CONI'ENTS Preface •• . ... . . . . . . . . . .. ... . i .. .. . CRA.PI'ER l: Introduction to Statistical Methods. CRA.PI'ER 2: Statistical Description of Systems of Particles •• ll CRA.PI'ER 3: Statistical Thermodynamics 16 CRA.PI'ER 4: Macroscopic Parameters and their Measurement 18 CRA.PI'ER 5: Simple Applications of Macroscopic Thermodynamics. 20 CRA.PI'ER 6: :Ba.sic Methods and Results of Statistical Mechanics. 32 CRA.PI'ER 7: Silllple Applications of Statistical Mechanics • • • 41 CRA.PI'ER 8: Equilibrium between Phases and Chemical Species •• 54 CHAPrER 9: Quantum Statistics of Ideal Gases • • • • • • 64 CHAPrER l0: Systems of Interacting Particles 1 84 ••••• CRAPI'ER 11: Magnetism and Low Temperatures •• 90 CHAPI'ER l2: Elementary Theory of Transport Processes. 93 CRAPI'ER 13: Transport Theory using the Rel.axation-Time Approximation 99 ®.Pl'ER l4: Near-Exact Formulation of Transport Theory ••••• CRAPI'ER 15: Irreversible Processes and Fluctuations • • • • • • • l07 117 PREFACE This manual contains solutions to the problems in Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, by F. Reif. The problems have been solved using only the ideas explicitly presented in this text and in the way a student encountering this material for the first tillle would probab]_y approach them. Certain topics which have implications far beyond those called for in the statement of the problems are not developed further here. numerous treatments of these subjects. The reader can refer to the Except when new symbols are defined, the notation conforms to that of the text. It is a pleasure to thar,k Dr. Reif for the help and encouragement be freely gave as this work was progressing, but he has not read all of this material and is in no way responsible for its shortcomings. Sincere thanks are also due to Miss Beverly West for patiently typing the entire manuscript. I would great]_y appreciate your calling errors or omissions to my R. F, Knacke attention. CHAP.PER 1 Introduction to Statistical Methods 1.1 There are 6-6-6 = 216 ways to roll three dice. The throws giving a sum less than or equal to 6 are Throw No. of Permutatiom 1,1,1 1,1,2 1,1,3 1,1,4 1,2,2 1,2,3 2,2,2 l 3 3 3 3 6 l Since there are a total of 20 permutations, the probability is ~~G = -k 1.2 (a) Probability of obtaining one ace= (probability of an ace for one of the dice) x (probabil1 1 5 ity that the other dice do not shov an ace) x (number of permutations)= (b)(l - '6') 5 5 = (5) (b) = .4o2 • The probability of obtaining at least one ace is one minus the probability of obtaining none, or (c) 6! (5!1!) 56 1 - (;-) = .667 By the same reasoning as in (a) ve have l 2 2 4 6! (b) ('6') 5!2! = .04o 1.3 The probability of a particular sequence of digits such that five are greater than 5 and five are less than 5 is ( 1 5 1 5 2) (2). Then multip:cying by the number of permutations gives the probability irrespective of order. 1.4 (a) To return to the origin, the drunk must take the same number of steps to the left as to the right. Thus the probability is N W (-2) where (b) N.I l N = --------- (-2) C!) ! <J) ! N is even. The drunk cannot return to the lamp post in an odd number of steps. 1.5 th (Probability of being shot on the N trial)= (probability of surviving N-1 trials) x th 5 N-l l (probability of shooting onesel.f on the N trial)= (b) (b). (b) (c) 6 1.6 m= m3 = O since these are odd moments. r Using n 2 m = (2n - N) and 4 m we find m2 = N and 2 = cl r = (p clp) (p+q) 2 - 4nN - 4n N ~2 + W-- = ";f+ = 3lf - 2N. 1.7 The probability of n successes out of N trials is given by the sum 2 w(n) = 2 E E 'W m i=l j=l with the restriction that the sum is taken only over terms involving w1 n times. 2 Then W(n) = E w. . i=l i 2 E v. If ve sum over all i ••• m, each sum contributes m=l m (vi-1~2 ) and W' (n) = (w + w 1 2 W' (n) = N E l N! n .....,...,,.._.__..,.. v n=O n!(N-n)! 1 w N-n 2 by the binomial theorem • Applying the restriction that w must occur n times we have 1 N! n W(n) = n!(N-n)! "W'l w2 'We consider the relative motion of the two drunks. N-n With each sillr..i.ltaneous step, they have a probability of 1/4 of decreasing their separation, 1/4 of increasing it,and 1/ 2 of maintaining it O'J taking steps in the same direction. Let the number of times each case occurs be n , n , 1 2 and n , respectively. steps is 3 2 The drunks meet if n 1 = n • 2 Then the probability that they meet after N steps irrespective of the number of steps vhere we have inserted a parameter x which cancels if ~=n • We then perfonn the unrestricted 2 sum over n n n and choose the term in which x cancels. By the binomial expansion, 1 2 3 1 1 1 N 1 2N 1/2 -1/ 2 2N (4 pr= x + 4X 2) + 2N ! ~ n! 2N- (2) P' = + x (x 2N 2N l Expansion yields (2) = ) 1/ 2 n -1/ 2 2U-n ) (x ) ! (x Since x must cancel we choose the terms where n = 2N-n or n = N Thus 1.9 (a) 1n (1-p)N-n ~ -p (N-n) ~ -Np (b) N! (N-n)! = N(N-1) • • • (N - n+l) ~ 1f (c) N! n ( )N-n n -Np "'n -A W(n) = n!(N-n)! P 1-p ~ n! p e = n! e n << thus (1-p )N-n N if n << N r 1.10 "'n!n 0) (a) E n=O (b) (c) - = ll = = e -t. e"' = 1 n ->.. "L., n >.. eI -" n. n=v n2 = n~ n~n -2 -2 (.6n) = n e ->-. = e ->-. (~) 2 L. ~~ ...!;) - n- = >-. 1.11 (a) The mean number of misprints per page is l. >-.n ->-. e -l = -, e = n! n. Thus W(n) and W(O) = e -1 = 3 .37 = >-.2 + >-. ~ e -Np {b) P 2 =1 - -1 2: ~ = .08 n:::() n. 1.12 (a) Dividing the time interval t into small intervals ~t ve have again the binomial distribution for n successes in N = t/~t trials N! n ( )N-n W( n ) = n., (N -n ) •, P 1-p In the lilllit ~t ~ o, -,.._n "W(n} ~ n! e as in problem 1.9 vhere )... = ~ , the mean number of disintegra- tions in the interval of time. (b) W(n) 4n -4 n W(n) =-, n. e 0 1 2 . 019 .(176 .148 3 .203 4 .203 5 .158 6 7 8 .105 .()51 .003 1.13 2 We divide the plate into areas of size b. Since b 2 is much less than the area of the plate, the probability of an atom hitting a particular element is much less than one. Clearzy n << N so we may use the Poisson distribution W(n) 6n =, n. e -6 1..1.4 We use the Gaussian approDJDation to the binomial distribution. W(n) =_ _;l.;;;..__ (21.5-2COr 2(400/4 e- J;;¥f = .013 J..1.5 The probability that a line is in use at e:n:y instant is 1/30. We vant N lines such that the probability that N+l or more lines are occupied is less than .01 vhen there are 2000 trials during the hour. •01 = l. - 1 r.N ___,;;;..__ e n=O~ cr vhere -n = 20CO 30 = 66.67, 4 The sum may be approxilllated by an integral .99 J N¥z° J1 = (n-n+½;& 1 .99 = - -1 (-n- 2)/cr The lower limit may be replaced by -eo ~ l - 2 ,Ji;' 2 exp [-(n-n) /2a ] dn -- a _ 2 e y 12 dy afier a change of' integration variable. with negligible error and the integral f'ound f'rcan the tables of' error functions. - l N-n~ We f'ind a N = 2. 33 = 66.67 + (2.33)(8.02) - .5 ::: 85 1.16 {a) The probability f'or N molecules in Vis given by the binomial distribution N ! W(N) Vo (c) FfV If << V, 0 o V ov- 0 0 (N-i)2 N-N Vo N=NP=N (b) V (-) (1 - -) = N!(No-N)! 0 Thus N V V NoV - = 0 V ) (1 - -V 0 i l :::- N ~o (d) 1.17 Since O <<; <<land since N0 is large, we may use a Gaussian distribution. 0 exp 5 [-(N-N}2/2 d] dN 1.18 N R R•R = N = L.i -:1. ! S .f..2 i A = tr_i -:i. ~- r. 2 -:1. £I £ ~-• ~. = m,2 + .f..2 L. I L. cos 2 + .f.. i (S. 's are unit vectors) i j i -J -:i. The second te:rm is O because the directions are randcm. e.j j :i. 2 2 Hence R = Nt • 1.19 N The total volt age i s V = L. v. ; hence the mean square i s i l. - N - v2=L.v . i 2 where v . = vp and v . J. J. 2 N +r. i l. N f L.V. V. j J l. = v 2 p. P Hence 1.20 = v2 /R = ( f f/R ) i [l+(l-p) /:N'p] The antennas add in phase so that the total amplitude is E = NE, and since the intensity t is proportional to Et2, It= ~I(a) (b) To find the mean intensity, we must calculate the mean square amplitude. may be added vectorially Et 2 --2N2 -- = -., ~·:!<!. = ~ L. -., i where the -J. S . 's are unit vectors. §.i --2 +~ L.i L. §_1. / j a n. J ani = O, the second term on the right is O and _.!. (An2)2 _ but •Sj - The phases are random. so the second term is O and 1.21 Since Since amplitudes _ 1 = N-2 .!. (a 2)2 n -~ = N.!.2 lv as .!. (An2)2 = As = Nas :Equating these expressions we find N = 106 • 6 1.22 N N x=I'.s., • J.. (a) s. =t, x =L t = but since l i (b) (x-x) N 2 L, = (s.-t) i Since =t - t = O, (s.-t) J.. Nt i 2 N Jj i J.. N L. (s,-t)(sj-t) + L, ~ the second term is O and (x-x) 2 =L.N cr2 = Ncr2 • i 1.23 N (a) x = I:i si The mean step length is t. ( x-x) (b) 2 N = L, ( s . - t) i 2 + N I: J.. j I: ( s . - t )( s . - t ) ' Ji t - 2 ( s . -t) = J.. J J.. t -t = 0 we note that the probability that the step length is between , b tot+ bis:~. -t) 2 (s Hence i N - - . - ----.... To find the dispersion (si-t) sands+ ds in the range N = V.-: Nt = 1 J. t-b i (x-x) -fn.b (s. -t )2 ds. 2 N = L, i J.. 3 2b b2 b2 = - Nb2 3 = 3 1.24 w(e) de (a) w(e) (b) = de 2JT de= 2JT a 2 si~ 4n a e de sine de 2 1.25 (a) He find the probability that the proton is in e and resulting field. w(e) de= sin/ de From problem 1.24 Since b = L a3 (3 cos 2 e-1) we have !dbl = 6µ cos e sine de 83 and 7 e + de and thus the probability for the (b) If the spin is anti-parallel to the field, Then if either orientation is possible, we add the probabilities and renormalize a3 ,J;' 12/µ 2 -µ W(b)db = ( db a%' 83~ 12Jµ2-µ a 12 3 a% Ji a3 ,.;-:; + ' 12 Jµ ,} db 2 -i-µa % db Jµ2-i-µa%' (b) Q(k) L = 2µ/a 3 -µ/a3 -2µ/a oo ds e iks W( s) = =Im ~ ds ~ b 11 Q may be evaluated by contour integration. b eiks - s2+b2 For k > O, the integral. is eval.uated on the path -kb residue (ib) = ~ i :Fork< O kb -residue (-ib) = ~ 8 Q(k) = e kb Thus Q(k) = e <?(x) -lklb L"° = 1 2rr = -1 'IT 1"° 0 L 0 1 dk e - ikx QN(k) =2rr 1 dke -ikx e Nkb. +2rr J"° dke -ikx e -Nkb 0 dk e -Nkb k COS X This integral may be found from tables. C?{x) dx = ! 7T' X Nb dx _2.. 2 2 + Irb c,>(x) does not become Gaussian because the moments sn diverge. 1.27 From equation (1.10.6) and (? (x) (1.10.8) = 12rr we see that L"° (1) dk e - ikx Q (k) •• -~(k) 1 where We expand Q. J. (k)., - J. thus fran 1L ~ (1), J. 00 v-(x) = 2rr 1 2 exp [i s.k - - (6s. ) Q. ( k ) = dk J. N_ 2 2 k ] lN exp(i{L. s.-x)k 2 L.i (.6.s.) i J. J. This integral -may be evaluated by the methods of section l.ll. @(x) = N where µ = L. i &' 2 2 k] We find 2 exp [-(x-µ) 2/20] s. J. 1.28 The probability that the total displacement lies in the range! to!+ @(r) d\: = J~- J W(~1 ) W{2.2 ) ••• W(~) d\1 (d3r) where the integral is evaluated with the restriction N r < - L. s. < r + i=l -i - 9 dr - dE after N steps is We remove the restriction on the limits by introducing a delta f'unction In three dimensions (? (r) or = -l 3 (2rr) Leo . d 3k e -i.k•r - - QN(k) - 1.29 For displacements of uniform length but of random direction W(~) = 5 (s-~), in spherical lii7rs coordinates..W(s) is a properly normalized probability density since 27T' J 7T' J c:o s 2 sin e ds de dq> 5 (s-t) = 47rf 2 1 0 0 !i,,r s 0 c:o 5 (4,ii--t) =1 O We find the Fourier transform Q(!). Q(~ =JJJ a 3~ e~·~ w(~ _~17T' sin4rre de - t:Cll =J2rr1Jc:o 0 e i.k-t cos e s 2 sin e ds de dcp 5 (s-t) ei.ks cos 0 0 47r s 2 = 0 From we have, for N = 3 (?(r) - _ l _ - (2rr)3 k2 sine dk de dcp cos e 102zr11c:o 0 0 The angular integrations are trivial and To evaluate the integral, we use the identities 3 sin k-t Sin kr -_ -l s i n kr sin . k·D cl-COS 2 k-f~ :'v ~) k2 k2 2 lO e = = 1 4k2 1 [cos k{r-l)-cos k{r+t][1-cos 2kt] 2 [3 cos k(r-t)-3 cos k(r+t) + cos k(r+-3-t)- cos k(r-3-t)] 8k The integral of the first two terms in the last identity is 3 E lco cos k(r-t)-cos k(r+t) dk = 3 4 k2 o 1= sin2 !(r+t)-sin2 !(r-t) dk k2 o On making the substitutions x = !<r+t) and y = ~(r-t), it follows that lco Ir+tj Ji: 3 2 0 2 sin x x2 J 00 dx _ 3 4 0 2 sin y dy _ 3rr ( Ir+tl _ Ir-tl) Ir-tl 2 y2 - Io The third and fourth tenns may be evaluated in the same way. ; Jco 0 cos k{r+¼)-cos k(r-3-t) dk = ~ 0 -g,.. ~ (lr-3tl-lr+3-tl) Ccmbining these results, we have 1 O<r<t 8rr .t,3 G>{r) = 1 3 (3-l-r) 16ir-f;r t<r<3-t r 0 >3-l CHAPrER 2 Statistical Description p = ~ 2! Systems~ Particles op = ~ o E Hatched areas are accessible to the particle. L X 2.2 Since p/ + P/ = 2mE, the radius in p space is .,;;;;;;- • 11 (a) The probability oi' displacement x is the probability that cp assumes the required value in the expression x = A cos (wt+ cp). -w-(cp)dcp = ~ P(x)dx = 2v(cp) .and dtp = ~ 7I' vhere the i'actor oi' 2 is introduced because tvo values oi' <p give the same x. Since ve have av, (b) We take the ratio oi' the occupied volume, in phase space vb.en the oscillator is in the p range x to x + dx and E to E + 6E, to the total accessible volume, v. ov/2 E - P2 + m ,ix2 Since - 2m ve have Ae = 7r ~ ,./mw2 P(x)dx Hence = (J.) 2 r- = ~E , and v = 2:° 6E • 6v = 2 6:p 6x 2rr 6E V (a) For arr:, x, p ~ = 6E m P(x)dx = ~ dx = ~ 7r .:here ve have used (1). p dx ! / "V2mE - From (1) and x = A cos (wt + P(x)dx = Thus 7r 2 2 2' mW X cp), it i'ollows that E = ½w2mA.2 • dx 7I' '22 VA~-x~ 2.4 (a) The number of wey-s that N spins can be arranged such that ~ are parallel. and n parallel. to the fie1d is and J.2 2 are anti- n.. = -1. (N - -E ) , n ve have Since Thus n(E) = N E N! <2 - 2µH)! .l. 2 µH 2 = -1. {N + -E) 2 2µH 6E (~ + 2~)! 2 µH Using Stirling's approximation, 1n n! = n 1n n-n, ve have (b) 1n n(E) = - .±(N _ ~) 2 µH 1n .±(1. _ l ) _ .±(N + ~) 1n .±(1. + l ) + 1n 6E 2 NµII 2 µII 2 NµH 2µII N! - We expand 1n f(~) = 1n ~ ! (N-~) ! about the maximum, n1 ( c) where From (1.) ftni_) is eval.uated by noticing that the integral. of f(nJ.) over all n 1 must equal. the total. number of permutations of spin directions,~- n 1 is found :frcm the maximum condition d 1n f(n ) 1 1. 1. .., ---- and N-~- ~ Substituting these expressions into (2), we have 1.3 = N/2 1 and Since O(E) E ) it f'ollws that n..J. = -2 (N - -µH ' 2 E 2 N <2µH) J exp [ - 6E 2µH 2.5 {a) If cl. f is an exact differential, Since second deri-va.tives are equal, {b) If 71. f lB -a. is e:x:a.ct, f = f(B) - f(A) = 0 if A= B 2.6 (a) o2f' 2 J,2 2 J,1 ay + 1 {x -2) (b) (c) dx = 2 r eydX l 2 2 J,2 10 J,2 2 J,2 7 3, J,1 {x -l)dx + 1 2dx =3 , 1 (x -x)dx + 1 x dx = 3 exact 2,2 J,1,1 (d) {a) 71.f= [ ] (2,2) x+Z for all :paths =l (1,1) X The particle in a state vith energy E does vork, 71.w, vhen the length of the box is changed to L X + dLX • This vork is done at the expense of the energy, i.e., it follows that Fx = - (b) o dX oy I not ex.act ~~ • "d. W = -dE. Since 2rr2~2 X The energy levels are given by E = - m Fx :P = L L 2 p = 4ms.2 ( ~ ) mV y l z = - 'E"'"'L y z vhere L 2 V = LX L y LZ X I f Lx = ~ = Lz, by symmetry 2 2 2 nx = ny = nz, and using the expression for Ewe have 14 cl. W = F dL , X X 2.8 ~ h ~ ~ 2 J l ~ + pdv = pdv p dv C 2.9 From the definition of the Young's modulus, the force is dF-YA - L F2 1 W= - F dL L L 2 2 F - dF = (F - F ) YA 2AY l 2 l 2.10 2.11 p=a v-5/ 3, a may be found by evaluating this expression at a point on the curve. 6 d:ynes/m2 and 103cm3, a= 32. 10 For the adiabatic process, 8 AE = ~ - EA = 32V- 5/3 <N = -36 =-36oo joules J, 1 Since energy is a state :function, this is the energy cba.Dge for all paths. 8 (a) W = 321 <N = 22,400 joules Q (b) = AE = -36oo + 22, 4CO = ll,8CO joules 31 P = 32 - 7 (V-1) 8 W= Q (c) +W fi f [ 32 - 3 (V-1)] = ll,550 joules = ll,550 - 3600 = 7 , 95C W = Q = l joules 8 (1) dV = 700 joules 700 - 36:::,0 = -29(X) joules 15 In units of CHAPl'.ER 3 Statistical Thermodynamics (a) In equilibrium., the densities on both sides of the box are the same. 750 volume, the mean number of Ne molecules is (b) P = 3 (4) Thus, in the larger and the mean number of' He molecules is lCXX) Cf) 100 = io- l8 5 3.2 From problem 2.4 (b) l ) ln -(l 1 - -E) - -(N l l 1 +E-) 1n O(E) = - -(N - -E + -E ) ln -( 2 µH 2 NµH 2 µH 2 :;·; µH {a) where we have neglected the small term ~ = ~ ln ~ . ln O(E) = ..1.... ln 2µH l - ~(l 2 Consequently E = -NµH tanb (b) T (c) < 0 ½<1 - ~) if E > l ) NµR ~ 0 M =µ(n -n ) = µ(2n -N) where~ is the number of' spins alligned parallel to H. 1 2 1 Since ~ = l >i' 2 (N - ~) frcm problem 2.4 (a), M = µ(N - M = Nµ tanb ~ µH N) .I:!! kT 3.3 (a) for system A, we have f'rom 2.4 (c) ln (1) O(E) = where we have neglected the term In equilibrium, E Hence µ~ (b) Since energy is conserved, Substituting from (a) we find E + E' = bNµH + b'N'µH E = µ~(bNµH + b'N'µ 'H) µ~ (c) Q= E- 2 bNµH = NN'H ( b'µ'µ - bµ' µ~ + µ'2N' 2 µ) + µ'~' from (2) ln oE 2µH E 1 = µ'~' (2) 75. (d) P(E) a: where E0 is the total. energy, E0 = bNµII + b 'N'µ 'H. n(E) n' (E -E) From (l) 0 P(E) a: f exp [_ ] [ 2µ H2N This expression may be rewritten in terms of the most probable energy E, equation (2). 