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Odonata Diversity Notes Capture Sheet

Scientific Journal Article: Notes Capture Sheet
This sheet provides easy access for later use whenever you read an article, pertinent book chapter, or research on
the web, use the following format to make an electronic record of your notes for later use. Put quotation marks
around any exact wording you write down so that you can avoid accidental plagiarism when you later cite the
article. However, please try to avoid direct quotes and make an effort to summarize in your own words.
Complete citation. Author(s), Date of publication, Title (book or article), Journal, Volume #, Issue #, pages:
● “The diversity and distribution of dragonflies and damselflies(Odonata) in University of Lagos,
AKika, Lagos, south-west Nigeria”
● By Sylvester Ogubogu, Kemabonta, K.A., Adu, B.W. Nwasbueze, O.F., Obgogu, S.S, and Ohadiwe,
● Published in March 2020
● 6 Pages
Institution and area of study for the first author listed:
● Doctor of Philosophy
● Working at the Obafemi Awolowo University in the department of zoology
Key Words:
● Diversity indices, Odonata, Fauna, diversity, distribution, University of Lagos, and Nigeria
General subject:
● Calculate the amount of Adonota in the four biomes
Specific subject:
● Calculate and separate the different species of Adontoa from teh four different biomes while making
sure to consistently equate equal effort and tiem on each habitat.
● The amount of Odonata in a given habitat directly correlates with the livliness and survivability of
such a biome.
● Samples were collected from 10 am to 4 pm twice a week for six months.
● Using a sweep net with an orifice of 25 cm in diameter
● Collections were made in different microhabitats such as grass, reeds, over open still water, sticks,
among trees, and walls.
● The captured odonates would be then photographed, immersed in acetone for 12 hours, and
air-dried afterward before storing them in Ziploc envelopes.
● Comparing tube photos to another 3000 images of Afrotropical Odonata species on the world wide
750 total species of odonata were recorded.
There were more dragonflies than damselflies.
39 species, 22 genre, and 4 families
Scientific Journal Article: Notes Capture Sheet
Aeshnndae and Calpoteygida(3%)
In DLI and Lagoon, areas the most common species were Cariagorian Galdrum.
In the 4 areas researched the most dominant species was the Ortherum Julia with 122.
Atocunero only had one.
Summary of key points:
● Odonata that lived around the forest were surviving adn maintained a proper population, while the
Odonata that didn't stick to a habitat were scattered across many other habitats.
● Odonata were not found to live near busy infrastructure areas.
Context (how this article relates to other work in the field; how it ties in with key issues and findings by
● Much of modern research is directed at figuring out successful ways in monitoring the declining
animal population and ways of proetecting them
● This research shows a simple way of figuring out the liveliness of the habitat by counting the amount
of Odonata that live in it.
● The research also furthermore proves that the addition of infrastructure removes local animal
habitats, further worsening the situation for the animals.
Important Figures and/or Tables (brief description; page number):
● Page 3 shows a pie chart of all the Odonata recorded adn theri distribution amongst the four habitats
in which tyeh research was conducted.
● Page 4 table 1 shows the distribution of the Odontates in the University oif Lagos throughout time.
● Page table 2 shows the diversity of the four sites researched in the experiment.
● Page 5 table 1 shows the 11 most common species of Odonata in the four habitats.
● Page 5 table 2 shows the evolutionary connection between the Odonatas recorded.
Other Comments (what did you learn, what did you find interesting, do you have further questions):
● I found the diversity of the many different Odonata to be interesting. I also found it interesting how
Some Odonota stick to certain habitats while othr have a wider range.
● I wonder how they accurately caught all the different Odonota in teh biomes, because what if some
were more prone to fly up when they hear a noise which made them easier to catch and therefore a
bigger size in the data?