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Modernism vs Postmodernism: Key Differences

Postmodernism has been considered a response to modernism. There are some major differences
between modernism and postmodernism which distinguish the basic differences in the thought
processes that led to these movements and their respective approaches towards life. Modernism –
logical and rational and in search for the real meaning of life. Postmodernism – celebrated chaos and
diversity allowing multiple meanings of life to co-exist at once.
Belief system
In a modernist society, belief systems would become Postmodernism comprises of mini-narratives and
fixed and unchangeable in order for individuals to aims to tell stories that are local, situational and
make sense of their day to day lives. Master temporary. By expressing the human experiences of
narratives would be used to convey these messages living in South Africa during the Apartheid era we are
to the public.
exposed to the multiple perspectives of those who
were affected.
Modernism was based on using rational and logical No absolute and universal truth. There are multiple
thought to gain knowledge and it rejected realism. A perspectives and interpretations of what is right and
hierarchical, organized, and determinate nature of wrong. In Ubu – we hear the tragic testimonies of
knowledge that was shared by all characterized those who had been affected directly or lost family
members during the Apartheid era. Pa Ubu –
overcome with pride for the bravery he displayed
when fighting for his country and in his eyes, what
he did was not wrong.
Displayed a serious attitude towards life even
Strays away from all that is serious and is playful and
though it reflects the chaos prevalent in the world.
satirical in nature. Such as pa ubu being in his
underwear and his explicit dance sequences with ma
ubu. Exploits the faults of the TRC: Brutus
sentencing and sailing off into the sunset.
Fragmented and experimental yet still contained
Non-conventional structure but consists of broken
humanist ideologies that created a sense of unity
narratives, overlapping stories and multiple voices.
amongst those who watched modernist
We jump back and forth between ma and pa ubu,
performances as there is a central idea that is
the testimonials of the victims and pa ubu’s
focused on.
flashbacks to his sinister past. Pastiche – song,
projections, puppetry and documentary clips to
enhance the message being portrayed. As he stands
in the shower cubicle, still in his unbecoming vest
and underpants, we see an animation by
director William Kentridge that illustrates in scratchy
white-on-black the guilty secrets he is trying to
cleanse himself of. Tumbling towards the plughole is
a torrent of human skulls and bones.
Representational and not
psychologically/emotionally naturalistic in any way.
Vulture, Niles, Brutus and Pa Ubu