2 P(E)dE = C exp t(E~!1 ] dE where The constant C is determined by the normalization requirement co !-co C 2cr2 J;;'cr 2 exp [- (::~) ] dE = 1 2 exp [- (E-E) ] dE where P(E)d.E = - 1- Thus - ' cr is given above. (e) (3) (:f) Fram equation E- (3), µ N(bµHN + b'µ'N'H) -b' Nµ~ µ~ + - µ'~' - l\*EI hence µ' N' >> N N' >> N _µ_.a;;;.~-:F-N- = 3.4 The entropy change of the heat reservoir is 68 1 = - ~' and for the entropy change of the entire system, AS + AS' = AS - Q T' Hence ~ o., by the second law. Q -v /\es~ '->,;) 3.5 (a) In section 2.5 it is shown tba.t n(E)a: yN'X(E), where Vis the volume and X (E) is independent of volume. Then for two non-interacting species with total energy E0 n(E) = N +N C nl(E) n2(Eo-E) = CV l 2 Xi(E) x2(E) 17 2 atmospheres. CRAPI'ER 4 Macroscopic Parameters and their Measurement 4.1 373 (a) ~ =me 1 273 dT T = 4180 l.n Since ~s DB res = - D.stot = (b) fil = -~ ~ = - ~ T . T ~ = 1310 jou1es;°K 273 (373-273) = -1120 jou1es;°K + D.sres = 190 jou1es/K The heat given off by either reservoir is Q = mc(50) = 2.09 X 105 joules. Since the entropy cha.llge of the water is the same as in (a) ve have (c) There vill be no entropy cha.llge if' the system is brought to its final temperature by inter- action vith a succession of heat reservoirs differing ini'initesima~ in temperature. 4.2 (a) The final. temperature is found by relating the heats, Q, exchanged in the system. required for melting the ice is mi.f, vbere mi is the mass of the ice. nents of the system, Q The heat Since for the other compo- = mct.T, where m is mass and c is the specific beat, we have mi.i + Q(melted ice) + Q(original water) + Q(cal.orimeter) = O (30)(333) + (30)(4.18)(Tf-273)+(200)(4.18)(Tf-293)+(750)(.418)(Tf-293) = 0 Tf = 283°K (b) The change in entropy when the ice melts is m/ T• T DB = me 1 Ti Hence f dT T For the other components = me l.n Tf T 1 ~ - m/ g§3_ g§3_ A, DB - 273 + mwc l.n 293 + mic l.n 273 + mccc l.n 293 = 1 • 6, r-.. 18 (c) The vork required is the 8l!IOUD.t of heat it vould. take to raise the water to this temperature. W = lllr/\v (Tf-Ti) + mccc (Tf-Ti) = [(750)(.418) (230)(4.18)](293-283) + l::,S = RI' V dV Since pV = RI' 1 cl 1·Tf f i Q c dT + = T joules by the first lav EQ=cd.T+pcIV = c dT + = 12,750 T i T Tf Vf + R ln Ti Vi = c ln - r Vf RdV Jv V 1 independent of process 4.4 The spins becane rand~ oriented in the limit of high temperatures. Since each spin bas 2 available states, for N spins ve have =k S(T -+ m) S(T)-s(o) =JT But since ve have ln o S(T -+m) r = JJ n = k ln Q!tl. dT - dT T ~ = (1) Nk 1n 2 T T 1 2T c 1 (T ffe'1 1 where we have set s(o) = 0 by the third law. cl 1) (2) = c (l-ln 2) 1 From (1) and (2) Nk 1n 2 - 1n 2 =1 = 2 • 27 Nk 1n 2 = c (1-ln 2) 1 Nk 4.5 The entropy at temperature Tis found by evaluating S(T) - s(o) = J T£.CT1 T- d.T. Labeling the 0 undiluted and diluted systems by u and d, ve have T su(T1) 1 - s (o) = u sd(Tl) - sd(o) l ffe'l = Su(o) by the third lav. Since there are oncy- case as in the other, we must have Sd(T ) = 1 dT = c (1-ln T 1 T 1 (2 - - 1) Tl 2) T r 2 T dT = J1 c2 TT= c2 i'r1 sio) c 2 io as maey .7 8tJ(T1 ). Hence 19 magnetic atoms in the diluted CHAPl'ER 5 Simple Applications of Macroscopic Thermodynamics 5.1 (a) pV7 = constant for an adiabatic quasistatic process. substituting pV = v Rr ve have V l-7 or Tf = Ti ( ...!. vi ) (b) The entropy change of an ideal gas in a process taking it from T1 ,vi to Tf,Vf vas found in problem 4.3 t:,S = O for an adiabatic quasistatic process. and since 1n 1 = O, it follows that V l-7 Ti' = Ti 5.2 J (a) W = (b) p a;, = area enclosed by curve joules Since the energy of an ideal gas is only a function of the temperature and since pV AE ( c) = 314 ...!..1 ) (V Q = 3 PcVc ~ 6T = 2 R (~ = ¾(6-2) x 1a9 = Rr, PAVA -R-) - ergs= 6co joules = AE + W vhere AE is calculated in (b) since the energy change is independent of path. Again the vork is the area under the curve. Q = 600 + [ 4CO + 1 ~ ] = 1157 joules 5.3 (a) (b) (c) W J = p a!-/ = area under curve = 1300 joules To find the heat, Q, ve first find the energy change in going from A to course, is independent of the path. t:.E = c.p = i R(Tc-TA) = i (PcVc - PAVA) = 1500 joules 20 c. This, of Then since Q = .6E + W 1500 + 1300 = 2800 joules Q = (d) From problem 4.3 = ~ R 1n l2 X lO~/R + R 1n 6 X 10 /R 3 X 1 ;a3 = 2.84 R = 23.6 joules/°K 5.4 (a} The total system, i.e., water and gases, does not exchange energy with the environment, so its energy remains the same af'ter the expansion. change is given by the heat it absorbs, 6E Since the water cannot do vork, its energy = Q = G,_,fT, where ~ is the heat capacity. The energy of the two ideal gases is, of course, dependent o~ on temperature, .6E = C6T, where C is the heat capacity. 6E(vater) + 6E(He) + 6E(A) = O '1l(Tf-Ti) + CHe(Tf-Ti) + CA(Tf-Ti) = O Thus (b) Tf = Ti, no temperature change. Let -l be the distance from the left and v the number of moles. Renee, in equilibrium -l = 3(80-f..), -l = 60 cm. (c) Since there is no temperature change, the entropy change is vR 1n vr V.. J. ~ = ~A + ~He = R 3 1n 20 6o 50 + R 1n 30 = p 3.24 joules; K. 5.5 (a) The temperature decreases. The gas does work at the expense of its internal energy. (b) The entropy of the gas increases since the process is irreversible. (c) The system is isolated, Q = O, and from the first law 6E = -W =- T (Vf-Vo) The internal energy of the gas is o~ a i'unction of temperature, .6E = vcv(Tf-T 0 ) Thus In equilibrium p = vey(Tf-To) = - T T (vf-vo) and since pVf = vRrf , ve have 21 (1) Substitution in (1) yields The equation of motion is (1) mx=pA-mg-pA 0 Since the process is approximately adiabatic pV7 =constant= (p 0 + AV 7 0 mx = (p + !!!:8.) - o A (Ax)7 and r) V 7 0 (2) mg - p A - o The displacements from the equilibrium position,:, are small so ve can introduce the V V dinate cbange x = Ao + 'I} and expand about : • !_ = -""""'1~ - = (~) xr r V 7 (1 - V0 (:+'I}) ill + V0 We keep onzy the first and second terms and substitute into •• coor- ... ) (2). 2 m11 = -(p o + 5) A UV 'I} 0 This is the equation for harmonic motion and the frequency may be determined by inspection. ½ Hence V = !_ 21T [ (p o + !!!:8.) A A2z] Vm 0 5.7 p(z+dz)A The volume element of atmosphere shown must be in equilibrium under the forces (pressure) x (area) and z gravity. Then if n is the number of particles per unit volume, m the mass per particle, and g the acceleration of gravity, p(z+dz)A-p(z)A = -n(Adz)mg ~ dz dz = - ~ dz, where NA 22 p(z)A (1) Since p = nkT, (b) vRT Substit uting V = - pV 7 = constant. p we obtain ' Thus 3.E_ _ ...L dT p (c) - r -1 (2) T From (1) and (2) dT _ dz - .Ll:::zl rR (3) µg dT For N , µ = 28 and letting , = 1.4, dz= -9.4 degrees/kilometer. 2 (d) Integrating (l) with constant T we have = p0 p {e) From (3) T = T0 - (; ;l) µgz 1 P~ Thus [-µgz/RT] exp f = p' Po z __-__.µc..g...,_d_z_'..---..,....R(T 0 o - Ii:ll ) r ~ R 5.8 I A{P+6P AP Consider the element shown. to move a distance s and and density, and p = P-P 0 I 6x is its initial width. the right a distance g-ti:i.s. The wave disturbance causes the left face Let P and p be tb.e equilibr i um pressure 0 is the departure from the equilibrium pressure . tts = - vJ. 6.V P:P0 or 23 = - J. Ex At:.5 P vhere we have neglected the pressure difference D.p across the slab. from the equation of motion. m 025 = PA - (P+l:i.P) A = -b.PA ot2 oP t::,.p "' dX L:ix Since and m = p A/::,x cP cp _ P o2g di= di= ot2 we have Then but since the order of differentiation is immaterial, i =l - ~ i ~ 2 ot KsP ox2 5.9 (a) For an adiabatic process pV7 = const. Hence oV dp = V ,P and Ks (b) U = {p KS) Substituting P = vRl' V oV v1 ® = - ~ = and ( 1 1) 1 - ~ V P - , we find 1 u = (c) (d) u 1 c: T2 , u (zI?-)2 independent of pressure = 354 meters/ sec. 5.10 Substituting the given values into the equation cp - cV = 2 vr2a -K- we :find Cy= 24.6 joules mole -1 deg -1 1 1 = l.14 5.ll When the solid, of dimensions x:yz, expands an increment iN, ve have 24 The displacement is found v+av = (x+dx)(y+ay)(z+dz) To first order V +av = V + yzdx + xzdy + :xydz Therefore For the adiabatic, quasistatic process = (~ ) dS dT + p (~!)T dp = 0 cc~\ _/ov_\p' ve have Using ( ~cri)\ p -- ~T and the Maxwell relation dl') T = \"2ff) l (''v_\ vhere a = V %:r) p o.T D.T = -pc Thus C p where D.1' ~ = ...E_ p pV C 5.13 From the first law cp = T(~)P W/2=•a,;/2~~\ =·C~\C:/2 Substituting the Maxwell relation (~)T = {i)p ~~~)T and the definition P = -T (~) rrT = a= - ¼(t)p we have 2 a vr - vr : 5.14 (a) (b) From (1) we may read off the Maxwell relation (l)L (2) = aT2 (L-L) 0 (3) (~)T Since F = - (~)T (c) (1) TdS = dE - FdL = =1 -2aT T To r bT T' 25 (L-L 0 ) dT' = b(T-T 0 ) S(L,T) - S(L0 ,T) =I'r,L (~)T dL =I'r,L -2aT(L'-L0 )dL' = -aT(L-L0 )2 0 Hence S (L,T) = 0 S (L0 ,T0 ) + b(T-T 0 ) - aT(L-L0 )2 In the quasistatic adiabatic process DB = 0 (d) S(T 0 ,L) + b(Tf-T) - aTi(L~-L ) 0 0 ~ 0 T Hence = 2 = S(T0 ,L) + b(Ti-T) -aTf (Lf -L0 )2 0 O b-a(L -L )2 T i o i b-a(L -L ) 2 f 0 f Thus if L? Live bave Tf > Ti, i.e. the temperature increases. (e) Fram the first law Substituting (2) and (3) ve find ~~~T = -2aT (L-L 0) Hence CL(L,T) = C(L0 ,T) + I'r,L ~~~)T bT - aT(L-L0 ) d[, = 0 (f) S(L,T )-S(L ,T ) o o o = fL (~) JL T dL' = fL JL 0 S(L,T) - S(L,T ) o 0 T = 1 T C dT 1 ~ = T --2a To{L'-Lo) 1T S(L,T) = S(T aT 1 (L-L ) o T1 dT' 0 = b(T-T) -a(L-L0 ) 0 '!'bus = -aTo(L-Lo)2 2 bT' - T 0 dL' 0 ,L) 0 2 (T-T) 0 + b{T-T) - eT(L-L ) 0 2 0 5.15 cf. (a) (b) Q = TdS = dE - 2cr From (1) Hence dS = o~\ ( di)T dx + cos\ ~/x: d.T = t dE (1) dx 2ot T -T ! co~\ T ax)T dx dx + Equating coefficients, we have 26 ! co~\ T af)x <fr - 2ot ax T Fran (1), ve ca.n read off the Maxwell relation Since cr = cr 0 -ctr, If' the :film is stretched at constant temperature = 2-to- 0 E(x) - E{o) (c) W (0 --t x) = - By the first law Hence J Jx F dx = - dS = X 2ot dx' = -2otx 0 dE T + zfY T dv (1) (i)T dv + (l)v dT = ¥(i)T dv + ~ ( ~),, dT + zf;{' dv Equating c oefficients, we have From (1), we mey- read off the Maxwell relation Thus If' one mole is produced 5.17 By equation (5.8.12) substituting p = n kT (1 + B2 (T) n] we find ~ \oV)T - p - + n~ dl32 dT 27 p = n~ dl32 dT > 0 5.18 (a) :f'rc:m Since (5.8.12) ve have (b) From the first law, dE = Td.S - pd.V. 0 = T . ( c) Hence cos~ - p av)E and (~\ oV)E = ~T For a van der Waals gas 2 vRI' v a v2 P=~- Thus 5.19 (a) From (p + 't)<v-b) (1) = RT we have ( J 2 Solving, we find a = (b) CV D 2 T 9 rlT>~' ~ 8" RI'cvc, c (v -b) 3 = + 2a3 = O V C 2RI' b = -RTc (v -b)2 - T C 6a --,;:=O V C C VC 3 · Rr Substituting a and bin (1) yie1ds pc= 3. _£ ff (p' (c) i :, 2) VC • (v' - ½) = ~ T' To find the inversion curve, ve must have (l)H = ~p (~ <I) p 28 - 1) = 0 or From the van der Waal.s equation dp = RdT + (- v-b R:r _ 28:'\ dv ,.3) (v-b)2 v-b V T thus On : (v;b)2 = b i:>Jiminatillg v and puttillg the equation 1n tems of the dimensionless variables of problem 5.19, it follows that T' 6-3/4 (9, 3) p' 5.21 (1) (a) We have a -- V -1 (ov ""°"D -ddT..s -- a' -ddT-a o-8 , p µ = (~)H : = µ' : Substituting these expressions into ( l) ve find (2) 29 (b) 1 T~ Fran (2) T = T 0 T = TO exp r ,s a'diS' J 13•' [ 0 µ'C r ~ l + V Jr,s ,s a'd,S µ, C , J l + :____,J2_ 0 V 5.22 The system may be represented by the diagram w (a) By the second law 41 42 .6S=T - T~o For max:IJmJm heat, the equality holds and since '½ = q ..Jfl, it follows that 1 41 Ti w=Ti-To ql (b) V = 11.9 5.23 We have the system l (1) (a) (b) "3'J the second law, Thus It follows that (c) The maximum amount of vork vill be obtained vben Fram (1) 30 Tf = JT T ' • 1 2 To freeze an additional mass m of water at T0 , heat resulting in an entropy change 00 mL must be removed from the ice-water mixture The heat rejected to the body of heat capacity C -o { Tf dT Tf increases its temperature to Tf With an entropy change .6.82 =C IT T = C 1n T. By the mL Tf V O 0 second law 00 + t::.S 2 = - T + C 1n T ~ O. For min:ilnum temperature increase and thus minimum 1 0 0 1 = - ~. heat rejection the equality holds and it follm.s that The heat rejected is Q = C(Tf-T 0 ) 5.25 The probability that the system occupies a state With energy Eis proportional to the number of states at that energy, n(E). By the general definition of entropy, S = k ln probability P ex: n(E) = e 8/k n(E), we have for the (1) To raise the weight a height x, an amount of energy, mgx, in the form of heat, Q, must be given off by the water. The temperature change is found from Q = C'AT = -mgx t:il: = vhere C is the heat capacity of 'Water. 10- 4 °K. -mgx/c For a mole of liquid and x = l cm, t:iJ: is on the order of Hence we may approximate the water as a heat reservoir and find for the entropy vhen the weight is at height x S=S vhere S is the entropy at height x 0 Here we have absorbed the te:rni e usual nomalization condition. o _2:.._=S T 0 o = O. Thus (1) becomes sjk P(x) = Ae -mgxjkl' 0 into the constant A wbich is found to be kTjmg by the Then the probability that the veight is raised to a height Lor more is co (? = 1 co 1 P(x)dx = L L Substituting L = l cm and the given values yields C? = e-1018 31 kT -2 e mg -mgxjkr O -mgLjkr dx = e 0 In the procesS:S a ~ -+ b and c -+ d no heat is absorbed, so by the f'irst law 'W = -6E, and since = mT, ·where C is the heat capacity, we have wa"'b = -(¾-Ea) = We~= -(Ed-Ee)= -vc;, -vc;, (Tb-Ta) (Td-Tc) Hovever, in an adiabatic expansion TV?'-l = canst. T Hence wa,b = wc,d = -vc;, Tb -vc;, Tc (1~ G: -1) V = -vc;, Tb (1- <v:) = vc;, Tc (1- (:~) 7-l 7-l ) ) The volume is constant in :process ~c so no vo~ is :performed. Thus CB'.API'ER 6 Basic Methods and Results of Statistical Mechanics 6.1 (a) The :probability that the system is in a state with energy E is proportional to the Boltzman factor e-E/kr. Hence the ratio of the :probability oi' being 1n the i'i.rst excited state to the probability oi' being in the ground state is e e (b) -3~/oo = --Hw/~ By the dei'ini tion of mean value 1 + 3e -iiwjkr 1 + e -15.wjkr 6.2 The mean energy per particle 1s µ He-µR/kr e == Hence i'o~ N particles, - µHeµ.H/kl' e-µifi'ki:r +eµH)\!r E = -NµH tanh 32 I 6.3 (a) The :probability that a spin is parallel to the field is eµRjkr l p = e -µHflci' + eµR/kT = 1 + e - 2 vhich yields For P = .75 (b) µR/k.T (1) T = k J.n[fyl-P] and. H = 30,CXX) gauss, Fran (1), w"'ith µ = 1.41 x T lo-23 = 3.66°K ergs/gauss, T x 10-3 °K = 5.57 6.4 The power absorbed is :proportional to the difference in the number of nuclei 1n the two levels. This is, ·w'here N is the total number of nuclei. Since µR << kr, ve may expand the exponentials and keep onzy the first two tenns. Hence, n (1 + - n + - ~ - 1 + ~) .., N ___ kT"'-_ ___,;;_ = 1+~+1-.@ kT kT 1 Thus the absorbed power 1s proportional. to T- • :p(z+dz)A _ _ _ _...