Тексерілді ДОІЖО Short term plan Term: 1 Unit 2 My family and friends. Teacher’s name: Assel Urstembek Subject: English Date: 19.10.2022 Grade: 2 “Г” Number present: Theme of the lesson: People I know 1(2) Number absent: understand some specific information in short, slow, carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics (қарапайым және таныс тақырыптар бойынша қысқа, баяу, мұқият тұжырымдалған әңгімеде кейбір нақты ақпаратты түсіну) use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those to make and respond Learning objectives(s) that to requests for information (бұл, осы, содан кейін, ақпарат беру туралы this lesson is contributing to сұраулар жасау және оларға жауап беру үшін демонстрациялық есімдіктерді қолдану) use can to talk about ability and to make requests and offers, use can/can’t to talk about permission (мүмкіндіктер туралы сөйлесу және сұраулар мен ұсыныстар жасау үшін can пайдаланыңыз, рұқсат туралы сөйлесу үшін can/can ' t пайдалану) By the end of the lesson the students will be able to: Lesson objectives Value links ask for help; (көмек сұрай алады) ask somebody to pass you something; (біреуден бірдеңе беруін сұрай алады) use demonstrative pronouns. (демонстрациялық есімдіктерді қолдана алады) Respect and helping each other Lesson procedure: Stages of the lesson/ Time Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources/ materials Organisation Teacher greets pupils and asks “How are you today?” to find moment. out their mood at the beginning Warm up of the lesson. Warm up. 5 min. Main activities 35 min. Physical • Childrens’ greetings. Students watch a video and sing a greeting song. Then pupils choose one of the smiles they see on the slide, saying “I am happy/sad….etc.” Ask children to look back at the photo of the two boysPupils discuss skating on Pupil's Book page questions. 12. Ask What do Tom and Sam do? (They help each other.) • Ask children to give you some examples of when they might need help from a friend. How would they ask for help politely in their own language? Tell them that they are going to learn to ask a friend for help in English. the Criteria: Learners have met the lesson objectives and make a full sentences to ask for help and use demonstrative pronouns. Pupils try to identify Descriptor: what is happening in the • Tell children to look at the photos. Then they listen Role-play photos in Exercise 1. Ask what and read the phrases. they think is happening in the Further pupils role-play children work in pairs. two photos. the situations. Practise both • Play the recording and ask the dialogues, children to read the speech using bubbles as they listen. Make classroom sure they understand that the objects as girl in picture 1 is asking the props. boy to help her, and that he is agreeing, and that the boy in red in picture 2 is passing the piece of paper to the boy in Pupils fill in the gaps in green. the dialogue. • Ask for volunteers to come to Answers: the front to model the two Here you are. Thank dialogues. For the first you. dialogue, ask Child 1 to think Can you help me, of a task that he / she might please? Yes, OK. need help with (e.g. cleaning the board, picking up some objects from the floor): Set up the situation, and have Child 1 ask Child 2 for help, using the target language Can you help me, please? Encourage Child 2 to answer Yes, OK and to help Child 1 with the task. • For the second dialogue, have Child 3 hand Child 4 a classroom object, saying Here you are. Child 4 takes the object, smiling and saying Thank you. Pupils watch and do A break for physical activity. Ex.1 p.13. Student’s Book “Family and friends 2. Kazakhstan edition”. (Oxford University Press) CD 17 Text book Video training exercise Teacher plays the video with physical exercises. physical exercises. Main activities Ex.3 p.13. • Focus on the footballs. Read out the demonstrative pronouns, pointing to each picture as you do so. • Write this, that, these, those on the board and remind children when each demonstrative pronoun is used, i.e. this is used for a single item which is close to you, that is used for a single item which is far from you, these is used for multiple items which are close to you, and those is used for multiple items which are far from you. • Help the children to understand that the arrows in the pictures show that the balls are at a distance. • Ask the class to repeat the pronouns after you. Say the pronouns again, exaggerating your mouth shape to help children make the correct vowel sound. • Pupils have practice in Descriptor: using demonstrative Use pronouns. demonstrative pronounse; children to understand that the arrows in the pictures show that the balls are at a distance. Descriptor: Place a bag on your desk, stand at a distance from it and ask That or Those? (That). Place several school bags on the desk and, standing at a distance, repeat the question (Those Read out the dialogue on the page. Ask children to say which item the girl is asking about (the shoes). • On the left of the board, draw large pictures of a ball and two socks. On the right, draw small pictures of a toy boat and two hats. Draw an arrow next to the boat and hats to help children understand that they are at a dista Pupils make a poster with demonstative pronouns. The end of the lesson 5 min. Use classroom objects to check understanding. Hold up a pencil and ask This or These? (This). Hold up several pencils and repeat the question (These).) Teacher asks pupils “How are SS write their Pupils evaluate you?” to find out their mood at homework for the next themselves using the end of the lesson, compares