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Online Games vs. Studying: A Utilitarian Case Study

"If one is faced with the choice of playing online games all day for a week and studying school lessons
for at least three hours a day for a week. One must ask oneself which course of action fulfills one’s
higher faculties more. One should also ask how many people can benefit from such a choice compared
to the other, as well as the kind of happiness it can bring these people."
The case is about two choices:
Playing online games all day for a week
Studying three hours for a week
List all positive and negative effects of the two issues at hand.
Answer the question, “In relation to Utilitarian discussion on happiness, which of the two will
bring ultimate happiness?”
Understand and discuss.
Playing online games all day for a week
Help one become more patient and tenacious when
There are many drawbacks to game addiction, including
attempting to fulfill a task.
irregular sleeping patterns, skipping meals, and social
Improves Cognitive Abilities
The neural circuits that make up the brain would
Socially Disconnected
become stronger when neurotransmitter spikes and
Naturally, gamers who spend the majority of their time
concentration are combined.
online cannot socialize with their relatives and friends.
Even while there are multiplayer games available, most
Decision-Making and Accuracy
kids end up playing them alone in their rooms. All things
Online players are capable of making swift decisions.
considered, this severely limits their ability to interact
Playing online games teaches the brain to make
with others, and as a result, they may prefer to work
decisions quickly without sacrificing quality. Without
alone and meticulously coordinate. Such individuals
any doubt, you can play these games in order to make
avoid initiating conversations and feel tired and
quick and accurate judgments.
strangeness at gatherings. Additionally, risks of
adjustment disorder, anxiety, sadness, doom, unease,
It can help someone become more competent and
and tension rise.
improve their capacity for strategic thought. This is
because many online games require players to work
Wrong Values
together to devise a tactical plan to win a battle escape Some internet games establish bad values in their
from challenging situations, and solve problems.
players. For example, women are portrayed in the
online games as being weaker and having more
Hand and Eye Function
suggestive sexual behavior. The players will
It goes without saying that online players will need the
acknowledge it, and in reality, they do act
best hand-eye coordination possible to play their
inappropriately around women.
games. For the game to be effective, participants must
use their hand and eye in every online game. For
instance, players must aim fast and precisely at small
targets in first-person shooters. In driving simulations,
we make small stirring adjustments at high speeds.
Enhance the Teamwork
Online multiplayer games will improve teamwork
among players. The players will utilize the best of their
abilities to help their group win the match. The players
would get experience about working together to win
Emotional Stability
Online gaming is associated with passionate energy.
According to a recent study, colorful games in particular
seem to be the most advantageous since they let
players assess many versions of themselves.
Blow Off Steam
Individuals might release stress by playing online
games. According to a study, teens were significantly
reducing their stress through this. Online games may
help youth vent by encouraging hostility in the game
world rather than in the real world.
Impact on Health
The World Health Organization classified game
addiction as a mental health problem in June 2018.
According to MRI scans, addicted video games can have
a similar impact on children's brain development to
drugs and alcohol.
A child's wellness may suffer when they devote a lot of
time to playing video games rather than engaging in
healthy physical activity. A child's psychological
development may be hampered if he doesn't get out
and make real-world friends. Playing video games while
spending extended periods of time seated still increases
the likelihood of becoming overweight, weakens the
muscles and joints, causes overuse injuries to the hands
and fingers, and may even impair vision.
Bad Academic Performance
A regular school day is a far cry from the enjoyment
that video games offer. As a result, they may find it
difficult to concentrate on their schoolwork and instead
prefer playing video games over anything else. The
negative impacts of online games are more likely to
affect teenagers and adolescents.
Studying school lessons for at least three hours a day for a week
It can boost your self-assurance, particularly when responding to
 When someone doesn't
queries about lectures. Your cognition, focus, and memory all go
manage their time well, it
better. These can lead to receiving great grades and developing a
can lead to frequent
positive reputation among peers.
headaches, lack of sleep,
and other mental health
Studying for a little period of time each day helps us avoid working
or studying for extended periods of time without a break. For
instance, if I study in chunks utilizing the pomodoro approach (50
 Three hours of studying
minutes of study followed by a 10-minute break), I won't need to
per day can be taxing for
cram the night before an examination or quickly digest a lot of
some people. If they are
just pushed to do it, they
are more likely to have
physiological and mental
We retain information best right away after reading, hearing, or
issues like sadness, lack of
seeing it. But after time, our memories start to get hazy. Because of
sleep, an unbalanced life,
this, reviewing consistently—even for just three hours each day—is
and detachment.
crucial. It enables us to transfer new knowledge and skills from
short-term to long-term memory and then retain them there. We
must exert more effort the more important or complicated the
 Some pupils have a
information is.
propensity to overstudy. It
affects academic
performance and produces
In my opinion, this is among the useful study techniques that can
distractions in the mind.
boost your self-assurance, competence, and respect for yourself.
Low grades are still
They can help lessen stress associated with schedules and exams.
conceivable even if you are
You gain a priceless, enduring personal asset as a result of it.
studying a lot.
Of course, learning something new is a benefit of studying. Despite
 Absence from social
the fact that not everyone enjoys studying, it may occasionally be
interactions. A student can
very rewarding, especially if you were successful in understanding
be spending more and
the teachings via your own efforts and strong study habits.
more time alone in their
room. Them quitting
It increases your level of productivity. This one is simple: The more
mingling totally or mingle
you learn, the more you earn. The more educated, qualified and
recognizably less. The most
skilled you are, the higher your earning ability. Regularly learning
obvious sign of
new skills will allow you to do your job more quickly and easily,
rather than taking the time to look up the necessary information
every time something pops up.