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Data Privacy in Digital Marketing: Laws & Adaptation

The Role of Data Privacy In Digital Marketing
- By Nupur Mehta1
In the digital marketing landscape, data is gold. However, as privacy laws become more stringent,
the need to adapt to new methods of collecting and storing data becomes more pressing. As a result,
it is sometimes critical, not only from a marketing standpoint, but also from a consumer standpoint,
to keep a close eye on and be well aware of these data privacy laws. This paper starts the
discussion by highlighting the significant data privacy laws and policies in India, as well as how
they affect and are implemented in the Digital Marketing World and how digital marketing can
actuall co-exist with data privacy. One primary objective of this research is to better understand the
position of Indian data privacy policies in comparison to the laws of the United States and the
United Kingdom. The research goes on to detail various cases of data misuse and data privacy
guidelines in countries such as India, the United States, and the United Kingdom. This paper
concludes by discussing the complexities of these policies and how digital marketers can effectively
adapt to them.
Keywords: Data ,Digital Marketing, India, Laws, Privacy
Marketing is a fast-paced and ever-changing, business activity. Marketing's role has shifted
dramatically as a result of various crises, including resource and energy shortfalls, inflation,
economic recessions, massive unemployment, declining businesses and companies, terrorism and
war, and the effects of rapid advancements in technology in specific industries. Such changes, as
the internet, have compelled today's marketing to become more digitalized. Digital marketing is a
trend that is spanning the globe in this digital age. The trend of digital marketing is growing day by
day with the ideas of online marketing that is turning into a critical forum of digital marketing
alongside electronic gadgets like digital billboards, tablet devices, and cell phones and numerous
others that support digital marketing. Although digital marketing has helped to overcome the
challenges of traditional marketing by reaching a large audience in a short period of time, it also has
PRN : 1182200142 , TY.BBA.LLB Div:B
its own set of challenges, such as dealing with data privacy issues and providing a personalised
experience to consumers at the same time. It's unsurprising that questions about data privacy and
security have arisen in an age when almost all human data is available and shared online.Data
privacy is basically the ability to control how data is distributed, used, and shared online. Data
privacy is recognised as a human right in some jurisdictions.
Consumers are becoming more aware and increasingly uneasy about data gathering in their daily
lives. With legal measures such as GDPR, Apple's privacy modifications, and options such as
Firefox offering improved data privacy for customers, it's clear that the era of endless finegrained
consumer data is coming to an end. Regardless of the fact that almost every consumer wants more
privacy, 63 percent believe customization should be standard when they're provided or sent special
or promotional offers. Marketers are left wondering how to meet consumer needsand demands in
the absence of a wealth of consumer information.
One of the mainstays of digital marketing is data. A digital Marketer must comprehend the data and
sould take the full benefit of it to get more potential leads, also to create customer involvement and
commercialise investment oppurtunities as well.
When it comes to customising the consumer experience, data is crucial. Customers want to feel
special and will leave if they are overpowered by information or advertisements that are not
specifically tailored to them.
The Data is usually used to do the following;
A. To enhance customer experience
Consumer data can help many businesses better understand their customers' needs and increase
customer engagement. Companies can deftly modify their online presence, products, or services to
better suit the current marketplace by analysing customer behaviour as well as massive stashes of
feedback and testimonials.
Businesses use customer information not only to improve overall consumer experiences, but also to
make decisions on an individual basis.
B. To improve a business's marketing strategy
Contextually relevant data can help companies know how consumers interact with and respond to
their advertising campaigns, allowing them to adjust accordingly. Based on what they've already
done, this accurate estimate provides businesses with an idea of what consumers want. Marketing,
like other components of consumer data analysis, is becoming more personalised.Mapping and
personalising consumer journeys, not only on ones website, but also on platforms such as LinkedIn,
Facebook, or any other website, is now crucial. Data segmentation efficaciously allows you to
market only to those you realise are most likely to respond. These have created new opportunities in
previously difficult-to-market industries.
C. Convert the data into income
Companies that collect data stand to profit. Data brokers, or data service providers who buy and sell
customer information, have emerged as a new industry alongside big data. For companies that
collect huge amounts of data, trying to collect and selling information represents new revenue
streams. This data is extremely valuable to advertisers, and they will pay for it, so the demand for
more data is increasing. That is, the more diverse data and comprehensive data profiles, the more
money they can make selling this information to each other and advertisers. This can be ethically
wrong as no consent of the customer is taken while sharing the data with other parties.
