes shall be considered
to lie in a single plane if the distance between the adjacent planes is equal to or less
than 13mm (0.5 in.).
If the space between two flaws aligned along the axis of weld is less than the length
of the longer of the two, the two flaws shall be considered a single flaw.
If the space between two flaws aligned in the through-thickness dimension is less
than the height of the flaw of greater height, the two flaws shall be considered a single
Acceptance Criteria
15.1. Imperfections that cause an indication greater than 20% of the reference level shall be
investigated to the extent that the ultrasonic examination personnel can determine their shape,
identity, and location, and evaluate them in terms of 15.2.
15.2. A linear-type discontinuity is unacceptable if the amplitude of the indication exceeds the
reference level and its length exceeds the following:
a. 6mm (1/4 in.) for wall thickness ≤ 19mm (3/4 in.)
b. Wall thickness / 3 for 19mm < Wall thickness ≤ 57mm (2 ¼ in.)
c. 19mm for wall thickness > 57mm
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Disposition Instructions
16.1. All rejectable indications shall be clearly marked on the weld as a minimum.
16.2. Post-examination cleaning technique - When post-examination cleaning is required, it should
be conducted as soon as practical after evaluation and using a process that does not adversely
affect the part.
16.3. All reports are to be submitted daily
16.4. If the technician, for whatever reason, is unable to comply with the requirements of this
procedure, guidance shall be sought from the Technical Services Group. Any agreed deviations
from this procedure shall be documented for the inspection records.
Reporting Criteria
17.1. The following (at a minimum) shall be included on the examination report:
Procedure identification and revision;
ultrasonic instrument identification, including serial number;
search unit(s) identification, including manufacturer serial number, frequency, and size;
beam angle(s) used;
couplant used, brand name or type;
search unit cable(s) used, type, and length;
special equipment used (search units, wedges, shoes, automatic scanning equipment,
recording equipment, etc.);
computerized program identification and revision when used;
calibration block identification;
instrument reference level gain and, if used, damping and reject setting(s);
calibration data [including reference reflector(s), indication amplitude(s) and distance
data correlating simulation block(s) and electronic simulator(s), when used, with initial
identification and location of weld or volume scanned;
surface(s) from which examination was conducted, including surface condition;
map or record of rejectable indications detected or areas cleared;
areas of restricted access or inaccessible welds;
examination personnel identity and, when required by referencing code section,
qualification level;
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Addenda Procedure
No: UT-P-002-TMEP
Manual Ultrasonics
Date examinations were performed.
Items (b) through (m) may be included on a separate calibration record provided the
calibration record identification record is included in the examination record.
17.2. Report Form UT-F-003 shall be used.
17.3. All indications requiring evaluation shall be reported.
17.4. The identity, maximum amplitude, location, and extent of geometric indications shall be
17.5. Any deviations from the procedure shall be noted on the report
17.6. Any limitations of the examination shall be noted on the report
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Addenda Procedure
No: UT-P-002-TMEP
Manual Ultrasonics
Appendix A
Report Form PA-F-003
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No: UT-P-002-TMEP
Addenda Procedure
Manual Ultrasonics
Appendix B
Essential / Non-Essential Variables as applicable
ASME V Art. 4 - Table T-421
Requirements of an Ultrasonic Examination Procedure
Essential Variable
Nonessential Variable
Weld configurations to be examined, including thickness dimensions and base
material product form (pipe, plate, etc.)
The surfaces from which the examination shall be performed
Technique(s) (straight beam, angle beam, contact, and/or immersion)
Angle(s) and mode(s) of wave propagation in the material
Search unit type(s), frequency(ies), and element size(s)/shape(s)
Special search units, wedges, shoes, or saddles, when used
Ultrasonic instrument(s)
Calibration [calibration block(s) and technique(s)]
Directions and extent of scanning
Scanning (manual vs. automatic)
Method for discriminating geometric from flaw indications
Method for sizing indications
Computer enhanced data acquisition, when used
Scan overlap (decrease only)
Personnel performance requirements, when required
Personnel qualification requirements
Surface condition (examination surface, calibration block)
Couplant: brand name or type
Post-examination cleaning technique
Automatic alarm and/or recording equipment, when applicable
Records, including minimum calibration data to be recorded (e.g., instrument
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Number: UTT-P-004TMEP
Conventional Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Written By
Reviewed By
Approved By
Elia Damis
Jonathan Chimuk
Elia Damis
Amendments made to Section 1- Addition of
tank specification in SOW, Section 3 –
removed “for work in Canada”, Section 2
added CGSB
Steve LaPointe
David Smith
Elia Damis
Initial Release
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Number: UTT-P-004TMEP
Conventional Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
List of Contents
Introduction / Scope ................................................................................................................ 4
Referenced Documents ........................................................................................................... 4
Personnel Qualification Requirements.................................................................................... 4
Safety Requirements ............................................................................................................... 5
Equipment ............................................................................................................................... 5
Examination Area .................................................................................................................... 7
Equipment Calibration ............................................................................................................. 8
Examination Procedure ........................................................................................................... 9
Recording ................................................................................................................................. 9
Acceptance Criteria ................................................................................................................. 9
Deposition Instructions ......................................................................................................... 10
Reporting Criteria .................................................................................................................. 10
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Number: UTT-P-004TMEP
Conventional Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Introduction / Scope
This procedure establishes the requirements for Manual Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement of
materials and will be applied when Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement is required and has been
written in accordance with ASME Section V, Article 5 by the referencing Code. This procedure
will be used in conjunction with applicable client specifications.
When required, this procedure shall be demonstrated (Qualified) (or have documented
evidence of a previous successful demonstration). The procedure qualification shall meet the
requirements of ASME Section V, Article 4, Mandatory Appendix IX.
This procedure is valid for use on all metallic materials and product forms (provided the surfaces
to reflect sound energy are essentially parallel). Thickness covered in this procedure
Thickness range Æ 1.0 mm to 300 mm
Diameter Range Æ 19 mm minimum, no maximum
Referenced Documents
ASME Sec V, Art 4 and 5
Metalogic Inspection Services SNT-TC-1A Written Practice Manual.
Metalogic Inspection Services Safety Manual.
CGSB 48.9712/ ISO 9712
ASTM E-317 “Standard Practice for Evaluating Performance Characteristics of Ultrasonic PulseEcho Testing Systems without the Use of Electronic Measuring Instruments.
ASTM/SE E-797 “Standard Practice for Measuring Thickness by Manual Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo
Contact Method”.
API 650 Welded Tanks for Oil Storage
TMEP-MP3052 Storage Tank Welding and Non-Destructive Testing
TMEP-MP3903 Non-Destructive Testing Specification
NOTE: The latest edition or revision shall apply for all reference documents and Procedures
Personnel Qualification Requirements
Personnel shall have a CAN/CGSB 48.9712-2014 Ultrasonic Level 1, 2, or 3, certification.
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Number: UTT-P-004TMEP
Conventional Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Safety Requirements
All applicable safety precautions as described in Metalogic Inspection Services Safety Manual
shall be adhered to.
All client and/or Project specific safety requirements shall be followed.
Instrument - The instrument shall be of the pulse-echo type; A scan Display, or if thickness is
<25mm, a Digital Readout Distance Meter “D Meter” is acceptable. For thickness greater than
25mm, an instrument with an A scan shall be used.
For A scan Display type, the instrument’s horizontal limit and linearity, screen height
linearity, and amplitude control linearity, shall be verified every 12 months as per
ASME Sec. V Art 4, Appendix I and II. It shall be capable of operation at frequencies
of 1 MHz to 15 MHz, and capable of having a pulse repetition rate small enough to
assure that a signal from a reflector located at the maximum distance in the
examination volume will arrive back at the search unit before the next pulse is placed
on the transducer.
D Meter type units do not require annual linearity verification provided that the
requirements of 7.6 are met.
Search Unit - The search unit may be single element, delay line, or dual element contact
Search unit selected shall have sufficient crystal to surface contact to produce stable
readings. On smaller diameter pipe, 3.50” and less, a small diameter search unit or
curved standoff shoe may be required.
When testing steel at elevated temperatures, > 50°C specially designed search units
shall be used.
NOTE: Dual transducer element search units are inherently nonlinear for thickness
measurements less than 3mm.
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Conventional Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Table 1: Recommended Crystal Sizes for Thickness Tested
Crystal Size
1 to 12 mm
5 to 12.7 mm
12 to 40 mm
5 to 12.7 mm
40 to 125 mm
12.7 mm
125 to 300 mm
25 mm
Couplant – The couplant including additives, shall not be detrimental to the material being
examined (ie. Non-chloride or sulphide for use on austenitic metals). Water, glycerine, oil,
grease or specially formulated commercially available materials may be used. The same
couplant (Brand, type, and grade) to be used during the examination shall be used for the
When testing steel at elevated temperatures, (> 90°C <300°C) high temperature couplant (Sono
600) shall be used.
Reference Standard (Step Wedge) - The reference standards material from which the block is
fabricated shall be of the same product form, material specification or equivalent P-Number
grouping, and heat treatment as the material being examined. The finish on the scanning
surface of the block shall be representative of the scanning surface on the material to be
examined and shall have at least three steps;
The thinner step shall have a thickness within -25% of the expected part thickness.
The thicker step shall have a thickness within +25% of the expected part thickness.
The third step and the minimum thickness to be tested shall fall within the “Objective
Thickness Range” and between the thin and thick calibration steps.
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Conventional Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Figure 1: Typical Standardization block (Step Wedge)
Examination Area
Surfaces will be uniform and free of loose scale and paint, discontinuities such as pits or gouges,
weld spatter, dirt, or other foreign matter which may adversely affect test results.
Tightly adhering paint, scale or coatings do not necessarily need to be removed for testing if
they present uniform attenuation characteristics.
Surfaces may be ground, sanded, wire brushed, scraped, or otherwise prepared for examination
purposes when necessary.
In areas where severe pitting is experienced and where surface preparation is not
recommended, readings will be taken on high areas and pit depth will be measured by
mechanical depth gauges. As an alternate, an ultrasonic pencil tip probe may be used if the
customer desires.
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Number: UTT-P-004TMEP
Conventional Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Equipment Calibration
The proper functioning of the examination equipment will be checked and the equipment will
be calibrated by use of the reference standard, as described in paragraph 5.5, at:
The beginning and end of each examination;
When examination personnel are changed;
Anytime that a malfunction or improper operation is suspected (i.e., unusually high
or low readings);
When search units are changed;
When new batteries are installed or electrical outlet is changed;
When equipment operating from one power source is changed to another power
source or experiences power failure.
If, during a calibration, it is determined that the examination equipment is not functioning
properly or it is found to be out of calibration, all of the measurements since the last valid
equipment calibration will be retaken.
Calibration shall be accomplished using the same couplant as that to be used when
measurements are being taken.
When special form high temperature couplant is being used, a different couplant may be used
for calibration.
The temperature of the calibration block shall be within +/- 14° C of the test specimen.
Calibration shall be established with at least three known thickness. The Calibration thicknesses
selected shall be lower and higher than the exam piece thickness.
Place the transducer on the thinner step and adjust the instrument to read the step
within +/- 0.02 mm of the actual step thickness.
Place the transducer on the thicker step and adjust the instrument to read the step
within +/- 0.02 mm of the actual step thickness.
Repeat 7.6.1 and 7.6.2 until the instrument reads both steps within the +/- 0.02 mm
tolerance without further adjustment.
Ultrasonically measure the objective thickness. The thickness shall be within +/- 0.02
mm of its actual thickness.
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Conventional Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Examination Procedure
Couplant may be applied to the search unit or directly on the component being examined.
The extent of the examination and the location of the readings will comply with the referencing
code and the customer requirements.
Readings may be taken at randomly selected locations or taken in specified grid patterns as
If the inspection involves scanning (aka. scrubbing), the maximum scan speed shall be
Dual transducer element search units are inherently nonlinear for thickness measurements less
than 3mm.
When testing steel at elevated temperatures, > 90°C specially designed search units and
couplant shall be used.
When encountering wall thinning due to corrosion, the roughening of the back surface can
affect the amplitude and shape of the back-wall echo. Such a change in the back-wall echo
should be noted.
When encountering wall thinning caused by erosion, the back wall echo might disappear as the
sharply-angled far surface reflects the incident wave away from the transducer. If the back wall
echo disappears for this or any other reason, such as abrupt thinning into the near surface
region, the cause will be investigated with shear wave transducers or other inspection
technique, as appropriate. Such a disappearance of the back-wall echo can indicate a critical
degree of thinning and must be explored until the reason for such a loss of signal is defined.
Record all readings as specified in 8.2 in table form. The lowest reading in the series shall be
highlighted. If a large number of readings are generated, as in corrosion mapping, the readings
can be recorded in an excel spreadsheet and submitted with the specified report. The
spreadsheet shall be conditionally formatted to color code the thickness values (Green: Thicker;
Red: Thinner)
Acceptance Criteria
Acceptance or rejection of a component will be based on customer requirements, and/or the
minimum design thickness allowed by the referencing code.
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Number: UTT-P-004TMEP
Conventional Ultrasonics
Technical Procedure
Deposition Instructions
Post-examination cleaning technique - When post-examination cleaning is required, it should
be conducted as soon as practical after evaluation and using a process that does not adversely
affect the part
All reports are to be submitted daily
If the technician, for whatever reason, is unable to comply with the requirements of this
procedure, guidance shall be sought from the Technical Services Group. Any agreed deviations
from this procedure shall be documented for the inspection records.
Reporting Criteria
Report template approved by the client is acceptable for use, this procedure may be used in
conjunction with alternate methods and reported data may be presented on combined reports.
Any deviations from the procedure shall be noted on the report
Any limitations of the examination shall be noted on the report
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Number: VB-P-00TMEP
Vacuum Box Leak Testing
Technical Procedure
Written By
Reviewed By
Approved By
David Smith
Steve LaPointe
Elia Damis
Initial Release
Revision Number: 0.0
Date: 26-Feb-19
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Number: VB-P-00TMEP
Vacuum Box Leak Testing
Technical Procedure
List of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Reference Publications ................................................................................................................ 4
Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Qualifications of Personnel .......................................................................................................... 4
Equipment and Materials ............................................................................................................ 4
Surface Preparation..................................................................................................................... 5
Procedure ................................................................................................................................... 5
Evaluation ................................................................................................................................... 5
Repair / Re-test ........................................................................................................................... 5
Cleaning ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Inspection Report ........................................................................................................................ 6
Appendix I .............................................................................................................................................. 7
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Number: VB-P-00TMEP
Vacuum Box Leak Testing
Technical Procedure
The purpose of this procedure is to provide a guide line to carry out the Vacuum box test to check
soundness of annular joints, bottom (long seam & short seam) and welding joints for annular plates.
The objective of the vacuum box technique of bubble leak testing is to locate leaks in a pressure
boundary that cannot be directly pressurized. This is accomplished by applying a solution to a local area
of the pressure boundary surface and creating a differential pressure across that local area of the
boundary causing the formation of bubbles as leakage gas passes through the solution.
Reference Publications
3.1 API Standard 650 Eleventh Edition (latest release) 8.6 Vacuum Testing.
3.2 ASME Sec-V.
All applicable safety precautions as described in Metalogic Inspection Services Health, Safety and
Environment Manual shall be adhered to.
All client and/or Project specific safety requirements shall be followed.
Qualifications of Personnel
The Personnel shall be competent and have thorough knowledge in performing this method including
examination and interpretation of results.
The personnel responsible for performing the examination meet the vision requirement of reading a
Jaeger Type 2 Standard chart at a distance of not less than 300mm (12in.). Personnel shall be checked
annually to ensure they meet this requirement.
Equipment and Materials
The Vacuum box test is performed by using a box with visible window of fiber glass (i.e.6” Wide by 30”
long metallic box with a fiber glass). The open bottom is sealed against the tank surface by a sponge
rubber gasket. The test scheme shall have suitable connections, necessary valve and calibrated
Vacuum gauge. The gauge shall have a range of 0 psi to 15 psi or equivalent Pressure limits such as 0
in.Hg to 30 in.Hg.
The Test scheme shall be demonstrated with sample test block by application bubble solution at site
before conduction the test on the job. The bubble forming solution shall produce a film that does not
break away from the area to be tested, and the bubbles formed shall not break rapidly due to air
drying or low surface tension, soaps or detergents designed specifically for cleaning shall not be used
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Vacuum Box Leak Testing
Technical Procedure
for the bubble forming solution.
A vacuum can be drawn on the box by any convenient method, such as connection to a gasoline or
diesel motor intake manifold or to an air ejector or special vacuum pump. The gauge shall register a
partial vacuum of at least 2 psi (4in.Hg / 15KPa) below atmospheric pressure.
Surface Preparation
The surface to be examined and all adjacent areas shall be cleaned thoroughly and free from all dirt,
grease, lint, scale, welding flux, weld spatters, paint, oil and other extraneous matter that could
obstruct surface openings or otherwise with the examination. Prior to vacuum testing all joints shall
be checked visually.
A minimum light intensity of 1000 Lux is required for conducting the examination.
The temperature of the surface of the part to be examined shall not be below 4⁰C (40⁰F) nor above
52⁰C ( 125⁰F).
A soap film solution (brand name / type recorded in the inspection report) or commercial leak
detection solution, applicable to the conditions, shall be used.
The weld seam on the test shall be applied with the leak detection solution for detecting leaks prior
to placing vacuum box. The foaming shall be minimized by means of uniform application of bubble
The gauge shall at least register a partial Vacuum of 21 Kpa or 3 Lbf/in2 for inspection of the joints.
An overlap of 50mm (2in.) minimum for adjacent placement of the Vacuum box shall be given for each
subsequent examination.
Upon reaching the 21 KPA / designated vacuum, the required partial vacuum shall be maintained for
at least for 5 seconds or the time required to view the area under test.
The presence of a through-thickness leak indicated by continuous formation or growth of a bubble(s)
or foam, produced by air passing through the thickness, is unacceptable.
The presence of a large opening leak, indicated by a quick bursting bubble or splitting response at the
initial setting of the vacuum box is unacceptable.
Repair / Re-test
Defects in welds shall be repaired by chipping, grinding or melting out the defects from one side or
both sides of the joints, as required and re-welded. Only the cutting out of defective welds that is
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Vacuum Box Leak Testing
Technical Procedure
necessary to correct the defects is required. After repairing, re-test of Vacuum box test shall be carried
After test the area shall be thoroughly cleaned for the further activities.
Inspection Report
An inspection report shall be prepared recording all equipment and test parameters and test results.
Refer to Metalogic Vacuum Box Leak Test Report Form VB-F-01.
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Vacuum Box Leak Testing
Technical Procedure
Appendix I
Report Form VB-F-01
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Addenda Procedure
Date (D/M/Y)
Revision Number: 0.1
Written By
Elia Damis
Steve LaPointe
Reviewed By
Approved By
Dr. Aziz Rehman
Elia Damis
Date: 1-Jul-19
Aziz Rehman
Amendments to section 2.1 – addition of
MP3903 and revised title to Reference
Publications, Section 5 – editorial.
