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1101 Grammar 20211130

English Grammar
Beatrice Hui-ching Hsu
For 12/7
HW#1: My Favorite
Quotes: Handout—
sentence analysis
• Midterm, 2
Chapters 6-8, 11
sentence analysis
• Chapter 12 &
Chapter 13
• Word file uploaded (檔
案上傳): 12/5 (Sunday 星
期日) by 11:59p.m.
English full name as
file name (e.g. YumiLai,
Hard copy (紙本): 12/7
(Tue.) in class
Bonus: Assignment check
• Exercises in chapter 11?
• Sentence analysis (Handout)?
• Previewing Chapters 6, 7, 8
100%: 2 points
70%: 1.5 points
50%: 1 point
20%: 0.5 point
Exercise: Identify Sentence Types
1. The 3 C’s of Life: Choices, Chances, Changes.
2. After graduating from high school, I have never met
this fantastic friend again.
3. Wearing a silk night gown, the actress was
unbelievably beautiful and sensuous.
4. In high school, I used to know a wonderful girl. After
graduating from high school, however, I have never
met her again.
5. Throughout its long history, Earth has warmed and
cooled time and again. Climate has changed when the
planet received more or less sunlight due to subtle
shifts in its orbit, as the atmosphere or surface changed,
or when the Sun’s energy varied. But in the past
century, another force has started to influence Earth’s
climate: humanity.
V+ed or V+ing?
The task is challenging.
The pilot was injured.
The teacher is __________ (experience).
The trip was ______ (thrill).
The apartment is _______ (furnish).
The ____ (fascinate) play contest appealed to us.
The newly ______ (elect) president proves to be honest
and responsible.
8. What happened last night was _____ (depress).
9. The commentator’s ____ (annoy) comments irritated the
*The book is delightful/scary.
V+ed or V+ing?
The task is challenging.
The pilot was injured.
The teacher is _experienced (experience).
The trip was _thrilling (thrill).
The apartment is _furnished (furnish).
The fascinating (fascinate) play contest appealed to us.
The newly _elected (elect) president proves to be honest
and responsible.
8. What happened last night was _depressing (depress).
9. The commentator’s _annoying (annoy) comments
irritated the audience. The audience were annoyed.
*The book is delightful/scary.
Answer Key
growing, balanced
10. sleeping
11. thrilling
12. abandoned
13. Polluted
14. furnished
15. dividing
16. elected
17. amazing
Identify Sentence Types
Groups of 4: number of
clauses, dependent or
independent ones?
1. I thought a thought, but the thought I thought wasn’t the
thought I thought I thought.
2. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I
thought, I wouldn’t have thought so much.
3. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of
pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a
peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers did
Peter Piper pick?
4. If one doctor doctors another doctor, does the doctor who
doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he
is doctoring doctors?
5. A two-toed tree toad tried to win a three-toed she-toad’s
heart, for the two-toed tree toad loved the ground that the
three-toed tree toad trod.
Identify Sentence Types
1. I thought a thought, but the thought (that I thought) wasn’t
the thought [that I thought (I thought)].
2. [If the thought (that I thought (I thought))]had been the
thought (that I thought), I wouldn’t have thought so much.
3. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of
pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. (If Peter Piper picked a
peck of pickled peppers), how many pickled peppers did
Peter Piper pick?
4. (If one doctor doctors another doctor), does the doctor (who
doctors the doctor) doctor the doctor the way [the doctor
(he is doctoring) doctors]?
5. A two-toed tree toad tried to win a three-toed she-toad’s
heart, for the two-toed tree toad loved the ground (that the
three-toed tree toad trod).
Rethinking learning and
Discussion & application
of acquired concepts
Learning retention
Rethinking learning and
Discussion & application
of acquired concepts
Learning retention
Source: Average-Learning-Retention.png (1210× 719) (gove.org)
If you walk alone, you
walk fast.
If we walk together, we
walk farther.
from an African proverb
The Passive: Exercises
HW—Chapter 11
1. “Tense Forms of the Passive” p. 217
2. Exercise 20, Exercise 21
3. Exercise 28
4. Exercise 30—reading “The Importance of Context”
p. 233
5. Exercise 32
6. Exercise 39
7. Exercise 45, 48
____’s Achievements
What are you? What is your life like?
What have you done? What will you do in the future?
What will you be doing 10 years from now?
Share with the class your achievements and your
Make a list of a minimum of 10 achievements, applying
at least 8 of the 12 verb tenses.
Word file uploaded (檔案上傳): 12/05 (Sunday) by 11:59p.m.