__ _ _ z + dz The volume element of at2!1osphere shown must be 1n ...,_--+-------~ z equilibrium under the forces o:f the pressure and gra:nty. mn(z)Adzg Then i:f m is the mass per :particl.e, A the area, and g the eccel.etation of granty, we have p(z+dz) A - p(z)A =~dz A= - mn(z) A dzg Substituting the equetion of state, p =~leads to dn(z) - - 5 n(z) dz Thus - ~ n(z) = n(O)e-mgzjkr 33 p(z)A 6.6 E (a) As T approaches O the system tends to the low energy state, while in the limit of high temperatures all states became probable. (b) The specific heat is, C.., oE) = (~ The energy goes :from the low to the high temperature , i.e., the slope of E. V T ~:::1 tl+e - J _N\.l ~~: (c) +_ and To find the temperature at which evaluate T vhere [ E changes limit, we J N e:l+e:2 E-Ne: 1 +2 -2 - e :l which yields 34 The heat capacity is and f1v (a) as -+ 0 T --. o, The mean energy T -+ cc • per mole is E -e;...., Oe -OJ,,.m /A.I. + 2e:e ,~ l + 2e -e:jkT = N A 2 NA e:e -e:/kT l + 2e-e:jkT (l) where NA is Avogadro's number. (b) We find the molar entropy from the partition function z. Clearly, Z = -e: .j.kT t =~e 1 , the sum being over states of a single nucleus. ~ NA where i Thus s and (c) As T -+ = k (1n z + ~E) (2) O, the nucleii go to the ground stat~, and by the general definition of entropy S=Nklnn=Nklnl=O A A as T -+ =, all states become equally probable, n -+ 3 and It is easily verified that expression (2) approaches these limits. (d) CV From (1) we have T 6.8 The polarization, ~ is defined a.s N ~ where 0 N is the number of negative ions per unit volume, e is the electronic charge, and i is the vector from the negative to the positive ion. Then the 35 0 £, a 0 >e 0 aean x component of Eis p vhere x .nd e are X = !Pl - cose shown in the diagram. = Ne It! lt_xl = Ne X - The positive ion can have energy + e;a or - e~a , and since there are two lattice sites for each energy ve have ela ~ _~ ~ (~) e 2 + (- ~) e 2 tanh F = N e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ ~ 2 x et'.9. ~ _~ ~ e 2 + e 2 e!a 2ld' 6.9 (a) The electric field is found from Gauss's Theorem Ia~ •£ da = lm-q A vhere q is the enclosed charge and£ is the vector normal to the surface, a. By symmetry, E 2rrr L Ea= E(r' - !.I The electric potential is given by U(r) = = lm-q =_gs,~ rL - ir ~--~ =- f!l ln ~o 0 ve can evaluate q. Since U(r) = -Vat r = R, 0 Thus E(r) = r ln rR V 0 (b) A ! , U(r) = ln !,_ V ro - ln R ro The energy of an electron at position! is qU(!) = -eU(r) vhere e is the electronic charge. Since the probability of being at! is proportional to the Boltzmen factor, ve have for the density = p(O) (0 !... r -ev~ ln(R/r ) o 6.10 2 mw2r 2 The centrifugal force mw r yields the potential energy - - 2- . Since the probability that a molecule is at r is proportional to the Boltzmann factor, the density is 2 2 p(r) = p(O) exp [mw r /2kT) (1) (a) (b) and r Substitutingµ= NAm, the molecular veight, into (1) and evaluating this expression at r 2 ve have 1 6.ll The mean separation, x, is found from the probability that the separation is between x and x+dx, P(x)dx _ U(x) e kT dx cc [<!) 12 6 - 2(!) ] X Where u(x) = u0 It is easily verified that the minimum of the potential is at x = a. X Since departures from this position are small, ve may expand U(x) about a to obtain 36 U0 2 252 U0 U(x) ""' -U0 + -2- (x-a) (x-a) 3 3 a a vhere ve have kept only the first three terms. It follows that 36 U (x-a) P(x)dx = C exp [ - a~o We have absorbed the irrelevent constant term, Uc/k'I', e- 2 252 U0 (x-a) 3] + a~ d.x into the normalization constant C. This constant is eval.uated from the usual. requirement 00 1 1 00 P(x)dx = C exp [ - O co The predominent factor in the integrand is 36 U0 (x-a}2] . [ 252 U0 (x-e.)3] exp dx = l 2 3 a kT a.k.T exp t36 U0 expanded in a Taylor's series as in Appendix A.6. extended to -co (x-a) 2/a~] so the second factor may be Furthermore, the region of integration can be since the exponential is negligably small except near a. (1) Thus vhere ve neglect all but the first two terms. The first integral is evaluated in Appendix A.4 vhil.e the second is O since the integrand is an odd function. 6 C=a Then By definition, x= J~ x P(x) dx, cu;1 _?,._ iT kT and to the same approxillla.tion as in (1) we have exp 36 U0 2] ( - (x-a) l. [ - -a 2-kT 252 u0 (x-a)3) + ------a 3k.T dx The first term in the integrand is a Gaussian times x and the integral. is just a. may be eval.uated by making the substitution~= x-a 37 The second - X =a+ K 0 u~½ 7rk1' Noting that the second integral is O since the integrand is an odd function, and evaluating the first by Appendix A.4, we find Thus a= - 1 dx dT X .15 ak = au 0 .15k + (.15)ald' ~ ~ » kl' since U 0 0 6.12 (a) Let the dimensions of tl:e box be x, y, z. Then the volume and area are V = xyz A = (1) xy + 2yz + 2xz EJirninating x,. we have V = 2yz y + 2z A - yz av av . From the conditions for an extremum, ~=oz = O, it follO'ws that (A-2yz) (y+2z) - 2yz (y+2z) - y (A-2yz) = 0 (2) (A-2yz) (y+2z) - 2yz (y+2z) -2z (A-2yz) = 0 Subtracting these equations yields y = 2z. Then substitution in (2) gives 1 A2 and from (1) we find x = ./3 (b) l - . l A2 A2 y - - z - - E ' - 2J3' From equation (1), we have dV = yz dx + xz dy + xy dz (3) g(x,y,z) = xy + 2yz + 2xz - A= 0 (4) The equation of constraint is and Adg = A(y+2z) dx + A(x+2z) dy + A(2x + 2y) dz= 0 (5) Adding (3) and (4) and noting that the differentials are nO'W independent, we have yz + A(y+2z) = 0 xz + A(x+2z) = 0 xy + ;\.(2x+2y) = 0 We multiply the first equation by x, the second by y, and the third by z, and add. 3xyz + A(2xy + 4xz + 4yz) = 0 Substituting (4) yields A=-~ 2A (6) and substituting ;I.. into equations (6) gives l - ~ (y + 2z) = 0 l - i (+ 2z) = 0 X (2x+ 2y) = 0 1 - : The first two equations show that x = y and the third yields x = ~first and second equations gives Alfa = .,,/3 x Alfa , Y = 13 , z = Then substitution in the Alfa .fj 2 6.)3 S l But since L, P (l) r r = L. P s s s 1 (2 ) + S + 2 = l, we s 2 = -k L. P (l)ln P (l) r r k r L. P (2)1n p ( 2) s s s may write -k L. L. p (l)p (2)ln p (1) _ k L. L. p (2)p (l) = rs r s r s r = -k L. L. p (l)p (2) 1i.n_ p (1)+ rs r l:- s r s -k L, L, p r s 1n p rs 1n r r 1n p (2) s p (2~ J s -k L. L. p (l)p (2)ln p (l)p (2) = = s r s r since rs P (l) r . s p ( 2) = p s rs 6.14 From the definition, we have S + S = -k L.P (l)ln P (l)_k L. p (l)ln p (l) 1 SubstitutL".lg P (l) r =LPrs and s 2 2 P ( ) =L P s r s1 + s2 r r r r, r, P -k = -k L, L, s s (1) in (1) we have rs = s rs rs p r s rs r, r, P 1n P (1)_k r 1n p r rs 1n? (2) rs s (1)? (2) (2) s For the total system, the entropy is s = -k L, L, p 1n p rs r s rs (3) Then from (2) and (3) s-(s +s ) 1 2 = -k = •k r, r, rs p rs LL Prs r s 1n p ln rs p r r, r, P + k rs (l)p (2) s 39 rs 1n P (1)p (2) r s (4) (b) Since -1.n x ~ -x + 1 or l.n x l.n Fran s-(s1+s 2) (4), But since L. L. r s P ·r = p r k Z: I: ~ x-1, we have (l)p (2) s p rs - 1 p (l)p (2) P5 ~ 1n r rs k r, r, rs (p (l)p (2) p r rs rs p s rs (l)p ( 2 ) = 1, it follows that s s-(sl+s2) 5 k r, Lo Pr(l)Ps (2)_1 = 0 r s 6.15 (a) S = -k L. Pr l.n Pr and So r Since S-S o = -k Lo Pr (O)l.n Pr (O) ' we have r \_p =kL. lnP +P lnP (O)_p lnP (O)+P (O)lnP (OJ rLr r r r r r r rJ vhere we have added and subtracted the term k Lo P 1n P (o). r r r two tems in (1) is zero. P (0 ) r Since =e (l) We show that the sum of the last -,3E r;z 1n P (O) = -f3E - 1n Z r r Then using Lo P = 1, ve have r r -!: r p r L Pr Er ln p (O) = f3 r ~E + L. P ln Z = r r r + 1n Z Lop (O)ln p (O)= -13 Lo P (0)3 - Lo P (C)ln z = -p3 - Similarzy r r r r r r r r 1n Z Addi:cg, we obtain _z p r 1n r F (0) = + :z ? (0)1.n p r r r (0) = 0 Thus (l) becom:::s p (0) s-s P (0) (b) Since! 1n = k L, 0 P (0) -f-- ~ T r - [ -P 1n r p r r r 0 ~ r 1n p • J.,eq_uation (2) yields s-s o ~kl'. Pr consequentzy S + p ~O) r P r s. 40 r (O)] = k Lo r p r 1n _r__ Pr (2) = 0 CHAPI'ER 7 Simple Applications of Statistical Mechanics 7.1 We label the positions and momenta such that r .. and p.j refer to the j (a) -iJ i. There are N. molecules of species i. -1 th molecule of type Then the classical partition function for the mixture J. of ideal gases is 1 ZI exp[- ~l (:2.1/+. • ,+E_lNl2) • • • The integrations over~ yield the volume, V, while the E_ integrals are identical. Since there The term in brackets is independent of volume, consequentzy ln Z' = (N + ••• +Nk) 1n V + 1n (constant) 1 lo 1 p = §" dV 1n Z' = (Nl+ ••• +~) fN and pV (b) For the i th = (N1+ ••• +Nk)kT = (v 1 + ••• +vk) RT (1) (1) gas, piV = viRT, hence by p = I: p. i l. 7.2 (a) -€ = By the equipartition theorem the average value of the kinetic energy of a particle is 23 kT. (b) The average potential energy is iL mgz e -i3mgz dz u f Le -pmgz dz 0 Then On carrying out the differentiation, we find u=kT+ mgr. l - emgLjkr 41 7.3 {a} Before the partition is removed, we have on the left, pV = vRT, is After removal the pressure _2vRT_~ Pr -(1+1i)v - 1+b (b) r r~:v i r(l;~lV The initial and final entropies of the system for different gases are Si a vR Sf a vR N:v + i ln T+o~ r (l;:lV + + vR ~ 1n T+o~ + ln T+aJ + vR + ~ 1n T+o~ Here one adds the entropies of the gases in the left and right compartments for Si while sf is the entropy of two different gases in volume (l+b)V. Then (c) !::,S = S -s . l. f = vR t 21n V(l+b) __.__.._ - 1n - V - 1n bV NAV NAV J NAV = vR 1n (l+b)2 b In the case of identical gases, S.l. is again the sum of the entropies of the left and right compartments. Sf is the entropy of 2v moles in a volume (l+b)V. sl.. = vR 11n ..,;!,__ + .11n T+cr L NAv 2 7 + vR L!in bNVAv + .11n T + crl 2 ~ ~ = vR 1n Thus (14~) 2 7.4 (a) The system is isolated so its total energy is constant, and since the energy of an ideal gas depends only on temperature, we have or The total volume is found from the equation of state Vl RI' l V 2RI'2 V=--+-pl P2 Thus the final pressure is = 42 (c) 7.5 We take the zero of potential energy so that if a segment is oriented parallel to the vertical it contributes energy Wa and if antiparallel it contributes -Wa to the total energy of the rubber band (Thus if the rubber band were ~ extended, the total energy would be -Nila). segments are non-interacting, Since the total energy is additive, where U is t he energy of interaction, the eq_uipartition theorem still applies and 7.7 I:f the gas is ideal, its mean energy per particle is 2 PX 2 Pv e = 2iii + 2m = :k!r and the mean energy per mole becc:mes E = NA:k!r Thus 43 Since the For classical. harmonic motion the mean energy is 2 -E-L+-mw 1 2 2 x 2 - 2m By equipartition, each of these terms contributes½ kT. 2 Hence o:T P"'X 7.9 (a) The mean elongation is found by equating the gravitational and restoring forces cix. (b) = Mg, thus By the equipartition theorem ½a (x-x)2 = !2 kT (x-x)2 or kT a (c) -Jkr a' or M - g 2 7.10 (a) Then the mean energy of N particles is Let the restoring force be -ax. 1 72 1 E = N <2 mx + 2 -E By equipartition =N Thus (b) 1 kr + -1 kT ) (- 2 -ax3, found from = J~ J~ oE =?!r=Nk the mean energy per particle is E:= The kinetic energy term contributes = N kT 2 C If the restoring force is 2 ) ax J_ 72 1 2 mx + 4 ½kT by exp [- ~ ] 4 ax equipartition. ~ dX exp [- ~ ] dX 44 The mean of the potential energy is 1 4 where we have made the substitution, y = 13 / x. d Thus 4 = - Hence O (¥ €= Then the total energy is ¼in 13 + 1n Jco...., e -czy /4 4 1 1 dy) = 4p = 4 kT 1721"""'1i'. + ax = l kT+ 1 kT= 3 kT 2 mx 4 4 2 4 E = NE and 7.11 Since the :probability of excitation is proportional to e - kT where n is an integer, it is clear that the two parallel components are negligibly excited at 300° where i:iw11 >> 300 k. The perpendicular component is excited since hw << 300 k; and since 300° is in the classical 1 region, the equipartition theorem holds and we have for the mean energy per mole 1 ~ E = NA (2 mx 1 + 2 mw l 22 x ) = NA kT Thus (a) K !::,;a. 0 Consider a cube of side a. The force necessary to decrease the length of a side by .6a is and therefore the pressure is t::,.p = Hence K K 0 6a/a2 • The change in volume is !:::,.V = -a2.6a. 1 = a3 ( - = - a 26a ) a K .6a/a 2 = Ko (1) 0 (b) The Einstein temperature is eE = hwjk. Since I w = ~Kd1m where m is mass, we have from (1) (2) The length a is found by considering that the volume per atom is µ/ pi-IA whereµ is the atomic weight, p the density, and NA is Avogadro's number. Thus Substitution of m a=(_H._) pNA 1/3 =( 63 •5 (8.9)(6X1023 ) = µ/NA and the given values yields GE"'"' l50°K 45 1/3 ) =2.3Xl0-8cm 7.13 'We have Mz = Ng µ 0 0 J B/71). ~ (71) for By equation 7.8.14, B_21(71) =2 (coth 71 - 12 2 coth ~2) = 2 sinh cash n 71 2 cosh ({/2) + sinh (//2) 2 sinh 71/2) cosh (71 2) = 2 2 ( /2) sinh sinh (71J2) cosh J =½becomes cash sinh t~f~1 cosh sinh (71/2) Thus - The energy of the magnetic moment in the field His E = -1:_•1! where e -µH cos = e is the angle between the magnetic moment and the direction of the field or z-axis. Then the probability that the magnetic moment lies in the range e toe+ de is proportional to the Boltzmann factor and the solid 2rr sine de. Thus P(e)de « epµHcose sine de w J J 1'1z = N0 µ Z = and SµH cos e n eSµH cos e 'IT ·'o e sin e de(µ cos e) 0 sin e de 0 No or H o ~ e 1n = No ~ 1n ~A H ~,-, We r -;re ;3µH ,., o e sin case . 2 sinh ~µH _ ~ H pµ F.B de No = . . -... "µH SJ.Il.H ..., e i:,µ:! - e -;3µH [ µHpcosn • . ,..," µH - sinh pµH ] (1) have 46 1ere by (7.8.14) I f Tl << 1 B J and J >> 1 ll (J (Tt) = J- in such a way that Bi Tt) = J f l + -) 2 coth JTt >> coth l l~ l (J + -)Tt - -2 2 coth -2 Tl 1, B (Tt) becomes 3 JTt - ½(~~ = coth 1 JTt JT) -where we have used coth x = e e X -X X + e -X - e = (l + X + •••~ + - (1 + X + ••• ?l1 -- XX ++ •••~ ••• ::::: -1X for small x whereµ= gµ J is by (7.8.2) the classical magnetic moment. Then 0 becomes (a) (1) :i-,1z = N0 µ ~oth pµH - P~ The energy of a magnetic moment in a field is E = -1:. • ~- For spin , 2 atoms (b) n(z )/n(z ) > 1 1 2 (c) since n2 > :a:1 . Ii' µH << kl' we have + (l - µH 2.....R + !2 µ ~ ? 2,::2) ..., and + (l - µHl~ + 1 2 µ 2 2 2 Hl (3) 7.17 To find the fraction,;, of molecules with x component of velocity between_-:;; and integrate the distribution between these J.illlits, i.e., 47 v, we must s = .± n ; J P,} _-:;, X Making the change of variable, y = s = -1 X -(mv 2/2kT) e x dv X m ~ Jfi' .l =f-Jti!!. (-~-/ 2rrkT g(v )dv vx, we have, (2/) 2 e- y dy = Ji;; --12 1 ,/~ 2 L 2 e -(y / 2 ) = 2 erf 42 0 Then from tables s = .84-3. In problem 5.9 we found that the velocity of sound is 1 u = czm)2 µ where , = C/Cv and µ is the atomic weight. Since µ = N~,we have 1 l u = czm) 2 = (Z:kT) 2 NAm m .l The most probable speed is ~ = (2kT/m) 2 • For helium, 1 = 1.66 so that u Thus = .91 ~ and the fraction of molecules with speeds less than u is ,., s = 1 1°91v n O F(v)dv = 47!" 1 O mv2 - 2kT -::i 1 2 - ·91(2kT/m) ,,,!,. (;kT) 2 v 2 e dv .l Making the change of variable y = (m/ld') 2 v, we have s =4trr~ 1.91./2 2 - 2/2 y ey dy 0 (2rr)2 This integral :rn.ay be evaluated by noticing that integration by parts of 1 a e-y2;~~ dy = ye-y2 0 /21 a + 1·a y 2 e-y2/2 dy 0 l a _ 2/2 e y dy yields O 0 Since the integral on the right is the required one, we have, The integraJ. on the right may be evaluated from tables of error functions. 48 Thus we finds = .r,. 