Initial Release
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Addenda Procedure
Table Of Contents
Scope .........................................................................................................................................4
Procedures and other Documents ...............................................................................................4
Items and Structures Covers........................................................................................................4
Surface Conditions & Preparation ...............................................................................................4
Acceptance Criteria.....................................................................................................................5
Disposition Instructions ..............................................................................................................9
Reporting and Documentation .................................................................................................. 10
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Addenda Procedure
1. Scope
This addenda procedure covers the list of procedures, associated documents, specific
standards and code requirements for radiographic examination of piping welds. It is also the
intent of this addenda procedure to cover deviations and additions, if any, from the usual
radiographic examination practices and inspection procedures.
2. Procedures and other Documents
Metalogic Inspection Services Documents
General Procedure for Radiographic Examination
Calibration of Transmission Densitometers
Reference Publications
ASME B31.1
ASME Code for Pressure Piping (Process Piping)
ASME B31.3
ASME Code for Pressure Piping (Power Piping)
ASME Sec.VIII Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
TMEP MP3903 Non-Destructive Testing Specification
ASME Code for Welding Qualifications
The latest edition or revision shall apply for all reference documents and Procedures.
3. Items and Structures Covers
This addenda procedure covers all radiographic inspection techniques, while using X-rays
and Gamma-Rays for the detection of internal or external linear and nonlinear
discontinuities in pipeline, parts, components and structural welds in plants or shop
fabrication facilities.
4. Surface Conditions & Preparation
Unless otherwise specified in a separate standard, applicable code and/or project specific
documents, the examination volume or area of interest for weld shall be the weld plus
lesser of the nominal wall thickness or 1 in. (25.4 mm) on each side of the weld for all nondestructive examination methods.
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Addenda Procedure
5. Acceptance Criteria
Normal and Category M Fluid Service
The welds (Girth, Miter Groove & Brach) on piping to be used under Normal and Category M
Fluid Service shall be examined to the extent specified herein or to any greater extent
specified in the engineering design. Acceptance criteria are as stated in Paragraph 5.1,
unless otherwise specified.
Tw- When referenced indicates the nominal wall thickness not inclusive of maximum
allowable reinforcement.
Crack – Indications of cracks shall be unacceptable regardless of size and location.
Lack of Fusion – Indications of lack of fusion shall be unacceptable regardless of size and
Incomplete Penetration – Depth of incomplete penetration shall be less than or equal to
1 mm (1/32 in.), and less than or equal to 0.2Tw (nominal wall thickness). Cumulative
length shall be less than or equal to 38 mm (1½ in.) in any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length.
Internal Porosity
(a) Isolated or Random Indication
For wall thickness less than or equal to 6 mm (¼ in.), limit shall be the same as in
Table 1. For thicknesses greater than 6 mm (¼ in.), the limits outlined in Table 1 can
be multiplied with a factor of 1½.
(b) Aligned Rounded Indications
Aligned rounded indications are acceptable when the summation of the diameters
of the rounded indications is less than T w in a length of 12Tw (See Figure 1). The
length of groups of aligned rounded indications and spacing between the groups
shall meet the requirements of Figure 2.
(c) Spacing between Adjacent Rounded Indications
The distance between adjacent rounded indications is not a factor in determining
acceptance or rejection, except as required for isolated indications or groups of
aligned indications
(d) Weld Thickness Availability
For Tw less than 3 mm, the maximum number of rounded indications shall not
exceed 12 in 150 mm (6 in.) length of weld. A proportionally fewer number of
indications shall be permitted in welds lengths of less than 150 mm (6 in.).
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Addenda Procedure
(e) Cluster Indications
The length of an acceptable cluster shall not exceed the lesser of 25 mm or 2 T w.
Where more than one cluster is present, the sum of the lengths of cluster shall not
exceed 25 mm (1 in.) in 150 mm (6 in.) length of weld.
Internal Slag Inclusion, Tungsten Inclusion, or Elongate Indications – Individual Length
shall be less than or equal to 2Tw, Individual Width shall be less than or equal to 3 mm
(1/8 in.) and less than or equal to ½Tw, Cumulative length shall be less than or equal to
4Tw in any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length.
Undercutting – Less than or equal to 1 mm (1/32 in.) and less than or equal to ¼Tw.
Concave Root Surface – Total joint thickness, including weld reinforcement, should be
greater than or equal to Tw.
Table 1: Maximum Sizes of Acceptable Rounded Indication
Maximum Size of Acceptable Rounded Indication
Weld Thickness Tw,
SI units (mm)
Maximum Size of
Indication, (mm)
3 ( /8)
5 ( /16)
6 ( /4)
< 3 ( /8)
/4 t
8 ( /16)
/3 t
/10 t
10 ( /8)
13 ( /2)
16 ( /8)
17 ( /16)
19.0 ( /4) to 50 (2), incl.
Over 50 (2)
11 ( /16)
14 ( /16)
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Addenda Procedure
Figure 1: Align Rounded Indications
Figure 2: Groups of Aligned Rounded Indications
Severe Cyclic Conditions
The welds (Girth, Miter Groove & Brach) on piping to be used under severe cyclic conditions
shall be examined to the extent specified herein or to any greater extent specified in the
engineering design. Acceptance criteria are stated in paragraph 5.2, unless otherwise
Cracks – Indications of cracks shall be unacceptable regardless of size and location.
Lack of Fusion – Indications of lack of fusion shall be unacceptable regardless of size and
Incomplete Penetration – Indications of incomplete penetration shall be unacceptable
regardless of size and location
Internal Porosity
(a) Isolated or Random Indication
Table 1 covers the acceptance criteria for isolated random rounded indications.
(b) Aligned Rounded Indications
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Addenda Procedure
Aligned rounded indications are acceptable when the summation of the diameters
of the rounded indications is less than T w in a length of 12Tw (See Figure 1). The
length of groups of aligned rounded indications and spacing between the groups
shall meet the requirements of Figure 2.
(c) Spacing between Adjacent Rounded Indications
The distance between adjacent rounded indications is not a factor in determining
acceptance or rejection, except as required for isolated indications or groups of
aligned indications
(d) Weld Thickness Availability
For Tw less than 3 mm, the maximum number of rounded indications shall not
exceed 12 in 150 mm (6 in.) length of weld. A proportionally fewer number of
indications shall be permitted in welds lengths of less than 150 mm (6 in.).
(e) Cluster Indications
The length of an acceptable cluster shall not exceed the lesser of 25 mm or 2 Tw.
Where more than one cluster is present, the sum of the lengths of cluster shall not
exceed 25 mm (1 in.) in 150 mm (6 in.) length of weld.
Internal Slag Inclusion, Tungsten Inclusion, or Elongated Indications – Individual length
shall be less than or equal to 1/3Tw, Individual Width shall be less than or equal to
2.5 mm (3/32 in.), and less than or equal to 1/3Tw, Cumulative Length shall be less than or
equal to Tw in any 12Tw weld length.
Undercutting – Indications of undercutting shall be unacceptable regardless of size and
Concave Root Surface – Total Joint thickness includes weld reinforcement, greater than
or equal to Tw.
Category D Fluid Service
The welds (Girth & Miter Groove) on piping and piping elements for Category D Fluid Service
shall be examined to the extent specified herein or to any greater extent specified in the
engineering design. Acceptance criteria are as specified in Paragraph 5.3, unless otherwise
Cracks – Indications of cracks shall be unacceptable regardless of size and location.
Lack of Fusion – Depth of lack of fusion shall be less than or equal to 0.2T w. Cumulative
length of lack of fusion shall be less than or equal to 38 mm (1½ in.) in any 150 mm
(6 in.) weld length. Tightly butted un-fused root faces are unacceptable.
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Addenda Procedure
Incomplete Penetration – Depth of incomplete penetration shall be less than or equal
0.2Tw. Cumulative length of incomplete penetration shall be less than or equal to 38 mm
(1½ in.) in any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length. Tightly butted un-fused root faces are
Undercutting – Indication of undercutting shall be less than or equal to 1.5 mm (1/16 in.),
and less than or equal to ¼Tw or 1 mm (1/32 in.).
Concave Root Surface – Total joint thickness includes weld reinforcement, greater than
or equal to Tw.
6. Disposition Instructions
Defective Components and Workmanship
An examined item with one or more defects (imperfections of a type or magnitude
exceeding the acceptance criteria of this code) shall be repaired or replaced; and the new
work shall be re-examined by the same methods, to the same extent, and by the same
acceptance criteria as required for the original work.
Progressive Sampling for Examination
When required spot or random examination reveals a defect, then:
(a) Two additional samples of the same kind (if welded or bonded joints, by the same
welder, bonder, or operator) shall be given the same type of examination.
(b) If the items examined as required by (a) above are acceptable, the defective item
shall be repaired or replaced and re-examined as specified in paragraph 6.1, and all
items represented by these two additional samples shall be accepted, but
(c) If any of the items examined as required by (a) above reveals a defect, two further
samples of the same kind shall be examined for each defective item found by that
(d) If all the items examined as required by (c) above are acceptable, the defective
item(s) shall be repaired or replaced and re-examined as specified in Paragraph 6.1,
and all items represented by the additional sampling shall be accepted, but
All rejectable indications shall be clearly marked on the weld as a minimum.
Post cleaning is not required unless specifically required under contractual needs.
All reports are to be submitted daily.
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Addenda Procedure
If the technician, for whatever reason, is unable to comply with the requirements of this
procedure, guidance shall be sought form the Engineering and Technical Services Group.
Any agreed deviations from this procedure shall be documented for the inspection records.
Inspection of Repairs
Repaired areas of welds shall be inspected by the same means previously used. Where
repairs are unacceptable, welds shall be completely removed by cutting out cylinders
containing the repaired welds or, where authorized by the company, further repairs
shall be made.
The acceptability of repaired areas of welds shall be determined in accordance with
Paragraph 5 of this procedure.
7. Reporting and Documentation
Unless otherwise specified in a separate standard, applicable code and/or project specific
documents, the reporting and documentation of inspection shall be in accordance with
Metalogic Radiographic General Inspection Procedure, “RT-GP-001-TMEP.”.
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Addenda Procedure
Date (D/M/Y)
Revision Number: 0.1
Written By
Elia Damis
Steve LaPointe
Reviewed By
Approved By
Dr. Aziz Rehman
Amendments made to Section 2.2 – header
change to Reference Publications, Section
6- Format change.
Elia Damis
Date: 1-Jul-19
Aziz Rehman
Initial Release
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Addenda Procedure
Table Of Contents
Scope .........................................................................................................................................4
Procedures and other Documents ...............................................................................................4
Items and Structures Covers........................................................................................................4
Surface Conditions & Preparation ...............................................................................................4
Acceptance Criteria.....................................................................................................................5
Inspection of Repairs ................................................................................................................12
Reporting and Documentation .................................................................................................. 12
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Addenda Procedure
1. Scope
This addenda procedure covers the list of procedures, associated documents, specific
standards and code requirements for radiographic examination of tanks built in accordance
with API 650 and Vessels in accordance with ASME Sec. VIII. It is also the intent of this addenda
procedure to cover deviations and additions, if any, from the usual radiographic examination
practices and inspection procedures.
2. Procedures and other Documents
Metalogic Inspection Services Documents
General Procedure for Radiographic Examination
Calibration of Transmission Densitometers
Reference Publications
ASME Sec.VIII Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
TMEP- MP3052 Storage Tank Welding and Non-Destructive Testing
TMEP- MP3903 Non-Destructive Testing Specification
API 650 Welded Tanks for Oil Storage
ASME Code for Welding Qualifications
The latest edition or revision shall apply for all reference documents and Procedures.
3. Items and Structures Covers
This addenda procedure covers all radiographic inspection techniques, for the detection of
internal and/or external linear and nonlinear discontinuities in pipeline, parts, components
and structural welds in plants or shop fabrication facilities by using Closed Proximity
Radiographic Examination Technique.
4. Surface Conditions & Preparation
Unless otherwise specified in a separate standard, applicable code and/or project specific
documents, the examination volume or area of interest for weld shall be the weld plus lesser
of the nominal wall thickness or 1 in. (25.4 mm) on each side of the weld for all nondestructive examination methods.
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Addenda Procedure
5. Acceptance Criteria
Linear Indications
Indications shown on the radiographs of welds and characterized as imperfections are
unacceptable under the following conditions:
Any indication characterized as a crack or zone of incomplete fusion or penetration.
Any other elongated indication on the radiograph which has lengths greater than:
(a) ¼ in. (6 mm) for t up to ¾ in. (19 mm)
(b) t/3 for t from ¾ in. (19 mm) to 2¼ in. (57 mm)
(c) ¾ in. (19 mm) for t over 2¼ in. (57 mm)
t = the thickness of the weld excluding any allowable reinforcement. For a butt
weld joining two members having different thicknesses at the weld, t is the
thinner of these two thicknesses. If a full penetration weld includes a fillet
weld, the thickness of the throat of the fillet shall be included in t.
Any group of aligned indications that have an aggregate length greater than t in a length
of 12t, except when the distance between the successive imperfections exceeds 6L,
where L is the length of the longest imperfection.
Rounded Indications
Indications with a maximum length of three times the width or less on the radiograph are
defined as rounded indications. These indications may be circular, elliptical, conical, or
irregular in shape and may have tails. When evaluating the size of an indication, the tail shall
be included. The indication may be from any may be from any imperfection in the weld such
as porosity, slag or tungsten inclusions. Following is the acceptance criteria for rounded
indications extracted from ASME Sec VIII, Div. I (Note: Paragraph 8.1.5 of API-650 directs
the user to consult the same criteria).
(a) Image Density
Density within the image of the indication may vary and is not a criterion for
acceptance or rejection
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Addenda Procedure
(b) Relevant Indications
Only those rounded indications which exceed the following dimension shall be
considered relevant (see Tables 1 & 2 for examples):
/10 for t less than 1/8 in. (3 mm)
/64 in. (0.38 mm) for t from 1/8 to ¼ in. (3 to 6 mm) incl.
/32 in. (0.79 mm) for t from ¼ to 2 in. (6 to 50 mm) incl.
/16 in. for t less than 2 in. (50 mm)
(c) Maximum Size of Rounded Indications
The maximum permissible size of any indication shall be t/4, or 5/32 in. (4 mm),
whichever is smaller (see Table 1 & Table 2 for examples); except that an isolated
indication separated from an adjacent indication by 1 in. (25 mm) or more may be t/3,
or ¼ in. (6 mm), whichever is less. For t greater than 2 in. (50 mm) the maximum
permissible size of an isolated indication shall be increased to 3/8 in. (10 mm).
Table 1: Maximum Sizes of Acceptable Rounded Indication (in Metric Units)
Maximum Size of Acceptable Rounded Indication
Weld Thickness t,
mm (in.)
SI units (mm)
Maximum Size of
Indication, (mm)
3 ( /8)
5 ( /16)
6 ( /4)
< 3 ( /8)
/4 t
8 ( /16)
/3 t
/10 t
10 ( /8)
13 ( /2)
16 ( /8)
17 ( /16)
19.0 (3/4) to 50 (2), incl.
Over 50 (2)
11 ( /16)
14 ( /16)
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Addenda Procedure
Table 2: Maximum Sizes of Acceptable Rounded Indication (in Imperial Units)
Maximum Size of Acceptable Rounded Indication
Weld Thickness t, in.
Imperial Units (in.)
< /8 (3)
/4 t
Maximum Size of
Indication, (in.)
/3 t
/10 t
/8 (3)
/16 (5)
/4 (6)
/16 (8)
/8 (10)
/16 (11)
/2 (13)
/16 (14)
/8 (16)
/16 (17)
/4 (19) to 2 (50), incl.
Over 2 (50)
(d) Aligned Rounded Indications
Aligned rounded indications are acceptable when the summation of the diameters of
the indications is less than t in a length of 12t (see Figure 1). The length of the groups
of aligned rounded indications and the spacing between the groups shall meet the
requirements of Figure 2.
Figure 1: Align Rounded Indications
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Addenda Procedure
Figure 2: Groups of Aligned Rounded Indications
(e) Spacing
The distance between adjacent rounded indications is not a factor in determining
acceptance or rejection, except as required for isolated indications or groups of
aligned indications.
(f) Rounded Indication Charts
The rounded indications characterized as imperfections shall not exceed that shown
in the charts. The charts in Figure 3 to Error! Reference source not found. illustrate
various types of assorted, randomly dispersed and clustered rounded indications for
different weld thicknesses greater than 1/8 in. (3 mm). These charts represent the
maximum acceptable concentration limits for rounded indications.
(g) Weld Thickness t less than 1/8 in. (3 mm)
For t less than 1/8 in. (3 mm) the maximum number of rounded indications shall not
exceed 12 in a 6 in. (150 mm) length of weld. A proportionally fewer number of
indications shall be permitted in welds less than 6 in. (150 mm).
(h) Cluster indications
The illustrations for clustered indications show up to four times as many indications
in a local area, as that shown in illustrations for random indications. The length of an
acceptable cluster shall not exceed of 1 in. (25 mm) or 2t. Where more than one
cluster is present, the sum of the clusters shall not exceed 1 in. (25 mm) in a 6 in. (150
mm) length weld.
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Addenda Procedure
(a) Random Rounded Indications (See Note 1)
(b) Isolated Indications (see Note 2)
Notes: 1
(c) Cluster
Typical concentration and size permitted in any 6 in. (150 mm) length of weld
Maximum sizes as pert Tables 1 & 2
Figure 3: Charts for t equal to 1/8 in. to ¼ in. (3 mm to 6 mm), inclusive
(a) Random Rounded Indications (See Note 1)
(b) Isolated Indications (see Note 2)
Notes: 1
(c) Cluster
Typical concentration and size permitted in any 6 in. (150 mm) length of weld
Maximum sizes as pert Tables 1 & 2
Figure 4: Charts for t equal to ¼ in. to 3/8 in. (6 mm to 10 mm), inclusive
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Addenda Procedure
(a) Random Rounded Indications (See Note 1)
(c) Cluster
b) Isolated Indications (see Note 2)
Notes: 1
Typical concentration and size permitted in any 6 in. (150 mm) length of weld
Maximum sizes as pert Tables 1 & 2
Figure 5: Charts for t equal to 3/8 in. to ¾ in. (10 mm to 19 mm), inclusive
(a) Random Rounded Indications (See Note 1)
(b) Isolated Indications (see Note 2)
Notes: 1
(c) Cluster
Typical concentration and size permitted in any 6 in. (150 mm) length of weld
Maximum sizes as pert Tables 1 & 2
Figure 6: Charts for t over ¾ in. to 2 in. (19 mm to 50 mm), inclusive
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Addenda Procedure
(a) Random Rounded Indications (See Note 1)
(b) Isolated Indications (see Note 2)
Notes: 1
(c) Cluster
Typical concentration and size permitted in any 6 in. (150 mm) length of weld
Maximum sizes as pert Tables 1 & 2
Figure 7: Charts for t over 2 in. to 4 in. (50 mm to 100 mm), inclusive
(a) Random Rounded Indications (See Note 1)
(b) Isolated Indications (see Note 2)
Notes: 1
(c) Cluster
Typical concentration and size permitted in any 6 in. (150 mm) length of weld
Maximum sizes as pert Tables 1 & 2
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Addenda Procedure
6. Inspection of Repairs
Repaired areas of welds shall be inspected by the same means previously used. Where repairs
are unacceptable, welds shall be completely removed by cutting out cylinders containing the
repaired welds or, where authorized by the company, further repairs shall be made.
