Panasonic Flat Screen Tau [Tau] T DIGITAL FLA By Jim Urosevic Panasonic “TAU “ MD2 New Circuit Panasonic MD2 CHASSIS LAYOUT (B)MAIN VIF/SIF TNPA0796 B1 A24 B2 A25 B1 (K)KEY/ GEOMAG TNPA1184 (G)AV2/HEAD-PHON/SYNC-SEPA TNPA1181 (Z)VGA TNPA0645 C-SP/R-SP L-SP G8 G9 G2 G1 K2 G4 G3 G10 A10 A13 GEOMAG TO VMCOIL A26 A8 A9 L3 TO X7 SOUND-CONTROL/AMP (DG)DIGITAL CORE TNPA1183 A1 (D)POWER CIRCUIT TNPH0234 TO(DG) A44 A2 (X)DAF TNPA1180 DY/V TNR1 A32 A25 D12 MPU TO(T) A31 TO(X) VOUT D7 A33 A26 (P)LINE FILTER TNPA0753 D6 A5 TO P3 (T)TEXT P2 TO D4 T1 A31 T2 A32 T3 A33 A3 A12 A12 P3 TO A5 P1 AC CORD H2 D13 A11 A11 H1 (H1)AV-SW TNPA1182 A6 TO BUS Adj X1 X2 D9 DY/H D8 A14 L1 TO A15 TO FBT D11 (A)MAIN-BORD A4 TO(L) TNPH0235 TO(B2) A24 L4 TO A4 D4 A15 TNR2 A44 TNPA1185 (L)CRT-DRIVE L2 TNPA0754 X3 BOOSTER BOOSTER + + 1st 1st TUNER TUNER 2nd 2nd TUNER TUNER BLOCK BLOCK DIAGRAM DIAGRAM OF OF MD2 MD2 CHASIS CHASIS B board B board 1st V 1st V IF IF SYNC SYNC PRO. PRO. M52346SP M52346SP VM OUT DG board J board L board H board R DRIVE R DRIVE TDA6111Q TDA6111Q MAIN PICTURE VPC VPC (IC1301) (IC1301) VPC3215 MSP MSP MSP3415D MSP3415D VPC3215 HV50 G board CIP CIP (IC1306) (IC1306) MB87F172 MB87F172 0 0 M.W. M.W. (IC1304) (IC1304) F43226 F43226 2PGJ 2PGJ HV50 27MHz VPR VPR O O 3M 3M (IC1307) (IC1307) SDA925 SDA925 5E 5E R Y DFU DFU B-Y IC1308 IC1308 FJB007S R-Y FJB007S DISPLAY DISPLAY PROCE. PROCE. IC1309 IC1309 TDA9330H TDA9330H G G DRIVE G DRIVE TDA6111Q TDA6111Q B B DRIVE B DRIVE TDA6111Q TDA6111Q 13.5MHz AV2 H board AVSW AVSW CXA2069Q CXA2069Q VPC VPC VPC3210A VPC3210A OSD R/G/B HV100 MPU MPU MN102**** MN102**** VGA H/V 2.8Mbit 2.8Mbit MEMORY MEMORY SUB PICTURE AV1 VGA Y/U/V H/V/13.5MHz T board AV3 TEXT R/G/B AV4 DVD Y/U/V AV4 (DVD)YUV S board MOUT SOUND SOUND CONTROL CONTROL AN5295NK AN5295NK G board SUB H.P. SUB H.P. AN5265 AN5265 L OUT L OUT TDA7481 TDA7481 R OUT R OUT TDA7481 TDA7481 C OUT C OUT TEXT MPU D board VOL . DOUBLE VOL . DOUBLE STR83145LF55 STR83145LF55 STANBY STANBY POWER POWER MIP0210S MIP0210S Y1TV Y1TV TEXT TEXT SDA5454 SDA5454 DAF DAF AN5422K AN5422K POWER POWER STRM6831AF0 STRM6831AF0 4 4 H DRIVE H DRIVE H OUT H OUT 2SC5144LB22 2SC5144LB22 8 8 V OUT V OUT LA7845N LA7845N (A-Board) (A-Board) RMT IN SDA1 SCL1 SYNC1 AFC1 AFC2 PROTECT TEXT ENA. 1 RMIN 2 SDA1 3 SCL1 4 P03 5 6 7 8 RMT IN 9 KEY IN 10 PROG/FF 11 LED /IRQ2 ADIN6 P12 OSC2 62 OSC1 VDD 61 VDD P57 60 SCL2 P56 59 SDA2 P55 58 TEXT 57 5V DET P54 /IRQ0 56 /VSYNC RESET ENAB 55 /V SYNC /RST 54 RESET P50 53 PC STATE P13 /TEST 52 VDD VCOI 51 VCOI 50 PDO AVDD 49 AVDD YM 48 YM VREF 47 VREF IREF 46 COMP 45 B 44 B G 43 G R PMW0 SOUND DEFEAT 15 P16 SIF1 16 SFF2 17 DAF SW 18 CREF 63 OSC1 12 14 VDD OSC2 ADIN3 P07 13 VCR/GAME VSS ADIN2 RF AGC1 VIDEO GAIN 64 ADIN1 M. SP14 M. SOUND DEFEAT MN102L35GTLJ VSS P17 P20 19 PWM4 PWM5 20 P23 21 SP24 22 CREF0 IREF COMP 42 R 24 VPH0 YS 41 YS 25 VPC VPC 40 /RST-DEV CVBS 26 CVBS0 P44 39 /H SYNC RELAY 27 P31 VSS 38 VSS SRQ 28 P32 VPH VPC H. FREQUENCY 23 VDD PDO 29 V.FREQUENCY 30 BEAM SW 31 SDA3 32 TM21OB TM2IV OSDXI 37 OSDXO 36 P41 35 P35 P40 34 P36 P37 33 SOUND AI SEARCH&SYNC SCL3 BUS LINE CONNECTING < A> IC1101 MPU SDA2/SCL2 2 3 SDA3 32 SCL3 33 SDA1/SCL1 59 60 14 SDA2/SCL2 TNR001 TUNER1 SDA2/SCL2 TNR002 TUNER2 IC1304 M.WINDOW SDA2/SCL2 75 76 IC1302 VPC2 SDA2/SCL2 55 56 15 SDA1/SCL1 IC1001 EX.DAC 5 6 SDA1/SCL1 IC1102 EEPROM 16 15 SDA1/SCL1 IC2401 SOUND CONT. < DG > 83 82 SDA2/SCL2 IC1306 CIP 11 55 10 SDA2/SCL2 IC1309 DISPLAY PRO 56 SDA1/SCL1 IC1301 VPC1 34 33 SDA1/SCL1 IC3001 AV SW. < H> 21 20 SDA1/SCL1 IC1307 V.PRO. 8 7 SDA1/SCL1 IC2001 MSP < B> 9 8 SDA1/SCL1 IC1308 DFU 73 74 SDA1/SCL1 IC3504 TEXT < T> M52760SP VIF/SIF TUNER 1 SIF TRAP IC101 VIF 4 A25 8 Q102 X101 5 AMP V. DET Q151 18 IF AMP SAW X180 5.5 1 X181 6.0 2 X182 6.5 3 X183 4.5 5 B3 A26 IC201 SW 20 Q163 8 6 VA12/ H2 BPF AMP IF DET Q104 7 4.5 Q160 Q161 13 6.0 15 X204 5.5 13 X203 6.5 11 9 X202 SIF 11 FM DET 12, 4 10 Q140 IC2001 A2 NICAM BG/I 47 S1/S2 MPU A2 L (Main L+R) NICAM R / A2 R 24 6 5 25 4 7 B3 A26 A12/ H2 NICAM L TUNER 2 V AUDIO (Mono) Q051 3 2 VIF/SIF The IF Signal from Tuner 1 is sent to IC101 on the B2 – Board. The VIF passes through Buffer Q102 then through Saw filter X101 (to improve selectivity of the signal) before it is input to pins 4 and 5 of IC101. The SIF signal passes through buffer Q104 and is input to Pin 7 of IC101. Both Signals are amplified and detected, and the VIF is Output on Pin 18. Due to this Chassis having 21 System capabilities, the VIF signal passes through several sound traps and IC201 selects the appropriate Sound Trap input (Depending on the command from main MPU on pins 12 and 4 of IC201). The selected signal is then demodulated and a composite video signal is output on 20 of IC 201. The Video signal is sent to the H-Board for switching. The SIF signal is sent to a series of band pass filters and IC201 selects the appropriate filter input (Depending on the command from main MPU on pins 12 