7.19 (a) V 2 (b) (c) V X X by symmetry (d) kl' = - by eq_uipartition (e) = 0 m 3 (v2 V) = (v X X + 2 V y VX + 2 -V ) V Z X By appendix Q A.4 we find 2m Since the energy is € = + bv ) 2 = 2 V y X X vy = 0 + 2b -V X -V + b 2V 2 y y 3/2 V 2 V X y mv ve 2 = (k'I') m 2 dv 2kT = (7rkl') l 2 , a.".ld since v = (l/v) (1/v) {b) vX 3 0 V n:Tv; = = (l+b2) kT 2 m Jco r{tl dv =J"" 4n C21rm"ld') TT-7vY = !n (a) (V = 0 (f) 7.20 (vX 3 v) y ~ = 1.27 = 7T 1 2 2 2 mv , we have v = 2€/ m and dv ~ d€/ ...; 2m€. = On substituting these relations into the speed distribution F(v) dv, it follows that 3 € - l - 2 2 F(€)de = 27m (nkT) € e kl' de 7.21 rhe most probable energy is given by the condition ~(e) = 0 1 ~ 1 e .... Thus E .... The most probable speed is V E l kl' €2 -kl' or from problem 7.20b € e - kl' = 0 1 =2kl' 1.. = (2kl'/m) 2 1 -2 2mv Hence =kl' 7.22 V (a) (b) V = V O (1 + ~ ) = C V since v 0 X Therms freq_uency shift is given by (.6v) rms = 2 'V But Since v = 2 X = 0 and v X = V ~ 2 v - -21 -vJ l 2 2 0 ~+ ~ x + ~ = kT/ m by equipartition, we have = 0 Thus (c) (~v) rms = ~ l kT 2 v O + -2v 0 2 2 2 Vo -v~ O me C The intensity distribution is proportional to the distribution of the x component of velocity. I(v )dv = I 0 exp [ where I 0 is the intensity at v=v 0 2 2 - me (v-v 0 ) 2kT Vo 2 • 7.23 (a) The number of molecules which leave the source slit per second is 18 molecules/sec x 10 = 1.1 where A is the area of the slit. (b) Approx:il!lating the slit as a point source, we have by (7.u.7), the number of molecules with speed in the range between v and v + dv which emerge into solid angle A~ (v) d3z = A[f(v)v cos e][v 2 cos e~ dv an is an] 1 for molecules arriving at the detector slit; hence the total number which reach the detector is 13Jnv2 e- - 2 -dv = where we have used the results of appendix A.4 and ps (1) = ~. Letting L 2 between source and detector, the solid angle nd is approx:il!lately A/L • = 1m. be the disiance Substitution of the 11 molecules/sec arriving at the detector slit. given values into (1) then gives 1.7 x 10 (c) In the steady state, the n1.nnber of molecules entering the detection chamber per second is equal to the number being emitted. or From Pd (1) we find A = Ps = 2. 4 2 TIL x 10 -8 mm of Hg. The rate of change of the number of particles in the container is given by dN l dt = - cpA = - 4 nvA 50 Since the pressure is proportional to the number of particles, we have dp dt -= or vA - 4Y t*~ p(t) = p(O) exp where p(O) is the original pressure. p Hence the time required for the pressure to decrease to p(t)/p(O) = 1/e is t - 4v VA 7.25 As in problem 7.24, we have or where p(O) is the original pressure. The mean speed, v, is for nitrogen at 300°K, v = J~ 7f k:T' = m .!n5 x 105 cm/sec 10-6 _ 4(4n/3)(1c?) Thus t = (.475 X 105 )(1) 1n 10-l = 4007 sec 1 (a) Since the rate of effusion is~= p/(27r m kT) 2 ,and the concentration is proportional to the pressure, it follows that (b) For the uranium separation, we have 1 238 + 6 19 )2 c'235I C'238 = c235I c238 (235 + o 19 = The rate of change of the number of particles inside the container is dN dt = - thus defining i... l - NA 4 nvA = - 4V j8-rr m k:T' = - ;>,.:r,r "-Jm Since pressure is proportional to the number of particles, we find after integrating For Helium gas p/p 0 = 1/2 at t = 1 hour. (1) Su:t,stituting we have ;>,.=~ln2 51 (2) where ~e is the mass of the helium molecule. From (l) and (2) it follows that the ratio of the Ne and He concentrations in terms of the initial concentrations is ~e/~e = (~/~e) 0 = 1, we have at t =1 1,/m;;J ~ [-1n 2 (J~./,e' -~ ~ hour, (1- j~/~e' (1-J~/,e,) I 7fe-' 11He (a) exp [-,. ~/.;~e' - 1 (~/~e) 0 exp = Since (~/~e) 0 = 2 ) = 2 The rate of change of the number of particles in the left side of the box is dNl(t) dt = (no. entering/sec)-(no.escaping/sec) Since the rate of effusion is f nvA, dNl (t) dt = we have =: I: Av r ;J,72° LN2<t)-N1<tj where N is the total number of particles. - '1 r-2N1<t2J From the equation of state, and P1 (0) + P2 (o) N = ----2 V (1) kT Thus _Av e Integrating,ve find (b) Tbe initial entropy is Si= Nl(O)k (1n 2N:(O) In final equilibrium, N1 = N2 = ~ Sf = Nk (ln ~+~ 52 1n T + v0 ) V t 7.29 vz (a) Inside the container {b) The velocity distribution, =Oby symmetry. <1>(:!), of the molecules which have effused into the vacuum is <I>(v) d 3v - - - = f(v) V z d 3v 2 where f(v) .... is the Maxwell distribution. Thus V = z J~dvxf~ dvy f f dvxf"" dvy f 00 O 00 -co dv <I> (v) z V z 00 dvz <l> (v) f 0 -co f = 00 dvz e mv z - 2kT 0 mv 00 dvz e - V z V z 2 2 z 2kT 0 The second equality follows because the integrations over v and v are identical in the numerax y The integrals over vz are tabulated in appendix A.4. tor and denominator and therefore cancel. 3 ~ (21;)2 VZ ½(~) aJ~ 1;;' a 7.30 (a) In t:i.!lle dt, molecules with velocity ccmponent v z which are in a cylinder of height v ·with base at the aperture can escape from the container. z dt Molecules of higher speed can escape from a larger cylinder than can molecules of lower speed, and a proportionalJ.y larger share of the fast molecules effuse. Thus the mean kinetic energy of particles in the beam is greater than in the container. Since <I>(_!) = :r(;:) EO V COS !2 2 mv d! 9 (~) d3v l (b) J = J 2 = 2mv e and d3v = V2dV - 3 . S1!1 oolrr/2J,ro1T(v2 €0 <l> (2::) e de dqi, we have mv2 i =-------------------------f f-rr/J,-rr J""-.? 00 O 1 (v2 dv sin o O 2 dv sine de d~)( 2 mv) e e de - 2kT v cos e dcp) mv2 ~ e 2kT dv -l m 2 0 = ---------mv2 = 2k.T e - 2kT dv where the integrals over v are evaluated by appendix A.4. Since the mean kinetic energy in the . - the enclosure is e;i = 3 2 kT, it follows that e: = 0 4e;i. 3 7.31 When a molecule is scattered, it commutes momentum l:.p l:.p / z at. z = 2mv z to the disk. The force is To find the total force, we must multiply l:.p /at by the number of molecules with z velocity in the range (v, dv} which strike the disk in time dt and then integrate over all ,v velocities. Clearly only molecules in the cone of half-angle e = sin-l R/L will strike the 0 disk. F Jd3~ [A~ (!) at] = ~!z 2 = J:°"J:ei2rr(v dv sine de dcp)(A f(v) v cos = (2mA.)(2rr)(- 1 cos 3e) le 0 I 3 0 e d_::)(2m ;/os 8 ) J°"v4 f{v)dv 0 The integral can be expressed in terms of the mean square speed inside the container, i.e., ! °"4 v f(v)dv = 2 ~ 0 Thus F 1 nm 2 =3 v A ( - 1 cos 3e) 3 But by eq_ui:i;,artition we have 8 = 31 0 O nm 2 v A [ 1 - cos 3 (s-i.,.., .,_....-1 _RL)] 2 =nkT=p - 1 3 nmv F = pA [1 - cos 3 (sin-l Hence CHAPI'ER f)] 8 Equilibrium between Phases and Chemical Species 8.1 By equation (8.3.8), we have the proportionality (?{v,T) dV dT o: exp [ -G0 (V,T)jk.r 0 ] dV dT where V and Tare the volume and temperature of the portion of substance of mass M, and T is 0 the temperature of the surrounding medium. minimum at V = V1 and T = Expanding the Gibbs Free Energy G (V,T) about the 0 T yieldf (1) 54 T and v (8.4.7) where the derivatives are evaluated at T = (1) the first derivatives in By are O. = v. Since we are expanding about a mini.mum . cG (dT 0) , (2) V Since this is Oat T Thus and at T ( c2GD "T2 = T0 = T, C: V From (2) we also find the mixed derivative cG (~) ar v By the equation preceding cG 0 = (T-T o K "s T = (T-T ) (¾-) O )(els~ ?,v2Jr C (ffe) ---( ~p) , = oV T 1 0 (V,T ) + -CV 2T 0 0 at T = To , V = .....V Substitution of these results into VK 0 V = r~/p 0 T oV T = G (V,T) = G and since at T av (8.4.13) ( "-vo) By definition, T cC = (1 - ~)(~) = 0 T T (T-T )2 0 (1) 1 ..... 2 +-:::-- (V-V) 2VK and CV = McV where ~ is the specific heat per gram, it follows that (?(v,T)dV dT • exp t:;/ (T-Tf - 2M: k'.1' 0 0 where we have absorbed the constant term G 0 (v, (V - Mjp 0 )j dV dT T) into the normalization factor. 0 Performing tl::e usual normalization, we find =~~;,,:;/exp t Mc (?(V,T) dV dT 8.2 (a) yields _V_ (T-T 2.kT 2 o )2 0 For the solid, l.n p = 23.03 - 3754/T and for the liquid l.n p triple point, the pressures of the solid and liquid are equal. 55 = 19.49 - 3(£3/T. At the hence (b) Since 1n p = - t + constant vhere t is the latent heat, we have t suu~lima t·ion = 3754 R = 31,220 joules/mole tvaporization= 3c;63 R = 25,48() joules/mole (c) tfusion = tsubl:ima.tion - tvaporization = 31,220 - 25,48'.) = 5740 joules/mole. The latent heat of sublimation is equal to the sum of the latent heats of melting and vaporization, i.e., tS = t m + tV. t Since = T6V (dp/dT), the Clausius-Clapeyron equation,where vis the volume per mole, it follovs that (:)s a To(vg~s- vsol) ~o (vliq- vsol)(:)m + To(vgas- vliq)(:)J or 8.4 I Since = ~ and l::,.S -+ 0 as T -+ 0 by the third law, it follovs that : -+ 0 as T -+ O. 8.5 (a) Q/1 moles/sec evaporate and are svept out by the pump. pm"/ Q E (b) = Rr Then by the equation of state QRI'r or pm= LY r We find the temperature at the pressure pm from the Clausius-Clapeyron e~uation d"D L dT = T(vgas - vliquid) :::::s T L vgas where we have neglected vliquid since the volume per mole of the gas is much greater than that of the liquid. Then using v gas = Rr/p we find 1 c!... - !...) T R T o m -1 Hence T m TR o = T O\ { - T pm ) 1n ;;- -o 56 8.6 The intensity, I, is given by Differentiating with respect to T and dividing by I,we have (1) Since pis the vapor pressure, the Clausius-Clapeyron equation yields dp/d.T. dp L dT = L T(vgas - vliquid) ""T vgas Substituting into (1) and using v gas = Rr/p gives 1 dI I L 1 dT = RI'2 - 2T Differentiating the molar latent heat yields (1) (s -s ) is the molar entropy difference between the phases. 2 1 [os2 osl (~) T = T tdP) T - (dP )~ 7 ~A Thus But (os/c)p)T = -(ov,loT)P, a Maxwell relation, and since the coefficient of expansion is a = -1/v (cv/oT) p ,it follows that (2) Differentiating at constant p gives ~~\ - (~P • (s 2 -s 1 ) + T T(os/'oT) p Thus is the specific heat at constant pressure. (~ p = ¥+ ( P2 C (~)J - c"O ) -1 Substituting (2) and (3) into (1) yields 1) fT +} +(cP2 - cpl ) a:-f.. = -T(a2v 2 - a1.v d.T Since 57 (3) 8.8 The bar moves because the higher pressure underneath it lowers the melting point. The vater is then forced up along the sides to the top of the bar and refreezes under ~he lo.rer pressure. To melt a mass dm of ice, heat -\' must be conduc,ced through the bar.. it per unit time is J:! = -K: The heat passing through (be) m a vhere mis the temperature drop across the bar and x: is the thermal conductivity. the position in the vertical direction, we have p.(bc dm = l. Letting x be dx), and equating the rate at which heat is conducted to the rate it is absorbed in the melting process ve have (be)~= t pi (be~) -x: (1) mis given by the Clausius-Clapeyron equation d"D ll.p t dt ""m = -T-,(-v1,-1a_t_e_r___v_i_c_e,...) vhere v is the volume per gram or 1/p. Substitution in (1) Then since ll.p = 2 mg/be, yields dx dt From the Clausius-Clapeyron relation, dp/d.T = L/TAv we find Ja: JD.; = dp We know L(cp) and ti.V(cp), and we can find dp/dcp from the curve of vapor pressure vs. emf. Thus J T d.T', = - 273.16 T Jcp ~vf9co'j . L o I d:p (-) d~ dcp' where 273.16°K is the temperature of the reference junction of the thermocouple. Then 8.10 We divide the substance into small volume elements. Tle total entropy is just the sum of the entropies of each of these, or S = Z: S. (E.,N.) il. l.l. where Ei and Ni denote the energy and number of particles in the i th volume. 58 If' we consider an interchange of energy between the i th and j th volumes,we have since the entropy is stationary els.l. clS = 0 = but since dE. = -dEj, we have l. cs.l. 2;E. l. 2s . ~ o~i dE. + l. ;sj = cE. 0i J T.l. or J dE. J = T.J Similarly, if we interchange particles dS = 0 cs. cs. ]. m.plies ~ oN. dNi or J 8.ll (a) The chemical potential can be found frcr:n the free energy byµ=~:. He consider a small 0 1{ volume element at height z over which the potential energy may be considered co?J.stant. It is clear that the addition of a constant term to- the energy does not change the entropy of the substance in the small volume element. fu..'"Plicitly, the partition f'unction will be the free particle f'unction times the factor e-~-rnez. Thus 8 "~ 1n ~free e-;,mg~ + ~ (Ei'ree + mg~ " k [1n 2 free + "freJ Hence the free energy is, letting N be the number of particles in £::.V F = E - TS = _ 6N cF -_ .2. -"'..c and µ - '"'i' 2 ¾1llcr + Nmgz - ~ ~ ~; + ¾Lri T + c + mgz - kT where we have put t::.V/N = ld'/p . (b) Si.riceµ is independent of z, ~ kT d-o or dz =mg+pd; =O a:o . ---= p Integration yields :p(z) = p(O) e 8.]2 The relative concentration remains the same. nco ~ The dissociation is described by o 2 - -- = K (T) nee~ n 2 2 Generally, when the number of particles is conserved, equilibrium is inde:pendent of v, 59 J 8.13 The intensity of the I atoms in the beam is proportional to their concentration 7: in the oven. Since dissociation proceeds according to We have nI- 2 = K (T) n_ . n l.2 K (T) = ~ which gives by the e~uation of state. (1) = ~(T) The total pressure is p =Pr+ Pr which yields on substitution 2 into (1) or Thus, if the total pressure is doubled, the ratio of final to initial intensities is -1 -1 +Jl +Vl + 8Kpp + 4Kp p Sir..ce KP is small we may expand the square roots to obtain -1 + 1 ~f + 49 ~-,,--"C""""-~- -1 + 1 + 2Kp-n c[J_ J. 2 = 8.14 For chemical equilibrium we have where n is the number of molecules per unit volume. b ••• "O m -m. = (kI') Since ni = :pi/ kT it follows that bl+b2+ ••• +b m K (T) n = K:,:i (T) 8.15 7'h -./ tn••e "".:.i_ · .,. s..,~ 1-, c.,r -',, a~ = dE +p dV. Letting d(:pV) = V dp + p dV we have -d. G, = dE = + d(pv)-v dp d(E + pV) - Vdp = d.H - V dp where the last follows from th2 definition of enthalpy, H = E + pV. -a. Q Then if pis constant = d.H i.e., in a constant pressure process, the heat absorbed is equal to the change in enthalpy. a chemical reaction,Q = 6E = L b.h. since enthalpy is an extensive quantity. i J. J. 60 In 8.16 B'J the e~uation preceding (8.10.25) Lb. i 1 1n ~- = I 1 Lb. i 1 (1) 1n .ni Substitution of ni = pijki' into (1) yields L b. i 1 =L 1n P. i 1 (b. 1n ~. , + b. ln kT) , 1 1 1 b p m = K (T) m p or where 1n ~(T) = _ 1n ~-'+bi 1n kT) 1 d 1n K (T) = L (b. dTd 1n ~-· + bTi) dT p i J. . 1 Thus By Li (b.1 (8.10.30) ~ b. Then multiplying Ti €i 1n ~it = kT where e:i is the mean energy per molecule. piVi by 1 = ILkT we have b. d 1n K (T) = L J.2 dT p i kT 1 where h.' is the enthalpy per molecule. 1 ~·i L i b.h. :t. kT 1 1 2 Multiplying and dividing by Avogadro's number gives b.h . d dT p.V. 1 + ; ) = Ci.1 1n Kp(T) = L ..1:...1:. i RI'2 .6H = - Rl'2 where hi is the enthalpy per mole. 8.17 We let~ be the fraction of H 0 molecules which are dissociated. 2 Since the pressure is pro- portional to the number of molecules, we have PH 2 2p0 2 =---- (1) The total pressure is the sum of t~e partial pressures. (2) Substituting (1) and (2) into we find ~(T) "Dt3 =-----2 (1-g ) (3) (2+;) 61 8.18 In problem 8.16 it was shmm that Lili = Rr Using ~(T) from problem 2 9:_ 1n K (T) dT p 8.17 would give M for the dissociation of 2 moles of ~O since the reaction is 2H 0 -)2H2 + o • 2 2 Hence for the dissoc~ation of l mole 2 M where ~(T) is given by e~uation ~ ~ = 1n 1),(T) (3) in 8.17. Since K (T) P P_53 (1-s/ (2+s)- 2 2 9:_ 1n Ps 2 dT 2 is found by plotting 1n of this curve at s vs. 1700°. We find ~T we have p<3 = ___ s _ _ _- Lill= RT Hence s << 1, 3 =} R1'2 9:_ 1n s 2 dT temperature using the given values and measuring the slope 1n s = .oo64. 1700°K Thus at M = ¾(1.99)(1700) 2 (.cc.64) = 56,000 cal/mole 8.19 N (a) The partition function is Z = ~ wheres is the partition function for a single molecule. For a li~uid we assume a constant interaction potential-~ and that the molecule is free to move in a volume N • V 0 Thus s = .l:...}' d\:i h3 0 d 3r e -(f3i /2m)+j3~ - - where the integration is crver N,e,v and all O S = N,e,v0 thus defining .E• /TJ h\ J d 3_E e-f3i/2m = N,e_ ef3~ v 0 !;' 0 s' . (1) Hence (b) For an ideal gas, the partition function is The Helmholz free energy is Fg, -kT J.n Zg a -kT ~ tg(~Ng_ J.n Ng) = -kT ~g 1n Vg 62 s I - Ng 1n Ng + N~ where we have used Sterling's approximation ln N ! ""'N g ln g N - N g g clF Then (c) µ =~ = g oNg (ln V -kT For the liquid, we have by (l) g ~' - 1n Ng) J Ft = -kT (1n [N-f., el3TJ v 0 ~ N,e_ - 1n N,e_, (N,t 1n v0 ~ 1 + N,t = -kT clF,t Therefore µp 1.; (d) =~ oN,t = -kT (ln V o ~1 0 + N,e_) t,T} + t,T} + l) When the liquid is in equilibrium with the vapor, the chemical potentials are equal or V __£ Thus Ng = V o ef:>TJ+l but since pjkr = Ngl'vg we have (e) E.... = e-t,T} kT ev (2) 0 We calculate the molar entropy difference from the Clausius-Clapeyron relation. where in the second equality we have assumed that the molar volume of the liquid is much less than that of the gas. Since pv g = RI' we have Then using (2) in this relation we find &, = R (l + ~) The molar heat of evaporation is L = T6s = RI' (l + fu') ""~=NAT} (f) From (3) ir = l + (3) if ~ • Taking the logaritbm of (2), we find kT V 1.+.!J_=ln-=ln~ kT pV V 0 where v g is the volume per molecule of the vapor. 