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Understanding Religion and Culture

February 15, 2022
Olivia Chan
Understanding Religion and Culture
Song link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbLJyjfyACM&ab_channel=Skillet
Lyrics link: https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/skillet/stars.html
Stars - Skillet (2016)
The song titled “Stars” by the band Skillet is the religious medium chosen for analysis.
The main idea of the song is about how powerful God’s love can be. The band believes that a
being as mighty as God will always be there for you and provide comfort during difficult trials
that one might face throughout their life. It is apparent that the members of Skillet have found a
deep personal connection with God, and his withstanding presence in their lives has brought
them guidance. Through intimate descriptions of what wondrous things God has been able to do
in their lives, “Stars” exposes more people to the word of God and encourages them to believe in
him as well. The role of God in this song speaks to those that are facing hardships and struggling
to find direction, wanting to have someone to turn to in those times of need.
The song “Stars” is a form of religious expression and can influence societal beliefs
surrounding Christianity.
What is the message of your chosen medium? (What is the main question/issue/perspective
about religion the medium is attempting to address).
The main message Skillet seeks to address is the role that God plays in our lives. As God
is believed to be capable of tremendous things, like creating the universe, some may think he will
not care about the worries of a single person. In the line “You spoke a word and life began…but
still you come and you call to me by name”, Skillet is trying to say that God does care about the
troubles that everyone is facing and as long as you have faith, he is the one who will guide you
through those dark times.
Who is the author(s) of the piece? What are their credentials?
“Stars” was written by the Christian band Skillet, which has been active since 1996.
What is the purpose of the source? (persuade, educate, entertain, etc)
The song’s purpose is to provide solace to those who are facing difficulties in their lives,
and remind them that God will always be there for them.
Who is the intended audience?
The intended audience is Christians and non-Christians. For Christians, this song would
be impactful to people that are having doubts about God’s purpose in their lives, like in the line
February 15, 2022
Olivia Chan
“Your love has called my name. What do I have to fear?”. Spreading the gospel is important in
Christianity, which is about Jesus’s sacrifice saving us from sin. Skillet achieves this by
describing God’s influence, such as “I get so lost, forget my way but still you love and you don't
forget my name”. Non-Christians may hear this and wonder how their lives might change for the
better if they accept God into their hearts.
Do you agree or disagree with the author's perspective? Why or why not?
I disagree with the band’s perspective. Beliefs are strengthened by personal experiences,
and though I believe that God created the universe, he has never been a prominent figure in my
life. Listening to someone else’s story does not make me more inclined to believe that having
faith in God will bring me comfort. I never questioned his presence when I was younger, but I
was never able to find the same guidance that Skillet describes.
How is the message of the medium supported? Is it subjective or objective in nature? Explain.
The message is subjective in nature, as most belief in religion is. There is no definitive
proof for the existence of God’s influence, but Skillet’s relationship with God has seemed to be
beneficial to them. For example, the song mentions that because God can “calm the raging sea”,
he can also bring them inner peace.
Does the new information conflict with your previous understanding of the subject? Do your
own beliefs require modification? Why or why not?
The subjectivity of the song does not conflict with my previous understanding of the
message. My own beliefs did not require modification, because faith in religion has never been
objective. Essentially, people believe in a religion because those ideas speak to them or provide
guidance, but there is no objective reasoning for those ideas being truthful.
What background information do you need to make a well-informed judgement on the selected
religious medium/source/message? (Is there symbolism present? What indicates the tone?).
Understanding how the song corresponds to the Christian Bible helps to make a better
judgement about the message, like how God’s word made life begin. The tone is uplifting and
emotional, indicated by lines like “If you can calm the raging sea you can calm the storm in me”.
Another example is the line “The deepest depths, the darkest nights…can't keep me from your
sight”, referring to how God loves us unconditionally, even though we are sinners.
How might this medium shape or inform public perception/understanding of religion in the
21st century? Explain
Since the 20th century, evangelical Protestants gained power in politics, leading to debate
on issues like opposition to gay marriage, abortion, etc. As a result of the right-wing social
agenda, I believe a lot of left-wing or neutral people have been deterred by Christianity. This has
led to misconceptions, being associated with radical conservative Christians who force their own
February 15, 2022
Olivia Chan
opinions onto others in ways that do not uphold Christian beliefs. “Stars” retains some of the true
meaning of Christianity, and non-Christians may begin to see it in a different light. People may
start to see all religion more as a form of guidance, love, and comfort, rather than a list of rules to
Overall, music is a type of media that people can use to express their feelings or connect with
others, and even a Christian song like “Stars” can touch the lives of people who may or may not
be religious.