and 4 of IC201). At the same time the SIF is sent to Pin 47 of IC2001. This IC is a stereo decoder for the NICAM stereo and 2nd sound carrier (A2 R channel) for A2 stereo. Pin 24 is R Out and Pin 25 is L Out. This is sent to H board for switching. The A2 left channel (Main sound L+R) is input to pin 11 of IC101, where the signal is detected and demodulated and output at pin 10. This is sent to Pin 4 of B3 connector and sent to H board for switching. The Tuner 2 signal is demodulated within the Tuner and the Video signal is sent to Pin 3 of A12 connector and the Mono (L+R) signal is sent to Pin 2 of A12 connector. AV SW. A11/H1 IC1101 MPU 4 SCL1 33 5 SDA1 34 IC3001 AV SW. TV MAIN A12/H2 TNR001 TNR002 6 TV1-V 63 56 5 TV1-R 64 58 V or Y C 9 7 TV1-L 62 54 R 26 52 L 25 A12/H2 3 TV2-V 30 2 TV2-R&L 29 1 AV1-Y 3 AV1-C 5 44 V or Y 22 47 C 21 43 AUDIO 18 Monitor Out 41 V or Y 6 40 R AV1-S 7 38 L AV1-R 4 AV1-L 2 AV1-S1 H1/A11 TV SUB AV1 Terminal AV1-V 7 H1 A11 Monitor Terminal 30 A11/H1 AV2-V or Y 10 13 11 AV2-C AV2-S1 12 M Sound defeat 13 IC1101 MPU 16 AV2-S 14 13 AV2-R 11 15 AV2-L 9 14 AV3 Terminal AV3-V 15 AV3-R AV3-L 18 16 AV4 Terminal AV4-V 22 AV4-R AV4-L 25 42 +9V 23 60 H1/A11 IC3001 IC3001 is the AV switching chip. It switches all of the Tuner and AV Inputs and supplies 3 Outputs. Output 1 (Pins 52, 54, 56, 68) Is the A/V Output of the Main Picture. Output 2 (Pins 43, 44, 47) Is the A/V Output of the Sub Picture. Output 3 (Pins 38, 40, 41) Is the A/V Output for the Monitor Out terminal. Monitor Out outputs the same picture and sound as the Main Picture. Monitor out can also be muted when the MUTE button on the remote control is pressed. AUDIO CONTROL H1/A11 R L 1 26 IC2305 OP AMP 12 25 10 IC2301 AMP 8 9 A10/G4 1 7 G 8 5 R 2 A40 Q2308 3 Head Phone CENTER A8/G2 8 Q2307 3 A41 2 20 32 Q2406 10 A9/G3 8 9 IC2304 OP AMP IC2401 AUDIO CONT. 30 1 7 L IC2301 AMP A9/G3 15 35 SCL 3 SDA 2 12 1 IC2303 AMP SCL SDA Sound AI 3 19 Q2405 Q2404 Q2402 IC1101 MPU G9 16 10 G8 1 CENTER AUDIO CONTROL The L and R signals from the H-Board are input to IC2401 (Audio Control IC). The L and R signals are also combined to form the center channel (Input to pin 30). This center Channel Output is also returned to MPU for detection of Music content when the sound menu is set to AUTO. When music is detected, the the MPU lowers the volume level. This is especially useful when watching a program on TV and a loud musical Advertisement appears. This IC is controlled by the MPU via IIC and in turn controls Volume, Bass, Treble, Balance and Surround Sound effects. The Center Channel is sent to an Audio Amp for out via pin 19 of IC2401. The L and R outputs (Pins 20,12) are fed to an Op Amp before they are amplified. The reason for this, is the AFB (Acoustic Feed Back) circuit. Each L and R speaker housing has a microphone attached. The mic. feeds back the actual sound coming from the speakers back to the Op Amp, where the Actual Audio Signal and the Heard Audio Signal is mixed, and any distortion is removed to deliver crisp clear audio. The AFB circuit is always active except when the main Headphone sockets is used. In this case a switch in the headphone socket itself disables the sound to the amp and disconnects the feedback circuit. SUB HEADHONES IC2251 Sub AMP. H1/A11 18 SUB HEADHONES signal IC1101 MPU 3 IC1001 EXT 3 8 Vol. 4 SCL1 SCL 2 15 A8/G2 Vol. Control SDA 2 16 SDA1 5 2 The Sound from the sub picture is sent from the AV switching IC directly to the Sub Amp on the G-Board. The Main MPU controls the the volume via IIC lines connected to IC1001 on A-board. DG-Board TXNDG10ECU IC1305 Memory DG-Board VM OUT V-Drive A V-Drive B CLK (13.5MHz) MAIN MAIN Video IC1301 (MAIN) VPC3215CY/C, SYNC SEPA A/D A/D Y50 U50,V50 IC 13 06 Y50 U50,V50 Sync 50 IC1304 F432262PG Multi Window Y50 U50,V50 Sync 50 HD IC1307 SDA9255E 100Hz Y100 3M bit U100,V100 IC1308 FJB007 DFU Y100 D/A U100 D/A V100 D/A CLAMP IC1309 TDA RGB SW (100Hz or VGA) A/ D MAIN C Sync 50 TEXT RGB CLK (27MHz) MAIN Y Pb Sync VG A IN TEXT TDA9 151 Pr VGA RGB DVD IN SUB Vide o SUB C IC13 03 IC1302(SUB) VPC3215C CLK (13.5MHz) SUB Y50 A/D U50,V50 A/D Y/C,SYNC SEPA Sync 50 A Sync 100 Sync VGA VPC ( Video Processor circuit ) MAIN Y/V Y V/Y 62 C 63 ADCx 2 8 bit Colour Decoder Adaptive Front -End Comb Filter C C Y/UV NTSC PAL SECAM 4:2:2 20 - 28 Output Formatter YUV 38 - 47 Clock 13.5MHz(19) TO IC1306 27.0MHz(18) TO DEF 5 Clock Gen. DCO PLL/ACC IIc 6 Sync Processing IC 1301 VPC3215C 20.25 MHz 5.0V VCC2 31, 36 3.5V VCC1 4, 86 IIC 55,56 H/V OUT to CIP IC1306 V - 12 H - 14 IC1301 The main Video Signal (Including V and Y/C) is input to pins 62 and 63 of IC1301. This signal is then converted to digital via 2 D/A converters. (1 for V/Y and 1 for C). The Digital signal is sent to a Digital Comb Filter. Y/C signals are passed straight through but V signals are separated into Y/C. At this point all of the signals are are now Y/C. these are now sent to a Colour