D. To protect more data
Some businesses even use consumer data to protect more confidential material. Banking
institutions, for instance, may use voice recognition information to authorise a user's access to their
banking details or to safeguard them from deceitful attempts to steal their details. These systems
operate by combining information from a customer's call centre interaction, artificial intelligence
algorithms, and monitoring technologies to identify and flag potentially fraudulent attempts to
access a customer's account. This eliminates some of the guesswork and operator mistakes in
detecting a fraud
Types of Data collected
- Personal information.
This category includes both personally identifiable information like Social Security numbers and
gender and nonpersonally identifiable information like your IP address, web browser cookies, and
device IDs (which both your laptop and mobile device have).
- Data on engagement.
This information describes how customers are interacting with a company's website, mobile
applications, messages, pages on social media email messages, paid advertising, and customer
support channels.
- Data on human behaviour.
This category comprises of transactional information like previous purchases, product usage data
(like repeated actions), and qualitative information (e.g., mouse movement information).
- Data on attitudes.
This data type includes consumer satisfaction, purchase criteria, product desirability, and other
When an individual purchases goods online, uses a service, pays taxes, enters into a contract or
service, registers for email, or visits the doctor, they must provide personal information. Without
any interaction with the individuals, companies and organisations generate and capture data and
information without their knowledge. Citizens and consumers have confidence in both businesses
and governments because of statutory law governing data protection practises, which aids in
effective legislation to reduce corporate surveillance and data exploitation. A data protection policy
is a security policy that governs the use, monitoring, and management of data. Its primary goal is to
protect and safeguard all data consumed, managed, and stored by the organisation. It is not required
by law, but it is frequently used to assist organisations in meeting data security laws and regulations.
Data privacy is recognised as a human right in some states. In others, businesses are free to use data
however they see fit.
Here are some examples of how personal data can be abused:
A. Gathered without the user's permission
B. Profitably sold to third parties
C. User behaviour monitoring and recording
According to 81% of users, the risks of businesses collecting data outweigh the advantages.Data
privacy has always been important, irrespective of territory.2 People want assurances from
companies that the information they give will be properly handled. As a result, many organisations
have implemented data protection practises that demonstrate their commitment to maintaining and
handling customer data with care. Businesses that utilize unethical customer data management
practises or suffer security breaches due to a lack of security precautions risk ruining their
reputation and face a lot of losses.
Even though the ultimate aim of Data privacy and Data protection policy is same but they are
slightly different; A privacy policy is a document that informs customers about how their data is
collected and processed by the organisation. Companies that must comply with privacy regulations
make it available to the general public. A data protection policy is an internal document intended to
establish data protection policies inside a company. It is made accessible to company staff and third
parties who are in charge of managing or handling sensitive information. Whether you use the
phone to sales calls prospects, meet potential clients, or make connections at events, proven
marketing plans that convert visitors into customers are considered the 'pinnacle' in the industry.
The vast majority of online customers presently are worried about their personal information and
privacy. Such concerns frequently involve sensitive data such as a location, mobile number, and a
credit card number. Consumers have a very valid reason to be concerned as to what companies do
with their information. By taking the necessary security precautions, worldwide e-commerce
companies can ensure that they not only conform with latest privacy laws, but also build worldwide
trust with their clients.
Obviously, eradicating threats to cyber security is critical in any digital business undertaking,
including digital marketing. Marketing is interesting, but your marketing plan involves collecting
customer information - and doing so via cookies. This means that changes in the law may have an
impact on digital marketing.
Americans and Privacy<https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2019/11/15/americans-and-privacy-concernedconfused-and-feeling-lack-of-control-over-their-personal-information/>accessed October 2022
According to recent surveys, more than 90% of consumers are concerned about their online privacy,
and nearly 50% have limited their online activity due to privacy concerns. Concerns about privacy
and security have a direct impact on digital marketing;
Every year, email marketing becomes more difficult to comprehend. First off, increasingly more
countries have anti-spam legislation, which is appropriate. This can make it challenging for
marketers to comprehend the spam rules that vary by country, such as what constitutes consent to
receive email marketing and what consumers must do to stop receiving emails. The best rule to
follow is the most stringent. The company it very clear to clients that they are signing for an email
The second issue is something you can't completely avoid: phishing emails. Phishing is an attempt
to obtain personal details or gain access to online account holders through the use of misleading
emails, texts, advertisements, or websites that appear to be close to sites individuals are already
Nevertheless, a company can take steps to safeguard thier clients from such emails by everytime
greet them with their full name or screen name, place thier logo at the same location each time,
include thier privacy information at a specific location. By using the same format everytime users
come to know what the valid and actual email by your company looks like. But still phishing not
completely avoidable as their are many hackers who are great a copying formats and even websites
for that matter.
customers to click on suspicious links. This undermines client trust. And all these bots will often
seem to spam any site that lacks adequate security. As a result, the comments page of ones blog or
social media post may become swamped with suspicious links. Clients look at it, after which turn
and flee. If ones website's customer expectations are low, then Google's will be as well, negatively
affecting your Search engine rankings. The value of SEO in digital marketing cannot be overstated and these spam bots are indeed a total SEO killer.Which will directly affect your business.