The acceptability of repaired areas of welds shall be determined in accordance with Paragraph
5.0 of this procedure.
7. Reporting and Documentation
Unless otherwise specified in a separate standard, applicable code and/or project specific
documents, the reporting and documentation of inspection shall be in accordance with
Metalogic Radiographic General Inspection Procedure, “RT-GP-001-TMEP.”.
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Addenda Procedure
No: RT-GP-001-TMEP
Industrial Radiography
Date (D/M/Y)
Revision Number: 0.1
Written By
Elia Damis
Steve LaPointe
Reviewed By
Approved By
Dr. Aziz
Elia Damis
Date: 1-Jul-19
Aziz Rehman
Amendments made to section 2.1 –
addition of ASME Section V under scope,
Section 4 – references amended, Section
4.14 – Hole type IQI removed, Section 6.1removed “for work in Canada”, Section 10
– Editorial changes made, Section 11 –
Initial Release
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Addenda Procedure
No: RT-GP-001-TMEP
Industrial Radiography
Table Of Contents
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................4
Scope .........................................................................................................................................4
Principle .....................................................................................................................................4
Referenced Documents ...............................................................................................................4
Safety Requirements ..................................................................................................................5
Personnel Qualification Requirements ........................................................................................6
General Requirements ................................................................................................................7
Equipment and Materials............................................................................................................9
Calibration of Equipment & Accessories .................................................................................... 13
Radiographic Examination ........................................................................................................ 14
Evaluation ................................................................................................................................ 21
Acceptance Standards............................................................................................................... 22
Exposure Techniques ................................................................................................................ 22
Disposition Instructions ............................................................................................................ 22
Reporting Criteria ..................................................................................................................... 23
RT Field Inspection Report Template ......................................................................................... 28
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Addenda Procedure
No: RT-GP-001-TMEP
Industrial Radiography
Radiography is used to detect features of a component or assembly that exhibit differences in
thickness or physical density compared to the surrounding material. Radiographic inspection is
used extensively on castings and weldments, particularly where there is a critical need to ensure
freedom from internal flaws.
This procedure details the examination techniques to be utilized for both x-ray and gamma ray
radiographic examinations for detection of internal and/or external discontinuities in welds,
parts and components that are viewed on film in accordance with ASME Section V.
It does not indicate or suggest criteria for evaluation of the indications obtained. A separate
code, standard or specification shall define the type, size, location and direction of indications
considered acceptable, and those considered unacceptable.
A source of radiation is placed on one side of a test piece to be examined, and a recording
medium (film) is placed on the other side. Radiation from the source is absorbed by the test
piece as the radiation passes through it; the flaw and the surrounding material absorb different
amounts of radiation. Thus, the amount of radiation that reaches the film in the area beneath
the flaw is different from the amount that impinges on the adjacent areas. This produces on the
film a latent image of the flaw that, when the film is developed, can be seen as a “shadow” of
different photographic density from that of the image of the surrounding material.
Referenced Documents
CAN/CGSB 48.9712 “Non-Destructive Testing – Qualification and Certification of Personnel”
Metalogic Inspection Services (MIS) SNT-TC-1A Written Practice Manual
Non-Destructive Testing Specification TMEP-MP3903
Storage Tank Specification TMEP-MP3052
MIS Safety Manual
MIS Radiation Safety, Emergency & Operating Procedures Manual
ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code; Section V, Article 2 “Radiographic Examination of Welds
ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code; Section V, Article 22 “Radiographic Standards
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Addenda Procedure
No: RT-GP-001-TMEP
Industrial Radiography
Nuclear Substances and Radiation Devices Regulations
Radiation Protection Regulations
ASTM E 94 Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination
ASTM E 747 Practice for Design, Manufacture and Material Grouping Classification of Wire Image
Quality Indicators (IQIs) used for Radiography
ASTM E 999 Standard Guide for Controlling the Quality of Industrial Radiographic Film Processing
ASTM E 1032 Radiographic Examination of Weldments
ASTM E 1079 Standard Practice for Calibration of Transmission Densitometers
ASTM E 1114 Test Method for Determining the Size of Iridium-192 Industrial Radiographic Source
ASTM E 1165 Test Method for Measurement of Focal Spots of Industrial X-Ray Tubes by Pinhole
ASTM E 1390 Standard Guide for Illuminators Used for Viewing Industrial Radiographs
ASTM E 1742 Standard Practice for Radiographic Examination
RT-CP-201 MIS Procedure for Transmission Densitometer Calibration
RT-TB-301 MIS Technical Bulletin for IQI Thickness & Sensitivity Charts
ISO 11699-1 Classification of Film Systems for Industrial Radiography
RT-RF-401 MIS Radiographic Field Inspection Report
The latest edition or revision shall apply for all reference documentation
Safety Requirements
All applicable safety precautions as described in Metalogic Inspection Services Health, Safety and
Environment Manual shall be adhered to.
All client and/or Project specific safety requirements shall be followed.
Large doses of x-rays or gamma rays can damage skin and blood cells, can produce blindness and
sterility, and in massive doses can cause severe disability or death. Protection of personnel – not
only those engaged in radiographic work but also those in the vicinity of radiographic inspection
– is of major importance. To ensure a safe working environment for everyone involved, the
following guidelines must be followed:
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Addenda Procedure
No: RT-GP-001-TMEP
Industrial Radiography
Every worker shall be informed of the hazards of working in an area where exposure in
Adequate precautions shall be taken to protect the radiographer and qualified operator
and any other persons in the area
The Qualified Operator, or Certified Exposure Device Operator shall be responsible for
making sure that the areas affected by radiation are surveyed and the limits of hazards
All radiation protection and monitoring shall comply with the applicable requirements of
the CNSC, Health and Welfare Canada, and any client specific requirements
Only workers directly involved with radiation shall be in the immediate area of work
Where required by contract, a 360-degree amber rotating light shall be used when
exposures are in progress
All client and/or Project specific safety requirements shall be adhered to.
Examination Area
Upon arrival at the work area, a hazard assessment shall be completed. The work area
shall be cleared of all potential hazards
Erect signs and barriers in accordance with the Radiation Protection Regulations,
posting signs at boundaries and points of access.
For countries other than Canada, signs and barriers shall conform to local laws
and regulations. Signs shall be posted at boundaries and points of access.
Clear restricted area of all unauthorized personnel.
Personnel Qualification Requirements
All radiographers interpreting film shall meet the following minimum qualification requirements:
RT Level II or Level III in accordance with NRCan/CGSB 48.9712, and
SNT-TC-1A RT Level II or Level III in accordance with MIS Written Practice
Level I personnel shall work under the direct supervision of a Level II or Level III and shall not
interpret the non-destructive examination and testing results
Only RT Level II and/or Level III certified personnel (in accordance with 6.1 above) shall be
responsible for carrying out examination, evaluation, interpretation, reporting and disposition.
For work in Canada, personnel carrying out examinations, evaluations and reporting shall also
have NRCan/CGSB 48.9712 RT Level II or Level III, and
Experienced workers are approved individuals capable of performing the inspection shall
be at a minimum a Certified Exposure Device Operator (CEDO)
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Addenda Procedure
No: RT-GP-001-TMEP
Industrial Radiography
Non-experience workers are approved individuals capable of performing the inspection
shall have completed the Metalogic Inspection Services Exposure Device Operator (EDO)
examination. An approved EDO performing examination shall be accompanied by a CEDO
with over the shoulder supervision at all times.
In addition to having certifications, personal performing inspections, evaluations, and reporting
shall have also complete specific training approved by the MIS Quality Manager.
General Requirements
Compliance with procedure
Compliance with the procedure shall be considered satisfactory when the density and
image quality indicator (IQI) image are demonstrated to be in accordance with the
requirements of this procedure
Material Type & Thickness Range
ASME P Number 1 or Equivalent
3 – 70 mm (1/8 – 2¾ in.)
Product Form(s):
Plates, Casting, Forging, Welds and Welded Structures
Surface Preparation and Finish
Surfaces shall satisfy the requirements of the applicable materials specification or
referencing Code Section, with additional conditioning, if necessary, by any suitable
process to such a degree that the resulting radiographic image due to any surface
irregularities cannot mask or be confused with the image of any discontinuity
When possible, the weld ripples or weld surface irregularities on both the inside (where
applicable) and outside shall be removed by any suitable process to such a degree that
the resulting radiographic image due to any surface irregularities cannot mask or be
confused with the image of any discontinuity
Prior to the radiographic examination, the surface area to be examined and any adjacent
area within at-least 1-inch (25.4 mm) of the surface to be examined, shall be dry and free
of any dirt, grease, lint, scale, welding flux, spatter, oil, loose coatings, or other extraneous
matter that would interfere with the examination
Volume Required for Radiographic Examination
Unless otherwise specified, film shall cover a minimum of 19mm on each side of the weld
The size (dimensions) of the radiographic film shall be selected so that the coverage
required in 7.4 can be displayed on the radiograph.
Backscatter Radiation
Where required by referencing codes, a lead symbol “B” ½ in. (12.7 mm) in height and 1/16
in. (1.5 mm) in thickness shall be attached to the back of each film holder as a check for
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Addenda Procedure
No: RT-GP-001-TMEP
Industrial Radiography
backscatter radiation. If a light image of “B” appears on a darker background of the
radiographic film, protection from backscatter is insufficient and the radiography shall be
considered unacceptable. A dark image of the “B” on a lighter background is NOT cause
for rejection of the radiograph.
System of Identification
A system shall be used to permanently identify each radiograph and to provide a
permanent correlation between the part radiographed and the film. This identification
system does not necessarily require that the information appears as a radiographic image,
but it must not obscure the area of interest.
All indications which are visible on the radiographic film shall be identified and
dispositioned as to their location, identity, and acceptability based on the applicable
codes and acceptance criteria.
Minimum identification on each radiograph should at-least include company name and/or
symbol, contractor/manufacturer identification in accordance with customer
specification, customer/client job number, part (vessel, piping or plate) identification,
weld and/or seam identification and date of inspection.
Identification of Weld Examination Areas
All identification and location markers shall be in intimate contact with the film and welds
The location markers shall be made of lead numbers evenly and accurately spaced so to
allow 100% inspection of the weld and heat affected zone (HAZ). All markers shall be
clearly visible on the radiograph.
The location markers shall be placed so not to interfere with the evaluation of the weld
and HAZ
Welds shall be identified by one or more of the following:
a. Weld Number
b. Isometric Drawings
Zero position shall be clearly marked on the weld and pipe/plate using a paint marker,
stamp or by means agreed upon with the client. An arrow will indicate the direction in
which the location markers increase in equal increments.
The following identification shall appear as a permanent image radiograph. All
identification information shall not interfere with the area of interest:
Weld Number
Location Markers
Client Company
Code Image Quality Indicator
Repair Identification
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Addenda Procedure
No: RT-GP-001-TMEP
Industrial Radiography
Radiographs of repairs shall be identified by the letter “R” and may include -1, -2 etc. for
the number of repair.
Monitoring Density Limitation of Radiographs
A calibrated densitometer shall be used for judging film density.
Equipment and Materials
Radiation Sources
Unless specified by contract, the source of radiation shall be an x-ray emitting
machine or gamma rays emitted by radioactive source:
X-Ray machines that achieve the required radiographic quality and meets the
requirements of applicable codes or specification shall be used to produce the xradiation.
Where gamma radiation is selected, iridium 192 shall be used to produce
Radioactive Sources shall have a minimum strength of 30 curies for pipe
diameters less than 168.3mm OD (NPS<6) and 50 curies for pipe diameters
ranging from grater than 168.3mm OD to 355.6mm OD (NPS 6 to 14)
Following are the thickness ranges of equivalent of steel for different radiation
sources used:
X-Ray, Directional (focal spot sizes d 3 mm) or Panoramic (focal spot size d 3.5
mm) Equipment:
from 50 250 kV: Material Thickness of 3 – 50 mm (1/8 – 2 in.)
from 250 – 500 kV: Material Thickness 30 – 70 mm (13/16 – 2¾ in.)
Iridium 192, Source Size 2 – 4 mm (diagonal), up to 120 Curie, for material
thickness of 3 – 70 mm (1/8 – 2 ¾ in.).
8.1.3 When it is not practical to perform radiography within above specified limits, a
separate procedure required, which shall be proven satisfactory by actual
demonstration of penetrameter resolution on the minimum thickness of the
materials radiographed.
Personal Radiation Monitoring Equipment
Working calibrated radiation survey meter.
Thermo Luminescent Dosimeter (TLD)
Direct Reading Dosimeter (DRD)
Audible Alarm
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Addenda Procedure
No: RT-GP-001-TMEP
Industrial Radiography
All personal radiation monitoring equipment listed above shall be calibrated within 12
months of use, and be in accordance with Nuclear Substances and Radiation Devices
For countries other than Canada, all personal radiation monitoring equipment listed
above shall at a minimum conform to the requirements of local laws and regulations
Mobile Darkroom Equipment & Accessories
Standard mobile darkroom for field inspection, with manual processing capabilities
Cassettes shall be free of nay light leaks
Fluorescent illuminators for evaluating radiographs
Lead letters and numbers shall be a minimum 6.35 mm ( 1/4 in.)
Radiographic Films and Processing
The optimum film system used shall be based on system classification (imaging
performance) and speed (exposure time).
For construction in accordance with ASME B31.3, film shall be classified in accordance
with ISO 11699-1. The selection of film system class C4, as a minimum shall apply for all
welds radiographed by the X-Ray method; the selection of film system class C3, as a
minimum, shall apply for all welds radiographed by the gamma method.
Films shall be processed in accordance with the ASTM E-999, “Standard Guide for
Controlling the Quality of Industrial Radiographic Film Processing”, or ASTM E-94,
“Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination”, and the type of Developer and Fixer shall
be specified on Radiographic Technique.
Unexposed films shall be stored in such a manner to ensure damage shall not occur,
damage consisting of light, pressure, humidity and an indirect field of radiation.
The base unexposed film density shall not be greater than 0.3 H&D. This shall be verified
at the beginning of each new roll/box of film.
Intensifying Screens
Intensifying screens of appropriate thickness should be used whenever they improve the
radiographic quality or image quality indicator sensitivity or both .
When using an X-rays source greater than 120 kV or Gama-rays source Lead or Lead Oxide
intensifying screen shall be used for exposing radiographs
Recommended intensifying screen thickness are listed in Table 1.
Intensifying screens shall be free of cracks, scratches, greases, dust and foreign matter
that could render undesirable non-relevant images on the film. Screen dimensions shall
be the same as the film.
Screens shall be in an intimate contact with the film
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Addenda Procedure
No: RT-GP-001-TMEP
Industrial Radiography
For Gamma Radiography, intensifying screens shall be applied as per ASME Codes and
Specific customer’s requirements in order to improve radiographic quality: Nominally
0.010” front and back lead foils can be used.
Table 1: Recommended Intensifying Screen Thickness
(kV Range)
Front Screen
Back Screen
120 – 200
200 - 300
Pre-packaged films with Lead may be used where permitted by procedure and/or technique
Radiographs Illuminators and Viewing Facilities
Viewing facilities shall provide subdued background lighting of an intensity that will not
cause troublesome reflections, shadows, or glare on the radiographs.
Illuminators shall be in accordance with ASTM E 1390 and capable of sufficiently
illuminating radiographs with a transmission density of 4.0 H&D for interpretation and
shall provide a light source sufficient for the essential IQI hole or designated wire to be
visible for the specified density range.
The viewing conditions shall be such that the light from around the outer edge of the
radiograph or coming through low-density portions of the radiograph does not interfere
with interpretation
Image Quality Indicators (IQI)
Image Quality Indicators (IQI) used shall be wire-type IQI, provided the following
requirements are met:
The IQI shall be radiographically similar to the material being examined.
Wire type IQIs shall be manufactured and identified in accordance with the
requirements of alternates allowed in ASTM E 747.
Hole Type (plaque) IQI’s SHALL NOT BE USED.
The type and size of the IQI and the required wire that is to be visible is dependent
on material thickness. The governing standard, code or specification shall be
consulted in determining the type, size and sensitivity of IQI used (Table 2 provides
identity and designation of different wire-type IQIs).
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Industrial Radiography
Alternative Quality Indicators (IQI) Designs
IQIs designed and manufactured in accordance with other national or international
standards may be used provided the following requirements are met:
IQI shall be selected from either the same alloy material group or grade as
identified in ASTM E 1025 or ASTM E 747, as applicable, or from an alloy material
group or grade with less radiation absorption than the material being
The alternative wire-type IQI essential wire diameter is equal to or less than the
required standard IQI essential wire (as per ASTM E 747).
Table 2: Wire-Type IQI Designation, Wire Diameter, and Wire Identity
Set A
Set B
Wire Diameter
In. (mm)
Wire Diameter
In. (mm)
0.0032 (0.08)
0.010 (0.25)
0.004 (0.10)
0.013 (0.33)
0.005 (0.13)
0.016 (0.41)
0.0063 (0.16)
0.020 (0.51)
0.008 (0.20)
0.025 (0.64)
0.010 (0.25)
0.032 (0.81)
Set C
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Set D
Wire Diameter
In. (mm)
Wire Diameter
In. (mm)
0.032 (0.81)
0.100 (2.54)
0.040 (1.02)
0.126 (3.20)
0.050 (1.27)
0.160 (4.06)
0.063 (1.60)
0.200 (5.08)
0.080 (2.03)
0.250 (6.35)
0.100 (2.54)
0.320 (8.13)
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Industrial Radiography
Calibration of Equipment & Accessories
The exposure device shall be certified in accordance with the Nuclear Substances and Radiation
Devices Regulations
For countries other than Canada, the exposure device shall conform to local laws and
Radiation Sources
Verification of Source Size:
The equipment manufacturer’s or suppliers publications, such as technical manuals,
decay curves, or written statements documenting the actual or maximum source size or
focal spot, shall be acceptable as source size verification.