Decoder whereby the signal is demodulated and converted to YUV. This YUV Signal is sent to the Output Formatter. Here the sampling rate of the YUV signal is formatted to a rate of 4:2:2. IC1301 is connected to IIc for Manual and Auto system selection. It also processes the Sync for the different types of signals (PAL/NTSC/SECAM). IC1301 produces CLK 27.0 MHz and ½ CLK 13.5 MHz for the processing and timing of all digital circuits within the DG Board. The Sub Picture Processing occurs in IC1302. The Inputs and Outputs are the same as IC1301, only difference being the IC is defeatured (No Digital Comb Filter etc.) due to a much smaller screen size. All Sub Picture adjustments are performed in this IC. CIP(Digital Video Signal processing) MAIN Y-in 31-38 UV-in 21-28 Soft Mix(SW) Y/UV 98/99/101-106 Y out 108/109/111-116 UV out DVD 52 IC1306 MB87F1720 Y/G in ADC 60 U/B in V/R in FBL Matrix Clamp Contrl Clamp ADC BRT CNT SAT (ADJ) 69 ADC 77 Timing Gen. ADC 135 HS 134 VS V- in 6 Sync. Det. H- in 5 5.0V VCC3 2, 97, 107, 119, 136 IIC 3.5V VCC1 20, 40, 42, 80, 84, 100, 120, 138, 158, 160 29 CLK (13.5MHz) 3.5V VCC2 49, 57, 66, 75 SDA 82 SCL 83 VCO Div. 90 Xin 91 RCK2 (13.5MHz) (13.5MHz) IC1306 IC1306 Converts the DVD input (YUV) from Analogue to Digital. This IC also controls the switching between the Main Picture and DVD Input. The Sync from the Main Picture is input to pins 5 & 6. The DVD Sync is Generated Internally and both Syncs are Output at Pins 134 & 135 depending on the switching. 16:9 and 4:3 switching for DVD Input is processed with this IC via the IIC controls from main MPU. M.W. (Multi Window) MAIN IC1304 F432262PGJ Y-IN 14-21 UV-IN 6-13 Hs 5 Vs 4 Horizontal Compression Vertical compression Out MASK SUB Y D/L Hori. LPF H-Compress Interpolaion 92-101 UV out 120-127 Y-IN Y/C Mix SUB Hori. LPF Ver. LPF V-Compress Memory Control Ver. Interpolation H-Compress Interpolaion Hs 102 Vs 103 112-119 UV-IN Line Memory Line Memory Hs 111 Vs 110 Y/C Y/C IIC Memory control 5.0V VCC2 83, 98 3.5V VCC1 1, 23, 63, 108 SDA 74 SCL 76 84-91 Y out 2, 3 CLK (13.5MHz) Field Memory IC1305(2.8M) IC1304 IC1304 Controls P in P and Multi Window processing. The Main Picture passes directly to the Output Mask where the Main Picture is mixed with the Sub Picture. The Sub Picture passes through Horizontal and Vertical Compression to reduce the size of the Picture. In case of Multi Window or CH Search, the Digital signal is sent to Field Memory IC1305, where constant reading and writing is performed in order for the set to store and display several different pictures. The signal is the fed to the Output Mask for mixing, then output to IC1307. V.P. (Video Processing) SCL SDA IC1307 SDA9255E IIC-Bus Interface Memory Controller Field Memory Up conversion Vertical Zooming Panning (NONE USE) Form UV-OUT 13-13 Y-OUT 7-1,63-64 36-39 UV-IN Reform Noise Reduction SYNC. Signal Generator H-OUT 60 V-OUT 61 Blanking 62 42-49 Y-IN 5.0V VCC 9, 25’ 40, 56 58 CLK2 (27MHz) H-IN 23 V-IN 22 IC1307 IC1307 Converts the 50Hz scan signal to a 100Hz scan signal. It performs this by copying 1 field into memory then adding the copied field to the original. Normally Field A (25Hz) and Field B (25Hz) are joined together to make 1 frame (50Hz). This is the basic operation of a PAL 50Hz system. However, with the field memory circuit, each field becomes 50Hz, and when these fields are joined together, 1 frame becomes 100Hz. As the signal at this stage is in a Digital format, before the 100Hz conversion takes place the signal passes through a noise reduction circuit before to clean up any noise in the signal so that any noise which is present in the signal is not doubled after 100Hz conversion. TAU 100Hz Processing <PAL> TAU (50Hz) <-----1/50-----> <-----2/50-----> <-----3/50-----> <-----4/50-----> <PAL> TAU1 (100Hz) 1/100 3/100 2/100 7/100 5/100 4/100 8/100 6/100 <PAL> GIGA (100Hz) 1/100 3/100 2/100 5/100 4/100 7/100 6/100 8/100 Creates Motion Compensated intermediate frames DFU(Digital Future Unit) IC1308 FJB007 TO IC1309 FROM IC1307 D/A CTI New Digital AI 44-51 UV-IN 119 V-OUT CRI D/A 117 U-OUT Adaptive YNR LTI 55-62 Y-IN Vertical Sharpness Correction FIFO CLK 52 27.0 5.0V VCC1 110, 116, 122 5.0V VCC2 12, 16, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43, 64, 74, 84, 86, 90, 99, 108 Horizontal Sharpness Correction VM Oscillator Peaking D/A 113 Y-OUT D/A 111 VM-OUT IC1308 IC1308 is the final stage of Digital Processing of the Video (YUV) Signal. This IC controls and processes all of the Digital Picture Improvement circuits. Adaptive YNR (Luminance noise reduction) - This circuit constantly monitors noise in the luminance signal and adapts to the most suitable level of Digital Noise Reduction when the P.DNR is set to Auto. The more frequent the noise in the picture, the stronger the effect from this circuit. Override of this circuit is possible by switching the D.PNR to OFF. Digital AI – This constantly monitors