Data protection laws refers to a collection of privacy regulations, policies, and procedures designed
to limit the invasion of one's privacy induced by the collection, storage, and propagation of personal
data. Personal data is generally defined as information or data relating to an individual who can be
recognised from that information or data, regardless of whether it is collected by the government, a
private organisation, or an institution.
Right To Privacy
The right to privacy is a component of various legal traditions that seek to limit governmental and
private actions that endanger individual people' privacy. The right to privacy is mentioned in over
150 constitutions.3
The right to privacy was regarded as a basic right in Justice K.S. Puttaswamy vs. Union of India
2017, mainly through Article 21 of the Indian Constitution.4 To make this right meaningful, the state
must establish a data protection framework that serves the common good while protecting people
from threats to informational privacy posed by both state and non-state actors. The Committee must
work with the understanding of the state's duty when developing a data protection framework.
Regulations in India
A series of accusations against big tech companies for misusing and poor handling personal data
marked a significant shift in public perception of data privacy breaches. Following that, many states
reworked existing laws to pave the way for stricter regulatory systems. India is no exception, and it
is trying to make efforts in this area as well. This area is currently governed by the Information
Technology Act , 20115. Section 43A of the Information Technology Act allows a data principal to
seek restitution for the unauthorised disclosure of sensitive personal information. Section 72A is the
penal provision that allows for imprisonment or a fine for anyone, including an intermediary, who
reveals sensitive personal data without consent.
These laws, however, are deemed insufficient due to their narrow scope. As a result, the Personal
Data Protection Bill, a comprehensive draught law, was introduced in 2018 to help shape the
regulatory system. It aims to provide the right governing mechanism and deploy the right data
facilities so that India can harness the power of data.
However, the bill has been plagued by a number of disputes and has already been amended three
India's local storage mandates may be an impediment to reaching an agreement with the US under
the Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act also known as the CLOUD Act, an enabling US
Aditya Verma ‘Right to Privacy’(central information report) <https://cic.gov.in/sites/default/files/
Right%20to%20Privacy%20and%20RTI%20by%20Aditya%20Verma%20%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf> accessed
2022 October
K.S. Puttaswamy vs. Union of India [2018] SCC1[2019]
Information Technology Act, 2011
law that allows for global cooperation on access to data by foreign states for inspecting "serious
crimes" when national data laws contradict.
If India was a party to the agreement to the CLOUD agreement and was investigating a crime that
involved data stored by a US-based service provider, no US permit or court ruling would be
necessary to obtain that data. An Indian court order could be utilized to accomplish this. Indian
government agencies could directly contact this US supplier and request the necessary data.
Because of its massive size and number of internet users, India envisions using its leverage in the
global data economy. However, the Data Protection Bill is crucial to conducting a comprehensive
assessment of the proposed law and the dangers that some regulations carry, especially those
pertaining to cross-border transactions, in order to ensure that the eventual law does not contradict
the extremely important component.
Data Protection Regulation in other countries
GDPR and CCPA are acts passed in Europe and California, respectively, to confirm that their
citizens' online privacy is safeguarded.
The General Data Protection Requirements (GDPR) of the European Union establishes the rules for
data capture, storage, usage, and sharing for businesses. GDPR regulation and compliance are
important not only for European countries, but also for any business that specifically target or
collects personal data from EU citizens.6
The GDPR has had the most impact on digital marketing, which is why you've been seeing all of
those cookie popups on websites lately. You must have someone on your team who will ensure that
everything you do is GDPR-compliant, from how data is collected and filtered to how your
consumers can access that data. Even if a business has no connection to European customers, it
should still be GDPR-compliant because if a company processing information from any European
customer, they could submit a request for access to their information.
The GDPR is presently the most stringent digital consumer protection law in existence. Adherence
with the GDPR will put you well on your way to complying with other digital privacy laws.
The California Consumer Privacy Act has brought data privacy to the United States (CCPA). The
CCPA is similar to GDPR regulation in that it necessitates customers to opt out of data gathering
General Data Protection Requirements,2018
instead of placing the burden on service suppliers. It also designates the state as the entity
responsible for developing applicable data law, rather than the internal decision-makers of a
company.7 There are many laws in The United States that focus only on children. But in some
countries like Austrailia, to meet the requirements of the digital era, the government has amended
the laws relating to the Australia Privacy Act 1988.
Dragon Fly Search Engine
There are still some countries in which Government have full or large amount of control over data.