Determination of Source Size:
When manufacturer’s or supplier’s publications are not available, source size may
be determined as:
a. for X-rays equipment, in accordance with ASTM E 1165, and
b. for Gamma-rays, in accordance with ASTM E 1114
Equipment associated with the exposure device such as Crank Cables and Guide
Tubes shall be maintained and certified by a 3rd party company approved by the
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (or in accordance with any local or state nuclear
safety authority, if not in Canada) to perform such maintenance.
X-Ray Equipment Calibration:
X-ray equipment (or tube) shall be calibrated using a slope wedge of either steel
or aluminum. The results of the slope wedge will be used to generate an exposure
chart for the specific calibration of the X-ray tube. The Calibration date shall be
recorded and the exposure chart shall be retained for reference. The full range of
kV and mA increments shall be used to determine the penetrating capabilities.
Radiation Detection devices shall be calibrated within 12 months. Calibration
certificates shall be readily available and stickers shall be legible.
Image Quality Indicators (IQIs)
ASTM Type IQIs, wire-type shall be acceptable
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Industrial Radiography
A calibrated densitometer shall be used for judging film density. All
densitometers, shall be calibrated on a ninety (90) day basis. Confirmation of
densitometer calibration status shall be performed prior to performing any
Densitometer shall be calibrated using a step wedge traceable to a national
standard step tablet and having at least 5 steps with neutral densities form at
least 1.0 H&D through 4.0 H&D.
The densitometer shall not vary by more than ±0.05 H&D from the actual density
stated on the step wedge.
Radiographic Examination
Radiographic Technique
A single-wall exposure technique shall be used for radiography whenever practical
When it is not practical to use a single-wall technique, e.g. for pipe material and welds,
having with nominal outside diameters of 3½ in. (89 mm) or less, a double-wall technique
may be used, where the radiation passes through both walls and weld (material) in both
welds. The resultant image (on a radiograph) is than consists of information from both
walls and welds material, which is then viewed for acceptance
Selection of Radiation Energy
The radiation energy employed for any radiographic technique shall achieve the density
and IQI image requirements
In all cases whether X-ray or Gamma-ray is selected, the specified IQI quality level must
be shown on the radiograph
To determine the practical thickness limits for radiation sources for materials other than
steel, the use of radiographic equivalence factors may be used. The radiographic
equivalence factor of a material is that constant by which the thickness of a material must
be multiplied to give the thickness of a “standard” material (often steel) which has the
same absorption.
Direction of Radiation
The direction of the central beam of radiation should be centered on the area of interest
which is defined as the width of the weld image plus 3-6mm from both edges of the weld
cap edge to ensure inclusion of the weld HAZ wherever practical.
Geometry (Geometric Unsharpness)
The Focus-to-Film Distance necessary to reduce geometric unsharpness to a negligible
amount depends upon the film, focal-spot size, and object-to-film. Geometric
unsharpness is shown in Figure 1 and is given as follows:
Limitations for Geometric Unsharpness:
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Industrial Radiography
0.020 in. (0.51 mm) for wall thickness under 2 in. (50.8 mm)
0.030 in. (0.76 mm) for wall thickness under 2 through 3 in. (50.8 – 76.2 mm)
0.040 in. (1.02 mm) for wall thickness under 3 through 4 in. (76.2 – 101.6 mm)
0.070 in. (1.78 mm) for wall thickness over 4 in. (101.6 mm)
Location Markers
Location markers shall be placed on the part, and must appear as radiographic images on
the film. Their locations shall be marked on the surface of the part being radiographed or
on a map, in a manner that the area of interest on the radiograph is accurately traceable
to its location and provide evidence on the radiograph that the required coverage of the
region being examined has been obtained.
Location markers shall be placed as follows:
a. Markers for Single-Wall Viewing Method
Source Side Markers
Location makers shall be placed on the source side when radiographing the following:
Flat bottom components or longitudinal joints in cylindrical or conical
Curved or spherical components whose concave side is toward the source
and when the source to material distance is less than the inside radius of the
Curved or spherical components whose convex side is toward the source
ii. Film Side Markers
Location markers shall be placed on the film side when radiographing either
curved or spherical components whose concave side is toward the source and
when the source to material distance is equal to or greater than the inside radius.
iii. Either Side Markers
Location markers may be placed on either the source side or film side when
radiographing either curved or spherical components whose concave side is
toward the source and the “source-to-material” distance equals the inside radius
of the component
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Industrial Radiography
Ug = F ˜ d / D
Ug = Geometric Unsharpness
F = Size of Radiation Source: the maximum
projected dimension of the radiating source
(or effective focal spot) in the plane
perpendicular to the distance D from the
weld or object being radiographed
d = Distance from Source side of weld to the
film, or object to the film
D = distance from source side of weld to the
D and d shall be measured to the approximate
center of the area of interest
Figure 1: Geometric Unsharpness (equation
and nomenclature)
b. Markers for Double-Wall Viewing Method
For double-wall viewing at least one location marker shall be placed on the source
side surface adjacent to the weld (or on the material in the area of interest) for each
Location Marker Placement Mapping
When inaccessibility or other limitations prevent the placement of markers as stipulated
before a dimensioned map of the actual marker placement shall accompany the
radiographs and shall show that the full coverage has been obtained
Image Quality Indicators (IQI)
Selection of Image Quality Indicators (IQI)
a. IQIs shall be selected either from the same alloy material group or grade as specified
in ASTM E 1025, or ASTM E 747 or from a group with less radiation absorption than
the material being radiographed
b. The designated essential wire shall be as specified in Table 3
c. A thinner or thicker wire may be substituted for any section thickness listed in Table
3, provided equivalent penetrameter sensitivity and all other requirements for
radiography are met
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Industrial Radiography
Table 3: Essential Wire-Type for a corresponding Hole-Type IQI
Source Side
Nominal (Single-Wall)
Material Thickness Range
Film Side
Essential Wire
Essential Wire
Up to 0.250 in. (6.4 mm) incl.
Over 0.250 through 0.375 in. (6.4 – 9.5 mm)
Over 0.375 through 0.500 in. (9.5 – 12.7 mm)
Over 0.500 through 0.750 in. (12.7 – 19.0 mm)
Over 0.750 through 1.00 in. (19.0 – 25.4 mm)
Over 1.00 through 1.50 in. (25.4 – 38.1 mm)
Over 1.50 through 2.00 in. (38.1 – 50.8 mm)
Over 2.00 through 2.50 in. (50.8 – 63.5 mm)
Over 2.50 through 4.00 in. (63.5 – 101.6 mm)
Over 4.00 through 6.00 in. (101.6 – 152.4 mm)
d. IQI Selection for Welds with Reinforcements
The thickness on which the IQI is based is the nominal single-wall thickness plus the
estimated weld reinforcement not to exceed the maximum permitted by the
referencing Code Section. Backing strips or rings shall not be considered as part of the
thickness in IQI selection. The actual measurement of the weld reinforcement is no
e. IQI Selection for Welds without Reinforcements
The thickness on which the IQI is based in the nominal single-wall thickness. Backing
rings or strips shall not be considered as part of the weld thickness is IQI selection.
Weld Joining Dissimilar Material or Welds with Dissimilar Filler Metal
When the weld meal has a radiation attenuation that differs from the base material,
the IQI material selection shall be based on the weld metal. When the density
limitations cannot be met with one IQI, and the exceptional density areas(s) is at the
interface of the weld material and the base metal, the material selection for the
additional IQI shall be based in accordance with ASTM E 1025 or ASTM E 747.
g. Required sensitivity for the wire-type IQI is the essential wire number (see Table 3)
Placement of Image Quality Indicators (IQI)
IQI Location for Welds
a. The wire-type IQI(s) will be placed on the weld so that the length of the wires is
perpendicular to the length of the weld
b. The wire-type IQI(s) will be placed so that the sensitivity can be measured through
the weld area and within the applicable limits of film coverage.
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Industrial Radiography
Source Side IQI(s)
The IQI(s) shall be placed on the source side of the part being examined, except in the
condition described in the next “bullet”.
When, due to part or weld configuration, it is not practical to place the IQI(s) on the
part, the IQI(s) may be placed on a separate block. Separate blocks shall be made of the
radiographically similar materials (as defined in ASTM E 1025) provided the
requirements of 10.7, in addition to the following, are met:
a. The IQI on the source side of the separate block shall be placed no closer to the
film than the source side of the part being radiographed
b. The separate block shall be placed as close as possible to the part being
Film Side IQI(s)
a. Where inaccessibility prevents hand placing the IQI(s) on the source side, it shall be
placed on the film side in contact with the part being examined. A lead letter “F” at
least as high as the IQI identification number(s) shall be placed adjacent to or on the
IQI(s), but shall not mask the essential wire as well as the area of interest as defined
in 10.3.
b. For materials other than welds, the IQI(s) with the IQI identification number(s) and
the lead letter “F” may be placed in the area of interest
c. Where IQI(s) are placed on the film side, the technique shall be qualified by
demonstrating the required sensitivity or a source side IQI on a test piece.
Number of Image Quality Indicators (IQIs)
For welds where one or more film holders are used for an exposure, at least one IQI image
shall appear on each radiograph
If the radiographic density requirements are met by using more than one IQI, one shall be
representative of the lightest area of interest and the other the darkest, and the
intervening densities on the radiograph shall be considered as having acceptable density.
When a repaired area is radiographed, at least one (1) IQI shall be placed adjacent to each
repair area and be present in the film.
Cases when Multiple IQIs are required
If the density requirements are met using more than one IQI, one shall be representative
of the lightest area of interest and the other the darkest, and the intervening densities on
the radiograph shall be considered as having acceptable density.
a. Special Cases – Cylindrical Components
For cylindrical components where the source is placed on the axis of the component
for a single exposure, at least 3 IQIs, spaced approximately 120º apart. This is
applicable when the complete circumference is radiographed using one or more film
holders, or when a section (or sections) of the circumference, where the length
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Industrial Radiography
between the ends of the outermost sections spans 240º or more. Additional film
locations may also be considered to obtain necessary IQI spacing
For cylindrical components where the source is placed on the axis of the component
for a single exposure, at least 3 IQIs, with one placed at each end of the span of the
circumference radiographed and one in the approximate center of the span are
required. This is applicable when a section of the circumference, the length of which
is greater than 120º and less than 240º is radiographed using just one (1) film holder,
or when a section or sections of the circumference, where the length between the
ends of the outermost sections span less than 240º is radiographed using more than
one film holder.
Where sections of longitudinal welds adjoining the circumferential weld are
radiographed simultaneously, an additional IQI shall be placed on each longitudinal
weld at the end of each section most remote from the junction with the
circumferential weld being radiographed
b. Special Cases – Spherical Components
For spherical components where the source is placed at the center of the component
for a single exposure, at least 3 IQIs, spaced approximately 120º apart, are required.
This is applicable when a complete circumference is radiographed using one or more
film holders, or when a section or sections of a circumference, where the length
between the ends of the outermost sections span 240º or more is radiographed using
one or more film holders. Additional film locations may be required to obtain
necessary IQI spacing.
For spherical components where the source is placed at the center of the component
for a single exposure, at least 3 IQI, with one placed at each end of the radiographed
span of the circumference radiographed and one in the approximate center of the
span, are required. This is applicable when a section of a circumference, the length of
which is greater than 120º and less than 240º is radiographed using just one film
holder, or when a section or sections of a circumference, where the length between
the ends of the outermost sections span less than 240º is radiographed using more
than one film holder.
Where sections of circumference welds adjoining other welds are radiographed
simultaneously, an additional IQI shall be placed on each other weld.
c. Special Cases – Flat or Curved Segments and Array of Components
For segments of a flat or curved components (e.g. ellipsoidal, torispherical,
torriconical, elliptical, etc.) where the source is placed perpendicular to the center of
a length of weld for a single exposure when using more than three film holders, at
least 3 IQIs, one placed at each end of the radiographed span and one in the
approximate center of the span, are required.
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Industrial Radiography
When an array of components in a circle is radiographed, at-least one IQI shall show
on each component image.
Film Processing
One of the most critical component in Industrial radiography is the final product, the radiograph
(film), and achieving a radiograph (film) which is acceptable with a reasonable shelf-life, the
following should be carefully monitored in accordance with ASTM E 94:
Normal development is 5 to 8 minutes at 20°C. Below 20°C, development is slower, which
increases fogging and decreases sensitivity.
Shake the film horizontally and vertically, ideally for 30 seconds continuously.
Stop Bath
After development is complete, the activity of the developer needs to be neutralized by
an acid stop bath or in clean water. 3 to 5 minutes is the time, required to neutralize the
Shake the film vertically, ideally for a few seconds each minutes.
The films must not touch each other, at all. Agitate the hangers vertically for about 30
seconds and again at the end of the first minute, to ensure rapid and uniform fixation. Fix
time is at least twice the clearing time but no more than 15 minutes.
Shake the film horizontally and vertically, ideally for a few seconds each minutes.
The washing efficiency is a function of wash water and its flow over the film being washed.
Minimum 10 minutes for a sufficient wash.
Shake the film horizontally and vertically, ideally for a few seconds each minutes.
Various methods of drying will suffice, importantly the film shall not come in contact with
one another in the dryer. The dryer shall not exceed 60°C.
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Industrial Radiography
Quality of Radiographs
All radiographs shall be free from mechanical, chemical, or other blemishes to the extent that
they cannot mask or be confused with the image of any discontinuity in the area of interest of
the object being radiographed. Such blemishes include, but are not limited to:
Processing defects such as streaks, watermarks, or chemical stains
Scratches, finger marks, crimps, dirtiness, static marks, smudges, or tears
False indications due to defective screens
Radiographic Density
Density Limitations
The transmitted film density through the radiographic image of the body of the
appropriate IQI and the area of interest shall be 1.8 minimum for single film viewing for
radiographs made with an X-ray source and 2.0 minimum for radiographs made with
Gamma-ray source.
For composite viewing of multiple film exposures, each film of the composite set shall
have a minimum density of 1.3. The maximum density shall be 4.0 for either single or
composite viewing. A tolerance of 0.05 in density is allowed for variations between
densitometer readings.
Density Variations
If the density of the radiograph anywhere through the area of interest varies more than
minus 15% or plus 30% from the density adjacent to the designated wire of the wire-type
IQI, within the minimum/maximum allowable density ranges specified above, then an
additional IQI shall be used for each exceptional area or areas and the radiograph retaken.
When calculating the allowable variation in density, the calculations may be rounded to
the nearest 0.1 within the range specified above.
Sensitivity of Image Quality Indicators (IQIs)
Radiography shall be performed with a technique of sufficient sensitivity to display the
designated essential wire of the wire-type IQI. The radiograph shall also display the IQI
identifying numbers and letters. If the designated essential wire, do not show on any film
in a multiple film technique, but do show in composite film viewing, interpretation shall be
permitted only by composite film viewing.
A thinner or thicker wire-type IQI than the required IQI may be substituted, provided an
equivalent or better IQI sensitivity (Table 3), is achieved and all other requirements for
radiography are met. Equivalent IQI sensitivity is shown in any row of which contains the
required IQI. Better IQI sensitivity is shown in any rows of the following which is above the
equivalent sensitivity row. If the required IQI are not presented in the table, the next thinner
IQI row from the table may be used to establish equivalent IQI sensitivity
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Industrial Radiography
The transmitted film density through the radiographic image of the body of the appropriate
IQI and the area of interest shall be 1.8 minimum for single film viewing for radiographs
made with an X-ray source and 2.0 minimum for radiographs made with Gamma-ray source.
Excessive Scatter
If a light image of the “B”, appears on a darker background of the radiograph, protection
from backscatter is insufficient and the radiograph shall be considered unacceptable. A dark
image of the “B” on a lighter background will be acceptable if the image cannot be confused
with a defect.
Disposition of Indications
All indications which are visible on the radiographic film shall be identified and dispositional
as to their location, identity, and acceptability based on the applicable acceptance criteria,
standard specification, and/or contractual requirements.
Acceptance Standards
Areas of assigned radiographic inspection shall be performed in accordance with an approved
Technique Sheet.
Interpretation will be performed to the applicable Specification or Drawing requirements shown
on the Technique Sheet and respective client requirements and applicable codes, covered
elsewhere as separate respective “addenda” procedures.
Whenever there is a reasonable doubt as to the interpretation or clarity of the radiograph
because of the film artifacts or improper technique, re-radiography is required.
Exposure Techniques
It is the responsibility of radiographer to review, interpret, evaluate and accept the completed
radiographs to assure compliance with the requirements of ASME Section V, Article 2 and other
code & specification requires. Table 4 (a, b & c) provides accepted source-weld-film
arrangements as per ASME Sec. V, Article 2, and Table 5 provides accepted location marker
configurations as per ASME Sec. V, Article 2.
Code compliance shall be assured through review, interpretation, evaluation, and acceptance
of the completed radiographs. Where required radiographs review should be completed during
evaluation, and a report documenting the method(s) or technique details and the indications
noted shall be prepared for each examination and accompany the radiographs
Disposition Instructions
All rejectable indications shall be clearly marked on the weld as a minimum.
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Industrial Radiography
Post cleaning is not required unless specifically requested by the Client.
All reports are to be submitted daily.
If the technician, for whatever reason, is unable to comply with the requirements of this
procedure, guidance shall be sought from the engineering and technical services group. Any
agreed deviations from this procedure shall be documented for the inspection records.
Inspection of repairs – As a minimum, re-examination shall be completed by the same method
that revealed the original defects.
Facilities Radiographic Storage – Envelopes shall be marked with the following information:
The corresponding report number (one report only per envelope)
The name of the company (TMEP), and Metalogic Inspection Services
The project name and AFE number
The weld identification numbers
Radiographs shall be stored in film envelopes with a separate interleaf for each
complete weld. The weld identification shall be marked on each interleaf.
Each envelope shall contain a photocopy of the original radiographic report as well as
the applicable weld as built drawing
No more than 10 welds for 323.9mm OD and less
No more than 3 welds for welds grater than 323.9mm OD.
Final Interpretation and evaluation shall be done with the film dry.
Reporting Criteria
A radiographic report shall accompany all radiographs. All reports shall have as minimum (which
may vary with client requirements):
Metalogic Inspection Services Project No.