the overall picture content and is responsible for ensuring that maximum detail is achieved in dark or bright areas of the picture content and at the same time improving the contrast ratio. CTI (Colour Transient Improver)- This circuit improves the different gradations of colour in a signal. Slight differences in the shade of a colour is more easily recognizable giving more accurate colour reproduction. LTI (Luminance Transient Improver)- This circuit improves the different gradations of Luminance in a signal. Slight differences in the brightness of a part of a picture is more easily recognizable giving more accurate definition in picture detail. CRI (Colour Reproduction Improver) – This circuit dramatically improves the brightness of a colour without making the colour of a picture appear unnatural. E.g. if you can picture a scene where a woman is holding a red rose up to her nose, you will notice the red in the rose is a bright sparkling Red, but the skin tone of the woman is remarkably natural. The sharpness of the H and V lines in the Luminance Signal is also improved within IC1308. As well as VM (Velocity Modulation) which also improves the sharpness and contrast of the picture. As can be seen, a lot of Digital processing of the original signal has taken place. The final stage is to convert this signal back to analogue so that it can be displayed. Display Processor R2 G2 B2 35 36 37 TV/PC BLK 33 SWITCH 28 Y Y U FROM 27 U DFU SATURATION CONTROL COLOUR DIFF. MATRIX V R G CONTRAST CONTROL BL2 OSD 38 RGB INSERTION WHITE POINT OUTPUT AMP +BRIGHT CONTROL +BUFFER BLUE STRETCH Y 30 B U V V RGB-YUV MATRIX 31 SAT BLACK STRETCH 32 B1(VGA) 8V 8V G B 42 FROM VGA G1(VGA) R 41 26 V R1(VGA) 40 CONTR. IC1309 TDA9332HN1-T B R PMW T. +BEAM CURRENT LIMITER WHITE P. CONTINUOUS CATHODE CALIBRATION SOFT START/STOP LOW-POWER START-UP POWER SUPPLY BLACK CURR. 43 BEAM CURR. 17 39 44 25 Geomagnetic H/V DRIVER 19X6-BIT DAC'S 2X4-BIT DAC'S IIC BUS TRANSCEIVER 10 SCL H-SHIFT 11 V H GEOMETRY CONTROL 23 24 CLOCK GENATION + 1ST LOOP 20 21 PHASE-2 LOOP HORIZONTAL OUTPUT 8 PAMP GENERATOR VERTICAL GEOMETRY 1 2 V-OUT H-OUT EW-GEOMETRY 4 3 EHT EWDRIVE SDA IC1309 The Display Processor inputs the analogue YUV Inputs, then through a MATRIX converts the signal to RGB for output to the CRT (Pins 40-42). IC1309 Functions -Processes VGA signal via input to Pins 30, 31 and 32, VGA/TV Blanking via Pin 33, and H (Pin 23) and V (Pin 24) inputs. These same pin connections are also inputs for the Teletext Signal. The switching between Teletext and VGA are controlled by the following IC’s on the A Board. IC3501 switches the RGB signals. IC4002 switches the H Sync. IC4002 switches the V Sync. The command for switching these IC’s is from MPU IC1101pin 58. - The OSD is input to pins 35-38 and inserted to the picture. - The V Drive is output at pins 1 & 2 to the V Output IC. The H Output is output at pin 8 for the H OUTPUT Transistor. EHT (FBT) is input at pin 4. The IC uses this signal to regulate the H and V geometry during Beam current changes so that the Geometry does not drastically alter during large changes in EHT. -This IC adjusts all of the Picture (Brightness, Contrast etc) and Geometry (Height, width etc.) Functions via the IIC bus on pins 10 & 11 connected to the MPU. -This IC controls the AUTO WHITE BALANCE function. It Monitors the Beam current input at pin 43 and continually adjusts the Cut Offs according to the scene of the picture. This information is sent to “White Point” where a RGB a LINE is inserted to the Blanking Interval of each RGB Drive. It adjusts the RGB to maintain a white line and hence, maintain white balance. The initial calibration is set at the factory which forms the main reference for this circuit to perform effectively. During Service mode, the white balance is touched up by adjusting the screen control on FBT only. During this period each RGB Output feeds back “Black Current” information to pin 44 to calibrate the cathodes on the CRT. RE IO S VI DG-Board TXNDG10ECU N IC1305 Memory DG-Board VM OUT V-Drive A V-Drive B CLK (13.5MHz) MAIN MAIN Video IC1301 (MAIN) VPC3215CY/C, SYNC SEPA A/D A/D Y50 U50,V50 IC 13 06 Y50 U50,V50 Sync 50 IC1304 F432262PG Multi Window Y50 U50,V50 Sync 50 HD IC1307 SDA9255E 100Hz Y100 3M bit U100,V100 IC1308 FJB007 DFU Y100 D/A U100 D/A V100 D/A CLAMP IC1309 TDA RGB SW (100Hz or VGA) A/ D MAIN C Sync 50 TEXT RGB CLK (27MHz) MAIN Y Pb Sync VG A IN TEXT TDA9 151 Pr VGA RGB DVD IN SUB Vide o SUB C IC13 03 IC1302(SUB) VPC3215C CLK (13.5MHz) SUB Y50 A/D U50,V50 A/D Y/C,SYNC SEPA Sync 50 A Sync 100 Sync VGA Protection Circuit Q807 / 15V Line Over Current DET. D509 Q806 / 140V Line Over Current DET. D842 140V Line Over Voltage DET. H pulse Over Voltage DET. IC1101 MPU 7 Protect >1.1V Power 27 D843 D513 Power ON : L OFF:H D511 RL801 Q802 EHT Over Voltage DET. Vertical +B line Over Voltage DET. Q452 Vertical plus Over Voltage DET. D525 / 6.5V D526 / 12V DAF D502 / 36V Sound D505 / 22V Sound D504 / 15V D508 / H PULSE Voltage DET. D838 D850 Q805 D519 D405 Q502 D402 D510 Q801 Double Rectifier DET. D822 Protection Circuit There are several protection circuits in the MD2 Chassis. In the event of any abnormal operation that is monitored by one of the protectors occurs, a H signal will be sent to pin 7 of MPU IC1101. Normally the voltage sits at around 0V. If the voltage exceeds 1.1 V, the protection will trigger and Output a H on Pin 27 to switch the Power Relay OFF. To find which Circuit has caused the trigger, monitor the voltages at the anodes of each diode with an analogue meter at switch ON. Alternatively, disconnecting the diodes one by one (Not recommended) until power stays On. However this is risky and it is urged to take care as disconnecting certain protection circuits such as Power Supply, EHT, Vertical Deflection etc.. can destroy the CRT. Look at what the protection circuit does and take appropriate action to make sure no inadvertent damage can happen (Use Variac, Disconnect CRT Board etc..). Special Functions for Servicing the Tau MD2 and E3D Chassis TZSC07012 Use this Extension cable Kit to Service the DG-Board TZS709010 Use this Extension cable Kit to Service the B and X-Boards Special Functions SELF CHECK Purpose: - To Check IIC communications between MPU and all other IC’s connected to it via IIC Bus -Protection Information To Activate: - Simultaneously press the OFF TIMER button on the remote and the VOLUME DOWN button on the set. SELF CHECK Panasonic MD2 Vx,xx NVMEM VPC1 VPC2 MW V.PRO DFU CIP DISP OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 1999/**/** AVSW TUNER1 TUNER2 EXDAC SOUND MSP TEXT OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP8 81 E2 DE F3 9D FF 73 02 Protection Information Black: Normal Red: Abnormal Voltage Yellow: Shut Down Green: Hold Down Option Code Display The numbers are displayed in hexadecimal Note: Option codes on the screen will vary depending on the model Check results of IC’s “OK” = Normal “NG” = Abnormal (Check IC or it’s nearby components) Note: To Exit from SELF CHECK mode, Switch the power Off on the remote or at the set. IC Locations NVMEM VPC1 VPC2 MW V.PRO DFU CIP DISP AVSW TUNER1 TUNER2 EXDAC SOUND MSP TEXT : IC1102 : IC1301 : IC1302 : IC1304 : IC1307 : IC1308 : IC1306 : IC1309 : IC3001 : TNR1 : TNR2 : IC1001 : IC2401 : IC2001 : IC3504 A-BOARD DG-BOARD DG-BOARD DG-BOARD DG-BOARD DG-BOARD DG-BOARD DG-BOARD H-BOARD A-BOARD A-BOARD A-BOARD A-BOARD B-BOARD T-BOARD Market Mode Function (Service Mode) The MPU controls all of the switching functions of all IC’s connected to the IIC Bus line. The following settings and adjustments can be adjusted by remote control once the set has been set to Service Mode. To enter Service mode: Adjust VOLUME to zero and set the OFF TIMER to 30 MIN. Then, simultaneously press the RECALL ( )button on the remote and the VOLUME DOWN button on the set. To exit Service Mode: Switch the POWER OFF at the remote or the set. SERVICE MODE NORMAL MODE 2 2 CHK2 CHK1 OPTION/ CODE SETTING VCJ ADJUSTMENT 1 2 1 1 EXIT: Switch the Power OFF. 1 CHK5 Note: Any adjustments made to CHK2-CHK5 are memorized instantly. 1 CHK4 PINCUSHION ADJUSTMENT CHK3 SUB PICTURE ADJUSTMENT 2 -To scroll through the menus use the number 1 and 2 keys on the remote. -To scroll within a CHK menu use the number 3 and 4 keys on the remote. -To make an adjustment use the VOLUME +/- keys on the remote WHITE BALANCE ADJUSTMENT 2 Replacing Memory IC Ref. No. Part No. IC1102 TVRJ214 CHK1 When replacing the memory IC, the OPTION Codes and MEMORY Data must be set. All other settings should be set to Factory Average Values listed on pages 11 and 12 of the Service Manual. OPTION SETTING OPTION OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP8 81 E2 DE F3 9D FF 73 02 TX-68P100Z OPTION TX-79P100Z OPTION OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP8 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP8 CHK1 To memorize, Press “0” button On the remote. 81 E2 DE F3 85 FF 73 02 81 E2 DE F3 9D FF 73 02 -Use the “3” and “4” keys on the remote to advance through the different OPTION settings. -Use the VOLUME +/- to adjust the setting. - Press the “0” button on the remote to memorize the adjustment of the setting. Memory Edit Re-memorize Address and Data Address TX-79PIOOZ TX-68P100Z 301 4B 4B 62F 87 637 47 642 A3 664 AC 67D 02 68E F1 692 E3 6B6 64 6B8 64 782 39 790 D8 792 58 NO CHANGE 000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 00 00 0E 02 01 0E 04 01 Address Data MEMORY EDIT MODE -To enter Memory Edit Mode: While in CHK1 mode, simultaneously press the MUTE button on the Remote and the VOLUME DOWN button on the set. -Use the Left/Right/Up/Down Cursor button on the remote to select a Memory Address. -Adjust the data with the VOLUME +/- button on the remote. -Press the “0” button on the Remote to memorize each adjustment individually. -Switch the Power OFF at the MAIN POWER SWITCH to activate the new settings. White Balance An Automatic White Balance system is incorporated in the MD2 chassis. This system automatically adjusts the LOW LIGHTS according to the Varied picture content on the screen. However Standard initial adjustment is still required. 