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QC Kinetix (Savannah)

QC Kinetix
Do you suffer from pain?
Have you been told surgery
is your only option? There's a
better alternative...
Non-surgical regenerative treatments for
pain associated with sports injuries, arthritis
and other musculoskeletal conditions
At QC Kinetix (Savannah), we are dedicated
to helping our patients overcome their
injuries and prevent future problems
through the latest advancements in sports
medicine. Our team of experts has years of
experience treating a variety of injuries and
conditions. Our staff is committed to
providing you with a personalized treatment
plan that is designed to help you get back to
your active lifestyle as quickly as possible.
From the moment you walk into our office,
you will notice the difference. You will
experience personalized service and
attention not often found in today's medical
facilities. Our staff is friendly, knowledgeable
and helpful. They are dedicated to helping
our patients overcome their injuries and
prevent future problems through the latest
advancements in sports medicine in
Savannah. We are committed to helping
our patients overcome their injuries and
avoid future issues through the latest
advances in sports medicine. Whether
you're an athlete or someone who just
wants to stay active, we will work with you to
get you back on track as quickly as possible.
Our Info
A. 1000 Towne Center Blvd Building 700
Suite 703, Pooler, GA 31322
P. (912) 349-8470
M. contactqc@qckinetix.com
W. https://qckinetix.com/savannah/pooler-ga/
Non-surgical regenerative treatments