Date of Examination
Client Name, Client Representative Name, and Date of Evaluation
Metalogic Inspection Services Procedure (General , Addenda and/or Calibration)
Radiographic Exposure Technique Number
Name of Radiographer and/or Interpreter
Weld number
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Industrial Radiography
Number of radiographs per weld
X-ray voltage or Isotope used
Focal spot/Source size
Material and thickness
Source-to-object distance
Source side of object to film distance
Number of film per cassette
Applicable code
Single or double wall exposure
Single or double wall viewing
Film manufacturer and type
Evaluation of radiograph
Report form RT-RF-405 is to be used
Any deviations from the procedure shall be noted on the report
Any limitations of the examination shall be noted on the report
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Industrial Radiography
Table 4a: Accepted Source-Weld-Film Arrangements as Per ASME Sec. V, Art. 2
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Industrial Radiography
Table 6b: Accepted Source-Weld-Film Arrangements as Per ASME Sec. V, Art. 2
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Table 6b: Accepted Source-Weld-Film Arrangements as Per ASME Sec. V, Art. 2
Table 5: Accepted Location Marker Configurations as Per ASME Sec. V, Art. 2
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Industrial Radiography
RT Field Inspection Report Template
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Addenda Procedure
No: RT-P-002-TMEP
Date (D/M/Y)
Revision Number: 0.1
Written By
Elia Damis
Steve LaPointe
Reviewed By
Approved By
Dr. Aziz Rehman
Amendments made to section Procedure
Title – changed to reflect addenda to RTGP-001, Section 1.1.3 - Added reference to
general procedure, Section 2 – Added
Scope section, Section 3- editorial, Section
5 – Editorial, Section 6.4.1 – defined area of
interest, Section 6 – editorial, Section 12 –
reporting requirements listed, Section 2 –
Edit sentence.
Elia Damis
Date: 1-Jul-19
Aziz Rehman
Initial Release
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Addenda Procedure
No: RT-P-002-TMEP
Table Of Contents
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................4
Scope .........................................................................................................................................4
Referenced Documents ...............................................................................................................4
Principle .....................................................................................................................................5
Safety Requirements ..................................................................................................................5
Examination Area .......................................................................................................................9
Equipment Calibration ................................................................................................................9
Exposure Techniques ................................................................................................................ 11
Acceptance Criteria (As per CSA Z662 Chapter 7.11)................................................................... 14
Disposition Instructions ............................................................................................................ 20
Reporting Criteria ..................................................................................................................... 21
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Addenda Procedure
No: RT-P-002-TMEP
This procedure utilizes:
The accepted exposure techniques outlined by CSA Z662 “Radiographic Examination
Methods for welds”
Client specific requirements that exceed the requirements listed herein supersede
variables described.
RT-GP-001-TMEP General Radiographic Examination Procedure when referenced.
This procedure details the examination techniques to be utilized for both x-ray and gamma ray
radiographic examinations for detection of internal and/or external discontinuities in welds,
parts and components in accordance with the requirements of CSA Z662 “Oil and Gas Pipeline
Systems”. This procedure acts as an Addenda to RT-GP-001 where CSA Z662 is the indicated code
of construction. Acceptance criteria has been provided within this procedure.
Referenced Documents
CAN/CGSB 48.9712 “Non-Destructive Testing – Qualification and Certification of Personnel”
Metalogic Inspection Services (MIS) SNT-TC-1A Written Practice Manual
MIS Safety Manual
MIS Radiation Safety, Emergency & Operating Procedures Manual
ASME Section V Article 2 “Radiographic Examination Methods for Welds”
CSA Z662 Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems
Nuclear Substances and Radiation Devices Regulations
Radiation Protection Regulations
ASTM E 94, Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination
ASME Section IX, Welding, Brazing and Fusion Qualification
ASTM E 1079, Standard Practice for Calibration of Transmission Densitometers
Metalogic General Procedure for Radiographic Examination RT-GP-001-TMEP
The latest edition or revision shall apply for all reference documentation
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SNT-TC-1A Radiography Level 2 or 3 certified personnel shall be responsible for carrying out
examinations, evaluations and reporting.
Personnel carrying out examinations, and evaluations and reporting shall also have CAN/CGSB
48.9712 Radiography Level 2 or 3 certification.
Experienced Worker
a. Approved individuals capable of performing the procedure shall be a minimum a
Certified Exposure Device Operator (C.E.D.O).
Non-Experienced Worker
a. Approved individuals capable of performing the procedure shall have completed
the Metalogic Inspection Services Exposure Device Operator (E.D.O.) examination. An
approved EDO performing examination shall be accompanied by a C.E.D.O with over
the shoulder supervision at all times. In addition to having certifications, personnel
performing inspections, evaluations, and reporting shall have also completed specific
training approved by the Quality Manager.
Safety Requirements
All applicable safety precautions as described in Metalogic Inspection Services Safety Manual
shall be adhered to.
All applicable safety precautions as described in Metalogic Inspection Services Radiation Safety,
Emergency & Operating Procedures Manual shall be adhered to.
All client and/or Project specific safety requirements shall be followed.
Certified Exposure Device (comprised of):
Radiation Source – Selection of the appropriate source is dependent upon variables
regarding the weld being examined (material composition and thickness). The ability to
show the required IQI sensitivity and comply with all other requirements (density, area of
interest etc.).
The appropriate cranks serialized to the exposure device
A selection of guide tubes with varying lengths
Personal Radiation Monitoring Equipment
Working calibrated radiation survey meter
Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD)
Direct Reading Dosimeter (DRD)
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Audible Alarm
All personal radiation monitoring equipment listed above shall be calibrated within 12
months of use and be in accordance with Nuclear Substances and Radiation Devices
Regulations, paragraph 30 and 31.
Mobile Darkroom Equipment
Standard mobile darkroom for field inspection, with manual processing capabilities
Cassettes shall be free of any light leaks
Fluorescent illuminators for evaluating radiographs
Lead letters and numbers shall be a minimum 6.35mm
Radiographic films of high contrast and relatively fine grain shall be used as defined in
section 8.4 of RT-GP-001-TMEP.
Unexposed film shall be stored in such a manner to ensure damage shall not occur,
damage consisting of light, pressure, humidity and an indirect field of radiation.
The following identification shall appear on each radiograph.
a. Weld number
b. Location markers
c. Client Company
d. Date
e. Code
f. Image Quality Indicator
Image Quality Indicator
Image Quality Indicators shall be selected as per section 8.7 of RT-GP-001-TMEP.
Comparator Shims
Comparator shims shall be utilized as described in section 8.9 of RT-GP-001-TMEP.
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Intensification Screens
Intensifying screen shall be selected as described in section 8.5 of RT-GP-001-TMEP.
6.8.1 A Lead symbol “B” with minimum dimensions of 13 mm in height and 1.5 mm in thickness,
shall be attached to the back of each film holder during each exposure to determine if backscatter
radiation is exposing the film.
Film Density
The density of the film shall be between 2.0 and 4.0 H&D throughout the area of interest
which is defined as the width of the weld image plus 3-6mm from both edges of the weld
cap edge to ensure inclusion of the weld HAZ wherever practical.
The unexposed base density of the film shall not exceed 0.30 H&D.
Film density shall be checked on dry film with a calibrated densitometer.
Radiographic Quality
All radiographs shall meet the geometric unsharpness limits,
Table 1 : Geometric Unsharpness Limitations
Geometric Unsharpness Limitations
Material Thickness (mm)
Ug Maximum (mm)
Under 50
50 through 75
75 through 100
greater then 100
The geometric unsharpness calculation shall be completed as follows
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Table 2: Geometric Unsharpness Calculation
Ug = (F x d)
geometric unsharpness.
source size: the maximum projected dimension of the radiating source (or effective
focal spot) in the plane perpendicular to the distance D from the weld or object being
distance from source of radiation to weld or object being radiographed to the film.
distance from source side of weld or object being radiographed to the film.
Note: D and d shall be determined at the approximate center of the area of interest.
All radiographs shall be free of any mechanical, chemical or other blemishes and artifacts
that will affect the interpretation of the radiograph.
All identification and location markers shall be in intimate contact with the film and weld.
The location markers shall be made of lead numbers evenly and accurately spaced so to
allow 100% inspection of the weld and heat affected zone (HAZ). All markers shall be
clearly visible on the radiograph. The location markers shall be placed so not to interfere
with the evaluation of the weld and HAZ.
Film Processing
Development – normal development is 5 to 8 minutes at 20°C. Below 20°C,
development is slower, which increases fogging and decreases sensitivity.
6.11.2 Agitation – shake the film horizontally and vertically, ideally for a few seconds each
6.11.3 Stop bath – after development is complete, the activity of the developer needs to be
neutralized by an acid stop bath or in clean water. 3 to 5 minutes is the time required to
neutralize the developer.
6.11.4 Agitation – shake the film horizontally and vertically, ideally for a few seconds each
6.11.5 Fixing –the film must not touch one another in the fixer. Agitate the hangers vertically
for about 10 seconds and again at the end of the first minute, to ensure rapid and uniform
fixation. Fix time is at least twice the clearing time but no more than 15 minutes.
6.11.6 Agitation – shake the film horizontally and vertically, ideally for a few seconds each
6.11.7 Washing – the washing efficiency is a function of wash water, and flow and the film being
washed. Minimum 10 minutes for a sufficient wash time.
6.11.8 Agitation – shake the film horizontally and vertically, ideally for a few seconds each
6.11.9 Drying – various methods of drying will suffice, importantly the film shall not come in
contact with one another in the dryer. The dryer shall not exceed 60°C.
6.11.10 Film Processing is completed as per ASTM E 94.
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6.12 Viewing Radiographs
6.12.1 Radiographs that have been processed as per paragraph 5.10 shall only be viewed
once dry. Only a dry radiograph will give a true and accurate interpretation.
Examination Area
Site Preparation
Upon arrival to the work site a hazard assessment shall be completed. The work area shall
be cleared of all potential hazards.
Erect signs and barriers in accordance with the Radiation Protection Regulations,
paragraph 21, posting signs at boundaries and points of access.
Clear the restricted area of all unauthorized personnel.
Surface Condition
Time of Examination – Unless otherwise specified by the applicable job order or contract,
radiography may be performed prior to heat treatment.
Surface Preparations – The weld surface should be free of irregularities on both the inside
(where accessible) and outside so that the image of irregularities cannot mask the image
of any discontinuity.
Temperature – The surface temperature shall be ambient; the surface shall not exceed
Conditions which do not meet these requirements shall be recorded as limitations on the
Radiographic Examination Report.
Identification of Weld Examination Areas
Welds shall be identified by one or more of the following:
Weld Number
Isometric drawing
Zero position shall be clearly marked on the weld and pipe/plate using a paint marker. An
arrow will indicate the direction in which the location markers increase in equal
Equipment Calibration
The Exposure device shall be certified in accordance with the Nuclear Substances and Radiation
Devices Regulations.
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Equipment associated with the exposure device such as Crank Cables and Guide Tubes shall be
maintained and certified by a third-party company approved by the Canadian Nuclear Safety
Commission to perform the scheduled maintenance.
Radiation detection devices shall be calibrated within 12 months. Calibration certificates shall be
readily available and calibration stickers shall be legible.
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Exposure Techniques
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Acceptance Criteria (As per CSA Z662 Chapter 7.11)
Rights of Rejection
As nondestructive inspection methods generally give two-dimensional results only, the
company shall be permitted to reject welds that appear to meet these standards of
acceptability where, in its opinion, the depth, location, or orientation of imperfections
may be significantly detrimental to the structural integrity of the welds.
Partial-Penetration Butt Welds
Weld penetration shall be from 85 to 100% of nominal wall thickness
Internal projection shall not be allowed;
Individual indications of burn-through areas not be allowed; and
Indications of incomplete fusion in the root and hot passes shall not be allowed.
Weld Crown
At no point shall the outside crown surface of welds be below the surface of the adjacent
base metal or above it by more than the amount shown in Table 3, except that, at the
option of the company, an additional 1.0 mm shall be permitted for localized deviations.
Table 3: Permissible Crown Height
Permissible Crown Height
Nominal wall
Maximum crown
thickness (mm)
height (mm)
10.0 or less
Greater then 10.0
Incomplete Penetration of the Root Bead
Incomplete penetration of the root bead is incomplete filling of the root of the joint.
Except where partial-penetration welds are required by design, the following shall apply:
Individual indications of incomplete penetration conditions shall not exceed 12 mm in
The cumulative length of such indications in any 300 mm length of weld shall not exceed
25 mm, except that of welds less than 300 mm long, the cumulative length of such
indication shall not exceed 8% of the weld length.
Incomplete Fusion
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Individual indications of incomplete fusion conditions shall not exceed 12 mm in length.
The cumulative length of such indications in any 300 mm length of weld shall not exceed
25 mm, except that for welds less than 300 mm long, the cumulative length of such
indications shall not exceed 8% of the weld length.
Internal Concavity
This condition is acceptable regardless of length, provided that the minimum thickness of
the weld metal does not exceed that of the adjacent base metal. Where the minimum
thickness of the weld metal does not exceed that of the adjacent base metal, individual
indications shall not exceed 50 mm in length. The cumulative length of such indications
in any 300 mm length of weld shall not exceed 50 mm, except that for welds less than 300
mm long, the cumulative length of such indications shall not exceed 16% of the weld
Note: this imperfection is acceptable regardless of length, provided that the density of its
radiographic image does not exceed the density of the radiographic image of the adjacent
base metal.
Except as allowed by 9.7.2, the following shall apply Individual lengths of indications of undercut shall not exceed 50 mm The cumulative length of such indications in any 300 mm length of weld shall
not exceed 50 mm, except that for welds less than 300 mm long, the cumulative
length of such indications shall not exceed 16% of weld length.
Undercut depths less than 0.5 mm or 6% of the nominal wall thickness, whichever is the
lesser, shall be acceptable regardless of length, provided that a visual, mechanical, or
nondestructive method of assessing the depth is used. Assessment of undercut with
radiography is only permitted with the use of a comparator shim.
Incomplete Fusion due to Cold Lap
Individual indications of incomplete fusion due to cold lap conditions shall not exceed 50
mm in length. The cumulative length of such indications in any 300 mm length of weld
shall not exceed 50 mm, except that for welds less than 300 mm long, the cumulative
length of such indications shall not exceed 16% of the weld length.
Lack of Cross-Penetration
Individual indications of lack of cross-penetration conditions shall not exceed 50 mm in
length. The cumulative length of such indications in any 300 mm length of weld shall not
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exceed 50 mm, except that for welds less than 300 mm long, the cumulative length of
such indications shall not exceed 16% of the weld length.
Elongated Slag Inclusions
Elongated slag inclusions are nonmetallic solids that are entrapped in the weld
metal or between the weld metal and the base metal and produce indications that are
less than 1.5 mm in width.
For pipe 60.3 mm OD or larger and components NPS 2 or larger, individual
indications of elongated slag inclusions shall not exceed 50 mm in length. The cumulative
length of such indications in any 300 mm length of weld shall not exceed 50 mm, except
that for welds less than 300 mm long, the cumulative length of such indications shall not
exceed 16% of the weld length. Indications of parallel slag lines shall be considered to be
separate indications if the width of one or both of them exceeds 0.8 mm.
For pipe smaller than 60.3 mm OD and components smaller than NPS 2, individual
indications of elongated slag inclusions and cumulative lengths of such indications shall
not exceed 3 times the nominal wall thickness in length. Indications of parallel slag lines
shall be considered to be separate indications if width of one or both of them exceeds 0.8
Hollow bead
Individual indications of hollow bead conditions shall not exceed 12 mm in length.
The cumulative length of such indications in any 300 mm length of weld shall not exceed
25 mm, except that for welds less than 300 mm long, the cumulative length of such
indications shall not exceed 8% of the weld.
Burn-through Areas
Burn-through areas are those portions of root beads where excessive arc
penetration has caused the weld puddle to be blown into the insides of the parts joined.
For pipe 60.3 mm OD or larger and components NPS 2 or larger, individual
indications of burn-through areas shall not exceed 5 mm or the thickness of the base
metal, whichever is the lesser, in any dimension. The cumulative maximum dimensions of
such indications in any 300 mm length of weld shall not exceed 12 mm.
For pipe smaller than 60.3 mm OD and components smaller than NPS 2, not more
than one indication of burn-through area is acceptable, and it shall not exceed 6 mm or
the thickness of the base metal, whichever is the lesser, in any dimension.
Welds that contained burn-through areas shall be considered to have been
properly repaired if the density of the radiographic image of the repaired area does not
exceed that of the adjacent base metal.
Isolated Slag Inclusions
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Isolated slag inclusions are nonmetallic solids that are entrapped in the weld
metal or between the weld metal and the base metal and produce indications that are
1.5 mm or greater in width.
For pipe 60.3 mm OD or larger and components NPS 2 or larger, individual
indications of isolated slag inclusions shall not exceed 2.5 mm or 0.33 times the nominal
wall thickness of the base metal, whichever is the lesser, in any dimension. The cumulative
maximum dimensions of such indications in any 300 mm length of weld shall not exceed
10 mm, and there shall be no more than 4 such indications of the maximum dimension
allowed in such 300 mm lengths. Adjacent indications of isolated slag inclusions shall be
separated by a minimum of 50 mm of sound weld metal.
For pipe smaller than 60.3 mm OD and components smaller than NPS 2, individual
indications of isolated slag inclusions shall not exceed 2.5 mm or 0.33 times the nominal
wall thickness of the base metal, whichever is the lesser, in any dimension. The cumulative
length of such indications shall not exceed 2 times the nominal wall thickness of the base
Spherical Porosity
Spherical porosity is gas pockets having a circular section and occurring in the
weld metal. Individual indications of spherical gas pockets shall not exceed 3 mm or 25%
of the nominal wall thickness of the base metal, whichever is the lesser, in any dimension.
The cumulative amount of indications of spherical porosity in any 150 mm of weld length,
expressed in terms of the projected area on the radiograph, shall not exceed the
requirements set by the following figures.
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Table 4: Maximum Acceptable Amount of Spherical Porosity
Maximum Acceptable Amount of Spherical Porosity
Weld Thickness
(Less )than 14
14 - 18
Greater than 18
Maximum acceptable projected
area on radiograph, %
Figure 1: Schematic of Projected Area
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Wormhole Porosity
Individual indications of wormhole porosity shall not exceed 2.5 mm or 0.33 times
the nominal wall thickness of the base metal, whichever is the lesser, in any dimension.
The cumulative length of such indications in any 300 mm length of weld shall not exceed
10 mm, and there shall be no more than 4 such imperfections of the maximum dimension
allowed in such 300 mm lengths. Adjacent indications of wormhole porosity shall be
separated by a minimum of 50 mm of sound weld metal. The orientation of wormhole
porosity can substantially affect the density of its radiographic image; when applying
these limits, consideration shall be given to the requirements of 9.1.1.
Cracks and Arc Burns
Indications or cracks shall be unacceptable regardless of location (weld metal or
Heat-affected zone).
Indications of arc burns shall be unacceptable regardless of location.
Unequal Leg Length (Fillet Welds)
Except where required by design, there shall be no more than 3 mm difference
between the leg lengths of each fillet weld.