1. 2. 3. Input a BLACK pattern from a pattern generator and operate the Set for at least 30 minutes. Set the TV to Service Mode. Set to CHK3 and select CUT OFF Adjust the SCREEN control on FBT until the ON SCREEN value of the CUT OFF reads 0 (ZERO). Note: R,G and B Drive adjustments are not required Since these are set at the Factory. Hotel Mode This function locks out all MENU and PRESET functions and maximizes the VOLUME level to the last position set. To set Hotel Mode: Set the OFF TIMER to 30 minutes. Simultaneously press the RECALL ( ) button on the remote and the CHANNEL UP Button on the set. To Cancel Hotel Mode: Simultaneously press the OFF TIMER button on the remote And the VOLUME DOWN button on the set. NOTE: This information is only provided in the Service Manual VGA INPUT For VGA Input to work, the PC must be set to the following Resolution: 640 x 480 (31.5 KHz H and 60Hz V) The set has 2 Error messages which are displayed by the OSD. 1. SET TO 640 x 480 (Check Display settings in Control Panel of computer. If notebook computer, switch OFF LCD screen at the notebook) 2. NO INPUT SIGNAL (Check cables. If notebook computer, check if the VGA output terminal is switched ON at the notebook) Structure of PF CRT Tau Pure Flat CRT Conventional CRT CLICK Pure Flat CRT Tau Shadow Mask Conventional CRT CLICK Pure Flat CRT SST(Semi Stretched Tension) Pressed Mould CLICK Tension Cause for Mislanding H=0.3G V=0.35G N S S N Moves down Facing East M.F. I D Moves up Facing West D M.F. I Facing South Moves clockwise Facing North Moves anti-clockwise 90 150 200 Shadow-Mask pitch 675 675 79 127 Conventional New SST 90 150 200 How to Minimize Geomagnetism Geomagnetism Auto Canceller 1. Geomagnetism Sensor 2. Correction Coil CLICK 1. Geomagnetism Sensor CLICK N Flux Gate Type Magnet meter Flux Gate Type Magnet meter N Turn CLICK Flux Gate Type Magnet meter N Turn CLICK Flux Gate Type Magnet meter N Turn CLICK Flux Gate Magnet Meter Output Vh + Max Vh - Max North CLICK East South West N 1. Direction Detector Facing North N-S Vh Vh E-W CLICK Vh E-W Vh Facing West N-S N CLICK N Facing South E-W Vh Vh N-S CLICK N Facing East E-W N-S Vh Vh CLICK TV Direction detector Output Vh + Max N-S E-W Vh - Max North CLICK East South West 3. Block Diagram Corner Correction Coil Corner N-S Detector E-W Detector correction Auto / output Manual SW Center correction output Control CLICK Center Correction Coil 1 IC4861 8 2 G11 1 5 IC4805 2 Geomagnetic Sensor 5 IC4804 14 6 IC4803 Voltage Amp 1,3 Voltage Control 4 5,6 Output K-PCB G7 LC4801 GM1 9,10 5 GEOMAGNETIC 14 IC4802 Voltage Amp 6 G10 7 6 G-PCB E-W Center Correction N-S Corner Correction 10 1 K1 6 Auto/Manual Switch 10 K2 GM-PCB IC4801 Output 10 Auto/Manual Switch MPU IC1101 A-PCB Auto/Manual Switch 6 DG-PCB IC1001 25 7 Center Coil Correction Control IC1309 IIC Corner Coil Correction Control Geomagnetic In Auto mode, IC1001 pin 6 outputs a “L” and switches IC4805 to pass through the voltage applied from Geomagnetic Sensor. The signal from the Geomagnetic sensors is input to Voltage Controller IC4861 and is then amplified by IC 4805 (E-W), IC4802 (N-S) and Output by IC4803 (E-W), IC4801 (N-S) and sent to the correction coils providing DC current. In Manual mode, IC1001 pin 6 goes “H” and control for the Center correction coils is output at pin 7 of IC1001, and the control for the Corner correction is output at pin 25 of IC1309. After passing through switch IC4805 the remainder of the circuit operation remains the same as in Auto mode. The initial commands for Auto/Manual switching and Manual adjustments are sent from the MPU IC1101 via IIC to IC1001 and IC1309. 4. Correction Coil Corner Correction Coil Degaussing coil CLICK Center correction coil How to check Beam Landing SL-06 With the aid of a Dot Scope, it is possible to view the beam landing at any given point. There are 3 main points which need to have correct beam landing in order to achieve good overall purity. 