LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE Getting started with Dev C++ 5.0 Objectives: This lab has been designed to Guide you with Dev C++ 5.0 installation. Get you familiarize with the Dev C++ environment. Understand the Basics of C++ Programming Dev-C++ Tutorial Home - Dev-C++ Official Website ( Click the link and follow the instructions to install the program. The following screenshots will help you install and run the product: Installer Language Select English, if not selected, and then click the OK button to continue License Agreement Click on the "I Agree" button to continue LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE Choose Components Make sure that the type of install is Full and click the Next button to continue LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE Choose Install Location Click the Install button to continue LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE Installing Click the Yes button LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE Finished Click the Finish button to finalize the installation and run the program LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE First Time Configuration Click the Next button to continue LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE First Time Configuration Click the Next button to continue First Time Configuration Wait for the progress bar to complete First Time Configuration Click the OK button to finalize LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE New Project Menu Click the File menu, then select the New menu item and click the Project menu item LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE New Project On the top, make sure the Basic tab is selected and under the Basic tab, select "Console Application" Give a name to your project using the Name text box, for instance, "HelloWorld". Important: Choose "C Project" under "Project Options" on the left Click the OK button to create your project LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE Create New Project Give a name to your project file and click the Save button to continue LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE Compile and Run Clic"Compile & Run" menu item or the icon displayed in the below screenshot or just press F9 to compile and run your program LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE Running Assuming you did not make any syntax errors on your code, you should see a similar output window running your program LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE Compile failed If you try to compile a code which has syntax errors, Compiler window lists the errors with their line numbers You can double click the error and see the error highlighted in the code LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE Above steps are the necessary steps in order to compile and run C programs with Dev C++. However, you should make sure your code is compliant with ANSI C standard. You should change compiler options to force strict ANSI C checking. Follow the below steps to configure your compiler: Compiler Options Menu Click the "Compiler Options" menu item under the Tools menu LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE Compiler Options First, select "Add the following commands when calling compiler" option. Then, write "-ansi" in the text box without the quotation marks. Click the Settings tab on the top and goto the next step LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE Compiler Options Select "C Compiler" on the left. Select Yes for "Support all ANSI standard C programs" on the right Click the OK button to complete LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE Introduction to C++ C++ is a high level language with certain low level features as well. C++ is a superset of C. Most of what we already know about C applies to C++ also. However, there are some differences that will prevent C programs to run under C++ compiler. C++ programs differ from C programs in some important respects. Most of the differences have to do with taking advantage of C++'s object-oriented capabilities. But C++ programs differ from C programs in other ways, including how I/O is performed and what headers are included. Also, most C++ programs share a set of common traits that clearly identify them as C++ programs. Before moving on to C++'s object-oriented constructs, an understanding of the fundamental elements of a C++ program is required. The New C++ Headers When you use a library function in a program, you must include its header. This is done using the #include statement. Standard C++ still supports C-style headers for header files that you create and for backward compatibility. However, Standard C++ created a new kind of header that is used by the Standard C++ library. The new-style C++ headers are an abstraction that simply guarantee that the appropriate prototypes and definitions required by the C++ library have been declared. Since the new-style headers are not filenames, they do not have a .h extension. They consist solely of the header name contained between angle brackets. For example, here are some of the new-style headers supported by Standard C++. <iostream> <fstream> <vector> <string> Namespaces When you include a new-style header in your program, the contents of that header are contained in the std namespace. A namespace is simply a declarative region. The purpose of a namespace is to localize the names of identifiers to avoid name collisions. Elements declared in one LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE namespace are separate from elements declared in another. Originally, the names of the C++ library functions, etc., were simply put into the global namespace (as they are in C). However, with the advent of the new-style headers, the contents of these headers were placed in the std namespace. I/O Operators cout << “This is output. \n”; This statement introduces new C++ features, cout and <<. The identifier cout is a predefined object that represents output stream in C++. The standard output stream represents the screen. The operator << is called the insertion operator. It inserts (or sends) the contents of the variable on its right to the object on its left. Note that you can still use printf( ) or any other of C's I/O functions in a C++ program. However, most programmers feel that using << is more in the spirit of C++. Further, while using printf( ) to output a string is virtually equivalent to using << in this case, the C++ I/O system can be expanded to perform operations on objects that you define (something that you cannot do using printf( )). The statement cin>>num1; is an input statement and causes program to wait for the user to type in number. The identifier cin is a predefined object in C++ that corresponds to the standard input stream. Here stream represents the keyboard. The operator >> is known as extraction or get from operator. In general, you can use cin >> to input a variable of any of the basic data types plus strings. Directives The two lines that begin the first program are directives. The first is a preprocessor directive, and the second is a using directive. 1) Preprocessor Directives #include <iostream> The preprocessor directive #include tells the compiler to insert another file into your source LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE file. 2) Using Directives The C++ program can divided into different namespaces. A namespace is a part of the program in which certain names are recognized: outside of the namespace they are unknown. using namespace std; The second method Std::cout <<”welcome”; To avoid adding std:: dozens of times in programs we use the using directive instead. Arithmetic Operators C++ supports the following arithmetic operators for numbers: short, int, long, long char Operator * Description Multiplication Usage expr1 * expr2 Examples 2 * 3 → 6; 3.3 * 1.0 → 3.3 / Division expr1 / expr2 1 / 2 → 0; 1.0 / 2.0 → 0.5 % Remainder (Modulus) expr1 % expr2 5 % 2 → 1; -5 % 2 → -1 + Addition expr1 + expr2 1 + 2 → 3; 1.1 + 2.2 → 3.3 - Subtraction expr1 - expr2 1 - 2 → -1; 1.1 - 2.2 → -1.1 (treated as 8-bit signed integer), unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char, float, double and long double. All the above operators are binary operators, i.e., they take two operands. The multiplication, division and remainder take precedence over addition and subtraction. Within the same precedence level (e.g., addition and subtraction), the expression is evaluated from left to right. For example, 1+2+3-4 is evaluated as ((1+2) +3)-4. It is important to take note that int/int produces an int, with the result truncated, e.g., 1/2 → 0 LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE (instead of 0.5). Take note that C/C++ does not have an exponent (power) operator ('^' is exclusive-or, not exponent). Building Blocks of Programming Language: In any language there are certain building blocks: Constants Variables Operators Methods to get input from user (scanf( ), getch( ) etc.) Methods to display output (Format Specifier, Escape Sequences etc.) and so on. Variables and Constants If the value of an item can be changed in the program then it is a variable. If it will not change then that item is a constant. The various variable types (also called data type) in C are: int, float, char, long etc. For constants, the keyword const is added before declaration. Operators There are various types of operators that may be placed in three categories Escape Sequences Escape Sequence causes the program to escape from the normal interpretation of a string, so that the next character is recognized as having a special meaning. The back slash “\” character is called the Escape Character”. The escape sequence includes the following: LAB MANUAL # 1 Course: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMING (MA-204) Session: 19-CE A Sample C++ Program #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i; cout << "This is output.\n"; // this is a single line comment /* you can still use C style comments */ //input a number using >> cout << "Enter a number: "; cin >> i; //now, output a number using << cout << i << " squared is " << i*i << "\n"; return 0; } Notice that the parameter list in main( ) is empty. In C++, this indicates that main( ) has no parameters. This differs from C. In C, a function that has no parameters must use void in its parameter list. However, in C++, the use of void is redundant and unnecessary. As a general rule, in C++ when a function takes no parameters, its parameter list is simply empty.