N 4 ,45, - -14 I 4 2 -4 3 -2 3 iA)1°+3a-7x)7 C4) +- 4-14(4)tI=S 2.24541) V2 7-2 -14 2 3 3237-Z -T)+(Ex +7/-3 aV?+3a-27 -14-? p344+3d 14 1 4717T 4-?19 -5 814 0 H-2]4 -13 10 322 194+ 32 23 12 ( H 2-12 p24S45) 33s-DI 3 5 -d| 2 12 96 t 32 7 -53-10 )-13S -10 - 2I so -200 3-1 40 -199 3--81 p.246, () ) , 2 , 4, , t 9 2 - F-12 Potr 24%6+ t ,2, 4 F--a1»ttY 23 6 /AN6 42 t4 , 0t1 -1(44 2t, 26t, 66) 66) a 712 -10 , 4 t 2, t5, +, t10 ).Rmts - 0.438 - 4-S62 p. 264, FS) Sl1) = a +12a z k +p t , t2, t5, 110 /2 2 O I 12 21 10 34 t -O 12 21 O -JO--/0 22 -10 o qr0of -1 14 24 , - 1-44-1-7X 0.48 264) ) = z - 3 3 -3 13)-5 X /-1)a-3 )=31X 2o -1.16 I.453 2 .21 (31.) )=1? x(41-2zds)=18 28+ 1Sz-150 2 4-2 4 4 2(2 -18 6633 1 22 12 , ) O Name Ane tmacr Magnet Precale C Rose Complex Roots 1. f is a 5th degree polynomial with real coefficients S(4-i) =0 S(2) = 0 Find the rule forf. (It's not necessary to multiply everything out.) S(5+2i) =0 S(1) = 400 a--a- tz-t+][z-(SIz:)](x-1) 1)=a-4)+][a -)-15)+2:]a-s)-2](z-) S)=a ( - l2+l7)(-104+29)-2) )=(10)(20)-1)= -200 40D> -2 (2= -2 (-iztl7(«-10at Sx) x* +r* -15x +25 = 2. 2. 29)(z-) Find the other roots of S2-i) = 0 f)-2-i][2-(a+)]() 2 t ) z 3tu2-ISz+ 2S 2)= (z-4+5)Cu )= (-va+) -4 +S OSx2-20 oos 7S 2.0LT2 2 t i , 2-i -207x+26 3 fx)= x - x ' -32r +157x* S3-2i)=0 Find the other roots off. )-le-v2] Gr:)Jlz-("*2)||z-() m z3+ 2 1-1'-n-31x' +Iu7A-2/7A -C4/ 3a S2-43TC 2 4.2,0'(A 2,=3+2 -2, O-2-Ha+ -2- *7-7 2 2 O S + 2-202 O 22-L4 f(x) = g(x)+C C--6) Ul1,ca) 5. g alx 1 2 nonrC 2 red roots does g have? How many real and how many nonreal is a relative minimum g(1)=2 are relative maxima root", -14x* + 2 nonreal roots: 66x-104) and f(5-i)= 0. -0-11) 4 nonreal roots: 1 real "double -6,-2 2 distinct real roots, 1 real "double root 1 g(8) =11 g-4.5) = 6 and g(1) = 0 8(-7)=0 graphed below forfif f) =-102. (,4 5-i) +S)+V,= 14 4S+i,Si Poots s(a) a(a-fib-r.)(2-) 1(7'-(17,1)x*+(or, rule 2 Quickly, without doing any algebra or polynomial long division, what are the other roots of f? Give a = 1 with real coeflicients, fis a cubic equation with real coefficients. flx) NIA 2 real "double roots": 4,-2) 4 distinct real roots: T willf have... t11 t-10 2 distinct real roots, 2 nonreal: For what values of c Let -11 -10 -9 degree polynominl (4:5 Consider the 4h N LA ( 8. fis a cubie with real coefficients. f2)= 0. f(4-i) = 0, and f(1) = 8 Find a rule forf. ax-2Xz -(4-)Xr -(44:)) )=a(z-2) ( 1-9z. 17) a(-)10)= = - 10 = 9 (a)=-(n-2Yz a- -Sx+17 9. flx)= 3x -33x +99x-54 5-V13 = 0 Find the other roots 2 ( D)(1-E)- off. ) (-2) 7-Cx 3«-33xl 3a- +49z-04 -1 4 90n-* 2 f)=0 19 - 4 =o StT 6 2 4