1. Center area of CRT. 2. Center Left of CRT. 3. Center Right of CRT. Note: When viewing images through a Dot Scope, the image is reversed due to the Optical nature of the lenses. IE. When you look through the scope and glance at the left side of the image, you are actually glancing at right side of the image. The following slides are as viewed through a Dot Scope. Good Beam Landing No Adjustment necessary Beam moved too far Right Adjust Purity Magnet Beam moved too far Left Adjust Purity Magnet Beam moved too far Out Move DY Back Beam moved too far IN Move DY Forward Beam moved too far Left What to adjust? Move the beam Right Equal error Adjust Purity Magnet until both sides have an equal error. Beam moved too far Out Move DY Back Good Beam Landing Adjustment Completed Correction Magnets Purity Correction Magnet TSN63115-2 Convergence Correction Magnet TSM10032-3 “TAU “ E3D New Circuit Panasonic IIC BUS links <W> ABL In Television, a normal ABL operation detects current flowing through the secondary coils of the FBT. However this system is not ideal for a projection TV because it has 3 CRT’s. An abnormal current drain from only 1 of 3 CRT’s may not be detected as sufficient current to activate the ABL. In this case a circuit has been added to monitor the current for each CRT at the output of the RGB Drives. A standard ABL is also used for extra protection. Normally the Base of Q7735 is low and the Transistor is On. The transistor receives its input via 3 diodes D3352, D3362 and D3372. The output value of Q7735 is input to pins 5, 7, 9 and 11 of IC7705. The compared result is output from pins 1, 2, 13 and 14. This data is then input to IC7702 as P0 – P3. From this, the CRT current is separated into 5 levels. Level A will incur maximum ABL effect and Level E will incur no ABL effect. W SHADING To correct variations in the left and right shading due to differences in the positioning of the CRT’s, a Shading Circuit has been added. It works as a gamma correction circuit to make the colour temperature of the Red and Blue CRT’s uniform across the screen. A Horizontal Pulse is supplied and is converted to a Sawtooth and Parabola Q7741-Q7744 and Q7745-Q7747 respectively. The H.PARA is input to pin 2 of IC7704 and the H.SAW is input to pin 5. These signals are mixed then output from Pin 7 of IC7704. The mixed correction waveform is split to Pin 10 ( R ) and Pin 8 ( B ). The Red and Blue gain is adjusted and the Left and right brightness is varied to correct any lack of colour uniformity on the screen. PICTURE MOVING FUNCTION This feature operates to prevent burn-out from occurring in the phosphor substance of the projection tube when the picture is still for an extended period of time. The following cases will activate Picture Moving function. 1. Switching the Power On. 2. Changing Channels. 3. Changing AV Inputs The MPU sends a command to move the screen horizontally and vertically, to IC1309 (Display Processor DG-Board), through the IIC Bus, each time the above occurs. W SINGLE COLOUR MODE During Service Mode, each colour (R,G,B) can be switched OFF individually when in P-Conver Mode when “PIP” button is pressed on the remote. The command data is sent to IC7707 (DAC) from IC1101(MPU) via IIC bus line. Then a voltage is output from Pin 1, 2 and 9 of IC7707 as in the table on the diagram. FAN CONTROL The E3D chassis requires a cooling fan to maintain the temperature within the set. The fan is located near the Green CRT. The internal temperature of the unit is detected by a thermistor attached to the metal chassis at the rear of the set (Behind G-CRT). The thermistor provides the MPU of the temperature by supplying a voltage to pin 11 of the MPU. When the temperature rises to 90 DEG C (point A), pin 8 of MPU outputs a “H” voltage to the fan to start rotation. After the temperature falls to 80 DEG C (point B0, pin 48 of MPU outputs a “L” voltage allowing the fan to switch off. PROTECTION: During the following conditions, pin 7 of MPU will receive a “H” and place the set into stand-by. 1. A5/SG7 connector and SG8 connector are disconnected. 2. The Fan is defective. W 6 Q400 (F-PCB) V. Stop Det. RGB OUT BLANKING The purpose of RGB blanking circuits is to prevent screen burn during abnormal operation. The different types of blanking are: 1. Power Off Blanking When the set is switched to standby the MPU sends a command to the Standby Relay to switch it OFF. The “L” applied from the relay circuit switches Q7736 OFF (Normally ON). The higher Collector voltage on Q7736 will switch Q7738 ON to Blank the RGB signal and prevent flashing. This process also occurs if the Protection Circuit is activated. 2. Horizontal Blanking During Horizontal retrace, pulses are supplied by H.OUT transistor Q551 to the base of Q7738 for horizontal blanking, to prevent the projection tubes emitting light during the fly-back interval. 