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Mental Health Study Guide: Personality & Substance Disorders

Personality Disorders :
Inflexible maladaptive patterns of thoughts, emotions, behaviors
and interpersonal functioning that are enduring and stable over time.
Categorized into 3 basic clusters : (1) The Odd eccentric cluster
(2) The Dramatic, emotional, erratic cluster
(3) The anxious fearful cluster
Diagnosis : Symptoms must be present for an extended period of time
Not the result of alcohol or drugs or any other psychotic disorder
Symptoms have caused significant distress or consequences in someone’s life
Symptoms affect thoughts, emotions, interpersonal functioning and impulse control
Paranoid – Cluster 1 – Distrust of others, constant suspicion that someone will do harm.
Difficult to work with, hard to form relationships, short tempered – males
Schizoid – Cluster 1 – Avoid relationships, do not show much emotion, engage in eccentric
behavior, have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time – males
Schizotypal – Cluster 1 – can be eccentric, self-estranged, bizarre, have few close relationships,
also believe they have ESP and “magical thinking” with a blur line between fantasy and reality –
Anti – social – Cluster 2 – very impulsive, irresponsible, and prone to criminal like behavior.
Deviant and act without consideration for others – males
Borderline – Cluster 2 – mood instability, poor self - image, constant mood swings, bouts of
anger, fear abandonment and isolation, will take anger out on themselves sometimes causing
injury to themselves, will also have suicidal thoughts and actions – females
Histrionic – Cluster 2 – Constant attention seekers, over dramatic, everyone loves them, often
can be manipulative – females
Narcissistic – Cluster 2 – Egotistical, arrogant, preoccupied with fantasies of success, see
themselves as superior, difficulty in maintaining long term relationships – males
Avoidant – Cluster 3 – Extreme social anxiety, self – conscious, tense in social situations, display
frequent depression with a low self – confidence – males & females
Dependent – Cluster 3 – Display of hopelessness and a need to be taken cared of, often will
jump from relationship to relationship and may become suicidal, will remain in abusive
relationships – females
Other Personality Disorders :
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – OCD – Occupied with orderliness, perfection and control,
very rigid in conforming to rules.
Passive Aggressive – Characterized by resentful feelings, skeptical behaviors, feeling
discounted, venting anger indirectly by undermining others, will not engage in communication
when there is something problematic to discuss.
Sadistic – Explosively hostile behavior, abrasiveness, cruel, often displaying sudden outbursts of
rage, gets satisfaction through domination and intimidation of others, these people enjoy
performing brutal acts on others in abusive ways.
The “Big Five” – explained as traits of inherited behaviors from our parents. Included are
dimensions that the behaviors will fall into. Explained using the word OCEAN, with each letter
representing a different dimension of behaviors as displayed based on a situation.
Openness to experience
Substance Use Disorders – SUD
SUD – A pattern of continued pathological use of a medication, a non – medically indicated
drug or toxin which can result in adverse social consequences, related to drug usage.
Abuse – the use of a substance in a manner outside of sociocultural conventions. The use of
other drugs in a manner not dictated by a physician’s orders.
Dependence – When an individual persists in the use of alcohol or other drugs despite known
problems related to the use of the substance.
Tolerance – diminishing effect of a drug resulting from repeatedly administering the drug at a
given dosage.
Withdrawal – Symptoms that occur upon the stopping of repeated drug use.
Addiction – A brain disorder characterized by compulsive craving of drugs or behaviors despite
known harmful consequences.
(2 kinds of Addiction) – Physical Dependency – appearance of physical withdrawal symptoms
when the substance is suddenly discontinued.
Psychological Dependency – appearance of emotional, motivational
withdrawal symptoms such as ; anxiety, irritability, depression moods, restlessness.
Types of Substance Abuse :
Depressants – Depressants slow down the activity of the central nervous system
Alcohol – Any beverage containing Ethyl Alcohol – Anti – Depressant
“DT’s” – A dramatic withdrawal reaction with bizarre and terrifying
hallucinations, loss of consciousness, seizures, stroke symptoms
Opioids – Characterized by “pain killers” – morphine, heroin, oxycodone
Stimulants – Increase of stimulation to the central nervous system…..Ex; increase of blood
pressure, increased heart rate, increase alertness and energy
Cocaine – Most powerful stimulant known to man
Amphetamines – Stimulant drug manufactured in a laboratory (can also reduce
Methamphetamines – Also manufactured in a lab but much stronger – aka…crystal meth
Caffeine – Most popular & widely used stimulant. Over 90% of the world’s population
use caffeine daily
Nicotine – An addictive stimulant found in all tobacco products. It is also poisonous
killing nearly half a million Americans every year. Will remain in the blood system for 6-8
hrs. after the smoking stopped.
Hallucinogens / Cannibus – Hallucinogens – A substance that causes major changes in one’s
sensory perceptions and induces illusions & hallucinations called “trips”….also known as
psychedelic drugs
LSD – most popular and most powerful….Lysergic Acid Diethylamide….causes a high rate of
strengthening of perceptions mostly visual
Cannibus – (Marijuana) – Buds and leave from the Hemp plant. Most popular of all drugs.
Hashish – produced from the hemp plant
THC – the active chemical in the Hemp plant