Short term Outcome of Minimal Invasive TLIF in Lumbar Foraminal Stenosis - Comparision to Conventional Method - Sung Kyun Oh. M.D., Soo Wook Chae.M.D.,Tae Kyun Kim.M.D.,Dae Moo Shim. M.D. Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery, Wonkwang University, Iksan, Korea We wanted to analyze the clinical results of minimal invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion(TLIF) in patients with foraminal stenosis , and we also compared the minimal TLIF with the conventional TLIF. Materials & Methods Materials vas(radiating pain) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 VAS(Radiating pain) Purpose VAS(Back pain) back pain(vas) TLIF mini-TLIF Pre 3Mo 6Mo 12Mo 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TLIF mini-TLIF Pre 기간 3Mo 6Mo 12Mo 기간 No significant difference between the two groups in terms of the clinical results at the last follow up. ( p-value,0.518,0.503,0.642 independent t-test) Perioperative Data March 2008 – June 2010, random selection 13 patients with lumbar foraminal stenosis underwent minimal invasive TLIF 17 patients with lumbar foraminal stenosis underwent conventional TLIF Mean F/U periods 15.4 and 17.3 month, respectively Mean Age ; minimal invasive group 70 (51-87) TLIF mini-TLIF p-value ( T-test) OP time(min) 222 185 0.046 Blood loss(cc) 520 350 0.048 Drainage(cc) 259.2 113.4 0.04 Transfusion 0.58 0.30 0.305 Ambulation start 2.11 day 2.15day 0.922 Hospital stay 24.94 day 18.46day 0.079 conventional group 64 (49-79) Conclusion Intraoperative blood loss postoperative drainage, transfusion, operation time, The minimal invasive TLIF can shorten the operation time and blood loss and also reduce the postoperative drainage Clinical outcomes (VAS,ODI) ; preop, 3mo, 6mo, 1y, final f/u compare to the conventional TLIF. hospital stay were investigated Surgical Procedure Case Midline approach conventional tailer retractor facet removal and disckectomy unilateral modular cage insertion bilateral or unilateral percutaneous screw fixation 69/M Back pain with right radiating pain for 5 years MRI L3-4 minimal TLIF (postoperaive 1y 6mo) Results Clinical Outcomes Preoperative and Postoperative F/U MR O DI 35 30 ODI 25 20 TLIF mini-TLIF 15 10 Pre op 5 0 pre 3m 6m 기간 12m Pre op Post op Post op