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A Streetcar Named Desire: Scene 4 Study Questions

A Streetcar Named Desire
Questions on Scene 4
1. Why did Stanley smash all the light bulbs on their wedding night?
2. Once again, clothing makes a significant impact in scene 4. Explain what
the following items of clothing may represent:
a. “STANLEY’S gaudy pyjamas...”
b. “He (Stanley) wears an undershirt and grease-stained seersucker
3. “..narcotized tranquility that is in the faces of Eastern idols,” what does
this tell us about Stanley and Stella’s relationship?
4. The theme of desire is at the forefront in this scene:
“Desire! – the name of that rattle-trap street-car that bangs
through the Quarter, up one old narrow street and down another.”
“Haven’t you ever ridden on that street-car?”
“It brought me here...”
What is the significance of this quote to Blanche and what does it tell us
about her life?
5. Animal imagery appears frequently throughout this scene. Identify two
examples of animal imagery and explain their significance to the play as a
6. Explain the Dramatic Irony in this scene.
7. This scene is the turning point of the play; explain how this is the turning
point and identify a quote to show this.
8. Discuss the importance of the sound of the passing train as Stanley
enters the apartment and again before he enters the room.
9. “As the light fades away, with a lingering brightness on their embrace,
the music of the “blue piano” and trumpet and drums is heard.” ends the
scene. Discuss the importance of these stage directions.
10. What is the main difference which is highlighted between Blanche and
Stella in this scene?