63 0 TJ>>kT Hence (4) when v g and v 0 a re evaluated at Tb·. In (4) -we can take v to be the volume per mole instead of the volume per molecule since we (b) have the ratio vg/v 0 • To est:iJnate the order of magnitude of L/RI'b we let v ::::: 22.4 liters/mole g 3 4 3 4 -8 23 3 and v ::::: - mN ::::: - 'TT (. 5 x 10 ) ( 6 x 10 ) ::::: 10- liters /mole. o 3 o A 3 L 20 -:::::ln--:::::10 ~ 10- 3 Thus we find L/r~ from eq. (4). (h) V V 0 water .018 liters/mole nitrogen . 035 benzene .C87 g 31 liters/mole 6.4 29 L/ T0 1/T0 calculated experimental .83 cal/ gm°K 1.45 cal/ grn°K .37 .64 .16 . 27 These results are remarkabzy good in view of the very simple theory considered here. Quantum Statistics of Ideal Gases 9.1 configuration 0 € 3€ xx xx xx X X M] BE FD 1 1 -- 1 1 1 2 X X no. of states 1 1 , (a) (b) --- (c) ~ = e -€13 + e -3€/, + e -4:i, 1 X 2 .J.. 1 X 2 1 1 9.2 (a) For an FD gas, we have 1n z = aN + Z:: 1n (1 + e -a~E r) r Hence s = k [ln z + pE] r [ = k + ~ 1n (1 + e 64 and nr -a-pE = ;1 r) + P~ 1 but since N = I: iir and E = I: r r 1 r = ----- 0:+/3€r e €, we :find r [r.r nr S = k Fram n nr (ct+ /3€ )+ r Lo 1n (1 + e -ct-/3~r~ r J (1) nr (2) it follows that +l (1-n) r - a+ /3€ r = 1n -a-/3€ e r n 1n r (3) = 1-l'! r Substituting (2) and (3) in (1) we find s =k = (b) Gc r. :n.:. nr ln(l-llr) - 1n :n~ r + r 1n (1 + 1-n r -k z:: r + c1-n ) 1n (1-~ ~ r. . r:J InL> 1n :nr (4) For the BE case 1n Z = aN - Lo 1n (1-e r -a-/3€ r) and The calculation of S Froceeds in exactly the same way as in (a). r. s = -k r (c) ~ :nr 1n iir - (1+n) r 1n (1+n) (5) r Fram (4) and (5) we see that in the classical limit where iir s ~ -k z:: r :nr 1n We quote the result. << 1 :nr for both FD and :BE statistics. 9.3 The partition function in sN/NI s= where Lo it it it X y Z . The sum is over all FOSitive 2 exp [ - ~11 2m (it X 2+ it y 2 +it 2] ) Z (1) xyz when we use the standing wave solution, equation (9.9.22). it it it The density of state is now greater than in the traveling wave case, and by (9.9.25) If' we assume that successive terms ins differ little from each other, we can aFFrox:il!la.te (1) with integrals. /31'12 cc z: Thus e - 2 =--K 2m X io:, e "" K ::() /31'12 2m --K ·2 L X (~ dK) 7f 0 X L 1 (271m)2 2mi 13 = X X (A.3.6) by 3 2 (2rr m kT) s= 3 V Hence h vhich is identical to (9.10.7). (a) The chemical potential can be found from the He.1Jnholtz free energy, F N F = -kT 1n fi -kT [N 1n :::e = -kT 1n z. s - N 1n N + N] 3 vhere ve have used Sterling's approximation, 1n NI -:sF L ~' = ~ K K X A Hence (c) • m (1) is the area. y Thus :::e e e: 0 }Jcc exp . s' µ' ~ 13 exp [- i3i'i\K 2 +tt 2 )~e: ] 2m X y 0 = e 2 - ~ 1n N' i3e: = -kT - o. 3 eq_uilibrium µ = µ' and by (1) and (2) N - 2 i3E: e o 1;3 N' (2rr or N' m kT) . 2 n Letting n' = N'/A and since pjkT = N/v, ve find 9.5 1 By equation (9.9.14) if L = L X = L = L = v3 we have y Z 66 1 2 13h 2 2 A K +K ) dK dK 2m X y 2rr)2 X y 2 fi' 1n e - IL--( -:S . s 3 vhere ve put A = o = -kT ~ 2 i3e: l - (a) (2rr 3 h kT) 2 • The partition function for a single molecule of a 2 dimensional gas vith binding energy -e: is vhere 1n N-N ands = µ = ~ = -kT 1n .s.. oN N Then (b) :::e N V (2) 0 € (b) p r r (v) (1) 221-~ cc = 2rr 1S. (_!:.) = - oV ~ 3 (n 2 + n 2 + n 2) 3 m y X Z (2) (c) The mean pressure is -P = I:r nr P-r where iir is the mean number of parti cles in state r. Thus (d) by P=g_ 3V L.n r r € =_g_3 r The expression for pis valid for a system in which the energy of a c;_uantum state is given (1). For photons, € r = Hence (e) VE and The mean force on the wall is found by multipzying the change o::' momentum per collision, 2mv, by the number of particles which collide with the wall per unit time, 1 nvA. 0 Hence the pressure is 1(-)1P = A 2mv (ti nvA) Letting -2 v ~ = 1 -2 3 nmv 2 v we have (3) 1 ? since N(~ mv-) = E. Equation (3) is the exact result as shmm in section 7 .14. 9. 6 (a) µ s - ? 4 - 22 .,.,ro'ol •m • 9 ,5! , .,.,- -a ~-?~ ~i·~ • . s to ~_,_._n.d .,u.,_ • By ! ,'= '~ , and,_-~--=- l\·cP) 2 -- .,.,_ 2 _ :;_2 . The dispersion is (~ 0 µ / 4 ,;-o- =2 t.., gv --2 (c.p) Hence = Since E r € r ';3V ' --2 ~2 0 = - ~ca. 1n Z and (c.E) = ,. , n ?-? 4~ (E- - E:-) = _.2 (c.E) 4 2 9V (b) r 2 ot3 2 1n z, it follows that 67 ~ by (2 ) in 9.5 c2 4 4 (6p)2 = -2- l n Z = - 9V 2 9V orl dE cf3 but by (2) in 9.5, -E = 3 V -P• 2 (6p)2 Thus (c) Substituting p = 2 cp '3"l cl~ 2k.T2 bP 3V oT = -- V ~ kT , W? find --? (6p)- /p 2 2kT2 N -2, = (- kT) ~ (IT '3"l T V V kT) 2 = 3N *9.7 The probability that a state of energy€ is occupied is proportional to the Boltzmann factor e e -€/kT 0 -€/kl' O • Since the vibrational levels have a spacing large compared to kT, we see that 0 is small and we may neglect this contribution to the specific heat. On the other hand, the spacing between rotational levels is small so that these states are appreciably excited. For a dumbbell molecule the rotational energy should be where A is the moment of inertia and w the a.ngul.a.r frequency. We have neglected rotation about the axis of the molecule because the moment of inertia is small. may use the equipartion theorem yielding €r = kT 0 • At room temperature, we Adding the energy of the translational motion gives for the total energy €=et+ Er= i kTO + kTO = i kTO Thus the molar specific heat is The reaction proceeds according to 21ID = and the Jaw of mass action becomes = K n = (1) From the results of section 9.12, we can immediately write dmm the quantities ;. notation of that section, 68 In the [2rr(2m) kT]2 ~2 - h3 ~D = 2 s y_ h3 t3€' l V R2 e HD - h3 e 2 2fi 3 t3e~ 2 [2rr(2M) kTJ2 e V ~ kr - !2 t,nwH2 1 . - -2 f,·i\-- w_o ~kr 2 e 2 2t? l [ 2rr ( m-tM )s:r ]2 e f,€' HD ~kT 112 1 e - 2 t3n"1m where we have assumed that molecules are predaminantzy in the lO'W'est vibrational state and have treated the rotational degrees of freedom classicaJJ.y. The electronic ground state energies€' are approximatezy equal for the three species since this quantity is altered onzy slightzy by the addition of a neutral particle to the neucleus (to form D). Thus (2) Similarzy, the moments of inertia are of the form A = !_ µ * R 2 = !_ ~m2 R 2 2 o 2 m -lill o 1 2 where R 0 , the equilibrium distance between nuclei, depends primarizy on electromagnetic forces. It is then approximatezy the same for the three species, and we have ~ 2 ~ 2 ~ -2 = m M mM <2) (2) (m+M) - 2 = ~4 (mmM+M) 2 (3) FinaJJ.y, the frequency for two masses coupled by a spring of constant Again, K K is must be the same for the three molecules, a.~d w HD = (4) Substituting the ~'s into (l) and using the results (2), Since 7I 2 = 7) , we 2 (3), and (4) yields %D or -= N ~ l(m·+M)2l L mM j exp 9.9 In a thermalJ.s" isolated ~uasistatic process, there is no entropy change. Hence by the first lav, TdS=O=dE+pdV Substituting E =Vu and p =,½u where o Thus -l V 8v.!t rN' 3 V' = J du u = 1Tf T.:L u(T) is the energy density, we have - - = u dV + V du + dT' 4 '.fr since -u or T ex: lu oY 3 li. 4 T. Ti f = 2- 9.10 (a) By the fundamental thermodynal!lic relation TdS=dE+pdV Then substituting E= Vu and ii = 31u,- we have - - TdS=uoY+V~+ 4 - 1- 3 - urN=ruoY+V~ du But since u is onzy a function of T, du = dT dT, a.."ld. it follows that 4 dS = -3 (1) dV + (c8 ) (2) oV T 2 sfev 6T) = 2;T V dT and (2) yields (~s) Since (c (1) .L oV T Equati.Ilg coefficients in (b) ~ dV . y d.u dm .,. T T dT - ds = (~s ) We also have 4u = -3 -T (3) and (d2S/'cT QV), it follows from (3) that 70 Tf Integrating, we find - .,;. 1n 8 = 4 1n 3 Ti or 1n T4 Thus = 1n -u + C where C is the constant of integration. Finalzy -u ~ 4 T. The energy of the black body radiation in the dielectric is where c' is the velocity of light in the material. vacuum by c 1 c/n, n 0 0 being the index of refraction. 2 E =V- Thus Here = 7r (kr)4 n 3 15 (ct1)3 CJ c' is related to the velocity of light in = 4cr n0 0 3 4 VT C 4/6o c 2i'i3• 16 CJ n0 3 vr3 is the Stefan Boltzmann constant, cr = n2k =-----C Hence (1) Substituting v, the volume per mole, for Vin gives the heat capacity per mole,~'· classical lattice heat capacity per mole is~= 3R. c' V -= CV (1) The The ratio of these two quantities is 16crn 3 o vr3 3Rc For an order of magnitude calculation, we can let v = 10 cm3/mole and n 0 = 1.5. At 300°K, we 9.12 (a) The total rate of electromagnetic radiation or :pover is P = @(4n = 2 r ) = 4rrr2 oT h.· 6 l.L 22 ergs/sec (4n)(l02)(5.7',<10- 5)(10 ) · = 7.2xio 7.2 x 1a15watts (b) Since the total energy/sec crossing the area of a sphere of radius r' = llm must be the same as that crossing the sphere of radius r = 10 cm, we have or 71 = 5.7 (c) X 10llergs/sec c:m2 = 5.7 X 104 watts / c:m2 The power spectrum bas a maximum at tiwmax - kr he ---=3 -krA. max Thus (a) The power given off by the sun is P = 4 cr T 0 2 (4n R) Half the earth's surface intercepts radiation fram the sun at a:ny time. Renee the ~ower that the earth absorbs is The power that the earth emits is In equilibrium, the power incident upon the earth is equal to the power it radiates, or P.= P e 1 Thus T = T (b) From Eq. (1) (1) /R o "-J 2L T = (5500) 9.14 We consider the liquid in equilibrium with its vapor (at vapor pressure p). flux of moJ.ecules incident on the liquid is of particles escaping from the liquid. By (7.12.13), the p/ ./27r m kr' , and this must also be the flux j( Since J{ cannot depend on the conditions outside the liquid, this is the escaping flux at all pressures. J{ Thus = p .J27r m kr' The mass of a water molecule ism= 18/6.02•1023 = 2.99-10-23. P 4 = 23.8 mm Hg = 3-17•10 )( = Thus for water at 25 0 C where 2 dynes/cm we have 4 3.17•10 (27rX2.99 X 10-2 3x1.38>0..0-l~ 298)½ = 1 _14 X 1022 molec~es sec•cm At the vapor pressure p(T), the flux of molecules of the vapor incident on the 'Wire is by cp.). = p/ ,J2rr m kr'. When the metal is in equilibrium 'With its vapor, the emitted flux (7.ll.13), must equal the incident flux, cp e Then when the temperature is T, the number of particles = cp .• i emitted from the 'Wire per unit length in time t is N = p(T) 2rrr t -J2rr m kr 1 But N = 6M/m where liM is the mass lost per unit length and m is the mass per molecule. 6M = p(T) 2rrr t Thus ,./2:rr m kr • m or ~ p(T) = ~ where ve have usedµ= mNA and R = NAk. vX = o by symmetry. J J d By definition, = d 3y f(!) v} (1) 3 y f(:~:) At absolute zero, the particles fill all the lowest states so that the distribution f(y) is just a constant a.nd cancels in (1). = µ. By sylllllletry, and (1) becomes 9.17 (a) At T = O all states are filled up to the energy µ. Hence the mean number of pa..-ticles per state is just 1 and we have f E= µ e:p (e:) d€ 0 1 By (9.9.19) V p(€)d€ =~ 4?T 1 (2m) 2 2 3 € de; ii where the factor 2 is introduced since electrons have two spin states. 3 3 3 5 E = v2 (2m)2 2n' ii3 Jµ €2 0 73 d€ = v(2m.)2 µ2 5rr2 ii3 2 VX = 12 3V (b) Since 2 "tl.2 µ = 2 2m (3rr i) 3 by (9.15.10), it follow-s that E (c) Substituting the expression forµ in (1) 2 io (3rr2)3 ! = i we have 2 2 E= (1) Nµ (i) 3 (2) N As particles are added, each new particle can go only into an unfilled level of bigher energy than the one before. Hence the energy is not proportional to N as it vould be if particles were added to the same level. (a) Differentiating E in 9.17 (c) gives 2 2 / ~E) ~ p = - ( av T 5 (b) ~2 N m (;,) cu 5/ 3 (1) Again from 9.17 (c) we find "O (c) 3 For Cu metal, N/v the electron, we find = 8.4 p:::::: X = g! 3 22 10 2 2/3 "tJ..2 N 5/ 3 (-) m V - = (3rr) 5 V . 3 electrons/cm • 1r? atom. Substituting into (1) where m is the mass of This enormous pressure shows that to confine a degenerate electron gas, a strong containing volume such as the lattice of a solid is required even at o°K. 9.19 From the general relation TdS = a power of the temperature,C a: cl. Q Ta 6S = CdT, we have that if the heat capacity is proportional to J = C; a: J Ta-1 dT a: Ta Thus the entropy is proportional to the same power of the temperature as is the heat capacity. (a) The heat capacity and entropy of conduction electrons in a metal is proportional to T. Renee the ratio of the final and initial entropies is sf 400 2CQ -=-=2 Si (b) The energy of the radiation field inside an enclosure is proportional to T4 , and the heat capacity has a T3 dependence. Thus 9.20 (a) At T = O, the total number of states within a sphere of radius tt F must equal the total number of particles N. Thus 2 _V_ (2rr)3 (}± 7r 3 3) tt N = F or 2 ><2 µ = 2 ~ (3rr i) 3 (1) The number of particles per cm3, N/v.,is NAp/µ -where NA is Avogadro's number, p = .95 gm/cm3, andµ= 23. (b) From (1) ve find the Fermi temperature TF = µ/k = 36,0C0°K. To cool 100 cm 3 or 4.13 moles of Na from 1°K to .3°K, an amount of heat Q must be removed. -where~ is given by (9.16.23), Thus Hence Q .0022/.8 = .0027 2 R)(~ ~') = (4.14)(; cm 1i· 3 T dT = -.0022 joules 3 of He 3 are evaporated. Note that a large amount of substance is cooled by a very small amount of helium. 9.21 (a) the magnetic moment. 2 /kT -whereµm is m In the actual case, most electrons cannot change their spin orientation If electrons obeyed MB statistics, the susceptibility -would be x.._ MB = Nµ -when an external field is applied because the parallel states are already occupied. electrons near the top of the distribution can turn over and thus contribute to then, that the correct expression for Xis \re with x. Only We expect N replaced by the number of electrons in this region, Neff. -where TF is the Fermi temperature. 2 µm Thus (b) X = Neff kI' = (1) 4 or 105, (1) yields a X per mole on the order of 10-6. Since TF is on the order of 10 electrons obeyed MB statistics, X -would be changed by the factor 75 If \m -- = X This is on the order of lCO at room temperatures. KINETIC AND MAGNETIC EN:::RGY 9.22 µ When the field His turned on, the energy levels te of the parallel spins shift by -!lmH vhile the levels of the antiparallel spins shift by -tµmH· Density of States The electrons fill up these states to the Fenni energy µ as shovn in the figure. The magnetic moment is detennined by the number of electrons vhich spill over from antiparallel states to parallel states to minimize the energy. at the Fenni energyµ. This is (µmH)p(µ 0 ) where p(µ 0 ) is the density of states Consequently the magnetization is 0 !:!H V where n = N V 9.23 If we choose the zero of energy to be that of the electrons in the metal, the partition function of an electron in the gas outside the metal is by (9.10.7) s = 2v h3 (27r m k.Ti e-vjkT where the factor 2 occurs because electrons have two spin states. The chemical potential µ :!Ound from the Helmholtz free energy. F = -kl' 1n Z = ~ = -k.T [N 1n ~ - N ~ = -k.T 1n 1 = -kl' 1n 2V3 ~ N ~ 1n N + N] (2nm kT)~ e-vjkT The chemical potential inside the metal is justµ= V - ~, and in equilibrium the chemical 0 potentials inside and outside are equal, i.e.,µ=µ. 0 0 is Thus Hence the mean number of electrons per unit volume outside the metal is n = TI = V g_ h3 l (271" m 'kr)2 e _q,/kl' (1) Consider a situation in which the metal is in equilibrium with an electron gas. Then the emitted flux is related to the incident flux by (1) q,e = (1-r) q,i The electron gas outside the metal may be treated as a classical ideal gas from which it follows that the incident flux is 3 1 •i - 4 -2 1 2 nv - 4 ~3 where we haved used (1) of problem 9.23. (2mn l<T) _q, e ~ /l<T -l""' ]l - 8kT 2 The emitted flux is then given by (1). But since the emitted flux cannot depend on the conditions outside the metal, this is also the flux where equilibrium does not prevail. Thus the current density is = 4"rr m e~l-r) (kT)2 e-q,jkT h where e is the electronic charge. 9.25 There are (27r)- 3 d 3_!t states per unit volume in the range (1t:d1t) and with a particular direction of spin orientation. Since the mean number of electrons with one value of K is ~/3(€-µ) + ~ If we take the z direction to be the direction of emission, the number of electrons with wave vector in the range (~:d~) and of either spin direction which strike unit area of the su....