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Microbiology Lab Equipment & Procedures

Microbiology Lab:
O!foods have state of art microbiology lab. Sample testing is carried out at regular basis.
Colony Counter:
Biological procedures often rely on an accurate count of bacterial colonies and cells. Colony
counters are used to estimate a liquid culture’s density of microorganisms by counting individual
colonies on an agar plate, slide, mini gel, or Petri dish.
Instruments accommodate various sizes and formats, including units that can scan plates up to
300 × 300 mm. Visible Colonies are formed. The counting can be accomplished manually, often
with touch pressure and a digital counter.
Typical applications include counting of E. coli and Salmonella bacterial colonies.
Thermostat Incubators (2):
Incubators are used in modern research laboratories to maintain a stable environment for
processes such as growing cells and microbiological cultures and incubating antibodies and cells
for fluorescence microscopy.
Incubator depends on the principle of thermo-electricity. The incubator has a thermostat which
maintains a constant temperature by creating a thermal gradient. When any conductor is
subjected to a thermal gradient, it generates voltage called as thermo-electric effect.
Magnetic Stirrer: