Uploaded by Hibbah Owais

Entrepreneurial Skills Reflection Activity

Part 1: Complete this entrepreneurial potential self-assessment quiz (approx 10
minutes) at the following link.
Part 2: Read your results and answer the following question:
1. Was there anything about your results to the survey that surprised you?
Anything you didn’t expect? Explain your response. Be as specific as possible!
I didn't expect my motivation to be below average. Usually I believe that my motivation
is very strong and it usually helps me move forward in tasks, but shockingly my
motivation has been presented as below average. This may be the cause since i'm not
always motivated in every task, usually it’s for larger tasks so my motivation to
complete it is higher.
Part 3: Complete ONE of the following options:
A. Create a Jamboard Collage, combining text and images to represent your
strengths and weaknesses when it comes to your entrepreneurial skills and
B. Create your collage on paper (either single media or multimedia such as
drawing, magazine cutouts, etc)
C. Answer the three questions below. Write in specific detail.
2. What skills and/or qualities do you feel are your top 3 strengths? Why? Use
specific examples and experiences to explain each one.
Perseverance: I never give up on a task, if I start something I never put it to a stop or
give up, I continue and struggle with it until it’s done. For example when I start a
project I don't put it to the last minute and then get it done. Usually I start it as soon as
possible and dont leave it until I'm done.
Creativity: I use my creativity to change my perspective on many things and how I
could change it to work more effectively in my life and get work done faster. For
example, if I'm stuck on what to write about in an essay I use my creativity to put all
my ideas that pop up in my head about the topic in a notebook, then I connect the
ideas together and I'm able to write an effective essay and finish it in time.
Challenge: I always try to do better in every situation, although I dont show it on the
outside, I use other achievements and set those as my goal and I will keep continuing
each goal since the human brain can never stop learning.
3. What skills and/or qualities do you feel are the three you need to work on or
improve on the most? Why? Use specific examples and experiences to explain
each one.
Action orientation: I take forever to start acting, I have to think through long processes
in order to take only a small step forward. For example when we were supposed to be
choosing when should we present, I took a while to think about when we should
present but i was too late we lost the spot we wanted and ended up at the end, it
wasted a lot of my time and i could've been working on something else if we had
presented earlier.This is something i need to improve because i can't be wasting so
much time thinking and instead i can be acting and i could save so much more time.
Self- confidence: My confidence is very low. Although I can do good and I should be
proud of it, I feel like I've done it wrong. I need to fix this because I can't be doubting
myself in every detail in the future. The world doesn't work like that and it can cause
me problems finishing and achieving things in the future.
Control: my leadership skills aren't very good, it’s hard to have everyone depend on
you and make sure that they are on task because unfortunately many lie about where
they’re at and it causes miscommunications and issues on the task. The reason why
it’s happening is because I'm too “gentle”, I need to be firm and clear about what
needs to be done and get my message through clearly and effectively.
4. What are some ways you can improve on the skills and/or qualities that you
identified you need to work on? Provide specific examples of actions you can
take and identify when and how you can take them.
I can improve these skills by practicing what I expect in real life situations. If the
practice goes wrong i wouldn't doubt myself, i would learn what i had done wrong and
continue forward with knowledge and ideas to get myself better.