-f'ace of the metal per unit time is (1) Then the total current density emitted is given by summing (1) over all values of allow the electrons to escape. K which will That is, the part of the kinetic energy resulting from motion in the z direction must be greater than V, or ~ 0 2 K Z 2 /2m 77 > V0 1 where we use the notation of problem 9.23. In addition, we assume that a fraction r of -electrons of all energies are reflected. Thus the electron current density is J = e~ = 2e(l-r) e ( 2rr )3 1= 1= 1= ",./2mv )11 dit ...., (m z/m) dit z dit X Y ...., where e is the electronic charge. 2 ~11 2 2 2 1 + exp [ -;:;::-(K +K +K ) =i X y Z The integral over J 2 = xe ;x -+a K z = _ ½1n is of the form 2 [l+e -x -+a] e-x -+a+l Hence Since V 0 I~ >µand, in general, (µ-V 0 )1 >> 1, we can use 1n (l+x)::,,, x to expand the logarithm and obtain J = 2e (1-r) (2rr)3 of these integrals is (a) Since the integrand in (9.17.9) is even, one can write = 2 where we have integrated by parts. Since the first term on the right vanishes I 2 (b) = 4r = X dx 'J o, e X+1 This expression can be evaluated by series expansion. ~ Since e-x <lone can write -x = ~ = e-xx ex+l [l - e -x+e -2x-e -3x •. •] l+e-x = ~ n=O Hence (1) becomes (1) (-l)n e-(n+l)x x dx I 2 (-itf ~ = 4 n=O co e -(n+J.)x x dx = ~ 4 o Jco e ( -J.): n=O {n+l) Ti.le integral is, by appendix A.4, eg_ua.J. to unity. ""'Y y ey o Thus (c) C' C ,,,·· , \ Fig. l One can use the contour Fig. 2 C of J C 2 z -....... (1) Fig. to write coI: dz= 27T:i. l sin J or C Here the integrand ~ 0 for z ~ co. '-J.'n ~ n=l n z 71" Fig. 3 z dz 2 sin = 2 coI: = 2i (-it (3) n2 n=l 71" -2i S (4) z 71" The sum in (2) is unchanged if n ~ -n. Hence one could eg_ually veil write the symmetric expression J dz = -2i S C' z sin 71" z along the contour C' of Fig. (J.). (5) 2 . Adding (3) and (4) one gets then dz J C+c' z 2 s = -4i (6) sin nz But here the contour can be completed along the infinite semi-circles as shown in Fig.(~ since the integrand vanishes as lzl~co. Except for z = O, there is no other singularity in the enclosed area so that the contour can be shrunk down around an infinitesimal circle C surrouno ding z = 0 as (3). shown in Fig. For z ~ l 2 z sin 71" z = 2 O, l l ~ 3 z [m - 0 l =3 1 [l + b z ••• ] 22 z •••J 71' 7fZ Hence f C 2 ~z z sin m l = l 2 2 3 [l - m l =7 7fZ = <-2n:i. Hl) 0 79 -r;rr 71" + 5z + z ••• ] -l Thus it follows by (5) that i-rr2 -T or S = = -4iS _ ~ ( -l)n _ 7r2 n~l n2 - 12 9.27 (a) We expand eikx in the integral J(k) (1) =!~ Interchanging the sum and integral yields (2) (b) Putting x=z in (1) to denote a complex variable, we evaluate the integral on the closed contour sho'Wll in the figure. Here C' is the path where z is increased by 27ri and C" is a small circle around the singularity at i-rr. Then the integral on the complete path is zero since there are no singularities in the region bounded by the contour. C' I C" C But the integral is Oat x =±cc and cancels along the imaginary axis. =J e ikz where both integrals are evaluated from left to right. dz (3) Along C' vhere z = x + 27ri, we have since ex+27ri = ex eikx dx 80 Hence Thus f'rom (3) we have The last integral is just J(k). (l-e -2rrk) J J ikz ikz e dz = e dz C (ez+l)(e-z+l) C" (ez+l)(e-z+l) c", To evaluate the integral around the small circle (4) we put z = 7Ti + t; and expand the integrand in tem.s oft; J e ikz ikl; -7Tkf (-t;)( e t;) dz = e I' d~ C" = e -7Tk C" (9+c2m) (-ik~ = 2-rrke -7Tk where we have used ex= .l+x+ ••• and the residue theorem. Expanding (6), (5) Then combining (4) and (5) we find 7rk = (c) [l+iks+- •• ) a" i' -1; 2 ~ = e-1Tkf (6) sinh 7r k we find 2 7rk (1rk)"' J ( k ) = sinh 7r k = 1 + ---r 1(-gk) 3 0 4 - ••• Then com!)aring coefficients with the series in (2) we can read off the Im's. (a) According to equation (6.9.4), We find r2 = 1r2/3. the probability of stater of the system is pr c:: e -pE -aN r r Then the mean. number of particles in the states is L. n s = r n s exp [-p(nl€1 + n2€2 + ••• )- a(n 1 +n2 + ••• )] L. r exp [- ~ (nl€1 + n2e2 + ••• )- a(n +n + ••• )) 1 2 where the sum is over all n , n , ••• withcut restriction. 1 2 Letting l we have = L. exp [-i,(n1 €1 + n 2€2+••• )- a(n1 +n2+ ••• )) r n= s 1 13 'a~ "'s 1nZ where the partial denotes taking the derivative where €s occurs explicitly. (1) in the usual way, we obtain 81 (1) Evaluating the sum (2) { 1-e -{~.l~ (- -<n"il•2i\ .. )} 1-e }) Thus 1n l = - L. 1n (1-e -a-Be · r) r and (b) Using the same argument vhich leads to ( 9 . 2 .10 ) v ith the function ---=-2 (lms) 'i3' c/s where again the differentiation is performed where es occurs explicitly. a:-lj3e "- ) 2 -(w.u s s ----e a+i3e (e = ve obtain c,n 1 = - £. ~ = -ns-,.., s -1)2 Thus 1 ( 1 + -_) n s iis (1+ns ) The correction term in (9.6.18) is absent sho, that if on1~ the mean number of particles is fixed, the dispersion is greater than if t he total number is known exactly. (c) For FD stati stics, the sums in (2) become l bl' = ~ + e -(a:+i3e1J = L. b. (l + e -a-;3e r) r ~hus and :J. (lm)2 = s 1 ens p oe s = --~ " 1-'1 - -1 ~ p oes l a-lj3e s e = a-lj3e (e s+1)2 = -n s (1-:n) s 82 1 = a:+5e . s + l e V = -ns 2 cln -l s We can remove the restrictions on the sum over states by inserting the Kronecker where the sum is over n r = 0,1, ••• for each r. Letting o: - = o:+io:' o :f'unction and interchanging the sum and integral yields (l) where This sum is easily evaluated as in section 9.6 and -a-f,€ lnt (!!) (1-e - =~ 1n r) (2) r To approximate (1) we eA-pand the logarithm of the integrand about o:' = 0 where it contributes appreciably to the integral. 1n e<PT l (g) = ~+ 1n l (g) = (a+ia')N + 1nZ(o:) + Bl(ia') + 1 2 o:' - - B 2 ½B2(ia 2 1 + where i(N+J\)o:' e Hence As in section 6.8, we optimize the a:pprox:i.mation by setting ! o 1n N + or o:N and (3) becomes Substitution into e-- (1) =e ~ yields z [ (g) = e o:ri ,z ( ~ a ) aN f 7f (o:) = 0 ,2 l:g "":2 20: l, (o:) e 1 ]3 1 2 e - - 2 0: 2 aa' 4T or 1n z "" aN + bl (a) = o:N - I -a-f3€.,.. 1n (1-e -) r where we have used (2). (4) The o: is determined by (1.:.) 83 (5) 2 ) + which gives CHAPI'ER 10 Systems of Interacting Particles 10.1 Since cr(w) dw 2 cc K dtt and for spin waves ro = AK 2 it follows that , Then by (10.1.20) Substituting the dimensionless variable x = ~1'.m we obtain The integral is just a constant not involving~. Hence 10.2 (a) By (10.1.18) 3V 2 3 where 1 2iT 2 for ro < ill for But since , ~ C ill >~ we find In tenns of the dimensionless variables x 1n z = ~:,m = YNn - _2li ~ y3 and y Jy = ~~, 1n (1-e -x) this gives x2 dx 0 This expression can be put in terms of the :function D(y) by integration by parts. 84 Thus = 'Y = ~ - 3N ~ i1wD 3N - 1n (1-e-y) (1-e 1n -eJT ) + ND(y) + ND ( e Irr) D' ~ (1) where keD = ~wD. (b) The mean energy is Thus E = = -N71 + ~:r D(y) = -N71 + 3N kT D(eJT) (c) (2) The entropy may be found from the relation S = k[ln Z + l3E]. Then from (1) and (2), we have s = Nk [-3 1n = Nk [-3 1n (1-e-y) + 4D(y)] -eJT (1-e ) + 4D(eJT)] For y >> 1, the upper l.illlit in the function D(71) may be replaced by D(y) = 1_ y3 !co o co. ~dx ex-1 h The integral is shown to be 7T '/15 in tables. D(y) Hence = 4 7T 3 y >> l 5Y For y << 1, we can expand ex::= l+x in the denominator D(y) =; 2 x a.x ~7) = 1 y << l From the results of' problem J.0.2, we find for y >> 1, or T << eD when we use y 1n z = ......_4T3 N @¾ + -"'"-3 .<>.:.J. 5e D = ~~ = eJT 'srr4 NkT4 E = -N~ + - 5- ~ D c!-/ 4,n-4 S = - 5 Nk eD For y « 1 (T >> eD) we find, using ey :::::: 1 + y 1n Z = ~ E= er111 - 3N 1n +N -IiTj + 3N 1d' s = Nk [-3 1n er/1' + 4] 10.4 The pressure is given in terms of the partition function by the relation -p = equation (1) of problem 10.2 1n Z Thus - _ N P- £!1 ov =~ - 3N 1n (1-e -eJT ) + ND 10oV ~ 1n Z where by (eJT) -eJT -eJT + 3N kT e 1-e where oD(GJT) dD(eJT) In terms of,= -(v/eD;(deJdT), this becomes p = N .s.!l + 3,NkT D(e frr) oV V D" ~ , 4 37T p = N 2V + -5- 2!1. 4 V e 3 ?' N kT D For T » eD, D( eJT) ~ l p _ N ,Q:! - oV Comparing the expression for the energy problem 10.4, ve obtain - E, on = + 3?' N kT V equation (2) in problem 10.2, vith equation (1) in {E+Nn) p -- N oV + ?' -------~V 86 Thus a= 10.6 (a) Fran electrostatics, (b) The induced dipole moment in terms of the polarizability a is (c) The energy of a dipole 12 in a field Eis u = -g ·~ 2 a: p E 2 a: R-6 By equation (10.3.8) and (10.3.16), the log of the partition function is l.n Z where n = Njv. l.n ~! + N l.n V + ½NnI (~) The first two terms are the ideal gas partition functions while the last is the contribution of the interaction. 1n ~~ ~ Since the interaction is represented by an additive term in z, it must also be represented by an additive term in the entropy, S = [1n k Z - ~ ~~ 1n z] Thus the entropy per mole is S(T,n) = S (T,n) + S'(T,n) 0 where S'(T,n) = k [½ n I(~) - t3 ~(½ n I(B_V] and To show that A(T) is negative, we must show that the derivative We have (~ but c/c~ Also is positive. ;:,. Jo:, = c~ o -~ue -~u -e -~u+l = 1 _ ( ~ > 0 ~u e since (1-+f3u) is just the first two terms in the expansion of e~u. and A(T) is negative. [I(~)/S] Thus the integral is positive 10.8 From the arguments of section 10.6 ve can write down the partition function for a two dimensional gas z vhere = 1n ('h2/3 arm/ z 4 N. zu U = N 1n A + 1~ 2 A I(/3) I(/3) = J'\e -/3u_1)27rR dR 0 Denoting the film pressure by Pr, ve have Pr = 1 cl cA ln Z i Pr N 1 if -I kT -- A- 2 A2 or l I. 2 = - - 10.9 One can write dovn the mean energy from (10.7.3) and (10.7.5) (a) E = -Ngµ 0 Here N is the total number of particles. H. sj 1 Z = -NS (1) lcDc B (x) S The consistency condition is (2) We solve this equation in the given temperature limits using Fig.(10 .7.1) T << T C Here the slope, kT/ 2n JS, of the straight line is small and the intersection with B (x) s is at large x vhere B (x) s == 1. Thus (2) becomes or and 2n JS X=-w E = -NS kT (2nJS)(l) = -2n NS2 J (3) T == TC In this region kT/2n JS is large and the intersection is at small x. We cannot, however, approx:il!late Bs(x) by the linear term ½(s+l)x {eq.10.7.12) since this vould not cross the 88 line (kT/2n JS)x. Hence ve must evaluate the second term in the expansion of B (x). s small x, coth x Substitution in Bs (x) = B6 ½8s+½)coth ~ 3 x x1 + 3 - 45 X X ½coth ½j (s+½)x - (x) ~ ½{<s<½) [cs4)x + }<s<½)x -fycs<½) Bs(x) Then (2) becomes = ½(s+l)x 2 or 1- E ~ ~~ 3 ½ (S+l)x - (s +s+½) (sit;) 2~JS x = 52 • << 1 yields 2 ""½ For + · } x3 2 - (s +s+½) (sit~) x3 ~<½ [½ - 2n JS~+lJ (4) In the energy (2) we substitute Bs (x) to first order and use (4) E = -NS kT x Bs{x) = - ts(s+l) kT x2 = _ 5NS(S+l)kT s2+s+½ L- 3kT [ ] T ""TC 2n JS(S+l~ (5) T >> Tc From (4) we see that x=O at kT =kTc =} nJS(S+l), i.e., the energy becomes Oat this point, and larger T gives imaginary x in this approx:i.:mation. (b) T >> TC E=O Hence From equations (3), (5), and (6) we have ~o C = ~ 2fr = T 2 15N k T ~- ! nJ(S2+s+½) 3 0 ( c) ~ kT << TC T ""T C T>T C 89 C (6) CHAPI'ER 11 Magnetism and Low Temperatures 11.1 The mean magnetic moment is 2'.(-oE_/oH) - lolnZ oH r =~ M = ----"""t,E=----- 2'.e r where Z =Le r -t,E r. r 11.2 The change in entropy per unit volume is given by f;;B =f H O dH (~) oH T o But from the fundamental thermodynamic relation dE = TdS - MdH, we have the Max1,ell relation oFr (~) (--2) dT H = oH T where Sand M are the entropy and magnetic moment per unit volume. 0 X = A/(T-e) we obtain oM Cy/) C H0 Thus f;;S = J 0 Since M = XH and 0 AH H -(T-e) 2 = AH (T-e) 2 dH = - H 2 A 0 2 (T-a)? 11.3 The change in the molar volume when the field is increased from H=O to H=H 6v = But from dE = TdS - p dV f H o o " (g) cH T 0 is dH ,P - MdH, we see that where v and Mare the molar volume and magnetic moment. we find AB a H =------2 0 [T-e (l-faP) ) 0 90 Since M = XH and x = A/[T-e 0 (l;ap) J £:;.v and H o ={ _A_e_0_a_Ha._H_ _ = _ __A_e"""0_a_ _..,,. 0 2 [T-00 (1~)] 2 [T-00 (1-+a p)J 2 o H2 u.4 (a) From the relation d.E' = TdS pdV - + HdM where cos) = ~ V,T In the normal state, M = VXH"" 0 since X"" O. E' = E - v'Ff-/&r we obtain c~M) aT V,H Thus (oS/oH)V,T ""o. In the superconducting state, 4-rrM B=H+-=0 V or Thus Mis independent of temperature and (cS/oR)V,T = 0 (b) C= Since the heat capacity is given by T(osjoT) we bave fram S-S n s (11.4.18) V dH =r.-::HLl'1f d.T (1) where His the critical field. ( c) When T = TC , the critical field is C o. Thus VT dH 2 = ~ (-) Ll'1f d.T -c s n 11.5 From (1) in problem 11.4 and H=H 2 C [1-(T/T ) ) we obtain C C -C s n =- VH 2 3VH 2 _c_ T + c 27rT 2 27rT Ii. C T3 C But since C ==aT + bT3 , we have n (1) To satisfy the .condition Cs /T ~ 0 as T ~ 0 we must set the coefficient of T in (1) equal to 0 1 i.e., a= VHc 2 /2rr Tc 2. 91 Thus ll.6 (a) The entropy is related to the heat capacity, dS = Cd.T/T. Then since at T=Tc and T::0 the entropy of the normal and superconducting states is the same, we have s(Tc)-s(o) = f f + Tc C d.T Tc C dT T 0 = 0 (1) Fram which it follows that (b) Since dE = Cd.T, the energy at T=TC and T::0 for the normal and superconducting states is f f Tc 7T 2 En(Tc) - En(0) = Es(Tc) - Es(0) = But En (T) = E (T) and by C S C (1) 7T dT 0 T ctr + + ,_,n u..i.. 3 C = 4 dT = 0 a= 3,/1' C2• 7T 2 Es (0) - En (0) = - ~ '+ Thus ll-7 From the relation dS = CdT/1' we have for the entropy in the normal and superconducting states T f =JTc Sn (Tc) - Sn (0) = c ,dT = )'Tc 0 S6 (Tc) - S (0) s O ctr 3 efdT = _ c 3 Since the entropy is the same for both states at T=0 and T='rc' it follows that a=3r/l'c2 • Hence at T=T C 92 CHAPl'ER 12 Elementary Theory of Transport Processes 12.1 6 (b) 6 (c) (a) ,E, (b) ,E, ( C) {, (a) The equation of motion for an ion in a field (a) 6 12.2 mx Hence 1= = t2 is e! = e e X=m and By ( 12. l. 10) , C: t2e -t/r d.; t 2 2 = 2T2 0 e! and (b) X =-T 2 m The time to travel a distance xis t = ~ ; =£ T Thus the fraction of cases in which the ion travels a distance less than xis s= f ,/2' T 0 e -t/T dt - T = 1-e -V2 12.4 The differential cross section is given by cr(n) = -2rrs ds d!2 where d!2 is the ele::nent of solid angle ands is the "inpact parameter" as shown. From the sketch, Since q> = 90-e/2 s = (a + a ) sin q> 2 1 and dn = 2rr sine' de', it follows that -(a +a ) sin 81/2 ds an 1 = 2 47!" sin 93 e' = .757 a(e) Hence = -2rrs (a1 +a2 ) ds an= 2 sin e 1 /2 cos e 1 /2 2 sine' 12.5 By arguem.nts similar to those of section 12,1, one has that the probability that a molecule travels a distance x without collision is where t i s the mean free path. p = e -x/~ Letting P = .9 and t = (ff ncr)-l yields .9 = x ./2 no = x ./2' pajkI' -4 300°K gives p = 1.14 X lJ llllll Hg. -ln Letting x =20 cm and T = 12.6 The coefficient of viscosity is (1) where we have used t = ( ~ n cr 0 ) -l. To determine the cross section, we not e that the volume per molecule is A/NAp where A= 39.9 gms, the atomic weight, and p = 1.65 gm cm- 3, the density in the solid state. T::us the radius of' the molecule is r 3 = A 1/ 3 (47r N P) A and From 00 = (1) 4rrr2 = ,,0- 4 gm cm-l sec-1 • we find 11 -- 1.1 x ..,_ 5.6 x 10-15 cm2 Th · en ·h .., e rat·io of the ca1 cult a e d va 1 ue ~ 11 t o 0.1. the observed value, 11 = 2.27 X 10 - 4 gm cm -1 sec -1. ,is 12.7 l The coefficient of viscosity is proportional to T2 since 11 = 'IIN/ 3 ..f2 a 0 Thus if' the temperature increas s, the terminal velocity decreases. The velocity is independent of pressure. 12.8 The force on the inner cylinder is the pressure p times the area A= 2rr RL, .9- = pA = 2rrRL ''"'U 11 ~ 1 and v = (8kr/71Ill) 2 • We make the approxillla.tian that the air at the outer cylinder is moving with it, i.e., at velocity ro(R+o) ~ cuR, and the air at the inner cylinder is stationary. Thus and the torque is ..7R G = The viscosity is given by Tl = mv/3 ,.