3. VERTICAL STOP BLANKING If vertical deflection stops, the remaining Horizontal line will burn the CRT’s. To prevent this, a vertical pulse from IC451 vertical output pin8 is applied D402. During normal operation, the pulse is applied to the base of Q400, keeping Q400 turned on. If the V-pulse is not present, Q400 will switch OFF. The higher Collector voltage on Q400 will switch Q7738 ON to BLANK the RGB signal. VERTICAL OVER DEFLECTION BLANKING If during the deflection period the electron beam goes beyond normal range and hits the neck of the CRT (over deflection), the beam can burn through and destroy the CRT. The over deflection blanking circuit is designed to prevent this. IC 508 receives a vertical pulse at pin 2. This IC is a comparator, and when an abnormal level of V-Pulse is input, the pin 4 output goes high supplying which is applied to the Base of Q7738, switching it ON to BLANK the RGB signal. IIC IIC DC-BOARD When the set is switched ON, the SUB MPU, IC7106 is reset. IIC bus lines link this IC with the EEPROM IC7101 and LSI IC7107. Immediately after reset, the SUB MPU, commands the LSI to read convergence data stored in the EEPROM. The LSI then writes to the 2 SRAM IC’s IC7108 and IC7409. The data in the SRAM is read continuously by the LSI IC and its output is sent to the DAC’;s where the Digital signal is converted to analogue in order to supply the necessary drive current to the Convergence Yoke (CY). IC7103 Interface This is an interface IC for the IIC bus line from the Main MPU. It translates data to a series of High’s or Low’s at its outputs. In Convergence Adjustment Mode it outputs a “H” (Pin 13) to the SUB MPU. At this time the SUB MPU sends a “L” (Pin 110) to the Main MPU to disable the Remote Control function of the Main MPU. Now, only the SUB MPU receives the Remote Control Commands. IC7106 SUB MPU In Convergence Adjustment Mode, this IC expands compressed stored data in the EEPROM and sends it to the SRAM IC’s via the LSI IC to refresh the data in the SRAM. It also controls the data flow between devices and controls the functions of other IC’s and circuits. IC7101 EEPROM This memory IC serves as the storage media for convergence data. It is Non Volatile which means it will hold the data even after the Set is switched OFF. It’s function does not change during Convergence adjustment. IC7107 LSI In adjustment mode, The LSI generates the Crosshatch pattern using the reference generated by OSD IC7110. It matches the pattern to the actual convergence data to make correct adjustment possible. It also performs Read/Write operation to the SRAM and EEPROM IC’s. IC7104 PLL The PLL (Phase Locked Loop) produces a frequency of 16MHz which is synchronized by the Horizontal pulse output from the LSI. IC7102 LATCH The frequency from the PLL IC is divided by 2. It is then supplied to the LSI at 8.0 MHz. The LSI outputs the 8.0MHz CLK to IC7102, and divides the CLK signal by 2 and sends it to the Dynamic DAC IC’s as a System CLK control signal (4.0MHz). IC7110 OSD TEXT The OSD circuit is one of two OSD circuits in the set. In convergence adjustment mode, it generates the crosshatch pattern, lettering and graphics seen on the screen. Its output is sent to the LSI as RGB and Blanking. IC7109 STATIC DAC This DAC is used to convert static convergence serial data applied to it from the SUB MPU to DC Voltage levels. The voltages are added to the Dynamic Convergence signals (After DAC process), then amplified by IC7001 and IC7002 before being applied to the CY’s. IC7111 - IC7113, IC7401 - IC7403 Dynamic DAC These IC’s convert the H and V convergence data to analogue. The DAC’s utilize 3 CLK signals to perform this task. The LR CLK (250KHz) which recognizes the data blocks, the BIT CLK (8.0 MHz) which recognizes the data bits, and the SYS CLK (4.0 MHz) which performs the conversion task. IC7404 SWITCH This IC constantly switches the data conversion between DAC Array 1 and DAC Array 2 with the aid of the LR CLK. As this set is a 100Hz interlaced scan, each field is 50HZ. Each DAC Array represents one of those fields. IC7108 & IC7409 SRAM These IC’s hold the Convergence data once the set is switched ON. The data is initially copied from the EEPROM (Via control from the SUB MPU and LSI), each time the set is switched ON. During Convergence adjustment alignment, the data is updated as alignment progresses. After completion, the data is saved to the EEPROM. IC7116 – IC7118 LPF These IC’s are Low Pass Filters. The purpose of these IC’s is to round off the staircase steps of the signals to transform them into smooth analogue signals. The Static Convergence Output is joined at the output of this IC, before being amplified by the convergence amps. The Convergence can be adjusted at 15 points Horizontally (13 points viewable) by 11 points vertically (9 points viewable) giving a total of 165 points of convergence correction. The convergence is stored in 4 memory locations within the EEPROM. P-1 for NTSC signals, P-2 for PAL signals, P-3 Blank copy box, and P-4 for Factory use. The Sub MPU selects the appropriate location depending on the input signal. Either P-1 or P-2 data can be copied to P-3 for safe keeping in case of customer tampering. At switch on, RESET IC7105 resets the SUB MPU, LSI and OSD IC Data is sent from the main MPU to inform the the SUB MPU of the following - Which system is being used (PAL/NTSC). - Which memory address to read from. AD 13 16 - Is the set in normal or convergence adjustment mode. This table indicates the Sub MPU settings for memory address read and system selection. When Convergence mode is activated, a “H” is sent to pin 16 of Sub MPU.