English full name as file name (e.g. YumiLai, MavisTsai)
Hard copy (紙本): 12/7 (Tue.) in class
Truths or Lies: Beatrice Hsu’s Achievements
1. I try to cope with time crunch on a
daily basis.
2. I will soon have a child.
3. I was number one in class when
graduating from a 5-year junior
college of commerce.
4. I won the second place of an English
speech contest in university.
5. I once took a bike trip round Taiwan.
6. I went backpacking with three friends
in Alaska for a month in 2019.
7. I volunteered in teacher training for
10 years.
8. I learned to swim at the age of 40.
9. I once suffered from trichophobia
(fear of hair) and have overcome the
10. I am learning Spanish now.
11. I have been practicing Spanish ever
since the outbreak of COVID-19.
12. I had had ten boyfriends before
getting married.
13. I have been married for more than
20 years.
14. I have been working as an adviser
for more than 20 years.
15. I had shaken hands with President
Ma twice before he stepped down.
16. I will have been a teacher for 30
years in 2023.
17. I will have been learning Spanish
for two years by the end of this
18. I will be traveling frequently this
coming winter.
12 Verb Tenses
Simple present
Simple past
Simple future
Past progressive
Future progressive
Present perfect
Past perfect
Future perfect
Present perfect
Past perfect
Future perfect
Chapter 6 Nouns
Quantity (uncountable)
Chapter 6
P. 94, 95 (exercise 2, p. 96)
P. 98, (Exercise 8, pp. 98-99)
101, (Exercise 15, Exercise 16, p. 102)
103 (Exercise 20, p. 104)
105, (Exercise 24, pp. 105-06)
P. 107 (exercise 30, p. 109)
110 (exercises 33, 34, pp. 110-11)
P. 113 (exercise 40, p. 114)
P. 115 (Exercises 43, p. 116)
P. 117 (exercise 46, p. 118)
Chapter 7 Articles(冠詞)
definite article
Chapter 7
P. 122 (exercise 1)
P. 123 (Exercise 2, exercise 4, p. 124)
P. 125 (exercises 10 & 11, p. 126; exercise 13, p. 127)
P. 128 (exercises 16 & 19, pp. 128-29)
P. 130 (exercise 21, pp. 130-31; exercise 25, p. 132)
P. 134
Exercises 32 & 33 (pp. 136-37)
Chapter 8 Pronouns
Person, gender &
• Person—1st, 2nd, 3rd
• Gender—she, he
• Singular or plural
• “The Negative
Impact of Social
Media on Children
and Teens”
p. 152
For 12/7
HW#1: a) My Favorite
Quotes: Handout
b) “The Negative Impact of Social
Media on Children and Teens”
p. 152
• Midterm, 2
Chapters 6-8, 11
sentence analysis
• Chapter 12 & Chapter 13
• Word file
uploaded (檔案上
傳): 12/5 (Sunday
星期日) by 11:59p.m.
English full name
as file name (e.g.
Hard copy (紙本):
12/7 (Tue.) in class
Beatrice Hui-ching Hsu
Source: sumankher.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/punctuation-types.jpg
Source: http://www.zazzle.com/punctuation_saves_lives_poster-228905954790864598
Punctuate the following.
Private no visitors allowed
The Magic of Punctuation
Source: http://sumankher.com/2015/03/18/is-punctuation-obsolete768/
4 Types of Sentences
1. Identify sentence type
2. Locate main subject(s) and main verb(s)
Clauses vs. Sentences
◆ What is a clause? Is a clause a sentence?
◆ How is a dependent clause different from an
independent clause?
◆ Examples?
◆ Dependent: relative clauses, subordinate
4 Kinds of Sentences
Simple sentences
Compound sentences
Complex sentences
Compound-complex sentences
Why bother to know?
Components of Each Type
1. Simple sentences
• 1 independent clause
2. Compound sentences
• 2 (or more) independent clauses
3. Complex sentences
• 1 independent clause
• 1 (or more) dependent clauses
4. Compound-complex sentences
• 2 (or more) independent clauses
• 1 (or more) dependent clauses
Identify Sentence Types
1. Wearing a silk night gown, Sherry was unbelievably
beautiful and sensuous.
2. I thought a thought, but the thought I thought wasn’t the
thought I thought I thought.
3. After graduating from high school, I have never met this
fantastic friend again.
4. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I
thought, I wouldn’t have thought so much.
5. Proper planning and preparation prevents poor
6. If one doctor doctors another doctor, does the doctor
who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the
doctor he is doctoring doctors?