[2 a • (b) Since air is ma.inzy composed of nitrogen, we 0 let m = 28/6.02 X 1023 , the mass of a nitrogen molecule. Putting a0 ~ 10 -15 2 0 cm and T = 300 K, we find T) = 2 and x 10-4 gm cm-l sec-l G = 8 dyne cm 12.9 (a) We let wherex,y, and z are to be determined. Letting L = length, T = time, and M = mass, the dimensional equation becomes But since C = FRs, it has dimensions MT- 2Ls+l Thus which gives On x+(s+l)z = 21 x+2z = 01 y + z = 0, solving this system of equations, we find x = 4/1-s; hence the cross section a 0 is proportional to v4/(1-s). (b) The viscosity is given by T) = riv/3../2 a and here a 0 0 ~ v4/l-s. Since velocity depends on the square root of the temperature, we have 1 -2) T) ~ T 1 T4;tr.-s) = 'I!°C..+7hV2(s-1) 12.10 (a) Consider a disk of radius rand width at the point x. ' t::;x. There is a pressure difference 2 .C:.p across the disk giving force -rrr t:.p and a . ou(x,r) viscous retarding force 27rT t:.xT) or • \. __,., \ I Hence ~x-1~1- the condition that the disk moves without acceleration is 95 But since t::.p ~ - cpfx) ox t::.:x., where the minus sign is introduced because p(x) is a decreasing function of x, we have 2 op(x) _ 2JT ox - 71T 6U(r,x) or r7J Assuming that the fluid in contact with the walls is at rest, it follows ihat f u(r) ~J ox ::,_~/...,.\ 1 du' 0 For a liquid, ~~ r, r r'dr' a The mass flowing per second across a ring of radius r' and width dr 1 is pu(r')2rrr'dr 1 where pis the density. Then the total mass flow is a f M= pu(r')2rrr'dr' 0 = li2 £..... TJL (p -p) 1 2 Ja 2 2 (a -r' )r'dr' 0 4 = ~ ~ ~ (pl-p2) (b) For an ideal gas, the density is p(x) = (µ/RT)p(x) whereµ is the molecular weight. Thus the mass flow is . Since Mis independent of x, we obtain L •f ax M = - • M = p2 µa TJ 0 w},..ich yields -s m 1 4 1f 7r 16 p ~ a TJRT 4 L ( p dp 1 2 2) P1 - P2 12.ll Let T(z,t) be the temperature at time t and position z. thickness dz and area A. By We consider a slab of substance of conservation of energy, (the heat absorbed per unit time by the slab is equal to (the heat entering the slab per unit time through the surface at z) minus (the heat leaving per unit time through the surface at z+dz). me oT/ot = pA Since the heat absorbed per unit time is dzc oTjclt, where c is the specific heat per unit mass and p is the density, we have pA dz c~ [Qz -Qz+dJ = A ~ • A [-• - ~• ~ - • ~(~)0] and u.12 The wire gives off heat fR per unit time and length. In order that the temperature be indepen- dent of time, a cylindrical shell between rand r -kir must conduct all the incident fR heat. Thus T -1 o dT = r2R 2rrK T or 6.T = T--'l' o f b dr a r 2 = I R 1n 27rit ~ a 12.13 (a) The heat in.flux per cm height of the dewar across the space between the walls is Q = -2rrr where r is the radiu.s, r We let ~ al' (1) K- dr 10 cm. oT °ar _ 298 - 273 _ 4 oK/ - 10. 6 - 10 - 2 cm t:1r ~ t:.r by (12.4.9) The specific heat per molecule is c = (3/2)k while cr 7~ is v- = (8kT/ 7l!ll)-I • 0 = 47rR 2 = h7r(lO -8 ) 2 en. 2 Choosing an intermediate te~perature T = 286 0 K, we find v The mean velocity = l.2 x lO 5cm/ sec. Substitution of these values into (l) yields Q (b)_ = l.2 watts/ cm. The thermal conductivity remains approximately constant until the pressure is such that the mean free path approaches the dimensions of the container, L = .6 cm. At lower pressures, the conductivity is roug~ proportional to the number of molecules per unit volume n. the heat influx is reduced by a factor of l.O when n = 1 l0./2 L cr0 ham p = nl!:T, we find p ~ 3 x 10-3 mm Hg. 97 ~ 14 10 molecules/cm3 Thus (d) (e) cr cr ~ .frr 1'I} Jµ NJ'kT gives cr 3 . = 7T<l2gives ~ = l. 8 l l x io-l5 cm2 , l = 10 X 2 cm • • -8 cm, d 2 = 3.0 x lO -8 cm. l2.l5 The gases are uniformly mixed when the mean square of the displacement is on the order of the square of the dimensions of the container. 2z = We have, after N collisions, r. i since the second term is zero by statistical independence. Then 2 = Z where N = t/-:. 22 2 22 v -r N= v rt 3 3 Since -r = ,f,fo = 1/,/2 n cr v, one has on neglecting the distinction between 2 and v, z2 2 Substitution cf z h 2 = -~-J v kT)t = ~ 5 3412\crp = 10 · en, cr"" lC -l~ kT CTp J~ 7r kT v2 t m 2 "cm, and the given temperature and pressure yields sec. 12.16 A molecule undergoes a momentum change of 2µv z in a collision ,.;i th the cube where µ the reduced mass. = rnM/m+.'-1, Then the force is given by the momentum change per collision t:imes the number of molecules which strike the cube per unit time, summed over all velocities. ,z ~ ......:Ttot = 2µn (27r) 1/2 2100 2 L vz 0 We may approximate the exponent since v >> V. Thus e r3m - -(v -V )2 2 z dv z - ~ (v e 2 z -v)2 z m8 and (1-1-f)mv v) 1/2 -.5tot=2µn(2rr) 2f°"vz2 e - f3m2 2 V L z (1+/3mV"zV)dvz 0 The first integral is just the force on a stationary irall as in section 7.14. force is then The resistive f3mv 2 -- z 2 e 2 =µnvVL by Appendix A.4 and 7.u.13. Since we expect M >> m, M ~ = dt V = V O exp -mn µ. ""'m, and the equation of motion becomes v VL2 t~ v l~ n The velocity is reduced to half its original. value in time C = M 1n 2 - 2 mn v L CHAPl'ER 13 Transport Theory using the Relaxation-Time Approximation 13.1 By (13.4.7) 't" V 2 z The value of the integral :is unchanged if v 2 or v 2 is substituted for v 2 • X y Z v 2 =v 2 X +v 2 y + v Z 2 , we obtain 2 ael = - -e3 J a3 v - Hence since ~e -rv2 The quantities-rand ogfc,e are functions o~ of v. yields 99 Thus the substitution d 3v = v 2 dv sine de d~ The f'u.nction g becomes the Maxwell velocity distribution c~t'£!) In terms of ; = (2kl'/m)1/2 ,. __ -3/2 ne-(v;v) 0€ - (1) e l kr) (- this is ~ Substitution into 2 3/2 - mv 2kI' 2 ....5 2rr V of problem 13 .1 with s = v ;v yields 2 cr = ~ {-r) m where {-r)cr = 8 yJ; f cr 2 co ds e -s "' s 4 -r(vs) 0 ]3.3 Since € (u}+ u/ +Uz2 ), = ½mrf = ½n we have o€ og _$ ~ - 0€ Thus = T) -mf 3u $._ u 2 u -r = -m2 - oUX__ .z X d f _$mu dUX - 0€ X 3u $ u 2 u 2 -r 0€ Z X d rn· spherical coordinates, the components of velocity became u u sine cos = X r 2 Therefore T) = -m JC') 2 = -m 7T 2rr cos 2 cp dcp f uZ = e u cos = rrdu sin e de dcp d3E and cp sin3 e cos 2 eae 1T 0 f"" dU ~o O€ 0 u6 J1r [cos e sine - cos 4e sin e]de [(X) dU fc 2 T u6 -r O 2 = -m But since 41r 15 f"" f 7rdcp f 2rrsin e de 0 dU $ 0€ 0 u6 -r Im-, it follows = 0 (l) that 2 TJ = - ~5 J1rdcpf ~in 0 0 100 edef 0 dU $ O€ u6-. = the expression -J i = -2rr -(u;v)2 ne 2 2 into equation (1) of 13.3 yields from problem 13.2 where;= (2kI'/m)1/ nkT (,) T] = -where (' ) T] 15..f; ! co ds e -s T] 2 s = u;v 0 13.5 Ptttting ' ~ -)-1 ( "le. n cr v 0 into TJ = nkI' , and using v= 1 2 (8kT/7!lll) / gives This is larger by a factor of 1.18 than the mean free path calculation (12.3~18) and smaller than th-2 result of the rigorous calculation (14.8.33) by a factor of l.20. 13.6 We assume the local equilibrium distribution /3 3/2 1 2 g = n(~) exp [- 2 pmv] (1) where the tenperature parameter /3 and the local density n are functions of z. Then in the notation of section 13.3, df(o) df(o) ~ = - dt = 0 on ~ -~ ~ - /3 on 0 ~ 0 dz(t) og ~ dz(to) o 0n = - dn 6Z dt - ~ z dt 0 cg 0 where the last follows since dz ( t 0 ) /dt O = v z. (13.3.5) becomes M df(o) =-w- This expression is independent of t'. J"" -t'/-r e dt' 0 (2) or Using (l) this expression becomes 181 Thus f ll Ln: = g-g v z... ~ 2 on 3 ot3 mv oz + 2p oz - 2 (3) c1~ It remains to determine on/clz for which we use the condition vz or J d 3 2- g vz - J 3 d ::. v z 2 -rg = J l:n 3 - d v f v 11 on + 1.. 06 Ln az 2p az mv 2 z = 0 c)~ ~ 2 = 0 The first integral is zero since the integrand is an odd Iunction of v. J d3y where we have assumed T z V/ [¾ ~ +(¾ ½- m; g independent of v. integrand is replaced by vx 2 or vy 2 2 )~] = Q By symmetr'J this equation also holds if v Then since v 2 = vX 2 2 z in the 2 + vy 2 + vz , we have or on substituting (l) arid d3y = v 2 dv sine da d9, and canceling co.Cl!Ilon factors. The integrals are tabulated in appendix A.4 l or n Substitution of the equation of state n 05 oz = ~ = p,!'kI' = pp C:o -:=- or The pressure is independent of z. l on dZ c:.z (4) yields = 0 Then ( 3) c...'1d (r) give c1s f = g-gv z -r oz [~P -m;~ g + gv z -r T dT dz l,2. _ l:_ mv-27 l? 2 :riJ 13.7 Since there are no external forces and f is independent of time, the Boltzmann equation becomes of of f-f(o) V • ~ = VZ a'z = -r J.D2 where f(o) = g is the local Maxwell distribution of the previous problem. where f(l)<< g we have V ~ z clz f = g-v ,. Thus z = ~ on V + dZ z on V ~~ = - f(l) dZ z Op Letting f = g+f(l) .. rlEn$ ~oz + ~clg ~oiJ7 This is identical to equation (2) of 13.6. The ·rest of this calculation proceeds as in that problem. 13.8 The heat flux in the z-direction is given by =! 2 mf d 3v f v v z j ~.2._!~ gv-r -clT f=g+-zT oz where 2 2 2 kT The integral over g is O since the integrand is an odd function of v. Qz = m,- 1 clT 4 T dZ 1 ~ 3;~ f 1.:1 (27r) J 1 3 2 d Y v vz 2 We can exploit the synmietry of the integral by replacing v 2 by v 2/3. z - 2 Consequentzy z ~ r..~-t3mVJ21 - e 2 Then the onzy angular 2 de-oendence occurs in d3v = v dv sine de dcp whic.h yields 47TV dv when the integration over angles - is performed. Thus we obtain 'Tr !llT Qz = 3T 6 J I.L5 Jco o dvv e clT [ ~ 3/ ~ ~ L(2rr) 1 2 ~ -;3m 1 J Jcoo dvv8e - ~ The are tabulated in appendix A.4 • ~ "',z . = IT m,3 T oT oz 3 C (m3) / ~ ~-~ E J t lo 2rr _2_.nk2r,,1 2 ~ 2 ( pm) 7r 7 2 / -~m 105 ..., 32 1r -:,, oT oz ,- 13.9 Th~ mean free path argument has K since t = v,- and v 1 2 = (8kT/7TII1) / • = -3l ncv t 2 4 nk T = - - - -r 7r m Thus the constant relaxation time approximation yields a 103 result greater than the mean free path argument by ~ 2 7T = 1.96. 13.10 From problems 13.4 and 13.8 we find ~ = (5/2)(nksr/m)T T) where c = (3/ 2)k, n kl' = 2~ = 2 m T the specific heat per molecule. 5C 3 iii The simple mean free path argument gives C m T) 1.3 Experiment shows that the ratio (K/ TJ)(c/ m)-l lies between and 2.5 (see discussion after (12.4.13)) so that the constant relaxation t:L..-ne appro::d..mation yields better agreemer.:t with experiment than does the mean free path argument. 13.11 In the absence of a temperatur.e gradient, the eqv.ilibrium distribution of a Fermi-Dirac gas is (1) In the given situation, f is independent of time but ,rill depend on z because of the temperature gradient oTfe z along the z direction. ·r his temperature gradient alone would cause the electrons to drift, but since no current can flow, there is a redistribution so as to set up a field !(z) to counter the effect of the temperature gradient and reduce t he mean drift velocity v z to zero. Thus the Boltzmann equation becomes V of + e C ( z) z dz m cf ovz f-f = 0 T We ,rill assume that the temperature gre.dient is sufficie..'ltzy small so that f ca.n be written f = g+f(l), /l) << g whe!'e /l) !'epresents a s:::iall departure from local equi.lioriu."D. • .,.(1) J. Thus (2 ) T It is convenient to write this in terms of the dinensionless parameter X = ~(€-µ ) = ~( 1 2 ~ Thus ~= ov z clg dX (€-µ) ox 2 -µ ) i ~= ~ 5mv og ~= . z dX 104 z (2) IllV i Then from ( 2) we find It remains to find vz C from the condition that = !}'d3v f·v n - The integral over g is O since the integrand is odd. z = 0 where f is given by (4). Letting T = TF = const. for electrons near the Fe!"!li level, we have or (5) The second integral can be expressed in terms of n, the total number of electrons per unit ~ 1 cg Since ox= ~v cv volume. z z 00 J 00 oo C = -l }' dv v £5.._ d l 1 ·...,, dvz v Z2 ~ dX pm -co Z Z dV z = -/3m [v Zg] -co - -/3m 3 2 -.;;-::-:=-clg 1 dvv z ox pm J 3 v g = -nd pm Proceeding to the evaluation of the first integral in only of v 2 so that we can replace v 00 -co g dv Z Since g=O at ±co, it follows that where we have integrated by parts. J J' 2 z by v 2 (5), (6) we note that x and ogfc,x are functions The substitution d3v = v dv sine de d~ yields /3. 2 4n v dv when the integration over angles is performed. J Thus 2 3 d !_ v 2 x ~ = ~7T l"° 2 dv v x fx 2 Using x = 13(½ mv -µ) this becomes ~ 3 ~ c1-//2foo dx x(x+/3µ)3/2 pm -co dX (7) From the properties of the Fermi distribution, we know that og/ox ~ 0 except where€~µ or x ~ O. Ti e integrand contributes appreciabzy to the integral only L'l this region so we can expand the factor x(x+/3µ) 3/ may be replaced by -co 2 about x = 0 to approximate the integral. with.negligible error. 2 x(x+pµ)3/2 and, ~ (t3µ)3 / 2 (x+ l2 ~) /3µ e X from (1) 105 Also, the lower limit -13µ Hence (7) becomes 2 5' / 2 0-,,=.!!.(-) 3 ~:m !co dxx(x+pµ) l / 2 r2 2 = 'IT / 3. = -23/2 - - µ 3/2ml/2 5Tf2 X These integrals are the and rx -a, r 1 and r 2 defined Combining the results of [!co t3fi3 xe X d x +3(eX+l)2 2/3µ -co by e~uation (9.16.9). (5), (6), (8), and la, x2 eX dxj -c::o(eX+l)2 It is shown there that r1 (8) = O we obtain and (4) becomes f = g-v z T ~ (9) F dX Having found the distribution f, ve can nov calculate the heat flux Q. z Qz =n <vz(½ 2 where 2 (vzv ) mv2 )) =½nm 1 (v v ) = -n z J d 3v v v z 2 f The integral over g is zero since the integrand is odd, Hence Q = - m-rF 2 Z ~ d 3v v '2..2 x~ t3 dZ ~ dX 1 9.§. Z 3 1 ( 2µm ) l / 3 n fi3t3 2 f 7 d 3v v 2 ,l~ - Z d~ (10) The calculation of these integrals is similar to the steps leading to (8), 2 . replaced by v /3 and the integration over angles performed to yield 41r, (10) becomes 4nJ= - 3 dv V 6X 0 7 2 d = -2rr (-) 2 / ~ OX 3/3m The second integral in (10) is J d3V V 2V2 ~ ,.. Z dX = 47Tf a, dv V6 og 3 dX 0 1c6 1= ..0:, X (x+pµ) 5/2 Again v 2 can be z The first integral in ~ X dx Here we have neglected the squared term in the expansion since it is much less than 1. integral is I 0 + (5/2 ~µ) r1 The = 1. (12) we find -rr2 nk2.r Thus K =---T 3 F m 13.12 Combining the results of the previous problem and (13.4.12), we find 2 K/cr el k 2 = 1L_ (-) T 3 e At 273 oK this becomes KIcrel = 7.42 X 10 -u erg cm -1 deg -1 or in more standard units KI crel = 6 •68 x 10 -6 watt obm deg 6 10 watt ohm deg -1 X • 0 Experimental values at 273 Kare Ag Au Ql. Pb Pt 6.31 6.42 6.09 6.74 6.85 element K/crel -1 w Sn 6.88 8.30 Zn 6.31 CHAPrER 14 Near-Exact Formulation of Transport Theory l4.l The mean rate of momentum loss per unit volume due to collisions is, by (14.4.22) (6E) = JJJ d3! d3! 1 an' ff1 vcr (v,e')(6E) (1) ! !1 n where we assume central forces. We first perform the integration over angles by changing to center of mass coordinates. Thus (6p) = m (v'-v) - - - 107 becomes, since v =c +m ~ V and v' = c + - ~ V' m_ (A;e_) = µ(V' -V) mml whereµ= - - , m being the mass of the ions and~, the mass of the heavy molecules. Since m-tml the mean values vx and vy are zero, it is clear that (Apx) = (Apy) = O. Hence we are left with (Ap ) = µ(V ' - V ) and z z z (2) dn' cr(V,e')(Ap ) z V' is given in terms of V and the scattering angles. z Using the coordinate system illustrated z in Fig. 14.8.1, we see that Vz' = V'cos(y' ,!) = since V' = V. V cos (y' ,!) Inspection of Fig. 14.8.1 yields V cos (Y',~) = v[cos(y,z) cos e'+sin e'cos ~' sin(y,z)] = V cos e'+ V sin 0 1 cos cp' sin (y,E._) z µ(V z '-V z ) = µV z (cos e'-l)+µV sin e'cos cp' sin (Y,!) and Substituting into (2) we obtain, since J~os cp'dcp' = O, 0 For hard spheres, a is constant and 27rµVzcr J'\cos e'-l)sin e'de' = -4n µVzcr = -µVzcrt 0 where a. is the total cross section. Equation (1) then s:L~plifies t o t., -(Ap z) =µat ff Vzv ffl d3! d3~1 (3) ! !1 where Here u is the mean z component of velocity of the ions. we let a= II$ 2 To avoid carrying repititious constants (4) and l'J8 f can be simplified by making the approximation that v z >> u, then (5) We again express! and !i in relative coordinates m 1 V = C + --V m+ml - v =c-~V -1 m+m - 1 Thus On completing the s~uare this yields (oml -o;lm) (a-+al) [ .£ + (a+a ) (m+m ) 1 (a-+al) i2 1 001 + - - v2 a+al where K = + - C (~ - a1m) (6) V (a+al) (m+ml) Also = K a1 + z a+a Vz 1 (7) We wish to put the integral (5) in terms of y and the variable~ defined by shown (14. 