For example China, Taking the case of Dragonfly. According to reports dragon fly was a search
engine which was being developed by google only for China. The Dragonfly search engine was
being developed to conceal search results that China's authoritarian regime wishes to restrict, such
as information about democracy, freedom of speech, peaceful demonstration, and human rights. So
whenever a Chinese citizen would try to access any such information the search engine would
restict it and the direct report of the citizen was collected by the Chinese government. This search
engine would not only hide search results that the Chinese government wishes to suppress, but it
would also track a location of a user and share a user's search history with a Chinese official who
would have "voluntary access" to the data. This usually includes access to a user's mobile number
etc. But after a lot of controversies, google has decided to terminate this project. But still the
Dragon Fly project is an example of a clear No Data Protection Policy in a country.8
Many of these regulatory requirements were prompted by a series of consumer-impacting data
privacy controversies, such as the infamous Cambridge Analytica scandal, in which personal
information connected to thousands of Facebook users was obtained without their permission by
British consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica, primarily for political purposes marketing. These
events exposed the general public to how their data was being stored and used in ways they may not
approve of, eroding consumer trust and prompting several companies to reconsider how they obtain,
gather, store, and influence consumer data. The many companies have taken significant measures in
recent years to limit access to consumer data like In 2021, Apple made a significant change by
The California Consumer Privacy Act, 2018
Google Dragonfly<https://theintercept.com/collections/google-dragonfly-china/>accessed October 2022
limiting monitoring on iPhones. As a result, the Big Four technology companies have lost $278
billion. Tracking cookies are now blocked by default in Firefox. To resolve privacy concerns,
Google released an updated version of Google Analytics. According to The Rise of Data Capital, a
2016 report by Oracle and MIT Technology Review, one of the major reasons for the success of
companies like Google, Uber, and Amazon is that they have adopted the mindset of "data as an
asset." When firms treat data as a form of capital, they stockpile, commodify, and commercialise as
much information as possible.9
In current times the digital marketing can go hand in hand with data privacy and protection policies
if the create transparency on thier website .This includes easily accessible privacy laws, cookies,
and the terms and conditions pop-ups. With this Customers will be able to easily opt out of sharing
data and feel safer while using the site as a result.
Businesses can also target customers on a macro scale by optimising thier creative strategy is
another way to address new data privacy challenges. Instead of only creating personalised ad
experiences, they examine thier metrics on a macro level. This will allows them to target a large
number of consumers without requiring their personal information.
Businesses should start giving something back to their customers. Customer satisfaction insights are
an excellent way to connect with customers. In exchange for their personal insights and
information, provide a discount code. This method clearly states that data exchange is optional for
customers who wish to opt out.
Meanwhile, because social media and online channels are now important places for consumers to
interact with brands, brands are making strategic shifts to social. This not only creates opportunities
for meaningful connections, but also provides a platform for brands to create more immersive
experiences for their customers. Brands should try out various types of content, such as natural and
genuine videos, to figure out how to promote good engagement for users scrolling through the feed.
This method, which completely ignores data privacy regulations, is all about trying to make
personal connections and creating a brand.
The Rise of Data Capital<http://files.technologyreview.com/whitepapers/MIT_Oracle+ReportThe_Rise_of_Data_Capital.pdf>accessed October 2022
In contrast to the physical world, there are very few visual cues indicating the capture of personally
identifiable information in the digital world. In cyberspace, the default setting is to collect more
personally identifiable information than is currently the case for similar activities in the physical
world. The risk society dynamic, in which surveillance is required to manage the risk and
uncertainty inherent in relationship dynamics, has been transmitted to cyberspace. Data privacy
laws are influencing how businesses collect, store, share, and analyse customer information.
Businesses that have so far been unaffected by data privacy regulations can expect a greater legal
obligation to protect their customers' data as more people demand personal privacy.Data collection
by private companies, on the other hand, is unlikely to disappear; rather, it will change form as
businesses adjust to new statutes and regulations.
Privacy is a fundamental human right, and the computer system includes a vast amount of sensitive
personal data. The utility and degree of importance of data are not the same; they differ on the basis
of utility. With the increasing monetary value and significance of private information by businesses
worldwide. Effective legislation to safeguard it has become increasingly important. Even so, with
the advancement of the cyber world, anyone can access any information relating to other people
from any part of the world at any time, posing a significant threat to personal and private
information.This issue has been explicitly raised by companies doing business in India but whose
data is controlled and transmitted to another country. The government is considering the concerns of
businesses and is planning to implement a data protection bill in the future to address the country's
need for data protection.Which will not only help the customers in maintaining their privacy but
also set a clear picture in the minds of the company, so that they can use data in a legal and in more
effective manner.