Identify Sentence Types
7. I believe that words are strong, that they can overwhelm
what we fear when fear seems more awful than life is
8. One way to prevent conversation from being boring is to
say the wrong thing. (Frank Sheed)
9. The scariest moment is always just before you start.
10. Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light
on the broken glass. (Anton Chekhov)
11. I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people
will forget what you did, but people will never forget how
you made them feel. (Maya Angelou)
12. Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible. (Francis of
Identify Sentence Types
13. He that is kind is free, though he is a slave; he that is evil is
a slave, though he be the king.
14. Once accepted, our essays would be published and
acclaimed by our peers.
15. After returning home, we took a shower and went to bed
right away.
16. The ability to express an idea well is as important as the
idea itself.
17. Kinds words can be short and easy to speak, but their
echoes are truly endless. (Mother Theresa)
18. You can, you should, and if you are brave enough to start,
you will. (Stephen King)
19. Two men escaped from prison yesterday but were
captured immediately.
Identify Sentence Types
20. The way we communicate with others and with ourselves
ultimately determines the quality of our lives. (Tony
21. It is in pardoning that we re pardoned.
22. Precision of communication is important, more important
than ever, in our era when a false or misunderstood word
may create as much disaster as a sudden thoughtless act.
23. To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable
we must be credible; to be credible we must be truthful.
(Edward R. Murrow)
24. Setting a good example is truly the most effective means of
25. We have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen
more and talk less. (Diogenes)
and Bill”
Source: http://funnyand.tumblr.com/post/93497563056/
and Bill”
Source: http://funnyand.tumblr.com/post/93497563056/
Bill Gates: So, how's heaven Steve?
Steve Jobs: Great, it just doesn't have any walls or fences.
Bill Gates: So...?
Steve Jobs: So, we don't need any Windows and Gates. I'm
sorry Bill, I didn't mean to offend you.
Bill Gates: It's ok Steve, but I heard a rumor.
Steve Jobs: Oh, what rumor?
Bill Gates: That nobody is allowed to touch Apple there and
there are no Jobs in heaven.
Steve Jobs: Oh no, definitely there are but only no-pay jobs.
Therefore definitely no Bills in heaven as everything
will be provided free...."
Source: https://www.mindtalk.com/
Punctuation & Sentence Analysis
There are three categories under which drinkers can be
classified: moderate drinkers, who take two cocktails before
dinner; heavy drinkers, who take two or three cocktails before
lunch, two more cocktails before going home, and another two
at home before dinner; and alcoholics, whose intake may begin
with a shot or two of bourbon in their morning coffee and
continue through the morning, lunch, the afternoon, and
evening until they fall into bed with no recollection whatever
the next morning as to where they have been or to what they
have done during the day before. These are the problems, the
dangerous ones; these are the alcoholics, a constant danger not
only to themselves, but to their families, their business
associates, and possibly to the community where they live.
Sentence Analysis--1
People who go to gyms fall into three main
groups. The first group contains serious bodybuilders
who are determined to build muscle. This primarily
male group spends much of its time lifting heavy
free weights. The second group includes overweight
people who are huffing and puffing on machines like
treadmills or exercise bikes to burn calories. Unlike
the first and second group, the third contains people
who are not so interested in fitness. Members of this
largely female group wear fashionable gym clothes
and seem more interested in meeting people or in
relaxing in the sauna than in working out.
Sentence Analysis--2
There are three categories under which drinkers can be
classified: moderate drinkers, who take two cocktails
before dinner; heavy drinkers, who take two or three
cocktails before lunch, two more cocktails before going
home, and another two at home before dinner; and
alcoholics, whose intake may begin with a shot or two of
bourbon in their morning coffee and continue through the
morning, lunch, the afternoon, and evening until they fall
into bed with no recollection whatever the next morning
as to where they have been or to what they have done
during the day before. These are the problems, the
dangerous ones; these are the alcoholics, a constant danger
not only to themselves, but to their families, their business
associates, and possibly to the community where they live.
Topic: drinkers→ types of drinkers
Rule/principle of classification: alcohol intake
ordering rule: emphatic (ascending) order
moderate drinkers
• 2 cocktails before dinner
heavy drinkers
• 2 or 3 cocktails before lunch
• 2 more before going home
• 2 more before dinner
• 1 or 2 shots of Bourbon in morning coffee
• morning, lunch, afternoon, evening
• influences
memory gap,
a danger to themselves, families, business associates,
Sample Analysis
• S:
• P:
• A:
• Equal?
• Ascending/
• Descending?
Topic (S)
Ordering rule
(equal, ascending,
• definition
• examples
• Sentence types and their punctuation
– http://www.towson.edu/ows/sentences.htm
– https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/573/
• OWS: http://www.towson.edu/ows/index.asp