2 .6) that d3y1 d 3y = d3£ d3v. (6). It has been In terms of K we have d3£ d\ = Jd 3~ d3y It is easy to check from (6) that J=l. 3/ 2 - (0.pz) "µat nnl c~:) ff Thus (~ becoraes _1_ v2 e-(~) i2 e al->a ~+2a u Kz+2u ;:;l vJ The first two terms in the brackets give integrations over odd functions and hence do not contribute to the integral. - (6pz ) - ~ n3 at Changing to spherical coordinates gives (001)5/2 nn1 (a+ai) ~ L7T Jex, e -(a-+<-v...)x2~ J, O [J°' e 0 .:he integrals are found in appendix A. 4 and we obtain 109 ool v2 5 a-+a1 v dv f n 2 27T cos e sin 0 mml whereµ -- m-+ml. The momentum balance equation is then ne e + (6.p ) = 0 z which gives Since j = neu = oel C: , we have 14.2 (a) We will assume the distribution function (1) f = f(o)(l+qi) where (2) vz It is shmm in problem 13.6 that the condition = 0 yields the relation (3) and that the pressure is independent of z. (b) The Boltznann eq_uatior: (ll".7.12) becomes ~Co) DI of CO ) =~ + cf(o) ~ .p ~=""-0 :Because the situation is indepencier:t and there are no external fo:::-ces, we are left with (~f3 ~;) f(o) v or on using (2),(3), 2 (1 - ~;v-j ff = d3yl. dn 1 f(o)fl. (o)Vo 6~ (4) and (J.4.7.10). It remains to determine the :f'unction ~- The left side of (4) leads us to expect that a good approx:i..n:.a.tion will result if we choose 110 where A and a are constants. ¢ must satisfy the restrictions (14 .7.14) to be a good approximation. J These become 2 d 3:::: f( O) Vz (l-av ) = 0 r J d 3v lf (o) V - V z (1-av2 ) = 0 S::..rnilarly only the v The first and third integrals are zero because the integrands are odd . component of v in the second relation will give a non -zero integral. deten:iine a. z He use this condition to That is, 2 3/2 / - ~~v 0 (:) on USi..."lg V z v e dv = V COS ki' -=-=a m mB 5 a= and 0 = A V z 2 (1- m,5 v ) (5) 5 We will use the procedure of section 14.8 to evaluate the constant A. Multiplying (4) o;:; i and (6 ) 'I'he integral on the left is ev~luated. r vv = -n d 3V .;.""" ( ::) - 26m 1 - (·-)5n(Qm) 5 f3m ,., 1·le have [ 2 - -2Bn _ 2 V 2 + (Br.:) ~- V -::z :;) z ; 2 pm + (-;:-) ) 2 2 V J 17T 2rrd~ cos 2 9 sin 9d9 0 0 r co mB n (2rr) 3/2 8 v e dv '-' 0 The int2gral o:f the second term in (7) was evaluated previously. to be 7n/ 5pm. (7) z The third term is easily shown ~hus the integral becomes n pm (1-2 + -7) - -2 -n 5 - 5 f3m We split the right side of (6) into an integration over the angle lll (8) n' and over~ and ~1 • We define J = fu,an' V cr 6[vz (1- rJ v 2 Then using (8), equation (6) becomes (9) f"" 2To evaluate J, we express 61v (1-av )1 1...Z j 1 a= pm/5). in center of mass coordinates (we have reintroduced By (14.7.11), Using v = c + ½y_ \v1 2 = 5:.. - ½y_, we have '2 L ? v (1-o;v ) + v 12 (1-av )=(cz + 2'z)(l-ac--o:5:..•y 1 2 2c - z o:2 4 )+(c 2 - V b 2 ,)(1-ac 2 2 V -+a.:::"Y.. - a 4 ) c c2 - ~ c z 2 z v2 - o;V z-C•V- 2o; Then c = c' and ly_l = l-y_ 1 I gives -a (Vz ' 2 6jv (1-av ~ = L. z .:J (lC) c•V' - V c•V) z- - CaIT'Jing out the product in ( 10) •,;e find J = -af 2rr 0 f · J 0 7r dco' sin e'dB'aV 2 1c [x where the coordinate system is shown in Fig. 14.8.1. first integral is (14.8.7). We notice that, except for constants, the Consequently, by (14.8.20), these terms yield 22 o; T) J The second integral involves a change of the index x toy but is otherwise the same as the first. where cr 2 (V 'V '-V V )+c (V 'V '-V V )+c (V ' -v ~ z x z x y z y z y z z z cr + c V) (ll) J-rr sin e'de'a Ve z (v z ' 2 -vz2 ) (1 ?) TJ VV (c V z xx yy is given by (14.8.21). It remains to find -a f 2-rr 0 dcp' 0 fy (14.8.18) A A)2 -v 2 Vz ,2_v z 2 = Vz 2cos 2 e'+2V V sin e'cos e'cos~' (A .S.'~A) + V2 sin2 e'cos 2~'(t·~ 2 2 112 f and 2 2 2 2rrdcp'(V 12 -v ) = 2rr V (cos 0 1-1) + z 0 To eliminate s, z -rrv2 z sin2 0 1 (;·~) 2 (13) - - we write or and (13) becomes The last term in J is then (14) and (ll) and (14) give J = ? 3 (c V V . + c V V + C V 2 aav xxz yyz z z TJ -- J2 a a V TJ (V (c•V) z - - - C - C t) (15) z 3 t) z 3 We now evaluate The evaluation of thi s integral is straightforward though tedious. =n 2(mS) -27r 2 v z(l-av ) = C z -ac z C 2 a C vV) - ac z (c• -- - 4 z ? 3 + l V 2 (16) z This expressicr.. is multiplied by J in the i~tegrc.nd . - a 2 V z JJ' - - TJ v- 2 + a~ 2 C 2_2 a V + l2 z 3 3 z 2 Since f(o)f (o) has the si.!llple fozr.: 1 (16) 2 - Ct2 V z c •V C 2 - Ea V2..v z C.!l e-~.. e:; flL~Cti8:: i:: This yields explicitly ~tz 2y Z 2-ac2c Z2..v Z2_ ~ 2v2y 2_.g i+ Z Z c. -c :i..'1 this theory . C z .,,(o)_~ (o) is clee.:r-ly -'-1 c e.nd V; hence we need keep only even terms in v (l-crv 2 )J. I=(f'a.3c d3v f(o)fl(o)(J2 a a V) In the center of mass system 2y 2y (c X 4 7a zv + O C 2+c X Z 2 2 ?~ z v z --Y- y 2y 2y y 2y 2+c Z Z z4) (17) all these integr~ls are the standard ones encou..>1.tered We quote the result of integrating over c. ll3 In (18) the terms appear in the order that they appear in (17) I = [ i a] [ n 2 ~~ 2 (~/] [ l (-) 5/2] X ~ (18) J d3v ~v2 ~O - - e TJ 2 [vv 2 _ 2~ 5a vv 2 _ a v3v 2 _ £ v 2v3- y_ + 5a v3 + £.... v5 + a v3v 2] 4 2 3 6~ 12 b z z z z z The integral becomes on subs~ituting a= ~/5, J = ! 00 5 V crTJe ~t ~ TJ dV 2rr 0 f 2 ~ [ _z - 3 V 2v3 - v b bO z 2 ~ 7!" (cos2e __2 2 2- - bO vcos e + - b1 m8 60 v5] II$v2) + bC5""" sin e de O ~ = vv ~r d3v e - (- ~v2 !CD ~ 3) II$ v7crri e ay 8 0 We let s = = ½-/mi -n- = - cr and ~ (-8 m/l)(.J~y 102471" where V TJ ½f 2 "a ~) ds .-s 5 7 - _l_ (II$)3 is given by (14.8.26). Substitution into (18) yields I __ 32 - n 25 32 n cr _ t ~? j_ cr 25 7!"1/2(II$)3/2 and by (9) A = _ 2 (!!!:IT) 1/2 o~ ~ TJ TJ dZ ~ 25 (!!!:IT) l / \ (lv2) o~ ~ z ) oz ncrTJ To find the coefficient of thermal conductivity, we eV2luate the heat flux Q z = n (v z (12 mv2 )) = ½n J = k2 Af d3v f(o) v 2v2 (1 - II$5 v2) = ½m A d3y :f(o) (1+1>)vzv2= ½-n, - z G~)2-~((~~~ ll4 J d3y f(o)~ vzv2 Q Thus =_ nksr2 A = z m 25 (..1L) 32 cr l/2 ~ dZ !!$5 TJ = _ 25 ~ ~7r kl' dT 32 -cr ln dZ TJ Therefore the coefficient of thermal conductivity is (c) :By (14.8.32) Renee l4.3 (a) (b) :By (12.4.2), the simple mean free path argument gives C K - = - = TJ m l.50 -Rµ Hence _the Boltzmann equation gives a value for K/TJ greater than the mean free path calculation by a factor of 2.5 (c) ~ X lQ-7erggm1aii"] TJ Ne A Xe l.55 .780 .237 J.. 55 .785 .250 Calculated Experimental 14.4 3 2 Let t i ng f = n (:) / exp [ - ½Bmv2 ] , we have Performing the integration over angles yields = 47!Il ci) 3/2 l = 2 V dv e and by appendix A. 4 this is ll5 - ~ 2 [ ln n (~ 3/2 - ~ 2 ] N[ V 3] - l nN- +3 - l n T -3 - l n2rrk -m+ - r -v 2 2 LJComparison with (9.10.10) shows that except for a constant, this is -S/k where Sis the entropy per unit volume of an ideal gas. (a) Differentiating the function H = dH = dt yields J 3 d _!. f 1n f J :!.. dt d3 elf (ln f +l ) elfjdt can be found from the :Boltzmann equation. (1) We shall assume that there are no external forces so that the distribution :function should depend only on the velocity .and time. Then the :Boltzmann equation becomes elf at Substitution of (2) into (1) dH = dt =ff d3..:.J.v an' Vcr (f1 'f' (2) - f f) 1 yields JJJ a3-v d3-1 v an 'Vcr(f1 'f' -f1 f) (ln (3) f+1) This integral is invarient under the interchange of:!.. and ~l because a is invariant under this interchange. When the resulting expression is added to (3) we have (4) Similarly, this integral is invarient if the initial and final velocities are interchanged because cr is invarient under the inverse collision, i.e., Thus ~ dt = !fff d3-v 2 1 d3-1 v ' an' V'cr (f1 f-f 1 'f') (ln f 1 'f'+2) But V=V' and by (1 4 .2. 8) , d3:!._ I d3_::1I = d3:!._ d33 1 dH = dt !fff 2 3 3 d v d v - -- 1 an' Vo (f f-f 'f' )(ln f 'f' + 2) 1 1 1 (5) Adding (4) and (5) gives ~~ =- ½JJJ 3 d v d~ an' Vo 116 (r1 1 r 1 -f1 f)(ln r1 'f'-ln f 1 f) (6) (b) Letting f 1 'f' =y and = x, we see that since (ln y - 1n x)(y-x);::: O, the integrand f f 1 in (6) is greater than zero wiless f 1 1 f Hence dH/dt < 0 where the equality holds when = f f. 1 1 the integrand identica.lzy vanishes. 14.6 The equilibrium condition is 1n f = Af B mv X X + B mv y y + B mv Z Z + c-12 mv2 (1) This can be written in the form 1n f = -A'(v-v) - 2 --0 + 1n C' where the constants A', C' and the constant vector v f = C' e Hence v --0 -A' 1 (v-v contain the constants in (1). - --o is clearly the mean velocity which can be set equal to zero without loss of generality. determine A', we find the mean energy of a molecule. J J d3! € d ½rrrlf 4n f 2 ""v dv ½ rrN 2 To 2 e-A 'v 0 3 ! f 3 m = Letting € = (3/2):Id', we find A' = 3/2 gives C' = n(~kT) m/2kT. 4 A' The constant CI is easily found from n = J d3! ·f which showing that f is the Maxwell distribution. CHAPTER 15 Irreversible Processes and Fluctuations 15.1 Let the friction force depend on a, v, and T) in the manner Then the dimensional equation where L = length, T = time, and M = mass becomes Thus x+y-z = 1, z=l, -y-z = -2. Solution of this system of equations yieldx x=y=z=l, and f cc 117 T)aV 15.2 Since NAk = R vhere NA is Avogadro's number and R is the gas constant, we have from (15.6.11), t or Substituting R = mole RI' NA= -1 t 2 37111a(x) 8.32 X 107 ergs mole -1 0 K-1 and the given values yields NA= 7.0 X 1023 molecules • 15.3 (a) The energy of an ion in the field at point z is - e Cz. ~) Hence (b) e nfzT f3e! (z+a.z) e 1 + f3e ::::: f3ei' z f. dz (1) The flux is given by J Then from D =-Don~ D[n(z+dz) - n(z)] oz dz (1) J J (c) ( d) J+J D µ D = -nD f3e ! = nv = nµ -nDi, e.l+nµ! = 0 µ = e I:!:. Thus kT D dv d.t = Substitution of v(t) = u(t)e-rt into c (1) 1 (1) -rv + iii F' (t) gives au -l r t .,..,, ("'") t " dt= -!D.e Hence 1ft . , e 1 " F'(t')dt' u = u(o) + iii 0 Since u(o) = v(o) it follows that v = voe -rt + ~ e -rt J t e rt' F' ( t' ) dt' (2) 0 15.5 By dividing the time interval t into N successive intervals such that t = NT, we can replace the integral in (2) of 15.4 by the sum of integrals over the intervals of length T betveen ~ and 118 Then t' = kT + s where k is an integer and dt' Hence v-v e -rt =· e -,NT N;l l L, k=O m o = J,. e' ,y{k,-+s) F 1 - = ds. (k,-+s) ds o N-l L, e-,,- ( N-k ) ¾JT e's F'(kT+s) k=O ds 0 In the integral, s <Tor e's< e'T~ l since,- is chosen so that T << ,-1 . v-v e -')'T = 0 = where C\_ = lf,. m It follows that N-l L, y k=O k =y F'(k,-+s) ds. 0 15.7 We integrate the Langevin equation dv dt = -')'V over a time,- which is small compared to, -1 + l m F' (t) but large compared to the correlation time,-* of the random force v(,-) - v(o) = -')'V(o),- + iiil J,. F'(t')dt' (1) O The time interval t is divided into N smaller intervals such that t = NT. subdivision t' = kT +sand dt' = ds. Then in the k th Hence (1) becomes vk = (l-n) vk-l + ¾f ,.F'[(k-l)T+s] ds 0 We can find the velocity at t = NT by an iterative procedure. Defining Gk as in problem have vl = (1-,,-) V0 +G0 v2 = (l-')'T) vl + Gl (l-,,-) [(l-')'T)v0 + G] + Gl 0 2 = (1-')'T) V0 + (l-,T) G0 + Gl Continuing this way we see that VN = (1-rr ) N Vo+ (l-')'T )N-1Go+ (1-,,- )N-2 Gl +••• + GN-1 N Si.nee,,- << l, e-,,- -~,- N N = (e' ) ~ (1-rr) it follows that ll9 15.6 we or since rr << 1. This result agrees with 15.5. 15.7 Gk = G = J(F' (k+s) ) ds = 0 0 __ N~l _ Hence y - t... k=O _ N;l Yk - -rr(N-k) e t... G=O k=O v-ve-rt =Y=O and 0 v = v 0 e-rt Then as t ~o.,, v ~ O. 15.8 From 15. 5 we have - N-1 - i2=I: N-1 N-1 k=O It 'WaS Thus r yk2+r y k / j k y j shown in 15.7 that yk = O. N-1 -y2 = N-1 L e-27T ( N-k ) Gk 2 -_ G2 e -2rt ~~ e 21 Tk k=O k=O Where we have used NT= t. The sum is just the geometric series and may be easily evaluated. y2 = e -2rt ~-e ~""' G2tl-e - rtJ 2rr 1 -e 2n 2 where e 7T-l""' 27T by series expansion since 2 -v+ {v-v e-'v) o Letting t ~o., )'T << 1. To find G2 ve note that 2 = Y 2 = G yields, by equipartition, V 2 21 a2 2 kT 2 G =m- = 2)'T 120 1-e - 2 rt 2rr From problem 15.5 we ~ve (l) and where we have changed the integration variable from s tot' to conform to the notation of the 2 text. G is independent of k allowing the choice of' k==O in (1). 2 G = \JTdt'fT{F'(t') F'(t")) 0 dt" m o o The integrand is the correlation :f'unction of F 'which depends only on the time difference s = t "-t' • Making this change of' variable, we bave - J'r 2 G = \ m -r-t' dt'f (F'(t')F'(t'+s)) 0 ds = \ o -t' m vhere the last equality follows because (F'(t')F'(t'+s)) 0 T-t' dtj K(s)ds o -t' J T = (F'(o)F'(s)) 0 = K(s). Since K depends only on s, the integration overt' can be performed easily by interchanging the order of integration and reading off the limits from the figure. 2 G ~ ~2 [1_:ds L:K(s) dt' + 1:~, f-;(,) dt] T t' Since T >> T* and K( s) ~ 0 for s >> -r*, s can be neglected compared to T and the limits replaced by ± co. Thus 121 By 2 the results of 15.8, G = 2kI' n/m. It follows that Jet) K(s) = 2zDiT 7 ds -<C 15.ll (a) We integrate the Iangevin equation a..v 1 m F ' ( t) dt = --yv + over the interval~- J v(-r) V = dv JT -7 dt' + ~JTF'(t')dt' V O 0 0 Since Tis small, ve can replace v by the initial velocity v and obtain l:::.v = v-v0 = in the first integral on the right 0 --yv T + -l!TF'(t ')dt o m I 0 = -rv0 -r + G and l:::.v (1:::.v)2- = (7 v 0 -r) 2 ""' G = = -1 2 - 21 v V 0 (l) since G = T 0 G+ T o. a2 2k.Trr/m (2) where ve have used the result of 15.8 and kept only terms to first order in -r. (b) Fram (1), keeping terms to lowest order in and noting that odd moments of Gare T (!:::.v) 3 = -3, (!:::.v)4 = 2 Since G (c) « -r, ~ V 2 G Hence (!:::.v) 3 and (!:::.v) 2 4 are proportional to r2-r2v0 /m. 15.12 From eq. (2) of 15.4 (v(o)v(t)) = (v2(o)) e--,,t +~iol = 2 (v (o)) e- rt -rt .-rti\rt• F'(t')~ + ~ (v(o)) . But ve find ~ G should be proportional to T. From (2), (.6.v) 3 = - 6kr T 0 o, ft rt' F'(t')) dt' 0 since F'(t ') is random, the second term on the right is O. 122 (e By equipartition -r2 • -rt ~ {v(o)v(t)) = -m e Thus and since (v(o)v(-t)) = (v(o)v(t)), we have for all t (v(o)v(t)) = ~ m e-,ltl 15.13 Squaring equation (2) of 15.4 yields .,,... v 2 (t) = v 2e-2 iv+ 2v 0 · 7-2rt 0 It .,,+ I -2,t e 1 v F'(t')dt' + ~ o · m J 1 t t dt' o ey (t '+t •) F'(t')F(t")dt' 1 o (1) since (F'(t')) = O. The correlation function in the integral is only a function of the time differences= t"-t'. Ma.king this change of variable yields tdt'f\,(t'+t") (F'(t')F'(t"))dt" =ftdtft-t~s e1 ( 2t'+s)K(s) f 0 0 0 -t I where K(s) = (F'(t')F '(t'+s)) = (F 1 {o)F 1 (s)). that of problem 15.10. The evaluation of this integral is similar to Thus interchanging the order of integration and reading the limits off the diagram of problem 15.10 with t substituted for J\tf Q =J t-t~s e'( 2t '+s)K(s) -t I o J ( 2,,-t ds K(s)e -t 1) _ -- 2I + f t ds I t dt 'ey(2t '+s\(s) -S \s O r t-:t 'e 1 ( 2t '+s\(s) J0 ys o << 1, we can put e 1s ""l in the above and find ds K(s) (e 2rt 21 o f -tt -l) = Substitution in (1) yields v2 (t) v/ = +J . ( 2rt -2ys) f t ( 2,(t-s) ) ds eysK(s)e -e I ds e)' 5 K(s)e -l 2 i' 2 )' -t 0 J Since K(s) is only appreciable when yields O -t = T e- 2 (1-e -2,t) rt + -"----,._2 2)'m la, ds K(s) -0::, -2-- as t -'>a,, v (a,) = kl' /m by equipartition and -2-~ l v (co) = - = m Hence , = ~ J~ 2rm2 ds K(s) 123 !co ...,, ( 2)'t 1) ds K(s ) ~ e dsK(s) as in (15.8.8) 21 - f a, ...,, ds K(s) 15.14 (a) We will denote the Fourier coefficient of F'(t) by F'(m) and that of v (t) by v (m). is oo F'(t) = J • t eJ..lO F'(m) am and v(t) = ~ f co _..,e 1·wt v(w) That (1) dw Substitution in the Langevin equation gives iwv(m) = -tV(m) !m F'(m) 1 m(7+iID) () or + V ID F'() ID Denoting the spectral densities of F' and v by JF 1 (m) and Jv(m), we have from (15.15.u) = or (b) Thus 2 m2 (r 2 -fo)) e v{m) 12 7T' I (2) JF,(co) = m2(,l-fo)2) Jv(m) By (15.10.9) K(s) = (V(o)V(s)) JvCco) = ~ J~ = kT m e-rls l (3) K( s) e -iIDs ds [r • !, ~ e (-w-+, )s ds + f e (-W>-7)sds] 3v(a,) • : , [c/:;,,,j - (-7=:io,~ ":, [ x.,2J (c) (4) Substitution of (4) into (2) gives l JF(w) = TI mkT y or JF,C+)(co) = 2JF(m) = ~ mkT r This result depends on co<< (T·;(- )- 1 , where T;: is the correlation of the fluctuation force, since in deriving (3), one used a time scale such that -r >> 124 ,.*. Consequentl;y', IDT ::::: 1 >> w-r*.