Accumulation of Imperfections
The cumulative length of indications of all imperfections that are restricted by the
requirements of 9.4, 9.5, 9.11, and 9.12 shall not exceed 25 mm in any 300 mm length of
weld, except that for welds less than 300 mm long, the cumulative length of such
indications shall not exceed 8% of the weld length. The cumulative length of the
indications of all other imperfections that are restricted by the requirements of 9.6, 9.10,
and of the indication of those imperfections that are restricted by the requirements of
9.13 to 9.15, shall not exceed 50 mm in any 300 mm length of weld, except that for welds
less than 300 mm long the cumulative length of such indications shall not exceed 16% of
the weld length.
For partial-penetration welds, the cumulative length of the indications of all
imperfections, other than those at the root, shall not exceed 25 mm in any 300 mm length
of weld, except that for welds less than 300 mm long, the cumulative length of such
indications shall not exceed 8% of the weld length.
Weld Conditions Limiting Radiographic Interpretation
Weld conditions that prevent proper interpretation of radiographs shall be cause
for rejection of the welds, unless they can be inspected by other acceptable methods.
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Disposition Instructions
All rejectable indications shall be clearly marked on the weld as a minimum
Post cleaning is not required unless specifically requested by the Client
All reports are to be submitted daily
If the technician, for whatever reason, is unable to comply with the requirements of this
procedure, guidance shall be sought from the Engineering and Technical services Group. Any
agreed deviations from this procedure shall be documented for the inspection records.
Repair Procedure
Before weld repairs are made, defects shall be entirely removed to expose clean metal.
Slag and scale shall be removed by wire brushing.
Preheating to a temperature of at least 120°C shall be used when effecting repairs.
Preheating shall extend to a distance of at least 150 mm from any point of the area to be
repaired. Care shall be taken to prevent overheating, and no part of the area shall be
heated to a temperature in excess of 200°C unless the effects of the time- temperature
relationship on the mechanical properties of the pipe shall be determined and taken into
The length of repair welds shall be at least 50 mm.
Repair of Arc Burns in Weld Areas
Arc burns shall be completely removed by cutting out cylinders containing the arc burns
or, where authorized by the company, by using repair procedures that include.
Checking for complete removal of the altered metallurgical structure by
etching the ground area with a 10% solution of ammonium persulphate or a
5% solution of nital; and
Measuring the wall thickness in the repaired area using mechanical or
ultrasonic techniques, or both, to determine that the minimum wall thickness
requirements are maintained.
Repair of Cracks in Circumferential Butt Welds and in Fillet Welds
Cracks in circumferential butt welds and in fillet welds shall be completely removed by
cutting out cylinders containing such cracks, except that, where authorized by the
company, it shall be permissible to repair welds containing cracks using a documented
repair procedure that includes
A requirement to establish the location of the crack;
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A specification of the crack removal method, which shall be for a crack originating at
an accessible surface, by grinding to remove the crack and to establish the
repair welding groove contour; or
the root and repaired from the outside surface, by grinding, drilling holes at
the crack extremities, sawing through to form a new root bead opening, and
grinding to establish the repair welding groove contour
A requirement that complete removal of the cracks be confirmed by liquid penetrant or
wet magnetic particle inspection of the ground areas by inspectors qualified in
accordance with the requirements of CAN/CGSB-48.9712; and
A requirement that areas ground out be repaired by welding in accordance with the
applicable requirements of 10.5 and qualified welding procedure specifications.
Inspection of Repairs
Repaired areas of welds shall be inspected by the same means previously used. Where
repairs are unacceptable, welds shall be completely removed by cutting out cylinders
containing the repaired welds or, where authorized by the company, further repairs shall
be made.
The acceptability of repaired areas of welds shall be determined in accordance with section 9.0
of this procedure.
Reporting Criteria
12.1 A radiographic report shall accompany all radiographs. All reports shall have as minimum (which
may vary with client requirements):
Metalogic Inspection Services Project No.
Date of Examination
Client Name, Client Representative Name, and Date of Evaluation
Metalogic Inspection Services Procedure (General, Addenda and/or Calibration)
Radiographic Exposure Technique Number
Name of Radiographer and/or Interpreter
Weld number
Number of radiographs per weld
X-ray voltage or Isotope used
Focal spot/Source size
Material and thickness
Source-to-object distance
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Source side of object to film distance
Number of film per cassette
Applicable code
Single or double wall exposure
Single or double wall viewing
Film manufacturer and type
Evaluation of radiograph
12.2 Report form RT-RF-405 is to be used as shown in section 16 of RT-GP-001-TMEP.
12.3 Any deviations from the procedure shall be noted on the report
12.4 Any limitations of the examination shall be noted on the report
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Technical Procedure
Number: PA-P-011TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Procedure Type:
Phased Array Ultrasonics (Non-Zonal)
Procedure Title:
Issue date:
December 16, 2019
Current Revision:
This document is confidential and the contents are the proprietary knowledge and property of Metalogic Inspection
Services Inc. Certain components of the technology contained in this document are patent pending protected.
Unauthorized distribution or copying of this document in whole or in part without the expressed written consent of
Metalogic Inspection Services Inc. is strictly prohibited.
Date: 16-Dec-19
Approved By: Aziz Rehman
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Technical Procedure
Number: PA-P-011-TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Written By
Reviewed By
Luke Mantyka
David Smith
Approved By
Aziz Rehman
Amendments made to Section 11, Update to
Acceptance Criteria.
Elia Damis
David Smith
Elia Damis
Amendments made to Section 1- Addition of
Note, Section 2.1.1 minimum WT allowable
changed to 3.9mm, Section 3 – reference to
CGSB and ISO 9712 added, Section 3- Note
added, Section 3- Ultrasonics replaced with
PAUT, Section 4- training to CP-189 added,
Section 6.2.5 – amended to reflect curved
wedges. Section 6.4.3 – Changed maximum
scanning speed to 80mm/sec, Section 9.5 –
reference to supplement with TOFD, Section
9.10.1- added supplement with TOFD.
David Smith
Steve LaPointe
Elia Damis
Initial Release
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Technical Procedure
Number: PA-P-011-TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Reference Documents....................................................................................................................... 5
Personnel Qualification Requirements ............................................................................................. 5
Safety Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 6
Equipment ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Examination Area ............................................................................................................................ 12
Equipment Calibration .................................................................................................................... 12
Inspection Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 16
Recording ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Acceptance Criteria (As per CSA Z662 Para. .................................................................. 22
Additional Acceptance Criteria For Sour Service Pipelines (As per CSA Z662 Para. ........ 22
Disposition Instructions .................................................................................................................. 22
Reporting Criteria............................................................................................................................ 22
Appendix A .................................................................................................................................................. 23
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Technical Procedure
Number: PA-P-011-TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
This procedure is for Non-zonal Phased Array examination of pipeline girth welds in accordance
with CSA Z662 and TMEP-MP3903
This procedure uses an encoded, manual driven phased array ultrasonic examination technique.
This procedure utilizes multi-element (arranged in a linear (1D) array) pulse echo probes and
angle beam shear waves.
The procedure utilizes the contact technique, in which the search unit (probe and wedge) is
coupled directly to the outside surface of the pipe.
This procedure is used for the characterization and sizing of welding flaws.
This procedure covers the examination of the complete weld volume and the lesser of 25 mm
or “t” of adjacent base metal.
The parallel scan (for reflectors transverse to the weld seam) may be performed using a manual
angle beam examination.
When required, this procedure shall be demonstrated (Qualified) (or have documented
evidence of a previous successful demonstration). The procedure qualification shall meet the
requirements of ASME Section V, Article 4, Mandatory Appendix IX.
This procedure covers the inspection of welds (any type) satisfying the following conditions:
Thickness range Æ 3.9 mm to 75 mm
Diameter Range Æ 19 mm minimum, no maximum
Material types: Carbon Steel and Low Alloy Steel (P-Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5A through 5C, and
15A through 15 F)
Scan plans when required shall be submitted and approved by Trans Mountain prior to use
showing search unit placement and movement that provides a standardized and repeatable
methodology for the examination. The scan plan includes beam angles and directions with
respect to the weld axis reference point, weld joint geometry, and number of examination
areas/zones in addition to the information listed below:
Transducer(s) (element pitch, size, number, frequency and gap dimensions).
Search unit mechanical fixturing device (manufacturer and model).
Focal range (identify plane, depth, or sound path as applicable).
Virtual aperture size (no. of elements, element width and height).
Wedge parameters including natural refracted and incident angle, velocity, physical
dimensions, first element position, focal point (if applicable).
Specific non default system settings. (Voltage settings, PRF, Filters, Etc)
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Technical Procedure
Number: PA-P-011-TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
For E-Scans: Rastering angle(s), directions with respect to the weld axis reference
point, Aperture start and stop element numbers, and aperture incremental change(s).
For S-Scans: Sweep angular range, directions with respect to the weld axis reference
point, angular sweep increment (incremental angle change), and aperture element
numbers (first and last).
Reference Documents
The non-destructive testing requirements set out in this specification are in accordance
with the latest edition of the specifications or codes listed within. This includes all
ĂŵĞŶĚŵĞŶƚƐ, supplements, or errata͘
Metalogic Inspection Services (MIS) SNT-TC-1A/CP-189 Written Practice Manual.
MIS Safety Manual.
MIS Ultrasonic Procedure PA-CAL-01-TMEP “Phased Array Equipment Checks”.
ASME Section V Article 4 (and applicable Mandatory Appendices), “Ultrasonic
Examination Methods for Welds”.
E 2700 – 14 “Standard Practice for Contact Ultrasonic Testing of Welds Using Phased Arrays”
PAUT instrument User’s Manual.
CGSB 48.9712 / ISO 9712
Non-Destructive Testing Specification # TMEP-MP3903
ϯ͘ϭϭ͘ In the event of a conflict between the text of this procedure and the references cited above,
the text of this procedure shall take precedence.
The latest edition or revision shall apply for all reference documents and Procedures.
Personnel Qualification Requirements
ASNT SNT-TC-1A/CP189 Ultrasonic Level 2 or 3 certified personnel shall be responsible for
carrying out calibrations, inspections, evaluations and reporting. For work in regions where
third party certification is necessary, personnel carrying out calibrations, inspections, and
evaluations and reporting shall also have an ISO 9712 PAUT Level 2 or 3 certification
In addition to having certifications, personnel performing calibrations, inspections, evaluations,
and reporting shall have also completed training in the application of phased array examination
techniques as per the requirements of CP-189.
Personnel who meet the requirements of 4.1 and 4.2 shall also have participated in the
procedure demonstration when required in 1.8.
Personnel shall also have a CAN/CGSB 48.9712 Ultrasonic Level II or III certification.
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Technical Procedure
Number: PA-P-011-TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Safety Requirements
All applicable safety precautions as described in Metalogic Inspection Services Health, Safety
and Environment Manual shall be adhered to.
All client and/or Project specific safety requirements shall be followed.
An Olympus OmniScan MX, MX2, Zetec topaz 32/128 PR or Zetec Topaz64 64/128 (or
equivalent) shall be used as the PAUT instrument. All settings shall be set to default or, unless
otherwise stated below or on the scan plan.
The Hi / Low Pass filter shall be set to match the centre frequency of the probe(s)
being used.
The software version on the PAUT instrument shall be: “MXU2.0R27” (MX); “MXU4.1R2” MX2; “UVT3.9R9” (Topaz) or later.
Sampling rate (digitization) shall be at a minimum of six times that of the probe
Search Units (Transducers and Wedges)
Refer to Figure 1 for Search Unit descriptions. Alternate search units may be used if
indicated in detail on the scan plan.
Figure 1: Search Unit Descriptions
Search Unit
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Number: PA-P-011-TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
All probe cables are permanently fixed to the probes, and are not interchangeable. If
a PA Extension cable is used, a calibration check / re-calibration as per 8.17 shall be
For straight beam (Lamination Scan) examinations, a 0 degree wedge may be
substituted for an angled wedge if a phased array probe is used. A 2-5MHz, 1/4”-1/2”
single element probe may also be used for the lamination scan. Other probes may be
used if listed in the scan plan.
For transverse scans, a small foot print as necessary (due to pipe curvature) Phased
Array search units should be used. Focal laws should be generated such that they
account for the curvature. Alternatively, a 2-5MHz, 1/4”-1/2” single element
conventional probe may be used with a 45 or 60 degree wedge. Other probes and
wedges may be used if listed in the scan plan.
Wedge curvature for parallel scans shall be contoured to match the curvature of the
pipe surface. The wedge used for calibrations shall be the same wedge to be used for
examinations. Carbide pins should be utilized when available to reduce wear and tear
on the wedge face.
Element checks shall be performed as per Metalogic Procedure PA-CAL-01.
It is important to visually inspect the wedges for uneven wear or rough or deep
gouges/scratches on the bottom surface of the wedge. Wedges with scratches or
gouges shall be dispositioned as per the technician’s expertise. This may include light
sanding or discarding of the wedge. Excessive or uneven wear of the wedge face is
determined during the time base calibration.
The couplant, including additives, shall not be detrimental to the material being
The same couplant (Brand, type, and grade) to be used during the examination shall
be used for the calibration.
Ultragel II, Sonotrace 40, Sonatech, glycerine, Sonoglide 7, Sonoglide 8, Sonoglide 20,
and water are types of couplant that may be used for performing calibrations and
examinations. Other couplant may be used provided they are listed on the Report.
The encoder shall be capable of tracking probe movement and position on one axis
of travel.
The encoder resolution shall be set at 1.0 mm for all components less than 75 mm in
thickness. The encoder resolution shall be set at 2.0 mm for all components 75 mm
and greater in thickness.
The maximum scan speed shall not exceed 80mm per second.
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Phased Array Ultrasonics
Mechanical Scanner
The scanner shall be a manual driven mechanical scanner or similar (guided by hand).
Adherence to the part shall be either mechanical (chain links or band) or magnetic
(wheels) – whichever is practical.
The scanner shall be used to ensure the probe travels in a straight line along the weld
axis, ensuring the search unit index offset does not change at any point throughout
the scan.
If the use of a scanner is not possible / practical (due to obstructions or tight access),
an encoder fixed to the search unit may be used, provided a fixed guide (Eg. magnetic
tape, or strip) is used to maintain the search unit at a fixed distance from the weld.
Data Analysis Software
When TomoView software is used for data analysis, version 2.7R12 or later shall be
When Zetec Ultraviosion3TM software is used for data analysis, version 3.7R10 or later
shall be used.
Calibration Blocks (for piping)
The calibration block is used to establish a distance range calibration and to establish
a time corrected gain (TCG) calibration.
The calibration block shall meet the requirements of T-434.3 and Fig. T434.3.1 T434.3.2 in ASME Sec V Art 4.
Calibration blocks shall be identified with a unique serial number and shall be under
the control of the inspection company. Records of serial number, pipe diameter, wall
thickness, acoustic velocity, and reflector dimensions and positions shall be available
when the calibrated blocks are used.
The calibration block(s) for piping contains 8% - 11% (of nominal wall thickness) ID
and OD notches in the axial and circumferential direction. The piping calibration block
shall be as shown in Figure 2.
For materials with diameters 20in or less a curved block shall be used. The curved
calibration block shall be applicable to examine materials with a curvature of 0.9 to
1.5 times the calibration block diameter only. The alternate block with a 2.4mm Dia
Side Drilled Hole (as shown in Figure 3) can be used.
For materials with diameters greater than 20in, a flat block with a 2.4mm Dia Side
Drilled Hole can be used (as shown in Figure 4).
The thickness of the calibration block shall be within 25% of the nominal thickness of
the component to be examined.
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Phased Array Ultrasonics
Figure 2: ASME Calibration Block for Pipe (as per FIG. T-434.3 of ASME Sec V Art 4)
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Phased Array Ultrasonics
Figure 3: (Alternate) ASME Calibration Block for Pipe (as per FIG. T-434.3.2 of ASME Sec V Art 4)
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Number: PA-P-011-TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Figure 4: ASME Calibration Block for Pipe diameters >20” (as per FIG. T-434.2.1 of ASME Sec V Art 4)
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Technical Procedure
Number: PA-P-011-TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Examination Area
Accessibility – During the actual inspection process inspection personnel will be allowed
uninterrupted access to welds.
Surface Condition
Contact Surfaces - the finished contact surface should be free from dust, weld spatter
and any roughness that would interfere with free movement of the search unit or
impair the transmission of ultrasound.
Weld Surfaces –The QC inspectors shall have accepted all welds prior to examination.
Temperature – the maximum surface temperature to be scanned shall not exceed
60°C. The surface temperature shall be within +/- 14°C of the calibration block
temperature when the calibration was performed.
Identification of Weld Examination Areas
Weld identification shall be as provided by the Client/Owner.
Scan start position shall be clearly marked on the weld and pipe/plate using a paint
marker. Where applicable, this scan start position can be noted on the Phased Array
Data Report as: Top, Bottom, North, South, East or West.
Scan direction shall be clearly marked on the weld and pipe/plate using a paint
marker. Where applicable, this scan direction can be noted on the Phased Array Data
Report as: Clockwise, Counter-clockwise, Up, Down, North, South, East or West.
Equipment Calibration
Instrument Linearity Checks - Linearity Verifications are to be performed at intervals not
exceeding one year, as per Metalogic Procedure PA-CAL-01-TMEP. Equipment check validity
shall be on the equipment’s log book and/or sticker.
Ultrasonic System - System calibration shall include the complete ultrasonic examination
system (PAUT instrument, Y-splitter, Probes, Cables, Extension cables and Wedges) and shall be
performed prior to use of the system in the thickness range under examination.
Calibration Surface - Calibrations shall be performed from the surface (clad or unclad; convex
or concave) corresponding to the surface of the component from which the examination will be
performed. The surface of the calibration block shall be in the same condition as the part to be
examined (Eg. bare, painted, finished, etc).
Temperature - The temperature of the calibration block must be within +/- 14°C of the
component(s) to be examined.
Couplant - The same couplant to be used during the examination shall be used for calibration.
Contact Wedges - The same contact wedges to be used during the examination shall be used
for calibration.
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Phased Array Ultrasonics
Instrument Controls - Any control which affects instrument linearity (e.g., Rx filters, Tx Voltage,
Averaging, reject, or clipping) shall be in the same position for calibration, calibration checks,
instrument linearity checks, and examination.
Focal Laws - The focal laws to be used during examinations shall be used for calibration.
Lamination Scan Time Base Calibration
Place the transducer on the piping calibration block so that reflections from the first
backwall and second backwall signals are peaked and observed simultaneously on the
A-scan display.
Using gates and the ^DA readouts on the PAUT instrument, measure the distance
between the first and second back-wall response signals. This result shall be + 5% of
the actual wall thickness of the calibration block as measured with a calliper.
If the measured separation between the signals is too large (greater than 5%),
decrease the Material Longitudinal Velocity parameter. Similarly, if the measured
distance is too short (less than 5%), increase the velocity value. Repeat adjustment
until an acceptable value is achieved.
With the transducer remaining in the peaked position, measure the metal path of the
second back-wall reflector using a cursor in the A-scan Display.