lesson. evaluation it to the initial mood pupils had lists. and makes conclusion how the lesson influenced students and why. Giving the homework. Student’s Book “Family and friends 2. Worksheets Stickers Тексерілді ДОІЖО Short term plan Unit: Light and Dark Teacher's name: Assel Urstembek Subject: English Date: 14.10.2022 Grade: 3 «B» Number of presents: The Theme: Sources of light Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions Number of absents: (сыныпта қолдау көрсетілетін бірқатар негізгі нұсқауларды түсіну) respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information (жеке және нақты ақпарат бере отырып, негізгі көмекші сұрақтарға жауап беру) use common present simple forms [positive, negative, question] and contractions to talk about what you want and like and habits and facts (present simple-дің әдеттегі формаларын қолдану [оң, теріс, сұрақ] және қысқартулар, қалаған және ұнататын нәрселер туралы, сондай-ақ әдеттер мен фактілер туралы айту үшін қолдану) Lesson objectives Learners will be able to: Value links -identify daytime and night-time (күндізгі және түнгі уақытты анықтай алады) -explain the main idea with SOME support (негізгі идеяны кейбір қолдаумен түсіндіре алады) -answer the questions (сұрақтарға жауап бере алады) -do listening tasks with support (тыңдау тапсырмаларын қолдаумен орындай алады) Respect the environment Plan Part of the lesson/Time Teacher’s activity Beginning of the lesson Organization moment: 5 min. 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. Open the envelop and Student’s activity “I wish….” method helps to start the lesson with telling supporting words to each other. Assessment Resources CD Assessment criteria Learners Flashcards have met the learning objectives if they can: Talk ask students to take the cards with numbers. They should find their team according to the number:1 First 2. Second 3.Third Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations . about clothes and accessories. Images The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere MAIN PART 35 min. ● Listen, point and repeat. Then match. Pupils’ books closed. Put up the Clothes poster on the Extension activity (Optional) board. Point to the items/phrases, one at a time, and say the pupils to name them. the corresponding words. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Point to the items/phrases in random order. Ask individual pupils to name them. Point to items of clothing the pupils are wearing and ask Pupils’ books open. Ex. 5 p. 20 Play the CD. If you wish, play the CD again pausing after each word/phrase. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Check their answers. Descriptor: The pupils listen, point to the words and repeat The pupils look at the pictures and match them to the words. Answer key: Pupil’s book Worksheets CD 1c2d3h4g5f 6e7a8b Ask the rest of the class for verification. Thinking cap. Ask questions: p. 20 Who works only during the day? Who works during the day and at night? Point to the police office and ask: Does he work only during the day? Elicit answer: No. Answer keys: The police office works during the day and at night. The gardener works during the day. The nurse works during the day and at night. The teacher works during the day. Descriptor: Learners answer the questions correctly Pupils Book Listen and choose. Pupils’ books closed. Say and write: one lamp – two lamps. Underline the s. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Elicit the formation of the plural number (by adding -s to the noun). Explain to the pupils that there are some exceptions to the rule. Write the word potato on the board. Point to it, say and write: one potato – two potatoes. Underline -es. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Follow the same procedure and present the rest of the spelling rules as well as the irregular plural nouns. Pupils’ books open. Ex. 7 p.21 Go through the Study spot section briefly. Explain the activity and allow the pupils some time to complete it. Check their answers. Descriptor: Pupils listen to teacher attentively and complete the activity correctly using right endings Answer key: 2. knives 3 touches 4 boxes 5 children 6 teeth Pupils Book Pictures Listen and draw the lines. Ex. 8 p.21 Play the CD, twice if necessary. The pupils listen and complete the activity. Check their answers. Sources of Energy. Ex.9 p.21 Look at the things in ex.8 again. Which use electricity? Which use electricity and batteries? Tell the class. The pupils draw a line from the remote control to the bedroom. The pupils draw a line from the laptop to the bathroom. The pupils draw a line from the lamp to the bedroom. The pupils draw a line from the clock to the bedroom. The pupils draw a line from the microwave to the kitchen. The pupils draw a line from the mobile phone to the bathroom. ENDING THE LESSON 5 min. Say one of the words from the lesson. Ask a pupil to draw it on the board. Ask the rest of the class for verification. Descriptor: Explain what electricity and battery mean. Read the example and explain the activity. Answer keys: CD Pupils Book Cookers use electricity. Clocks use electricity and battery. Microwave use electricity. Laptop use electricity and batteries. Remote controls use batteries. Mobile phones use batteries. Lamps use electricity. ACTIVITY BOOK (Optional) If you wish, you can assign some or all of the corresponding activities from the Activity Book for homework. If this is the case, make sure you explain them first in class. T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job! Well done!” “One more time, please” Papersheets