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Witches and Wizards: History and Modern Perceptions

Section B writing
In Ancient times, many of witches were from Greek mythology and they had magical powers. The famous witch who
named Circe, who was a sorcerer in Homer’s odyssey. She had witchcraft which to use magic potion to put spells on
visitors in her house, and she could turn people into pigs. However, witchcraft was to use by witches slowly became an
enemy of Christianity. That because the witchcraft can had killed more than thousand people. Catholics, Protestants, and
state leaders started afraid of witchcraft.
In Medieval times, there would be a dangerous test to recognize a witch, it was name as ‘swimming a witch’ To recognize
a witch, first witches must throw women to the river. If they were sunk into the river, they were not witches. No one
would help them and they died in the river. If they floated in the river, they were witches. However, they would still be
killed by hanging them. This was the reason why isn’t fair for the women.
Until Today, there are some people who still follow a creed called Wicca which was developed in early 20th century.
Wizards are a magician; sorcerer or sorceress is a fictional or fictional person who used magic. Mostly of wizards are
males. If you want recognize a wizard, he will have a long, flowing beards, and wearing a large- brimmed hat, a thick
cloak and holding a staff. But not all wizard will have the similar words that are mentioned or powers. Some people
called wizard because they are creative.
There is a popular wizard name Gandalf who is from Tolkien’s Middle of Earth is a fictional example of good wizard. Until
today we still have wizard. As they successful achievement are due creativity, there are name as wizard.