The value should measure to be +/- 2% double the actual wall thickness. If this
measurement is less than 2% of double the wall thickness, increase the value of the
Wedge Delay (in the UT Settings/General Menu) parameter until the measurement is
correct. If this value is greater than 2% of double the wall thickness, decrease the
Delay parameter until the measurement is correct. If a delay adjustment exceeding
2.0us is required, wedge parameters (height) shall be adjusted to ensure that the
delay value does not exceed 2.0us.
Lamination Scan Sensitivity Calibration
Set the second back wall indication to 80% of full screen height (FSH) on a section of
the pipe to be tested that is free from laminations.
Parallel and Perpendicular Scans Time Base Calibration
Sectoral scans shall use the default “Steel” velocity setting as well as “0” wedge delay.
It shall be verified that the ID and OD notches or 0.5 – 3.5T SDHs are clearly visible on
all beams within the Sectoral scan regardless of depth.
The angle beam time base calibration shall be performed using the start and stop
angle of the sectorial scan (as per the scan plans), as well as the natural refracted
angle of the wedge being used. By verifying that these three angles have valid time
base calibrations, it is proven that all angles have valid time base calibrations.
At each of the three angles, the reference reflector must be at its maximum amplitude
peak at the correct depth, and index offset to the wedge reference.
If, at any angle, the reference reflector appears at the incorrect depth (within 10% of
the actual calibration block wall thickness) or index offset on the S-scan (within 1mm
of surface distance), the setup parameters must be checked.
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Phased Array Ultrasonics
If all setup parameters are correct, changes must be made to the wedge parameters
(due to manufacturing tolerances the wedge parameters are not always correct for
each and every wedge manufactured and used) or the carbide pin positions.
The angle beam time base calibration can be considered valid when the reference
reflector appears at the correct depth (within 10% of the actual calibration block wall
thickness) and index offset (within 1mm of surface distance) at each of the three
angles within the S-scan.
Separate calibrations shall be established for both axial and circumferential
Parallel and Perpendicular Scans Sensitivity (TCG) Calibration
An automated TCG (Time Corrected Gain) shall be performed on the acquisition unit.
The sensitivity calibration function (ACG – Angle Corrected Gain) on the acquisition
unit shall be utilized prior to creating the TCG.
The TCG shall be set to a reference level of 80% full screen height, with a tolerance of
+/- 5% FSH. This is the primary reference level.
The first point shall be the ID circumferential notch or 0.5T SDH on the first leg (probe
position A in 5 below), the second point shall be the OD circumferential notch on the
second leg or 1.5T SDH (probe position B in 4 below), and the third point shall be the
ID circumferential notch on the third leg or 2.5T SDH (probe position C in 5 below).
When calibrating using SDHs, a 4th point at 3.5T shall also be established (probe
position D in 4 below). It may be necessary to establish a TCG point at 2T prior to the
other points due to the focal point typically being closer to this depth.
When complete, the TCG must encompass the entire area of interest. (1 – 3T for
calibrations using Notches, 0.5 - 3.5T for calibrations using SDHs)
Refer to the acquisition unit user’s manual for detailed instructions in building a TCG.
Separate calibrations shall be established for both axial and circumferential
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Phased Array Ultrasonics
Figure 5: TCG Calibration Points
Encoder Calibration – All setups
The encoder shall be calibrated to within (+/-) 1% on a 500mm scan length.
The encoder shall be calibrated at intervals not exceeding one month or prior to first
use thereafter.
Refer to the PAUT instrument user’s manual for detailed instructions in calibrating
the encoder.
The completed calibrations shall be saved to an electronic setup file; however, the time base
and sensitivity calibrations must be verified whenever the setup file is opened.
Setup files shall be named as per the following:
For Perpendicular setup files ÆPipe Diameter-NWT-Offset-SearchUnit.ops (i.e.
For Parallel setup files ÆPipe Diameter-NWT-Skew(ProbeDirection)-SearchUnit.ops
(i.e. 8.0IN-9.5MM-180SKW-10L32.ops)
For Lamination setup files Æ NWT-Lam-SearchUnit.ops (i.e. 8.0IN-LAM-5L54.ops)
System Calibration Changes – When any part of the examination system is changed (e.g., Wear
Pin adjustment, probe re coupling / tightening, technician change, power source change etc.),
a calibration check shall be made on the calibration block to verify that distance range points
and sensitivity settings satisfy the requirements of 8.16.1 and 8.16.2 below.
Distance Range Points - If any distance range point has moved on the sweep line by
more than 10% (+/-) of the distance reading or 5% (+/-) of the full sweep, whichever
is greater, correct the distance range calibration and note the correction in the
examination record. All recorded indications since the last valid calibration or
calibration check shall be re-examined and their values shall be changed on the
reports or rerecorded.
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Phased Array Ultrasonics
Sensitivity Settings - If any sensitivity setting has changed by more than 20% or 2 dB
of its amplitude, correct the sensitivity calibration and note the correction in the
examination record. If the sensitivity setting has decreased, all reports since the last
calibration check shall be marked void and the area covered by the voided reports be
re-examined. If the sensitivity setting has increased, all recorded indications since the
last valid calibration or calibration check shall be re-examined and their values
changed on the reports or rerecorded.
System and Calibration Checks – A calibration check on at least one of the reflectors in the
calibration block shall be performed; Every 10 welds, or every hour, or at the completion of
each examination or series of similar examinations, or when examination personnel are
changed. The encoder, distance range and sensitivity values shall satisfy the requirements of
8.13.1, 8.16.1 and 8.16.2.
Wedge inspection - It is important to visually inspect the wedges for uneven wear or rough or
deep gouges/scratches on the bottom surface of the wedge. Wedges with scratches or gouges
shall be dispositioned as per the technician’s expertise. This may include light sanding or
discarding of the wedge. Excessive or uneven wear of the wedge face is determined during the
time base calibration.
Inspection Procedure
Surface Preparation - When the base material or weld surface interferes with the examination,
the base material or weld shall be prepared as needed to permit the examination as per Para.
Measure and record on the report the average weld cap width using a ruler.
Measure and record on the report the pipe thickness on both sides of the weld.
Straight Beam (Lamination Scan) Examination.
The initial straight beam material examination of the complete area of base metal
that shear waves pass through shall be examined for laminations (T-434.1.3, T-471.1
and T-483 of Section V, Article 4). It shall be performed only in cases where the Client
requests it due to the lamination scan not being performed as part of the pipe
manufacturing process. If a lamination scan is specifically requested to be performed
by the Client, see 9.4.2 through 9.4.7.
Scanning shall be performed at 6 dB above the reference level used to create
sensitivity. When indications from laminations are detected, scanning shall also be
performed at reference dB.
Each pass of the search unit must overlap a minimum of 10% of the probe aperture
dimensions perpendicular to the direction of scanning.
A loss of the second back-wall reflection (a loss of back-wall shall be defined as when
the back-wall signal is less than 10% in FSH at reference level) shall represent a
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Phased Array Ultrasonics
lamination that must be noted on the Phased Array Data Report. The laminations
location, length, width, and depth shall be noted on the Phased Array Data Report.
Sizing of lamination extents (width and length) shall be performed using the 6 dB drop
Lamination scan encoding is required when indications are detected.
Perpendicular Scan Examination
Supplemental TOFD examination is required where configuration permits as per
inspection procedure Addendum TFD-ADD-001-TMEP.
Scanning shall be performed at minimum of 6dB higher than reference level set
during the TCG calibration and as demonstrated.
The scanner as described in 6.5 shall be used to ensure the probe travels in a straight
line along the weld.
An encoder must always be used to record all A-scan data from all perpendicular
Center the search unit at the starting position of the scan, with the search unit
directing sound essentially perpendicular to the weld axis.
The front of the search unit shall be positioned at the offset distance from the weld
centerline, as defined in the Scan Plans.
Scan the complete circumference of the weld, as well as an additional 25 mm of
overlap past the scan start position.
Data files must not have data dropout that exceeds 2 data lines per 25 mm or any
adjacent data dropout lines.
Save the data file as per the weld ID and scan type.
Calibration must be checked periodically as stated in 8.17 - calibration requirements.
If any deviations from the last acceptable calibration are noted, all welds examined
after the last acceptable calibration shall be re-examined.
Figure 6: Perpendicular Scan
Parallel Scan Examination
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Phased Array Ultrasonics
Scanning shall be performed, at minimum, reference level set during the TCG
calibration and as demonstrated.
Parallel scans are to be performed manually (not encoded), and any indication
interpreted to be a flaw shall be rejected and repaired, regardless of flaw location,
type, or size.
If the weld cap has been ground smooth, the angle beam shall be directed essentially
parallel to the weld as shown in Figure 7(2 scans) at 0 and 180 skews.
If the weld cap has not been ground smooth, the angle beam shall be directed 0o –
60o with respect to the weld axis, as shown in Figure 8 (4 scans).
Scan the complete circumference of the weld with the search units in all of the
orientations as shown in Figure 7 or Figure 8.
Calibration must be checked periodically as stated in the calibration requirements. If
any deviations from the last acceptable calibration are noted, all welds examined
after the last acceptable calibration shall be re-examined.
Single Sided access welds – Welds that cannot be fully examined from two directions shall also
be examined with a second scan with an index offset and focal distance increased by Tw.
Manual raster scanning should also be performed from the obstructed (fitting) side where
possible. A manual straight beam technique may also be applied from an adjacent base material
surface. This may be applicable to tee joints, pipe to fittings, or branch connections. The area(s)
of single-sided access and, if applicable, the extent of the limit coverage shall be noted in the
examination report.
Figure 7: Parallel Scan if Weld Cap
Ground Smooth
Figure 8: Parallel Scan if Weld Cap Left As
Coupling verification
For each Phased Array transducer utilized during inspection, a straight beam group
shall be fired from the center of the transducer to verify coupling by recording the
presence of the back wall.
The group shall consist of no more than 10 elements pulsed to create a zero degree
beam within the parent material with a focus point of 1.5wt to 3wt.
Reference should be set @ 80% FSH with an additional 6dB on the second Back wall.
Reference shall be set at the 6 O’clock position.
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Phased Array Ultrasonics
More dB may be added to accommodate for surface condition variance,
providing the signal does not become saturated at any point of the scan.
An alarm shall be set to constantly monitor the percentage of the back wall reflector
and trigger when the signal is below 20%FSH.
Interpretation of Results
The location, amplitude, and extent of reflectors that produce a response greater
than 20% of the TCG reference level shall be investigated to determine whether the
indication originates from a flaw or is a geometric indication in accordance with
Paragraph 9.9.
When a reflector is determined to be a flaw, it shall be sized as per Paragraph 9.10
and evaluated for acceptance in accordance with Paragraph 11 and 12.
Flaw characterization - The type of defect (Eg. Crack, Non Fusion, Slag, Porosity Etc.)
shall be determined. The following steps may be taken to aid in characterizing a
Interpret the area containing the reflector in accordance with the applicable
examination procedure
Plot and verify the reflector coordinates within the sectorial/linear scan showing
the reflector position (Eg. side wall, Root, Mid Weld).
Determine if the reflector is detectable from both sides and weather it’s in the
same leg or not.
Note the echo-dynamics of the reflector (Ie, Sharp, High amplitude (planar),
Broad (Volumetric) or Multi-faceted (Crack).
Reflector characterization:
Characterization shall be assessed using the technicians experience, MIS training and
shall be supplemented with TOFD where used with references to ASME Sec V Article
4 Nonmandatory Appendix P as follows.
ID connected crack: Typically show multiple facets and edges visible in the A-scan and
S-scan. There is a distinct start and stop on the A-scan. The reflector is usually
detectable and can be plotted from both sides of the weld.
O.D. (Outside Diameter) Toe Crack: Typically show multiple facets and edges visible
in the A-scan and S-scan. The reflector is usually detectable and can be plotted from
at the correct O.D. depth reference line or depth reading. Normally, toe cracks are
best characterized on S-scans.
Lack of Sidewall Fusion (LOF): Plots correctly on the weld fusion line, either through
geometrical plotting or via weld overlays. There may be a significantly different
response from each side of the weld. If there is a response from “far side” of weld
typically it will be in the opposite legs of detection (1st and/or 3rd) and may combine
with geometry if located near surfaces. LOF is usually detected by several of the
angles in an S-scan from the same position and the bevel prep. The A-scan shows a
fast rise and fall time with short pulse duration indicative of a planar flaw. There are
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no multiple facets or tips. There may be mode converted multiple signals that rise and
fall together and maintain equal separation.
Porosity: Shows multiple signal responses, varying in amplitude and position. The
signals plot correctly to the weld volume. The signals’ start and stop positions blend
with the background at low amplitude. The A-scan slow rise and fall time with long
pulse duration is indicative of a non-planar flaw. Porosity may or may not be detected
from both sides of the weld, but should be similar from both sides.
Incomplete Penetration (IP): Typically shows high amplitude signals with significant
echo dynamic travel or travel over the I.D. skip line. IP will typically respond and plot
from both sides of the weld in common weld geometries near centerline reference
indicators. Generally, IP is detected on all channels. The A-scan shows a fast rise and
fall time with short pulse duration indicative of a planar flaw. Note that incomplete
penetration can look similar to surface connected lack of sidewall fusion.
Slag: Typically shows multiple facets and edges visible in the A-scan and S-scan. The
A-scan shows a slow rise and fall time with long pulse duration, indicative of a nonplanar flaw. Typically slag shows lower amplitude than planar flaws, and may be
difficult to distinguish from porosity, or from some smaller planar defects. Slag is
typically detectable from both sides, can be plotted from both sides of the weld and
is often best characterized using an S-scan. A slag reflector will typically plot to the
correct depth area and reference lines that coincide to the weld volume.
Geometric Indications
The following steps may be taken to classify an indication as geometric:
Interpret the area containing the reflector in accordance with the applicable
examination procedure
Plot and verify the reflector coordinates within the sectorial/linear scan showing
the reflector position and surface discontinuities such as root.
Review fabrication or weld preparation drawings. Other ultrasonic techniques or
non-destructive examination methods may be helpful in determining a reflector’s
true position, size, and orientation.
The identity, maximum amplitude, location, and extent of reflector causing
geometric indications, other than cap or root reflections, shall be recorded.
Indications that are determined to originate from the surface configurations or
variations in metallurgical structure of materials may be classified as geometric
indications, and
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Need not be characterized or sized in accordance with Paragraph 9.9
Need not be compared to allowable flaw acceptance criteria in Paragraph 11
Shall be recorded as part of the data file
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Flaw Sizing - The dimensions of the flaw shall be determined by the rectangle that fully contains
the area of the flaw. Saturated Signals (greater than 200% (Omniscan) or 400% Topaz)) shall be
recorded at 80% FSH and the gain difference recorded.
Flaw Length
The flaw length shall be drawn parallel to the inside pressure retaining surface of
the component.
The flaw length extents shall be determined by using the 6dB drop method.
The flaw length shall be measured “live” with the encoder position, or performed
on the C-scan on a saved data file.
Flaw Height
Flaws characterized as cracks or volumetric, Tip sizing may be employed.
For all other type of flaws, the flaw height extents shall be determined by using
the 6dB drop method.
x The flaw height shall be measured on the sectorial scan at position in which the
flaw is the largest.
Flaw Depth
The flaw depth is the distance from the OD surface of the component to the
bottom of the flaw, as measured in Paragraph 9.10.2.
Multiple Flaws
Discontinuous flaws that are oriented primarily in parallel planes shall be considered
to lie in a single plane if the distance between the adjacent planes is the lesser of:
equal to or less than 13mm (0.5 in.) or ½ Tw.
If the space between two flaws aligned along the axis of weld is less than the length
of the longer of the two, the two flaws shall be considered a single flaw.
If the space between two flaws aligned in the through-thickness dimension is less
than the height of the flaw of greater height, the two flaws shall be considered a single
All A-scan data shall be recorded for the area of interest in an unprocessed form with no thresh
Data copies of the scan files of each weld are to be uniquely identified, saved, and stored.
Storage media for scanning data and viewing software shall be capable of securely storing and
retrieving data for the time period specified by the client or code.
Data shall be stored in at least 2 separate locations, to ensure data is not lost.
Only rejectable flaws are to be reported, unless otherwise requested by the Client.
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Technical Procedure
Number: PA-P-011-TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Acceptance Criteria (As per CSA Z662 Para.
For the standards of acceptability for indications of imperfections exceeding 40% of FSH (50%
Reference), refer to CSA Z662:19 Oil and gas pipeline systems.
Additional Acceptance Criteria For Sour Service Pipelines (As per CSA Z662 Para.
Indications above 40% reference characterized as incomplete penetration of the
root bead shall be unacceptable, regardless of length.
Indications above 40% reference characterized as incomplete fusion at the root of
the joint shall be unacceptable, regardless of length.
Disposition Instructions
All rejectable indications shall be clearly marked on the weld as a minimum.
Post-examination cleaning technique - When post-examination cleaning is required, it should
be conducted as soon as practical after evaluation and using a process that does not adversely
affect the part.
All reports are to be submitted daily
If the technician, for whatever reason, is unable to comply with the requirements of this
procedure, guidance shall be sought from the Technical Services Group. Any agreed deviations
from this procedure shall be documented for the inspection records.
The final data package shall be turned over at the completion of the project.
Reporting Criteria
Report Form PA-F-010 or PA-F-012 shall be used.
Weld IDs on the report shall match the scanned data file name.
Any deviations from the procedure shall be noted on the report
Any limitations of the examination shall be noted on the report
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Technical Procedure
Number: PA-P-011-TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Appendix A
Report Form PA-F-010
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Technical Procedure
Number: PA-P-011-TMEP
Phased Array Ultrasonics
Report Form PA-F-012
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Attachment 6:
JP-QAEP Rev. 0 Joining Program Quality Assurance Execution Plan
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Description of Change
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OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................... 4
SCOPE OF PROJECT QA REQUIREMENTS ..................................................... 5
JP-QAEP Validation and Verification Activities .......................................... 5
STRATEGY ..................................................................................................................... 5
TMEP JOINING PROGRAM ORGANIZATION CHART ....................................... 8
ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS......................................................................... 9
QAEP SPECIALIST ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................... 9
Roles for the QAEP Specialist(s) ............................................................... 9
Duties of QAEP Specialist(s) ..................................................................... 9
Qualification Requirements for QAEP Specialist ..................................... 10
QAEP Specialist Training......................................................................... 10
General Field Activities ............................................................................ 11
Specific Activities – Welding QAEP Specialist ......................................... 12
Specific Activities – NDT QAEP Specialist............................................... 12
NUMBER OF JOINING SPECIALISTS .............................................................. 15
JP QA EXECUTION PLAN VERIFICATION PROCESS .................................... 15
REPORTING AND FOLLOW-UP ....................................................................... 16
SCHEDULED QA VERIFICATION ..................................................................... 17
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The purpose of this document is to describe the quality assurance activities
that will be carried out by the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP or the
Project) Joining Program Quality Assurance Execution Plan (JP-QAEP) QAEP
Specialists during the TMEP construction phase.
