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Psychological Contract: Employee Expectations & Leadership

Psychological contract .................................................................................................................................. 3
Contract Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 3
Development................................................................................................................................................. 4
Contract Reassurance ................................................................................................................................... 5
Leadership ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
References .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Psychological contract
In today’s labor industry, it is important that management reconsider their managing
skills. Many employees consider long term employment based on company culture and
management behavior and attitude overall. In the human resources, a term called psychological
contract is used to explain how employees have set of unwritten expectations of employee
relations from an organization management that are distinct from the formal and written
contract. This contract brings the two parties together with same beliefs, common grounds, and
informal arrangements. The psychological contract should develop and evolve consistently
based on the communication between management and employee to better serve both
parties. This will allow a stronger bond between the two parties and will have a positive
company culture. Management expectations are a key factor for employee behavior so that
there will be no wrong perceptions of work needed to be done. In addition, employees should
also have their own set of expectations from management. For instance, employees should
discuss difficult situations or adverse personal problem that affect productivity. Breaching the
psychological contract can have server damage done to relationship between employee and
employer leading to disengagement and reduced productivity.
Contract Requirements
Fairness is an important factor to the psychological contract. Employees need to feel
that they are being treated fairly to sustain a healthy psychological contract. Generally,
employees can define the contract requirements by the primary purpose and role to fill in on
expectations in the workplace that are intangible or can be easily modified based mutual
agreement between a leader and an employee. This is very important especially in workplaces
that are very new and need consistent agreement and arrangement to meet the need of both
parties. Some of the common agreements are those in with expectations from employer to
employee is to work hard for a promotion or pay raise that cannot be defined or is too broad to
be defined in legal clause. The contract requirement should include daily influence from
management to employees in order to keep both parties in line with the overall object of the
contract. By doing so, both the employer and employee will have a great set of communication
and team building attitude that will enhance a better workplace.
One of the most important factors of psychological contract is employee development.
Employee development should consist of activities that are initiated by organization that will
trigger self-motivation of willingness and eagerness to learn and succussed during their careers.
Managers should assist and provide continues training for employees for a continues growth.
An effective performance management system should be put in place which gives high priority
for employee development. Leaders should Identify and conduct necessary training for
employees. Proper planned training agendas would help employees to obtain the necessary
capabilities needed for the job. With that being said, it is a must for management to have a
career path set for every position in order to comply with a psychological contract. Identify
poor performing employees and acquire a performance improvement plan so that everyone
can be effectively guided and lead to become good performers. Lastly, leadership should
recognize the importance of tools to be available to remove obstacles for employee especially
for the non-performance employees that have external factors that affect their productivity
Contract Reassurance
The contract between an employee and employer should be to an extent that the mind
and heart of the employee is captured by an organization. Therefore, the employee will meet
his contract by performing beyond optimal levels. The contract should give reassurance to the
employees by giving them energy, involvement, and positive interaction that in which
employees are motivated at workplace. For this, employee contribution will have a strong
impact on organizational effectiveness when they feel that their managers are interested in
their development. Leaders and HR professionals should be in the main influencers when it
comes to setting expectations. It is important to take control of letting employees know what is
anticipated of them or what they can assume from leadership or HR. Many studies have
demonstrated that hiring, selection, training, development, and job security are important for
enhancing employee engagement. Thus, front line managers should see the importance and
the need of investment in psychological contract reassurance by providing the best set of
acknowledgment to the contract.
In the psychological contract, leadership are the ones who suffer or benefit from the
consequences tied to the success or failure of the contract. Leadership has little control or
make-up of the contract as employee usually formulate a contract. This contract is in terms of a
favor for a favor bases mostly consisting of employees needs and wants in order to perform a
job with a sense of being important to the organization. It is important for management at all
levels to focus on obeying the terms of contract as breaking the contract can formulate a
negative impact of current employees view of the company in which can result in affecting new
hires beliefs. Management along with the human resources team must also accomplish their
own expectations and behavior. This can take an enormous impression on the psychological
contract. As long as there is positive feedback on work or intellectual stimulation, it can
increase an employee’s positive formulation of the psychological contract not to mention a
positive impact on their performance and employee engagement.
Cheng, Y. (1AD, January 1). The effect of psychological contract combined with stress and health
on employees' management behavior. Frontiers. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from
Stevenson, M. (2018, October 30). Psychological contracts and leadership. HR Exchange
Network. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from https://www.hrexchangenetwork.com/hrtalent-management/news/psychological-contracts-and-leadership
What is a psychological contract? Human Resources Degrees. (2018, October 30). Retrieved October 3,
2022, from https://www.humanresourcesmba.net/faq/what-is-a-psychological-contract/