DIAYANARA ROSE S. CACHO LING 205 4 – 7 PM Question: *What do you think is the importance of phonetics in teaching the english language? Explain briefly by giving specific examples. *Is phonetics impt to those teaching non-english subjects? (250- max of 500 words) As an art enthusiast, I love looking at shapes and symbols and their distinctive features from each other. And adding a touch of History, we all know that languages used by human race since then have different source but have one similarity, they all began from symbols. Just like in daily interaction, people’s languages are composed of symbols especially in written communication. And to effectively send these messages to the recipients, sound and oral communication should be applied as well, unless the message is delivered to a sign language user. As a teacher of English language and a second language speaker, Phonetics is a very important branch of linguistics to teach learners the importance of both written and oral communication. That learning English is like a systematic program with different stages and steps to be undergone of the learners, parents, and teachers. Moreover, the importance of prints and learning materials during a child’s early stage of learning should be emphasized as well because Phonetics is the crucial yet important learning stage of a learner especially in reading. Thus, big books and reading materials have included prints, artworks, illustration to develop at the same time the creativity of learners at the young age. Moreover, phonetics is not only exclusive for English language learning but can be included as well to Non-English subjects. All subjects taught in the school require reading symbols and letters written on the board and teachers cannot effectively share their idea or knowledge without talking or speaking in front of his or her students. As I observed my co-teachers especially those Science and Math teachers, they are very particular with their pronunciation and using of English as the medium of instruction because they consider these subjects they’re teaching as boring and difficult. Thus, they modulate their voice with proper way of using the language. Most of all, a person’s speech sound can be also considered as an asset in communication that his or her tone, mood, feelings and confidence can be measured or can be easily observed through his or her produced sound.