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Faith Characteristics Assignment

Assignment 2
1. Research and explain characteristics
Faith is both personal and communal
Faith can be considered personal, for it can be integrated or adhered to an individual’s
very core values. It is the encouragement of one’s belief in God by entering into a personal
relationship with the Holy Trinity, as shown in private, quiet prayers. However, this personal
characteristic of Faith does not account for social sin and community ownership of the church.
Thus, Faith is also communal since Faith is lived along the concept of collective Faith in Christian
Life by Scriptures and Traditions. In conclusion, Faith is an act of love that is meant to be personal
while supported by a community.
Faith seeks understanding
In nature, Faith prompts us to reflect and generate questions about God as revealed in
Jesus Christ. Through the content of Faith, we are in pursuit of understanding and knowing God
in order to build a deeper communion with him and humanity. Basically, “faith seeks
understanding” means to simply form or unite Faith and reason into one coherent theological
Faith is both a gift of God and a free human act
Faith is a result of God’s Love, Mercy, and Grace. Thus, God deserves all the glory, for it is
in the gift of Faith that our salvation is done in spite of our sinful life. We have been saved through
Faith which is evident in Christ’s definitive revelation. Hence, it is our responsibility to exercise
this gift. Faith is generally a free human act, for it is relative. We get to choose the set of beliefs
and practices we want to follow. For us, we have the will to personally adhere to the Catholic
Faith and act accordingly to the truth revealed in His words and deeds.
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