Exit Tickets! - 35 Cards focused on Waves! - “The Most Important tool for Teaching Vocabulary!” Rhythmic disturbances which carry energy without carrying ma:er Waves The wave energy causes the ma:er in the medium to move up and down or back and forth at right angles to direc@on the wave travels Transverse Waves Waves that travel through space where there is not ma:er Electromagne@c Waves Number of wavelength that pass a given point Frequency Occurs when a wave strikes an object or surface and bounces off Reflec@on 11. The bending of waves around a barrier Diffrac@on The ability for two waves to combine and form a new wave when they overlap Interference The amount of energy a wave carries depends on its… Amplitude A reflected sound wave The change in frequency which occurs when a source of sound is moving rela@ve to the listener Echo Doppler Effect Compressional waves produced by vibra@ons Sound travels slowest in… Sound Waves Gases A group of sounds that have been deliberately produced to make a pa:ern The lowest frequency produced by a vibra@ng object Music Fundamental Frequency Repeated echoes of sound Compressional wave that travels through ma:er, such as air Reverbera@on Sound 33. Depends upon the shape of the object and the material it is made of Natural Frequency The range of electromagne@c waves with different frequencies Magne@c Spectrum 35. 34. 33. Mechanical Waves Use ma:er to transfer energy 36. 35. Ma:er in the medium moves forward and backward along the same direc@on that the wave travels Compressional Waves 34. 33. Is one half the distance between a crest and a trough in a transverse wave Amplitude 36. 35. Frequency mul@plied by wavelength Wave Speed The bending of a wave as it moves from one medium into another This affects the speed of sound waves traveling through a medium Refrac@on Temperature The human percep@on of how much energy sound wave carries Loudness How high or low something sounds Pitch A method used by some organisms to hunt for food using sound waves Echoloca@on Process using high frequency sound waves to break up kidney stones Ultrasound Sound waves travel fastest in… Solids As the pitch of a sound increases as the frequency (increases or decreases)? Increases Occurs when an object vibrates at its natural frequency by absorbing energy from a sound wave of the same frequency Resonance Are mul@ples of the fundamental frequency Overtones Membrane which stretches across the ear canal like a drumhead Eardrum Depends upon the material that sound is traveling through Speed of Sound An electromagne@c wave is made of two parts. An electronic field and a … Magne@c Field Thank You For Your Purchase! A Big Thank You to i teach h:p://teachingsuperpower.blogspot.com Ashley Hughes h:p://www.theschoolsupplyaddict.com Cara’s Clips h:p://www.penclipart.com The STEM Center ©