01 ANGER & VIOLENCE IN WORKPLACE 02 CAUSES Desk Rage/Customer Rage (70%) - Yelling, Verbal Abuse and Physical Violence. People low on Personality Dimension tend to be more aggressive Frustration,stress and fear Violence is sabtogated on other EMPLOYEES (backstabbing, spreading rumors) or ORGANIZATION (Property damage) The Physical work environment (workspace,noise, temperature, ventilation, color) Hostile work environment (toxicity) Model other's behaviour Violence in community 03 DEALING WITH ANGER ANGER AND EMOTIONAL BEHAVIOR CONTROL Negative side - perception problems, poor decision making, stress, harms health Positive side - Asssertive behavior to resolve problems Cannot control anger but can control behavior Tips: Thoughts affects feelings and feelings affect behavior, relationship & performance Develop a positive attitude about how you deal with anger Use rational thinking. Look for positives Look for humor Assertive behavior Use Anger Journal 04 ANGER OF OTHERS AND EMOTIONAL BEHAVIOR CONTROL Tips: Think and be like Bill Gates Be Empathetic and Use Reflectine Statements to Calm the person Never use put down statement Dont respond to anger or threats with same behavior Dont give order or ultimatum Watch your non verbal communication Realize that anger is natural and encourage people to vent it in appropriate ways. Acknowledge other person's feelings Get Away if Necessary 05 06 PREVENTING VIOLENCE SIGNS OF POTENTIAL VIOLENCE Take Verbal threats seriously Watch non verbal communication Watch for stalking and harrassment Watch for damage to property Watch for indication of alcholo and drug use Include Isolated Employee Look for presence of weapons or objects that might be used as weapons 07 PREVENTION OF VIOLENCE INDIVIDUAL PREVENTION Realize that police department wont help you prevent violence. Look for escalating violence / anger so that you can difuse it before it becomes serious Never be alone with a potentially violent person Be aware of organization's policy for calling in help Report any trouble incidents to security 08 ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTION Train all employees to deal with anger Take quick disciplinary action against violent employees Screen job applicants for past or potential violence so that they aren't hired. Develop good work environment Demotions, firings and layoffs should be handled in humane way THANK YOU