This program applies to shop and field fabrication welding of terminals and
pump stations performed by Engineering, Procurement and Construction
Contractors (EPCs) and their Subcontractors. Equipment and material
vendors are excluded from the scope of this program.
The use of the words ‘validation(s)’ and ‘verification(s)’ throughout this
document are intended to refer to the QAEP Specialists performing their roles
through observation, assessment, evaluation, resolution and/or reporting to
ascertain that the Project’s Joining Program requirements are met.
Validation and verification will consist of on-site and site-specific methodical
examinations and assessments of the EPC QC and NDT contractor’s
Inspection activities against the TMEP regulatory obligations, standards and
TMEP welding and NDT specification requirements. The JP-QAEP focuses on
compliance requirements.
The activities are as follows:
Formal review of processes, procedures, documentation and field
assessments to determine compliance to TMEP’s Joining Program
Proactively focus on continuous quality improvement of the execution of the
TMEP Joining Program; and
Facilitate with applying the TMEP Joining Program requirements in a
scalable fashion to the product-carrying, pressure containing components
of the TMEP’s facilities.
This document meets the requirements of and supplements the following
TMEP Quality Inspection, Measurement & Monitoring Plan Trans
Mountain Expansion (TMEP) Document number 01-13283-GG-0000QA-PLN-0011
National Energy Board Onshore Pipeline Regulations (SOR/99-294)
CSA Z662, Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems
ASME B31.3 Process Piping
ASME BPVC Section IX, Qualification Standard for Welding, Brazing, and
Fusing Qualifications
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API 650 Welded Tanks for oil Storage
TMEP-MP3111 - Fabrication Welding Specification
TMEP-MP3903 – Non-Destructive Testing Specification
TMEP-MT3052 – Storage Tank Welding and Non-Destructive Testing
01-13283-GG-0000-CO-SOW-0002 – Field Joining Program for Facilities
Welding and NDT QAEP Specialist’s will complete a systematic, documented
validation and verification process of obtaining and evaluating objective
evidence to determine whether the specified welding and NDT activities
conform with the review criteria and will communicate the results of the process
to TMEP management.
Identified deficiencies or non-conformances will be reviewed to verify that
suitable corrective actions have been implemented. Deficiencies or nonconformance data will be analysed regularly so that trends can be identified
between facilities.
JP-QAEP Validation and Verification Activities
JP-QAEP Validations in the field office includes: Ongoing analysis of
construction data provided daily by EPC QC personnel and the
project’s NDT Contractors;
Collection and review of project welding, EPC QC, and NDT
Verification that project welding, EPC QC and NDT contractors are
accurately documenting construction processes and procedures;
Field verification that construction activities meet TMEP, regulatory
and code requirements.
The management of the surveillance aspect of the work will be under the direction
of a Senior Joining Specialist who will report the status and quality of the work to
the TMEP Director of Quality Assurance and to the Project Manager or
Construction Manager, as applicable on a predetermined and timely basis. The
facilities joining program organization chart in in section 4.
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The Senior Joining Specialist (SJS) will possess the necessary education
and experience to adjudicate and facilitate the surveillance scope of work on
a timely basis. In addition, the SJS will clearly communicate any major
construction issues immediately as they might occur for resolution and/or
corrective action to the TEMP Director of Quality Assurance.
Each primary area and location of construction will have a Lead Joining
Specialist (LJS) who will report directly on daily activities and provide reports
on a timely basis to the Senior Joining Specialist. Initially, a Lead Joining
Specialist will be assigned to each of the EPCs – one for Edmonton Terminal
and Pump Stations, one for B.C. Lower Mainland.
The educational and experience requirements for the SJS and LJS will be
evaluated as follows for educational, training and experience:
o Educational requirements – University Degree, College Diploma or High
School Diploma in consideration with their additional training and
certifications associated with welding and QA/Surveillance. The
educational requirements must also have a welding component, such as
welding engineering, mechanical engineering with a welding, NDT and/or
metallurgical component. Additional certifications related to Project
Management, NDT and welding inspection would be an advantage.
o Experience requirements – The SJS and LJS will provide a resume that
supports several years of related QA/QC, surveillance and/or supervisory
experience directly related to welding or NDT as applicable. Experience
with surveillance on the type of Facilities work required, and for other
projects that surveillance was applied.
o The individual(s) can demonstrate their experience for large construction
projects; a proven ability to communicate and resolve any issues clearly
and concisely.
The educational and experience requirements for the QAEP Specialist for
welding and/or NDT will be evaluated as follows for education, training and
o Educational requirements – College or High School Diploma in
consideration with their additional training and certifications associated
with welding, NDT and QA/Surveillance/Inspections. Additional
certifications related specifically to welding and/or NDT will also be
evaluated. The QAEP Specialist (Welding) will possess a minimum of a
CWI Level 1 (Level II preferred) certification to CSA W178.2, Certification
of Welding Inspectors or an equivalent TMEP approved and industry
recognized certification scheme. The QAEP (NDT) will possess a Level
II or Level III technician certification to the requirements of CGSB
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48.9712/ISO9712 for the non-destructive testing methods that will be
utilized throughout the project.
o Experience requirements – The QAEP Specialist (Welding or NDT) will
have a resume that supports and demonstrates several years of relevant
filed experience for their specific discipline. Supervisory experience in
these roles, such as a Senior Welding Inspector or NDT Project
Supervisor would be an asset. The individual(s) will demonstrate their
experience on large construction projects; a proven ability to
communicate and resolve issues clearly and concisely. In addition,
familiarly with computer programs, such as Word and Excel are a
As the scope and complexity of the work proceeds, QAEP Specialist
resources will be added who specialize in welding and NDT disciplines.
These individuals will report directly to the Lead Joining Specialist.
The scope of the surveillance will be adjusted to include the maximum area
specific work. In this regard, each Joining Specialist may be assigned more
than one location of the work, depending on the surveillance efficiencies that
may be realized. In addition, the frequency and depth of surveillance may be
adjusted from time to time depending on the quality control procedures
implemented by the EPCs and the output quality of their work.
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Onshore Pipeline Regulations SOR/99-294
Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP)
checking or proving the validity or accuracy of procedures, programs and other documents
by monitoring of welding QC and NDT activities are carried out prior to and at early stages
of production and then throughout the Project to document compliance to TMEP
a field examination to confirm the activity, product or service is in accordance with specified
requirements by review of field processes, procedures and documentations and record the
results based on facts obtained through observations, measurements, tests or other means.
Verification and Validation are both QA activities and independent processes used
together for checking that a product, service or system meets requirement and
QAEP Specialist will complete systematic, documented validation and verification
processes of obtaining and evaluating objective evidence to determine whether
specific welding and NDT activities conform to the review criteria and
communicating the results of the process to TMEP as follows:
Roles for the QAEP Specialist(s)
Validate and verify that EPC QC and NDT contractors are providing
accurate procedures, plans and documentations that will show
compliance to TMEP project requirements; and
Validate and verify that EPC QC and NDT contractors are performing their
specific duties, and meeting and documenting construction compliance to
the requirements of the Project’s Standards, Specifications, Procedures
and applicable Regulations.
Duties of QAEP Specialist(s)
QAEP Specialists will be responsible for providing surveillance for welding
and NDT activities and will document compliance to the following:
Approved WPS and WPDSs;
Approved NDT processes and procedures;
TMEP construction specifications;
Applicable code requirements;
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Applicable regulatory requirements;
Welding Inspectors will be qualified in accordance with CSA W178.2
Certification of Welding Inspectors or an equivalent TMEP approved and
industry recognized certification scheme and will have five years of industry
Qualification Requirements for QAEP Specialist
Working knowledge of construction specifications, standards and
applicable codes;
Practical understanding of TMEP specifications;
Working knowledge of welder and welding procedure qualification
Understanding of welding procedure data sheets (WPDS) compliance
and requirements;
Ability to visually identify weld flaws and determine acceptability to the
applicable acceptance criteria;
Understanding of the causes and prevention of hydrogen induced
cracking and weld discontinuities and defects;
Good written and verbal communication skills;
Understanding of NDT methods and their applicability to the various
phases of welding;
Evidence of satisfactory vision, as determined by an oculist,
optometrist, or other professionally recognized person;
Industry certifications as required by TMEP (first aid, ground
disturbance, construction safety training, etc.);
QAEP Specialist Training
Each QAEP Specialist will be provided with a project specific training
program by TMEP prior to or during construction for their surveillance role.
The training is intended to give the QAEP Specialist a better understanding
of their individual role and the specific technical and compliance
requirements of the project.
Training sessions will be an opportunity for open discussions regarding
surveillance techniques, weld flaws and their causes, previous experiences
and preventative measures. Welding specification questions or
clarifications will be discussed during training sessions.
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General Field Activities
Daily or weekly activities and duties that the QAEP Specialists will be
required to perform are as follows:
Welding – In addition to identifying opportunities for quality
improvement to assist in mitigating construction quality issues the
QAEP Specialist will validate the following:
o EPC Welding QC personal have been trained on Project criteria
and applicable requirements.
o EPC’s are following the most recent revision of TMEP-MP3111
and TMEP-MT3032 requirements for welding and QC criteria;
o Welding procedures are being followed by welding crews and the
weld parameters are within the allowable parameter ranges;
o EPC Welding QC reports are completed and provided for review
upon request;
o EPC Welding QC visual inspection is documented for all welds;
o EPC Welding QC documentation is being collected and
maintained by the EPC as per TMEP requirements;
o Welding and NDT data are accurately recorded on the As-Built
drawings or weld maps and verified to the weld /NDT log.
NDT – In addition to identifying opportunities for quality improvement
to assist in mitigating construction quality issues the QAEP Specialist
will validate the following:
o NDT Contractor personnel have been trained in Project criteria
and applicable requirements and have acceptable NDT
certification as defined by TMEP;
o NDT Technician/Operator
o NDT contractor personnel are following the latest revision of
TMEP-MP3903 and TMEP-MT3052;
o Review of NDT Contractor reports, radiographic images, and
encoded UT can data files.
o NDT QAEP Specialists will monitor NDT activities during
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Specific Activities – Welding QAEP Specialist
The activities of the QAEP Specialists will include the following:
Validate EPC QC personnel have documented eye exams and have
calibration certificates for ammeter/voltmeters, digital thermometers and
temperature probes;
Validate the welding inspection reports provided EPC QC are being
completed and conform to TMEP-MP3111 and TMEP-MT3052
inspection and QC documentation requirements;
Verify by field observation and document that welding crews are meeting
TMEP-MP3111 and TMEP-MT3052 welding requirements;
Verify that welders have been qualified in accordance with the welder
testing as required in accordance with TMEP-MP3111 and TMEPMT3052, the welder qualification log is up to date, available and that
each welder has been assigned specific reference alpha numeric
Verify by field observation and document that EPC QC are verifying and
checking that the welding parameters meet the appropriate WPDS;
JP-QAEP QAEP Specialists will carry out field observation and
monitoring of welding by various crew types including field measurement
of welding parameters.
Verify that the WPS/PQR documents are available at the site offices.
Specific Activities – NDT QAEP Specialist
The activities of the QAEP Specialists will include the following:
Witness and verify that approved NDT procedures are being followed;
Verify that NDT contractors have met prequalification requirements;
Ensure NDT operators have the applicable codes, standards and
approved NDT procedures in the inspection unit;
Ensure NDT operators understand the weld flaw acceptance criteria and
are applying the criteria correctly;
o NDT Contractor Responsibilities – Validate the NDT Contractor
is providing documentation meeting the latest revision of TMEPMP3903 and TMEP-MT3052. These include NDT Supervisor
Audits, NDT Procedures and Techniques, NDT reports, NDT
calibration and weld scan data, NDT calibration block mechanical
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certifications and UT verifications, NDT equipment calibrations
and certifications and NDT personnel pre-qualification
o NDT Procedure Documentation – Procedures for General AUT,
Specific AUT weld processes, TOFD, Velocity Report and MT /
PT (as necessary) are in place and meet TMEP-MP3903
o NDT Project Personnel Requirements – validate all technicians and
radiographers have met the prequalification and certification
requirements such as: General CGSB certification(s)
Advanced NDT certification (as required) are in place for
appropriate NDT disciplines, eye exam documents are current, field
qualification procedures have been carried out and were
acceptable and the TMEP qualification date recorded;
o Provide technical resolution to project related items such as nonconformances, technical document intent, and day to day high level
technical resolution;
o Verify and document by Field Observation that NDT crews are
meeting the latest revision of TMEP-MP3903 and TMEP-MT3052
o Verify and document that NDT Contractor Personnel have and are
following requirements of the appropriate approved procedure for
NDT of welds;
o Verify and document calibrations are being carried out per the latest
revision of TMEP-MP3903 and procedure requirements;
o Verify and document equipment checks, and maintenance records
are being done and documented;
o Daily verification and document weld scan data and evaluations
meet TMEP-MP3903 requirements;
o Verify and document project Daily Weld Log is being maintained
per requirements.
o NDT Contractor Responsibilities – Validate the NDT Contractor is
providing documentation meeting the latest revision of TMEPMP3903. These include providing a Radiation Safety Plan, NDT
Supervisor Audits, NDT Procedures and Techniques, NDT reports,
NDT equipment calibrations and certifications and NDT personnel
pre-qualification requirements;
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o NDT Contractor – Validate the NDT Weld Log and reports are in
place, Daily repair list is generated and provided at the start of the
work day, NDT supervisor verifies data and hard copy reporting,
Supervisor Audits are carried out per TMEP-MP3903 requirements
and any NCR / Continuous Quality Reports are provided;
o NDT Project Personnel Requirements – Validate General CGSB
certification(s) and Advanced NDT certification (as required) are in
place for appropriate NDT disciplines, eye exam documents are
current, field qualification procedures have been carried out and
were acceptable and the TMEP qualification date recorded;
o Regulatory Documentation – Validate CSA Z662-19 Clause 7 and
OPR section 16 reference items comply.
o NDT Contractor Equipment – Verify personnel, equipment, kV
rating, serial no., procedure and technique being used,
Radiographer CGSB No. comply with approved NDT procedures
and TMEP-MP3903 requirements;
o Procedures – Verify CGSB certifications and Advanced
certifications (as required), appropriate specifications, codes,
techniques, procedures, safety documentation equipment serial
no.’s and certifications, Manufacturer Records and Written
Schedule of changes and Audible / Visible Radiation Warning
Devices are employed and available with the Radiographer on
o RT Specific Items – Verify equipment requirements / ratings,
calibrated equipment is available, correct film type, IQI selection,
placement and number, and waste disposal comply with the
latest revision of TMEP-MP3903 and approved procedures /
o NDT Contractor Responsibilities – Validate the NDT Contractor is
providing documentation meeting the latest revision of TMEPMP3903 and TMEP-MP3502. These include providing NDT
Supervisor Audits, NDT Procedures and Techniques, NDT reports,
NDT equipment calibrations certifications and NDT personal prequalification;
o NDT Contractor Project Quality Plan – Validate the NDT Weld map
and reports are in place, Daily repair list is generated and provided
at the start of the work day, NDT supervisor verifies data and hard
copy reporting, Management site audits are carried out per NDT
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contractor procedure, Supervisor Audits are carried out per TMEPMP3903 requirements and any NCR / Continuous Quality Reports
are provided.
Verification of NDT Contractor Equipment – Verify personnel,
equipment calibrations, serial number, procedure and technique
being used, Operator CGSB No. comply with approved NDT
procedures and TMEP-MP3903 requirements;
Verification of Procedures – Verify CGSB certifications, appropriate
documentation equipment serial no.’s and certifications;
Verification – MT specific items – technique, equipment
requirements/ratings, power source, magnetic particle materials,
surface preparation, testing parameters, reporting requirements;
Verification – PT specific items – technique, penetrant testing
equipment, testing material, surface preparation. testing
parameters, reporting requirements.
The number of Joining Specialist will fluctuate as the scope of work and execution
plan is defined. generally, a minimum of one TMEP QAEP Specialist per EPC will
initially be required.
Once the EPC is fully engaged in the work, a minimum team of seven (7) Joining
Specialist will be assigned as follows:
Senior Joining Specialist
Lead Joining Specialist (2- one for each EPC)
QAEP Specialist (4 – one each for welding and one each for NDT at each
In addition, the Welding and NDT Specialist will have access to Technical
Support Specialist or SME’s (Subject Matter Expects), as required.
Initial pre-job meetings will be held with the TMEP Construction Manager, EPC
QC, QAEP Specialist and NDT supervision before the start of construction to
review the JP-QAEP Scope and objectives and address questions. At this time
the EPC will confirm the construction schedule, fabrication locations and their
QC plan.
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QA Verification will be performed in real-time during the facility construction
execution stage. The verification will be carried out on a site-specific basis with
observations, reviews and reporting based on that construction spread.
Analysis and assessment of field observations and verifications, document
verification reviews and NDT scans and radiographic images as applicable.
Opportunity for positive reinforcement and continuous quality improvement will
be documented.
A weekly meeting will be held with the TMEP Construction Manager to discuss
findings and issues with, or the status of, any outstanding NCR (nonconformance reports).
Formal Reports documenting the results of the JP-QAEP surveillance performed
will provide assurance of EPC QC and NDT Contractor(s) compliance to project
QA/QC requirements.
A formal report containing results of the review will be prepared by the Lead Joining
Specialist and forwarded to Senior Joining Specialist for review.
Compliance is listed as follows:
Full Compliance;
Moderate Compliance - verbal communication to rectify with follow-up
verification documented on the next report; and
Non-Compliance – item is documented in a formal communication through
TMEP Non-Conformance reporting procedures.
Report distribution will be TMEP Quality Assurance Manager, Project Manager or
Construction Manager, as directed
Items that are noted as deficiencies (i.e. Findings) will be reported. Follow-up is
documented on the next QA Execution Plan report or through TMEP NonConformance Reporting Procedures as required.
QA Execution Plan Reports shall be numbered as follows:
QA Execution Plan Report: Project Name – Project Location – QA Verification
Report Type – Report No. followed by QA Execution Plan Specialist initials.
TMEP-ET-WLD-1-LT (ET refers to Edmonton Terminal)
TMEP-BR-WLD-1-LT (BR refers to Blue River Pump Station)
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NDT Report: Project Name – Project Location – NDT method audited – Report
No. followed by QA Execution Plan Specialist initials.
TMEP-BT-RT-1 DC (BT refers to Burnaby Terminal)
TMEP-WP-RT-1 DC (WP refers to Wolf Pump Station)
Reports will be saved electronically with the report number to facilitate electronic
JP-QAEP QA Verification activities will be scheduled according to the Project
schedule and TMEP requirements.